Ricardo Jose Rodriguez, A200 886 952 (BIA April 14, 2011)

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Transcript of Ricardo Jose Rodriguez, A200 886 952 (BIA April 14, 2011)

7/27/2019 Ricardo Jose Rodriguez, A200 886 952 (BIA April 14, 2011)

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Amorow, Oscar LFED. & Immigration Law Practice, MD6495 New Hampshire Avenue Ste 318Hyattsvil e, MD 20783


U S D p tm nt of J sti

Executive O ce r Immigrat on Rev ew

oard of igra ion ppea sO ce of e C erk

5 07Leesburg Pik , Su te 2000 Fal Church. V g n a 4

HS/ICE O ice of Chief Counsel· BAL31 Hopkins Plaza Roo 1600Baltimore, MD 21201

00-886 952

Date of this not ce: 4/14 2011

Enclosed s a copy of the Bo 's dec s on an order in the above-re rence case.

Enclos re

Pane Membe s:Co e, a ric aA.Paul y, R g rWendtlan L nda S

S nce e y,

Donna Car Ch e Clerk

. . . . . . . . . •=•0WCite as: Ricardo Jose Rodriguez, A200 886 952 (BIA April 14, 2011)

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U.S. Depa ment of JusticeExecutiveO ce r Imm gration Rev w

Decision of the Board of mmi atio Appeals

Falls Ch rch,V rginia22041

Fi e: 200 86 952 Ba t more, MD





ON BEH L OF PO EN : Os ar L. Amorow, Esquire

PPLI I N: Re ete inatio of usto y

PR 14 Z0

T e resp n e t, a at ve a t ze of Venezuela, appeals om the Immigrat o Ju gee s o se ti g bon n the amou t of $25,000. e Immi ation Ju ge issue a bo memor um

sett ng rth e reasons r th s e is on on Feb a 7, 2011 e appeal w be susta e an thre or w b reman e .

he Boa rev ews a Imm at on Ju ge s i gs of t u ing ings asto there bil y o test mo y, u er t e learly e oneous" sta ar .8 C.F.R. § 1003. ( )(3)( ). The

Boar rev e quest o s of law, s ret on, an ju gme t an a l ot er ssues i appeals oe is onsof m grat on Ju gesde novo 8 C.F R § 1003. ( )(3)( )Matter of A-S-B-, 24 &

De . 493 (BI 2008).

Theresp ent s usto y pro ee gs e gove e by se t o 236(a) of the t. See Matter ofAden i 22 N De . 1102, 1111-13 (B 1999) There re, the respon e t bears the bur e toshow t at he oes not present a threat to the ommun ty an a r s of ight om rther pro ee gsId. I inte ret ng w et er a alien has met t s bur e , we ave u that u less the a en

emons ates hat e is not a a ger to the ommu y upo o si eration of t e re eva t toe s oul be etaine in the usto y of the DH . See Matter of D sdale 20 &N De . 815,

817 (B 1994) Only w ere t e al e has prove that e is ot a anger to the ommun y oes ti eli oo th t he w ll abs o be ome re ev t.Id Pote t ally a gerous al e s may be e

the usto y of he H w thout bo ur ng the pen e y of removal pro ee gs. See Carlsonv Landon342 U. . 524, 537 42 (1952). A ontrary to he respo e t's a pe ate g me t Imm at on Ju ge as broa is retion in eterm ing w et er to re ease a a ie o bon , an

a o si er ma y tors, in u ng ev en e of riminal a tivi y ot resulting n a o vn e er s ngat s et on.See Mater of Guerra, 2 e 37 (BIA 2 6).

T e Depa tment of Home an e ur y the H ") ha set bon in the respon ent s ase $25,000 er not ng that t e respon ent entere the Unite tates some 13 years ago (at age 5) asa v s tor a a now e g g hat the respon ent appeare to have a ave ue to a just is stathroug a approve fam ly base v sa pet t o , the mm grat on Ju ge on lu e that a $15bon was reasonab e g ven t e respo ent s re ent a res , pen ng na harges, a aladmission of af l at on t the atin K gs (a s eet gang). Bon Memora um at 2 3.

Cite as: Ricardo Jose Rodriguez, A200 886 952 (BIA April 14, 2011)

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A 00 886 95

On appeal t e responde t argues t at h s amount is excessi e because ( ) he is eligib e r adjus me t o status (2) e has extensi e fam y ties t at min ize is ight risk3 is a egedad issio o e bers ip in a s eet gang was ot par of the record SeeResponde t's Brief at3-

We d hat a remand is required to c a i the i atio Judge s reasoning r setti g a$ 5 000 bo T e mmi atio Judge s o er is si e t on whet er he iewed the responde t s a estas constituti g e idence re ecti g that e poses a danger to the people or proper o the U itedStates n is regard, he migratio Judge cited e ide ce (such as the cts under y g therespo de t's est d s al eged embers ip in a s eet gang) t at could tend to show hisdangero sne s Howe er the m i atio Judge ne er ade nd gs off act reg d ng t is e idenceor reac ed n co c usion regarding dangerousness Fu t er w i e the mmigration Judge cited c st at ypica are rele a t tow d making a dete inatio about a a ien's r sk of ght (suc aseligi ility r relie om remo a a d ties to ami y or t e co munity) some of t e ctual ndi gscontai c ear e or For examp e t e appro ed isa petition t roug which the respo dent intendsto a ust his status was ed by his grandmother on is ther s ehalf not y the respon ent'smother o hi be a as the mmigration Judge un Bon Me ora du at 2. Whi e this e or may appear i ate al, e do not d it so The ide ti o the petitio er a d her re atio ship tot e be e ciary is direct y re e ant to e a a abi ity o relie The respo dent s status as a erbe e cia o a appro ed isa petition ed by is gra dmother on eha f o his her indicatesthat t e resp de t (a dhis ther) would ll into a t ird pre ere ce family-based categoimpacting a a ili o t e isa a d ere re e ike ihood of relief See e gAp 20VsaBu e n(re ec i g a arc 200 pr or t date r third-prefere ce amily based isa petitions sucas t ose ed by the responde t s gran mother on beha of her marr ed so )

