Revision 3

Post on 27-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Revision 3


1. The mathematics’ classes at this _______ difficult. a. universities are b. university is c. university are d. university’s is

2. My cousin is very beautiful. She has green eyes and________.a. long hairb. long hairs c. a long hair d. a long length of hair

3. You have to pay extra if you take too ______ with you. a. much luggages b. many luggages c. much luggage d. many luggage

4. There are about 30 000 species of__________ in the world.a. the fishb. fishesc. items of fishd. fish

5. As we walked through the jungle, the _________ unusually quiet. a. monkeys were b. monkey was c. monkies were d. monkies was

6. There _______in the world today. a. is many new mobile companyb. is many new mobile companies c. are many new mobiles companies d. are many new mobile companies

7. Our weather is cloudy in the winter. We don’t have __________. a. many sunshines b. many sunshine c. much sunshines d. much sunshine

8. Construction workers need ______ to buy a highway. a. an heavy equipment b. a heavy equipments c. a heavy equipment d. heavy equipment

9. Learning ________helpful for your career. a. business is b. businesses are c. business are d. businesses is

10. There _______ in my country. a. are a lot of problem b. is a lot of problems c. are a lot of problems d. is a lot of problem

11. I really need ______. Can we talk? a. some advice b. an advice c. some advices d. advices

12. How ________ of you have ever been to London?a. some b. any c. much d. many

13. Could you check if ___________ on the answering machine?a. there are any call b. there is any calls c. there is any call d. there are any calls

14. . Can I borrow_______ from you? I've left mine at home and I want to write some notes.a. paperb. a paperc. a slice of paper d. a piece of paper

15. The _____________are playing in the garden. a. childrens b. children c. lots of children d. some

16. After the party there was a lot of _____. a. much garbages b. garbagesc. garbaged. many garbage

17. I can't stand the _____ in this city.a. traffic b. trafficsc. large trafficd. crowed traffics

18. Kids today spend so _____ time on the internet! a. much b. many c. a lot of d. someOFFERS AND REQUESTS

1. Which one is INCORRECT?a. Can you open the window?b. Could you open the window?c. Would you help me opening the window?d. May you help me open the window?

2. “Would you mind waiting for us?”a. Yes, I mind.

b. Yes, I willc. No, not at all.d. No, I wouldn’t.

3. Which one is CORRECT?a. Would you mind if I opened the window?b. Would you mind if you open the window?c. Would you mind if opening the windowd. Would you mind I open the window?

4. __________ carry those things for you?a. Would you mindb. Do you wantc. Would you like me tod. all are correct

5. _____________helping us with the delivery note?a. Would you mindb. Would you mind ifc. Do you want me tod. Would you like me to

6. Would you like ________ a message?a. to leaveb. leavingc. leaved. give

7. I would like _________ with you.a. correspondb. correspondingc. correspondedd. to correspond


1. Can we have a date …………….?a. yesterdayb. the next dayc. the day after tomorrowd. tomorrow plus one day

2. I will have a big meeting__________a. tomorrow in the morningb. tomorrow morningc. morning tomorrowd. in tomorrow morning

3. Can we meet __________ Sunday_________ 7 o’clock?a. at- atb. in- onc. on- atd. in- at

4. The exhibition will end ___________next Monday.a. inb. at c. ond. no preposition

5. I have checked my email account _________a few days ago.a. no prepositionb. inc. atd. on

6. People often gather around __________ New Year’s Eve.a. atb. inc. ond. no preposition

7. A few people send cards with religious symbols on them __________ every Easter.a. atb. onc. ind. no preposition

8. In Britain people eat mince pies and Christmas cake ________Christmas Day.a. atb. inc. ond. about

9. __________the 1666s, a great fire broke out in London.a. Inb. Onc. Atd. For

10. It is usually cold________ winter.a. onb. at

c. ind. since

11. The exhibition is ________ Maya. onb. inc. atd. no preposition

12. I don't like walking alone in the streets_________ night.a. onb. inc. atd. no preposition

13. That's okay. The film starts ________ 8:00 inb. atc. ond. no preposition

14. I have to go to a local newspaper_____________ Mondays.a. atb. inc. ond. no preposition

15. Where will you be_______ New Year's Day?a. inb. atc. ond. no preposition

16. I don't usually work___________ the weekend.a. onb. inc. ofd. no preposition

17. We’ll call you ______ this evening. a. onb. inc. no preposition d. at

18. Do you think we will go to Jupiter _____ the future?

a. onb. in c. at d. for

19. Jane went home _____ noon. a. in b. onc. at d. no preposition

20. I have lots of presents _______ my birthday. a. in b. atc. no preposition d. on SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE

1. ________Mr. and Mrs. Parsons __________(drive) to work together every day? a. Do - drive b. Do - drives c. Does - drive d. Does – drives

2. ________your parents normally __________( not have) breakfast at 7:00 a.m? a. Are - have b. Is - having

c. Does - has d. Don’t – have

3. Which kind of computer based training____ the managers_____ (prefer, normally)? a. do - normally prefer b. Does - normally prefer c. do normally - prefer d. do – prefer normally

4. Sarah and Linda _________ (not feed, usually) their pets.a. don’t feed usually b. usually don’t feed c. don’t usually feedd. not feed usually

5. Every morning, she ________ (go, seldom) to school at eight o’clock. a. is seldom going b. seldom goes c. seldom went d. go seldom

6. The car _____(not, belong) to my uncle. a. doesn’t belongb. aren’t belonging c. don’t belong d. not belonging

7. She _________ (yawn, sometime) in English class. a. sometimes yawns b. sometime yawnsc. already yawns d. yawns sometimes

8. He ______ (not, have) a lot of money with him. a. haven’t b. doesn’t havec. hasn’t d. don’t have

9. He ____________(not, like) living in an apartmenta. doesn’t likeb. don’t likec. isn’t liked. like

10. __________Andy _______ (do) the shopping every Sunday?a. Do – dob. does – do c. Do – doesd. Does – does

11. They ___________ (be, never) pleased to see me.a. are never b. never are c. never is d. aren’t never

12. She _____(not be, usually) bad-tempered. a. isn’t usually b. usually isn’t c. is usually not d. usually is not VOCABULARY

1. ________ who get shortlisted for interview will be contacted by the end of the week.a. landlords b. candidates c. consultants d. consumers

2. She’s been on a __________ for 3 months with a firm of accountant.

a. degree subject b. application process b. c. cover letter d. work placement

3. _________ to the local culture can help you win trust.a. adapt b. adaptably c. adapting d. adaptable

4. She lost her __________ with a customer and shouted at him.a. calm b. temper c. satisfaction d. satisfied

5. My father often goes for a _________ with a doctor in health center every six month.a. check- up b. insurance c. handling d. care

6. View the apartment first before you ______ a contracta. sign b. do c. give d. get

7. You can withdraw an ______________ for a job if you think the company isn’t serious.a. apply b. application c. cover letter d. shortlist

8. The __________ normally asks you to pay a sum of money as a deposit.a. landlord b. contract c. overdraft d. landline

9. He is not sure how long he is living in that country; he chooses prepaid packages that allowing .a. landline b. provider c. top-ups d. service

10. I couldn’t afford to buy the house, so I had to arrange an to pay for it.a. deposit b. refund c. overdraft d. credit

11. The staff can be quickly to new working environment.a. adapt b. adaptable c. adaptation d. adapting

12. Tom Hank is on the _____________of great actors of Hollywood. a. shortlist b. assignment c. candidate d. process

13. My boss is at present on ______________ in a foreign country.a. shortlist b. assignment c. candidate d. process

14. The drug was ________ from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects.a. applied b. withdrawn c. handled d. analysed

15. If you want to rent an apartment, you are asked to leave a .a. deposit b. refund c. overdraft d. credit

16. You should _________ the culture of the country you wish to work in.a. handwrite b. adapt c. respect d. withdraw

17. The application process for foreign jobs isn’t clear and easy to understand. a. relevant b. sympathetic c. straightforward d. exceptional

18. If you spend more than you earn, you may have to pay for the ____________ on your account.a. deposit b. refund c. overdraft d. credit

19. Your employer can give you a chance to join an insurance ________ that helps to pay for medical treatmenta. plan b. community c. policy d. scheme

20. In small talk, try to look for topics that you and the speaker have in_______a. purpose b. common c. icebreaker d. conference

