Review Packet

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Review packet for our finals

Transcript of Review Packet

Define the following terms:

The study of undetermined cause of disease

for example: You don’t smoke, you don’t drink, you eat healthy but still had cancer. Doctors does not know the reason why you have cancer so they would send you to Idiologist to study why you have cancer.

Study of cause or origin

Study of tissue


Long lasting

Goes away and comes back


Intense of short duration

Lack or loss of nourishment

Waste away of tissue

The period of time during which a heart chamber is contracting


Relaxation of the heart


Collection of signs and symptoms

1. Early or last stage of a disease but there are no signs or symptoms showing

2. There is no cure, its in you for life

An abnormal accumulation of fluid in the cavities and intercellular spaces of body

fluids comes from the plasma

The tissue response to injury from pathogens or physical agents; characterized by redness, pain, swelling and feeling hot to touch.

Substances that causes inflammation ,

dilates blood vessel,

attracts more WBC to site of injury for repair,

dilates tissue and increase permeability

Blood clot that is stationary

Blood clot that is circulating



Primary Convoluted Tubule



What does ATP stand for?◦ Adenosine triphosphate

Inflammation of the intestine





Colon◦ Ascending

◦ Transverse

◦ Descending


The Right lung is divided into three lobes (as opposed to two lobes on the left), superior, middle, and inferior, by two interlobular fissures

the left lung has 2 lobes (superior & inferior)

There are 206 sizeable bones.

A total of 212 bones

4 types

Long bone

Short bone

Irregular bone

Flat bone


Aorta◦ Located in the heart

Superior vena cava

Inferior vena cava

The integumentary

Liver◦ It produces bile which emulsifies fat

Emulsifies- breaks down and dissolve

Spleen◦ Located in the LUQ of the ABD.


Cerebrum◦ Occipital lobe

part of brain responsible for sight

◦ Temporal bone

Part of the brain responsible for hearing

Gluteus Maximus

They are located in the arm pit.





Small intestine

◦ Duodenum

◦ Jejunum

◦ ileum

Colon (large intestine)

◦ Ascending colon

◦ Transverse colon

◦ Descending colon


1. Orbital bone

2. Zygomatic bone

3. Frontal bone

4. Maxilla

5. Mandible

6. Temporal bone

7. Occipital bone

8. Cervical vertebrae

9. Thoracic vertebrae

10. Lumbar vertebrae

11. Clavicle

12. Sternum

13. Scapula

14. Humerus

15. Ulna

16. Radius

17. Carpals

18. Metacarpals

19. Phalanges

20. Femur

21. Patella

22. Tibia

23. fibula






Dorsalis Pedis

Define the following Disease

Characterized by abnormally low levels of dopamine and affect the cerebral nuclei

small muscle spasm

Sudden burst of neuron activity

AKA- stroke

The development of an infarct due to loss in the blood supply to an area of the brain

Paralysis of the 7th facial nerve

Pain out the lower back down the leg and toes.

There are three main types of joints

Synathroses- no movement◦ skull

Amphiathroses- slight movement◦ Cartilage between vertebrae

Diarthroses- free movement◦ Shoulder and elbow

Proximal Convoluted tube


Renal pelvis


Urinary bladder


Enuresis◦ Bed wetting (kids)

Urinary retention◦ urine produced but not voided

Urinary suppression ◦ No urine produced but bladder is


Incontinence◦ Urine is voided involuntarily

Renal calculi◦ Kidney stones

Hematuria◦ Blood in urine

Cytitis◦ Inflammation of the urinary



◦ Without urine

Dysuria◦ Difficult/pain urination

Glycosuria ◦ Sugar in urine

Micturate◦ Urinate or void

Nocturia◦ Night urination of adults

Oliguria◦ Scanty urination (little)

Pyuria◦ Pus in urine

Polyuria◦ Excessive urination




Alimentary canal

Gastrointestinal tract

The act or process of converting food into chemical substances that can be absorbed into the blood and utilized by the body tissues.

Hormones from the adrenal cortex

It regulates carbohydrates metabolism

Emulsifies fat◦ Emulsifies means to break down or dissolve

3 layers◦ Perimetrium

Outermost layer

◦ Myometrium

Middle layer

◦ Endometrium

Inner most layer

There is three divisions in the uterus◦ Body

◦ Fundus

◦ Cervix


Type AB

Type 0

Four types of tissue◦ Epithelial tissue

◦ Connective tissue (most abundant)

◦ Muscle tissue

◦ Nervous tissue

External ear◦ Auricle

◦ Auditory canal

◦ Ceruminous gland

◦ Ends at the tympanic membrane

Middle Ear◦ Contains three ossicles

Inner ear◦ Fluid-filled cavity (labyrinth)

The Tympanic membrane (ear drum) separates the middle ear from the external ear.

There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves

There are 24 cranial nerves

there are 62 spinal nerves

There are 31 pairs

There is 3 types of nerves◦ PNS



Sensory nerve

Connects the brain to the spinal cord

Responsible for controlling ◦ Breathing

◦ Heart rate

◦ Digestion