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Transcript of res_Jiang

  • 8/13/2019 res_Jiang


  • 8/13/2019 res_Jiang


    The entire a!aila&le wireless s%ectrum ranging $rom 7H* to 88 0H* is currentl

    di!ided into man small non-o!erla%%ing &ands" which are licensed $or di,erent

    communication %ur%oses" such as mo&ile communication" T9 &roadcasting"

    satellite communication" maritime communication" etc( This lea!es little room to

    allocate new isolated &ands $or new communication sstems and a%%lications(

    Howe!er" measurements show that most o$ the allocated s%ectrum is !astl

    under-utili*ed at an %articular location and time" es%eciall o!er the T9 &ands(

    Cogniti!e radio has emerged as a new technolog that can su&stantiall increase

    s%ectrum utili*ation e+cienc & allowing secondar users :unlicensed users; to

    share the s%ectrum with %rimar users :licensed users; as long as the inter$erence

    caused is maintained &elow a certain %rescri&ed le!el(

    An in$ormation-theoretic model has &een %ro%osed to stud the $undamental

    limits o$ cog-niti!e radios( 3n this model" one %rimar user is sending in$ormation

    to its recei!er" while a secondar user is allowed to communicate with its own

    recei!er simultaneousl o!er the same


    Jinhua Jiang

  • 8/13/2019 res_Jiang


    in!estigates e,ecti!e communication strategies to achie!e the &est

    communication rates gi!en limited %ower at each networ# node(

    Consider a multi-ho% wireless sensor networ# that is de%loed o!er a &attle$ield to

    monitor the mo!ements o$ hea! wea%ons( Two neigh&oring sensors should ha!e

    a correlated o&ser!ation o$ the same e!ent( The ma con!e their indi!idual

    o&ser!ations inde%endentl to two neigh&oring sensors $or relaing" &ut this

    a%%roach is not e+cient in terms o$ %ower consum%tion( 3n $act" m wor# shows

    that the correlation &etween o&ser!ation in%uts o,ers a great o%%ortunit to sa!e

    transmission %ower i$ the neigh&oring sensors coo%erati!el transmit thecorrelated in$ormation( S%eci$icall" 3 in!estigated the inter$erence channel with

    common in$ormation" where correlation &etween the two source in%uts is in the

    $orm o$ common in$ormation( 3 %ro%osed a coding scheme that consists o$ three

    laers a coo%eration laer regarding the common in$ormation" a colla&oration

    laer regarding the crossl o&ser!a&le in$ormation" and a %ri!ate laer( The

    resulting achie!a&le rate region leads to strict im%ro!ements o!er the e)isting

    results in the 0aussian case" and demonstrates o%timalit in certain s%ecial cases(

    >ue to the inherent &roadcasting nature o$ wireless transmissions" $eed&ac# can

    &e easil collected at sensor nodes that are ca%a&le o$ recei!ing( 3t has &een

    %ro!en that $eed&ac# does increase the ca%acit o$ multi-user channels :in

    contrast to the %oint-to-%oint channel case;( Howe!er" the ca%acit regions are

    un#nown $or most multi-user channels with $eed&ac#" e)ce%t $or a $ew s%ecial

    cases with noiseless $eed&ac#( With the o&5ecti!e to im%ro!e the transmission

    rates & e)%loiting $eed&ac# in wireless sensor networ#s" 3 ha!e studied

    inter$erence channels with noiseless $eed&ac#" and rela channels with

    generali*ed :nois; $eed&ac#( The main idea is to e)tract common in$ormation

    $rom the $eed&ac#" which ena&les coo%eration &etween trans-mitting nodes to

    achie!e higher transmission rates( The &ene$its o$ $eed&ac# :e!en generali*ed

    $eed&ac#; can &e easil seen $rom our results & considering the asm%totics(

    Howe!er" the gen-eral o%timalit o$ our results is still un#nown( 3 &elie!e inducingcommon in$ormation to achie!e coo%eration &etween transmitting nodes is not a

    general solution to e)%loit $eed&ac#( A general


    3 %lan to $urther in!estigate communication networ#s $rom three di,erent

    %ers%ecti!es theor" %ractice" and a%%lication( 3 &elie!e %ractice and a%%lication

    not onl allow us to !eri$ theories" &ut also can hel% to disco!er limitations o$

    e)isting theories and ins%ire de!elo%ment o$ new theories( elow 3 highlight three

    to%ics which 3 wish to wor# on in the near $uture(

    6 E)%loiting =eed&ac# and Correlation

    =irst" 3 would li#e to continue m current research in networ# in$ormation theor"

    with a s%eci$ic $ocus on understanding two inherent %ro%erties o$ most wireless

    networ#s $eed&ac# and corre-lation( 3 &elie!e that the grand %ro&lem o$ $inding

    the ca%acit o$ an ar&itrar wireless networ# cannot &e sol!ed without a thorough

    understanding o$ these two %ro%erties( E)isting wor# on these two is relati!el

    limited( 3n %articular" almost no ca%acit results ha!e &een re%orted $or multi-user

    channels with correlated sources" and !er $ew ca%acit results ha!e &een

    esta&lished $or multi-user channels with $eed&ac#( 3 %lan to %er$orm an in-de%th

    stud on the structure o$ correlation and $ind out what $orms o$ correlation are

    induci&le $rom $eed&ac#" & a%%ling more so%histicated tools $rom statistics( Theresearch out%ut is e)%ected to ha!e a &road range o$ %otential im%lications(

