Revision of the Venous System - The Role of the Vertebral Veins

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Transcript of Revision of the Venous System - The Role of the Vertebral Veins


VoL. I.-3-±TH YEAn. SYDS EY, SATCRDAY, :JIAY 31, 1947. ~0. 22.

Table of Contents.

[The ""'"hole of the Literary MaUer In THE MEDICA L JO U RNAL OF AUSTRALIA Is Copyright.]

OR.IGIJ\'AL ARTICLES- Page. Revision of the V e nous System: The Role of the

Vertebral Veins. by William F. Herlihy . . 661 A Clinico - Pathological Study of Two Cases of

Idiopathic Cardiac Hypertrophy with Con -ges tive Failure, by Malcolm Fowler 672

REVIE.W S-Textbook or Gynrecology . . 676 Pulmonary Tuberculosis . . 676

NOTES ON BOOK S, CURR ENT JO URNALS AND NEW APPLIAN CES-Stor ies of a Statesman . . 676 Twice a Pr isoner or War 676

LEADING ARTICLES-The Next Congr ess . . 677

CURRENT COMMENT-Activity in the Treatment of Fractures 678 The :11echanism of Healing in Bacterial Endo-

ca rd itis . . . . . . . . 678 Subclinical Poliomyelitis . . 679

A B STRACTS FRO~l ~IEDICAL LITERATURE-Prediatrics . . . . . . 680 O r thopredic Surgery . . 681


BRITISH ~IED ICAL ASSOCIATION NEWS­Scientific Medico - Political !'lotice

684 685 685



R esear ch F ellow in Anatomy, University of Sydney.

The simple ·~lieveth every wcrd; but the prudent man looketh well tc- his going.

-Proverbs xiv, 15 .

THE discovery of t he circulati on is pe rhaps the most fascinating in the history of medicine. It is well for us to reflect on the many stages in th-e acquirement of know· ledge of the circulation over the centuries, for only in this way can we adopt a proper pers pective for our study. For it is only when we realize that the conc-eptions of blood flow put forward by various scholars, anatomists and philosophers th r oughout the centuries had often lasted several hundred years before being proven false, and that each conc-eption had been invariably proven incorrect, with the exception of Harvey's, that we begin to wonder whether our conception of the circulation today is com­pletely acceptabl e. As regards the venous part of the circulation, I beli-eve our present conception is incor rect.

HISTOR1CAL REVIEw. For centuries the circulation remained unknown to man.

Aristot ( 384 to 322 B. c . ) believed that the heart contained three ities. The right cavity contained the hottest blood, the left held the least and the coolest blood . This corr esponded to the belief that the right half of the body had a greater temperature than the left. The th ird cavity was common to~·des. .

The theories Galen A.ll. 131 to 201) were supreme for many centuries. ' mistaken ideas were these. Life consisted of three essentials: th e first was the "natural spirit", which cam-e to the blood from the liver, the cen tre

PO ST-GRAD UATE ' VORK- Page. :.1e!bourn e Permanent Post-Graduate Com mittee 685

CO RRE SPONDENCE-Int e rnational Congress of :.rental Health . . . . 68 5

THE ROYAL At;STRALAS IA N CO LLEGE OF SURGEONS-Gordon Craig Scholarships . . 686 Examinations for Fellowships 686

OBITUARY-Ralph Charles Brown 686 Albert Edward :.ranin . . 687 Westmore Frank Stephens 687

AUSTRALIA!\" iUEDICAL BOARD PROCEEDINGS-N e w South Wales 687 Queensland 687

MEDICAL PRIZES-The Stawell Prize 687

N0!\11 'ATIO!\"S A-ND ELECTION S 687

CO RRIGE!\'DU'll 688

1\"0TICE 688






of nutrition and metabolism; the second was the "vital spirit", which mixed with the blood in the heart, the centre of the heat regulation of the body; and the third was the "animal spirit", r es ident in the brain, the centre of sensation and movement. He believed in the anastomosis of arteries and veins and the transfer of the blood and "spi rit" from one to the oth-er by very small passages. Galen also assumed communication of the two ventricles by invisible pores in the septum. He realized that arteries contained blood and experimentally proved pulsation in v-essels. However, Galen regarded the movement of the blood as an ebb and flow, the arterial blood conveying vital spirits from the heart, the venous blood conveying natural spirits from the liver. Galen also demonstrated the myo-genic theor eart.

Andrea Vesalius ( 514 to 1564), although still ignorant of th-e p · the circulation, was ou tstanding in contradicting many statements of Galen in anatom y in gen er al, including that of the presence of invisible pores in the septum. Leonardo da Vinci probabl y indicated to his pupils the course of further study.

Until the Renaissance, th-e liver was regarded as the centre of blood flow. In the liver it was believed that the blood mixed with the chyle which had been . brought there by the " meseraic" veins and from there spread throughout the body. The left ventricle of the heart contained air, or blood mixed with air, which reached the right side of t he hear t through pores in the ventricular septum. The air passing th r ough the arter ies carried the vital' spirit throughout t he body, reaching the hear t from the lungs by means of the arteria venalis. Only the veins carr ied blood. Leonardo da Vinci and Vesalius disbelieved the presence of pores in t he septum, but not unt il Harvey wer e we to get the true conception of circulation.

The discove e pulmonar y circulation is attributed to Michael ervetus (1509 to 1553). The following is a translation ork by Willis.

.. . the first thing to be considered is the substantial generation of the vital spirit-a compound or the

662 THE }fEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUS'I'RALI.A.. }1.-I.Y 31, 194 7.

inspired air with the most subtle portion of the blood. The vital spirit has, therefore, its source in the left ventricle of the heart , the lungs aiding most essentiallY in its production. It is a fine attenuated spirit, elaborated by the power of heat, of a crimson colour and fiery potency-the lucid vapour as it were of the blood. substantially composed of water, air and tire: for it is engendered, as said, by the mingling of the inspired air with the more subtle portion of the blood which the right ventricle of the heart communicates to the leit. This communication, however, does not take place through the septum, partition or midwall of t he heart, as com monly believed, but by another admirable con­trivance, the blood being t ransmitted from the pulmonary artery to the pulmonary vein, by a lengthened passage through the lungs, in the course of which it is elaborated and becomes a crimson colour, mingled with the inspired air in this passage . . a nd reaches the left ventric le of the heart. . . . The vital spirit . . . is at length transfused from the left ventricle of the heart to the arteries of the body at large, in such a way that the more attenuated portion tends upwards and undergoes further elaboration in the retiform plexus of vessels situated at the base of the brain .. elaborated by the igneous power of the soul. ~

a that Realdo Colombo f Cremona (1510-?) also p erved th1 independently and o Servetus.

/ Fabricius 537 to 1619), although not the first to see t em, de tstrated the valves in veins to his pupils, but even so, their real significance was unknown to him.

The conception ·rculation, as we have it, was known to Andr Cesalpin (1519 to 1603) befor e Harvey's great work wa camp! He was the first to use t h e word "circulatio , is entitled to a ri ghtful place with Servetus and Harvey. Here is an extract from Cesalpino: ·

The orifices of the heart are m ade by nature in such a way that the blood enters the right ventricle of the heart by the vena cava, from which the exit from the heart opens into the lungs. From the lungs there is a nother entrance into the left ventricle, from which, in turn, opens the orifice of the aorta. Certain mem­branes placed at the openings of the vessels prevent the blood from returning, so that the movement is constant from the vena cava through the heart a nd through the lungs to the aorta.

Cesalpino altel' the centre of the circulation from liver to heart.

In 16 8 Harvey's 'De motu. cordis" was published, prob­ably th milestone in m edicine. William Harvey (1578 to 1657) appreciated the presence and true sig­nificance of the valves; he discover-ed that they allowed blood to flow only towards the heart. He demonstrated the return of blood to the heart by way of the veins, and also showed that it was a mathematical necessity. He show-ed that the heart was a muscular pump, and pumped blood into the arteries, from which it flowed to the veins. T o quote H arvey:

It has been shown by reason and experiment that the blood by the beat of the ventric les flows through the lung and heart a nd is pumped to the whole body. There it passes through the pores In the flesh into the veins through which it returns from the periphery everywhere to the centre, from the smaller veins into the larger ones, finally coming to the vena cava, and right auricle. This occurs in such an amount, with such an outflow through the arteries and such a reflux through the veins, that it cannot be s upplied by the food consumed. It is also much more than is needed for nutrition. It must therefore be concluded that the blood in the animal body moves a round In a circle continuously, and that the action or function of the heart is to accomplish this by pumping. This Is the only reason fo r the motion and beat of the heart. ·

So much for the circulation. It w to see the capillan"»--"-'YU

Hence It was clear to the senses that the blood flowed along sin uous vessels and was not poured into spaces, but was always contained within tubules, and that its dispersion is due to the multiple winding of the vessels.

So it was that the link between arter ies and veins was uncovered.

