Rickets/Osteomalacia By: Peter Angelinos. Rickets/Osteomalacia is a vitamin D (or in some cases...

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Transcript of Rickets/Osteomalacia By: Peter Angelinos. Rickets/Osteomalacia is a vitamin D (or in some cases...


By: Peter Angelinos

• Rickets/Osteomalacia is a vitamin D (or in some cases calcium or phosphate) insufficiency. This can be caused by an unbalanced inappropriate diet or not enough exposure to the sun. They are both the same disease, however Rickets is found only in children, while Osteomalacia is found only in adults. However, for this project, I will focus more on Rickets.

• Rickets is a disease found during childhood and is when the bone softens or weakens because of insufficient levels of Vitamin D, calcium or phosphate.

• Rickets is the failure of the osteoid to calcify in a child. (Failure of the osteoid in the adult to calcify is called Osteomalacia). Rickets occurs when Vitamin D, calcium or phosphate are insufficient. Less commonly, insufficiency of calcium or phosphate may cause rickets. Vitamin D is formed in the skin under ultraviolet light from the sun. Until early in the 20th century ultraviolet light was the only source of vitamin D when ergosterol, contained in fish liver oil or as an irradiated plant steroid, was discovered. Fortunately, it can be taken to help decrease chances of Rickets.

• As you can see, people who do not get enough Vitamin D are most likely to get Rickets. Vitamin D can be made with ultraviolet light, green vegetables, Vitamin D fortified milk or irradiated yeast. However it could also be inherited from another parent since it is hereditary. This is caused by kidney problems which the kidney cannot process phosphate.

• This is a problem, because most babies could be at risk because most parents won’t take there children outside for fear of skin cancer, sunburn, kidnapping or other stuff. This could lead to insufficient Vitamin D. However, most baby formulas contain lots of Vitamin D. But, if the child is being breastfed, and there is no Vitamin D in the mother, or the mother has Osteomalacia, the child will get Rickets.

• Rickets causes the bone to do different abnormal things. It causes bone pain, it causes the bone to bend into different abnormal directions, it causes fractures, if left untreated the bone could harden in it’s position and it could destroy the supportive matrix that holds your bones together, These are only a few.

• Pain in the arms• Pain in the legs• Pain in the spine• Pain in the pelvis

Skeletal abnormalities such as:• Bowlegs• A more than usual outward chest• Rachitic Rosary (curves or bumps in the

rib cage)• Deformed skull• Scoliosis• Kyphosis• More bone fractures than usual• Teeth are delayed• Problems in the teeth• More cavities• Weakness• Loss of muscle strength• Cramps• Growth impaired• Shorter than usual• Pectus excavatum• Fever• Unable to sleep.

These are symptoms. Symptoms are stuff that the victim or patient would feel. The following are some signs of rickets. Signs are changes that someone else can feel when they touch/examine you.

• Low calcium levels• Tetany (muscle spasm)• Facial muscles twitch when tapped• Serum calcium will be low• Serum phosphorus will be low• Serum alkaline phosphatase will be high• Blood gases from arteries may reveal metabolic acidosis

The following are tests that are used in order to discover whether the patient has rickets or not.

• X-rays will show any bone abnormalities.• A bone biopsy will be performed (extremely

rare but will give definite results)• A PTH test• Urine Calcium test• An ALP (alkaline phosphatase) isoenzyme.


Rickets, not only destroys your bones, but it can also destroy your life. You can’t take part in physical activities, most of your social life is ruined and you will be alienated for the rest of your life, being labeled physically challenged for the rest of your life. So remember, get lots of vitamin D, calcium and phosphate.

Anorexia Nervosa

By: Connor Belford

• More commonly known as Anorexia, Anorexia Nervosa is a very common eating disorder. It can effect anyone, but teenage girls are the most affected.

• Anorexia Nervosa consists of a person eating normally for a day of two, then starving themselves for the rest of the week, barely surviving off of salads, coffee and water. In more extreme cases, the anorexic will never eat normally.

Warning Signs of Anorexia

• - Signs of starvation (hair loss, appearance of light hairs on body and face, bloated feelings, yellowed palms and soles, dry and pasty skin)

• -Refusing to eat (“I’m not hungry”)

• -Signifacant weight loss

• -Dieting when not overweight

Bulimia Nervosa

By Connor Belford

• Bulimia Nervosa, more commonly known as Bulimia, is also an eating disorder, though slightly less common than Anorexia. Bulimia consists of two parts, binging and purging. Binging is the intake of many calories through hours of eating. “Binge food” is normally “bad” foods (food that was plenty of calories) or foods that were forbidden when they were children. Purging is when the bulimic rids their body of most of the calories thorough a variety of different ways. A few examples of purging are self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise and abuse of laxatives/ diuretics.

Warning Signs of Bulimia

• -Unusual dental problems

• -Swelling of jaw and mouth

• -Binging evidence

• -Disappearance of food

• -Constant weight fluctuations

• -Evidence of purging

• -Going to bathroom right after meal

Review: Warning sings of Anorexia and Bulimia

• -Shame of eating

• -Hoarding of food

• -Low self- esteem

• -Over- sensitivity to criticism

Causes of Eating Disorders

By: Catherine Cooper


Are their good and bad sides of peer

pressure? If so, what are they?

