Review Magic Valley Isuue 9

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MIC iLL interview, Lady of the month and more!

Transcript of Review Magic Valley Isuue 9

MIC. iLLInterview

Ladies Gryphyn Part 5

Lady of The Month and much more!

4 - 2012 - Issue 9




On Kimberly road in Twin Falls Idaho, tucked precari-ously between Skate Land and the Ground Round sits a build-ing that has been many things. A veterinary clinic and a scrap booking store at one point, now it is Desert Reef Aquarium Supply, Manufacturing and Rental. Owners Brent Ellefson and Josh Henry sat down with me for a bit to chat. Soon it is easy to see what makes their shop different from others, yes there are fish and coral and live rock. What really sets them apart is the amazing tanks they build right there in the shop. It all started just over a decade ago in Bend Oregon. Josh and his family had just moved into a home that came with a tank. Learning to maintain and manage the tank became another one of Josh’s many hobbies. Fast forward a few years to Portland Oregon. This is where Josh really began to perfect his craft. Working at The Seahorse Aquarium and Supply for a few years gave Josh the experience, knowledge and know how to bring the hobby to his brother in law, Brent. Within a year or two Josh had relocated to the Magic Valley in June 2011 to be closer to family, and to spread the aquarium hobby. In that same summer Brent, his wife Angel and their son Kyle joined Josh in August. Keeping to the fast paced nature they share, Desert Reef opened for business in September and then the grand opening with the Chamber of Commerce was in mid-October. In the nearly six months since, Josh and Brent have built their business with the support of family and loyal cus-tomers. They maintain the shop with twenty one tanks. Some contain fish, some contain coral, all are well kept and beautiful. Of course they feel the same pressures as any other small busi-ness in this economy. However when asked what the most dif-ficult aspect of owning a business in this day and age, finances were not the first thing they talked about.

“Advertising.” Brent spoke first. “Advertising and get-ting the word out.” “Customer education is a problem. People need bet-ter local resources for aquarium know how and supplies. We are hoping to change that.” Josh says. “We are really thriving to make this hobby more available. We want to add more in home service calls to our day to day activities. But really, we want to see more tanks out in the community.” Their way of doing that is to make having a tank in a home or office easier and more realistic. Not only do the guys at Desert Reef maintain their tanks filled with fish to purchase, they also build custom tanks from the ground up. Brent and Josh offer in home service visits as well as tanks that are ready to be rented out to businesses throughout Idaho. I have learned that having a salt water tank is easy, if you have a good start up and patience. Building a tank is not something that is done overnight. Depending on the tank it could be a week to three weeks. The biggest variable being what kind of details, pumps and other equipment is needed to make that tank perfect for the customer. A common fifty five gallon tank takes only a week to complete. All the wood and acrylic work is done there in the shop. They offer multiple stains for the wood that makes up the stand, sump storage and canopy as well as a variety of shapes and sizes. The amount of information thrown at me is fascinat-ing and almost overwhelming. The difference between a fish tank and a reef tank, which fish are aggressive, which fish will live together without incident, pH levels, water temperature /changes…all of these things are important to know when considering bringing a tank into your home or business. A big problem the store faces is misinformation. “We are asked if salt water is hard and another com-


mon question is ‘why doesn’t my tank look like yours?’. It’s all a matter of time and effort” says Brent. “By renting tanks out and offering in home service we are hoping to expand good tank knowledge and bring us closer to the community.” Community is very important to Josh and Brent. Both are enthusiastic about having classrooms tour the shop for field trips and are always willing to answer any questions those gor-geous little minds can throw at them. Soon Josh and Brent along with other tank enthusiasts will be forming a club / organization of sorts to bring even more information and camaraderie to fellow tank owners. They will have the ability to share information, supplies and brainstorm new ideas for the local market. The more we talk about the shop and the fish, the more animated the guys become. Josh tells a funny story about being shocked while maintaining a tank. “Water and electric plugs don’t mix,” he jokes “I was shocked and then hit my head.” Josh then explains he was work-ing on the large tank in the reception area when he was slightly electrocuted and proceeded to hit his head on the tank stand and remained dizzy for minutes after. The funniest name for a fish Josh has encountered is the ‘Slippery Dick Wrasse’. When asked how they came up with the name a burst of laugh-ter breaks from Josh when he proudly says “I wanted to call it ‘The Wet Spot’ but realized that might give the wrong idea. So it comes to light that Angel, Brent’s wife is the one responsible for the appropriately named shop of awesome-ness. It becomes obvious this hobby has its hazards. Fish that may bite, trials and tribulations in how to properly main-tain a tank; the guys at Desert Reef have seen it all and been nibbled on enough to know. Both agree they love what they do and look forward to the bright future of Desert Reef. The shop is very family friendly (of course with all of the ‘Nemo’ and ‘Dori’ fish they have to show off), owned by a veteran (Brent served in Iraq), offers a wide variety of fish, coral, live rock and other tank accessories. Honestly, you have to experience the shop for your-self. There is nothing like it the Magic Valley! The gentlemen of Desert Reef are polite, unique and look forward to serving the Magic Valley and beyond in the coming years.