In 1664, which was

blished his "Cerebri Ana-tome", in ed the a nas tomosis of vessels at the

base of the brain which now bears his name. Raymond de Vie ussens ( 1641 to 1730) was the first to describe the coronary vessels comp~

Let me quote fronf Poirier the portal system.

Se-mblable, sel~euse co-mparaison de Galien, a un arbre dont les racines plonoent da.ns le tube dioestif c t la rate, et dont les rameaux s'epandent da.ns le foie, Ia veine porte C071L71Len ce da.ns l'intestin par des reseaux capillaires et finit dans l'oroane hepatique par d'autre& ramifications analooues.

I have briefly outlined the history of the circulation, indicating but a few of the famous names associated with the discovery of each system- the general circulation and the peripheral, pulmonary, portal, coronary, and cerebral parts of t he circulation.


Every reader will be familiar with the present-day conception of the circulation. But do we ever think that it may be erroneous, at least in part? Galen was satisfied with his conception, but nevertheless he was incorrect. Let us now proceed with the discussion of the flow in the venous system, bearing in mind that we may still be short of the truth.

The hub of the discussion centres on Harvey's statu ment that "the blood in the animal body moves around i n a circle continuously". To this we may attribute our modern theory; but it is incorrect, or rather, it is partly Incorrect.

Throughout, I shall focus attention upon a great plexus of veins, the vertebral venous plexus, that has escaped the just attention of physiologists and anatomists. This plexus lies within the spinal canal , over the bodies and laminre of the vertebrre, and partly in the vertebrre them­selv-es. The plexus has been described in the literature, but the writer feels that its true significance has been in great part overlooked . To draw attention to this plexus is all that the writer desires.

For purpose of discussion, t h e paper is set out as follows: (i) the venous system, as described in current textbooks; (i i ) fallacies in this description; (iii) description of the vertebral venous plexus; (iv) physiological and patho­logical s ignificance of the vertebral ple.Jeus; (v) morphology of ve ins, and the direction of blood flow within them. This paper is a preliminary report, and for the sake of brevity the detailed description of the anastomoses referr-ed to mus ~na ailed. Reference to the work of Poirier n Charpy ill supply details of these ana omo fo he · r ested reader. It may also be mention ed here that experiments are still being carried ou t , the results of which will be published later. The present paper on ly presents an hypothesis.


According to the descriptions in Gray's and Cunning­ham' s and other textbooks, the veins unite successively until all the blood is returned to the heart by the superior vena. cava and the inferior vena. cava (the caval system) and by the pulmonary veins (the pulmonary system). The portal system is regarded as entering into the caval system, and the coronary system opens into the heart directly. The vertebral veins receive scant attention, and although anastomoses are mentioned between the azygos system on the one hand, and the intercostal, lumbar, right bronchial, pericardia!, mediastinal and phrenic veins on the other, the significance is not stressed from either the anatomical or the physiological viewpoint.

The Fallacies ~- ·i· escription, 1. The statements by unningham that "the superior ~

vena cava returns blood fro d, neck, upper !!mba, thoracic wall and upper part of the wall of the abdomen", and t hat "the inferior vena cava receives all the blood from the lower limbs, the greater part from the walls and con­tents of the abdomen and pelvis", are correct only it we imply that the blood destined to return to the heart from those regions mnst g'o to the heart by the caval system;


but the presumption that it drains only into this caval system is incorrect.

2. There is a presumption, implied in the above state· meat, that blood returns almost immediately to the heart via the caval system.

3. Ther-e is inadequate description of venous plexuses or "stor e houses", which are com monly asserted to be in existence; apart from capillary storage pools and the spleen, in common descriptions there is no indication of anY venous storage.

4. The vertebral veins, to be afterwards described, are so inadequately treated as almost to be regarded as non­entit ies.

The above-mentioned so-called "fallacies" apply mostly to modern British textbooks; but in French and German books, as w.eil as in old British books, there are good descriptions of veins and their anastomoses. However, the following exposition of the venous system is not a pplied, let alone stressed , even though evidence is pr-esent.

An attempt will be made to prove the following

h~otheses: 1. That venous drainage is not wholly into the caval

sys em, but that by plentiful anastomoses a not insig­nificant portion goes into the vertebral veins from hearl, neck and limbs, thoraco-abdominal wails and pelvis; and also, that various viscera are directly drained into the v~bral veins ; the significance of this will be seen later.

2. That the venous system is much greater in volume th n the arterial system, for often two veins occur with each artery, v-eins occur in regions where there are no arteries, and veins are on the whole larger than arteries. Therefore, all the blood m ay not necessarily go straight back to the heart to maintain the circulation. (3.) That the v-ertebral system is a very large system a~ contains a great volume of blood exceeding that of most venous stores. An a mount of 200 millilitres of dye was found by Batson to be comfortably accommodated in it, even though the cadaver was small. Besides storage, this system anastomoses with all other parts of the circulatory system, except the coronary circulation, and it is a means of regulation of the cerebro-spinal fluid pressure.

I shall now discuss points in the r eturn of blood from (a) the head, (b) the pelvis, and (c) the body walls.

I The Head. \ The following data indicate that the statement that all

the blood returns from the head and neck to the superior -> ve?W. cava is not absolutely correct. Professor hellsh r

has thrown some light on the subj.ect. He points out t at in our own day cadavera are preserved in formalin, which produces hardening and contraction of the veins, and this is partly the reason why adv e description

-""":> of veins have not occurred since Quain' time 1 th-e _.., middle of the last century. He quote t Hilton:

There is a tendency which is not on y prevalent amongst students but even amongst others, to ascribe to the internal jugular veins a more important part than they really perform, or to attribute to them a greater share in the return of venous blood from the brain than they really take, and to regard in a less important light than they really deserve those accessory systems which escape in various points through the osseous walls of the skull. Not only do these accessory systems convey from the braln a considerable portion of blood under the normal, but also under the abnormal cond1tions of lite. For when there exists a temporary venous obstruction in the lungs and heart , they contribute the chief and almost only means o! escape o! venous blood !rom within the cranial cavity. H. for example, !rom a voluntary etrort or from some other cause. the process or respiration be arrested, we know as a matter o! observation, the eyes start and that the !ace becomes exceedingly red and turgid.

This paragraph appears to have been left unnoticed by ph · ogists.

-> !It realized the value of accessory pathways, ally in obstruction o! the internal jugular vein.

most well known o~ these accessory pathways a r e

grouped together as emissary veins; but as the function and importance of these are so well understood, they will not be described in detail. Rather, attention will be drawn to another accessory pathway, less well known, but probably of much greater physiological importance. This accessory pathway is the vertebral venous system. The superior extremity of the internal vertebral venous plexus lies on the clivus of the skull around the margins of the foramen magnum and in the region or the atlas. Thus, at the base of the skull, this plexus anastomoses with the great venous trunks of the cranium. and is therefore ad mirably situated to perform its role as an accessory pathway. From its commencement on the inside of the base of the skull, and throughout it.s whole length, this mternal vertebral plexus is encased in bone and is therefore free of the effects of external pressure. In the neck, the vertebral veins make anastomoses with the deep cervical veins.

In the presence of obstruction to the internal jugularl vein, this accessory pathway will probably exceed in importance the pathways via the emissary veins, for the latter only change th-e position of the blood within the same venous drainage area (that of the internal jugular), whereas the former carries the blood out of the dralnage area of the internal jugular into a new drainage area, the vertebral system. This change of venous drainage area provides a real escape for the blood dammed up in the internal jugular drainage area.

In other words, the internal vertebral plexus provides the only true alternative pathway of venous return from the cranium, and therefore overshadows the em issary v-enous system in importance. In fact the writer believes that the emissary veins have been credited with too much, and hav.e gained a distinction that more truly belongs to the vertebral veins. For on comparing the size of the two pathways and the situation of these two alternative routes, and on considering the problem of drainage areas ( above), one is forced to believe that the emissary veins have been credited with much more than they really deserve, and what is more, they have been credited with a function that is largely carri-ed out by the vertebral veins, and only to a lesser extent by t hem. It is the eclipse of the vertebral veins in modern descriptions that is to blame. Therefore, the writer believes, we are correct in regarding the vertebral veins as the largest and by far the most important accessory pathway for venous return from the cranium.

Morphologically, the cranial sinuses and internal vertebral pl-exus are in the one pl!lne; but at the base of the skull the venous blood in the sinuses gains the plane of the "active stratum" or plane of the viscera, and is carried directly to the h eart via the internal jugular vein. Thus, although th.e blood does not normally continue in the same morphological plane, yet, in the presence of obstruction to flow in the internal jugular vein, it is only natural that the ll.ow will be diverted into the vertebral veins which are in the sam.e morphological plane as the sinuses. Thus, morphologically, the internal vertebral plexus is the ideal alternative pathway.

Also we must remember that the emissary foramina decreas-e in size with age; in other words, the importance of the emissary system decreases with age.

