Résumé - lix.polytechnique.frollivier/LEDA/TOULOUSE/talk.pdfIndex reduction QSSA in chemistry...

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Transcript of Résumé - lix.polytechnique.frollivier/LEDA/TOULOUSE/talk.pdfIndex reduction QSSA in chemistry...

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkÉlimination di�érentielle, DAE et modélisation enbiologieFrançois BoulierUniversité Lille ILIFL � Équipe al ul formel4 juin 2009

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkRésuméDes DAE apparaissent naturellement dans la théorie del'approximation d'état quasi-stationnaire (QSSA).Cette théorie est algorithmique dans le adre des systèmes deréa tions himiques étiquetées lentes ou rapides.Les systèmes de réa tions himiques (généralisées) fournissentun formalisme puissant pour la modélisation des réseaux derégulation de gènes.Dans l'équipe lilloise, nous développons des outils de al ulformel dédiés à la simpli� ation des systèmes d'équationsdi�érentielles paramétriques (ordinaires ou aux dérivéespartielles). Dont les DAE. En visant les appli ations à labiologie.

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkDi�erential algebraA mathemati al theory (Ritt, Kol hin) whi h permits to pro esssystems of di�erential equations symboli ally, without integratingthem.

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkDi�erential eliminationPolynomial differential system


Differential elimination(Rosenfeld-Gröbner)

"A" differential system"equivalent" to the input system but"simpler" since it involves"hidden" differential equations"consequences" of the system.�The� output system is a regular di�erential hain or a di�erential hara teristi set.Rankings indi ate the sort of sought di�erential equations.Te hni ally, a ranking is an �admissible� total ordering on thederivatives of the dependent variables.In the ase of ODE in two dep. vars. u(t) and v(t) it might be :

· · · > u > v > u > v > u.

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory network1 Index redu tion2 QSSA in hemistry3 Redu tion of a gene regulatory network

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkExample : a DAE (Hairer, Wanner)The unknowns are three fun tions x(t), y(t) and z(t).

x(t) = 0.7 · y(t) + sin(2.5 · z(t))y(t) = 1.4 · x(t) + os(2.5 · z(t))1 = x2(t) + y2(t).Di�erential elimination helps integrating the DAE by omputingthe underlying ODE z(t) = somethinga omplete set of onstraints on initial values

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkDemo using Di�erentialAlgebraConvert the DAE into a polynomial DAE

x(t) = 0.7 · y(t) + s(t)y (t) = 1.4 · x(t) + (t)1 = x2(t) + y2(t) s(t) = 2.5 · z(t) · (t) (t) = −2.5 · z(t) · s(t)1 = s2(t) + 2(t).Use Di�erentialRing to set the ranking.Use RosenfeldGroebner to perform di�erential elimination.Di�erentialAlgebra is just an interfa e MAPLE pa kage for theBLAD libraries (open sour e, LGPL, C language, 40000 lines)

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkThe set of equations � onsequen es� of the DAEThis set has the stru ture of a (radi al) di�erential ideal.Inferen e rules applied by Rosenfeld-GröbnerLet a, b be two di�erential polynomials1 a = 0 and b = 0⇒ a + b = 02 a = 0 and b =?⇒ a b = 03 a = 0⇒ δa = 04 a b = 0⇒ a = 0 or b = 0

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory network1 Index redu tion2 QSSA in hemistry3 Redu tion of a gene regulatory network

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkCellular modeling by generalized hemi al rea tion systemsmodeling approaches

ODE (relatively small systems)

many other approaches(stochastic, discrete ...)

nonlinear ODE

linear, piecewise linearqualitative modeling, ...The basi appli ation of the mass-a tion law produ es largeparametri polynomial ODE systems.Di�erential elimination permits to perform a model redu tion(approximation) :�nearly the same urves with a mu h simpler system�.

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkThe prin iple of the QSSAThe two-time-s ales standard form : fast and slow variablesAssuming ε is small, approximatex = f (x , y , ε), ε y = g(x , y , ε)by x = f (x , y , 0), 0 = g(x , y , 0).The problemThere is no general method to �nd out if a given system an betransformed into the above form. In general, fast and slow variablesare obtained by a hange of oordinates.For hemi al rea tion systemsGiven fast and slow rea tions, the transformation is algorithmi . Adi� ult step of the pro ess just amounts to di�erential elimination.

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkThe Mi haelis-Menten redu tion revisitedThe basi enzymati rea tion systemE + S k1−−−→←−−−k2 C k3

−−−→ E + PBasi di�erential model :E = k3 C − k1 E S + k2 C ,S = −k1 E S + k2 C ,C = −k3 C + k1 E S − k2 C ,P = k3 C .The approximation, assuming mainly : k1, k2 ≫ k3S = −Vmax SK + SVmax and K being parameters.

