Revisi Miss Rima Ok

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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revisi tentang vocabulary dan grammar eror

Transcript of Revisi Miss Rima Ok



1.1 Background of Problem

Nowadays, Indonesian people live in the era of globalization, era of

information and era of competitiveness, so they need to master English as a

means of communication. In other words, English education should be

improved therefore students should be familiar with English.

English is essential to be taught for the younger people, for this case;

students from the beginner up to the senior high school. Developing the

student’s ability in mastering English cannot be separated from vocabulary

mastery, because it can be a measurement of student’s understanding in


Vocabulary is one of the important elements in teaching English. As

Hatch and Brown (1995:1) mention that, vocabulary is the foundation to build

languages, which plays a fundamental role in Communication it. Thus by

mastering vocabulary people can express their ideas and understand the other

basic competence well. Students of Junior high school study Basic English.

They study about simple words or things in their surroundings, it is aimed

that students are able to understand simple English used in daily context.

Moreover, it is difficult to master the other competence without

understanding the vocabulary, because vocabulary is the basic competences


that must be reach by students in order to get other competencies like reading,

writing, listening, and speaking

When doing teaching field Experience Program (PPLK) at MTsN 1

Kota Serang, the researcher found that students have some difficulties in

learning English, especially in mastering vocabulary. The researcher found

several problems about student’s vocabulary mastery such as difficulties in

the meaning of words, memorizing the vocabulary in a large amount and

forget them easily, difficulties in pronouncing words correctly, and the

students could not spell the words correctly. It can be concluded that in

general students have difficulties in accepting and expressing ideas, thoughts,

and feelings, both in oral communication and written, because the students at

MTsN 1 Kota Serang have limited vocabulary. The lack of vocabulary

mastery of the English language affects the ability of the student’s language

skills. Therefore we should encourages and supports English teachers at the

school to further develop the teaching strategies and techniques and by

applying teaching methods to be good to improve the quality and quantity of

student’s English vocabulary. In this case, Brown (2000:8) said that

“Teaching will spell out governing principles for choosing certain methods

and technique”.

One away to overcome this problem is the teacher can be done by

improving or develops the teaching materials and use appropriate media and

techniques of teaching. Many kinds of the media we can use for teaching

vocabulary such as video, posters, tapes, comics, pictures, movies, flash cards


and so on. The researcher chooses flash card as media. Azhar (1997) states

that flash card is a simple picture on a piece of card or paper, which is

probably the most widely used visual aids in language teaching. It means that

flashcard is of media which can help the teacher to teach English easily. Flash

cards in teaching vocabulary are very simple visual aids and the teacher can

make the students more active during the teaching learning process.

Flashcards are some kinds of media that can be used by the teacher in the

classroom. They can increase their span of attention and concentration to

study new words in English. Flash cards can be used for consolidating

vocabulary, practicing structure and words order or a variety of games and

Flash card also a common and popular learning strategy, fast and easy to


Based on the reason above, the researcher would like to conduct a

research entitled “Improving student’s vocabulary mastery by using flash card

at the seventh grade of MTsN 1 Kota Serang.’’

1. 2 Identification of the problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher would

identify the problem as follows:

1. Students difficult to mastery vocabulary

2. Students difficult in the meaning of words


3. Students difficult memorizing the vocabulary in a large amount and forget

them easily

4. Students difficult in pronouncing words correctly

5. Students could not spell the words correctly

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, the researcher limits

this research only on improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using flash

card at the seventh grade of MTsN l Kota Serang

1.4 Formulation of the Problem

Refer to the limitation of the problem above; the researcher

formulates the problem as follows:

1. How is the process of teaching vocabulary mastery by using flash card at

the seventh grade of MTsN 1 Kota Serang?

2. How is the improvement of student’s vocabulary mastery by using flash

cards at the seven grade of MTsN 1 Kota Serang?

