Review for Age of Exploration Exam Things you should know.

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Transcript of Review for Age of Exploration Exam Things you should know.

Review for Age of Exploration Exam

Things you should know


With your team, you will have one minute to try to come up with the answer to the

question presented on the slide. Write this answer down on a sheet of paper and wait for Mr. Davenport to come by and check

your answers.The team with the most correct answers will receive three bonus points on their exam.

Good luck

Question 1.

What do you need to do before you get out of your seat?

Question 1

What do you need to do before you get out of your seat?


Question 2

What are you supposed to do when an emergency situation occurs in our classroom?

Question 2

What are you supposed to do when an emergency situation occurs in our classroom?

Answer: Keep calm, remain quiet, await instructions.

Question 3

What were the three different main goals of European explorers who came over to the New World?

Question 3

What were the three different main goals of European explorers who came over to the New World?

Answer: Gold, God, Glory

Question 4

What were Muslim traders and Italian merchants doing with their goods that made European traders want to find a new route to Asia. HINT: Think back to the shoes example.

Question 4

What were Muslim traders and Italian merchants doing with their goods that made European traders want to find a new route to Asia. HINT: Think back to the shoes example.

Answer: Increasing prices on goods like spices and other products.

Question 5

What are the three types of learning styles?

Question 5

What are the three types of learning styles?

Answer: Visual, Auditory, Tactile/kinesthetic.

Question 6

Which explorer circumnavigated the globe and had a strait named after him, as well as two craters on the moon?

Question 6

Which explorer circumnavigated the globe and had a strait named after him, as well as two craters on the moon?

Answer: Ferdinand Magellan

Question 7

Which explorer destroyed the Aztec empire and founded Mexico city?

Question 7

Which explorer destroyed the Aztec empire and founded Mexico city?

Answer: Hernando Cortes

Question 8

Which countries produced the famous explorers we have studied in this unit?

Question 8

Which countries produced the famous explorers we have studied in this unit?

Answer: England, Portugal, Spain, China

Question 9

Which instrument helped explorers determine their location by lining it up with certain stars and star constellations?

Question 9

Which instrument helped explorers determine their location by lining it up with certain stars and star constellations?

Answer: The astrolabe

Question 10

What did Christopher Columbus find in the New World that he sent back to Spain to prove his success as an explorer?

Question 10

What did Christopher Columbus find in the New World that he sent back to Spain to prove his success as an explorer?

Answer: The Native Americans he encountered

Question 11

What was the widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations and ideas between America, Europe and Africa following Columbus's voyage to the Americas in 1492?

Question 11

What was the widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations and ideas between America, Europe and Africa following Columbus's voyage to the Americas in 1492?

Answer: The Columbian Exchange

Question 12

Name the three members of royalty we have learned about that authorized and funded different explorers during this time period.

Question 12

Name any three of the four members of royalty we have learned about that authorized and funded different explorers during this time period.

Answer: Queen Elizabeth I (England), Prince Henry the Navigator (Portugal), King Ferdinand I (Spain), Queen Isabella (Spain)

Question 13

Which explorer may have at some point worn an eye-patch, kept a parrot on his shoulder, and been in the habit of saying AAARRRRGHHHH?

Question 13

Which explorer may have at some point worn an eye-patch, kept a parrot on his shoulder, and been in the habit of saying AAARRRRGHHHH?

Answer: Sir Francis Drake

Question 14

What kind of societies did some of the European explorers create when they discovered new lands? HINT: they were created for trade purchases.

Question 14

What kind of societies did some of the European explorers create when they discovered new lands? HINT: they were created for trade purchases.

Answer: Colonies

Question 15

What type of Characteristics make places different from one another?

Question 15

What type of Characteristics make places different from one another?

Answer: Human, Physical, Cultural

Question 16

What term explains how regions, cultures, and people depend on and compete with each other?

Question 16

What term explains how regions, cultures, and people depend on and compete with each other?

Answer: Society

Question 17

What is the term for things that define different regions?

Question 17

What is the term for things that define different regions?

Answer: Unifying Characteristics

Question 18

What different jobs did the explorer and fleet admiral Zheng He perform for the Chinese Emperor?

Question 18

What different jobs did the explorer and fleet admiral Zheng He perform for the Chinese Emperor?

Answers: Pirate hunter, transporter, enforcer (capturing kings).

Question 19

What country did both Zheng He and Vasco Da Gama sail around with 100 years between their voyages?

Question 19

What country did both Zheng He and Vasco Da Gama sail around with 100 years between their voyages?

Answer: India

Question 20

What innovation in sailing made it possible for Caravels to travel long distances and not worry about the wind?

Question 20

What innovation in sailing made it possible for Caravels to travel long distances and not worry about the wind?

Answer: Triangular sails

That’s all I’ve got. GOOD LUCK!