Rethinking media relations (2)

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Rethinking media relations (2)

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Rethinking !Media Relations

(The title sounds pretentious, but I hope this will be useful)

Media Relations

College magazine

Social Media

“Other duties as assigned”



Digital News Director

Some qualifications first

Headlines are great,new students are better

Know your role

Innovation is as much about leaving out as it is

putting in

The coin of the realm

It’s not about publicity, it’s about connectivity

(Photo: Christian Holmér)

Know your audience

Why don’t you know them better?

What’s appealing?

Your content strategy is an existential GPS

You're already doing this

Create once, !publish everywhere

Numbers are ruthless, you should be, too

Become your own publishing company

Jamie’s four-step plan

• Execute!• Fail!• Revise!• Repeat

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