Ribulose 1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase from

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Transcript of Ribulose 1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase from

JOURNAL. OF BACIERIOLOGY, Dec. 1977, p. 818-823Copyright (C 1977 American Society for Microbiology

Vol. 132, No. .3Printed in U. S.A.

Isolation and Preliminary Characterization of Two Forms ofRibulose 1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase from

Rhodopseudomonas capsulataJANET L. GIBSON ANM) F. ROBERT TABITA*

Department of Microbiology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712

Received for publication 23 June 1977

The presence of two distinct forms of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylasehas been demonstrated in extracts of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata, similar tothe form I (peak I) and form II (peak II) carboxylases previously described fromR. sphaeroides (J. Gibson and F. R. Tabita, J. Biol. Chem. 252:943-949, 1977).The two activities, separated by diethylaminoethyl-cellulose chromatography,were shown to be of different molecular size after assay on polyacrylamide gels.The higher-molecular-weight carboxylase from R. capsulata was designated formI-C, whereas the smaller enzyme was designated form II-C. Catalytic studiesrevealed significant differences between the two enzymes in response to pH andthe effector 6-phosphogluconate. Immunological studies with antisera directedagainst the carboxylases from R. sphaeroides demonstrated antigenic differencesbetween the two R. capsulata enzymes; cross-reactivity was observed onlybetween R. sphaeroides anti-form II serum and the corresponding R. capsulataenzyme, form II-C.

Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (Rbu-P2) carbox-ylase (3-phospho-D-glycerate carboxylase [di-merizing], EC is the primary catalystof CO2 fixation in photosynthetic and chemosyn-thetic organisms. Distinct differences in the mo-lecular weight of this enzyme from varioussources led to its categorization by size into threeclasses: large (Mr - 450,000), intermediate (M,- 360,000), and small (Mr - 120,000) (1, 9, 11).The large carboxylases are composed of eightlarge subunits (Mr. 55,000) active in catalysis(11, 17, 23, 24) and, in many cases, eight smallsubunits (Mr = 12,000 to 20,000), polypeptidesthat may play a regulatory role in catalysis (25).This structurally complex two-subunit-type car-boxylase, with a native molecular weight of ap-proximately 550,000, has been found in all eu-caryotic phototrophic organisms thus far exam-ined, as well as in numerous procaryotes (2, 6,9, 11, 16, 21, 26). Rbu-P2 carboxylases of theintermediate and small type from certain pro-caryotes contain multiples of large subunits only(6, 10, 20, 22).We previously reported the isolation of two

structurally, catalytically, and immunologicallydistinct forms of Rbu-P2 carboxylase from Rho-dopseudomonas sphaeroides (6). Form I, similarto the carboxylase found in eucaryotes, has amolecular weight of 550,000 and contains thetwo types of subunits, catalytic and regulatory.Formn II is a protein with a molecular weight ofapproximately 360,000 and is composed only of

large subunits. The two forms of Rbu-P2 carbox-ylase, isolated from extracts of the same orga-nism, present an interesting and unusual oppor-tunity to study how function is related to struc-ture (6). It was thus of interest to examine thepossibility that other members of the Rhodos-pirillaceae, in addition to R. sphaeroides, mightalso possess distinct forms of the enzyme. Thisinvestigation reports on the finding of two Rbu-P2 carboxylase activities in extracts of R. cap-sulata.

MATERIALS AND METHODSMaterials. The following special reagents were

commercial preparations: dithiothreitol, triethanola-mine, tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethane sul-fonic acid, and 6-phosphogluconate were from SigmaChemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Na24CO3 (20 mCi/mmol)was from Amersham/Searle, Arlington Heights, Ill.;and diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-cellulose was fromBio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, Calif. Tetrasodiumribulose 1,5-bisphosphate was prepared by the proce-dure of Horecker et al. (7) as modified by Whitmanand Tabita (28). Acrylamide (Eastman Kodak Co.,Rochester, N.Y.) was recrystallized from chloroform.