Thrombosis of the superior vena cava does not mean loss or life from venous obstruction in the head and neck. The operation of ligation of the internal jugular vein in transverse sinus thrombosis does not mean venous obstruc­tion in the head . The Queckensted t test would not be so freely applied in wards if obstruction of the internal jugular vein was so serious. Thus th.e following statement of Morris is not correct: .

All veins, whether superficial or deep, sooner or later terminate in the internal jugular, external jugular, vertebral or deep cervical--chiefly the two former, and these veins open d1rectly or Indirectly into the in­nominate veins in the root of the neck through which all the blood !rom the head and neck passes to the heart.

There appears to be another pathway for the dralnage of the blood of the head, and this functions t o great etrect in caval obstruction. This pathway )s the vertebral veins.



I Th e Pelvis. 1 The following observations disprove the statement that

all the blood returns directly from the ower part of the body to the infe rio r vena cava. Batson approaches the subject from the viewpoint of cancer spread, being dis­satisfied with the view that spread of prostatic cancer is by way of lymphatics. He injected cadavera, using Weber's "king's yellow" (an artists' tube water colour), which is radio-opaque and is readily followed by fluoroscopy, When the dye was injected into the dorsal vein of the penis, which is virtually the same as t he prostatic plexus, it was noticed that it went partly into the inferior vena cava and partly into the vertebral veins. But when a dye especially for fine vessels was used (Weber's artists' water colour vermilion, because it casts a good shadow in small dilutions ), it was found that the dye did not go into the caval system, but into the pelvic veins, the sacral body and the wings of the ilia (v-ertebral veins) . This illustrates remarkedly well t he distribution of spread from prostatic cancer which is found clinically, and it is noted that the distribution does not correspond with the lymph drainage pattern. On injection, the dye travell ed up the epidural and vertebral veins, freely anastomosing with those of the thoraco-abdominal cavity to the skull. Even when 200 millilitres of injected fluid wer-e used, the dye did not go into the caval system. When live monkeys were used (the experiment was repeated under anresthesia), the dye found its way into the inferior vena cava, but when a towel was placed around the abdomen, the flow was into the vertebral veins. This shows that the valveless and low pressure system of vertebral veins is important. The caval system

' is the usual way of return during activity, but the vertebral system is the way when pressure is increased in any cavity. Injection into the vein of the breas t of a monkey shows that the dye t ravels to the clavicle, the intercostal veins, the head of the humerus and the cervical vertebrre. It even finds its way into the transverse sinus and superior longilWLi.._nal sinus.

Hatson 'continues: "There is a pathway up and down the spine which does not involve the heart and lungs and it has many connections. It provides a vehicle for tumor metastases and removes the stumbling block of t he lung capillary bed." He considers that there are four systems or veins : ( i) pulmonary, ( ii) caval, (iii) portal, (iv) vertebral- with significant physiological a nd patho­logical aspects.

In coughing, in straining, and in Valsalva's experiment, blood is not only prevented from returning to the lungs, but is squeezed into the vertebral vein system. Under the subheading "Verteb ral Veins and Their Connections", Batson continues to the effect that they are thin-walled and when empty of blood are barely recognizable. There are rich anastomoses in the head (the brain, t he meninges, and the bone of the skull, which are storage places for blood, and are a cause of stagnation). Batson considers the vertebral system as a lake or blood store. The longitudinal veins, he points out, are duplicated in size and pattern from segment to segment, and have connexions with veins of body cavities at each intervertebral space. They also have rich· connexions with the veins of the spinal column and spinal cord. The system communicates with segmental veins-for example, the intercostals, those o[ the breast and the azygos veins- and via these, it com­municates with pleural and bronchial veins. R ich con­nexions occur with pelvic viscera, and occasionally it commun icates with the renal veins. In a male cadaver only five feet four inches in length and weighing 65 pounds (a small person), 200 millilitres of medium were put in to the vertebral venous system. This illustra tes its capacity. The testes and ovaries have no connexion with the system. Batson states that pelvic veins have varying valves. Veins accompanying spinal nerves are described as having valves, but are known to be no resistant barrier.

This probably explains the occurrence of metastases in the brain in cases of lung cancer (or abscess). Cancer causes cough, this causes increased intrathoracic pressure, blood from the bronchial veins is squeezed into the vertebral system, whence it is carried into the brain. Batson concludes by stating that it is a venous pool and

also a "by-pass". His statement is accompanied by a diagram illustrating his "fourth" system.

1 The Body Wall. f From the foregoing observations, and from our know·

ledge of anatomical anastomoses, we know that the inter­costal and lumbar veins conn ect with this vertebral system as well as with the caval system. By the arrange­ment of the valves in the posterior segment of the intercostal veins, it seems that the direction of flow is back into the azygos and vertebral system.


J. Therefore, we see that it is a fact beyond doubt that the blood from the head, pelvis and body wall can and does flow, in part, into the vertebral veins. Even though a degree of obstruction in the caval system is requi red to cause this flow to occur to any extent, it is immensely important to realize that these obstructions are being caused every few minutes of our lives from coughing, sneezing, straining, micturition, defrecation, parturition et cetera. That is, there is a steady but intermittent flow into and out of the vertebral veins. J ' •

FIGURE I. Diagram representing the basic architectural design ot the arterial system (shown as · radii radiating !rom a central heart) and venous 'system (shown as con­centric circles). The veno:1s strata are : (I) cerebro­spinal stratum, (ii) epidural stratum (internal vertebral plexus), · (iii) bony stratum (d iploic veins), (iv) " active" stratum, (v) subcutaneous st ratum. The diagram is ot a ho rizontal section or the


'-.l~----,~+-+-+-1 ./---h--+-~2


• FIGURE II. Diagram illustrating a more correct interpretat ion ot the basic architectural design of the arterial and venous system. The heart is shown in its correct stratum, the fourth. and not in the centre. The venous strata are: (I) cerebro-spinal stratum, (ii) epidural stratum (internal vertebral plexus). (iii) bony stratum (diploic veins), (tv) "active" stratum, (v) sub­cutaneous stratum. The diagram is o( a horizontal

section or the body.


· well with what we have now formulated in our mind_ It is a "store-house" of blood, and this we see in the itecture of its dilatations and in its very magnitude. It is a pool for receiving "backt!ow" from adjacent

s, hence its many anastomoses. m It redistributes the blood from other adjacent parts, anYt-tbe bacldlow !rom other regions is soon accommodated in its very immensity; it reminds us of the " invaders" of China, ~o are absorbed until they themselves become Chinese. ct. Any unequal pressure in the adjacent veins is quick! equalized, and this follows as a result of the greatness of the system's extent, its low pressure, the shortness of its component vessels, and the dilatations in each segment. te\ It itself has no pressur-e, arrihence is more suitable 1'5' act as a. \ pressure absorber. (f It has no direction of flow, and this makes possible a qu adjustment and accommodation to a sudden inrush of blood; this is shown in its consisting of a network instead of longitudinal channels.

'i'ch following statement is from the works of John ~ tHunte : ~-

\..,__/ The vessels carrying blood from any part ot the bodY to the heart are called veins. They are more passive


1 0


than arteries and see m to be fro m their beginning to their term ination in the heart little more than con ­ductors of blood to the heart, that it may receive its sal utary influe nce from the lungs. However, this is not u ni versally the case, for the Vena Portee would seem to assume the office of an artery to the liver and there ­fore a n active part: and we have many veins formed into plexuses so as to a nswe r some purpose not at all subservient to the circulation , but still in this respect they are not to be reckoned ac tive. They differ from the a rteries in many of t heir properties, although in some ways they a re very similar. They do not compose so uniform or regular a sys tem of vessels as the arteries either in their form or use, being subject to considerable variety in their uses (which a re, however, passive a nd not active) a nd often answering from their co ns t ruction collateral purposes.

Th is last sentence shows that Hunter thought that v-eins wer e built for many purposes and that t he ir structure was in conformity with their function .