•        I think that there are good and bad sides to peer pressure because, if your peers/friends pressure you, they can push you to do your best. Peer pressure can also be bad because your peers/friends can make you do something you don’t want to do or, can pressure you into thinking – for example – that you’re “fat” when you’re fine.

Can peer pressure be as potentially deadly as anorexia? If so, how?

• I believe that it can because if one is overly pressured/teased then they may become emotionally depressed. Depression is a very serious thing and can lead to suicide. From depression comes a lot of illnesses such as emotional overeating. Emotional overeating is when someone eats to fill their loneliness or to take away the “pain” of their depression. Another illness that depression can lead to is anorexia. Depression can also lead to bulimia. How this happens if someone is teased about being “fat” they may come depressed and say to themselves, “I am going to be skinny. No matter what.”, and start vomiting up their food, or starving themselves. Of course, the person does get skinnier but they still see themselves as fat, so the keep on doing this to themselves. And eventually may die from lack of food/vital nutrients


How can someone’s self esteem affect his or her lifestyle?

•       If someone’s self esteem is high, they are generally confident people and have a healthy lifestyle. High self-esteem/worth gives people a “go out and get r’” attitude towards life and people who have high self worth tend to be happier too. On the other hand however, people who have low self-esteem tend to not be sure of anything and not believe that they can do anything. People like that also tend to be tired all of the time and usually lazy too. When someone is lazy, they tend to “pack on” a few pounds. Then, they see themselves in a mirror and go, “Omigosh!! Look at me!!! I’m so FAT!!!” and then vow to lose weight. Some people lose weight in a healthy way like exercising regularly or taking up a sport. Then again, some people decide to become anorexic or bulimic and then they lose weight, but end up physically hurting themselves.

The Interview with Mary

• Catherine (C): It’s nice to see you Mary.• Mary (M):  Ya, nice to see you too.• C: So, Mary do you think that you have a healthy lifestyle now that you’ve undergone therapy?• M: Yes, I do.• C: Why do you say that?• M: Well, I now, I eat healthily, and I take a shower every day, I also participate in a regular ballet

class and in the winter I ski every weekend.• C: Wow, you’ve really improved physically but what about mentally? How do you feel about who

you are?• M: You mean, like self-esteem?• C: Exactly.• M: Now I have become more sociable, I get good grades and all because I believe in myself.• C: Do you ever feel like becoming anorexic again when you feel lonely or depressed?• M: Sometimes, but then I think, “Do you want to go back to living life that way? Not knowing if

you’ll live tomorrow?” and then I smile and focus on the positive components in life.• C: You can certainly control your emotions well. Was it hard to undergo therapy and live life the

way you “should”?• M: Yes, it was hard to have a full plate of food in front of me and not, not eat it. I also found it

hard to be in an environment where people talked about their problems and then have everyone be understanding of each other’s problems.

• C: Did you meet any new people or make any friends?• M: Yes actually, I met another girl my age and we still keep in touch.• C: Thank you for coming here today and for the lovely interview.• M: No, thank you, for helping me find the joys in life and for helping me believe in myself.

The Interview Two Months Before The Previous (Both Are

With Mary)

• Catherine (C): Now, why did you come here today Mary?• Mary (M): Well, my parents sent me here because I have a “problem”.• C: Do you know what they mean when they say that?• M: Um…I guess so, not really.• C: I think you know perfectly well what they mean. • M: Ya, I guess I do.• C: Would you like to tell me?• M: Sorta. Ya. • C: Tell the whole story if you’re comfortable talking about your experiences.• M: I’m ready now. Well, it all started about 5 months ago when my friends started

commenting on how fat we all looked. Then one of my friends started to not eat. She lost so much weight so quickly and we were all so amazed. Then another one of my friends along with myself started to stop eating. We got noticed by so many guys…. but then I seriously started to be tired all the time and my grades started to slip, it was terrible. I was so depressed that I started to cut myself. I was so desperate to lose weight I even started to throw-up the little food that I did eat.  My mom found the cuts on my back and was terrified. She knew I needed help, so now I’m here.

• C: Wow. Well Mary, you’re at the right place. We’re going to send you to a therapy center in Vancouver, B.C. and we’re also going to send you to a dance class along with a series of visits to a psychotherapist who will also help you regain some weight, no matter how “fat” you feel.

• M: Thank you so much for this opportunity to help me get control of my eating problems and my emotions.

• C: That’s what I’m here for.


How does the media influence eating disorders?

• I think that the media influences eating disorders mainly by the ads. Advertising is a very key part of the media. Ads are everywhere. Billboards, T.V., magazines, newspapers, the internet, and the radio. Most people don’t realize that ads take up so much of our minds and lives. How can an eating disorder come from an ad? Well, most ads show models that are very skinny or “pretty”. This leads teens to think, “Wow, this shirt only comes in these sizes. I guess that means I’m too fat if I cant fit into it. Maybe I should go on a diet.”, or, “Wow, she’s soooo pretty. Look at all those guys swarming around her. I’m too ugly for everyone.” And then go be depressed and possibly cut themselves. The sad thing is, is that it seems that the media has no idea that they’re doing this to teens and so they keep on advertising that way.

How can I protect myself from harmful media messages?

• The best way to keep yourself from these messages is to believe in yourself. To have self-confidence. To push away trends, to be strong against the army of the media. The media that is killing individuality.

The End