Resource Board Meeting Agenda for Thursday, July 17,...

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Transcript of Resource Board Meeting Agenda for Thursday, July 17,...

Resource Board Meeting

Agenda for Thursday, July 17, 2014 3:00 p.m.

121 Cedar Fork Road Highland Springs VA 23223 Board Room

Parking and Entry at the Rear of the Building Only

I. Call to Order

II. Approval of the Minutes of the April 10, 2014 Meeting...Page 1

III. Public Comment

IV. Consent Agenda Items – 10 minutes (Approval of the Consent Agenda Means that Items A-D have been previously vetted and can be voted on as a single item, not as individual items. If a member of the Board requests removal of an item from the consent agenda, it may be removed and acted on as an individual item.)

A. PY14 Contract Renewals (CLEOs/Finance) ...Page 51. ResCare

2. Henrico County

3. Charles City Public Schools

4. Chesterfield County Public Schools

5. Goochland County Public Schools

6. Richmond City Public Schools

B. One Stop Operator Consortium Agreement (CLEOs)...Page 12

C. Budget Amendments (Finance)

1. PY13 Budget to Cover ResCare Business License Fees ...Page 132. PY14 Budget to Authorize Carry-forward in Quality Assurance Committee Line...Page 13

D. Training Provider Applications (Program Planning and Development) ...Page 14

V. Information and Engagement – 45 minutes A. “Refresher” on WIB Roles and Responsibilities under WIA – 15 minutes B. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act – 10 minutes C. Governor’s Directive on Workforce Credentials – 20 minutes

VI. Chair’s Report – 10 minutes

VII. Staff Updates - 25 minutes A. Program Customer Profile: “At-a-Glance” B. Program Performance ...Page 16C. Business Services (w/Boyd Headley, ResCare) D. PY14 Funding Allocation ...Page 17E. Meeting Schedule for PY14 ...Page 18

VIII. Committee Updates – 15 minutes (Written reports are provided in packet; any committee chair may take this time to highlight items of particular interest or major activities since the last full WIB meeting)

IX. Adjourn

Resource Workforce Investment Board 1

Minutes for April 10, 2014

Business Members Present Absent

Auchmoody, Bill Barnett, Steve Bester, Valerie Clay, Gail Dawson, Susan Dunnigan, Sara Dunphy, Ryan Endert-Robinson, Emily Hunt, Robin Jones, Daniel Jones, Dwight Lyons, Larry McDaniels, Kerri Robinson, Shawn Talley, Greg Thomas, Terry Timmons, April Tucker, Sonji Rollins Vehrs, William Weisiger, A. Lee Whaling, Marshall Wickham, Deborah Willie-Surratt, Terry Wood, Charles

Totals 12 12

Guests Attending: Jim Maris, ResCare; Kate Daly, Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center-VCU; and Sheila Lewis, ResCare.

Resource Workforce Investment Board Minutes for April 10, 2014

CBO Present Absent Easter, John

Economic Development Aylward, Karen Manion, Jamison Miller, Thomas


Crawley, Janet Jones, Estelle Wilson, Kimberly

One-Stop Batten, Dale Beals Mulligan, Dana Emmons, Charles Lewis, Grace McGinty, Mac Price, Jimmy Roberts, Kimberly Rozier, Shawn Watson, Thelma

Labor Leigers, William Sinclair, CB

Other Briggs, Cordell Bruny, Kevin McCulla, John

Totals 8 15


Resource Workforce Investment Board 2

Minutes for April 10, 2014

I. Call to Order. Chair Sara Dunnigan called the meeting to order.

II. Approval of the Minutes of January 9, 2014. The January 9, 20141 minutes were

approved as presented.

III. Public Input Period. No persons were present for public comment.

IV. Chair’s Report.

A. Brian Davis, the new CRWP Executive Director was introduced to the Board. Brian

gave a brief overview of his background and vision for Resource.

B. Staff Update. Several staff positions are vacant. Staff responsibilities and needs will

be reviewed.

C. Board Development. Board members were contacted to determine their interest to

participate on the Resource Board. Kevin Blake will lead the ad hoc Board

Development Committee to solicit private sector members. Newly appointed

members; Shawniece Jackson, Kate Rolander and Chaya Braxton introduced

themselves and were welcomed to the Board.

D. 501c3 Discussion Update. The CLEOs have authorized the Resource Board to move

forward with its planning to establish a 501c3 for the purposes of fund raising. The

Planning Team will seek funds for the nonprofit. Legal support will be secured to

review the bylaws and to file required paperwork. Members were encouraged to

provide contacts that may provide pro bono work to the nonprofit. Eleven board

members will serve on the nonprofit board.