. ~-ve t h e following clear description of these veins Jn uam

he veins which return the blood f rom the spine a nd parts co ntained within the cavity, present som e pec uliarit ies which distinguish them from those in o ther situations. Proceeding f r om the posterior surface of the spine to the anterior aspect, we fi nd firs t a series of tortuous vein s deeply placed in the vertebral g r ooves bet ween the extensor muscles; in the next place a complete network of vein s surrounds the spinal canal on its interior surface and two veno us reservoi rs extend along its enti re length not resembling sinuses (fo r they are not formed in dura m.a.ter ) nor ordinar y ve ins, for they do not present a continuous canal: they resemble rather a chain of short veins linked together receiving blood from the other rachidian veins and t ra nsmi t ting it to some part of the general venous system . The great spinal veins lie along the interval at each s ide between the bodies of the vertebra and t he intervertebral foramina. In some parts, the links of the chain they form are double or even triple, a nd occasionally detached from any connection with the link above or that below which shows that each portion is, as it were, a separate trunk itself receiving the blood on the on e hand a nd pr opelling it on the other hand, and that it does not the r efore ascend or descend along the colum n which the series of veins fo rm. Each

rl of these ven ous links is as long as the interval between \l.... t wo intervertebral foramina: fo r it is found constric ted

at both extremities which communicate by shan narrow canals with the vein s a t the fo repart of t he s pine. In the thoracic regio n they open into the azygos a nd into the intercostal veins ; in the neck for t he most part into the vertebrals. A complex interlacing of tortuous veins is established alo ng the inne r surface of the arches of the vertebrre. In the lower part of the canal the interlacement is not so close as in the upper portion where it usually conceals (if t he injection has run minutely) the whole surface of the dura m.a.ter. These veins a lso converge to the interver tebral foramina a nd ope n by rather narrow channels into the inter­costal veins. The numerous foramina observable in the bodies of the vertebra find exit to veins which open into the great spinal veins. Another group of veins­vena: dorsispinales- a rise amo ngst the extensor muscles a nd pass in a tortuous course forwards to reach the spaces between the arches of the vertebrre a nd open into the mesh of the spinal veins afte r having pierced the lioamenta S1Lb - flava. Some, however, accom pany the posterior branches of lumbar a nd intercostal arteries and pass through the spaces between the transverse processes of the vertebrre, to open into lumbar or inter­costal veins. These veins lite rally encircle the root of the tran sverse process . . in other parts of the ve nous system , the blood flows in vessels, forming continuous tubes which diminish in n um ber, as t hey increase in size, in t hei r progress forwards towards the hear t, eac h tributar y cu rrent going in most instances at a n acute a ngle with the larger one into which it flows: but here the blood f r om the muscles a nd the interior or the s pine is conveyed into the great spinal veins w hic h a r e wider in the middle than at their extremities and there­fore resemble so many reservoir s from which it flows off lets or minor veins terminating in the general

stem. What is the propelling force? ... M. conceives that the circulation in the great

rach ' a n veins presents several points of similitude with in som e animals that occupy the lower g rades in

the scale of being and t hat it is performed with a degree

I ot slowness. proportionate to the impediments of its I course.

I The anastomoses of this vert-ebra l veno us a are and they have been described by oirie a nd

1 and by many oth er writers. Although ce does ow me to enumerate a ll these anastomos-es, yet I

must point them out in a general manner. The s u perior termination of the internal vertebral plexus

lies, as a l ready described, on t h e clivus of the skull and in the region of the foramen magnum. Thus it anastomoses with the other venous channels inside the skull. In the neck there a r e anastomoses with t he deep cervical veins, a nd in the thorax and abdomen the anastomoses with the intercostal and lumbar veins are well known. In fer iorly,


Diagram illustrating the various venous strata o! the body ; ( i) cerebr o-spina-l stratum, ( ii) epidural stratum (cranial sinuses. internal vertebral ple::rus), (ii i) bony stratum (diploic veins of the skull, intra­vertebral veins), (iv) "active" stratum (plane ot. soft tissues, viscera , muscles et cetera) , (v) subcutaneous stratum. H-heart; S.V.C. , I. V.C.-superior and infer ior vena cava respectively. The diagram represents a longi­tudinal sect ion of the body.

the internal vertebra l plexus has communication w ith t he large pelvic plexuses, by vessels passing through the a n terio r sacral foramina; and also, by channels passing backwards th r ough t he posterior sacral foramina, anastomoses occu r with the gluteal veins. Extending a lm ost the length of the trunk, the vertebral system is ab le to anastomose with veins in the superior and inferior poles of the body, and wi th the veins on both s ides of the trunk ; so advantageously s ituat~ is t his plexus that it anastomoses with all portions of t he venous system.~ ing t he coronary ci rculation , and it is therefore able to exert a profound influence on venous flew and venous pres­sure, for in the firs t instance, it provides an a lternative route for venous blood, and in the second, it has a presumably lower pressure t han t h e caval system.

But these are not th e only anastomoses of this v~rtebral system , for various viscera­for example, the lungs, the left suprarenal and t he left kidney-have a direct anasto­mosis with t h e vertebral veins. T hese communications a r e listed below and are of great pathological impor­tance, for at a ll times a great portion of the venous blood from these organs flows into the azygos and verte bral veins, whereas in the case of most other o rgans-for example, the pelvic viscera..:_a change in thoraco-abdomina1

pr essure is necessary to direct t h e ve nous fl ow into the ver tebral syst em.

Bronchial Ve ins. There are two bronch ial veins on each side, which are

not q uite satellites of t he bronchial arteries, and which not only drain the small and larger bronchi, but also recei ve the dra inage of the lymph nodes of the hilum, which is of great importance in cancer spread. The right empties into the arch of the azygos, t he left into the superior hemi-azygos.

The Infer ior Hemi-Azygos. The inferio r h emi-azygos commences by the union of the

lef t ascending lumbar vein and an anastomosis with the left renal vein and enters the vena azygos. It o!ten com­municates with tne spermatic and lett suprarenal veins (see below, Hutchison's syndrome). W e must remember


666 THE ::tlEDICll JOUR1 AL OF ADSTRll:U. ..\Lu: 31, 19 n.

that the azygos veins u e intimately r elated to t h e vertebral plexuses.

Anastomoses with the Portal Ve in . The <ESophageal and phrenic veins drain into the azygos

s ystem, and the syste m of Retzius allows anastomosis with the vessels of t h e poste rior abdominal wall and with t he veins around t h e s p inal column.

The " Reno-Azygo-Lomba ire" Anastomosis-The "ren mbaire" anastomosis of Lejars,

according to estu opens by one end into the renal vein, and after bifur ing n ear its other end , empties into the inferior hemi-azygos and first I umbar vein. Testut states that it is present in 88% of cases, and Poirier and Charpy found it present in 62 of 70 cases on the left side and in six only on the right side. On the right it is usually r eplaced by an anastomosis between the renal vein and first lumbar ve in . Therefore , this vital renal a nastomosis is usually on the left side.

Comment. By th is t ime we have now

a clear conception of the vertebral ve ins. A glance at the bra! veins in the atlas of Told gives us a striking illu ion. They are a distinct system, warranting e ve ry bit of . Batson's enthusiasm-they have w ide anasto moses with the rest of the v eins of the H. trunk, yet the whole system is one that deserves r ecognition as an entity. Apart from be ing an anatomical fact, it will now be shown that it is a system of physiological and patho- B. logical importance, · as it holds within itself many secrets of as yet unknown physiological phenomena. It is with this that I shall now deal. From its widespread anastomoses it


Ftouru: IV. may explain some of those facts of cancer spread of which the explanation is as yet so far from ou r grasp. As a surgical probklm, its very mas­siveness is of interest in spinal

Diagram illustrating the development ot channels (B) in the venous plexus

( A). H. hearL

surgery, not only in t h e attack on t h e spine i tself, but in the posturing of the patient, as it has long been known that hremorrhage occurs more readily when the patient is prone (compression of abdomen) .

The Ph ys iological and Patho log ical Significance of the Vertebral Venous Plexus-

The relation of the ve rtebral venous plexus to cerebro­s pinal fluid pressure illustrates well the physiology of the veins themselves. Thus, this section will deal at length with the problem of maintenance of and of variations in the cerebro-spinal fluid pressure, as far as it t hrows light on the plexus under discussion_ As I have no experim ental evidence to offer as yet, and as my work is put forward only as an hypothesis, no attempt is made to discredit t heor ies based on ex11._erimental_jact.

Hamilton, Woodbury and Harper have written an article on lne "llhYsiological relationshiPs between intrathoracic pressure, intraspinal pressure and arterial pressure. They make the following statement:

Evidence to be presented elsewhere shows conclusively that quick changes in intrathoracic pressure are trans­m itted directly and Immediately to the cranio-spinal canal. These pressure changes are NOT propagated to the c.s.f. by the Internal jugular vein , because they are slower a nd less extensive in that vessel than in the canal itself. They are NOT propagated over the arterial tree. , An ordin ary systemic rise o! arterial pressure causes a rise o! Intraspinal pressure o! only 1-2 mm.. Hg. A s imilar rise In arterial pressure caused by a cough is accompanied by a rise In intraspinal pressure as great

