Richard Branson Virgin Money 3D Projection Senate House 3D

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Richard Branson Virgin Money 3D Projection Senate House 3D

Blog: re @VirginMoney #SecretEvent Jan 10th


by SurfZap @Catchawaveuk This week I was invited to an AMAZING #secretevent set up to launch @VirginMoney Banking, organised by #RichardBranson and @VirginMoney; I had been invited to be part of a select group of people to blog/tweet online about what was we experienced at the event.

I didn't realise till I got to the location of the #secretevent (Senate House, University of London), how select the group was! I imagined there'd be hundreds there … c.50 people in attendance :)

What a FANTASTIC opportunity this was … after a gruelling 10 hour coach journey overnight from #Cornwall (!), I located the Venue near Russell Square; at first I wondered if I had the right place, as it was so quiet with hardly anyone around … the organisers had obviously done a great job of keeping the location secret.

I can say now that (at last!), my name has officially reached 'A List', as we were checked in by tight Security at the Gate. I got a sneak preview of what was to come as I walked into the Courtyard, as Technicians were working on some kind of 3D display on the walls of #SenateHouse.

Once inside the allocated @VirginMoney 'Green Room', we were welcomed with a lovely hot drink and some biccies, and got the opportunity to network with each other - @VirginMoney Staff and Customers, @VMPioneers, Bloggers,Tweeters, and Press – loved it!

Then, within minutes there seemed to be a commotion in the foyer … so we all streamed out and in a very surreal way, there was #RichardBranson having a Photoshoot a few feet away from us all …

my first impression was that he has a lovely energy, seemed very laid back, and non-egotistical, chatting to us whilst having his photos taken. He then invited us to join him in the Courtyard area outside. The atmosphere felt almost electric with suspense!

As luck would have it, I ended up in an ideal vantage point, right by the Press Area (was amazed that nobody asked me to move, but hey!). I managed to capture some great footage – albeit on my I Phone, so please excuse the quality.

Intrigueingly (think I just made that word up!), a champagne bottle was hanging from a rope, beside Richard; he chatted with us all, and gave the thumbs up to me re lovely #Cornwall, which I was impressed by (think he'd make a brilliant Surfer!!).

All became clear as he made a down to earth short speech to launch @VirginMoney as a Bank, and then swung the bottle as if launching a Ship. At the same time, an amazing #3DProjection lit up three walls of #SenateHouse in front of us … with the graphic image of a champagne bottle swinging back into it, starting an INCREDIBLE feast of colour, graphics and sound for us all!!

The 3D Projection included many of the great achievements of @Virgin over the last 40 years, my favourite part being the illusion of the Spacecraft appearing to come out of Richard's head). See: and

Thankfully, Richard suggested that as it was such a brilliant display, it should all be projected again (yaaaay!), and we were treated to another viewing. It was SO incredible to feel that I was out in Space on the @Virgin Spacecraft, flying through the sky on a @Virgin Plane/Hot Air Balloon, racing along rail tracks on @VirginTrain … and I loved the part where the walls of #SenateHouse were completely illuminated by a flash of white light, symbolising to me that @VirginMoney are aiming to light the way in UK Banking. You can view the official @VirginMoney video at:

After the Projection ended for the second time, Richard thanked us all for coming along and then #ITV interviewed him about the Banking Industry. Again amazingly, I wasn't moved from beside the Press Area with everyone else, (I nearly became a Photo Journalist after Uni, so must have looked the part!), and I think two of us managed to capture the interview on our I Phones! See: Great to see Richard giving what seemed to be a genuine, concerned interview about what has been happening in the world of Finance.

An inspiring, enriching, magical evening, at which I met so many lovely like-minded people, and although the journey home to #Cornwall that night on the coach was again horrendous … it was well worth it!! … A free flight in RB's Helicopter next time please! :D

See my video blog re the event at:


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