V. Consent Agenda A. Resource Budget. The budget was reviewed by the Finance Committee and

recommended for consideration by the Executive Committee. B. Authorizing Contract Renewals. Board authorization will give staff the ability to

move forward to secure the contracts. The Board does not meet again until July; a delay in authorizing the contracts would impact program services. Jamison Manion moved to approve the consent agenda as presented; Gail Clay seconded the motion. The motion passed. It was acknowledged that the authorization is for the budgeted contract amounts. If more money is needed a budget modification will be requested.

VI. Discussion Items for Decision A. Whitepine Lease. The one (1) year lease was not an option; the owner agreed to a 2

year lease extension. Henrico County is prepared to move forward with executing the 2 year lease extension. Larry Lyons moved to approve the 2 year lease extension, Mac McGinty seconded the motion. The motion passed.

VII. Information Item

A. New Board Members. Members were introduced in the Chair’s Report.


Resource Workforce Investment Board 3

Minutes for April 10, 2014

VIII. Performance Indicator Reports. A. ResCare. The overall adult performance shows some improvement. The adult

credential performance was not met; met 80% of goal. ResCare is on a performance improvement plan. In response to the report, Jim Maris commented that ResCare is 2.5% short of meeting its goal as of 6 weeks ago. Data extracted through the FutureWorks system shows that 8 of 12 indicators have been exceeded. Performance in the dislocated worker category was positive. The State requirement is being met for the career readiness certification. Jamison Manion acknowledged performance achieved by the Youth Committee and staff for meeting youth performance.

B. VETEC Report. Matthew Howell, One Stop System Manager reviewed the report

presented in the packet and noted that 12 businesses have been created since the program started. Mac McGinty added that the objective of the program is start businesses.

Advantech may be a source for entrepreneurs seeking additional monies for startup; Dale Fickett is the contact person. Transportation is also an issue. Jamison noted that the City has expanded its resources through the minority business agency: Pat Foster is the point of contact. Charlie Wood added that Game Plank is an organization that provides resources to small businesses.

IX. Committee Reports Inclusive of Action Items A. Youth Council Report. The Council continues to focus on the performance

improvement plans. Contractors have been contacted regarding the renewal applications and renewals have been submitted; April 4th is the deadline date. Contract renewals and award levels will be based on performance; future needs and performance measures.

The Annual Youth Summit was a great success. T-Mobile has agreed to be a sponsor for next year’s event. The City of Richmond, Department of Public Utilities was commended for their participation and $2,000 contribution.

Students from Armstrong and Huguenot high schools presented their software application and website, Ready or Not, to the Council. The presentation was well put together and demonstrated their entrepreneurial spirit. The Council would like the youth to make this presentation to the WIB. The youth also have a radio show.

Jamison mentioned that funds are available to support youth that are aging out of foster care. Summer employment opportunities may be available for youth with the Richmond Squirrels baseball organization. A meeting is being scheduled with them to discuss opportunities.

B. Program Planning & Development Committee – April Timmons. The committee met on March 14th. Its next scheduled meeting is April 17th. Additional information will be available after the April 17th meeting. The Partnership Team will present their


Resource Workforce Investment Board 4

Minutes for April 10, 2014

annual report at the April 17th meeting. Training provider applications will also be presented for approval.

C. Quality Assurance Committee – Gail Clay. At its April meeting, the Committee reviewed performance indicators, performance measures, and performance improvement plans. Gail shared the process of the secret shopper evaluation. Staff is keeping the committee updated on secret shopper activities. The committee expressed concern regarding expenditures; wants to be certain that the budget is maintained. Jamison suggested that Program Planning and Quality Assurance partner to work on items identified in the return on investment study to improve outcomes. Brian noted that the State Workforce Council recently had a ROI study done of all areas by VCU. Three (3) areas showed negative return on investment; Richmond, Norfolk and Danville/Martinsville. There may be some correlation between data. Brian will provide the Board a copy of the report.

X. Legislative and Policy Taskforce - Dan Jones. Dan noted that past legislative visits were

successful because of the work of Lori Strumpf. The Taskforce had planned to visit legislators during the NACo conference in March or early April to garner greater participation. The visit was ultimately cancelled because of lack of participation due to conflicting schedules and the new Resource director was not yet on board. The Greater Richmond Chamber also had it Tampa visit scheduled during this time. Brian added that he serves on National Association of Workforce Development Professionals and may be able to make some inroads with Lori. The Taskforce may consider plans to have legislators come to Richmond versus traveling to D.C.

XI. Finance Committee – Larry Lyons. The Committee approved the budget recommended to the Board.

XII. Staff Reports. A. Fairfield Library Move. No additional information was presented. An open house

will be planned in the near future.