1.5 Objectives of the Research

In general, this research is proposed to improve the students’

vocabulary mastery by using flash cards of class. Particularly, in accordance

with the problem formulation above, the objectives of the research are:


1) To describe the process of teaching students’ vocabulary mastery by using

flash cards at seventh grade of MTsN 1 Kota Serang

2) To find out the result of teaching vocabulary mastery by using flash cards

at seventh grade of MTsN 1 Kota Serang

1.6 Scope of the Research

The scope of the research is about improving student’s vocabulary

mastery by using flash card. In this case, students are given explanation about

how to get new meaning vocabulary by using flash card. The students look at

the picture and the meaning of vocabulary based on flash card given. This

research takes seventh A class students in MTsN 1 Kota Serang as the


1.7 Uses of the Research

The uses of this research are as follow:

A. Theoretical Uses

1. The result of this research can be used as an input in teaching learning

process especially in study vocabulary.

2. The result of the research can be useful in improving student’s

vocabulary mastery by using flash card.


B. Practical Uses

1. For the English teacher

To predict the result of this research later can be used to consider

whether teaching English by using flash card can improve students’

vocabulary mastery.

2. For the students

Teaching vocabulary by using flash card hopefully encourages their

mastering vocabulary.

1.8 Operational Definition

To make the little clear, the writer would like to give some definitions

of these words:

1.8.1 Vocabulary

According to Jhon (2006:6) vocabulary knowledge involves

knowing the meanings of words and therefore the purpose of vocabulary test

is to find out the learner can match word with a synonym a dictionary – tape

definition or in equivalent word in their own language. Without vocabulary

there will no communication, since vocabulary is the basic from in

communicating. The acquisition of vocabulary is the important thing in other

to get will communication for people


1.8.2 Flash Cards

According to Hill (197: 197) flash cards is the picture or words and

attempts to recall the second language word, the flash card may have a

picture or the native language word on one side and second language word

on the other. The student sees the picture or word and attempts to recall the

second language word. The cards are show to the students, who attempt to

pronounce what they see. Flash cards can be used for consolidating

vocabulary, practicing structure and words order or a variety of games and

Flash card also a common and popular learning strategy, fast and easy to.

1.9. Organization of the Paper

This research proposal is organized in three chapters, as follows:

Chapter one is introduction, which covers background of the study,

identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the

problem, objectives of the research, Scope of the research, uses of the

research, operational definition and organization of the paper.

Chapter two is theoretical framework, the concept of vocabulary,

definition of vocabulary, kind of vocabulary, the use of vocabulary, media,

flash cards, and teaching vocabulary through flash cards, pervious study.

Chapter three is methodology of research, research design, the subject

and setting of the research, researcher procedure, data collecting technique,


test, observation, documentation, research instrument, data analysis,

quantitative data analysis technique, qualitative data analysis technique.




2.1 The Concept of Vocabulary

2.1.1 Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the language components, which is important in

learning English. A person's vocabulary is the set of words they are familiar

with in a language. A vocabulary usually grows and evolves with age, and

serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring

knowledge. Nunan (1998:117) said that one of the most influential linguists

of the day went so far as to argue that vocabulary was the easiest aspects of

second language to learn and that it hardly required formal attention in the

classroom. One of the most influential structural languages is currently in

vocabulary, vocabulary is the most important aspect is easy to learn a second

language and that it desperately needs formal attention in class. Language

teaching specialists generally agree that vocabulary is one of the most

important aspects for foreign language learners to acquire since it is critical in

conveying the meaning of a message.

According to Jordan (1997: 149) said that vocabulary knowledge is

the single most important area of second language competence regarding

academic achievement. The expansion and elaboration of vocabularies is


something that extends across a lifetime. Although vocabulary is the one that

is emphasized, it does not mean other kinds of language components-

grammar and pronunciation-are less important. All of these aspects are

learned together, because they are attached one to another.

In the above opinion says that Languages play an important role in

communication. It is impossible to make communication through language

without mastery the vocabulary. The people should have enough vocabulary

before they are able to use a language. It means that vocabulary is an essential

element of language which we use in communication. Vocabulary is

extremely large and also varies. Nobody ever learns all the words in any

language, but they can enlarge the number of words they have. Larger

vocabulary the students have can help them in many ways; students’ reading

ability and writing ability will improve as they learn new words, and the more

words they know the better their chance will be to do well on the vocabulary

questions, in the school. Therefore, it is highly essential for English teacher to

help their students in mastering vocabulary along with grammar and


2.1.2 Kind of Vocabulary

There are many classifications made by the experts in language area

about the types of vocabulary. Vocabulary into two parts, namely: general

vocabulary and special vocabulary. The general vocabulary is the words that

are used in general; there is no limited of field and user. Whereas special


vocabulary, is the words that are used in the certain field or job, profession or

special science and technology. There are some differences in the number of

words that are used by and understood by the students.