Part 5


Lukas watched the liquid boil and then rise up, swirl-ing delicately in midair. The images of Rowan as a young woman almost re-minded him how much he loved her. Almost. The radiant green liquid began to form a small head, a nose, well defined chin and then eyes. The eyes appeared to be closed as the head continued to rotate in the air. When the head that now had a long mane of straight hair stopped to face Lukas the eyes opened to reveal obsidian emptiness. The pouty green lips began to speak in a whispering sing song voice. “What is your request warrior?” “I seek passage to Farcascadia. More importantly I ask for safe passage.” The General’s voice was strong and deep, but belied his feigned confidence; the elemental gave note of this with a chuckle. “You have betrayed your people. What makes you think you are worthy of safe passage to a land ruled by enemies of The Library and House of Scrollyn; enemies of your own wife?” The light voice gave no real distinction of gender or real opinion of Lukas. It was flat, monotone. “Elementals are known to be impartial to the politi-cal affairs of the lands. No disrespect, but may I point out that while the elementals know what is happening in Otherworld and Earthside, you have all remained silent,” Lukas was con-fused as to why the glowing entity in front of him was question-ing his travels. “Why get involved now?” Without warning Lukas was grabbed by two large green hands and lifted into the air. The world disappeared as he fell up into the portal. Tumbling through black and blue substance, he heard the angry violins begin as a heavy rhythmic beat thundered through his head. Lukas felt the substance on his skin, a mix of liquid and smoke he let himself rotate as he began to focus. Rapidly he fell down and then to the right and then down again, as if the elemental carrying him was looking for something. General Lukas was soon dropped into a large hall made of black stone and bamboo. He heard the elemental chuckle as he hit the floor with his long sword out. Looking around he soon realized the portal had opened into a room filled with Orcs. The tension in the air was thick. Two orcs at the head of a table to his right stood and began his way. They almost made it before a large orc with dark green skin and glowing purple eyes stood demanding attention. “Well, General Lukas, how good of you to join us.” The orcs voice was deep and booming. “Gentlemen, I introduce our newest ally in the war against the House of Scrollyn.”

~~~~~*~~~~~ As Rowan, Natalie, Gwendolyn, Thasher, Adariyan and Nistha held their collective breath as the elemental considered their offer. One large favor owed by the House of Scrollyn in

exchange for safe passage to a place they all belong. The elemen-tal looked thoughtfully before speaking once more in a voice resembling that of an annoyed mother. “One favor and I pick the drop off point.” The voice was level, monotone as usual for its kind. Looking to the other members of her party Rowan nods in agreement. “So long as we all stay together we agree.” Rowan wanted to curse at the idea of the House being in debt to an el-emental. But they certainly couldn’t stay in this between portals mess. The elemental inclined her head to the group as it raised its hands and the smoke like liquid began to take each person through the twisting maze that is the portal. As usual each person had their own rhythm by which they traveled the portal, it began playing in their individual minds as the colors of their auras took over their sight and they traveled on. Gwen was lost in her beautiful island beat accom-panied by a smooth electric guitar when she realized she was being led up through a tree into a clearing in a forest. Landing gently on a patch of grass just under the oak tree Gwendolyn smiled at the sun shining and the crisp fresh air on her skin. As usual her supplies came with her. Her weapons fastened to her thighs and back, she quickly took inventory of her weapons. The others began to appear in the clearing. Making her way to her right, towards Thasher, Gwen made note of the top of the mountains to the east. That meant they were somewhere between Farcascadia and Havenlon. She hoped and prayed they were more southeast than they seemed. Though given the near-ness of the blue and white peaks she guessed they were far more north than anyone of them should be. The orcs would shit a brick if they found out three sisters of Scrollyn were so close to their land. “You would think after one hundred and sixty years I would be used to traveling the damn portal.” Thasher straight-ened his coat with a pull at the black lapels then pulled his hair back into a small ponytail. “Some things never change,” Gwen giggled as she straightened her own attire. “Not everyone can travel as grace-fully as Natalie.” Just having noticed her older sister emerging from the river already dry and in good spirits, Gwen smiled at Natalie with a wink. “And not everyone carries such a sharp tongue little sister.” Natalie smiled back at her sister in playful banter. Rowan joined the group by falling out of the sky, land-ing so elegantly on a rock and fluidly sitting on its warm solid-ity. She needed stillness only the earth could give. Sitting on the rock she once again took inventory of their team and supplies. The last few hours played through Rowan’s mind over and over until she leapt off the rock in a huff and stalked toward the group. The sun would be setting soon and they needed to rest until they knew what was going on. She knew something had gone wrong at the dinner. That much was obvious.