B. Vacancies. The Greeter position at Cary Street will be released and should be filled

by June. The Business Solutions Manager position has been approved for posting by

Human Resources. Release of the Adult/DW Manager position and the

Communications Manager position will be considered for release after the Greeter

and Business Solutions Manager position. Updates may be available at the July


C. Interim Responsibility Assignments. Staff are currently working outside of their

areas. A review of responsibilities will be made.

D. Bridging Richmond. The grant application was not advanced. Bridging Richmond

and other partners are considering developing pieces of the grant.

XIII. Adjourn. There being no further business; Dan Jones moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:16 p.m., Gail Clay seconded the motion. The motion passed.


Agenda Item IV.a Approval of PY14 Adult/Dislocated, In and Out of School

Contract Awards Discussion:

The WIB authorized staff to complete negotiations with WIA Title 1 Service providers at their April 10, 2014 meeting. This document includes a summary of services to be provided, projected service levels and approved award amounts for the program year that starts on July 1, 2014. Contracts will be executed based on these summaries.

With respect to youth programs, the 2014-2105 budget approved by the CLEO and WIB established levels for staff to complete negotiations with In and Out of School contractors; however, after careful review of the renewal applications, the Youth Council requested and the CLEO's granted contract awards based on the current budget with a conditional approval to increase the awards pending the anticipated increase in carry forward, and a subsequent budget modification. The Finance Committee also approved this conditional provision.

PY2014 Approved Budget Revised Budget based on Anticipated Carry



In-School $800,000 $892,170 $92,170

Out-of School $520,000 $540,910 $20,910

Total $1,320,000 $1,433,080 $113,080

Summary of Recommendations:

Below is the overview of each award and attached are the summaries of the contract recommendations which includes renewal terms, WIA negotiated performance rates and service delivery levels and locations:

Contractor Award Amount

Services Delivery


Target Population

Adult/ Dislocated Worker

ResCare $2,195,456

($1,145,904 AD/

1,049,554 DW)

2,403 2,311 (New,

carry forward and


Adults and Dislocated Workers

Note: After CLEO meeting, Rescare requested a lower number of new DLW


Charles City Public Schools $183,400 62 In-school

Chesterfield County Public Schools $305,869 97 In-school

Goochland County Public Schools $161,298 45 In-school

Richmond Public Schools $241,600 82 In-School

Fiscal Agent(Goals Institute) $540,910 148 Out of School

Total $1,433,081 432 In and Out of School


Contractor Name:

ResCare Workforce Services

Contract Period:

July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015

Service Target Group:

Adults over the age of 18; predominantly economically disadvantaged

Dislocated Workers

Amount of Award:

$1,145,904 Adult Funds

$1,049,554 DW Funds

Total Contract Award $2,195,456

Projected New Enrollments

482 Adults

404 Dislocated Workers Rescare has asked for a reduction of new enrollments to 312 since CLEO meeting. Number of Participants to

be Served (New, carry forward and follow up)

1,429 adults

974 882 Dislocated Worker New level if Rescare request approved

Services Offered

ResCare is under contract to provide a variety of employer and jobseeker services to support economic competitiveness for the region and improved skills and earning potential for our citizens. Based upon assessments and individual needs, jobseekers receive from among the following core, intensive and training services: Comprehensive assessments and testing; Counseling and career planning; Short-term work readiness training; Paid or unpaid work experiences; Adult education or GED programs in combination with other training; Tuition assistance to attend a college or technical school; On-the-job training contracts; and Supportive service assistance with items like transportation, child care, books, supplies, tools or uniforms. Employer services include recruitment and screening, informational services and accesses to training funds.

Performance *Levels may adjust based on State negotiation. Additional metrics to be defined prior to contract execution

Adult: Entered Employment – 60% Employment Retention – 82% Average Wages - $10,095 Employment and Credential Rate – 50% CRC Attainment – 25%

Dislocated Worker: Entered Employment – 80% Employment retention – 87% Average Wages - $16,500 Employment and Credential Rate – 52% CRC Attainment – 25%



Contractor Name: Charles City County Schools

Contract Period:

June 27, 2014-June 30, 2015 (Last Year)

Contracted Services

Overview of Services to be


Charles City will target 12th grade enrolled students in Charles City County Public Schools. These will be students who are identified as having no clearly discernible plans, written or verbally articulated, for transitioning smoothly from high school to post-secondary education or training or to the workforce. The program objective is to develop a bridge plan for student participants who have no clearly articulated career plan for entering the workforce or post-secondary education upon graduation or exit from high school. The model will have two basic components: (1) career planning and development and (2) summer work experience.

