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Transcript of Reuse and Recycling · REUSE AND RECYCLING SOLID WASTE RECOVERY GENERALLY Recycling) 459A.005...

Chapter 459A


Reuse and Recycling


Recycling) 459A.005 Opportunity to recycle459A.010 Statewide goal; opportunity to recycle

program elements; recovery rates

459A.015 Commission duties

459A.020 Statewide integrated solid waste manage- ment plan

459A.025 Commission to adopt rules regarding wastedisposal and recycling

459A.030 Technical assistance to local governments

459A.035 Solid waste composition study459A.040 Biennial report on opportunity to recycle459A.045 Request for modification or variance

459A050 Annual recycling reports459A.055 Variance or request for extension to pro-

vide opportunity to recycle459A.060 Request for variance from requirement to

implement additional program elements

459A.065 Mandatory participation in recycling459A.070 Limitation on amount charged person who

source separates recyclable material

459A.075 Exemptions

459A.080 Prohibitions against removing or mixingrecyclable material

459A.085 City, county authority to issue collectionservice franchises; opportunity to recycle; rates

459A.100 Definitions for ORS 459A.100 to 459A.120

459A.105 Policy459A.110 Additional fees for programs for reduction

of domestic solid waste and environmentalrisks; assessment; maximum fee

Note Additional fees when state collects certainsurcharge; use; assessment; maximum

fee -1991 c.385 §91

Note Deduction from fees paid for solid wastegenerated out of state if state collectscertain surcharge -1991 0.385 § 92

459A115 Surcharge on fee imposed under ORS459A.110; use of surcharge

459A. 120 Use of additional fees

Recycling Markets Development Council)

Temporary provisions relating to Recycl- ing Markets Development Council arecompiled as notes following ORS 459A.120)


Newsprint and Directories)

459AZM Definitions for ORS 459A.500 to 459A.515

459A.505 Minimum recycled content for newsprint

459AZIO Report to consumer of amount of post - consumer waste in shipment

459A.515 Annual report to department; content

459A W Minimum recycled content for directories

Oregon Newsprint Recycling Task Force) Temporary provisions relating to Oregon

Newsprint Recycling Task Force are com- piled as notes following ORS 459A.515)


459ArM Report on use of new and recycled glass; minimum percentage of recycled glass re-



459A600 " Compost" defined

459A.605 Rules for purchase of compost and sewagesludge by state

459A.610 Identification of uses for compost andsewage sludge

459A.615 Programs to use compost and sewagesludge

459A.620 Use of compost or sewage sludge by stateagencies given priority


459A650 Definitions for ORS 459A.650 to 459A.665

459A.655 Minimum recycled content for rigid plasticcontainers

Note Exemptions for plastic containers; reviewand report on plastic recyclingprograms -1991 c.385 § 34e

459A.660 Certification; records; exempt containers

459A.665 Opportunity to recycle rigid plastic con- tainers

459A.675 Definitions for ORS 459A.675 to 459A.685

459A680 Labeling requirements for rigid plasticcontainers

459A.685 Prohibition on manufacture of rigid plasticcontainers without label


459A700 Definitions for ORS 459A.700 to 459A.740

459A.705 Refund value required

459A710 Practices required of dealers and distribu- tors

459A.715 When dealer or distributor authorized to

refuse to accept or pay refund in certaincases; notice

459A.720 Indication of refund value required; ex- ception; certain metal containers and

plastic container holders prohibited

459A.725 Certification of containers as reusable bymore than one manufacturer

459A.730 Decision upon certification application; review and withdrawal of certifications

459A.735 Redemption centers

459A.740 Certification and withdrawal procedures


459A750 Recycling and waste reduction componentof curriculum; teacher' s guide; informa- tional materials

36 -483



459A.775 " State agency" defined459A.780 Prohibition against purchase or use of

nonbiodegradable and nonrecyclable food

packaging; exemptions

459A.785 Effective recycling program; standards fordetermining


Definitions, 459.005

36 -484



Recycling) 459A.005 Opportunity to recycle. ( 1)

As used in ORS 459.015, 459.250 and 459A.005to 459A.665, the " opportunity to recycle" means at least that the city, county or met- ropolitan service district responsible for solidwaste management:

a)(A) Provides a place for collectingsource separated recyclable material locatedeither at a disposal site or at another lo- cation more convenient to the population be-

ing served and, if a city has a population of4,000 or more, collection at least once amonth of source separated recyclable mate-

rial from collection service customers withinthe city' s urban growth boundary or, whereapplicable, within the urban growth bound-

ary established by a metropolitan servicedistrict; or

B) Provides an alternative method whichcomplies with rules of the commission; and

b) Complies with the rates and programelements required under ORS 459A.010.

2) The " o portunity to recycle" definedin subsection 1) of this section also includesa public education and promotion program


a) Gives notice to each person of theopportunity to recycle; and

b) Encourages source separation of

recyclable material. [ Formerly 459.1651

459A.010 Statewide goal; opportunityto recycle program elements; recoveryrates. ( 1) It is the goal of the State of

Oregon that by January 1, 2000, the amountof recovery from the general solid wastestream shall be at least 50 percent.

2) In addition to the requirements ofORS 459A.005, the " opportunity to recycle" shall include the requirements of subsection3) of this section, which shall be imple-

mented on or before July 1, 1992, by usingthe following program elements:

a) Provision of at least one durable re- cycling container to each residential servicecustomer by not later than January 1, 1993.

b) On -route collection at least once eachweek of source separated recyclable material

to residential customers, provided on the

same day that solid waste is collected fromeach customer.

c) An expanded education and promotionprogram conducted to inform citizens of the

manner and benefits of reducing, reusing andrecycling material. The program shall in- clude:

A) Provision of recycling notificationand education packets to all new residential,


commercial and institutional collection ser- vice customers that includes at a minimumthe materials collected, the schedule for col- lection, the way to prepare materials for col- lection and reasons that persons should

separate their material for recycling; B) Provision of quarterly recycling in-

formation to residential, commercial and in- stitutional collection service customers thatincludes at a minimum the materials col- lected, the schedule for collection and atleast annually includes additional informa- tion including the procedure for preparingmaterials for collection; and

C) Targeting of community and mediaevents to promote recycling.

d) Collection of at least four principalrecyclable materials or the number of mate- rials required to be collected under the resi- dential on -route collection program,

whichever is less, from each multifamilydwelling complex having five or more units. The multifamily collection program shall in- clude promotion and education directed to

the residents of the multifamily dwellingunits.

e) An effective residential yard debriscollection and compostip_-, program that in-

cludes the promotion of home composting ofyard debris, and that also includes either:

A) Monthly or more frequent on -routecollection of yard debris from residences forproduction of compost or other marketable

products; or

B) A system of yard debris collection

depots conveniently located and open to thepublic at least once a week.

f) Regular onsite collection of sourceseparated principal recyclable materials fromcommercial and institutional solid waste

generators employing 10 or more persons andoccupying 1, 000 square feet or more in asingle location. As used in this paragraph, commercial and institutional solid waste

generators" means stores, offices includingmanufacturing and industry offices, restau- rants, warehouses, schools, colleges, univer-

sities, hospitals and other nonmanufacturingentities, but does not include other manufac-

turing activities or business, manufacturingor processing activities in residential


g) Expanded depots for recycling of atleast all principal recyclable materials andprovisions for promotion and education tomaximize the use of the depots. The depotsshall have regular and convenient hours andshall be open on the weekend days and, whenfeasible, shall collect additional recyclable


36 -485


h) Solid waste residential collection

rates that encourage waste reduction, reuse

and recycling through reduced rates forsmaller containers, including at least onerate for a container that is 21 gallons or lessin size. Based on the average weight of solidwaste disposed per container for containersof different sizes, the rate on a per pounddisposed basis shall not decrease with in-

creasing size of containers, nor shall therates per container service be less with ad- ditional containers serviced.

3)( a) Not later than July 1, 1992, eachcity with a population of at least 4,000 butnot more than 10,000 that is not within a

metropolitan service district and any countyresponsible for the area between the citylimits and the urban growth boundary ofsuch city shall implement one of the follow- ing:

A) The program elements set forth inparagraphs ( a), ( b) and ( c) of subsection ( 2) of this section;

B) A program that includes at leastthree elements set forth in subsection ( 2) ofthis section; or

C) An alternative method of achievingrecycling rates that complies with rules ofthe Environmental Quality Commission.

b) Not later than July 1, 1992, each citythat is within a metropolitan service districtor that has a population of more than 10,000and any county responsible for the areawithin a metropolitan service district or thearea between the city limits and the urbangrowth boundary of such city shall imple- ment one of the following:

A) Program elements set forth underparagraphs ( a), ( b) and ( c) of subsection ( 2) of this section and one additional element setforth under subsection ( 2) of this section;

B) A program that includes at least fiveelements set forth under subsection ( 2) of

this section; or

C) An alternative method of achievingrecycling rates that complies with rules ofthe Environmental Quality Commission.

4)( a) Recovery rates shall be determinedby dividing the total weight of material re- covered by the sum of the total weight of thematerial recovered plus the total weight ofsolid waste disposed that was generated in

each wasteshed. It is the policy of the Stateof Oregon that recovery of material shall beconsistent with the priority of solid wastemanagement in ORS 459.015 ( 2). Therefore, except as provided in subsection ( 6) of this

section, recovery rates shall include all ma- terial collected for recycling, both sourceseparated or sorted from solid waste, includ-

ing yard debris.

b) If there is not a viable market for re-

cycling amaterial under paragraph ( a) of

this subsection, the composting or burningof the material for energy recovery may beincluded in the recovery rate for thewasteshed. Mixtures of materials that are

composted or burned for energy recoveryshall not be included in the recovery rate ifmore than half of the materials b weight

could have been recycled if propery sourceseparated. In its annual report to the depart- ment, the county or metropolitan servicedistrict shall state how much composting orenergy recovery under this paragraph is in- cluded as recovery and state the basis for thedetermination that there was not a viable

market for recycling the material. As used inthis paragraph, ` viable market" means a

place within a wasteshed that will pay forthe material or accept the material free ofcharge or a place outside a wasteshed that

will pay a price for the material that, atminimum, covers the cost of transportationof the material.

c) Recovery rates shall not include: A) Industrial and manufacturing wastes

such as boxboard clippings and metal trimthat are recycled before becoming part of aproduct that has entered the wholesale orretail market.