“Adariyan, could you please do a perimeter sweep. We need the usual. Fire wood, any game you can track down.” Turning to Natalie and Gwen she continued her tirade. “Ladies we need to set alarms. Between the three of us we should be able to set enough to know if anyone or anything comes within a quarter mile of our camp.” Gwen and Natalie went to work only after reminding Rowan that they are her sisters and not her personal troops to be ordered about. Standing straight with their hands held out at their sides, they began chanting in whispers as they put up magical shields and alarm systems around the meadow they would inhabit for the night. Nistha looked around as the four with jobs to do set off to make them happen wondering what she could do to help. Deciding it would be nice to have something sweet to eat she moved to a bush of berries and began collecting the purple fruit. This made her feel slightly useful, but not enough to pla-cate her boredom. “Rowan, what can I do to help?” Nistha obviously needed something more than collecting berries to make her feel like she contributed. “I actually need you to come with me.” Rowan turned to Thasher. “Would you please let the others know Nistha and I went to scout and fish, we will be back soon.” “Yeah, of course,” Thasher looked a bit confused but nodded and went back to sharpening his dagger. Rowan and Nistha made their way to the river and be-gan walking up stream. Leaves and brush in multiple shades of green blocked the meadow from the river once they had walked several yards in the opposite direction of the others. As they came to a small waterfall Rowan turned on Nistha, put her hands on her hips and took a deep breath. “We need to find out what happened at the Library.” Nistha huffed and let a sarcastic smile play across her lips. “No kidding. I still want to know where your husband went.” “You and me both, he has never been one to run from a fight. I simply try to tell myself he was called away by coinci-dence.” “Yeah, I somehow doubt that. When have you ever known something to happen without Lukas’ say so?” Nistha asked. Distraught and angry Rowan chucked a rock into the falling water. “So are you going to tell me why we are having this conversation in private?” Nistha looked intently at Rowan, try-ing to get an idea of her friends’ plan, if she had one. “I just needed to ground myself.” Looking even more lost than before Rowan cursed under her breath. “Lukas and I fought the night the Library was attacked. He had called for me to join him for the banquet and when he didn’t get a response he sent a scout to escort Gwen and I to the Library.” To anyone else this would sound like nothing more

than a lovers quarrel. Nistha however, knew the significance of Lukas undermining Rowan’s authority with the troops in her care. “You obviously share my suspicions.” Nistha hoped her suspicions of Lukas’ knowledge of the explosions were farfetched. Apparently she wasn’t the only one doubting the General’s motives and that set her temper off. “So, we go back to the Library, right?” Nistha was sure Rowan would want to protect the scrolls and students. “No.” Rowan’s voice was distant and emotionless. “We go to the Midlands.” The mention of Rowan, Gwendolyn and Natalie’s homeland takes Nistha by surprise. The three women had only spoken about their home a handful of times since coming to the Library. Even then it was always short sentences about the food, or lack thereof. “What? Why?” Nistha’s multitude of questions was cut off by a cold rift in the air passing over them coming from the meadow. Without a thought she and Rowan began running to-ward the clearing they had all been dropped in. One loud bang told Rowan her sisters were using magic to defend themselves. This thought was confirmed when she broke through the line of trees to find her sisters, Adariyan and Thasher in battle with three large green and purple beasts; three Orcs. Natalie was hacking at an orcs thigh with her glowing short sword while Gwen was holding off a second orc wielding her twin daggers that sliced through the air creating magical ripples that follow each flick of her wrist. Thasher had barely cut the throat of the third orc when Adariyan left his side to help Gwendolyn. Smiling slightly at the elegance of Natalie’s talented blade wielding abilities she turned her focus once more to help-ing her sisters. Pulling her bow free and an arrow from her quiver secured to her back, Rowan let the arrow fly catching the tallest