Number of Participants to be Served:

62 (at a minimum )new, carryovers and follow-up

Charles City High School

Entered Employment or Post- Secondary Education

85% of the 12th Graders

Attainment of Degree or Certificate (which includes GED, and High school Diploma

85% of the 12th graders

Amount of Award


Cost Per




Contractor Name: Chesterfield County Public Schools

Contract Period:

June 27, 2014-June 30, 2015 (Last Year)

Proposed Services to be Provided

Overview of Services to be Provided:

In-School The program will provide academic and support services that will enable students to graduate from high school with the necessary skills sets required to enter and succeed in college or career. Documentation for exiting students to meet this objective will include a high school diploma, a realistic post-secondary plan, and comprehensive career portfolio. ISYS students will participate in a range of supplemental services, including career exploration and planning, leadership development, personalized counseling, and exposure to post-secondary and workplace environments. The model will have four basic components: (1) academic support, (2) career planning and development, (3) access to post-secondary training prior to high school completion and (4) work experience.

Number of Participants to be

Served and locations:

97 (at a minimum )new, carryovers and follow-up

All Eleven Chesterfield High Schools

Entered Employment or Post-Secondary Education

85% of the 12th graders the first year

Attainment of Degree or Certificate (which includes GED, and High school Diploma

85% of the 12th graders the first year

Amount of Award

$ 305,869.00

Cost Per Participant



Contractor Name: Goochland County Schools

Contract Period:

June 27, 2014-June 30, 2015 (Last year)

Contracted Services

Overview of Services to be Provided:

The program objective is to develop a bridge plan for student participants to enter the workforce or post-secondary education upon graduation or exit from high school. ISYS will assist these students in developing the competencies and skills set to achieve the educational performance levels required to work successfully in business and industry by assisting them in developing a career plan for transitioning from school to post-secondary education or employment by partnering with local community college. Students will be exposed to a variety of learning options to include career planning and development activities, work experiences, leadership development, and counseling and support with connections to post-secondary training and education. The model will have three basic components: (1) career planning and development, (2) access to post-secondary training prior to secondary completion and (3) experimental learning experiences.

Number of Participants to be Served and location:

45 (at a minimum ) new, carryovers and follow-up

Goochland County High School and Alternative Center

Entered Employment or Post-Secondary Education

85% of the 12th Graders

Attainment of Degree or Certificate (which includes GED, and High school Diploma

85% of the 12th Graders

Amount of Award


Cost Per Participant



Contractor Name: Richmond Public Schools

Contract Period:

June 27, 2014-June 30, 2015 (Last year)

Proposed Services To Be Provided

Overview of Services to be Provided:

In-School WIA funding and RPS’ resources will be used to establish Career Service Centers (CSC) at two RPS high schools (Armstrong and Huguenot) to provide a comprehensive bridge program to assist a total of at least 70 students 12th graders to achieve educational attainments, develop work specific skills and enter employment, post secondary education military service or training that will lead to self sufficiency. The project is designed to engage students by providing paid and unpaid work learning opportunities, enrichment activities, and financial incentives. Specific strategies will be implemented to increase student investment and commitment to completing this program.

Number of Participants to be Served and locations:

70(at a minimum )new, carryovers and follow-up

Armstrong High School Huguenot High School

Entered Employment or Post-Secondary Education

85% of the 12th Graders

Attainment of Degree or Certificate (which includes GED, and High school Diploma

85% of the 12th Graders

Amount of Award


Cost Per Participant



Contractor Name: Out of School (Fiscal

Contract Period:

June 27, 2013-June 30, 2014 (2 annual renewals remaining)

Proposed Services To Be Provided

Overview of Services to be

Provided :

County of Henrico, Fiscal Agent, will ensure the provision of services to 134 out-of- school youth ages17-21 that at a minimum shall include access to educational services (GED Preparation), Basic Skills Enhancement, Occupational Skills Training, Work Readiness Preparation, Leadership Skill Development, Citizenship Enhancement, and Personal Development that leads to Self Motivating Behaviors, and Job Search Assistance as appropriate and needed by each enrollee. The purpose of these services is to assist economically disadvantaged youth (ages 17-21) to achieve educational performance levels that will support future education and employment opportunities, specifically, increase reading comprehension, applied mathematics performance, and the ability to locate information at levels sufficient to secure a Career Readiness Credential (Gold, Silver or Bronze), prepare for and obtain a GED or a High School Diploma, and/or to increase reading comprehension, applied mathematics and language arts skill sufficiently to increase the basic skill level.