Culture and growth conditions. A culture of R.capsulata B10, originally isolated by Barry Marrs,was kindly provided by Judy Wall. Cells were grownphotoheterotrophically in the synthetic medium ofOrmerod et al. (14) with 0.2% butyric acid instead ofmalate as the electron donor, essentially as previouslydescribed (6). The washed cell paste was frozen at-200C.Enzyme purification. The partial purification of



Rbu-P2 carboxylase from R. capsulata was based onthe method described previously for R. sphaeroides(6). Frozen cells (15 g) of R. capsulata were suspendedin an equal volume of buffer A [0.025 Mtris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-chloride (pH 7.5)containing 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetate and 5mM 2-mercaptoethanol] and passed twice through aFrench pressure cell at 15,000 lb/in2. Unbroken cellsand debris were removed by centrifugation at 16,300x g for 15 min, followed by a high-speed centrifugationat 100,000 x g for 1 h. The high-speed supernatantfraction was subjected to a magnesium-heat treatmentand streptomycin sulfate treatment (6, 19) to removemuch of the contaminating protein and nucleic acids.After dialysis against buffer A, the extract was appliedto a DEAE-cellulose column (2.5 by 20 cm) equili-brated with buffer A. After passage of 300 ml of thisbuffer through the column, followed by 300 ml of 0.1M NaCl in buffer A, a linear gradient of 0.1 to 0.3 MNaCl (in buffer A) was started, resulting in the elutionof two peaks of carboxylase activity (Fig. 1). Selectedactive fractions within each peak were pooled sepa-rately and concentrated by addition of solid ammo-nium sulfate to 75% saturation. After standing for 30min in an ice bath, the suspensions were centrifugedat 27,000 x g for 15 min. The pellets were resuspendedin a small amount of buffer A and dialyzed againstthe same buffer overnight. About 12% of the activityinitially loaded on the column was recovered afterelution and concentration by ammonium sulfate pre-cipitation. The specific activity of the first activitypeak (form II-C) was 0.21; the second activity peak(form I-C), after rechromatography on a small (2 by7 cm) DEAE-cellulose column as before to removeresidual form II-C, had a specific activity at this stageof 0.04. Both R. capsulata enzymes were unstable toprolonged storage and purification manipulation, incontrast to similar enzyme preparations obtained from



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R. sphaeroides (6). These R. capsulata preparationswere used for further study.Rbu-P2 carboxylase assay. The assay for Rbu-

P2 carboxylase was as previously described (6, 12).Protein determinations were by the method of Lowryet al. (8), with crystalline bovine serum albumin usedas the standard. Specific activity is given in units permilligram of protein, where 1 unit is defined as theamount of enzyme needed to carboxylate 1 ,imol ofribulose 1,5-bisphosphate in 1 min at 30°C.Polyacrylamide gel assay for Rbu-P2 carbox-

ylase. Samples to be analyzed were subjected to elec-trophoresis on triethanolamine-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethane sulfonic acid gels (15). Afterelectrophoresis, the gels were cut into 2-mm slices.Each slice was placed in a tube containing the constit-uents of the carboxylase assay except Rbu-P2, whichwas used to initiate the reaction at time zero. At 30min after initiation, the assay was terminated by theaddition of 99% propionic acid, and the acid-stableradioactivity was determined by liquid scintillationspectrometry.Immunological studies. Antisera to form I and

form II Rbu-P2 carboxylases from R. sphaeroides wereprepared as previously described (5, 6). Immunodiffu-sion was performed in 1% agarose containing 50 mMtris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-chloride (pH 7.5).Titration of enzyme activity was conducted by prein-cubating enzyme with portions of control (preimmune)serum or antiserum for 30 min at 30°C before assay.

RESULTSEnzyme purification. Use of butyric acid as

an electron donor resulted in growth of R. cap-sulata with higher levels of Rbu-P2 carboxylasethan with malate, the usual growth substrate,as previously demonstrated with Rhodospiril-







FIG. 1. DEAE-cellulose chromatography of Rbu-P2 carboxylase from R. capsulata. (-) Optical density at280 nm (O.D. 280). Rbu-P2 carboxylase activity (0) is expressed as counts per minute of ['4C]bicarbonate('4C0.j fixed during a 5-mm assay per 50-ul portion from each fraction in the standard assay.

VOL. 132, 1977 819


lum rubrum (19) and R. sphaeroides (6). In thisstudy, we used this observation to obtain rela-tively high yields of cells with workable levelsof Rbu-P2 carboxylase. The specific activity incrude 100,000 x g supernatants of R. capsulatawas 0.07.DEAE-cellulose chromatography resulted in