orc by the ear. The giant orc let out a fowl curse and growl as he turned his attention from Natalie with her short sword to Rowan who was now running straight at him. Ducking the orcs swinging bat Rowan slid on her knees under the beast as she knocked another arrow back on her bow and took aim at his knee. The sure arrow hit its mark bringing the monster down with a resounding crash. Rowan’s anger boiled in her blood. She couldn’t believe the elemental had dropped them so close to Farcascadia by mere accident; more than that she couldn’t help but feeling betrayed by her husband. He should be here fighting with her and her sisters. These thoughts brought Rowan so much resentment she tossed her bow aside, pulled a small knife from her left boot and jumped on top of the fallen orc. Soon she had sliced and stabbed the orc so badly its face was a mottled mess of blood and green goo that smelled awful. Rowan continued to stab the beast until she heard Gwen scream out in pain.


Satisfied that the others would finish off the orc she had assaulted she jumped off its chest and sprang towards Gwen’s on going yells for help. Gwen had been caught off guard by her sister’s brutal-ity towards the orcs, so much that she had let the last standing orc sweep her feet from under her. Having fallen backwards onto her back Gwen let out one resounding scream of pain as the orc stabbed her in the thigh with a rusty blade. Yells of anger and pain filled Rowan’s head as her rage seemed to match that of Thasher who was armed with two short swords, breathing heavily as he charged the large enemy. Moving as a graceful predator, Thasher sliced the orcs shin clean open as he lowered himself to take out the orcs other ankle. Like lightning Thasher jumped with amazing height to back hand the beast. Thasher’s last blow to the orcs jaw made it fall backwards onto its back causing the weapon in its hand to go flying. Natalie sent one of her daggers into the orcs temple just above its oversized right ear. Unaware her last throw was true to its mark Natalie spun around gracefully sending another small knife into the air. Just as Adariyan stepped forward to assist Gwen with her wounded leg, Natalie’s flying knife buried itself into Adari-yan’s back at the base of his spine. He fell to the forest floor and let out his last breath.

Author:Nicollete Mac Phearson


Five centuries ago St Patrick lived in Ireland. Having come to Ireland as a slave he eventually escapes back to his home, Britain. A few years later he returned to Ireland with a mission. ‘Bring Chris-tianity to the people’. He took something the people recognized and wielded it into an example. The three leave clover was his prop in ‘the father, the son, Holy Ghost’. That is one version of the story anyways. Many stories can be found on the origin of the holi-day so covered in green and filled with libations. A holiday that reminds us how amazing corned beef and cabbage is hot out of the pot. Everyone feels brave enough to have and Irish car bomb and the cops are on the prowl. At Woody’s in Twin Falls the green beer is flowing and the dark beers are popular. The ladies behind the bar are already moving at a steady pace; it’s only 7pm. The juke box plays a collection of Irish music. Flogging Molly, The Young Dubliners, Drop Kick Murphy’s and The Real Mackenzie’s (even though they are actually Scottish) are headlining. The woman in the kitchen has been hard at work making a mass amount of corned beef and cabbage, one sample and I was hooked! It was perfectly juicy. The man that greeted us at the door was very polite. I quickly find his name is Matt and he has worked for Dave for only a bit. His height and broad shoulders make him recognizable as muscle; his beard just adds the aura of ‘Security’. “I like my job. Nights like tonight I really enjoying seeing the diversity of people coming and going. You see all sorts of people.” Matt says with a smile. We are soon joined by Donnie a fellow Security Guard. Laughing good naturedly it is easy to talk with both of them, even though to the judgmental eye the tattoos on their arms would be a ‘red light’. Matt and Donnie both agree there are down sides to working big events like St Patrick’s Day.“You always worry about fights. With this many peo-ple drinking in as much as most of them do, some-times I get frustrated.” Says Matt, “But tonight looks like a chill crowd.” I had a chance to sit down with Nate, a bartender at