Number of Participants to be Served and locations:

148 (at a minimum ) new, carryovers, and follow-up

Resource Workforce Centers (Cedar Fork, Cary Street and Whitepine) and Goochland Parks and Recreation

Entered Employment or Post-Secondary Education

48.0%-60.0% of

exiters Attainment of Degree or Certificate (which includes GED, and High school

48.0%-60.0% of exiters

One Level Grade Increase Literary and Numeracy

30.0%-40.0% in one year of participation

GED Attainment

5% or > above 2013-2014 level

Career Readiness Certificate (CRC)

25% of PY14 participants will attain a CRC

Amount of Award


Cost Per




Agenda Item IV. B – Designation of One Stop Operator Consortium


The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 requires that each local workforce area designate a One-Stop Operator for purposes of overseeing and coordinating the operations of the one-stop delivery system. Operators may be selected through either competitive procurement or through a consortium agreement with at least three partner entities as defined in the WIA.

In 2011, an agreement was executed to designate Henrico County, the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) and the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) as the Capital Region’s One Stop Operator for a three year period. That agreement expired on June 30, 2014.


Staff recommended to the CLEO at their May 16, 2014 meeting that the current operator consortium be retained through execution of a new three- year agreement.

The CLEOs approved of the make-up of the consortium, but approved a one-year term subject to two additional renewals. The basis was to evaluate whether the operator function should be put out to bid along with the upcoming service provider solicitation, in the event it would yield possible efficiency and effectiveness gains in such a more traditional arrangement.

Staff has subsequently asked the Capital Area Agency on Aging (CAAA) about their willingness to join the consortium because it is now not known if the Virginia Employment Commission will continue to serve, and at least three mandatory partner programs are required under law. CAAA has agreed.


Staff recommends approval of the one stop operator consortium as described above with Henrico County, DARS, CAAA; and VEC if they chose to commit. The initial term would be July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015, with a possibility for two additional renewals.


Agenda Item IV. C. - Budget Modification Requests

1. ResCare Request Background: ResCare has projected that they are on track to overspend in the “Miscellaneous” budget line (Schedule 113) in the PY13 budget by an amount of $4,681.62. Unanticipated costs related to business license fees charged by the three jurisdictions where the centers are located are cited as the reason. The modification has two parts: 1) To add as an allowable activity in Schedule 113 “Business License Expenses”. 2) Approval to add $5,300 to the 113 Budget Schedule (Miscellaneous) for the current year to cover those

costs related to business licenses and prevent a reoccurrence of going over in the budget line.

Their request would be covered by moving funds from the following cost categories as follows:

103 – Travel $1,800 104 – Communication $1,000 106 – Materials and Supplies $500 112 – Capital Outlay (Equipment) $2,000 Total $5,300

Discussion: The type of expense is an allowable charge to the WIA grant, but the local area is not required to make such provisions. The Finance Committee recommended approval of this request.

2. Staff Request for Quality Assurance Committee Project Background: The approved PY13 budget (current year) includes $19,500 for the Resource WIB Quality Assurance Committee. A majority of that amount was to be devoted to a “secret shopper” customer satisfaction study to be conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University at a cost of $15,500. It was anticipated that the project would be complete by the end of the current year budget cycle.

Due to delays in the project start, a final contract with VCU was not signed until the end of April, and the project timeline now extends through September 2014.


A budget modification is requested to show the $8,500 that will not be spent before June 30, 2014 to carry into the PY14 budget line for the Quality Assurance Committee. The Finance Committee recommended approval of this request.


Agenda Item IV. D.

Program Planning and Development Committee Report

Eligible Training Provider Application Recommendations

Part 1 – Approval Recommendations

At their April 17 and June 19, 2014 meetings, the Program Planning and Development Committee voted to recommend approval of the following programs for inclusion on the Eligible Training Provider list. Each was determined to satisfy the requirement of Management Policy #16:

School Program Location Cost Duration Allied Pharmacy Technician Training Program

Pharmacy Technician

Henrico $800.00 210 hours, 14 weeks

J.T. Pharmacy Technician Program

Pharmacy Technician

Richmond $1045.25 36 hours, 12 weeks

Family 1st of Virginia Healthcare and Safety Training Center

Pharmacy Technician

Richmond $1393.00 80 hours, 10 weeks

Family 1st of Virginia Healthcare and Safety Training Center

Certified Nursing Assistant

Richmond $1077 120 hours, 4 weeks

Family 1st of Virginia Healthcare and Safety Training Center

Medication Aide Richmond $818.00 68 hours, 2 weeks


Part 2 – Denial Recommendations The committee recommends that the following programs not be approved, for the reason(s) noted:

School Program Reason Care Advantage, Inc. Personal Care Aide Concerns over wage rate in

relation to participant self-sufficiency

Professional Careers Institute Personal Care Aide Concerns over wage rate in relation to participant self-sufficiency

Family 1st of Virginia Healthcare and Safety Training Center

Personal Care Aide Concerns over wage rate in relation to participant self-sufficiency

JAL Building Trade Vocation, LLC

Carpentry Fundamentals No evidence of approval to endorse, certify or license completers of the training

JAL Building Trade Vocation, LLC

Introductory Craft Skills No evidence of approval to endorse, certify or license completers of the training

JAL Building Trade Vocation, LLC

Your role in the Green Environment

No evidence of approval to endorse, certify or license completers of the training

JAL Building Trade Vocation, LLC

Weatherization Technician No evidence of approval to endorse, certify or license completers of the training

JAL Building Trade Vocation, LLC

Introduction to Weatherization

No evidence of approval to endorse, certify or license completers of the training

Additional Consideration: The Program Planning and Development Committee voted to recommend adding to the training provider application, “Preference will be given for externship opportunities.”


