Revera Living

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Transcript of Revera Living

Revera Living Social Media & Display Campaigns

Name: Susan Li

URL of Website:

Date: August 4 2015

Executive Summary:

Revera is a privately owned long term care and retirement residences. Headquartered in

Mississauga, the company is now serving older adults at more than 500 locations in

Canada and the United States.

The success metric for SEO is to improve SERP results and to drive traffic to the site when

people search non-branded keywords, such as “retirement homes toronto”, “nursing

homes toronto”, “retirement residences toronto”, “senior homes toronto”. The objective

of SEO is that be in the top of organic search results when people

search the above keywords. The success of SEM metric is to achieve 100,000 monthly

impressions, and achieve a 3% CTR for the above non-branded keywords searches. The

ultimate goal is to drive visits to 10 retirement residences in Toronto. When we plan

display and social media advertising, our target audiences are: 1). Adults who have

aging parents; 2). Older adults who consider to move to retirement homes; 3).Relatives

and friends of older adults.

I recommend to run social media and display ads in conjunction with an SEO & PPC

campaign, because social media and display ads can strongly reinforce our marketing

efforts & brand awareness. If run correctly, social media and display ads can increase

traffic volume and conversion rates.

Describe the Target Audience :

We have a few different audience segments, as I mentioned above.

1). Adults who have aging parents. This audience segment is actively searching and

doing research on the retirement homes for their parents.

2). Older adults. This audience segment is also actively searching, both online and offline.

Some of them may not proficient with search engines, but they can search from

directories, Yellow Pages, retirement living magazines. As well as ask for advice from

their relatives, friends and health care professionals.

3). Relatives and friends of older adults, which includes grandchildren of older adults. I

recommend to develop mobile ads as well.

So for my social media ads, my target audience segment is seniors’ children:

o Age Group: 45-55

o Gender: female & male

o B2C: Busy professionals in Toronto, have aging parents and adult (or near adult)


o Biggest Pain Points/Challenges: It is emotionally and physically demanding to

take care of their aging parents day-to-day needs. It is stressful to Juggle multiple


o What are they trying to achieve: Parents have a good quality of life, social

engagement, live comfortably and independently, have a “peace of mind”.

Social Media Campaign:

I would like to choose Facebook to start social media campaign. Because Facebook is the

most popular social media platform, and it has a massive audiences base. is highly B2C, it has a wide variety of target audience. The objective of

the campaign is to drive people to register for a free lunch or dinner plus a tour at any

Revera location in Toronto, drive conversion rate for this landing page Based on the

audience segment defined above, I developed the Facebook ad as following:

I would like to develop twitter ad for the same market segment, and for the same

objective, - driving conversion rate for this landing page Twitter ad provides

a more accurate targeting. It allows me to target exactly those people who are searching

for retirement residences, and I can target the followers of Revera’s competitors’, as well

as the followers of senior health related magazines.

Display Ads:

I decide to target the same audience segment (elderly people’s children) for Google

Display ad. At this point, I would like to combine keyword (contextual) targeting and

demographic targeting. It has been recommended that we should try keyword targeting

first, to see which sites are performing well before employing placement targeting. And

the audience I am targeting are within certain age groups (45-64). That’s why I combine

these two parameters.

I developed a banner ad, 300x250, using Bannerflow. Again, I am targeting seniors’

children, invite them for a lunch or dinner with a loved one, I use emotion to speak to

them effectively.

Landing Page Recommendations:

I use one landing page for my social media ads and display ad. The landing page should

provide more info about registration page for a meal and a tour)

The current landing page does an OK job on speaking to its audience – Senior peoples’

children, and invite them for a meal and tour with one of their parents. The audience

should know exactly who Revera is as soon as they land on the page. The page has what

the audience what – After the audience see the social media ads or display ad, they

should know what to expect by clicking “learn more”. I believe the audience can trust

Revera, because it is a well-known brand. They should know what the next step is –

completing the form and expecting the invitation.

However, the odd thing is that the email address is optional, and the audience still have

to consent. I tested this form, did not fill the email address, and submitted. It gave me

another page saying that someone is going to contact me…

Therefore, I do not think this landing page applies the best practice on user experience

design. It makes process complicated and uncertain. I suggest to redesign the landing

page, let audience choose the location they want to visit, as well as date and time, sign

up directly on the landing page. After signing up, there will be a “thank you” page with

the invitation that can be printed out. Also the invitation should be sent to the email

address provided. Of course Revera can call them to confirm prior the visit. In addition,

remove all navigations on the registration page to avoid interruption.

Measurement Model:

Development a measurement model for your digital program, using the below model as

an example.


Search Increase brand awareness

Branded traffic Target of 5K visits/month

Cost per click Target of $5

Display Increase brand awareness

# of impressions Target of 100,000/month

Cost per 1,000 impressions Target

of $10

Social Increase conversion rate on the landing page

# of subscriptions Cost per Acquisition Target

of $15