Restoring The Joy Of Salvation

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Restoring The Joy Of Salvation. David’s prayer for forgiveness Ps. 51. Background of Psalm 51. 2 Samuel 11-12 David’s sin with B athsheba Nathan said to David - “Thou art the man”. I. David’s plea for God’s mercy and loving-kindness – vs. 1-2 . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Restoring The Joy Of Salvation


Restoring The Joy Of Salvation

David’s prayer for forgiveness

Ps. 51


Background of Psalm 51

• 2 Samuel 11-12• David’s sin with Bathsheba• Nathan said to David - “Thou art

the man”

3I. David’s plea for God’s mercy and loving-kindness – vs. 1-2

• Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.


• There is no attempt at excuse making – David did not try to push the guilt off on anyone else• “Have mercy upon me, O God”• David recognizes his own

helplessness concerning his sin


• Transgression = to cross the line of right & enter into wrong doing• Iniquity = to deviate from the

right and true


• Sin = to miss the mark or to come short of the target that God has establishes for us• David pleads for his sin to be

erased or wiped away from God’s book of remembrance


• “David was concerned with the removal of guilt – not of future consequences. This is the heart of genuine, true repentance.”


II. My sin is ever before me – vs. 3-4

• For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.


• This shows the misery and pain David felt over his sins -“ever before me”• He recognized the seriousness of

his sin against Bathsheba, Uriah, his children, his people, and his God


“Thou art the man”

• This began a sobering series of events:• The death of Uriah, one of his

trusted soldiers• Joab’s knowledge of David’s



• An ungodly influence upon his children which would lead them to similar behavior• The “sword” never departed from

his house (2 Sam. 12:10)


• Trouble would rise up against David from among his own family• His own son would take David’s

wives “in the sight of all Israel”


• The child conceived in adultery was to die• He gave great occasion for the

enemies of the Lord “to blaspheme” (2 Sam. 12:14)


• ALL SIN IS AGAINST GOD!• Nothing escapes the All-Seeing eye• David realized that God would be

just in what He said and how He judged David concerning this matter


Gen. 18:25

• Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?


III. I was shapen in iniquity – v. 5

• “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.”• Many believe this verse teaches

that we are born in sin (total heredity depravity)


• The Bible nowhere teaches that we are born in sin!• We are not born totally depraved

(corrupt, wicked)


Mt. 18:3

• And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.


Ezek. 28:15 (about the prince of Tyre)

• Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee


Zech. 12:1

• The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.


• We are not guilty of sin until we reach the age of accountability – when our mental development is such that we can distinguish between right and wrong


IV. David’s request for pardon – vs. 6-9

• Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow…


• Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.


• God wants inward sincerity --not just outwardly going through the motions


• “Purge me with hyssop” = this plant was dipped in the blood of their sacrifices and sprinkled for purification• David wanted the cleansing that

this act under the law symbolized


• “Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow” • Is. 1:18 – “Come now, and let us reason

together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”


• “Make me hear joy and gladness” = He refers to the fact that sin results in the loss of joy and gladness • Forgiveness restores the true joy

and gladness of the soul


• “That the bones which thou has broken”= this is a symbol of his spirit and reputation that had been crushed by sin – David wants the healing that only God can give


• “Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out mine iniquities” = David had tried to hide his sins in the wrong way through lying & deceit• Now he seeks pardon from God and

wants to deal with his sins in the right way

30V. David desires a new heart – vs. 10-12

• Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.


• David’s heart had been stained with sin• Now he yearns for the Lord to

give him a clean, purified heart, a spirit made right by pardon


• He longed for the “joy of salvation”

33VI. David recognizes that sacrifices alone are insufficient – vs. 16-17

• For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise


• Broken spirit = • “A mind broken or crushed under

the weight of conscious guilt. The idea is that of a burden laid on the Soul until it is crushed and subdued.” (Barnes’ notes on the Bible)


• Contrite = “feeling deep sorrow or remorse for having sinned or done wrong; penitent” Webster’s New World Dictionary