B) Metal demolition debris in which ar- rangements are made to sell or give the ma- terial to processors before demolition suchthat it does not enter the solid waste stream.

C) Discarded vehicles or parts of vehi- cles that do not routinely enter the solidwaste stream.

D) Material recovered for composting orenergy recovery from mixed solid waste, ex- cept as provided in paragraph ( b) of thissubsection and in paragraph ( a) of subsection6) of this section.

E) Mixed solid waste burned for energyrecovery.

d) " Solid waste disposed" shall mean thetotal weight of solid waste disposed other

than the following: A) Sewage sludge or septic tank and

cesspool pumpings;

B) Waste disposed of at an industrialwaste disposal site;

C) Industrial waste, ash, inert rock, dirt, plaster, asphalt and similar material if deliv- ered to a municipal solid waste disposal siteor demolition disposal site and if a record iskept of such deliveries and submitted as partof the annual report submitted under AS459A.050;

D) Waste received at an ash monofill

from a resource recovery facility; and

36 -486


E) Solid waste not generated within thisstate.

5)( a) Each local government that fran- chises or licenses the collection of solidwaste and establishes the rates to be chargedfor collection service shall either:

A) Include in those rates all net costsincurred by the franchisee or licensee forproviding the " opportunity to recycle" underORS 459A.005 and for implementing the re- quirements of subsection ( 3) of this section; or

B) Fund im ,plementation of the " oppor-

tunity to recycle under ORS 459A.005 or therequirements of subsection ( 3) of this sectionthrough an alternative source of funding in- cluding but not limited to disposal fees.

b) As used in this subsection, " net

costs" includes but is not limited to the rea- sonable costs for collecting, handling, proc- essing, storing, transporting and deliveringrecyclable material to market and for pro- viding any required education and promotionor data collection services adjusted by a fac- tor to account for proceeds from the sale ofrecyclable material.

6)( a) Clackamas, Multnomah and

Washington counties, in aggregate, shall

achieve a recovery rate of 45 percent for thecalendar year 1995. No more than five per- cent of the recovery level may be achievedby the processing of mixed solid wastecompost. If the metropolitan service districtdoes not develop a mixed solid waste

composting process, the recovery rate forClackamas, Multnomah and Washingtoncounties, in aggregate, shall be 40 percentfor the calendar year 1995.

b) The following wastesheds shall

achieve a recovery rate of 30 percent for thecalendar year 1995:

A) Benton County; B) Lane County; C) Linn County; D) Marion County; E) Polk County; andF) Yamhill County. c) The following wastesheds shall

achieve a recovery rate of 25 percent for thecalendar year 1995:

A) Clatsop County; B) Columbia County; C) Deschutes County; D) Douglas County; E) Hood River County; F) Jackson County; G) Josephine County; andH) Wasco County.

d) The following wastesheds shall

achieve a recovery rate of 15 percent for thecalendar year 1995:

A) Baker County; B) Coos County; C) Crook County; D) Curry County; E) Klamath County; F) Lincoln County; G) Malheur County; H) Tillamook County; I) Umatilla County; J) Union County; andK) The City of Milton - Freewater. e) The following wastesheds shall

achieve a recovery rate of seven percent forthe calendar year 1995:

A) Gilliam County; B) Grant County; C) Harney County; D) Jefferson County; E) Lake County; F) Morrow County; G) Sherman County; H) Wallowa County; andI) Wheeler County. 7) In any wasteshed set forth in para-

graph ( b) of subsection ( 6) of this section us-

ing, on or before July 1, 1991, an energyrecovery facility to dispose of its solid waste, the recovery rate shall be 25 percent untilthe solid waste disposed of from within the

wasteshed exceeds 180, 000 tons. Any solidwaste disposed of by the wasteshed in excessof 180,000 tons shall achieve a recovery rateof 30 percent.

8) If a wasteshed fails to achieve the re-

covery rate set forth in subsection ( 6) or ( 7) of this section, any city with a population ofmore than 4,000 or a county responsible forthe area between the cit limits and the ur- ban growth boundary o7such city shall in- stitute, not later than July 1, 1996, twoadditional program elements as set forth insubsection ( 2) of this section.

9) In calculating the rates set forth insubsection ( 6) of this section, commercial,

industrial and demolition scrap metal, vehi- cles, major equipment and home or industrialappliances that are handled or processed for

use in manufacturing new products and thatdo not routinely enter the solid waste streamthrough land disposal facilities, transfer

stations, recycling depots or on -route col- lection programs shall not be counted as

material recovery or recycling. The depart-

36 -487


inent shall annually conduct an industrysurvey to determine the contribution of post - consumer residential scrap metal, includinghome appliances, to recycling and recoverylevels in a manner which prevents double

counting of material recovered. Informationcollected under the provisions of this section,

as it relates specifically to private sectorcustomer lists or specific amounts and typesof materials collected or marketed, shall bemaintained as confidential by the departmentand exempt from disclosure under ORS

192.410 to 192.505. The department may useand disclose such information in aggregatedf6i7 i. [1991 c.385'§ 21

Note: Section 2a, chapter 385, Oregon Laws 1991, provides:

Sec. 2a. The Sixty -ninth Legislative Assembly shallreview the 1995 recovery rates achieved by eachwasteshed and by the state as a whole, and shall setwasteshed recovery rates, or other goals that allowmeasurement of each wasteshed' s progress in achievinggreater reduction, reuse and recycling, for the calendaryear 2000. [ 1991 c.385 § 2a]

459A.015 Commission duties. The com- mission shall:

1) Amend the state solid waste manage- ment plan to conform to the requirements ofORS 459.005, 459.015, 459.035, 459.250, 459.992, 459.995 and 459A.005 to 459A.665.

2) Review department reports on comance with and implementation of ORS459.005, 459.015, 459.035, 459.250, 459.992, 459.995 and 459A.005 to 459A -665.

3) Submit a report to each regular ses-

sion of the Legislative Assembly regardingcompliance with and implementation of theprovisions of ORS 459.005, 459.015, 459.035, 459.250, 459.992, 459.995 and 459A.005 to459A.665. [ Formerly 459.1681

459A.020 Statewide integrated solidwaste management plan. ( 1) On or beforeJanuary 1, 1994, the Environmental QualityCommission shall adopt a statewide inte- grated solid waste management plan. Theplan shall include, but need not be limited to:

a) Source reduction;

b) Recycling; c) Solid waste collection and processing, d) Composting and energy recovery; e) Incineration;

f) Disposal;

g) Disposal capacity and facility siting; and

h) Transportation.

2) The statewide integrated solid wastemanagement plan shall be developed in con- sultation with local government, the Eco- nomic Development Department and otherappropriate state and regional agencies,

commissions and task forces. The plan shalladdress integrated solid waste managementfor at least 10 years into the future. The de-

partment shall review the plan every twoyears and the commission shall revise theplan at regular intervals in order to allowlocal


to take advantage of thedata and analysis in the state plan. [ 1991 am


459A.025 Commission to adopt rules

regarding waste disposal and recycling. 1) By January 1, 1985, and according to the

requirements of ORS 183.310 to 183.550, thecommission shall adopt rules and guidelines

necessary to carry out the provisions of ORS459.005, 459.015, 459:035, 459.250, 459.992,

459.995 and 459A.005 to 459A.665, includingbut not limited to:

a) Acceptable alternative methods forproviding the opportunity to recycle;

b) Education, promotion and notice re- qquirements, which requirements may be dif-' ferent for disposal sites and collection


c) Identification of the wastesheds

within the state;

d) Identification of the principal

recyclable material in each wasteshed;

e) Guidelines for local governments andother persons responsible for implementingthe provisions of ORS 459.005, 459.015459.035, 459.250, 459.992, 459.995 an

459A.005 to 459A.665;

f) Standards for the joint submission ofthe recycling report required under ORS459A.050 ( 1); and

g) Subject to prior approval of the ap- propriate legislative agency, the amount ofan annual or permit fee or both under ORS459.235, 459.245 and 468.065 necessary tocarry out the provisions of ORS 459.005459.015, 459.035, 459.250, 459.992, 459.995 an 459A.005 to 459A.665.

2) In adopting rules or guidelines underthis section, the commission shall consider:

a) The purposes and policy stated inORS 459.015.

b) Systems and techniques available for

recycling, including but not limited to exist- ing recycling programs.

c) Availability of markets for recyclablematerial.

d) Costs of collecting, storing, transport- ing and marketing recyclable material.

e) Avoided costs of disposal.

f) Density and characteristics of thepopulation to be served.

g) Composition and quantity of solidwaste generated and potential recyclable

36 -488


material found in each wasteshed. [ Formerly459.1701

459A.030 Technical assistance to localgovernments. The Department of Environ- mental Quality shall provide technical as- sistance to cities, counties or metropolitan

service districts in the development, revision, amendment and implementation of local solidwaste reduction, reusing, recycling and solidwaste management programs that complywith the opportunity to recycle establishedin ORS 459A.005. The department shall give

special emphasis to assisting rural and re- mote counties. [ 1991 c.385 § 521

Note: 459A.030 was added to and made a part of459.005 to 459.426 by legislative action but was notadded to any smaller series therein. ( The series 459.005to 459.426 became 459.005 to 459.426, 459.705 to 459.790and 459A.005 to 459A.665 in 1991.) See Preface to OregonRevised Statutes for further explanation.