Agenda Item VII B. - WIA Performance Outcomes for Third Quarter Ending March 31, 2014

Who What Indicator How Well (As a percentage)

Against What Target

By the Numbers (In terms of people)

Adults Did they get a job?

59.5% 60% 185 positive outcomes out of 311

Did they stay employed?

86% 82% 302 positive outcomes out of 351

Average Wages over 6 months

$10,032 $10,095 275 people with total wages of $2,758,881

Credential or Certificate Earned

38% 50% 19 positive outcomes out of 50

Dislocated Workers

Did they get a job?

84.8% 80% 218 positive outcomes out of 257

Did they stay employed?

92.1% 87% 453 positive outcomes out of 492

Average Wages over 6 months

$17,479 $16,500 418 people with total wages of $7,306,254

Credential or Certificate Earned

40.4% 52% 36 positive outcomes out of 89

Youth Earned a Degree or Certificate

64% 37.7% 16 positive outcomes out of 25

Literacy/Numeracy Gain

54.3% 30% 19 positive outcomes out of 35

Placed in a job or post-secondary education

60% 50.1% 30 positive outcomes out of 50

All Customers

Career Readiness Certificate Earned (State Mandate)

29% 18% 482 positive outcomes out of 1,660


New Amounts and Comparison to Previous Year

Dislcoated Worker Adult Youth Total

PY14 $1,473,307 $1,553,703 $1,718,273 $4,745,283PY13 $1,570,142 $1,459,038 $1,615,274 $4,644,454Variance -$96,835 $94,665 $102,999 $100,829

Amounts by Jurisdiction

Dislocated Worker Adult Youth Totals % of total

CHARLES CITY CO. $15,450 $15,692 $14,014 $45,157 0.95%CHESTERFIELD CO. $357,889 $378,367 $411,934 $1,148,189 24.00%GOOCHLAND CO. $21,688 $39,865 $24,488 $86,041 1.81%HANOVER CO. $111,359 $108,235 $122,856 $342,450 7.20%HENRICO CO. $408,993 $389,688 $381,275 $1,179,956 24.80%NEW KENT CO. $17,835 $20,344 $19,378 $57,556 1.21%POWHATAN CO. $21,306 $58,168 $37,645 $117,119 2.40%RICHMOND CITY $518,787 $543,343 $706,683 $1,768,814 37.20%Total $1,473,307 $1,553,703 $1,718,273 $4,745,282

Capital Region Workforce Partnership PY14 WIA Allocations


Agenda Item VII. E. - Proposed WIB and Committee Meeting Schedule for PY14

WIB Meeting Date Corresponding CLEO Meeting Sept. 11, 2014 Sept. 19, 2014 Dec. 11, 2014 Jan. 23, 2015 Mar. 12, 2015 Mar. 20, 2015 June 11, 2015 Jul. 17, 2015

Suggested Committee Schedules:

Committee Current Frequency Suggested Frequency Suggested Dates Executive Every other month,

fourth Thursday Quarterly, fourth Thursdays Or possibly consider as needed only

Aug. 21, 2014 Nov. 20, 2014 (third) Feb. 27, 2015 May 22, 2015

Finance Every other month Quarterly, third Mondays and called as needed

Aug. 18, 2014 Nov. 17, 2014 Feb. 23, 2015 May 18, 2015

Workforce Strategy (currently Program Planning and Development)

Every other month, third Thursdays

Every other month, third Thursdays

Aug. 21, 2014 * Oct. 16, 2014* Dec. 18, 2014 Feb. 19, 2015* Apr. 16, 2015* June 18, 2015

Quality Assurance and Compliance

Monthly Committee prefers to meet monthly

Aug. 4, 2014 * Sept. 8, 2014 Oct. 6, 2014 Nov. 3, 2014 Dec. 1, 2014 * Jan. 5, 2015 Feb. 2, 2015 Mar. 2, 2015 * Apr. 6, 2015 May 4 ,2015 * Jun. 1, 2015

Youth Council Quarterly Monthly, first Thursdays

Aug. 7, 2014 Nov. 6, 2014 Feb. 5, 2014 May 7, 2015

(*) Denotes the last committee meeting by which an action item can be discussed prior to the next WIB meeting.