21. When you open a bank account, you need to show _______ of identity, earnings and residency. a. proof b. standard c lifestyle d. broadband

22. You can get success in working abroad if you know how to _________ the messages you get about the lifestyle of people in that country.a. adapt b. confirm c. mirror d. reassure

23. We make every effort to gain a ____________ advantage over other rival companies

a. compete b. competition c. competitive d. competition24. Mr. Paul asked me to send him all the _______ information of the project before Monday.

a. inconvenient b. relevant c. convenient d. unique25. The department store aims to maintain high _________ of customer care.

a. standard b. commitment c. quantity d. service26. In this resort you can enjoy all the comfort and _________ of modern tourism.

a. luxurious b. exception c. elegant d. convenience27. In the healthcare company, there are some doctors with ________in dealing with patients suffering

from stress.a. skillful b. notice c. experience d. taste

28. The _________ entitles you to 10% off your next purchase.a. refund b. store card c. money-off voucher d. offer

29. If there is a delay of 12 hours or more, you can receive a full ________ of the tickets.a. overdraft b. special offerc. refund d. alteration

30. Some shops provide __________ for regular customers so that they can buy goods that they will pay for latera. debit cards b. credit cards c. store cards d. special offers

31. The job requires you to __________ all kinds of complaints customers make.a. take out b. deal with c. hang up d. put through

32. If you are___________ with our service, please write to the manager.a. nonsatisfied b. dissatisfied c. dissatisfaction d. unsatisfied

33. They’re offering a 10% _______ on all the sofas this month.a. discount b. refund c. voucher d. special offer

34. The teacher tried to _________ her, but she still felt anxious.a. calm b. reassure c. confirm d. sympathize

35. The manager calls to ___________ that the meeting will take place next week.a. agree b. reassure c. confirm d. persuade

36. If the dress doesn’t fit, take it back and the store will_______ for another.a. refund b. exchange c. consult d. discount

37. It’s a bit difficult to __________ customers to accept your solutions.a. persuade b. agree c. deal with d. handle

38. As an operator, you’ll receive a lot of calls, so you’ll need a friendly, polite ________.a. outgoing personality b. interpersonal skill c. telephone manner d. listening

39. If you have __________, you are friendly and enjoy talking to people.a. outgoing personality b. interpersonal skill c. telephone manner d. listening skill

40. Once you and customer agree on a _________, confirm it to make sure what has been decided.a. temper b. discount c. solution d. satisfaction

41. In most countries you have to pay _____ medical treatment.a. off b. for c. out d. into

42. She finds an apartment in the city centre to ___________.a. rent b. borrow c. hire d. raise

43. I’ll put you through__________ our sales department.a. for b. in c. to d. of

44. There are many mobile phone __________ to choose from.

a. providers b. schemes c. service d. manners45. If you go to the USA, make sure you take ______ medical treatment.

a. out b. of c. into d. over46. Your ________ might help you to find an apartment when you first arrive to do a job in a new country.

a. employ b. employer c. employee d. landlord47. Can you suggest an ________ for the problem?

a. explain b. explaining c. explanation d. explaination48. Some staff members are specially trained as __________ to make recommendations to customers.

a. sales assistant b. operatorsc. consultants d. candidates

49. Any payments you make with your credit card are automatically ________from your account.a. paid b. withdrawn c. applied d. deducted

50. As you’re leaving the country, you can _____________ your phone service.a. withdraw from b. cut offc. take out d. pay off

51. I’m afraid I have to _________ now because I have to attend the meeting.a. cut off b. put on hold c. put through d. hang up

52. The job needs face-to-face communication, so you must have strong _________ skill.a. telephone b. listening c. interpersonal d. persuasion

53. Mrs. Rose is calling about the late _________ of the new computer she’s bought.a. sending b. delivery c. alteration d. wrapping

54. Breuninger offers __________ facilities for children to play and paint while their parents go shopping.a. beauty salon b. hairdresser’s c. childcare d. take-care-of

55. When students graduate from university, many of them may feel that their degree __________ haven’t prepared them well for their job.

a) levelsb) certificatesc) laddersd) subjects

56. A work ________ abroad can give you a great chance to climb the career ladder.a) placeb) chancec) career d) placement