459A.035 Solid waste composition

study. The department shall conduct a solidwaste composition study at least once abiennium for all areas of the state not cov-

ered by other composition studies. The studymay include:

1) A measurement of the per capitawaste disposal rate; or

2) A statewide survey of the amount ofwaste reduced through resource recovery. 1991 c.385 § 51

459A.040 Biennial report on opportu- nity to recycle. The Department of Envi- ronmental Quality shall report biennially tothe Legislative Assembly on the developmentand implementation of the opportunity to re- cycle in Oregon. [ 1991 c.385 § 931

Note: 459A.040 was enacted into law by the Legis- lative Assembly but was not added to or made a partof ORS chapter 459 or 459A or any series therein bylegislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Stat- utes for further explanation.

459A.045 Request for modification or

variance. Any affected person may: 1) Request the commission to modify the

recyclable material for which the commissiondetermines the opportunity to recycle mustbe provided; or

2) Request a variance under ORS459A.055. [ Formerly 459.1751

459A.050 Annual recycling reports. ( 1) On behalf of each wasteshed and the citieswithin each wasteshed, each county shallsubmit to the department an annual reportthat:

a) Documents how the wasteshed andthe cities within the wasteshed are imple- menting the opportunity to recycle, includingthe requirements of ORS 459A.010.

b) Reports participation in on -route col- lection programs, including single family andmultifamily residential programs.


c) Reports participation in regular onsitecommercial collection programs.

d) Reports for the wasteshed the type ofmaterial and the weight of each type of ma-

terial collected through the following means: A) On -route collection;

B) Collection from commercial custom- ers; and

C) Collection at disposal site recyclingdepots.

e) If solid waste generated in thewasteshed is disposed of outside of the state, reports the total weight of waste disposedoutside the state.

2) The metropolitan service district forMultnomah, Washington and Clackamascounties and the cities therein in aggregateshall submit to the department an annualreport that includes the information requiredunder subsection ( 1) of this section.

3) Except as provided in subsection ( 4) of this section and subject to the exclusionsof ORS 459A.010 ( 4)(d), each solid waste dis- posal site that receives solid waste, excepttransfer stations, shall report, for eachwasteshed, the weight of in -state solid wastedisposed of at the solid waste disposal sitethat was generated in each wasteshed.

4) The metropolitan service district forMultnomah, Washington and Clackamascounties and the cities therein in aggregateshall submit to the department the weight of

solid waste disposed of through the followingfacilities:

a) Metropolitan service district centraltransfer station;

b) Metropolitan service district southtransfer station;

c) Municipal solid waste compost facil-

ity; andd) Any disposal facility or transfer facil-

ity owned, operated or under contract by themetropolitan service district.

5) The cities and counties within each

wasteshed shall share proportionally in thecosts incurred for the preparation and sub- mission of the annual report required underthis section.

6) At least annually, the department

shall survey privately operated recycling andmaterial recovery facilities, including but notlimited to buy back centers, drop off centers, recycling depots other than those at permit- ted land disposal facilities, manufacturers

and distributors. The department shall col-

lect the following information: a) By type of material for each

wasteshed, the weight of in -state material

36 -489


collected from other than on -route collectionprograms, both residential and commercial.

b) Any other information necessary toprevent double counting of material recov- ered or to determine if a material isrecyclable.

7) Information collected under sub-

section ( 6) of this section, as it relates spe-

cifically to the entity's customer lists orspecific amounts and types of materials col- lected or marketed, shall be maintained asconfidential by the department and exemptfrom disclosure under ORS 192.410 to

192.505. The department may use and dis- close such information in aggregated form.

8) The information in subsections ( 1) to4) and ( 6) of this section shall be collected

and reported annually on a form provided bythe department beginning in 1992 for calen- dar year 1991.

9) As a part of the report required undersection 91, chapter 385, Oregon Laws 1991, the department shall report:

a) The annual weight of material dis-

posed of per capita, by wasteshed and state- wide.

b) The annual recovery rate achieved byeach wasteshed and statewide.

c) The amount of each type of material

recovered annually statewide and, based onavailable information, the amount of each

type of material recycled annually statewide. d) The status of implementation of the

provisions of ORS 459A.005 to 459A.665.

e) Participation rates for commercialand residential on -route collection bywasteshed and statewide.

f) Recommendations for improvements inthe recycling, reuse and waste reduction


10) Unless extended by the commissionupon application under ORS 459A.055 afterthe affected persons show good cause for anextension, the affected persons within the

wasteshed shall implement the opportunityto recycle and submit the recycling report tothe department. [ Formerly 459.1801

459A.055 Variance or request for ex- tension to provide opportunity to recycle. 1)( a) Upon written application by an affected

person, the commission may, to accommodatespecial conditions in the wasteshed or a por- tion thereof, grant a variance from sppecificrequirements of the rules or guidelines

adopted under ORS 459A.025 or if the af- fected person complies with the criteria es- tablished in ORS 459A.060, from the

standards established in ORS 459A.010 ( 8).

b) The commission may grant all or partof a variance under this section.

c) Upon granting a variance, the com- mission may attach any condition the com- mission considers necessary to carry out theprovisions of ORS 459.015, 459.250 and

459A.005 to 459A.665.

d) In granting a variance, the commis- sion must find that:

A) Conditions exist that are beyond thecontrol of the applicant;

B) Special conditions exist that rendercompliance unreasonable or impractical; or

C) Compliance may result in a reductionin recycling.

2) An affected person may apply to thecommission to extend the time permitted un- der ORS 459.005, 459.015, 459.035, 459.250, 459.992, 459.995 and 459A.005 to 459A.665 for

providing for all or a part of the opportunityto recycle or submitting a recycling reportto the department. The commission may:

a) Grant an extension upon a showingof good cause;

b) Impose any necessary conditions onthe extension; or

c) Deny the application in whole or inpart. [ Formerly 459.1851

459A.060 Request for variance fromrequirement to implement additional

program elements. After January 1, 1995, a city or county may request from the de- partment a variance under ORS 459A.055from ORS 459A.010 ( 8) if beginning in 1992, the measurement of disposal rates shows that

the per capita disposal rate is -decreasing ata rate of five percent or more per year. [ 1991085 §41

459A.065 Mandatory participation inrecycling. ( 1) Upon findings made undersubsection ( 3) of this section, the commission

may require one or more classes of solidwaste generators within all or part of a

wasteshed to source separate identifiedreCyclable material from other solid wasteand make the material available for recycl- ing.

2) In determining which materials arerecyclable for purposes of mandatory partic- ipation, the cost of recycling from commer- cial or industrial sources shall include the

generator's cost of source separating andmaking the material available for recyclingor reuse.

3) Before requiring solid waste genera- tors to participate in recycling under thissection, the commission must find, after a

public hearing, that: a) The opportunity to recycle has been

provided for a reasonable period of time and

the level of participation by generators doesnot fulfill the purposes of ORS 459.015;

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b) The mandatory participation programis economically feasible within the affectedwasteshed or portion of the wasteshed; and

c) The mandatory participation programis the only practical alternative to carry outthe purposes of ORS 459.015.

4) After a mandatory participation pro- gram is established for a class of generatorsof solid waste, no person within the identi- fied class of generators shall put solid wasteout to be collected nor dispose of solid waste

at a disposal site unless the person has sep- arated the identified recyclable material ac-

cording to the requirements of the

mandatory participation program and madethe recyclable material available for recycl- ing. [ Formerly 459.1881

459A.070 Limitation on amount

charged person who source separates

recyclable material. (1) A collection service

or disposal site may charge a person whosource separates recyclable material and

makes it available for reuse or recycling less, but not more, for collection and disposal ofsolid waste and collection of recyclable ma-

terial than the collection service charges aperson who does not source separate

recyclable material.

2) A collection service or disposal site

may charge a person who does not have solidwaste collection service but who source sep- arates recyclable material and makes the

material available for reuse or recycling, forthe cost of providing that service. In no caseshall the charge be greater than the chargeto collect or dispose of that material as solidwaste. [ Formerly 459.1901

459A.075 Exemptions. Nothing in ORS459.005, 459.015, 459.035, 459.250, 459.992, 459.995 and 459A.005 to 459A.665 applies torecyclable material which is:

1) Source separated by the generator; and

2) Purchased from or exchanged by thegenerator for fair market value for recyclingor reuse. [ Formerly 459.1921

459A.080 Prohibitions against remov-

ing or mixing recyclable material. A per- son may not:

1) Without the permission of the owneror generator of recyclable material, take

recyclable material set out to be collected bya person authorized by a city or county toprovide collection service for that recyclablematerial.

2) Remove any recyclable material froma container, box, collection vehicle, depot orother receptacle for the accumulation orstorage of recyclable material without per-

mission of the owner of the receptacle.


3) Mix source separated recyclable ma-

terial with solid waste in any vehicle, box, container or receptacle used in solid waste

collection or disposal. [ Formerly 459.1951

459A.085 City, county authority to is- sue collection service franchises; oppor- tunity to recycle; rates. (1) The Legislative

Assembly finds that providing, for collectionservice including but not limited to the col- lection of recyclable material as part of theopportunity to recycle is a matter of state- wide concern.

2) The exercise of the authority grantedby this section is subject to ORS 221.735 and459.085 ( 3).

3) It is the intent of the Legislative As-

sembly that a city or county may displacecompetition with a system of regulated col-

lection service by issuing franchises whichmay be exclusive if service areas are allo- cated. The city or county may recognize anexisting collection service. A city or countmay award or renew a franchise for cor. lection service with or without bids or re- quests for proposals.

4) In carrying out the authority grantedby this section, a city or county acts for andon behalf of the State of Oregon to carry out:

a) The purposes of ORS 459.015;

b) The requirements of ORS 459.005, 459 .015, 459.035, 459.250, 459.992, 459.995 and459A.005 to 459A.665;

c) Waste reduction programs; and

d) The state solid waste managementplan.

5) After October 15, 1983, a city or acounty may continue, extend or renew an

existing franchise or grant a new franchisefor collection service. If a city or county, infurtherance of ORS 459.005 to 459.426, 459.705 to 459.790 and 459A.005 to 459A.665, has granted a collection service franchisebefore October 15, 1983, it may treat thefranchise as if adopted under this section.