Agenda Item VIII. – Committee Reports

Part I – Summary of Key Items

A. Program Planning and Development

1. Review and recommendations on training provider applications. 2. Received a report from the Workforce Partnership Team Members, which is composed

of workforce professionals throughout the Capital Region committed to working together to impact the success of the workforce development system by better coordinating delivery of services.

3. Discussed labor market data, the current target industries and the need to update the target industry list in the coming year.

B. Quality Assurance

1. Discussed a possibility of merging with Youth Council Operations Committee, which could yield some efficiency. The committee opted not to pursue such a consolidation.

2. Received an update on the “Secret Shopper” project being conducted by VCU. A total of 41 interviews were conducted with customers of the three workforce centers between May 27th and June 11th to determine levels of satisfaction. The final report will be available by September.

3. Reviewed ResCare’s “Contract Indicator’s Report. Of note: i. Foot traffic in the centers has been on the increase since January, with 3,556 in

April. ii. Spending on direct customer services as a portion of the budget has been

steadily increasing, and stood at just under 19% through April, with the contract goal set at 30%.

C. Youth Council

1. The Youth Council’s Operations Committee met on June 16 to receive additional information from the out-of-school youth provider, Henrico County’s GOALs Institute. The Committee decided they would establish the program design, outreach plans and service levels for provider through the contract renewal.

2. The committee discussed the development of the PY2015 procurement actions for both in and out of school, and decided to host an information session about what it means to be a WIA youth service provider in the Capital Region. The information session will take place in October or November.

3. The Committee is suggesting that the WIB review the current Training Policy. The Committee had concerns about the identified targeted industries not being inclusive enough for the emerging workforce, and would like to see flexibility afforded for offerings like food preparation, personal care and service occupations without a waiver.


Part II – Detailed Reports Program Planning and Development Committee Report The Program Planning & Development Committee reviewed and discussed several training provider applications. These are the results of the Committees decisions. The Professional Career Institute presented to the Committee an overview of the Personal Care Aide Training Program. The program prepares participants to assist patients with tasks that they cannot do for themselves while they are either at home, or other locations such as assisted living facilities, nursing homes, rehabilitation clinics, and hospitals. The program is a two week course offered during the day or evening hours for a total of 40 hours. The cost of the program is $350.00 and the starting hourly rate is $7.50. Potential work hours vary depending on the number of clients that a Homecare Agency serves. Committee Members had numerous questions to ensure that they understood the scope of the program. Committee Members would like to revisit this program once they have re-analyzed the targeted industries. Concern was expressed over the wages below living wage, uncertainty of number of hours, immediate re-employment when clients turnover, and the cost of the program. The Training Provider application was denied. Care Advantage, Inc. also submitted a training provider application for a Personal Care Aide Program. The Committee used the same criteria that were utilized for Professional Career Institute. The Training Provider application was denied. Committee Members reviewed an additional four training provider applications with a total of eleven programs submitted. Of the eleven programs five were approved and six were denied. Allied Pharmacy Technician Training Program submitted a training provider application for a Pharmacy Technician. The Committee reviewed the location, cost, duration of the program, certification, hourly entry wage, and projections of job employment. Committee Members approved the application. J.T. Pharmacy Technician program also submitted a Pharmacy Technician Program. The Committee reviewed the application using the same criteria that was used for Allied Pharmacy Technician Training program. The Committee Members also approved this application. Family 1st of Virginia Healthcare and Safety Training Center applied for four programs which are: Pharmacy Technician, Certified Nursing Assistant, Medication Aide, and Personal Care Aide. The first three programs were approved and the last, Personal Care Aide was denied. The denial of the Personal Care Aide was based on the concerns over the wage rate in relation to participant self-sufficiency. JAL Building Trade Vocation submitted five program applications for: Carpentry Fundamentals, Introductory Craft Skills, Your role in the Green Environment, Weatherization Technician, and Introduction to Weatherization. All five program applications were denied due to no evidence of approval to endorse, certify or license completers of the training. The Workforce Partnership Team Members gave a presentation to include a description of who the team is composed of which is a project-oriented group of workforce professionals throughout the Capital Region committed to working together to impact the success of the workforce development system. Team members gave an overview of the history of the team and how it has evolved over the years. Team Members established five work groups/task force teams for the following areas: Service


