ReYd MaeWWe CURVVa, Vica f Gea Ba ad ThVWRQ Te. 01284 …€¦ · ReY¶d MaeWWe CURVVa, Vica f Gea...

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Transcript of ReYd MaeWWe CURVVa, Vica f Gea Ba ad ThVWRQ Te. 01284 …€¦ · ReY¶d MaeWWe CURVVa, Vica f Gea...

Rev’d Manette Crossman, Vicar of Great Barton and Thurston Tel. 01284 787554 • Email:

Dear all, Some of you may be familiar with the words from the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes which are often quoted at times when people face a time of transition in their lives. Over 2000 years ago, Ecclesiastes wrote: ‘There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the heavens…’, and these words are still true for us today. Our whole lives seem to consist of different stages and we frequently find ourselves looking back on the past or looking forward to changes that lie ahead. After five years in my current post as Vicar of the churches in Great Barton and Thurston, I am about to move on to a different post in Suffolk. And as it is with most ‘goodbyes’, there is an element of sadness that I will be leaving behind these two lovely churches, but I am also very excited at the prospect of this new phase in my ministry as I follow where God is leading me next. The French poet Edmond Haraucourt wrote a poem which can be translated as ‘The Song of Farewell’. In this poem, you can find the famous phrase ‘Partir, c’est mourir un peu’ ‒ each time we say farewell, it is as if you die a little. One of the difficult things in life is saying goodbye. We do it every day, and it may not be a big deal. But when we say farewell for a long time, or we don’t know whether we will ever see the other person again, then it’s a different matter. As I say farewell to you all, I look back on fond memories of friendships, of hospitality, of fun, and of the warm welcome shown to me and my family by many in our villages over the years. I will remember sad and difficult times, too. Many times have I had the privilege of being asked to take someone’s funeral and to share in the grief of the family, and as a family we have had several personal bereavements, too. But I can also look back on many happy times, on fun school assemblies, sometimes with one of my dogs, on Palm Sunday processions with donkeys, on happy weddings and Baptism services, and on the solemnity of Remembrance Sunday, still fresh in my mind as I write. More recently, and still ongoing, are the challenges of yet another lockdown due to the coronavirus, which stopped so much of what we built up over the past five years, but with

the promise of vaccines we hope that when we look ahead to 2021, our communities will regain a sense of normality again and our social activities will be able to resume. I would like to leave you with a passage of scripture which has been my constant companion since I embarked on my journey of ministry. Jesus said, ‘You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name. I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another’ (John 15:16‒17). And so I trust in God’s guidance as I move on to where God is calling me next, and I look forward to a fruitful ministry there. As I write this, we are in a second lockdown with all its restrictions, but we hope that some of these will be lifted in December. Church services have been suspended for the time being as per government legislation, and therefore we won’t have the opportunity to say farewell at a final service. Many of you have asked for an opportunity to say farewell, but we don’t know what kind of restrictions will apply in a few weeks’ time. Therefore, please ring or email me if you would like to call round at the Vicarage to say farewell on Saturday 5 December between 2 and 4pm. We may only be able to meet briefly outdoors and socially distanced. Please check our Facebook pages, the website or the pew sheet for further information closer to the date, as we may not know until a few days before what government restrictions may apply. For now, I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and every blessing for 2021. Yours in Christ, Manette

What’s the difference between you and a Hospice Volunteer? About 4 hours a week. Reception, Ward Work, Kitchen, Fundraising, Gardening, Administration and Family Support.

To make a rewarding contribution to the care and comfort of our patients, call 01284 715559 today and

speak to our Voluntary Services Manager.

Flower Arrangers and Cleaners in church are needed

to join our rotas Flower Arrangers – please see Wendy Jones

Cleaners – please speak to Linda Scoles

Christmas at Holy Innocents’

Due to The Virus we will not be allowed to have either the Christmas Fayre or the Christmas Tree Festival. Both of these events have become an important part of our church and village celebrations, and will be missed. It is hoped that they can be resumed next year. The Churchwardens, Tim and Angela, would, though, like to decorate the church for the season with Poinsettias and candles, possibly one or two small trees, and the large tree near the altar.

Donations toward the purchase of Poinsettias would be gratefully received. Please contact Tim 787442, Angela (01359) 230395 or Linda (01359) 230392.

British Legion Poppy Appeal Although the Remembrance Day service in church was not possible, a small number of people did attend the War Memorial with all the appropriate formalities. There was also a collection which was significantly down on a normal Remembrance Service in church. However, to recognise the funding shortfall, the PCC approved tripling of the contribution to a total £200 to

support the appeal. In due course, the church poppy collection amount will be displayed in the porch.