57. When applying for a job, you need to know whether to send a __________ letter with your CV or not.

a) progressb) subjectc) placementd) cover

58. Once you’ve chosen where you want to look for work, it’s a good idea to find out about the application __________.

a) CVb) bossc) ladderd) process

59. If you are fortunate enough, you’ll be one of the __________ to be chosen.a) victimsb) candidates c) employersd) application

60. You can find a job by using an international __________ agency, who will help you with all these things as well as informing you what jobs are available internationally

a) jobb) work c) recruitment d) employment

61. Before you ____________ a complaint, it’s important that you are absolutely clear about why you are unhappy.

a) makeb) takec) seed) hear

62. When customers are ____________ with the way they were treated, they will complain to the company.

a) happyb) apologizedc) dissatisfied d) applied

63. Customer services often have to deal with complaints of customers about late __________.a) comersb) delivery c) interviewsd) stationery

64. Whatever the problem is, you should _____________ the customer first, then try to solve the problem.

a) apologize b) explainc) blamed) phone

65. One of the solutions when there’s a problem with a product is a full _________ of money.

a) payb) receivec) delivery d) refund

66. When you speak to the customers, try not to lose your ___________.a) moneyb) temper c) voiced) time

67. You may need to talk to the customer a long time before you can agree on a ____________. a) subjectb) situationc) problemd) solution

68. Before ending the call with the customer, remember to ____________ them for their help.a) thank b) blamec) apologized) pay

69. After the flood, the government declared a state of________________.a) droughtsb) overdraftc) emergency d) economics

70. Don’t sign any_____________ before examining its condition carefully.a) peopleb) contract c) temperd) requirements

71. You can join in the insurance _____________ of your company.a) scheme b) paymentc) contractd) relation

72. When you want to find out any disease you have, you may need to have a ___________ .a) policyb) contractc) check-up d) medicine

73. _____- paid package is the service which you have to pay first, then use later.a) Preb) Postc) Ind) Out

74. When you move out of a flat, your landlord will check the ________________.a) listb) inventory c) accountd) insurance

75. You need to check that there is __________ access in the area where you live to connect to the Internet.

a) educationb) broadband c) USBd) game

76. You need to be ___________________ with a doctor to get medical treatment.a) familiarb) introducedc) payable d) registered

77. Most employers include medical insurance as part of their ____________ package.a) moneyb) employment c) mobile phone d) accommodation

78. Every month, you will have to pay the ___________ bills for water, electricity, gas, …a) utility b) userc) usingd) utilizing

79. Before you buy a house, you often have to give a large _________ to the landlord.a) deposit b) contractc) accountd) bill

80. Telephone ____________ is the way you speak on the phone.a) habit

b) manner c) attituded) skill

81. Most insurance companies need employees who have good ________ skills.a) interculturalb) interruptingc) interpersonal d) intermediate

82. If you have ____________ personality, you are friendly and enjoy talking to people.a) inwardb) outgoingc) forwardd) upcoming

83. If you want to work for a healthcare company, you’ll need the ability to be __________.a) reasonableb) frustratingc) convenient d) reassuring

84. When dealing with complaints of the customers, you should show that you _______ with their problems.

a) personalizeb) sympathize c) apologized) customize

85. It’s a good idea to confirm __________ before you end a phone call.a) assignmentsb) developmentc) arrangements d) treatment

86. You need to listen carefully and try not to _________ the customers when they are talking on the phone.

a) joinb) interrupt c) persuaded) resolve

87. I made a reservation for a room in your hotel yesterday, but the room was being used when we arrived. I think that room was __________ – booked.

a) repeatedb) again

c) doubled) twice

88. The photocopier doesn’t work anymore. It’s ______ down again.a) broken b) fallenc) droppedd) let

89. After you have solved the problems, let the customers ___________ up first.a) holdb) topc) taked) hang

90. I like the ________ of living so near my school.a) progressb) encounterc) convenience d) component

91. __________ is the legal ending of a marriage.a) Weddingb) Separationc) Divorce d) Engagement

92. I really want to work for that company, but there are no __________ at the moment.a) placesb) relationsc) vacancies d) candidates

