
Post on 08-Dec-2014

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Wham - Get it

Transcript of Rich

Wham TVC 1 – Rich

Route: Get It

TVC opens on a couple of young college kids hanging out at their usual hangout spot

within their college campus. There is also a dog sitting nearby.

One guy in the mixed group of girls and boys says, “Dude, check out this meme.”

“I’m sharing it right now,” he continues to say.

Now, the kids in the group look at their mobile screens and then burst out laughing.

In the midst of them is one guy who doesn’t have a mobile in his hand.

“Show, show!” the guy without a mobile asks excitedly.

As one of the girls in the group shows him the meme on her smartphone, with an

irritated expression, she asks, “Dude, why don’t you have a mobile yet?”

“I’m not as rich as you guys man,” our man responds sarcastically.

When suddenly, a big Kawai K300 Upright Piano falls on him. Wham!

The camera pans in to show Chris Gayle playing this big piano that has fallen on the boy.

Dressed in a sexy suit, Chris begins to speak in a smooth and charming fashion.

“You just don’t get it, do you? You don’t have to be rich to get a mobile,” Chris says in

a smooth baritone as he plays the piano.

“Just get a Wham mobile,” Chris continues to say as he takes a Wham mobile out of his

jacket pocket and hands it to the kid.

(The following sequence comprising of this frame and the other two to follow,

are carried out in quick cuts back and forth)

“Wham?” the boy crushed under the piano takes the phone from Chris and asks.

“Wham.” Chris states assertively.

(Subtitle below a dog who barks as if he’s speaking to the crushed boy.)


Cut back to Chris as he plays the keys and speaks.

“So you can take your pick from Wham’s range of classy mobiles priced below

Rs. 3,500,” he says.

As Chris is half-way through the previous line we cut to him playing with one hand and

using the other to scroll across the various models of affordable Wham smartphones,

on his own Wham mobile.

He swipes his thumb once again to show us (and the boy) yet another great option.

(Once again, the following sequence comprising of this frame and the other two to

follow, are carried out in quick cuts back and forth)

“Get it?” Chris turns and asks the kid crushed under the piano.

“Get it.” the kid answers without even taking his eyes off the phone in his hand.

(Subtitle below the dog who barks again enthusiastically.)

He Got It!

As this happens, the big piano immediately rises off the kid until it goes off the screen.

Cut back to Chris as he says, “Wham! Get it.”

Chris then proceeds to adjust his tie and click a stylish selfie, as we hear the dog barking

in the background.

(Subtitle below the dog who is now barking continuously.)

Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham!...

(Subtitle below the dog who still continues to bark loudly.)

Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham!...

(Close on the Wham logo.)