Retailer magazine issue 14

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Transcript of Retailer magazine issue 14

1st July 2012


Introduction To Retailing


Retail Around The World

Introduction To Retailing Chapter 1


Introduction To Retailing The retail industry provides an exciting way of life for the

more than 47 million people who earn their

livelihood in all over the world

Retailers provide the goods and services you and I need from food, auto parts, home furnishings, appliances,

communications, and electronics to advice, home improvement, and skilled labor.

Let’s take a look behind the scenes at the

many facets of this exciting business


Introduction To Retailing WELCOME TO THE BIG LEAGUES

Retailing is one of the fastest growing segments of the economy, as one of the nation’s largest employers,

the retail industry provides excellent business


About 12 percent of the approximately

750,000 new enterprises launched between

2001 and 2002

(The latest years for which data is available) were retail operations

The entrepreneurs behind these ventures risk their

capital invest their time and make a living by offering

consumers something they NEED or WANT.


Introduction To Retailing


Smart Tip

Successful retailers do not run their business to

suit themselves, retailers must cater to the tastes and requirements of customers.

This can mean keeping the doors open on

holidays and weekends, and opening early or staying late on some weekdays.

You . . . Marry the

store when you go into business

for yourself, so expect many compromises

along the way to PROFITS


Sales and Marketplace

The Sales Hunter Part 5

- ’How much do you know about your customer's customer?

Take the time to find out all you can about what

motivates your customer's customers

Spend time with them, talk to them, and, most importantly, get to know what drives their decision-making process

When you can identify this information,

you can provide your customer with even better service.


- ?

There is always something new you can learn about your customers, whether they are newly acquired or

long-term accounts, use each sales call as an

opportunity to be teachable, it's amazing how dramatically some customers change!

Unless you keep up-to-date knowledge about them, you will soon find they've changed and you haven't.

After each sales call, ask yourself what you learned about

the customer and, of course, make sure you record it

in your Customer Profile.


The Sales Hunter Part 5


At the end of each day and each week, compare your accomplishments to your overall sales goal

If you achieved the volume you needed to hit your goal,

congratulate yourself !

If you didn't, identify at least one thing that did go right

and might help you achieve your goal in time.

Always find something POSITIVE to end the day with

Before you leave, don't forget to set up the next day or week

The last thing you want to do is use those very

productive first minutes of the day

doing anything but selling. 10

The Sales Hunter Part 5


Customer Excellence

Customer Service Excellence standard

Criterion 1: Customer Insight This criterion focuses on the importance of developing an

in-depth understanding of your customers

This includes consulting customers and using the

information you receive to design and provide services

It also covers the importance of monitoring the

outcomes of your services and whether customers are satisfied with them

Understanding customers in this way is essential for public services 12

Organizations that provide public services have raised their standards and levels of service and continue to

build on this success

Effectively identifying your customers, consulting them in a meaningful way and efficiently measuring the

outcomes of your service are a vital part of this approach

It is not just about being able to collect information,

it is about having the ability to use that information,

and developing a culture within your organization

that values this kind of understanding and

constantly looks to improve.




How Can I Adopt Creative Thinking?

You probably are very interested by now in how you can adopt a creative thinking mindset !!!

It will take some work to train yourself to use creative thought, but it is actually quite a fun process

You Get to be creative, silly and allow yourself to go into

the world of fantasy

Good thoughts are not necessarily the most rational thoughts. Think about it, many of the inventions we use today

were once thought to be CRAZY IDEAS

That is what makes creative thoughts so great.


How Can I Adopt Creative Thinking?

One of the things you can do to become a creative thinker

is called . . .

“Thought experiments”

Thought experiments were actually used by

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is said to be one of the greatest thinkers of all times, he used these thought experiments to stimulate

his mind and help himself to see beyond

the obvious and get creative

A Thought Experiment is basically a way to allow your mind to go places you might not normally let it go

It allows you to use all aspects of your thinking ability,

it opens up doors in your mind that may never

have been open before


How Can I Adopt Creative Thinking?

Creative thinking can give a person a completely new outlook They will be able to use it in their professional

and personal life, they will start to implement creative thinking techniques no matter what they are

doing because it will come naturally

Creative thinking can change a person whole attitude

It will make them more confident and allow them to

live up to their full potential because they will

not doubt their abilities

It can be a real moral booster and allow a person to really show what they can do.

“Creative thinking” Can be a ticket to success and great accomplishment



About us

YOU Your Company Need You

You Are The Most Important Agents In This Company

We all know that the meaning of SALES

A sale is the act of selling a product or service in return for money or other compensation

The most basic as well as the most important job duty of a sales rep is to:

Sell a company’s products


Services to customers Both of them is very important to us and to

our organization, and if we need to reach the success

for both of them we just need to . .


YOU A-Believe

Trust Your Self, Be Sure That Every Thing Is Possible & You Can Do It

B-Think Different Create Your Own Way To Reach Your Goal, Keep

Going& Follow Your Dreams

How to BELIEVE in Yourself?!! *Set goals, when you set goals, you have control

*Recognize when you achieve your goals, so that you will build your confidence

*Believe in yourself and you will do your best, because believing in yourself is the key to success in life

It is never too late to be what

you might have been




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Retailer Feedback

The Sales Is Only a Way Create Your Own

Eat Your Self Before Somebody Else Eats You What it’s mean ?!!

It’s simple, we will sell the same product but with a DIFFERENT way . . . HOW ?!!

Postpaid Call -Easy Plan- All we need to do is offering the Easy with a different way with

many scenarios, and give our CUSTOMERS a lot of Choices

to compare with them


When you have a new

customer you tell him

about our Easy rates ,

the Customer can agree

or not, if he didn't accept

your offer you will give

Him a prepaid line (BAU)


The Sales Is Only a Way Create Your Own

So we can replace the old scenario with the

below new one; Dear Customer We Have a New Special Rates

(Easy Plus Rates)

A-Easy 7akawy

B-Easy 14 pt

C-Easy the Original

D-Easy Free Services {add on}

Substantially, we have 1 rate but we will give the customer 4

Otherwise he/she have an opportunity to choose from may rates and the chance to compare

You gonna increase your success rate will be increase

This is Naturally . . .