Schmitt and McCarthy (1997:11) Field classified vocabulary into:

Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary.

a) Receptive Vocabulary: It is the words that the students understand when

they listen to speech and when they read. The term receptive vocabulary

is used to refer to listening and reading vocabularies.

b) Expressive Vocabulary: It is the words that the students use when they

speak and write. The term expressive vocabulary is used to refer to both

since these are the vocabularies they use to express themselves.

According to Nation (2000:7) vocabulary divided into four levels

largely on the basis of how often in the language (its frequency) and how

widely it occurs (its range). There are:

a. High frequency words; this words usually used very frequently in all

kinds of uses of language. In high frequency words, there are several

types of words, function words, content words, and common words.

b. Academic words; this words widely used within that specialized area.

c. Technical words; these words also used in particular area

d. Low frequency words. It’s not occurring very frequently


Therefore, in teaching learning vocabulary the teacher must take an

appropriate teaching material based on the students need, curriculum and the

level of the students itself. Especially in teaching vocabulary, there are many

word assess the use in language learning. It can be seen in high frequency

words such as faction words, contents words, and common words. In teaching

vocabulary for junior high school, the students much needs content words to

be learnt. Harmer (2001: 229) there is several kinds of content words:

a. Noun

Noun is any a class of words naming or denoting a person, thing, place,

action or quality, for example: doctor, park, talking, and chair

b. Adjective

Adjective is any a class of words use to modify or other substantive. For

example: big, little, good, beautiful

c. Adverb

Adverb is any of a class words use generally to modify a verb, an

adjective, another adverb, a phrase, or a clause by expressing time, place,

meaner, degree, and cause. For example: fast, careful, yesterday, now.


d. Verb

Verb is any of a class of words expressing action, existence, or occurrence,

or use as an auxiliary or copula, and usually constituting the main element

of predicate. For example: give, build, have, do and sing

Vocabulary also contains of noun, adjective, verb and adverb. In

mastering vocabulary, there are many games which are appropriate for use

with the collections of vocabulary items. The games can be applied on the

board to help the students to enrich their vocabulary well. Jordan R (1997:

153) said that there can be different attitudes towards the teaching / learning

of sub technical vocabulary. One attitude is that students need to be aware of

and learn the general meaning of the words – such as: function, factor, point –

as they are more likely to know a specialist meaning from their own studies.

The other approach is that the meaning / use of the words need to be learned

in the English for academic purposes context as this is the most frequent need

the students will have for using it can be argued that both approaches are

valid it will depend on the students needs

From the explanation above, we know that every expert in every

book is different in classifying the kinds of vocabulary, because every person

has different ways in showing and telling their opinions and ideas. This

means that the vocabulary contains many kinds of function and content



In this research, the researcher will use receptive vocabulary and

content word a noun, because learning vocabulary at junior high school will

be much better to use a receptive or comprehensions and the content word a

noun. In teaching English at junior high school especially in first grade to

introduce a content word noun become that they are easy to learn and easy to

memorizing. Receptive is the words that the students understand when they

listen to speech and when they read. The term receptive vocabulary is used to

refer to listening and reading vocabularies. Vocabulary consists of the words

that are understood by the people, when they read or hear. When students at a

higher level such as the intermediate or advanced level studies of receptive

vocabulary more useful.

2.1.3 The Use of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is important in case it could help the students to enjoy

their classes. One who masters enough vocabulary will find fewer difficulties

than those who have fewer vocabularies. When they read a certain text, they

will easily get the information from it since they can understand every word

in the text. On the others hand, those who lack of vocabulary will face a lot of

problems. Mastery of vocabulary will be useful for the process of achieving

language- teaching objectives. That is the mastery of language skills

(Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing). If we want to communicate with

others in certain language, we must master the language they belong to

especially to know enough vocabulary of those language. Harmer (2002: 14)

said that recognition of the meaning making potential of words meant that


vocabulary became a learning objective in its own right. Words are the basic

unit of language from supports it. Without vocabulary, one cannot

communicate too effectively or express idea. He also states that having a

limited vocabulary is also a barrier. Furthermore, vocabulary like grammar is

an essential component of all uses of language

2.1 Media

Before going to discuss flash card as teaching media, the writer would

discuss what the meaning of media. As everybody knows language is as a

means to convey ideas, opinions, and feeling among the people by oral or

written ways. One of the languages which are often used as a means of

communication is English. It become dominant language around the world

and now more and more people use English as an international language.