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkThe Mi haelis-Menten redu tion revisitedE + S k1−−−→←−−−k2 C k3

−−−→ E + PRed terms are the ontributions of the fast rea tion.E = k3 C − (k1 E S − k2 C ) ,S = −(k1 E S − k2 C ) ,C = −k3 C + k1 E S − k2 C ,P = k3 C .

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkThe Mi haelis-Menten redu tion revisitedE + S k1−−−→←−−−k2 C k3

−−−→ E + PEn ode the onservation of the �ow by repla ing the ontribution of the fast rea tion by a new symbol F1.E = k3 C − F1 ,S = −F1 ,C = −k3 C + F1 ,P = k3 C .

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkThe Mi haelis-Menten redu tion revisitedE + S k1−−−→←−−−k2 C k3

−−−→ E + PEn ode the onservation of the �ow by repla ing the ontribution of the fast rea tion by a new symbol F1.En ode the speed by adding the equilibrium equation.E = k3 C − F1 ,S = −F1 ,C = −k3 C + F1 ,P = k3 C ,0 = k1 E S − k2 C .

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkThe Mi haelis-Menten redu tion revisitedE + S k1−−−→←−−−k2 C k3

−−−→ E + PEn ode the onservation of the �ow by repla ing the ontribution of the fast rea tion by a new symbol F1.En ode the speed by adding the equilibrium equation.E = k3 C − F1 ,S = −F1 ,C = −k3 C + F1 ,P = k3 C ,0 = k1 E S − k2 C .Raw formula by eliminating F1 from Lemaire's DAE.S = −k21 k3 E S2 + k1 k2 k3 E Sk1 k2 (E + S) + k22 ·

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkBibliographyV. Van Breusegem, G. Bastin.Redu ed order dynami al modelling of rea tion systems : a singularperturbation approa h30th IEEE Conf. on De ision and Control. (1991).N. Vora, P. Daoutidis.Nonlinear model redu tion of hemi al rea tion systems.AIChE Journal vol. 47 (2001).F. Boulier, M. Lefran , F. Lemaire, P.-E. Morant.Model Redu tion of Chemi al Rea tion Systems using Elimination.MACIS (2007). Submitted to MCS.http://hal.ar hives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00184558

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory network1 Index redu tion2 QSSA in hemistry3 Redu tion of a gene regulatory network

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkA single autoregulated gene (AB07, AB08)Is there a lo k in this model ? Where ?Pnα


ρf ρb δMP δPMG H





βPn−1 P2

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkThe generalized hemi al rea tions systemG + Pn α



H, G ρf−−−→ G + M, H ρb

−−−→ H + M,M β−−−→ M + P , M δM

−−−→ ∅, P δP−−−→ ∅,Pi + P k+i

−−−→←−−−k−i Pi+1 (1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1).Polymerisation rea tions are assumed to be fast.Random variables G and H are the two states of the gene.Other variables are on entrations :M for the mRNA,Pi for the polymer of order i .

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkThe initial ODE systemG = θH − αG Pn,H = −θH + αG Pn,M = ρf G + ρb H − δM M,P = β M − δP P + 2A1 + A2 + · · ·+ An−1,Pi = −Ai−1 + Ai (2 ≤ i ≤ n − 1),Pn = −An−1 + θH − αG Pnwhere Ai = (k−i Pi+1 − k+i Pi P).keep the Ai as variables,add algebrai equations expressing the equilibrium onditions,eliminate the Ai .

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkThe redu ed modelG = θ (γ0 − G − G Pn),M = λG + γ0 µ−M,P =nα (γ0 − G − G Pn) + δ (M − P)n−1

∑i=0(i + 1)2 Ki P i ·

The integral urves of the initial and the redu ed models �t.Symboli qualitative analysis on the redu ed model : a Hopfbifur ation (os illations) o urs if and only if n ≥ 9.MABSys (F. Lemaire, A. Ürgüplü) pa kage. UnderlyingRegularChains (F. Lemaire) and ELPS pa kages (A.Sedoglavi ).

Index redu tion QSSA in hemistry Redu tion of a gene regulatory networkBibliographyF. Boulier, M. Lefran , F. Lemaire, P.-E. Morant, A. Ürgüplü.On proving the absen e of os illations in models of geneti ir uitsAlgebrai Biology, LNCS vol. 4545, pp. 66-80, 2007.F. Boulier, M. Lefran , F. Lemaire, P.-E. Morant.Applying a rigorous quasi-steady state approximation method for provingthe absen e of os illations in models of geneti ir uitsAlgebrai Biology, LNCS vol. 5147, pp. 56-64, 2008.F. Boulier, F. Lemaire, A. Ürgüplü, A. Sedoglavi .Towards an automated redu tion method for polynomial ODE models in ellular biologyMathemati s in Computer S ien e (to appear).