Reviewing and Evaluating your...

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Transcript of Reviewing and Evaluating your...

Name: Chelsea Griffiths

Reviewing and Evaluating your Website

Introduction In this review, I will be evaluating my website that I have created for my client. I will be making sure that my website is suitable for the target audience after I have made sure it is, I will then be moving on to ensure that my website will then meet the purpose. How it will meet the client’s needs, my strengths of my website, my weaknesses, talk about feedback that I have received about my website, improvements that I have made and finally, my evaluation about changes that I have made.

Is the website suitable for the target audience The target audience for my website is mostly young adults, adults and an older audience. I have met this by: I chose to have all of my main titles at the very top of the page in the centre because when my target audience see my website, the first thing that would stand out to them would be my title and then they would know what my website was about. I also put my navigation bar on the left hand side of my webpage so that my target audience would be able to get around my site easy and it would make it easy for all of my target audiences as it would be a clear way for them. I also placed any information about my shop or records in a clear and easy to read font. I also placed it in the middle of the page on every page so that it would be really easy for my target audience to read. I chose to keep my colour design consistent throughout the various webpage’s. The colour I chose for all of my webpage’s was bright green. I chose this colour because it stands out and will grab all of my target audience and customers attention. Also, I thought it went with the colour of the title as I wanted it to look bright and colourful as the theme was a record shop and I wanted a bright background to represent music. I also thought that the colours would also be suitable for all of my target audience because everyone would be able to see the background. When choosing my pictures, I kept my target audience in mind and I only chose pictures that I thought were relevant for all ages of my target audience. Bearing in mind my target audience, I also based the images on what the website was about. Most of the images I used were of albums for music as I was making a website promoting Mr Longs music store. When I was creating my logo, I used an image of a record disk and then added text under it. I knew this was a relevant image to use for my website and I knew it was suitable for my target audience because it was relevant for my website and when all of my target audience went onto my site, they would recognise my logo.

Name: Chelsea Griffiths When I was selecting my information and products for my website, I was careful to choose information that was relevant for the website and that would inform my target audience what it was all about. I chose information that was suitable for all ages of my audience and I made sure it was simple to read. When I was doing my product page, I selected relevant images of records and albums to go with my information. I was careful when I was selecting my information to make sure that it was appropriate for all of my target audience and customers.

How it meets the website purpose My website meets the purpose because the purpose of my website is to promote Mr. Longs music store and the products. I have met the website purpose by giving an online presence of my website. For the full website, I have designed 8 pages which are what Mr. Long asked for. Each page is for a different section in the site. When I was designing the website for Mr. Long, I kept in mind that in the client brief it states that he does not want to sell products over the website, he just wants people to be able to look at the products he sells, ask questions if they have any, watch music videos that he has provided and find out more about the shop if interested. When I was designing the products pages, I got images of the music albums I will be displaying, added a short description of what it was and then added a price.

How does the website meet the client needs? I have ensured that my website has a clear navigation by placing my navigation bar on the left hand side of my webpage. I have placed it here as it is easy to access and simple to use. By having a clear navigation, I am I have included a Google map in my “find us” page because Mr. Long said in the assignment brief that he wants a Google maps included so people can find his shop easily. Also, all ages of his target audience would be able to use it to find directions to his shop. I have included a user form because Mr. Long requested that he wants one in the “contact” page in the assignment brief. Having a user form will enable Mr. Longs target audience and customers to ask him a question about his shop. If they have a question and it will be about his shop, the customer will put their details in and choose whether it is about a product or just a general enquiry. My website has a fast download speed because I only used two images per page which will increase the speed because the page isn’t full but if I had more than two, the speed would start to slow down as there would be more images and information on the page which would make it slow down as all these would have to load before my website opened.

Name: Chelsea Griffiths I have included a pop up box because it was on the client brief. This means that whenever somebody visits my website, a pop up box will appear welcoming them to my site.

Evaluate any changes made to the website during its development

Name: Chelsea Griffiths

Name: Chelsea Griffiths

Strengths of the Website Consistent design and layout

Easy to use One of the strengths of my website was that it has a consistent layout and design. This is strength because

Weaknesses of the Website

Comments from peer questionnaires From the answers that I received from my questionnaire, I am now going to evaluate my website based on the feedback that I have received. In my questionnaire, my first question was “do you think that the content is relevant for the site” 3/4 people said no it wasn’t whereas 6/7 people said that it was relevant. Based on this feedback, I will try and make the content even more relevant for my site. In the second question I asked my peer assessor “Do you think that the pop up box is effective?” 2 people said it wasn’t and 4/5 said it was. Based on this feedback, I will keep the pop up box as people stated it caught their eye when it popped up and it was nice to have a welcoming message when logging onto the site. On the 3rd question, I asked the question “If you could improve my site, what would you change?” 1/4 people said yes I could make some improvements whereas 1/3 of the people said that I didn’t need to make any improvements. Based on this feedback, I got more information and people said that I needed to fix the broken links and change the colour on the pages. Based on this, I fixed all of the links and changed the background colour to a brighter colour. On the 4th question I asked “Do you think that all of my webpages load fast?” 1/2 the people said yes and the other half of the people said that they hadn’t really noticed. Based on this feedback, I think that because I only put two pages on each

Name: Chelsea Griffiths page, this is what has made my website go fast, so I don’t think that there is any improvements that need to be made. On the fifth question I asked

Three suggested improvements that could be made

Conclusion I think that my website went well with how I designed it. Some of my favorite parts that I thought went well with my website were the music pages, I thought that they looked good with the videos that I had chosen because I thought that the videos matched the theme well. I also liked my product pages as I thought they was a strong point in my website because they displayed what the website was about and make the website has a proper purpose. If I was going to redo my entire website all over again, I would make a few changes to improve my site. These changes would include starting both my product pages over. I would start them over because I didn’t know how to organize them in a spaced out way because all of the designs I tried, they made

Name: Chelsea Griffiths the page look very cramped. If I was to doo it all over again, I would choose different records as I thought the records I chose was more updated music instead of a mixture of both, updated and old music. I would also rearrange the full pages again until I found a design that I liked and made the page stand out.