Using media in language teaching process is one of the common things to

achieve the goal of learning in the school; teacher should makes variety in

teaching with using interesting media to make students not get bored.

Certainly, using media in teaching language is technological innovations that

prevail in nowadays to help teacher giving information or transfer knowledge

to the students. Azhar (1997) says ‘’Media as a communication tool in order

to more effectively the learning process. They enable teachers to meet various

needs and interests of their students”.

Therefore, the components of teaching learning process are related to

one another. One of them is media. Using media is helpful in the teaching


learning process to transfer the material to the students; one of the important

things to use media can make the students more interesting and motivate them

in learning the subject. Beside that media can make learning activity more

communicate and interactive between teacher and the students. It will

stimulate student’s sense in receiving the material, at least student more give

attention to the teacher and class activities, even they will involved it in.

2.3 Flash Cards

Flash cards are helpful in the acquisition of new vocabulary words. A

way to develop this is to take a pack of cards related more/less to one topic

and devise a situation in which the learner has to use at least some of the

words they see on the cards. This is efficient with the students at the seven

grades of junior high school and really fun. To summarize briefly, flash card

can act as prompts, cues, and a mnemonic, a non verbal form of

communication, like Cuisenaire rods to show structure, so it can bring much

joy and give opportunities to remember the word easily. Flash cards also a

common and popular learning strategy, fast and easy to learn. Hill (1974:

197) the flash card may have a picture or the native language word on one

side and second language word on the other said that it can be identified by

underlining the appropriate letters in the word. Properly designed and used

flash cards can be very helpful in teaching and studying a language.


The flash cards can be used at the beginning of a unit to present and

practice new vocabulary. Mukalel (2004:147) stated that, flash cards are

small cards, big enough to carry on it:

1. Part of sentences

2. Phrases

3. Single words

4. Minimal pairs and so on

Flash cards are useful for drilling new letters, syllables, words, and

other information. They are normally used in a classroom, but can also be

used more informally. A flashcard or flash card is a set of cards bearing

information, as words or numbers, on either or both sides, used in classroom

drills or in private study. Flash cards can bear vocabulary, historical dates,

formulas or any subject matter that can be learned via a question and answer

format. Flash cards are widely used as a learning drill to aid memorization by

way of spaced repetition.

Flash cards is a set of card information, as words or numbers, on

either or both sides, which is used as a learning exercise to aid memorization

by way of repetition. Flash card is one type of media images. Picture have

been used for centuries to help students understand various aspects to foreign


languages, picture have a role to play in the teaching of meaning even in

translation methods. Roger (2007: 137)

2. 4 Teaching Vocabulary through Flash Cards

Method and instructional media will be effective and efficient after

the teacher uses cards in teaching English to students of junior high school.

The writer taught the students by using cards, fortunately the students

understood better, compared to the students who learn vocabulary without

cards. Teacher, who uses instructional media like cards in teaching learning

process, will make students to have easier understanding especially in

understanding vocabulary. Learning from word card might be the simplest

strategy of learning vocabulary. Nation (2001) describes this strategy in

Learning Vocabulary in Another Language that a learner writes the foreign

word on one side of a small card, and its translation of the first language on

the other. The learner goes through a set of cards and tries to recall its


According to Nation (2007) the most important things that a teacher

can do are to plan the opportunities for learning and the plan what vocabulary

will get attention. A very useful guide when planning is to see the program as

consisting of four equally balance stands there are meaning focused input,

meaning focused output, language focused learning and fluency development.