o r_ even a bit greater than the arterial rise !tselt. Thl.s evidence leads us to rega rd the c ranio-spinal cavity a sort of f unctional extension of the thoracic cavl~ a nd to think of the cerebrospi nal arteries as protect~ fro m the sudden stress that results from straining and coughmg m the same fashion that the Intrathoracic a rtenes a re protected. Th us m Fig. 5 [o! these autho · work] the rises in systemic B.P. that occur lUI a rea~t of coughing do not appear in t he nett lnt.rasplnal pressure. They a re cancelled by stmilar rises In c..a..t pr essure. The nett intracranial B.P. falls to r1ae ~ does the systemic B.P., but just as In the thorax It d rise after strain is over. Moreover, the In~~ pressure pulsatwns are much more extensive atter a s train puts t he greatest st ress on the cerebral arteries The ne tt intraspinal B .P: which Is analogous to the nett Intrathoracic B.P. IS, or course, the force that burn. the arteries a nd ca.uses apoplexy. One cannot tail to be struck by the admirable way In which the vital arteries within the cranio-spinal, within the tho racic, and to a great extent wnhm the a bdominal cavities are pro­~ected a gainst t hese sudden a nd enormous physiologic mcreases m p ressure. Admlttmg the existence of theee pressure relationships and their usefulnesa, what 111 there to say about the mechanism that results In the prompt and opportune rise in intracranial pressure? A.e we have seen, the pressure cannot be propagated from the thoracic to the craniospinal canal by the arteries or by the inte rnal jugular vein. How then do theee sudden and large pressure changes occur In such a rigid box as the craniospinal canal? These are the hypotheses. We would suggest that the presauree which a rise during coughing and stralnl ng ln the thoracic and a bdominal cavities a re transmitted through the soft tissues between these cavities Into the splna.J foramina_ Because o! the rigidity o! the cerebrosl)lnal canal, and because of the temporarily Increased v8.8Cular pressure no very large tissue or ftuld volume would need to be squeezed into the canal in order to raise the lll:'ee· sure e ve n to the extent it does during cough. The material entering the canal under s tress may be: (1) C.B-F. trom under evaginations of the dura around spinal nerve._ (2) Spinal ne r ves themselves and the looae &reai&l' tissue surrounding them. ( 3) Venous blood In the p&nL­vertebral plexus, and in the veins at the of thorax and a bdom en in close co=unication with veins. . . . The pressure Increases that are, a.cco~ to our notion, pr oduced In the spinal canal muat na turally be propagated up through the fora­magnum and Into the cranial cavity. Even t-hough. volume movement up through the base 111 small, the pressure thrust is considerable. A similar and opposite thrust occurs as intraspinal pressure goes down_ The fact that these stresses are localis;xl at the base o! the brain may have some bearing on the frequency o! hremorrhage in this region.

With that, Hamilton, Woodbury and Harper concluded their paper_

From this I developed the notion that in increa..sed intrathoracic pressure, it was most likely a squeezing of the blood vesse ls in t he thoracic walls that increased the volume of the verte bral veins. How, then, was th111 transmitted to the cerebro-spinal fluid? It would not be surprisi ng if the internal vertebral plexus is larger than what we expect. In the days when alcohol and not formalin was used for embalming, the veins were found In a better state, and their size struck the earlier anatomists. It is not far from the imagination, when we consider that in every part of the body no gaps are left between adjacent tissues, if we postulate that most probably the veins within the spinal canal nicely fill up the space in the canal left by the spinal cord and membranes. That Is, a mutual pressure may exist between the venous pressure in the veins and t he cerebro-spinal fluid pressure_ Rise in pressure in the one means displacement of fluid in the other to allow accommodation (however temporary) of the increased quantity of fluid in the one in question.

Clinically, we may take the Queckenstedt test as an example. Pressure on the internal jugular vein causes an immediate rise of cerebro-spinal fluid pressure, and release of the hand causes almost as sudden a falL Secretion of cerebro-spinal fluid due to the back pressure in the internal jugular vein is no longer feasible' as the cause ot raiaed pressure. Events are too rapid for this. From whAt h&a been said before, pressure on one internal jugular vein e&UMIJ the opening up of anastomoses, most likely the nrtebral


veins. This swelling of the vertebral veins causes mutual pressure on the subarachnoid space with consequent r ise or cerebro-spinal fluid pressure. Release of the hand allows blood to flow quickly onwards in the internal jugular vein, and the stream into the spinal canal diminishes and thus cerebro-spinal fluid pressure becomes normal.

In Frein's syndrome the block in. the subarachnoid space is itsel f of such a nature as to exert pressure on the spinal >eins, so that in performing the Queckenstedt reaction we have a colu mn of blood running down only to the site of the lesion-the collapse of the veins at this site prevents the flow going down to the region of the lumbar puncture needle. Thus there is no alteration in this region of the "mutual pressur e" r elationship, and the column of cerebro­spinal fluid does not rise. It may be more accurate to postulate that it is not the increased flow that is prevented from passing the site of the lesion, but probably the tumour in the subarachnoid space prevents the distribution of the rise in cerebro-spinal flufd pressure above the lesion to the region below. Thus the response to the Queckenstedt test is "negative".

In point of fact, the supposition or this "mutual essure rela~nship" is borne out by the observations or o and

uri . Th-ese authors describe a new techniqu or the removal of "Pantopaque" in the spinal subarachnoid space. With the lumbar puncture needle in situ, the patien.t performs the Valsalva manreuvre, which raises intraspinal pressure.

During Valsalva's manceuvre, two things happen to the column of opaque oil: first. the whole column tends to move craniad a dista nce or !rom 0·5 em. to as much as 5-8 em.; second, the column becomes narrowed. These changes are the result of engorgement of the venous plexus that surround the dura and can be demonstrated by taking spot films.

During the raised pressure, the lighter cerebro-spinal fluid is displaced and the oi l is in more mutual contact with the needle and can be expelled.

Therefore, from the evidence at hand, we see that in such drastic exercises as Valsalva's manreuvre an actual blood shift occurs into the vertebral veins, and this shift of blood with consequent engorgement of the plexus causes compression of the spinal subarachnoid space and raised cerebro-spinal fluid pressure. Thus it appears that in such drastic manceuvres the raised intrathoracic and intra­a bdominal pressures are responsible for raised cerebro­spinal fluid pressure.

But what of the effects of the constant, normal r espira-tory variations on e r o-spinal fluid pressure? I refer the r eader to O'Connel work. This writer sets forth the a~cepted'--v · cer ebro-spinal fluid pressure and cerebro-spinal fluid circulation. These are as follows, as O'Connell has set them out :

1. The normal posi tive intracranial pressure is due to the balance existing between the process of production and absorption of cerebro-spinal fluid.

2. Most observers believe that during a given time of observation, the cerebro-spinal fluid pressure is relatively constant and subject to but slight and unimportant varia­tic with cardiac and respiratory activity. 1.. Smitl:\. and Kub e (according to O'Connell) point out that tli'l;pressure variations with cardiac activity amount to two to four millimetres of cerebro-spinal fluid, and with respiratory activity to five to ten millimetres of cerebro-spinal flu id at lumbar puncture. Frenfield and Carmichael (according to O'Connell) point to the waves superimposed by this activity upon the tide of the circulation between the points of product ion and absorption. They believe that the replacement of fluid in the spinal canal is due to the pulsations of cardiac and respiratory activity.

3. The circulation of cerebro-spinal fluid is accepted as being a movement from its point o! production towaros the villi; also the circulation is believed to be slow.

O'Connell disagrees in great part with the above state­ments. Let us consider each in turn.

1. O'Connell came to the conclusion that vascular !actors were of great importance in the maintenance of cerebro­spinal fluid pressure. For he found, in cadavera obtained soon after death, that on lumbar Puncture no fluid dripped !rom the needle, and no manometric record was possible.

Rightly he asks why the cerebro-spmal fluid pressnre drops t o atmospheric pressure after death. With death the production and absorption of cerebro-spinal flnid cease, so that the fall in pressure must be due to increase in volume of the subarachnoid space. O'Connell attributes this to post-mortem decrease in volume of the arterial tree, and to collapse of the intracranial veins when blood fails to reach them from the arteries. Thus vascular factors are important, according to him, in the maintenance ot cerebro-spinal fluid pressure. ·

We have seen the effect of engorgement of the vertebral veins on the cerebro-spinal fluid pressure, and when we compare the size of the~e to the size of the intracranial veins, it is more probable t hat the collapse of the former will contribute more to the enlargement o! t he sub­

arachnoid space than the col­lapse of the latter. So it may be feasible to state that the vertebral p!extLS plays a major role in the maintenance of cerebro-spinal flnid pres­sure.

l!. When the subject is in S.V. C. the horizontal position, only


small variations are round with cardiac and respiratory activity at lumbar puncture and cisternal p u n c t u r e . Cardiac variations are usually 0·5 to 1·0 millimetre or

I.V. c. cerebro-spinal flnid, and respiratory variations are slower and amount to two millimetres. But, on the other hand, in intraventricular "tap", cardiac variations are 5 to 50 millimetres 0! cerebro-


Diagram illustrating the ef'fect o! the development o! the thoraco-abdomioal cavity on the production ot great vessels a nd obliteration of the plexus in the area o! its development. The pol es of the body, into which the cavity does not extend. remain plexiform and are shown as the superior (A ) <nd inferior (B) polar plexuses. The great vessels · (S.V.C. , I.·V.C.-superior a nd infer ior vena cav a respectively) and heart (H) a re shown. The plexuses of the viscera remain despite the body cavi ty (V) .