6)( a) If a collection service franchise iscontinued, extended, renewed or granted on

or after October 15, 1983, the opportunity torecycle shall be provided to a franchise

holder' s customers no later than July 1, 1986. This subsection does not apply to that por- tion of the opportunity to recycle providedat or in connection with a disposal site underORS 459.250.

b) The opportunity to recycle may beprovided by:

A) The person holding the franchise; B) Another person who provides the op-

portunity to recycle to the franchise holder'scustomers; or

36 -491


C) A person who is granted a separatefranchise from the city or county solely forthe purpose of providing the opportunity torecycle.

c) In determining who shall provide theopportunity

toro recycle, a city or county shall

first give due consideration to any personlawfully providing recycling or collectionservice on June 1, 1983, if the person con- tinues to provide the service until the datethe determination is made and the personhas not discontinued the service for a periodof 90 days or more between June 1, 1983, andthe date the city or county makes the deter- mination.

7) In granting a collection service fran- chise, the city or county may:

a) Prescribe the quality and characterof and rates for collection service and theminimum requirements to guarantee mainte- nance of service, determine level of service, select persons to provide collection service

and establish a system to pay for collectionservice.

b) Divide the regulated area into serviceareas, grant franchises to persons for col- lection service within the service areas and

collect fees from persons holding such fran- chises.

8) The rates established under this sec- tion shall be ust and reasonable and ade- quate to provide necessary collection service. The rates established by the city or countyshall allow the person holding the franchiseto recover any additional costs of providingthe opportunity to recycle at the minimumlevel required by ORS 459.005, 459.015, 459.035, 459.250, 459.992, 459.995 and

459A.005 to 459A.665 or at a higher level of

recycling required by or permitted by thecity or county. The rates shall also allow theperson to recover the costs of education,

promotion and notice of the opportunity torecycle provided by a person holding a fran- chise.

9) Instead of providing funding for theopportunity to recycle through rates estab- lished pursuant to subsection ( 8) of this sec- tion, a city or county may provide analternative method of funding all or part ofthe opportunity to recycle.

10) In establishing service areas, the cityor county shall consider:

a) The policies contained in ORS459.015;

b) The requirements of ORS 459.250 and459A.005 to 459A.665;

c) Any applicable local or regional solidwaste management plan approved by the de- partment;

d) Any applicable waste reduction planapproved by the department; and

e) The need to conserve energy, increaseefficiency, provide the opportunity to recycle, reduce truck traffic and improve safety.

11) A city or county may further restrictcompetition by permitting one or more col- lection service franchise holders to cooperateto provide the opportunity to recycle if thecity or county finds that such cooperationwill.

a) Improve collection service efficiency; b) Guarantee an adequate volume of

material to improve the feasibility and effec- tiveness of recycling;

c) Increase the stability of recyclingmarkets; or

d) Encourage joint marketing of materi- als or joint education and promotion efforts.

12) The provisions of this section are in

addition to and not in lieu of any other au- thority granted to a city or county. A cityor county' s exercise of authority under thissection is not intended to create anypresumption regarding an activity of the lo- cal government unit not addressed in thissection. This section shall not be construed

to mean that it is the policy of Oregon thatother local government activities may not beexercised in a manner that supplants or lim- its economic competition. [ Formerly 4592001

459A.100 Definitions for ORS 459A.100to 459A.120. As used in ORS 459A.100 to459A.120:

1) " Domestic solid waste" includes butis not limited to residential, commercial andinstitutional wastes generated within thisstate.

2) " Domestic solid waste" does not in- clude:

a) Sewage sludge or septic tank andcesspool pumpings;

b) Building demolition or constructionwastes and land clearing debris, if deliveredto a disposal site that is limited to thosepurposes;

c) Source separated recyclable material, or material recovered at the disposal site;

d) Waste going to an industrial wastefacility;

e) Waste received at an ash monofill

from a resource recovery facility; orf) Other material excluded by the com-

mission in order to support the purposes ofORS 459.015. [ Formerly 4592921

459A.105 Policy. The Legislative Assem- bly finds and declares that:

36 -492


1) Domestic solid waste disposal capacityis a matter of statewide concern;

2) The disposal in Oregon of domesticsolid waste generated both outside and

within Oregon will reduce the total capacityavailable for disposal of domestic solid wastegenerated in this state;

3) The disposal in Oregon of domesticsolid waste generated outside Oregon andwithin Oregon will add to the level of envi- ronmental risk associated with the transpor- tation and disposal of those wastes; and

4) It is in the best interest of the public

health, safety and welfare of the people ofOregon to reduce the amount of domesticsolid waste being generated in Oregon in or- der to extend the useful life of existing do- mestic solid waste disposal sites and toreduce the environmental risks associatedwith receiving waste generated outside

Oregon at those sites. [ Formerly 4592931

459A.110 Additional fees for programsfor reduction of domestic solid waste andenvironmental risks; assessment; maxi-

mum fee. ( 1) In addition to the permit feesprovided in ORS 459.235, the commission

shall establish a schedule of fees for all dis- posal sites that receive domestic solid wasteexcept transfer stations. The schedule shallbe based on the estimated tonnage or theactual tonnage, if known, received at the site

and any other similar or related factors thecommission finds appropriate. The fees col- lected pursuant to the schedule shall be suf-

ficient to assist in the funding of programsto reduce the amount of domestic solid wastegenerated in Oregon and to reduce environ- mental risks at domestic waste disposal sites.

2) For solid waste delivered to disposal

facilities owned or operated by a metropol- itan service district, the schedule of fees, butnot the permit fees provided in ORS 459.235, established by the commission in subsection

1) of this section shall be levied on the dis- trict, not the disposal site.

3) The commission also may requiresubmittal of information related to volumesand sources of waste or recycled material if

necessary to carry out the activities in ORS459A -120.

4)( a) A local government that franchisesor licenses a domestic solid waste site shallallow the disposal site to pass through theamount of the fees established by the com- mission in subsection ( 1) of this section tothe users of the site.

b) If a disposal site that receives domes- tic solid waste passes through all or a por- tion of the fees established by the

commission in subsection ( 1) of this sectionto a solid waste collector who uses the site, a local government that franchises or li-


censes the collection of solid waste shall al-

low the franchisee or licensee to include theamount of the fee in the solid waste col- lection service rate.

5) The fees generated under subsection1) of this section shall be sufficient to ac-

complish the purposes set forth in ORS459A.120 but shall be no more than 50 centsper ton.

6) There shall be a fee on solid wastegenerated out of state. This fee shall be anamount equal to the sum of the fees estab- lished under subsection ( 1) of this section

and ORS 459A.115 and shall be collected inthe same manner as fees established undersubsection ( 1) of this section and ORS459A.115. [ Formerly 459.2941

Note: Sections 91 and 92, chapter 385, Oregon Laws1991, provide:

Sec. 91. If, after final appeal, the surcharge estab- lished by the Environmental Quality Commission underORS 459.297 is held to be valid and the state is able tocollect the surcharge, ORS 459.294, ( renumbered

459A. 110) as amended by section 13 of this. Act, is fur- ther amended to read:

459AAIO Additional fees when state collectscertain surcharge; use; assessment; maximum fee. 1) In addition to the permit fees provided in ORS

459.235, the commission shall establish a schedule offees for all disposal sites that receive domestic solidwaste except transfer stations. The schedule shall bebased on the estimated tonnage or the actual tonnage, if known, received at the site and any other similar orrelated factors the commission finds appropriate. Thefees collected pursuant to the schedule shall be suffi- cient to assist in the funding of programs to reduce theamount of domestic solid waste generated in Oregonand to reduce environmental risks at domestic wastedisposal sites.

2) For solid waste delivered to disposal facilitiesowned or operated by a metropolitan service district, the schedule of fees, but not the permit fees provided in

ORS 459.235, established by the commission in sub- section ( 1) of this section shall be levied on the district, not the disposal site.

3) The commission also may require submittal ofinformation related to volumes and sources of waste or

recycled material if necessary to carry out the activitiesin ORS 459A.120.

4)( a) A local government that franchises or li- censes a domestic solid waste site shall allow the dis- posal site to pass through the amount of the feesestablished by the commission in subsection ( 1) of thissection to the users of the site.

b) If a disposal site that receives domestic solidwaste passes through all or a portion of the fees estab-

lished by the commission in subsection ( 1) of this sec- tion to a solid waste collector who uses the site, a localgovernment that franchises or licenses the collection ofsolid waste shall allow the franchisee or licensee to in- clude the amount of the fee in the solid waste collectionservice rate.

5) The fees generated under subsection ( 1) of thissection shall be sufficient to accomplish the purposesset forth in ORS 459A.120 but shall be no more than 50cents per ton.

Sec. 92. Deduction from fees paid for solidwaste generated out of state if state collects cer- tain surcharge. If, after final ap eal, the surchargeestablished by the Environmental & uality Commissionunder ORS 459.297 is held to be valid and the state is

36 -493


able to collect the surcharge, any person subject to thesurcharge shall pay the amount of the surcharge due forall solid waste generated out of state and accepted fordisposal at the disposal site on and after January 1, 1991. However, the person responsible for payment of

the surcharge may deduct from the amount due any feespaid under ORS 459A.110 ( 6) as amended by section 13of this Act on solid waste generated out of state. [ 1991c.385 § 92]

459A.115 Surcharge on fee imposedunder ORS 459A.110; use of surcharge. (1)

From January 1, 1992, to December 31, 1993, the schedule of fees as established by theEnvironmental Quality Commission underORS 459A.110 ( 1) is increased by 35 cents perton and shall be deposited into the GeneralFund and credited to an account of the De-

partment of Environmental Quality. Such

moneys are continuously appropriated to thedepartment to implement the provisions ofthis section and ORS 90.318, 182.375, 279.545to 279.555, 279.570 to 279.650, 459.005, 459.015, 459.235, 459.247, 459.418, 459.419, 459.995, 459,. 005, 459A.010, 459A.020, 459, 030 to 459A.060, 459A.070, 459A.110, 459A.500 to 459A.685 and 459A.750.