Teacher as facilitator should accommodate their students by finding out some

interesting ways of teaching, in order to make the students interested to the


lesson, teachers can use teaching aids for teaching grammar since most

children like pictures there is an advantages to teach them using visual aids,

so that they are interested to the lesson. Moreover, they are eager to learn

more about English grammar. Some of the examples of teaching aid’s

advantages are: to attract student’s attention to the lesson, visual aids are easy

to prepared (so that everyone can make flash cards by drawing any

illustration according to the purpose teaching),

Flash cards are a great language learning tool. As the old saying goes,

“one picture is worth a thousand words”. But how do you use them

effectively? Here are some of the ideas along that line. If you are using the

flash cards to drill vocabulary start off by sitting in front of the class so that

the whole class can see the cards easily and go through the drill. After the

students start to get an idea of what the cards are, you can start to just flash

the cards for a second and the students have to tell you what the card is. That

is why they are called flash cards. As the students become more familiar with

the cards, you can shorten the time of the flash. Hill (1974: 197). The flash

cards may have a picture or the native language word on one side and the

second language word on the other. The student sees the picture or word and

attempts to recall the second language word. He cheeks his response against

the back of the card. And it can create class activities fresher.

According to Haycraft (1978: 102) and Cross (1991: 120) there are

some advantages of using flash cards in language teaching. They are namely:

a) Flash cards can be used for consolidating vocabulary; b) Flash cards are


effective that can be used for any level students; c) Flash cards can be taken

almost everywhere and studied when area has free moment; d) Flash cards

can be arranged to create logical grouping of the target words; e) Flash cards

are cost effective/inexpensive and f) Flash cards also can be used for

practicing structure and word order or for a variety of games.

Based on the explanations above, it can be concluded that flash cards

have many advantages when used in teaching learning process. Flash cards

have a great power in motivating and stimulating the students. Meanwhile,

flash cards are easy media to help students and teacher in learning process,

especially to teach the students of junior high school. Teacher can use it at

any time and in any situation when he wants to teach.

On the other hands flash cards have some disadvantages such as: this

system is only effective for small class (the number of students up to 5 or 10

students), and because the system in using pattern drill, it is quite possible

than they are not able to use sentences out of the pattern drill. So, in acquiring

vocabulary students should not be told more about the meaning of words than

they need to know to understand the context so that they do not get confused.

In this case, the writer takes flash cards as the media to conduct the students.

In learning vocabulary by using media flash Cards there are

advantages and disadvantage but, we can see in process learning Vocabulary

by using flash card the students can be fun, colorful, and creative way to aid

in memory and retention of vocabulary words. Flash cards are a tried and


tested teaching and learning device inside and outside the classroom, for kids

and adults alike. Some of these flash cards are designed to perfect your

English while others can help you learn a new language entirely. The key to

using flash cards is to look at the word or definition on one side, and test

yourself to see if you can remember the answer written on the other. So you

can perfect your knowledge of the vocabulary on the list and improve your

overall vocabulary.

2.5 Previous Study

There are some studies relate to this research. As the comparison of

this research, here is some research of teaching vocabulary by using flash

card. The first, researcher who uses flash cards is Amalia Fitrianingsih

(7316090148). Entitled “Increasing Vocabulary Mastery by using Flash

Cards at Perwira Bekasi Barat”. She uses flash cards to improve the student’s

vocabulary mastery of the four grades at Elementary school students in

academic year 2010/ 2011. She uses classroom action research consist of two

cycles by using observation, questionnaire, and test (pre test and post test) as

a research instrument in her research. The result showed that the use of flash

card as instructional media is very good. Students are easy to understand and

helped to generate their new vocabulary easily.

The second is research done by Siti Aisyah (08220273) /

(2011/2012), entitled “The teaching English Vocabulary to pre-school

students through flash cards and songs at Ranurrohman Padakasih Cimahi”.


She used quasi experimental method. In her research, she used flash cards and

songs in teaching vocabulary and he found that flash cards and song can

increase of the students’ ability in teaching vocabulary. In collecting data she

gave pretest and posttest to the students.

Referring to the previous research above, equation in this study we

teach vocabulary by using flash card but here researchers have different

method. Here the researcher uses classroom action research of two cycles by

using test (pre test and post test), observation, and documentation and for

instrument the researcher uses easy, but they are method uses classroom

action research and quasi experimental method, if amalia research she uses

classroom action research consist two cycles by using test (pre test and post

test), observation, questioner and documentation, for instrument she uses

multiple choice. If siti she uses quasi experimental she uses test (pre test and

post test) and for instrument she uses esay and multiple choice.