Integration, Process Improvement, Communication/Branding/Outreach, Re-Entry/Multiple Barriers, and Event/Partnership Development. The Business Solutions Team was a result of the Workforce Partnership Team efforts that identified a team approach to assisting businesses with recruitment efforts. Committee Members discussed the labor market data for the Capital Region, City of Richmond, and the counties of: Chesterfield, Hanover, and Henrico dated December 9, 2013. The goal is to target the high growth, high demand industries of the future. Currently the targeted industries are Manufacturing, Transportation & Warehousing, Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, and Health Care. The Committee determined that further detailed data would need to be provided for the members to better analyze the data. Mr. Jamison Manion will provide a report that further analyzes the information for our region. Quality Assurance Report The potential to merge the Youth Council Operations Committee and the Quality Assurance Committee was discussed. A brief background history brought the members up to the present. The logic behind the potential to merge was the fact that the Out of School Participants attend the three Resource Workforce Centers. The merger would be effective July 1, 2014. Committee Members would not be interested in a merger at this time. Virginia Commonwealth University has started work on the Secret Shopper Project. The contract for the Secret Shopper Project was signed on April 22, 2014. The total cost shall not exceed $15,500 and covers the period April 22, 2014 through September 30, 2014. The Secret Shopper interviews began on May 27, 2014 and the last day of the interviews was conducted on June 11, 2014. A total of 41 interviews were conducted across three sites. All 41 interview reports have been submitted by interviewers for analysis. The interviews will be analyzed and draft reports produced for each of the three sites plus one comprehensive report. The comprehensive report will be produced by September 30, 2014.

Committee Members discussed the Performance Measures Summary Program Year 2013 – Quarter 3. ResCare either met or exceeded 6 out of the 8 measures. It was noted that the two measures that failed Adult Employment and Credential Rate and Dislocated Worker Employment and Credential Rate were missed by two participants. All measures should be met or exceeded by the end of the year.

The ResCare PY2013 Contract Indicators were discussed. The Center’s Foot Traffic Report 3rd Quarter 2013 -2014 for the month of January had accidentally transposed the numbers for the City of Richmond and Henrico County. ResCare will update the total foot traffic for the month of January. The foot traffic has grown each month since January 2014. January 2014 had 2,753 participants and April had 3,556 participants with a steady increase each month.

The ResCare Contract Expenditures as of March 2014 was reviewed. The current ResCare contract for July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 requires that at least 30% of the expenditures be for direct Participant costs. The Adult Direct Participant Costs billed thus far are 18.6% and Dislocated Worker Direct Participant Costs billed are 18.9%. These percentages are based on the submitted invoices. The totals are pending invoice verifications. ResCare has internal and external activities scheduled that will be


reflected in the April 2014 Contract Expenditures Report. The percentages have grown each month and reflect the momentum moving forward.

The Return on Investment for Virginia’s Workforce Programs Report, dated December 20, 2013 which was conducted on behalf of the State of Virginia indicated negative results for our area. The study covered program exiters during the January 2008 – July 2012 program years. The author of the study is a Professor with Virginia Commonwealth University who will do a presentation on July18, 2014 for the CLEOS. The Quality Assurance Committee has been invited to attend the meeting. The presentation will focus on WIA, Area 9 rather than the entire State of Virginia.

Youth Council The meeting was called to order by Ms. Leah Walker. The meeting began with a presentation from the out of school program provider, The GOALS Institute. The purpose of the presentation was to provide the Committee with a clear understanding of the PY14 funding request and proposed service levels submitted as part of the renewal application and oral presentation on May 1. The Committee specifically requested the program design, outreach and recruitment strategy of all 8 jurisdictions and service locations date and times. Ms. Monica Burns, Director of the GOALS Institute provided the committee with an overview of the successes and the services they provided to youth over the past year. Additionally she provided a power point presentation that gave an overview of WIA and the target population, the program’s service delivery tracks and budget. After a very robust discussion with the GOALS’s staff the Committee decided they would establish the program design and service level for the out of school provider. The Committee requested that staff develop the contract with the suggested ideas presented during the meeting. The meeting continued with a discussion about the development of the PY2015 procurement actions for both in and out of school. The Committee decided to host an information session about what it means to be a WIA youth service provider in the Capital Region. The information session would take place in October or November. The purpose of the session would be to provide youth serving organizations an opportunity to understand the mission and vision of Resource, WIA and network with current service providers prior to issuing out the RFP’s in January. The Committee will work with staff to determine an agenda, location, and presenters. The Committee also decided an announcement of the event will be placed in the local paper and invites will be sent to all organizations listed in the “Resource Youth Inventory Guide”. The meeting agenda items concluded with a review and approval of the in and out of school contract awards.

The meeting ended with members requesting the current Individual Training Account policy be put on the agenda of the WIB meeting. The Committee had concerns about the identified targeted industries not being inclusive enough for the emerging workforce. The Committee would like to see food preparation and personal care and service occupations as fundable training opportunities without a waiver.