93. I need to __________ my student loan so I want to find a part-time job.a) haveb) findc) repay d) refund

94. You might have to pay two month’s ____________ as a deposit before you move into a flat.a) loanb) rent c) moneyd) service

95. These days, there are natural disasters in many places, such as ______________, flood, and tsunamis…

a) shoutb) droughtc) cloudd) brought 96. I’m trying to work hard in my work placement so that I can get a good ________ after I leave this

company.a) adviceb) directorc) reference d) temper

97. Customers want to know that their products are of high quality and __________.a) refundableb) reliable c) serious d) sincere

98. There are ___________ fitting rooms in many fashion shops.a) luxuryb) private c) estimate d) unique

99. Breuninger is a chain of upmarket department stores which serve __________ customers.a) ordinaryb) carefulc) luxury d) excellent

100. With ___________ services, you can change the clothes that don’t fit you.a) customerb) alteration c) made-to-measured) tailoring

101. He didn’t want to apply for that job, but finally he did because his wife _________ him to do so.

a) persuadedb) confirmedc) blamedd) explained

102. We have __________ out of coffee. We should buy some more.a) run

b) gonec) got d) taken

103. __________ –profile companies often appear in newspapers or on TV.a) Goodb) Realc) High d) Hard

104. A(n) ____________ is a list of things to be discussed in a conference.a) timetableb) schedulec) agenda d) brochure

105. There are often __________on New Year’s Eve.a) fireplacesb) fireworks c) fine artsd) word arts

106. The injury has forced him to ________ from the competition.a) withdrawb) receivec) relocated) abstract

107. His scores were extremely good.a) exceptional b) terriblec) potentiald) relevant

108. You can be blind for a long time. I’m really sorry for your __________blindness but I’ve tried

my hardest.a) temporaryb) convenientc) permanent d) potential


Text 1 : Read the following letter and choose the best answer:

Dear Customer Service,

I am writing about an order I made from the Fleetwood Fashions catalog over a month ago, which I have not yet received. When I called to order two new purses and several spring shirts, the customer service representative assured me that there was sufficient inventory on hand to fulfill the order. He told me that it would be shipped before the end of the week and that I would receive it within ten days. When I still had not received the shipment after 14 days, I called the company. The customer service representative checked die ordering information on the computer, and we discovered that my address had not been accurately recorded. He promised to reship the order with my correct address and told me I would receive it within ten days. That was over two weeks ago, and I still have not received the shipment. I cannot understand this. Perhaps the carrier that you use is not reliable. I am not sure whether I will make an order from your company again. However, this is the second time I have had a problem with an order, and I don't want this to happen again. Please cancel my order #20857631. Thank you.Sincerely,

Lucinda Walker

1. When did Lucinda Walker make an order from Fleetwood Fashions?(A) Last week.(B) Ten days ago.(C) Fourteen days ago.(D) Last month.

2. What did she order?(A) Purses.(B) Skirts.(C) Shoes.(D) Dresses.

3. What is the problem with her order?(A) The price is unreasonable.(B) The dress size is wrong.(C) She hasn't received it yet.(D) It contained the wrong merchandise.

4. The word fulfill is closest in meaning to(A) pay for(B) complete(C) send(D) receive

5. The word carrier is closest in meaning to(A) communication(B) employee(C) transporter

(D) operator

Text 2: Read the following memo and choose the best answer:

To: All store staff From: Bill Jones, manager Re: Next week

This is a reminder that we will be closing the store for two days at the end of next week, Friday and Saturday, for inventory. This is a long and tedious job, and we will need the assistance of each and every one of you to get it done. Therefore, no vacation days will be granted during that time. During the inventory process, we will verify the numbers in our computer files, clear up any discrepancies we may find, and adjust our records as necessary. We need to make sure that our records accurately reflect the stock that we actually have on hand. When you report to work on Thursday, your supervisor will give you your assignment. Some of you will be required to work in the stockroom taking a physical count, and others will be asked to work in the office entering data on the computers. We won't reopen the store until the following Tuesday since Monday is a national holiday. I hope that will give you a chance to rest up a bit after the big job. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this crucial work.

1. Why will the store close next week?(A) Everyone will be on vacation.(B) They need to count their stock.(C) The staff members need a rest.(D) There will be a computer training session.