~pinal fluid (a>erage 15 millirnetres) and respiratory variations are 15 to 60 mtli!­metres (average 35 milli­metres) . Thus, according to O'Ccnnell, intranmtricular pressures are far trom con­stant and range between 20 and 110 millimetres o! cereMo-spinal fluid (avera!!=t: 50 rnillimetres). O'Connell sought the reason for t!Jis difference. By experiment, !Je has shown that the difference in the readings is due to the difference in bore of the lumbar puncture needle and intraventricular cannula. The forme>r are much narrower in

bore, and t his smallness of bore prevents the recording o! rapid changes in pressure, and even when the changes are recorded, the amplitude is record ed at a mnc.h smal!er figure than what it really is. Therefore the intra-rentricular gives the true r esult. Thus cardiac and respiratory activity, contrary to previous opinion, causes great and important changes in cerebro-spinal fluid pressnre. When the subject is in the horizontal position, according to O'Connell, cerebro-spinal fluid pressure varies rhythmically every thr ee or four seco~ds through a range of eighty milli­metres. This accoun ts !or the pulsation o! the cerebrum at operations, and !or the jet o! cerebro-spinal fluid that leaves the cannula periodically in cranial operations.

Back.fl.ow into the vertebral veins with respiratory activity is therefore probably considerable, and it is no doubt owing to the engorgement of this plerns and its collapse with respiratory activity that we have this great variation in cerebro-spinal fluid pressure. Other !actors associated with card iac and respiratory activity, as sug­gested by O'Connell, play their part. But in Tiew o! the amount or blood flowing back into the plexus, and o! its much more intimate relation with the thorax when com­pared with the cerebral veins, it must be recognized that


the vertebral plexus is probably the chief facto r in these variations.

O'Connell gives us another interesting example of cerebro-spinal fluid mechanics. I! a rigid cylinder full of fluid is connected to a manometer and its level is variw, no variation in fluid l-evel occurs. If now the cylinder is provided with a vent, open to atmospheric pressure, then alteration in fluid level occurs with similar alteration of th e level of the cylinder, a nd is recorded on the mano­meter. In lumbar punctu re, if the head is lowered out of the horizontal, the cerebro-spinal fluid pressure falls; but if the head is raised or the sitting posture is assumed, the cerebro-spinal fluid pressure rises. That is, the sub­arachnoid spac-e is "ventw". O'Connell believes that in the raising of the head (o r in sitting), cerebro-spinal fluid passes into the spinal theca, raising the pressu re there, and at the same time, venous blood is retained in the intracranial cavity to replace the cerebro-sp inal fluid . The reverse occurs on lowering of the head, the cerebro­spinal fluid being re;->laced by an influx into the extradural vei ns (O'Connell). Thus, t he so-called "venting" of th-e subarachnoid space is largely due to th e vertebral veins.

Before closing the discuss ion on ce rebro-spinal fluid pressure, I wish to r efer t o thos-e cases of lumbar puncture in which the patient is postured so that his thighs press on his abdomen, and also to the restless, non-cooperative patient who makes it necessary for th e assis tant to place his fist firmly in the abdom-en to obtain fl exion of the spine, fo r in these cases an undue a mount of blood will probably pass into the vertebral plexus with proportionate rise in cerebro-spinal fluid pressure. This may give a mis­leading figure.

3. Lastly, O'Connell discusses th-e circulation of the cerebro-spinal fluid. To the large variations of cer ebro­spinal fluid pressure caused by cardiac and resp ira to r y activity, he attributes the displacement of t he cerebro­spinal fluid in to the spinal th-eca and the region of t he villi (where pressure is lowest ). Also to the same cause he attributes t he formation of arachnoid granulations from the microscopic villi, for O'Connell believes that the intermitten t rise and fall of c-e rebro-spinal fluid pressure give rise to hypertrophy of these villi. Again, in post­t raumatic hernia. cerebri, the contused and weakened region of the brain is bulged by th-e intermittent rise and fall of pressu re, a nd th is factor is also the cause of its progressive bulging until it becomes a "hernia".

O'Connell attributes all th is to the r ise and fall of ce rebro-spinal fluid pressure, cons-equen t on cardiac and respiratory activity. But whereas he believes that t he mechanism is the change of volume in t he intracranial veins and arteries, I believe that the factor of the vertebral veins is just as great or even greater. ~ The work of ~xner, an ark would seem to

support the theory that th-e engorgement and collapse of the ver te bral veins have a profound influen ce on cerebro­spinal fluid pressure. They have shown a striking relation between the dislocation of cerebro-spinal fluid and its pr-E!.'lsu re. According to these workers, t he physiological mechanisms involved can be considered ~s elastic systems. These mechanisms a pparently concern the elasticity not only of the anatomical coverings of the nervous system (the cer-eb ro-spinal fluid channels), but also of the blood vascular system. Weed et alii state that the elasticity or the dura against outward distension seems to be very small indeed , for it is closely applied to the bony skull and constitutes a m-embrane of great rigidity, of much greater rigidity than t he spinal dura, suspended in the epidural space, with its areolar tissue and th!n-wallw veins. The fact that in most animals a constant relation­ship exists between the fluid dislocated and th-e resultant pressure of the cerebro-spinal fluid indicates a consider­able elasticity which permits a certain dislocation ot fluid even in the intact animal. This dislocation o! fluid may be du-e to the elasticity (collapse inward) of the spinal dura on the vertical head-down tiltings, but it also seems related fundam en tally to the possible compression or dilatation of blood vessels. Weed et alii continue as follows. Because of the high pr-essure existing in the arteries of the central nervous system in comparison to

that of the veins, it would seem important to emphasize the elasticity of the venous system as a factor in the establishment of the relation between the dislocation of the fluid and its pressure rather than the elasticity of the arterial channels. We have, then, in the central nervous system, a mechanism which r elates the dislocation or cerebro-spinal fluid to t he resultant pressure. It indicates, Weed et alii state, that the whole central nervous system may be looked upon as enclosed within elastic membranes, whose func tion is modifiw by the rigid character oC the bony encasement. Once again we have evidence of the




+-:-:": - ----- - -:


Diagramma tic representa­tion of the two most impor­tant venous systems in the body. The caval system is shown in stipple, the xertebrai system in black. The superior polar ( A) a nd infer ior polar (B) plexuses are Ulustrated. and the thoraco-abdominal anastomoses are shown. The usual venous flow is indicated by black arrows, and the flow in raised cavity pressure by dotted arrows. H-heart, V­viscera, S.V.C. and I.V.C.­superior and interior vena

cava respectively.

great part played by the Inter­mittent engorgement and col­lapse or the vertebral veins in the variations of cerebro­spinal fluid pressur~ .

Many !actors of cerebro­spinal fluid physiology have oee:J. discussed. I d•• n:lt discount the prPsent theories altogether, but rather I have discussed them with a view to opening new !ields of research. Also it is not my intention to discuss the merits of the pap-ers dis­cussed, nor do of!er a solution for all points raised. HoweYer, it does appear that a major factor, the vert-ebral ple::tus, has been much over­looked .

Not only is this blood shift in and out of the spinal canal with changes in respiration important in cerebro-spinal fluid pressure, but it proves that Han·ey's statement that the blood moves in a circle is not absolut-ely true. This is the most significant inter­pretation of this phenomenon and will be discussed In greater .detail in tLe last section.

In pathology this plexus Is no less important. In fracture-dislocations or the spine, in traumatic spinal lllJUnes in general, and esp-ecially in spinal surgery, the v::rtebral venous system is of immense importance. In t he case of emboli, it pro­vides a means of spread which, as Batson has stated, allows the lung capillary bed to be by-passed. In cancer spread it provides no doubt the cl ue to many metastases as yet unexplained. In cancer

of the prostate, the constant straining on micturition and consequent raised abdominal pressure carry the metastases by the blood to the spine. In cancer and abscess of the lung, cough causes raised intrathoracic pressure, and metastases are carried to the vertebral veins; this may account for metastases in the brain. W-e may rememb-er that the bronchial veins, draining the bronchi and lymph nodes, travel to the vertebral system. In connexion with neuroblastoma of the suprarenals in children, we may note that Hutchison's syndrome involves metastases In the cranium, and thus, in contradistinction to Pepper's syndrome associatoo with the right suprarenal, occurs classically on the left side. Poirier's description shows that the anastomoses between the renal and azygos systems occur only on the lett side.

It seems, then, that just as or two cavities, abdomen and going constant alterations of

the trunk consi.sts mostlY thorax, which are under· pre.ssure, so the pressure


relationships in the veins of the walls of those cavities likewise undergo sever e alterat ion of pressure. When we remember that the pressure in the vertebral vein svstem is zero, and that the systemic vein pressure, reinfo rced by raised cavity pressure, is so much greater, we can realize that intermittently blood will flow into the internal vertebral plexus. We have al r eady seen that, by the nature of the plexus of veins, it is their function t o carry

vertebral vein system have not been described in detail in this paper, as it is only an outline of some ideas on the circulation. But a study of the valves in the inter· costal and lumbar veins may thr ow some light on t he subject. Poirier mentions that Baume maintains tha t the intercostals at thei r opening into the azygos adhere intimately to the pleura, attached firmly between the ribs, so that their lumen is constantly gaping. The

distribution of out the duty of equaliz ing t he pressure of the ,·enous sys tem. ~! ere so, when we consider that the venous blood is so mu ch greater in volume than che arterial blood, it appears that the circulation is capable of carrY· ing ou t the task. Thus, when the venous system is aken as a wholP.