    =irstl" it ma hel% to de!elo% new coding schemes to con!e correlated sources

    in a networ#" and ma sol!e o%en %ro&lems associated with correlated sources"

    such as multi%le access channels with correlated sources" &roadcast channels with

    correlated sources" etc( Secondl" it ma answer the 'uestions on how to

    e,ecti!el use !arious $orms o$ $eed&ac# nois" 'uanti*ed" or %er$ect" and how to

    select the &est $orm o$ $eed&ac# i$ $inite rate o$ $eed-&ac# is allowed( These are

    crucial intermediate ste%s towards a com%lete in$ormation-theoretic

    understanding o$ communication networ#s(

  • 8/13/2019 res_Jiang


    Jinhua Jiang 4/4

    6 2ractical Code >esigns $or Cogniti!e

    Radio Sstems

    3 %lan to a%%l the theoretical insights

    gained through m %ast wor# to %ractical

    design o$ cogniti!e radio sstems( As

    discussed earlier" cogniti!e radio is a

    %romising candidate $or $uture wireless

    technologies" &ut there are still man

    im%lementation issues to &e addressed(

    @ne #e issue is the code design $or the

    cogniti!e radios( 3n order to mitigate the

    #nown inter$erence" the cogniti!e userneeds to a%%l a %articular coding

    techni'ue called dirt %a%er coding( So

    $ar" there e)ists no sim%le

    im%lementation o$ dirt %a%er coding to

    $ull ca%itali*e the %er$ormance gain o$

    this coding techni'ue( @ne o$ the e)isting

    im%lementations is using lattice codes"

    e)%loiting the $act that lattice codes are

    &oth good channel codes and good

    source codes( The %er$ormance o$ this

    im%lementation is good" &ut thecom%le)it is !er high( 3 %lan to

    in!estigate low-com%le)it alternati!es to

    lattice codes that %ro!ide a $le)i&le

    tradeo, &etween com%le)it and

    %er$ormance( Through this research" 3

    e)%ect to gain a &etter understanding o$

    the com%le)it issue in!ol!ed in cogniti!e

    radio sstems( 3 would also li#e to $ind

    out how much theoretic %er$ormance can

    &e actuall retained with a %ractical code

    design o$ moderate com%le)it(

    6 Networ# >esign $or Smart 0rid

    With &oth theoretical and %ractical

    e)%eriences in communication networ#

    design" 3 %lan to stud the smart grid"

  • 8/13/2019 res_Jiang


    which can &e regarded as a great $uture

    a%%lication o$ communication networ#s(

    The smart grid is an emerging %aradigm

    in the %ower industr( 3t aims to re%lace

    the current hierarchical" centrall-

    controlled" and &roadcasting grid

    structure with one that is more

    distri&uted" more ro&ust" and more

    e+cient( @ne interesting #e ca%a&ilit o$

    the smart grid is that it can easil

    integrate distri&uted %ower generationwith renewa&le sources such as solar and

    wind into the grid( =or e)am%le" a

    customer can not onl consume %ower

    $rom the grid" &ut also sell &ac# to the

    grid the %ower generated with his own

    solar %anel( The intelligence and the

    distri&uted control mechanisms $or these

    e)changes must &e &uilt u%on an

    in$rastructure that is e)tremel ro&ust

    and ena&les su+cient in$ormation

    e)change( To this end" there are man'uestions to &e addressed( =or e)am%le"

    do we need to &uild a whole new

    communication net-wor# $or the entire

    grid Can we im%lement the associated

    communication networ# as a sensor

    networ# 3$ so" how can we modi$ the

    e)isting sensor networ# design such that

    it can su%%ort real-time and low-rate

    communications with e)tremel high

    relia&ilit and securit A%%arentl" all

    these issues cannot &e addressed withoutan interdisci%linar e,ort $rom areas li#e

    control" communications" and signal

    %rocessing( Hence" 3 would li#e to

    esta&lish a colla&oration with $uture

    colleagues $rom the res%ecti!e areas to

    e)%lore these %ro&lems( The research on

    smart grid is still in its earl stage" and 3

    &elie!e the im%act would &e signi$icant(

    3n the long run" 3 would li#e to $urtherde!elo% m e)%ertise and e)tend m

    current research in in$ormation theor

    and wireless communications( The

    o&5ecti!e is to &uild a &etter

    understanding on how in$ormation can &e

    o%timall communicated o!er a networ#

    in terms o$ s%eed" e+cienc" and

    relia&ilit( 3 would also li#e to e)%and m

    research &eond the sco%e o$

  • 8/13/2019 res_Jiang


    communication networ#s" & a%%ling m

    e)%ertise in in$ormation theor and

    wireless communications to new areas

    such as smart %ower grid design" &io-

    in$ormatics" etc(

  • 8/13/2019 res_Jiang