a y e ent none of the detai s regarding the respondent's risk o ig t is set rth i hemigration ge's order Assuming t at e m i tion Judge did not nd hat e respo dent

posesa danger we nd that the order does not re ect w y the m igration J dge elie es that theresponde t poses a r sk of ght or w bo d i the amount o $ 5 000 is reaso ably ca cu ated ensure is ap ear ce at ture remo a proceedi gs We there re l rema d this at er r theen y of a e order that sets r this reasoni g

Accor i gly t e o ing orders w l be e tered

O ER The appeal is sustained

URTHER OR ER e record is remanded r ther proceedings co siste t w th this or er

1 See ht p://w avel.stat gov/vis u etin/b tin5368 html2

• ' l® 8 M """Cite as: Ricardo Jose Rodriguez, A200 886 952 (BIA April 14, 2011)

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RODR GUEZ, cardo Jose Case #Al00-886 952




NA§ 1 a) 6) A) i)a amended a a a ien p esent in then tedStates w thout being adm tted or paro ed, or who hasa ived in he United States at any time or p a e o he thadesig ated by the At o ey Genera ·

Cha ge in Custody Status


ON BEHALF OF RESPONDENT ON BE ALF O THE D SOs ar L Amo ow Esq6495 New Hampshire A venueSuite 31Hya svi e M 07 3

Ra o ph B air EsqAssista t Chief Counse31 op s a a 16 F oor Ba t more M 0I

7/27/2019 Ricardo Jose Rodriguez, A200 886 952 (BIA April 14, 2011)

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heresponden is eigh een-year-o d a e, na ive and ci izen of Venezue aOn Dece er

22, 2010 he responden was served wi a o ice o Appe ( TA") which a eges ha

responden ( ) is no a ci izen or na iona of he ni ed S a es; (2) is a na ive an cienezue a(3) a rived in e ni ed S a es a an un own p ace on a unk own a e; and (4

o ad i ed or paro e a er inspec ion y an igra ion O cer Based on hese a ega

NTA charges e responden wi h re ova i i y purs an o A 212(a)(6)(A)(i)The responde was ake in o cus ody y he epa en of o el d Sec ri y (

On Dece er 22, 20 0 he was issued a Fo 2 6, No iceof Cus ody e e ina ion, se ing ond

a $25,000

On January 1, 2011 he responden ed a o ion reques ing a ond rede e inahearing I his o ion, e indica ed ha he en ered he Uni ed S a es on a B-2 visi o

ece er 5, 997, when he was ve years o d e s a ed ha he has ived in he Uni e

wi h his paren s a d hree si ings since a i� He fur her s a e ha he is cu en y a s de

Nor hwood igh Schoo and ha he is sc ed ed o gra ua e in ay 20 1 o eove

responden indica ed ha his o her is a ni ed S a es ci izen, a is her was gr

i igran visa as he spouse of a ni ed S a es ci izen and ed an app ica ion r adj ss a us, and a e is a de iva ive ene ci o his her s applica ion e e ieves

e igi e o adjus his s a us under NA 245(i) He ac ow edged ha he was rece y es ed and

ha cri ina charges ay e pending agains hi , u s a es ha he has no een indic

responden su i ed v ious s of docu en a ion in supporof his o io r ond

rede e ina ion, inc u ing copies of is passpor , his sc oo recor s, d docu en s re a ing

pen ing pe i ion ed y is fa erOn Jan a 4, 201 e responden appeared e re he Cour r a ond rede e ina i

earing he DHS indica ed ha he responden o an i igra ion o cer haewas a e er

n Jan ary 14, 20 1 he Dep en o o e and Securi y ( S") indica ed ha now e ieves ha he respon en en ered on a visi or visa and re ai ed in e ni ed S a

i e onger han pe i ed As a res , e DHS in ends o a end he NA o re ec he proper charge of re ova i i y


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of the at K gs a street ga g T e DH also rme the Court that e respo e t was

De ember 0 0 r t e u law l ta g of a motor ve le a the of prope value at m

tha $ 000 T e DH r er ote that rugs a rearm a burglar tools were u w

sear h g the veh le quest o l ght of t ese ts the DH argue that the $ 5,000a propr ate

Cou sel r the respo e t state that he was u aware of a y a at o betwee t

respo e t a a y ga g However e state that f release the respo e t woul o t

atte h gh s hoo a l ve w th h s pare ts a s bl gs Fur her he ote that th

at o that the o e ses allege y omm e by t e res o e t were v ole t ature

H ot o test

A er o s er g the pos t o of the part es a all ev e e lu g the rea est the Court set bo at $15,000 Th s amou t s reaso able g ve the respo e t

res e e t e U te tates s t es to t e U te tates h s poss b e e g b l ty·

of status The or er was ssue o Ja uary 4, 01



Da� <

U te tates mm at o Ju geBalt more Ma l

7/27/2019 Ricardo Jose Rodriguez, A200 886 952 (BIA April 14, 2011)

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