the elution of two distinct peaks of Rbu-P2 car-boxylase activity from extracts of R. capsulata(Fig. 1). It was of interest to determine whetheror not these two activities exhibited propertiessimilar to those of form I and form II Rbu-P2carboxylases isolated from R. sphaeroides. Apolyacrylamide gel carboxylase assay was em-ployed to locate enzymatic activity on polyacryl-amide gels. Figure 2 illustrates results obtainedwhen crude extract and the two separated activ-ities from the ion-exchange column were sub-jected to electrophoresis and subsequently slicedand assayed for carboxylase activity. The crudeextract exhibited two activity peaks correspond- jing almost exactly to the relative migrations of Xform I and form II carboxylases of R. sphae-roides. However, the order of elution from thecellulose colunm was opposite to that obtainedwith extracts of R. sphaeroides (6). Thus, asshown by the polyacrylamide gel activity profiles bof the DEAE-cellulose column fractions, a sam-ple of the first carboxylase activity peak elutedfrom the cellulose column migrated further Pdown the polyacrylamide gel than the secondcarboxylase activity peak (Fig. 2). For conveni- cence ofdescription, the higher-molecular-weight,slower-migrating carboxylase of R. capsulata >was designated form I-C and the low-molecular-weight protein was designated form II-C, corre-sponding to the enzymes of R. sphaeroides (6).The verification of the relative molecularweights of the R. capsulata preparations wasobtained after electrophoresis of each enzymeon gels of different acrylamide concentration.The migration of form I-C and form II-C wasthen compared with that of the correspondingR. sphaeroides enzymes (6). For each relatedenzyme, the slopes obtained after plotting thepercent gel concentration against the relativeelectrophoretic migration were similar, corro-borating the estimated molecular weights of theR. capsulata proteins.

FIG. 2. Assay of R. capsulata Rbu-P2 carboxylasein polyacrylamide gels. Samples were applied to 7.5%acrylamide gels in a 10-jul volume containing 5%sucrose. (A) High-speed (100,000 x g) supernatantfraction (62 ,ug ofprotein); (B) 75% ammonium sulfateprecipitate fraction (30 jg of protein) of first activeDEAE-cellulose peak (form II-C); and (C) 75% am-monium sulfate precipitate fraction (40 jug ofprotein)of second DEAE-cellulose peak (form I- C). SLICE NUMBER



Catalytic studies. To further characterizethe two enzymes from R. capsulata, variouscatalytic properties were investigated. Resultsobtained when carboxylase activity was deter-mined at pH 7.2 and 8.0 for the enzymes fromR. capsulata and R. sphaeroides showed formII and form II-C to be similar in their responseto pH, exhibiting at pH 8.0 only 50 to 60% ofthe activity observed at pH 7.2. By contrast,the activities of form I and form I-C were notaffected as dramatically as forms II and II-C,their activity being maximized at pH 8.0.

It has been shown that 6-phosphogluconateinhibits form I R. sphaeroides carboxylase activ-ity; virtually no effect, however, is seen on formII (6). Titration of the activity of the two en-

zymes of R. capsulata with this metaboliteyielded similar results (Fig. 3). Form I-C was

inhibited significantly, to about the same extentas R. sphaeroides form I carboxylase (5),whereas Form II-C was relatively insensitive tothis effector.Immunological studies. Previous studies

with antibodies directed against form I carbox-ylase from R. sphaeroides had shown no cross-reactivity with form II, nor did this antiseruminhibit form II enzymatic activity (6). More re-cently, antibodies directed against form II wereobtained; again no cross-reactivity could be dem-onstrated with fonn I, nor did this antiseruminhibit form I activity (5). Since the form Ienzyme appears to resemble form I-C of R.capsulata, and the form II enzyme resemblesform II-C, the effect of the R. sphaeroides car-boxylase antisera was investigated with regard

to the enzymes from R. capsulata. The Ouch-terlony double-diffusion technique revealed noprecipitin band when anti-form I serum wasreacted against crude extracts of R. capsulataor the partially purified form I-C and form II-CR. capsulata carboxylases (Fig. 4). A line of






FIG. 3. Effect of 6-phosphogluconate (PGN) onform I-C and form II-C Rbu-P2 carboxylase from R.capsulata. Enzymes were preincubated for 5 min at30°C in the presence of Mg2", H'4CO3-, and 6-phosphogluconate in 0.064 M tris(hydroxymeth-yl)aminomethane-chloride (pH 7.2) before initia-tion of the reaction with Rbu-P2. The reactionwas terminated after 5 min. Symbols: 0, form I-C;0, form II-C.


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FIG. 4. Ouchterlony double-diffusion analysis of forn I-C and II-C R. capsulata Rbu-P2 carboxylases.The left center well contained 10 ul of antiserum to R. sphaeroides forn I carboxylase, and the right centerwell contained 10 jl of antiserum to R. sphaeroides form II carboxylase. Other wells contained: (a) R.sphaeroides form I carboxylase (30 jug); (b) R. sphaeroides forn II carboxylase (7.5 ug); (c) R. capsulata formI-C carboxylase (25 ug); (d) R. capsulata form II-C carboxylase (30 jig); and (e) R. capsulata crude extract(200 ug).

