Rhetoric Project D King Are you pouring on the pounds?

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Rhetoric Project D King Are you pouring on the pounds?

Rhetoric ProjectD King

Are you pouring on the pounds?


• This advertisement was created by the New York City Health Department to try to make consumers stop drinking soda and stop obesity from drinking sugary beverages.

What is the appeal to Logos?

• The appeal to logos is that it is logical for America to stop drinking it’s way to obesity.

What’s the appeal to ethos?

• The ethical appeal is to tell America that it is morally wrong to drink an excessive amount of soda each day and become obese.

• The NYC Health Department’s symbol also gives the ad credibility

What’s the appeal to pathos?

• The emotional appeal is that it is sad to see America becoming obese by drinking sugary beverages.

Why did they use different colors on some words?

• Using pink makes the words stand out. The words “pounds” and “Don’t Drink Yourself Fat” stand out because they are pink. This makes you focus on these words.

How would the ad change if the words were taken out?

• If the words were taken out, then all you would see was an overflowing glass of soda.

• Also, the audience wouldn’t have the sentence at the bottom where the NYC Health Department give suggestions of a replacement beverage such as water.


• New York City Health Department. September 2, 2009.http://consumerist.com