2) Beginning January 1, 1994, the sched- ule of fees as established by the commissionunder ORS 459A.110 is increased by 31 centsper ton and shall be deposited into the Gen- eral Fund and credited to an account of the

department. Such moneys are continuouslyappropriated to the department to implementthe provisions described in subsection ( 1) ofthis section, excluding ORS 459.418. [ 1991 c.385


Note: 459, 115 was added to and made a part of

459.165 to 459.200 ( renumbered 459, 005 to 459, 665) bylegislative action but was not added to any smaller se- ries therein. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes forfurther explanation.

459A.120 Use of additional fees. ( 1) The

fees established by the commission underORS 459A.110 shall be deposited in the Gen- eral Fund and credited to an account of the

department. Such moneys are continuouslyappropriated to the department to carry outthe purposes set forth in subsection ( 2) ofthis section.

2) The fees collected under ORS

459A.110 shall be used only for the followingpurposes:

a) To implement the provisions of ORS459.411 to 459.417.

b) Department of Environmental Qualityprograms to . promote and enhance waste re-

duction and recycling ' statewide, includingdata collection, performance measurement,

education and promotion, market develop- ment and demonstration projects.

c) Department of Environmental Qualityactivities for ground water monitoring andenforcement of ground water protection

standards at domestic solid waste landfills.

d) Solid waste planning activities bycounties and the metropolitan service dis- trict, as approved by the department, includ- ing planning for special waste disposal,

planning for closure of solid waste disposalsites, capacity planning for domestic solidwaste and regional solid waste planning.

e) Grants to local government units for

recycling and solid waste planning activities.

f) To pay administrative costs incurredby the department in accomplishing the pur- poses set forth in this section, the amountallocated under this subsection shall not ex- ceed 10 percent of the fees generated underORS 459A.110. [ Formerly 459.2951

Recycling Markets Development Council) Note: Sections 45 to 49, chapter 385, Oregon Laws

1991, provide:

Sec. 45. ( 1) The Recycling Markets DevelopmentCouncil is created. The council shall consist of 12members at least one of whom shall have expertise innational and international market- development. Themembers appointed to the council shall represent the

following interests: a) Local government;

b) Solid waste collectors;

c) Environmental organizations;

d) Glass industry; e) End - product manufacturers of glass;

M Paper industry;

g) End - product manufacturers of paper; h) End - product manufacturers of plastic;

i) Persons with expertise in the collection and

sorting of recyclable materials;

j) Retail industry; k) Processors of recovered materials; and

L) Plastics industry. 2) The Governor shall appoint the members of the

council, one of whom shall be designated as chair- person. Members of the council serve at the pleasureof the Governor and shall serve a term of two years. Any vacancy on the council shall be filled by the Gov- ernor. In making the appointments to the council, theGovernor shall consider:

a) The person' s knowledge of recycling; b) Geographic representation from throughout the


c) The size of the business represented; and

d) Expertise in market development.

3) The council shall meet at least quarterly. 4) The council shall:

a) Remain current with national and internationalmarket development activities;

b) Develop statewide market strategies for eachsecondary commodity;

c) Develop communication with and be a liaisonto market development committees representing otherstates within the region;

d) Encourage uniform recycling definitions andstandards throughout the states in the region;

e) Encourage the expansion of existing businessesand the recruitment of businesses into the region thatuse recovered materials from Oregon;

36 -494


f) Identify and evaluate financial and other incen- tives to attract new businesses to Oregon or to expand

existing businesses that can use recovered materialsfrom Oregon; and

g) Promote the purchase of products made fromrecovered materials.

5) The council shall submit a report to the Sixty - seventh Legislative Assembly. The report shall includebut need not be limited to:

a) Accomplishments of the council to date;

b) Additional activities necessary to strengthenmarkets for recycled materials;

c) Statutory additions or changes necessary to as- sist the council in carrying out its duties, includingimplementing the market development plans developedby the council' s divisions; and

d) The specific uses intended for the Oregon Re- cycling Markets Development Fund created under sec- tion 48 of this 1991 Act. [ 1991 c.385 § 451

Sec. 46. ( 1) The council shall establish three in- dustry divisions to examine specific market developmentproblems related to glass, paper and plastic. In additionto the glass, paper and plastic divisions, the council

may establish ad hoc divisions to address market de- velopment problems not appropriately addressed by theglass, paper and plastic divisions. The council shall de- termine the organizational structure for the ad hoc di- visions.

2) The chairperson of the glass, paper and plasticdivisions shall be the member of the council appointedby the Governor as the representative of the glass, pa- per or plastic industry, respectively. In addition, thecouncil shall select at least four but not more thaneight members for each division from representatives ofeach industry. Each division' s members shall representfairly the primary participants in each industry' sOregon economy, including material suppliers andmanufacturers.

3) The council shall define specific market prob- lems for each secondary commodity and the appropriatedivision shall address each problem in the followingmanner:

a) The division shall analyze current plant capac-

ity and market demand issues for the secondary com- modity in question;

b) The division shall determine whether the in- dustry has insufficient private development activity, planned or existing, to warrant additional market de- velopment; and

c) If the division finds additional market develop- ment is warranted, the division shall establish a devel- opment plan for expanding markets for the secondarycommodity, including a recommended capital develop- ment fund to finance the plan and a proposal for as- sessment of the industry to fund the marketdevelopment plan.

4) Each division shall report its activities andfindings to the council on a quarterly basis and shallpresent an interim report to the council upon the

council' s request. The council may approve each divi- sion' s market development plan and industry assessmentmechanism. Upon each request each division shall re- port to the appropriate joint interim committee. Beforeimplementing any assessment mechanism, the councilshall submit the proposal to the Legislative Assembly.

5) Until June 30, 1993, all service and expenseitems of the council and its divisions shall be providedby council members or industry. [ 1991 c.385 § 461

Sec. 47. Sections 45, 46, 48 and 49 of this 1991 Actare repealed on January 1, 1996. [ 1991 c.385 § 471

Sec. 48. ( 1) The Oregon Recycling Markets Devel- opment Fund is created in the State Treasury, separate


and distinct from the General Fund. Except as otherwise

provided by law, all moneys received by the councilshall be paid into the State Treasury and credited to thefund. Interest earnings on all moneys in the fund shallbe retained in the fund.

2) The Oregon Recycling Markets DevelopmentFund shall consist of

a) Moneys generated as assessments under section46 of this 1991 Act.

b) Moneys from any private gifts, grants or do- nations made to the fund.

3) Any funds generated under a division' s industryassessment structure shall be placed in a subaccountand shall be used only to fund that division' s marketdevelopment plan and the expenses of the council. [ 1991c. 385 § 481

Sec. 49. ( 1) Moneys in the Oregon Recycling Mar- kets Development Fund are continuously appropriatedto the Recycling Markets Development Council to beused:

a) To provide low interest loans to develop a sec- ondary materials processing infrastructure for busi- nesses engaged in processing secondary materials.

b) For purposes set forth in each division' s marketdevelopment plan.

c) To pay the reasonable and necessary expensesof the council.

d) To provide grants for section 501(cX3) organ-

izations engaged in collecting, separating or processingsecondary commodities. '

2) As used in this section, " section 501( c)( 3) or- ganization" means an organization exempt under sec-

tion 501( c)( 3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amendedand in effect on the effective date of this 1991 Act [July1, 19911. [ 1991 x385 §491


Newsprint and Directories)

459A.500 Definitions for ORS 459A.500to 459A.515. As used in ORS 459A.500 to459A.515:

1) " Consumer of newsprint" means a

person who uses newsprint in a commercial

or government printing or publishing opera- tion.

2) ` Newsprint" means paper meeting thespecifications for Standard Newsprint Paperand Roto Newsprint Paper as set forth in thecurrent edition of the Harmonized TariffSchedule of the United States for such pro- ducts.

3) " Post- consumer waste" means a mate-

rial that would normally be disposed of as asolid waste, having completed its life cycleas a consumer or manufacturing item.

4) " Recycled- content newsprint" means

newsprint that includes post- consumer wastepaper. [ 1991 c.385 § 261

459A.505 Minimum recycled contentfor newsprint. Unless exempted under sec- tion 30, chapter 385, Oregon Laws 1991, on

and after January 1, 1995, every consumer ofnewsprint in Oregon shall insure that atleast 7.5 percent of the annual aggregate fi-

36 -495


ber content of all newsprint used by theconsumer of newsprint is composed of post - consumer waste paper, if:

1) Recycled- content newsprint is avail- able at the same or lower weighted net pricecompared to that of newsprint made fromvirgin material;

2) The average mechanical and opticalproperties of recycled- content newsprint fromany individual mill measured quarterly mustmeet or exceed the average mechanical andoptical properties of all newsprint produced

in the northwest as reported in the most

current quarterly American Newspaper Pub- lisher Association Newsprint Quality Pro- gram Special Report; and

3) The recycled- content newsprint isavailable within the same period of time asvirgin material. [ 1991 c.385 § 271

459A.510 Report to consumer of

amount of post - consumer waste in ship- ment. Each person who supplies a consumerof newsprint with newsprint shall report

with each supply the amounts of post -

consumer waste contained in each shipmentto each consumer of newsprint. If a shipmentcontains no post- consumer waste paper, thesupplier shall so report. [ 1991 c.385 § 281

459A.515 Annual report to depart- ment; content. ( 1) No later than February28, 1992, and annually by the same datethereafter, each consumer of newsprint shallreport to the Department of Environmental

Quality the following information for theprevious calendar year:

a) The amount of newsprint used inshort tons;

b) The amount of recycled- content

newsprint used in short tons; and

c) The aggregate recycled content of thenewsprint used as a percent.

