Residential News - Amazon Web Services · Favourite Movie: YEAR GIRLS OYS Year 12 Jashieka aira...

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Residential News

Shine at Columba

Dear Parents/caregivers, students, staff and friends of the school,

We are now in week 4 of Term 1 and the students are well and truly engrossed in pursuing their academic and extracurricular commitments. It has been a solid start to the year.

The new study arrangements have been received quite positively by the students. With some changes in furniture coupled with private and collaborative learning spaces, the study environment is much more closely aligned with that of a mainstream home. With a more relaxed and enjoyable environment, it is envisaged that student academic performance will also improve.

The Boarder Representative Council for both boys and girls have been elected by their peers. This council provides the forum for the boarders to act as a voice for their respective cohorts and all matters pertaining to boarding can be tabled and discussed in a safe and respectful environment. I am highly confident that all elected students will execute their roles well for their peers.

YEAR GIRLS BOYS Year 12 Jashieka Baira Manu Spry Year 11 Brydie Coward Blake Heitmann Year 10 Erin Imeson Lawsen Ford Year 9 Aleisha Perry Preston Ah Wing Year 8 Lucy Folker Angus Ford Year 7 Sophia Lyons Chase Guy

This week, 25 year 7 boarders will be attending the Year 7 Camp at Echo Creek Adventure Centre, located near Tully. Students will be involved in a whole range of bonding and teamwork activities that will assist in their transitioning into the school. From what I have been able to ascertain thus far, all attendees are highly excited about the trip.

Over the weekend of 8 & 9 March, Columba will be hosting for the fifth time, the Catholic Schools’ Rugby League, Netball and Debating Carnival. As it is a boarding fundraiser, it would be great to see as many of our boarding parents there as possible. We are seeking volunteers to help out with refereeing, umpiring, recording, scoring, lines person duties, and of course the food van.


Dan Kyle Deputy Principal (Pastoral & Residential)

Name: Chase Guy

From: Richmond

Favourite Food: Chicken Schnitzel

Favourite Movie: Forever My Girl

Favourite Thing I Like To Do: Swim

Best Thing in Boarding so Far:

New study program

Goal for 2019: Age champion swimming

If you had one wish what would it be:


Name: Kallum Pickering

From: Croydon

Favourite Food: Noodles

Favourite Movie: Toy Story

Favourite Thing I like to do:

Play football

Best thing in Boarding so far: meeting new people

Goal for 2019: Grow taller

If you had one wish what would it be:

Superhero- Spiderman

Residential News

Shine at Columba

The girls have made a positive start to the year and the youngest members have settled in quite well. Year 11 and 12 Pastoral group leaders have aided in this settling period, particularly at bed time. The new study style of a more “relaxed” environment has been well supported and the girls are working well in whichever way they feel they study best. It is clear that everyone likes to study differently, for example, some girls prefer the quiet desk style while others sit on bean bags. Then of course there are the girls who cannot sit still and take advantage of the wobble stools - and this works perfectly for them. At this stage the year 7 girls are happy to sit in the computer lab in the SMC library as they continue to develop their study skills. Regards Michelle Burns Residential Leader Name Jacqline MacNamara Hometown Burketown Favourite food Chips and Salad Favourite movie Rio 2 Favourite thing I like to do Fishing and camping Best thing in boarding so far Meeting new people Goal for 2019 To be an athlete If you had one wish what would it be? To fly!

Name Madison Jesberg Hometown Winton Favourite food Bananas and bacon Favourite movie Jumunji Favourite thing I like to do Cooking, sewing, spending time with family Best thing in boarding so far Cooking Goal for 2019 Try hard in the things I do If you had one wish what would it be? To be with my family everyday!

Name Chelsea Turnbull Hometown Oondooroo Station, Winton Favourite food Beef Stroganoff Favourite movie The Darkest Minds Favourite thing I like to do Gymnastics Best thing in boarding so far Making new friends Goal for 2019 Get good grades If you had one wish what would it be? To give homeless people a place to live!

Name Bridget Wilson Hometown Amber Station, Mt Surprise Favourite food Spaghetti Favourite movie The Man from Snowy River Favourite thing I like to do Gymnastics Best thing in boarding so far Making new friends Goal for 2019 Get fit and stay fit

It is hard to believe that we are already going into the fourth week of term. Boys’ are settling into a study routine and the Year 7 students have settled in nicely with everyone finding their niche. The Year 7 boys’ departed on Tuesday for their camp to Echo Creek, which I am sure they will enjoy as we went their last year for our long weekend. As I say every year, we live and breathe football and training has already started for Miners and Bulls. Now is a timely opportunity for parents to remind their sons of having that balance between, social, sporting and academics. It is important to see them improving and maintaining their grades which ultimately rests with them and will impact on their future. Just some housekeeping, the boys are required to submit their leave forms by Wednesday and parents and host families must let myself or the house parent know so that it may be documented before Thursday 3.00 pm if the leave is going ahead. Any concerns or you need to contact dorms please see contact details below. Comerford Phone No. 0418 885 530

Ryan Phone No. 0428 871 744

Llana Fuller 0438 489 917


Llana Fuller Residential Leader Boys’ Boarding