VOL. 132, 1977 821


partial identity was observed when anti-form IIserum was reacted against crude extract and theform II-C preparation, and a clear spur wasobserved when it was reacted against purifiedform II from R. sphaeroides. No reaction wasevident towards the form I-C preparation (Fig.4). The effect of both antisera on the activity ofthe two R. capsulata enzymes was also exam-ined. Anti-form I serum inhibited neither en-zyme (Fig. 5). Anti-form II serum inhibited theform I-C enzyme but had no effect on the formI-C enzyme (Fig. 5), consistent with results ob-tained in the double-diffusion experiment (Fig.4).

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ANTISERA (t&I]Fi(;. 5. Antibody titration of form I-C and form

II-C R. capsulata Rbu-P. carboxylase activity. Sam-ples of antisera directed against form I and form IIcarboxylases of R. sphaeroides were incubated withform I-C (-) and form II-C (0) for 30 min at 30°C(pH 7.2) and subsequently assayed as described in

the text. Percent activity was based on the activityobtained with equivalent amounts of control (preim-mune) sera.

Thus, from the electrophoretic, catalytic, andimmunological studies, it is apparent that formI R. sphaeroides Rbu-P2 carboxylase is similarto the form I-C R. capsulata enzyme, whereasthe form II R. sphaeroides carboxylase resem-bles the form II-C enzyme from R. capsulata.

DISCUSSIONOur previous study demonstrated the pres-

ence of two forms of Rbu-P2 carboxylase inextracts of R. sphaeroides (6). The same proce-dure developed for separating the two enzymespecies proved effective in showing the presenceof two forms of carboxylase in extracts of R.capsulata. By the polyacrylamide gel Rbu-P2carboxylase assay developed in this laboratory,we found that the two major peaks of activityfrom DEAE-cellulose columns comigrated withform I and form II Rbu-P2 carboxylases fromR. sphaeroides. The first peak of activity elutedfrom the cellulose column proved to be theintermediate-size carboxylase (form II-C),whereas the large-molecular-weight, slower-mi-grating carboxylase (form I-C) eluted shortlythereafter. This order of elution is opposite tothat found with R. sphaeroides (6), and proba-bly indicates different exposed charged groupson the respective proteins of the two organisms.A comparison of the catalytic properties of

the Rbu-P2 carboxylases of R. capsulata andR. sphaeroides revealed marked similarities.The intermediate-size enzymes from both orga-nisms exhibited significantly higher activity atpH 7.2 than at pH 8.0, the activity being almosttwofold greater in both cases. The response topH by the large enzymes was not so dramatic,similar to previous results (6); the activity ofform I-C was essentially the same at both pH's,whereas that of form I was slightly greater atpH 8.0. The effector, 6-phosphogluconate, hasbeen shown to selectively inhibit the large-mo-lecular-weight carboxylases (3, 4, 18), whereasthe intermediate- and small-molecular-weightcarboxylases are relatively insensitive to thisligand (18). With R. sphaeroides, only form Iwas significantly inhibited by low concentrationsof 6-phosphogluconate (6). In this study, ourfindings are consistent with previous observa-tions, in that form I-C was inhibited by 6-phos-phogluconate, whereas the intermediate-sizeform II-C was not affected.Immunological studies revealed cross-reactiv-

ity between anti-form II serum and form IL-Conly. This could be demonstrated by double-diffusion experiments and the more sensitiveenzymatic assay. Of interest is the fact that nocross-reactivity was observed between anti-formI serum and form I-C. Certainly, the alteredorder of elution of the R. capsulata form I-C



protein upon DEAE-cellulose chromatographymay be indicative of differences in charge, a

result consistent with the lack of immunologicalcross-reactivity towards antiserum to R. sphae-roides form I carboxylase.The demonstration of two forms of Rbu-P2

carboxylase in extracts of R. capsulata has im-portant implications. First, the previous dem-onstration oftwo molecular forms of carboxylasein R. sphaeroides has an obvious parallel in R.capsulata, although there are significant im-munological and chemical differences betweenthe form I and form I-C proteins. Secondly, a

functional genetic system in R. capsulata now

exists (13, 27); such a development may be usefulin determining whether or not the two Rbu-P2carboxylases (i.e., the catalytic subunits of theseproteins) produced by both R. sphaeroides andR. capsulata are actually distinct gene products.


This investigation was supported by National ScienceFoundation grant PCM 7410297 and by grant F-691 from theRobert A. Welch Foundation.


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