Woody’s known by some for his drink ‘Nate’s Nectar’. “I love the good music.” He says“What is your Favorite St Pattie’s tradition?”“The food! Corned beef and taters.”Still unwilling to give up the recipe to his infamous drink Nate makes his way back to work.Indeed the night continued with very little issue. Of course you had the one drunk gentleman who wanted to debate with the bartender about another drink; the young man in the pompadour who bought a chick a shot for who knows what; the family of aunts, uncles, friends and a niece all crowded a table just to the right of the front door. A young couple so sweetly alternative and entertaining said they came to Woody’s regularly so of course they would be here on ‘Green Beer’ night. Kayla was happy to have the night off but still be ‘at work’. She made her adorable dress and giggles as she talks about how much she liked to dress up for events such as this. Later in the night Dj Rage announces a bar game.There are 6 glasses of Guinness on a table, three for each player, players are a lady and a guy. They had to circle the bar stools at their end of the table three times and then run the few paces to the table, drink the beer, run back and repeat. The young man won and It was clear the two players were both in good spirits of the game. After all, they just drank a ton of good beer. It has become clear that Woody’s has changed in many ways. So far all of these changes have been for the better. My personal favorite is the lack of cover charge. No cover for events. As an on again off again regular at Woody’s I must say I love it even more than I always have. There are very familiar faces when I make my way through the crowd and finally I realize why everyone has gathered here on this most ‘Saintly’ of days…It feels like home. An average bar with an array of amazing people, events and bands that come through Woody’s at a steady flow. Go have a beer with the cool hippy at the end of the bar on a Tuesday afternoon. He has some amazing stories about leprechauns.

Woodys St Patrik’s Day Celebration





Ms April 2012


My name is Danika, I am 18 years old. I have lived in the Magic valley for most of my life. When I was young I was diagnosed with type one diabetes and have been managing it with insulin since. I am currently a student at the College of Southern Idaho. I am planning to become a registered nurse or a nurse practitioner. I have always had a passion to help others, so I took that in to consideration in my career choice. I love being outside making some kind of my own adventure. I am defiantly not afraid to get dirty and play in the dirt. My favorite activity outside is camping. I love my family’s yearly camping trips. We try to camp as much as possible. I find myself a very loving and outgoing woman, I am a people person. I am always willing to meet new people and find new a new adventure to explore.



Interview with Mic. iLLMarch 24, 2012Twin Falls, Id

We had a chance to sit down with local hip hop artist Michael Summers, aka Mic.ill. Review Magic Valley has seen him perform in a few venues across the Magic Valley and have been waiting patiently for our chance to meet with this talented young artist. He is from Kimberly Idaho, born and raised, and he has been in the Magic Valley most of his life. When asked how he started, he said he has always done poetry, ever since he was young. He did not seri-ously listen to hip hop until he was 17-18 yrs old. He was a singer in a punk rock band with a bunch of his buddies as teenagers. He is still friends with the members to this day.

He fell away from music for a couple of years and started back up with his buddy TonetheBone (Tony Garrett). They started M.O.C. (Mouth of Christ), his Christian group. Michael and Tony ended up bringing their efforts into M.O.C. Produkshunz, to promote positive music. Tony’s family helped them get started with purchases of a mixer and a mic. They record anyone who wants to do positive music. It does not even have to be spiritual, just up-beat and the promotion of positivity. He likes to work with music done by others to keep his creative juices flowing. He has done TonetheBone’s music as well as another local artist Kalie Wright. You can check them out on Reverbnation:

Mic.ill is going to be releasing a mix tape,” Of Mics and Men”, this spring as well as an album of all his own music sometime in the near future. “Of Mics and Men” is about a Man and a Mic, basically all the stuff he puts on in his shows. He says that when he hears a beat, he thinks about how he can put it together. He searches for the instrumentals or some of his buddies remake them for him and he puts his lyrics to it.

We asked what kind of equipment he uses for his re-cordings. He says he does not use any synthesizers or anything like that. He prefers to work with the sounds within the computer programs, using random equali-zation and compression. He goes on the say he has “a white guy voice” so he plays with that. Michael first started singing hip-hop/rap when he was about 19 (he is now 27). He said that his earlier hip hop voice was very mono-tone. He has built off of it and played with his voice to harness in his range so it sounds good.

We asked who his biggest influences have been. He replied with some of the classics like Outkast, Black-a-Licious (the MC Gift of Gab raps really fast with multi-syllable raps with like 4 words that rhyme), Tech N9ne, Mos Def, Roots, Guru of Gangstarr. He really likes Tech N9ne for his intelligence and performance. He does not knock on any fellow rapper. “Catchy mu-sic is catchy music”. Mic.ill’s music means a lot to him. He says he would rather write 100 songs that mean something to him and not make it than 5 songs that do but leave him with nothing.