Teaching vocabulary by using flash cards is effective technique in

teaching English especially in teaching vocabulary. The result showed that

the flash card as instructional media is very good. Students are easy to

understand and helped to generate their ideas easily and can easy to

memorizing new words the vocabulary.




3.1 Research Design

This research will use qualitative research to implement the action

research. The action research will support by the data, in this case the result

of the students’ test. The main of qualitative research will search the

information and assess students’ vocabulary mastery and quantitative

research will support the qualitative data.

Each cycle consists of two meetings. According by Arikunto

(2010:129) that classroom action research is research about things that

happen in the community or target group, and the results can be applied to the

relevant. Thus, a classroom action research is a process of application which

is done by the researcher to make changes in the classroom. The

implementation Classroom Action Research (CAR) is conducted research

methodology the following four steps: (1) planning, (2) acting, (3) observing,

and (4) reflecting. The following is the design of picture:


Picture 3.1

Classroom Action Research Step by Kemmis and Mc Taggart 1988 in

Arikunto (2010: 132)

3.2 The Subject and Setting of the Research

This research will conduct the research in Junior High School. The

research chooses the seventh grade of the students in MTsN 1 Kota Sereang

and one of those classes as the sample of the research. The class is VII /A

which consists of 40 students. It is chosen is because the students in class VII

A have difficulties and problem in vocabulary. So, the research has purpose

to improve students vocabulary mastery.


The settings of the research are:

1) Determining the research subject.

2) Providing the instrument of collecting data such as table observation guide

to identify the expectation in class.

3) Asking the students about vocabulary in order one of the picture by using

flash card

4) Observing the class six times meeting to decide whether flash card to

improve the students’ mastery vocabulary.

5) Writing note at each meeting.

6) Taking the photos as evidence.

7) Distributing the questionnaire.

8) Taking the documentation.

9) Analyzing the result of test, observation and documentation.

10) Explaining the result descriptively by using data verification.

3.3 Research Procedure

The design of action research in this research will consists of two

cycles which is related each other and continuity. Each cycle consists of three

meetings. There are four activities in this design, namely: planning, action,

observation, and reflection. Class action cycle in this research is described in

a spiral form which is adopted from Kemmis (in MacIsaac, 1996).

The researcher will use the procedure of the research as follow:


1) The researcher will choose one class to observe the students’ vocabulary

mastery by using flash cards

2) The researcher will conduct the process of teaching learning process by

using flash cards to improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

3) The researcher will use classroom action research by using cycle. The

researcher will conduct at least two cycles and each cycle consist of three

meetings and to improve students’ vocabulary mastery following the

lesson plan.


Cycle 1 Activities Indicators

1) Planning a. Prepare the lesson plan

a. Prepare the format of material

a. All the planning can be


2) Action

a. Do the pretest

b. Apply the act according to lesson


c. Give the explanation about the


d. Teacher explanation about the way

using plash card in vocabulary


e. teacher takes one the form a flash

a. Students understand to

vocabulary mastery

b. Students critical thinking


card and ask students to answer

these pictures and make the

sentence from the flash cards

3) Observation

a. Do the evaluation

b. Evaluate the observation

a. Students active in learning


4) Reflection

a. a. Do the act of evaluation (test and

table of observation)

b. b. Report and conclude the result of

cycle 1

Score 65% of students get

score 70%

KKM 70%

Cycle 2 Activities Indicator

1) Planning

a. Prepare the lesson plan

b. Prepare the format of material

c. Develop the format of evaluation

a. All the planning can be


1) Action

a. Do the pretest

b. Apply the act according to lesson


c. Give the explanation about the


d. Teacher explanation about the way

flash cards in vocabulary mastery

teacher takes one the form a flash

card and ask students to answer

a. student understand to the


b. students critical thinking


these pictures and make the

sentence from the flash cards

2) Observation

a. do evaluation

b. evaluation the observation

a. students active in learning


3) Reflecting

a. revised the evaluation based on the

cycle 1 (test and observation)

b. reported and concluded the result

of cycle 2

a. 75% of students get

score 80%

KKM 70%

In this research, there will be two cycle, each cycle consist of three

meeting. In the first cycle, for planning, the researcher prepares the lesson

plan; prepares the material about mastery vocabulary by using flash cards

For action, the researcher gives the materials about flash cards to the

students and do evaluation in the classroom, after that the researcher explain

the way to using flash card in vocabulary mastery and then the researcher

gives the post test to the students

For the observation, the researcher investigates student’s activities and

behavior during the activity happens. The researcher will be helped by

English teacher as the observer. And for the reflecting, the researcher do the

evaluation of cycle one, but the researcher repair the lesson plan; explain the

mistakes in the reconstruction text that used make by students on each

previous cycle to improve the students achievement.


