Resurrection - Amazon S3 · Dream it feels as if it had some Enormous Meaning! either a Terrifying...

Post on 01-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Resurrection - Amazon S3 · Dream it feels as if it had some Enormous Meaning! either a Terrifying...

Back story of this book  

 3 things - in every book.


1. Yearning to see him Ø  Holy Fear /Authority Ø  Tenderness / Kindness

  2. Testing Heart Searching   3. Theology becoming Living Experience

I want you to LOVE these books – because

they make you love Jesus more.


Ø  Internal Chronology – 2nd Ø  This book was written 1st


This book is the REASON

for the entire series.

C.S. Lewis

Childhood not pleasant

Impressions of Christianity – dry, boring, distant, Mt. 18:3

In this book  

Wanted Children to Understand

1. Jesus

FEEL the Cost

Ø Wrongness Ø  Sacrifice Ø  Bore our Shame Ø Warfare



Ø  Massive,

Ø  Magnificent

Ø  Powerful

Ø  Real

Back Story

Ø WW II 4 children – safety – Uncle in the country Uncle’s name…….?

Ø Wardrobe Bigger on the inside than on the outside

Ø  Lucy –


Ø  Lucy – Mr. Tumnus – White witch – permanent winter

Ø  Edmund – White Witch – Turkish Delight

Ø  All four of them – Mr. Tumnus taken

Ø  The Power in the Name!


“They  say  Aslan  is  on  the  move-­‐  perhaps  has  already  landed.”  

And now a very curious thing happened.

None of the children knew who Aslan was any more than you do……..….

but the Moment the Beaver had spoken these words

everyone felt quite DIFFERENT.

“They  say  Aslan  is  on  the  move-­‐  perhaps  has  already  landed.”  

And now a very curious thing happened.

None of the children knew who Aslan was any more than you do……..….

but the Moment the Beaver had spoken these words

everyone felt quite DIFFERENT.

Perhaps it has sometimes happened to you in a DREAM that someone says something which you Don’t Understand but in the Dream it feels as if it had some Enormous Meaning

Ø  either a Terrifying one which turns the whole dream into a Nightmare

Ø  or else a Lovely meaning too lovely to put into words, which makes the dream So Beautiful that you Remember it ALL Your Life & are Always Wishing you could get into that dream again.

It was like that now.

At the name of Aslan each one of the children felt something JUMP in


It was like that now. At the name of Aslan each one of the children felt something JUMP in its INSIDE.

Ø Edmund felt a sensation of mysterious HORROR.

Ø Peter felt suddenly Brave and Adventurous.

Ø Susan felt as if some Delicious Smell or some delightful strain of Music had just floated by her.

Ø  And Lucy got the feeling you have when you wake up in the morning

and realize that it is the Beginning of the Holidays of the beginning of summer.

Edmund Betrays them / Travel to Aslan / Chased by Witch / Winter starts to melt away – Arrive - --

? Phil. 2 Experiment  

But as for Aslan himself, the Beavers and the children didn’t know what to

do or say when they saw him.

People who have not been in Narnia sometimes think that a thing can

NOT be Good AND Terrible at the same time.

If the children had ever thought so, they were Cured of it now.

But as for Aslan himself, the Beavers and the children didn’t know what to

do or say when they saw him.

People who have not been in Narnia sometimes think that a thing can

NOT be Good AND Terrible at the same time.

If the children had ever thought so, they were Cured of it now.

For when they tried to look at Aslan’s FACE they just caught

a glimpse of the golden mane and the


and then they found they

Couldn’t Look at Him and went all Trembly.

Do you know: 1. Jesus

FEEL the Cost Ø  Wrongness Ø  Sacrifice Ø  Bore our Shame Ø  Warfare

3 clips – 12 – line by Susan “He must have KNOWN what he was doing”


Ø  Massive,

Ø  Magnificent

Ø  Powerful

Ø  Real



Listen carefully to Aslan’s Words!  

Arrive at the Witches Castle Ephesians 4 John 20:22

He Breathed on them and said

“Receive the Holy Spirit”

Philippians  3:10-­‐11  

I  want  to  know  Christ    and  the  power  of  his  resurrec;on    

and  the  fellowship  of  sharing  in  his  sufferings,  

becoming  like  him  in  his  death,    

and  so,  somehow,  to  aAain  to  the  resurrec;on  from  

the  dead.  3  

Maybe Maybe


Help me

to be

1  Minute    -­‐  DEBRIEF

Ø  Your Favorite pt. or what Helped you

Ø  Prayers