We inquired about his biggest inspirations and how he hooked up with Joey Bravo. He says it starts from the very beginning. Tony Garrett, aka TonetheBone


(mentioned above). Tony was 2 grades below and being from a small school like in Kimberly every-one knew everyone. Tony approached him while Michael was working as a cook at the Pressbox. He brought him a beat that he had bought from Joey Bravo (see Issue #2 of R.M.V.). Their first Christian song, Complications, uses this purchased beat. Joey’s engineer, MAG Mark Garcia of R U Down Entertain-ment, recorded their first song for free in his studio at his apartment. Joey hit Michael up to do a show together with himself and Yung Skillz. He worked on hype songs, throwing a verse her and there. One of his first shows with Joey was the opening act for NB Riders. Joey would then send him beats for his opinion/versus and before you know it they became “illest*Lyricists”. He says Joey is a great guy with a heart of gold. He gives everyone the benefit of the doubt and will help get exposure for those just start-ing out. He gives a lot of himself and is a very busy man these days. Michael is grateful for his relation-ship with Joey.

When asked where he sees himself artistically in the next five years he replies hopefully with better equipment with a good consistency at what he is doing. He would like to be making it big, but has his sights grounded by reality. If he could make enough to make his car payment, that would make him happy. If it worked into a full time job that would be great. Michael is self-taught in what he does, but he has help and influences along the way. He mentions his brother, Josh Summers of another local band Otto Pilate, as being a big influence being a self-taught guitarist, and of course Tony Garrett.

He and Tony performed for a lot of events and shows locally. Tony ended up moving back to Florida but they still collaborate on music. Tony will be com-ing back to Idaho in for a Reunion Show “Deadly Duos” featuring himself, TonetheBone, and Mic.ill at the Cove on May 19th 8:00pm. He will also be performing at Jack’s Lounge on April 6th for the final performance of the “Friday Night Mics Idaho Tour #2” (see ad on page 20)

Michael would like to thank God, his parents, his wife, Tony Garrett and his family, Joey Bravo, all the local venues, and the community of artists. Michael likes to perform with the other local artists. He says

there has not been one performer that he did not like being on stage with. There is a lot of local talent hear and he is surprised the hip hop movement isn’t bigger here as it is so main stream across the country now. He performs at local venues and also D.J.’s for personal events.

He can be contacted through his Facebook: are the links for TonetheBone and Tony Gar-rett – check them out:

Thank you, Mic.ill for the hospitality and allowing us to showcase you in Review Magic Valley.


Burning HOT Reviews and Interviews...

Artists, Bands, Models, Dancers, and More!



Billingsley Creek Lodge and RetreatHagerman, IdahoDate: March 17, 2012

Billingsley Creek Lodge and Retreat is a small geta-way nestled in the beautiful Hagerman Valley and is located just 1 mile north of Hagerman. This was our 3rd time staying at the resort. Every experience has been different and the owners/operators are very friendly and helpful. The rooms are very clean and it is a very quite and relaxed atmosphere. A great place to recharge and relax.

We would like to thank Joan Dalton-Boyd for making our stay this year wonderful. We enjoyed the Hemmingway Cottage this year and have stayed in the Valley View and Hide-Away cabins previously. The private hot tub off the cottage deck was just the ticket we needed for a nice, relaxing evening. These accommodations have always been wonderful!

Please check out their site and give them a call with any questions. They are ALWAYS happy to answer questions and take reservations.

In the heart of the Magic Valley and located on Idaho Scenic Route Highway 30, Billingsley Creek Lodge and Retreat is a beautiful and relaxing destina-

tion nestled in the trees next to beautiful Billingsley Creek. This very special creek is fed from the natural springs of the Snake River Aquifer. The water is 58 degrees year-round and has been underground for 150 years.

The property has six quaint rooms with decks overlooking the water, five cottages and a conference room. Several of our rooms include kitchenettes.

We are conveniently located in South Central Idaho; less than an hour and a half drive from Boise and Sun Valley and just thirty-five minutes from Twin Falls.

Come enjoy our clean, cozy cottages, fresh country air and wonderful uninterrupted view of the majestic Billingsley Creek. We are the perfect vacation desti-nation from which to experience endless recreational opportunities such as: river tours, rafting, fishing, hiking, fossil bed sightings and so much more!