2) If a consumer of newsprint cannotobtain sufficient amounts of recycled- content

newsprint during the year because of one ormore of the factors described in ORS

459A.505, the report submitted by February28, 1996, shall include such information. [ 1991c.385 § 29]

Note: Section 31, chapter 385, Oregon Laws 1991, provides:

Sec. 31. Sections 26 to 29 of this 1991 Act [459A.500to 459A.515] do not apply to newsprint purchased beforeJanuary 1, 1992. [ 1991 c.385 § 311

459A.520 Minimum recycled contentfor directories. ( 1) On and after January 1, 1995, every directory publisher shall insurethat directories distributed in Oregon:

a) Have a minimum recycled content of

at least 25 percent by " weight, with no lessthan 15 percent of the total weight consist-

ing of post - consumer waste, if:

A) The recycled- content paper is avail- able on the market; and

B) The recycled - content paper is of the

same quality as paper made from virgin ma- terial;

b) Use bindings that do not impede re- cycling; and

c) Use inks that do not impede recycl- ing.

2) For each local urisdiction where di-

rectories are distributed, directory publisherswill cooperate with local government agen-

cies to insure that recycling opportunitiesexist for directories at the time the directo- ries are distributed provided markets existfor the directories.

3) The department shall develop a reportformat and survey directory publishers inOregon on an annual basis to determine

whether the publishers are meeting the re- quirements under subsections ( 1) and ( 2) ofthis section.

4) As used in this section, " directory" means a telephone directory that weighs onepound or more for a local jurisdiction inOregon distributed in this state. [ 1991 c.385 § 33]

Oregon Newsprint Recycling Task Force) Note: Sections 30 and 32, chapter 385, Oregon Laws

1991, provide:

Sec. 30. ( 1) The Oregon Newsprint Recycling TaskForce is created. Not later than 90 days after the effec- tive date of this 1991 Act [July 1, 19911, the members ofthe Oregon Newsprint Recycling Task Force shall beappointed.

2) The Oregon Newsprint Recycling Task Forceshall:

a) Assess the availability of recycled newsprint inOregon;

b) Determine the actions the state could take toincrease the availability of recycled- content newsprint; and

c) Assess the need for statewide voluntary guide- lines and enter into voluntary agreements on behalf ofthe state that commit the parties to a program for theuse of recycled- content newsprint that meets the criteriaset forth in section 27 of this 1991 Act [ 459A.505]. Theagreements under this paragraph shall comply with thecriteria set forth in subsection ( 4) of this section.

3) The task force shall consist of eight membersappointed in the following manner:

a) One shall be appointed by the President of theSenate to represent the Legislative Assembly;

b) One shall be appointed by the Speaker of theHouse of Representatives to represent the LegislativeAssembly; and

c) Six shall be appointed by the Governor, oneeach representing the following, one of whom shallserve as chairperson:

A) The commercial printing industry; B) Daily newspapers;

C) Weekly newspapers;

D) The recycling industry; E) The paper manufacturing industry; and

36 -496


F) The environmental community. 4) The task force shall accept a voluntary agree-

ment executed under subsection ( 2) of this section by arecognized association whose members include consum- ers of newsprint or by an individual firm that is not amember of an association if the agreement includescommitment by the members collectively or a firm indi- vidually to meet a goal of 25 percent of the annual ag- gregate fiber content of newsprint used by associationmembers or a firm individually being composed ofpost- consumer waste for the calendar year 1995 and ev- ery year thereafter.

5) A firm or the members of an association de- scribed in subsection ( 4) of this section shall be exemptfrom the requirements of section 27 of this 1991 Act459A5051 if.

a) The association or firm enters into a voluntaryagreement under this section; and

b) The goal established under subsection ( 4) of this

section for January 1, 1995, and included in the volun- tary agreement is achieved.

6) The Oregon Newsprint Recycling Task Forceshall report annually to the appropriate legislativecommittee. Not later than January 1, 1997, the taskforce shall report to the a propnate legislative com- mittee whether recommend changes to the establishedgoal of 7. 5 percent of total content of newsprint con- sumed are appropriate.

7) The Department of Environmental Quality shallprovide staff assistance to the task force. The Depart- ment of Environmental Quality may delegate certainadministrative responsibilities of the task force to a re- cognized trade association.

8) As used in this section, " newspa er" has the

meaning given in ORS 193.010. [ 1991 c.385 ? 30] Sec. 32. Section 30 of this Act is repealed January

1, 1998. [ 1991 c.385 § 321


459A.550 Report on use of new andrecycled glass; minimum percentage of

recycled glass required. (1) Beginning Feb- ruary 28, 1992, ,and annually thereafter, everyglass container manufacturer "shall report tothe department, in accordance with a method

established by the department the totalamount, in tons, of new glass food', drink andbeverage containers made or sold in Oregon

by the glass container manufacturer, and thetons of recycled glass used in manufacturingthe new container.

2) Each glass container manufacturer

shall use the following minimum percentagesof recycled glass in manufacturing glass food, drink or beverage containers:

a) Thirty -five percent on and after Janu- ary 1, 1995.

b) Fifty percent on and after January 1, 2000.

3) As used in this section, " glass con-

tainer manufacturer" means a person that

manufactures commercial containers whose

principal component part consists of virgin

glass, recycled glass or post - consumer glass,

or any combination thereof, for sale inOregon, or if manufactured in Oregon, forexport to other states or countries. " Glass


container manufacturer" includes but is not

limited to all commercial manufacturing op- erations that produce beverage containers,

food or drink packaging material made pri- marily of glass, or any combination of bothof these items. [ 1991 c.385 § 341


459A.600 " Compost" defined. As usedin ORS 459A.605 to 459A.620, " compost"

means the product resulting. from the con- trolled biological decomposition of organicwastes that are source separated from themunicipal solid waste stream. [ 1991 c.385 § 191

459A.605 Rules for purchase of

compost and sewage sludge by state. Inconsultation with the Department of Envi- ronmental Quality and affected state and lo- cal agencies, the Department of GeneralServices shall adopt rules for the purchaseby the State of Oregon of compost and sew- age sludge. The rules shall designate the

state minimum purchasing standards. Therules shall encourage the use of compost and

sludge without jeopardizing the safety andhealth of the citizens of the state or the en- vironment. [ 1991 c.385 § 211

459A.610 Identification of uses forcompost and sewage sludge. On or after

January 1, 1992, the State Forestry Depart- ment, the State Parks and Recreation De- partment, the Department of Transportationand the Department of General Services, incooperation with the Department of Envi-

ronmental Quality, shall each identify andevaluate uses for compost and environ- mentally safe sewage sludge in public landmaintenance and rehabilitation projects ,

state landscaping projects and park an rec- reational area maintenance programs. Theresults of the evaluation shall be submitted

to the Department of Environmental Qualitynot later than September 1, 1992. The De- partment of Environmental Quality shall in- clude the results of the evaluation in thereport submitted under section 91, chapter385, Oregon Laws 1991. [ 1991 c.385 § 221

459A.615 Programs to use compostand sewage sludge. Based on the evaluation

under ORS 459A.610, on or after January 1, 1994, the State Forestry Department, the

State Parks and Recreation Department, theDepartment of Transportation and the De- partment of General Services shall initiateprograms that use compost or sewage sludgein place of, or to supplement, soil amend- ments, ground cover materials, mulchingmaterials or other similar products for whichcompost can be used as an effective substi- tute. [ 1991 c.385 § 231

459A.620 Use of compost or sewage

sludge by state agencies given priority.

36 -497


After January 1, 1994, any state agency thatprepares a request for bid for soil amend- ments, ground cover materials, mulchingmaterials or other similar products shall firstdetermine that compost or sewage sludge isnot available in adequate quantities, cannot

practically be used for the intended applica- tions, would jeopardize the intended projectresults or would be used in combination witha fertilizer or other similar product. [ 1991 c.38525]


459A.650 Definitions for ORS 459A.650to 459A.665. As used in ORS 459A.650 to459A.665:

1) " Department" means the Departmentof Environmental Quality.

2) " Manufacturer" means the produceror generator of a packaged product which issold or offered for sale in Oregon in a rigidplastic container.

3) " Package" means any container usedto protect, store, contain, transport, displayor sell products.

4) " Product- associated package" means

a brand - specific rigid plastic container line, which may have one or more sizes, shapesor designs and which is used in conjunctionwith a particular, generic product line.

5) " Recycled content" means the portionof a package' s weight that is composed of

recycled material, as determined by a mate- rial balance approach that calculates totalrecycled material input as a percentage oftotal material input in the manufacture ofthe package.

6) " Recycled material" means a materialthat would otherwise be destined for solidwaste disposal, having completed its intendedend use or product life cycle. Recycled mate- rial does not include materials and by- products generated from, and commonlyreused within, an original manufacturing andfabrication process.

7) " Reusable package" means a packagethat is used five or more times for the sameor substantially similar use.

8) " Rigid plastic container" means anypackage composed predominantly of plasticresin which has a relatively inflexible finiteshape or form with a minimum capacity ofeight ounces and a maximum capacity of fivegallons, and that is capable of maintainingits shape while holding other products. [ 1991

x385 § 34a]

459A.665 Minimum recycled contentfor rigid plastic containers. ( 1) Except asprovided in ORS 459A.660 ( 3), every man- ufacturer of rigid plastic containers sold, of-

fered for sale or used in association with the

sale or offer for sale of products in Oregonshall insure that the container meets one ofthe following criteria:

a) Contains 25 percent recycled contentby January 1, 1995;

b) Is made of plastic that is being recy= cled in Oregon at a rate of 25 percent byJanuary 1, 1995; or

c) Is a reusable package.

2) A manufacturer's rigid plastic con- tainer shall meet the requirements in para- graph ( b) of subsection ( 1) of this section• if

the container meets one of the following cri- teria:

a) It is a rigid plastic container and riggidplastic containers, m the aggregate, are be-

mg recycled in the state at a rate of 25 per- cent by January 1, 1995;

b) It is a specified typo of rigid plasticcontainer and that type of rigid plastic con- tainer, in the aggregate, is being recycled inthe state at a rate of 25 percent by January1, 1995; or

c) It is a particular,, product-associated

package and that type of package, in the ag- gregate, is being recycled in the state at arate of 25 percent by January 1, 1995. [ 1991x385 §34b]

Note: Section 34e, chapter 385, Oregon Laws 1991, provides:

Sec. 34e. Exemptions for plastic containers; review and rejport on plastic recycling programs. (1) On or before January 1, 1993, the department shall re- port to the Legislative Assembly on whether to grantan exemption from the criteria established by section34b of this 1991 Act [ 459A.655] for rigid plastic contain- ers that cannot meet the recycled content criterion and

remain in compliance with United States Food and DrugAdministration regulations.