3.4 Data Collection Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher will use quantitative and

qualitative research. The researcher will use vocabulary mastery test as the

quantitative data and, observation and documentation as the qualitative data

3.4.1 Test

Test is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or

performance in a given domain (Brown, 2004: 3). In this research, tests will a

mean to measure student’s ability in vocabulary mastery. These tests are to

measure students’ improvement in vocabulary mastery by using flash cards.

The researchers give a test to the students in the end of every cycle. The form

of the test will be multiple choices.

3.4.2 Observation

According to Patton (2003: 2) defines that observation is fieldwork

descriptions of activities, behaviors, actions, conversations, interpersonal

interactions, organizational or community processes, or any other aspect of

observable human experience. Observation is the way to describe existing

situations using the five senses.

In this research the researcher uses participant observation. The

researcher is as an actor who teaches in the classroom and the other English

teachers give the attention to the researcher method in teaching learning


process in the classroom. The researcher and English teachers observe of the

process of improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using flash card and

students’ activities as the main point. In observing the data, the other English

teachers use observation guide to describe the activities descriptively. The

researcher went observation during treatment.

3.4.3 Documentation

The other procedure that uses in this research is documentation. By

doing the documentation technique the researcher obtained the data in the

form of students’ improvement of vocabulary mastery, syllabus, lesson plan

and the observation sheet in the teaching process. Besides, pictures will be

taken when the learning process happened as the evidence to show this

research has been done. Here, the pictures showed the activities of teaching

and learning mastery vocabulary by using flash cards

3.5 Research Instrument

1. Test

The researcher will use test to collect the data and there are two tests

used in this research as follow:

a) Pre-test

Pre-test will be used to know the students achievement in

vocabulary mastery before the implementation of cycle.


b) Post-test

Post-test will be used to know the students achievement in

vocabulary mastery after the implementation of cycle

2. Observation sheet

It uses to note finding and improvement during action step in each

cycle. The guideline of the observation sheet encompassed:

a. Observation towards teaching learning process.

1. Observ teacher’s way of teaching.

2. Observ students’ way of learning.

3. Observ teacher’s way to solve the problem or the difficulties

of students.

b. Observation towards teacher’s responses.

c. Observation towards the students’ responses.

d. Observation towards difficulties.

1. Observ students’ difficulties in vocabulary class.

2. Observ the way students solve the difficulties.

e. Observation towards situation and conditions of teaching and

learning process.


3.6 Data Analysis

3.6.1. Quantitative Data Analysis Technique

1. Test

To measure the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery by using

flash card, the researcher uses the formula as follow:

For average score of students (Arikunto, 2009)

X = ∑X



X = the average of score

∑X = Total student’s score

N = Total number of students

3.6.2 Qualitative Data Analysis Technique

In qualitative research, the data is usually analyzed descriptively. In

analyzing data, the researcher uses Matrix Analysis of Miles and Huberman

(1994: 10). The data divided into data reduction, data display, and conclusion

drawing/ verification.

1. Data reduction


The first step in analyzing the data of Matrix Analysis is data

reduction. Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing,

simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in written-up

field notes or transcriptions. In this research, it uses to abstracting the result of

data observation and the test in order to get clearly description about the data

and helped the researcher for the next step of data collecting. Data reduction

is doing by giving code to certain aspects.

2. Data display

After data is reduction, the next step is displaying the data.

Generically, a display is an organized, compressed assembly of information

that permits conclusion drawing and action. In this research, the researcher

display the data of observation and test in order help to understand what

happen and plan the next work or action based on that understanding. In

qualitative research, data display is in the form of short description, chart,

connection between categories, flow chart, etc.

3. Conclusion drawing/ verification

The last step of Matrix Analysis by Miles and Huberman (1994: 10)

is conclusion drawing or verification. This step use to describe the data of

observation and test into conclusion, which is will be easy to understand by

the researcher and the others.