Review for Genetics Test. 1 The observed trait that appears in an organism as a result of its’...

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Transcript of Review for Genetics Test. 1 The observed trait that appears in an organism as a result of its’...

Review for Genetics Test


• The observed trait that appears in an organism as a result of its’ genetic makeup is called an organisms_____________.

• phenotype


• IF R= round and r= wrinkled, cross a homozygous dominant with a heterozygous, what will be the phenotypic ration of the offspring?

• 100% round


• If a female fruit fly heterozygous for red eyes XRXr crossed with a white eyed male XrY what percentage of their offspring would have white eyes?

• 50% will have white eyes


• How many chromosomes are in the body cell of an organism that has a haploid number of 8?

• 16


• Diploid relates to “somatic” as haploid relates to_____________.

• gamete


• Trisomy is a mutation that results in a cell having an extra _____________.

• Chromosome


• Cancer is a disorder in which some cells have lost the ability to control their ________.

• Growth rate


• An organism has a haploid number of 5 How many chromosomes will be in each of their body cells?

• 10


• The chromosome number associated with an organism’s somatic cells is 12. How many chromosomes will this organism produce in its gametes after Meiosis?

• 6


• Apoptosis is __________.

• Programmed cell death


• Homologous chromosomes are pairs of chromosomes containing genes that code for _____________.

• The same traits


• Unlike mitosis, meiosis results in the formation of __________.

• 4 genetically different cells


• People with Down Syndrome have how many chromosomes in their body cells?

• 47


• The 2nd phase of interphase is called S for synthesis, why is this a good name for this stage?

• Because DNA synthesis takes place, each chromosome makes an identical copy


• If nondisjunction occurs ________.

• A gamete will receive too many or too few chromosomes, result is called aneuploidy


• What type of karyotype is this?

• Normal female


• What type of karyotype is this?

• Female with Turner syndrome


• What type of karyotype is this?

• Male with Down Syndrome


• Normal gametes contain?

• 22 autosomes and 1 sex chromosome


• What are the two sex chromosomes in a human male?

• XY


• What are the two sex chromosomes for a human female?

• XX


• Name the genetic disorder-• Autosomal recessive disorder of the

hemoglobin gene. This disorder results in crescent shaped red blood cells that can get lodged in the vessels and can cause severe pain.

• Sickle Cell Anemia


• Name the genetic disorder• Rare autosomal recessive disorder that is

caused by an error in the metabolism of either lipids or amino acids causing them to build up in the brain causing severe mental impairments

• Tay-sachs or PKU


• Name the genetic disorder• Autosomal recessive disorder that results in a

mucus build up in the lungs which causes the patient to have breathing and oxygen issues.

• Cystic Fibrosis


• Name the genetic disorder• Sex-linked recessive disorder effecting the

clotting factors of the blood.

• Hemophilia


• Name the genetic disorder• Autosomal dominant disorder in which adults

are typically the victims. The disorder is a degenerative disorder that causes a range of brain abnormalities later in life.

• Huntington’s Disease

27• If individual III-2 marries a person with the

same genotype as individual II-4 what is the chance that one of their children will be afflicted with hemophilia?

• 50%

28• Individuals II-1 and II-4 are classified as___.

• Carriers