2) On or before January 1, 1997, the departmentshall review certifications provided pursuant to section

34c of this 1991 Act [ 459A.660] and report to the Legis- lative Assembly on the status of plastic recycling pro- grams in the state, including, but not limited to, participation rates, estimates of the quantities andqualities of recycled materials and status of markets for

plastic recycled materials. The report may be used torecommend which rigid plastic containers, if any, shouldbe required to contain higher or lower recycled contentorrrrlcycling rate standards for the year 2000. [ 1991 x385

459A.660 Certification; records; ex-

empt containers. (1) On or before March 1,

1995, and annually on or before March 1thereafter, each manufacturer of rigid plasticcontainers shall submit a certification to thedepartment. The certification shall includethe total tons of rigid plastic containers themanufacturer produced or sold for sale ordistribution in the state by resin type, thetons of recycled materials . used in manufac-

turing those rigid plastic containers andother information the department may re- quire to administer the requirements of ORS459A.650 to 459A.665. Proprietary informa-

36 -498


tion included ' in a report or certificationsubmitted to the department under this sec- tion shall not be made available to the gen-

eral public. Manufacturers shall keep recordsdocumenting the certification for presenta- tion to the department upon its request. Each manufacturer required to make a cer- tification under this section may be auditedby the department.

2) Each manufacturer• shall certify thatthe manufacturer has complied with one ormore of the requirements of ORS 459A.655during the preceding calendar year for all ofthe manufacturer' s rigid plastic containers

except any rigid plastic containers subject tosubsection ( 3) of this section.

3) For any rigid plastic containers notcertified under subsection ( 2) of this section,

each manufacturer shall certify that suchcontainers are exempt from the requirements

of ORS 459A.655 for one of the followingreasons:

a) The packages are used for medication

prescribed by physicians. b) The packages are associated with

products producbd Iii--or brought into thestate that are destined for shipment to otherdestinations outside the state, and which re- main with such products upon such ship- ment.

c) The packaging is necessary to providetamper- resistant seals for public health pur- poses.

d) The packages are reduced packages. A package shall qualify as reduced when theratio of package weight per unit of product

has been reduced b at least 10 percent whencompared with the packaging used for thesame product by the same packager fiveyears earlier. In no case may packaging re- duction be achieved, for purposes of this

paragraph, by substituting a different mate- rial category for a material that constituteda substantial part of the packaging in ques- tion, or by packaging charges that adverselyimpact the potential for the package to berecycled or be made of recycled content. Ex- emptions under this paragraph shall be lim- ited to five years, shall not be renewable andshall not be applicable to packages for whichthe ratio of package weight per unit of prod- uct increased after January 1, 1990.

e) There has been substantial investment

in achieving the recycling goal, viable mar- kets for the material, if collected, can bedemonstrated, the material is within fivepercent of the goal, there is substantial evi-

dence of accelerating recycling rates andreasonable projections show that the mate- rial will meet the goal within two years. [ 1991

c.385 § 34c]

459A.665 Opportunity to recycle rigidplastic containers. ( 1) A local governmentshall provide the opportunity to recycle rigidplastic containers in metropolitan and urbanwastesheds when there is a stable marketprice for those containers that equals or ex- ceeds 75 percent of the necessary and rea- sonable collection costs for those containers:

2) The Recycling Markets DevelopmentCouncil shall determine:

a) If and when a stable market exists.

b) Whether the requirements of thissection are met for any particular wasteshed. 1991 c.385 § 34d]

Note: The amendments to 459A665 by section 50, chapter 385, Oregon Laws 1991, take effect January 1, 1996. The text is set forth for the user's convenience.

459A.665. A local government shall provide . theopportunity to recycle rigid plastic containers in met- ropolitan and urban wastesheds when there is a stablemarket price for those containers that equals or exceeds

75 percent of the necessary and reasonable collectioncosts for those containers.

459A.675 Definitions for ORSr 459A.675to 459A.685. As used in ORS 459A.675 to459A.685:

1) " Label" means a code label, as de- scribed in ORS 459A.680, molded into or im- printed on or near the bottom of the plasticcontainer or bottle.

2) " Rigid plastic bottle" means any rigidplastic container intended for single use with

a neck smaller than the container body thataccepts a screw -type, snap cap or other clo- sure and has a capacity of between at least16 ounces and five gallons or less.

3) " Rigid plastic container" means anyformed or molded container other than abottle comprised predominantly of plastic re- sin and having a relatively inflexible finiteshape or form and intended primarily as asingle service container with a capacity ofbetween at least eight ounces and five gal- lons or less. [ 1991 c.385 § 861

Note: 459A.675 to 459A.685 were enacted into lawby the Legislative Assembly but were not added to ormade a ppart of ORS chapter 459 or 459A or any seriestherein by legislative action. See Preface to OregonRevised Statutes for further explanation.

459A.680 Labeling requirements forrigid plastic containers. (1) All rigid plasticbottles and rigid plastic containers sold inOregon shall be labeled with a code that in- dicates the resin used to produce the rigidplastic bottle or rigid plastic container. Rigidplastic bottles or rigid plastic containerswith labels, basecups or other components of

a different material may be coded by theirbasic material if the material is compatiblein recycling systems. The code shall consistof a number placed inside a triangle and let- ters placed below the triangle. The triangle

shall be equilateral, formed by three arrows

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with the apex of each point of the triangleat the midpoint of each arrow, rounded witha short radius. The pointer of each arrowshall be at the midpoint of each side of the

triangle with a short gap separating thepointer from the base of the adjacent arrow. The triangle, formed by the three arrowscurved at their midpoints, shall depict aclockwise path around the code number. Thenumbers and letters used shall be as follows:

a) 1 = PETE ( polyethylene


b) 2 = HDPE ( high densitypolyethylene);

c) 3 = V (vinyl);

d) 4 = LDPE ( low density polyethylene); e) 5 = PP ( polypropylene);

f) 6 = PS ( polystyrene); and

g) 7 = OTHER.

2) On and after January 1, 1992, the De- partment of Environmental Quality shallmaintain a list of abbreviations used on la- bels under subsection ( 1) of this section andshall provide a copy of that list to any personupon request. [ 1991 c.385 § 871

Note: See note under 459A.675.

459A.685 Prohibition on manufactureof rigid plastic containers without label. No person shall manufacture for use in this

state any rigid plastic container or rigidplastic bottle that is not labeled in accor- dance with ORS 459A.680. [ 1991 c.385 § 881

Note: See note under 459A.675.


459A.700 Definitions for ORS 459A.700to 459A.740. As used in ORS 459.992 ( 3) and4) and 459A.700 to 459A.740, unless the con- text requires otherwise:

1) " Beverage" means beer or other maltbeverages and mineral waters, soda water

and similar carbonated soft drinks in liquidform and intended for human consumption.

2) " Beverage container" means the indi- vidual, separate, sealed glass, metal or plas-

tic bottle, can, jar, or carton containing abeverage.

3) " Commission" means the Oregon Liq- uor Control Commission.

4) " Consumer" means every person whopurchases a beverage in a beverage containerfor use or consumption.

5) " Dealer" means every person in thisstate who engages in the sale of beverages inbeverage containers to a consumer, or meansa redemption center certified under ORS459A.735.

6) " Distributor" means every person whoengages in the sale of beverages in beverage

containers to a dealer in this state includingany manufacturer who engages in such sales.

7) " In this state" means within the ex- terior limits of the State of Oregon and in- cludes all territory within these limits ownedby or ceded to the United States of America.

8) " Manufacturer" means every personbottling, canning or otherwise fillingbeverage containers for sale to distributorsor dealers.

9) " Place of business of a dealer" meansthe location at which a dealer sells or offersfor sale beverages in beverage containers toconsumers.

10) " Use or consumption" includes theexercise of any right or power over abeverage incident to the ownership thereof, other than the sale or the keeping or re- tention of a beverage for the purposes ofsale. [ Formerly 459.8101

459A.705 Refund value required. ( 1) Except as provided in subsection ( 2) of this

section, every beverage container sold or of- fered for sale in this state shall have a re- fund value of not less tgsa i five cents.

2) Every beverage container certified asprovided in ORS 459A.725, sold or offered forsale in this state, shall have a refund valueof not less than two cents. [ Formerly 459.8201

459A.710 Practices required of dealersand distributors. Except as provided inORS 459A.715:

1) A dealer shall not refuse to accept

from any person any empty beverage con- tainers of the kind, size and brand sold bythe dealer, or refuse• to pay to that personthe refund value of a beverage container as

established by ORS 459A.705. 2) A distributor shall not refuse ' to ac-

cept from a dealer any empty beverage con- tainers of the kind, size and brand sold bythe distributor, or refuse to pay the dealerthe refund value of a beverage container as

established by ORS 459A.705. [ Formerly 459.8301

459A.715 When dealer or distributor

authorized to refuse to accept or pay re- fund in certain cases; notice. (1) A dealer

may refuse to accept from any person, and adistributor may refuse to accept from adealer any empty beverage container whichdoes not state thereon a refund value as es-

tablished by ORS 459A.705.

2) A dealer may refuse to accept and topay the refund value of empty beverage con- tainers if the place of business of the dealer

and the kind and brand of empty beveragecontainers are included in an order of the

commission approving a redemption centerunder ORS 459A.735.

36 -500


3) A dealer may refuse to accept and topay the refund value of any beverage con- tainer visibly containing or contaminated bya substance other than water, residue of the

original contents or ordinary dust. 4) A dealer may refuse to accept and to

pa the refund value of more than 96 indi- vidual beverage containers returned by anyone person during one day if a daily time isposted when larger quantities of containerswill be accepted.