2. Who will give the assignments?(A) The manager.(B) The assistants.(C) The supervisors.(D) The record keeper.

3. When will the store open again?(A) Monday.(B) Tuesday.(C) Thursday.(D) Friday.

4. The word adjust is closest in meaning to(A) enter(B) write(C) change(D) create

5. The word crucial is closest in meaning to(A) important

(B) boring(C) difficult(D) lengthy

Text 3: Read the following brochure and choose the best answer:

Western Train Adventure

This comprehensive travel package includes round-trip train fare with sleeping car accommodations, deluxe hotel accommodations and meals at all overnight stops, and guided tours of selected cities along the way. In addition, your train ticket entitles you to three meals a day in the dining car or snack car while on board the train. We will travel through some remote1 areas with spectacular scenery. Every morning, a professional guide will provide information about the geology, natural history, and flora and fauna native to the areas we will travel through. You can spend the remainder of the day relaxing in your seat, chatting with your fellow passengers, or viewing movies. They will be shown twice a day in the lounge car, following lunch and dinner. An optional boat excursion to Victoria Island will be available at the western end of the trip for an extra fee. This special excursion is two days in duration and must be reserved and paid for two weeks prior to the trip departure date. The following trip departure elates are available:June 7 June28 July 21August 8See your travel agent for reservations, or visit our web site at

1. Who is this information for?(A) Travel agents.(B) Tour guides.(C) Vacationers.(D) Business travelers.

2. Where can passengers watch movies?(A) In the dining car.(B) In the lounge car.(C) In the sleeping car.(D) In the snack car.

3. What is NOT included in the price of the travel package?(A) Hotel accommodations.(B) Meals.(C) Guided tours.(D) A trip to an island.

4. The word comprehensive is closest in meaning to(A) inclusive ( word change suggested ) (B) selected(C) reserved(D) popular

5. The word entitles is closest in meaning to(A) suggest(B) reminds(C) expects(D) qualifies

Text 6

Are you setting up a small business? Worried about the costs of renting office space and employing the right people? Rebus Virtual Office World can help you. With our Basic Office Deal, we can set up a virtual office for you practically overnight. We will give your business a professional image and our polite, friendly staff will handle your calls and present your business in the best possible way. We can provide you with: a professional business address, a local phone number and we will also handle mail. For a more personal approach, with the option of forwarding mail and messages to your home address, don’t hesitate to ask us about our Premier Office Deals.

1. Where is the text from?

a. A message from a business to a current clientb. An advertisement for a new business service c. An email from one business worker to another d. A newspaper article about a new business’s success

2 .  What does the service provide?

a. Off-site staff to perform general office duties b. A site where several businesses can locate their officesc. Advice on how to make your business more professionald. Temporary staff for local businesses

3 . Which of the following is NOT included in the Basic Office deal?

a. A polite receptionistb. A mail-forwarding service c. A professional addressd. A telephone-answering service

4. What does “setting up” in the paragraph mean?a. Creating or starting b. Buildingc. Settingd. Establishing

5. Which is really the name of the company?a. Rebus Virtual Office World b. Basic Office Deal

c. Premier Office Dealsd. None of themDear Frank,

My garden club meeting will finish late today, about an hour later than normal. After that, I have to go to the post office to buy some stamps. I will also get some milk because we have none left. Could you please start dinner? I will probably be too late to do it. If my brother calls, could you tell him that I will call him back tonight.

See you later, Cindy

To: Cindy01@netnet.comFrom: Frank22@netnet.comRe: Dinner

Hey Cindy,

No problem, I will finish work a little earlier today so I can get dinner ready. How does spaghetti sound? Don’t worry about milk, I will buy some on my way home.

Enjoy your club meeting. See you at home tonight. Frank

26. What club does Cindy belong to? a. The garden club b. the stamp-collecting clubc. the dinner clubd. the movie club

27. Where does Cindy have to go after her meeting?a. To the officeb. To the bankc. To the gas stationd. To the post office

28. What should Frank do?a. Take out the garbageb. Start dinnerc. Buy some stamps d. Go to the post office

29. After reading these emails, who is going to buy milk?a. Cindyb. Frankc. Both Frank and Cindyd. Neither Frank nor Cindy