--:: ·----:;--. ,..,.~ ..... ~ .. --::·- .... - _,. - -~ - -~ · .. ; ~ ~-:--'" ~--r-:,.. ··-----: ~::--- - -

(' .. ~ _·_ .. ; .:_,:_~ .. ~-- :·.e:,0=·E i.c_ITA~i,io·· ··;·-.> .:.····,. valves in the intercos tals is

·":ANAT0~IG:;K· -. 11:-oTv C~:R·PJ~ ." ---- ~ - ·: ____ r:-·~ remarkable. The vein in respect of valves is divided into th ree segments. The anterior segment contains valves which look for-

;·.- ; G ward, the pos· ter ior segment cont:;. ins valves which look back; the middle seg­ment has neutral valves, or is devoid of them. Thus blood is not able to circulate for the length of the vein. The blood in the middle segments is sub­ject to two cur· rents, one sweep· ing it forward to the internal mam­mary veins, and the oth er back to t he azygos veins. The force drawing the blood on, Poirie r and Cbarpy state, Is inspiration and expiration . They th-emselves state that nothing is so variable as th e ostial valves of the intercostals. They are often paired , s i n g I e , a t r o p h i e d , or absent. They a r e probably on I y 50% e ffi c i e n t , especially below, in contradistinc· tion to those in the superior inter­costals, which are better and more efficient.

Poirier states that the valves in the lumbar veins a r e incompetent.

ex c e p t for the largest v e s s e 1 s w h i c h contain valves to direct flow to the hear t, the blood is in constant move· ment back and forth and in and out of the vertebral veins in accordance with the pressures in those r e g i o n s . The r e l at i o n w i t h cerebro­spinal fluid pres· sure has been dealt with, and a full r ealization of the problems of the drainage of the head and its various strata of veins is a much diffe rPnt s to r y from that dis· played in current tPxtbooks. \Ve can imagine that in any activity associated with increased breath· ing or holding of the breath, in acts of defreca­tion. micturition and parturition, the archaic ideas ot venous circula­tion a re un ten­able. T he vertebral vein system is a provision of

F IGURE VII. Thus the veins of the walls 'J f the

ature to equalize The frontispiece of Harvey's epic work on the movements of the heart and blood.

Pr-essure, to r edistribute blood, and in pathological con· ditions of either of the two v enre cava', to act as an alternate path for the continuation of the circulation. It is important physiologically and pathologically. The portal system via the system of Retzius may have an outlet in pathological conditions of the portal vein.

It is interesting to observe that in thrombosis of the inferior vena cava no ascites occurs , but cedema of the back and legs is frequent. The anastomoses of the

abdomen contain incompetent valves mouths. This fits in nicely with postulated.

horax and and have wide open the theory I ha ve

My last reference is to the monograph on the veins by Franklin. Some inte resting facts are quoted. He states that all the blood may not necessarily be in circulation, or in rapid ci rculation, but part may be in reserve. In exercise the minute volume increase is eight times normal, which shows tha t there must be an

Supplement to T 1-rc: :\Ir:n 1c.,L .J 1w 1c,_\L or- .~c TR.\LL\ . :vlay 31, 1947.


-~~ . I \


Illustration oi lilt' inre rna l vertebral plexus and its anastomoses. The huninao of the ve r teb rae and the pe>~tcri"r J·:~n of he skull have been removed, along with Ihe bram . spinal cord and mcnin~·-·~- <'X<'<'I't the dura o f that portion of the skull remaining and Ihat pan o f the spinal dura that ,,,., opposite the vertebral bodies. The spinal dura has been removed below the four:h n·n·i,·al ,-e.- ebra o Ehow the plexus in detaiL The internal ,·ert cbral plexus with its dilatf•d ,.l' ~St!l~ i!" ~hown. and also its extension onto the cliYu s where it an:t~tomoses with the 5<nu,es at the hase of the skulL The two a nterior longitudinal channe ls and the t r ansverse annular ,-ein~- oppo<ite the bodies and into which the basivertebral ,-e•ns of th e \'erteb ral body substance drain. are depicted . \Vhen engorged, the plexus completely hides the vertebral bodies. _.\nnstontotk Yes~l·l~. passing through the inter\·ertebral foramina tn anastomose with the deep cen·i<-al ,-,••ns (depicted) a nd vertebral veins, are shown_ On the laminae is seen the posterior cxter·nal vertebral plexus (the anter ior external vertebral plexus lies on the front of the bo<ii<':'l. The left deep cerv ica l vein is drawn later ally for pic torial purposes. The r igh t ,-enebral ,-,."' is shown only in i s lower part. passing in irom or the two lower

transverse p r ocesses.

lfa,...t6 cl ,, - .~ ,, _ THi·: :.ri~O! C: .\L .JOCl-{XAL Ol

~::;4.. J. Shellshear for his invaluable suggestions, and I wis:1 to accord my thanks to Miss Hunter, librarian o f the Department of Anatomy, Universi ty of Sydney, and to my colleague, Dr. Wyke, for his invaluable help. .-\II diagrams were drawn by Mr. D. Farrell. and I here record my appr eciation of them.


0. Batson : "The Function of the Ver tebral Veins and their RAie in the Spread of ~fetastases", Annal• of Surgery. Volume CXII, 1940, page 138.

A . Castiglioni: "A History or Medicine", 1941. D. J . Cunningham: "Text-Book of Anatomy", Seventh

Edition, 1937. K. Franklin: "A ~1onograph on Veins", 1937. J. Fulton: "Selected Readings in the History of Physiology",

1930. H. Gray: " Anatomy Descriptive and Applied", Seventeenth

Edition. 1909. \V. Hamilton. R. Woodbury and H. Harper: "Physiological

Relat ionships between Intrathoracic, Intraspinal and Arte r ial Pressures". The Journal of the American .l:[edical .4.>sociation. Volume CVII, September. 1936 , page 853.

\V. Harvey: " Anatomical Studies on the :M:otion of the Heart and Blood", translated by C. D. Leake, Third Edition.

J . Henle: "Ha?tdbuch der systemati>chen Anatomie des Jftntsche""• Volume III. 186 .

.J. Hilton: "Developmental a nd Functional Relations of Certain Portions of the Cranium" , 1855.

J. Hunter: "The Works of John Hunter'', edited by J. Palmer, 1837.

F . A. Mettler : "Neur oanatomy", 1942. ~forris: "Human Anatomy" , Seventh Edition, 1923. J. O'Connell: "The Vascular Factor in Intracran ia l Pressure

and the Maintenance of the Cer ebrospinal Fluid Circulation", Brain, Volume LXV1, Part III. 1943. page 204.

P. Poirier and A . Charpy: .rTraitB d 'anatomie h1,maineu , Volume II, 1899,

J. Quain: "Elements of DescriptiYe and Pract ical Anatomy", 1 28.

\V. Scot t and L. Furlow: ";.lfyelography with Pantopaque and a New Technic for its Removal", Radiolcgy, Volume XLIII, July-December. 1944, page 241.

J. Shellshear: "The Venous Drainage of the Head and Neck", Dossier 35, Correspondence Course in Anatomy, Post-Graduate Committee in ~fedicine in the University of Sydney.

W. Spalteholz: "Hand-Atlas of Human Anatomy", Volume II. Seventh Edition, 1923 ( translated by Bar ker).

L. Testut: ·'Trait 8 d'anatontie h"main en, Volume I, Third Edition. 1 96.

C. Toldt: "An Atlas of Human Anatomy", Volume II, 1941. L. Weed, L. Flexner and J. Clark: "The Effect of Dis·

location of Cerebrospinal Fluid upon its Pressure", The A111erican Journal of Physiology, Volume C, Number 2, 1932, page 246.





Prom the D epartment ot Pathology of the Univer sity of Adelaide.

THE disease known as idiopathic cardiac hypertrophy W!lS first described by Josserand and Gallavardin u> in 1901. Within recent years numerous examples of the con­dition have been descr ibed in adults, including a series of ten cas es by L evy and von Glahn,"' five cases by R eisinger a nd Blumen thal.'" and ·eleven cases by K aplan, Clarke and de Ia Chapelle. ''' In addition, Kugel m and Kugel and S toloff<•> and othersm <s> have repo r ted a similar but not necessarily identical disease in infants.

Du ring t he past year two young men llave died fr om the cond i t ion a t the Royal Adelaide Hospital. The clin ical and pathological find ings are here recorded.

Repo rts of Cases.