The Messenger – the future

As mentioned in last month’s magazine, this issue will be the last ‘Messenger’ in its current form. Again, thanks must go to Allan Howell and Kate Laidler for all their hard work over many years. From January we will be moving to an on-line version. In order to access this version, you will need to go into our Benefice website and click on the link, which will be available once the January magazine is finalised. There will also be a note of the link in the pew sheet. The Benefice website can be found at If you currently write articles or notices for the Messenger, they will now need to be sent to Peter Robinson at by the 20th of each month. This is a new opportunity to make our magazine more relevant to our church and community. We would like to en-courage people to submit articles, reports, photos, etc. that will be of interest. Please help us to make a success of this new venture. With no editor coming forward, it is proving difficult to produce printed copies of the Messenger. However, we are aware that not everyone has access to the internet. As an interim measure, we will be producing a ‘newsletter’ format for those who have indicated that they still need a printed copy. This will be shorter than the present version, but it will contain all the parish information available on the on-line version as at the 1st of each month. Any in-month changes will be reflected in the pew sheet. The cost for this printed version will be agreed once the format is finalised but it will not be more than the present cost. We hope that you will support all those who have been working hard in the background to enable us to retain a magazine here at Holy Innocents’, both by accessing the magazine and supplying articles. We need your support to enable this to be a success. Thank you. Kathy Drakes

There will be no meetings until further notice.

Church of England Prayer for the Coronavirus Outbreak

God of compassion,

be close to those who are ill, afraid or in isolation. In their loneliness, be their consolation;

in their anxiety, be their hope; in their darkness, be their light;

through him who suffered alone on the cross, but reigns with you in glory,

Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thanks and Goodbye

This edition of The Messenger is my final edition after twenty-one years looking after the business side of our church magazine and over twenty years on distribution. I wish to thank all of you, our loyal readers, for subscribing to The Messenger, helping to spread church news and contributing to the income of Holy Innocents’ over the last twenty-odd years. Really, really appreciated. A team at church are working on new ideas for The Messenger including a possible on-line version with a paper supplement ‒ how things change! I'm sure that we all wish them well with their endeavours and look for-ward with interest to a new look Messenger. I must finish with a tribute to Kate Laidler, our editor for over twenty years. Kate is also stepping down with this edition. Kate has ensured that the style, layout and content of The Messenger has been a benchmark for such publications; our printer has always found her to be true professional. Thank you, Kate. Happy Christmas everyone. Allan Howell

Welcome to Great Barton

New to the Village?

If you or a neighbour has recently moved into the village you might like a VILLAGE WELCOME PACK.

Please contact Mr Richard Leveritt 01284 787556


would welcome new partially sighted members to the

Pakenham Club

Please contact Mary Jane, 01359 259646

The publishing of advertisements in The Messenger does not constitute either a recommendation of those advertisers or a guarantee of satisfaction of work or services. Readers use the services of advertisers at their own risk. It is good practice to seek competing quotations and to take up references.

The Friends charity provides long-term funds for the maintenance and repair of Holy Innocents’ Church building and its environs.

If you wish to help with a donation or codicil to your will, or act as a trustee, please contact Colin Tiffin on 01284 787398 or email

Friends of Holy Innocents’ Church Great Barton Registered Charity 1114975

Church of England Prayer for the Coronavirus Outbreak

Keep us, good Lord,

under the shadow of your mercy in this time of uncertainty and distress.

Sustain and support the anxious and fearful, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may rejoice in your comfort

knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord.


A copy of the letter, signed by the Churchwardens, to Rev’d Manette: Private Prayer

The church is now open for private prayer on Saturdays from 1pm to 3pm and Sundays from 1pm to 3pm

Please use the hand sani ser provided

on entering and leaving the church. If you are planning to visit the church

but have any symptoms or are isola ng, please stay at home and postpone your visit.


Great Barton and Thurston Benefice Services for December

Sunday 6 December (Second Sunday of Advent)

at 10.30am Holy Communion at Holy Innocents’ Church, Great Barton

Sunday 13 December (Third Sunday of Advent)

at 10.30am Holy Communion at St Peter’s Church, Thurston

Sunday 20 December (Fourth Sunday of Advent)

at 10.30am Holy Communion at Holy Innocents’ Church, Great Barton

Nine Lessons and Carols from St Peter’s Church, Thurston,

at 3pm—this will be ONLINE ONLY, available via our website and Facebook pages

Thursday 24 December (Christmas Eve)

at 11.30pm Midnight Mass at both churches

Friday 25 December at 10am

Benefice Christmas Day Family Communion Service at St Peter’s Church, Thurston

Sunday 27 December (John, Apostle and Evangelist)

at 10.30am at St Peter’s Church, Thurston

Due to the legisla on regarding social distancing, numbers in church are limited, so please let us know if you are planning

to a end a service so we can keep everyone safe.

For services at Great Barton, please contact Tim Frost 07840 249448 or email

For services at Thurston, please contact

Pat Sadler 07552 234443 or email

For any changes and updated informa on, please check the no ceboard, pew sheet or the benefice website:

Or see our Facebook pages:

Holy Innocents’ Great-Barton-685807921585678

St Peter’s Thurston-1790473917903849

Our weekly pew sheets are also posted on the website (a few copies

are also available in the church porch).