5) In order to refuse containers undersubsection ( 3) or ( 4) of this section, the

dealer must post in each area where con-

tainers are received a clearly visible andlegible sign containing the following infor- mation:


Oregon Law allows a dealer to refuse to ac- cept:

1. Beverage containers visibly containingor contaminated by a substance other thanwater, residue of the original contents or or-

dinary dust; or ' 2. More than 96 individual beverage con-

tainers from any one person during one dayif a daily time is posted when larger quanti- ties of containers will be accepted.

Quantities in excess of 96 individual con-

tainers may be returned on the followingschedule or by appointment.

Formerly 459.8401

459A.720 Indication of refund valuerequired; exception; certain metal con-

tainers and plastic container holdersprohibited. ( 1) Every beverage containersold or offered for sale in this state by adealer shall clearly indicate by embossing orby a stamp, or by a label or other methodsecurely affixed to the beverage container, the refund value of the container.

2) Subsection ( 1) of this section shall not

apply to glass beverage containers designedfor beverages having a brand name perma- nently marked thereon which, on October 1, 1972, had a refund value of not less than fivecents.

3) No person shall sell or offer for saleat retail in this state an metal beveragecontainer so designed and constructed thata part of the container is detachable in

opening the container without the aid of acan opener.

4) On or after March 1, 1979, no personshall sell or offer for sale at retail in thisstate, in addition to beverages as defined inORS 459A.700 ( 1), any beverage in liquid


form intended for human consumption in anybeverage container so designed and con- structed that a metal part of the containeris detachable in opening the container

through use of a metal ring or tab withoutthe aid of a can opener. However, nothing inthis subsection shall prohibit the sale of a

container the only detachable part of whichis a piece of pressure sensitive tape.

5) No person shall sell or offer for saleat retail in this state metal beverage con-

tainers connected to each other by a sepa- rate holding device constructed of plasticrings or other material which will not de-

compose by photobiodegradation, chemical

degradation, or biodegradation within 120days of disposal. ( Formerly 459.850)

459A.725 Certification of containers as

reusable by more than one manufacturer. 1) To promote the use in this state of reus-

able beverage containers of uniform design, and to facilitate the return of containers tomanufacturers for reuse as a beverage con-

tainer, the commission may certify beveragecontainers which satisfy the requirements ofthis section.

2) A beverage container may be certifiedif:

a) It is reusable as a beverage container

by more than one manufacturer in the ordi- nary course of business; and

b) More than one manufacturer will inthe ordinary course of business accept thebeverage container for reuse as a beveragecontainer and pay the refund value of thecontainer.

3) The commission may by rule establishappropriate liquid capacities and shapes forbeverage containers to be certified or decer- tified in accordance with the purposes setforth in subsection ( 1) of this section.

4) A beverage container shall not be

certified under this section if by reason of itsshape or design, or by reason of words orSymbols permanently inscribed thereon,

whether by engraving, embossing, paintingor other permanent method, it is reusable as

a beverage container in the ordinary courseof business only by a manufacturer of abeverage sold under a specific brand name. Formerly 459.8601

459A.730 Decision upon certificationapplications; review and withdrawal of

certifications. ( 1) Unless an application forcertification under ORS 459A.725 is denied

by the commission within 60 days after thefiling of the application, the beverage con- tainer shall be deemed certified.

2) The commission may review at antime certification of a beverage container. Ifafter such review, with written notice and

36 -501


hearing afforded to the person who filed theapplication for certification under ORS459A.725, the commission determines thecontainer is no longer qualified for certif- ication, it shall withdraw certification.

3) Withdrawal of certification shall beeffective not less than 30 da s after writtennotice to the person who file7the applicationfor certification under ORS 459A.725 and tothe manufacturers referred to in ORS459A.725 ( 2). [ Formerly 459.8701

459A.735 Redemption centers. ( 1) To

facilitate the return of empty beverage con- tainers and to serve dealers of beverages, anyperson may establish a redemption center, subject to the approval of the Oregon LiquorControl Commission, at which any personmay return empty beverage containers andreceive payment of the refund value of suchbeverage containers.

2) Application for approval of a redemp- tion center shall be filed with the commis- sion. The application shall state the nameand address of the person responsible for the

establishment and operation of the redemp- tion center, the kind and brand names of thebeverage containers which will be acceptedat the redemption center and the names and

addresses of the dealers to be served by theredemption center. The application shall in- clude such additional information as the

commission may require.

3) The commission shall approve a re- demption center if it finds the redemptioncenter will provide a convenient service to

persons for the return of empty beveragecontainers. The order of the commission ap- proving a redemption center shall state thedealers to be served by the redemption cen- ter and the kind and brand names of emptybeverage containers which the redemption

center must accept. The order may containsuch other provisions to insure the redemp- tion center will provide a convenient service

to the public as the commission may deter- mine.

4) The commission may review at anytime approval of a redemption center. Afterwritten notice to the person responsible forthe establishment and operation of the re- demption center, and to the dealers served

by the redemption center, the commissionmay, after hearing, withdraw approval of aredemption center if the commission findsthere has not been compliance with its order

approving the redemption center, or if theredemption center no longer provides a con- venient service to the public. [ Formerly 459.880]

459A.740 Certification and withdrawalprocedures. The procedures for certificationor withdrawal provided for in ORS 459A.725

to 459A.735 shall be in accordance with ORS183.310 to 183.550. [ Formerly 459.8901


459A.750 Recycling and waste re-

duction component of curriculum; teach- er' s guide; informational materials. (1) ByJanuary 1, 1995, the Department of Educa- tion, in cooperation with the Department ofEnvironmental Quality, shall integrate a re- cycling and waste reduction component intoa required curriculum for all Oregon stu- dents in grades kindergarten through 12.

2) The Department of EnvironmentalQuality, in cooperation with the Departmentof Education, as appropriate in paragraphsa) and ( c) of this subsection, shall provide

statewide promotion, education and technical

assistance to local government units andschools in each wasteshed to increase par- ticipation in recycling. The assistance pro- vided shall include but need not be limitedto:

a) Beginning July 1, 1993, developing acurrent teacher' s guide which shall be sup- plied to every school in the state for use incomplying with this section. The Departmentof Environmental Quality first shall providea current teacher' s guide by July 1, 1993, andat a minimum, every fourth year thereafter, shall update, revise and replace the teacher's

guide as necessary to keep the teacher'sguide current and effective. The teacher'sguide also shall be available to local govern-

ment units and recycling educators upon re- uest. The Department of Environmentaluality shall participate each year as re-

quested in teacher in- service workshops topresent and facilitate use of the teacher' sguide.

b) Beginning July 1, 1993, providing pro- fessionally produced informational materialsincluding but not limited to camera -ready artand recycling and waste reduction copy foruse by local government units, schools or

recycling educators in each wasteshed forpublic information correspondence, bro- chures, flyers, newsletters and news releases, camera -ready newspaper public service ad- vertisements and two annual workshops on

recycling and waste reduction education and

Eone to be held within and one to

be held outside, the Portland metropolitanarea. The Department of Environmental

Quality first shall provide this material byJuly 1, 1993, and shall revise the material

annually to keep the information presentedcurrent and effective.

c) On or before July 1, 1993, providingprofessionally produced instructional audi- ovisual materials to each school in the state

to be used as part of the school' s recycling

36 -502


and waste reduction education component.

The audiovisual materials shall be appropri- ate to the grade level of the school to which

they are supplied and shall be reviewed everytwo years and updated as necessary to keepthe information presented current and effec- tive. The materials also shall be available tolocal government units and recycling educa- tors upon request. [ 1991 c.385 § 351

Note: 459A.750 was enacted into law by the Legis- lative Assembly but was not added to or made a partof ORS chapter 459 or 459A or any series therein bylegislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Stat- utes for further explanation.

Note: Section 36, chapter 385, Oregon Laws 1991, provides:

Sec. 36. The Department of Education shall reportto the Sixty - seventh Legislative Assembly on the devel- opment and implementation of the integrated solid

waste management curriculum and recycling and wastereduction education component established pursuant tosection 35 of this Act (459A.750). [ 1991 c.385 § 36]


459A.775 " State agency" defined. Asused in ORS 459A.775 to 459A.785, " state

agency" means any state officer, department, board, commission or court created by theConstitution or statutes of this state, includ-

ing the Legislative Assembly, its committees, officers and employees. [ Formerly 468.9671

Note: 459A.775 to 459A.785 were enacted into lawby the Legislative Assembly but were not added to ormade apart of ORS chapters 459 and 459A or any seriestherein by legislative action. See Preface to OregonRevised Statutes for further explanation.

459A.780 Prohibition against purchaseor use of nonbiodegradable and

nonrecyclable food packaging; ex-

emptions. ( 1) A state agency may not pur- chase any product to be used for packagmggfood if the product is composed of matenal

that is not either biodegradable or recyclablethrough an existing effective recycling pro- gram.

2) A vendor who leases space from astate agency shall not sell food in, or use forfood packaging, any product containing orcomposed of material that is not eitherbiodegradable or recyclable through an ex-

isting, effective recycling program. 3) Notwithstanding subsections ( 1) and

2) of this section, the Environmental QualityCommission may exempt specific productsfrom the requirements of subsections ( 1) and2) of this section if the applicant for the ex-

emption demonstrates:

a) There is no acceptable alternative forthe product; and

b) Compliance with the conditions ofsubsections ( 1) and ( 2) of this section would

cause undue hardship. [ Formerly 468.9681Note: See note under 459A. 775.

459A.785 Effective recycling program; standards for determining. The Depart- ment of Environmental Quah'ty shall estab- lish percentages of plastic material that mustbe recycled before a recycling program isconsidered an effective recycling program. Inestablishing the percentages the department:

1) Shall establish percentages for eachdifferent type of plastic resin;

2) Shall require that at least 15 percentof each plastic resin type be recycled state- wide in 1992; and

3) May not establish a required percent- ale of more than 75 percent before December31, 1999. [ Formerly 468.9691

36 -503

Note: See note under 459A775.


36 -504