CASE I.-J.B., aged twenty years, single, an engineer's apprentice, was admitted to the Royal Adelaide Hospital on August 29. 1946. under the care of Dr. A. R . Southwood. For two months he had suffered from dizzy turns, and for one month fro m pain in the left side of the chest. During the week before his admiss ion to hospital this pain had been con tinuous. Breathlessness on exertion had been present for an indefinite period. His sleep had been undisturbed. He had coughed up a quarter of a pint of blood the night before e ntering hospi tal.

On • in sorr per m was l metre~

in the the m the us out.

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Aut< carrie< Clelan•

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#l"ftJ,... 3a~~ IliA~ ?a~t·i

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formea o n tne anlenor wau a.uu apex or tne tett ve ntriCle. At the apex the myocardium was con siderably thi nned. :>'either valvular defects nor co ronary d isease were present. The endocardium was milky in colour in all chambers. In

F:Gt;RE l.

Case I; fibro-elastic prolife ration in endocardium ( hre ma ­toxyli n and eosin , x 540) .

the lungs were two small ,in farcts , one measuring two a nd a half inches in diameter, t he oth e r on e a nd a half inches. The lungs, spleen, kidney and liver wer e congested, the last - mentioned having a typical nutmeg appearance. The thyreoid , pituitary and suprarenal glands were n ormal. The thymus weighed 23 grammes.

Micr oscopic Examination .- The endocardium throughout was much thickened. Immediately subjacent to it there was a great increase in fibro-elast ic tissue, extending Into bundles of degenerating muscle (Figure I ) . In the myo­cardium were found patchy areas of necrosis which appeared as pale granular material mixed with disintegrating muscle fibres. Various stages of fibros is were p r esen t throughout the muscle. Somettmes the fib rous tissue penetrated between individual necrotic muscle fibres. There was no evidence of inflammat ory reaction. Other muscle fibres were less affected. but their cytoplasm co n tained deeply staining granular material. The majo rity of the muscle ftbres had large hyperchr om a tic nuclei, disto rted Into many bizarre shapes. Often the nuclei were lobed o r spider- like, and invariably they had o n e con cave edge. Many of the muscle cells were separated f r om their s heaths by a clear s pace , the appear a nce suggesting cedema. The muscle fib res.

• measured from l 71J. to 331J.. For the most part the b lood

r· -·1 "- THi·: .li·:O]('.\L .JOC}{X..-\.L OF .\C.' Tl\.\LL\. ----------

J . Shellshear for his invaluable suggestions, and I wi:; :l to accord my thanks to :\1iss Hunter, librarian o f the Department of Anatomy, University of Sydney, and to my colleague, Dr. W yke, for his invaluable help. All diagrams were drawn by :\Ir. D . Farrell, a nd I here record my appreciation of them.


0. Batson: "The Function of the Verteb ral Veins and their R<>le in the Spread of )1etastases", .-l.lmals of Surgery. Volume CXII, 1940, page 138.

A. Castigliom: "A History ot Medicine", 1941. D. J. Cunningham: "Tex t-Book ot Anatomy", Seventh

Edition, 1937. K . Franklin : "A )1onograph on Veins". 1937. J. Fulton: "Selected Readings in the History ot Physiology" ,

!930. H. Gray : " Anatomy Descriptive and Applied", Seventeenth

Edition. 1909 . \V. Hamilton, R. Woodbury and H. Harper: "Physiological

Relationships between Intrathoracic, Intraspinal and Arterial Pressures", The Journal oj the American .lfedical A.ssociation. Volume CVII, September. 1936. page 853.

\Y. Harvey : " Anatomical Studies on the Motion of the Heart and Blood", translated by C. D. Leake, Third Edition.

J. Henle: "Hand buch der systemacischen Anatomie des .Yfe"Kschen", Volume III. 1868 .

.J. Hilton: " Developmental and Functional Relations of Certain Portions or the Cranium", 1855.

J. Hunter: "The Works of John Hunter", edited by J. Palmer , 1837.

F. A . :l<Iettler : "Neuroanatomy", 1942. )!orr is: "Human Anatomy" , Seventh Edition, 1923. J. O'Connell: "The Vascular F acto r in Intracranial Pressure

and the )!aintenance of the Cer ebrospinal Fluid Circulation", Brain, Volume LXVI, Part III, 1943, page 204.

P . Poirier and A. Charpy : ·'Traite d'anatom;e humaine" , Volume II, 1899,

J. Quain: "Elements of Descriptive and Practical Anatomy", 1 28.

\V. Scot t and L. Furlow: "~[yelography with Pantopaque and a ew Technic for its Removal", Radiology, Volume XLIII, Jul y-December , 1944, page 241.

J . Shellshear: "The Venous Drainage of the Head and ::-<eck", Dossier 35, Correspondence Course in Anatomy, Post-Graduate Committee in )!edicine in the University of Sydney.

W . Spalteholz: "Hand-Atlas of Human Anatomy", Volume II, eventh Edition. 1923 ( translated by Barker ).

L. Testut: ·'Traite d' humaine"", Volume I, Third Edition. 1 96.

C. Toldt : " An Atlas of Human Anatomy", Volume II, 1941. L. Weed, L. Flexner and J. Clark: "The Effect of Dis­

location o f Cerebrospinal Fluid upon its Pressure", The American Joun•al of Physiology, Volume C, :-lumber 2, 1932, page 246.





Frorn the Departrnent of Pathology of the University of Adelaide.

THE disease known as idiopathic cardiac hypertrophy w;.ts first descr ibed by Josserand and Gallavardin m in 1901. Within recent years numerous examples of t h e con­dition have been described in adults , including a series of ten cases by Levy and von Glahn, <:> five cases by R eisinger and Blumenthal, '" and eleven cases by Kaplan, Clarke and de Ia Chapelle.<'' In addition, Kugel <•> and Kugel and S toloff'"' and oth ers"" 8

' have reported a similar but not necessarily identical disease in infants.

During t he past year two young men have d ied from the condition at the Royal Adelaide HospitaL The cl in ical and pathological findings are here recorded.

Reports of Cases.

CASE L-J.B., aged twenty years, single, an engineer's apprentice. was admitted to the Royal Adelaide Hospital o n August 29, 1946. under the care of Dr. A. R . Southwood. For two months he had suffered from dizzy turns, and for one month from pain in the left side of the chest. During the week before his admission to hospital this pai n had been con tinuous. Breathlessness on exertion had been present for a n indefinite pel'iod. His sleep had been undisturbed. He had coughed up a quarter of a pint of blood the night before entering hospitaL

On examina tion, the patien t was seen to be a pale youth in so me slight respiratory distress, with a pulse rate ot 112 per mmute and a normal temperature. The blood pressure was 115 millimetres of mercury (systolic ) a nd 90 milll ­mett·e,; (diastolic). The maximal impulse of the heart was in the sixth intercostal space fou r and a half inches from the mid-sternal line. The urine was normal accord ing to the usual ward tests. ::-<o special investigations were carried out.

The patient died after a sudden increase in dyspnrea three days subsequent to his admission to hospitaL

Post -Jiortem Examination .

Autopsy (Post-Mortem Examination ::-<umber 212/46 ) was carried out fifteen hours after dea th by Professor J . B. Cleland.

Jfacroscopic Examination. - The body was that or a fairly thin young man of normal appearance. The heart weighed 30 g-rammes and was great ly hypertrophied a nd somewhat

dilated in all chambers. Large ante-mortem tht·ombi had formed o n the a nterior wall and apex or the left ventricle. At the apex the myocardium was con siderably thinned. ::-<either valvular defects n o r coron a r y disease were present. The endocardium was milky in colour in all chambers . I n

F.G t.;RE l.

Case I; fib ro-e lastic pr oliferation in endocardium ( h..,ma­toxylin and eosin. x 54 0).

the lungs were two small infarcts, one measuring two and a half inches in diam eter,· the other one a nd a halt inches. The lun gs, spleen, kidney and liver were congested, the last - mentioned having a typical nutmeg appearance. The thyreoid, pituitary and supra r en a l glands were normaL The thymus weighed 23 grammes.

Microscopic Examination.-The endocardiu m throughout was much thickened. Immediately subjacen t to it there was a great increa s e in fib ro-e lastic tissue, ex t e nding into bundles of degenerating muscle (Figure I ). In t he myo­cardium were found patchy areas of necrosis which appeared as pale granular material mixed with disintegrating muscle fib res. Various stages of fibrosis were present throughout the muscle. Sometimes the fib rous tissue penetrated between individual necrotic muscle fibres. There was no evidence of inflammatory reaction. Other muscle fib res were less

1 affected. but their cytoplasm co ntained deeply staining granular materiaL The majority of the muscle fibres had large hyperchr omatic nuclei, disto rted into many bizarre s hapes. Often the nuclei were lobed o r spider-like, and invariably they had one concave edge. Many of the muscle cells were separated from their sheaths by a clear space, the appear a nce suggestin g redema. The muscle fibres_

' measured from 171L to 33/L. For the most part the blood