Resident Evil 6: A disturbing & frightening case study

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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A quick overview of the awesome work done by Capcom for the release of their latest Resident Evil game. Great examples of how to engage press, run offline events and link the digital world to real life objects as seen with the jumper example

Transcript of Resident Evil 6: A disturbing & frightening case study

Five murder scenes were carefully staged then photographed outside five prominent London

media companies

The "crime scene images" were then sent to 75 members of the press based in and near each location

- accompanied by an autopsy report detailing in a scientifically valid way the injuries shown on each

body--each "death" being a way a character might die during Resident Evil 6 game play.

A follow-up mailing then targeted 125 journalists with a selection of pre-packaged fresh meat products accompanied by a pot of red or green herbs in direct reference to health tonics used in the game.

Finally, journalists were invited to a launch event at a human butcher’s called Wesker & Son - named after a key character in the game

The pop-up store was filled with fake body parts sourced from U.S. props specialist Dapper Cadaver

Though made from animal meat, the products, such as "Peppered Human & Lemon Sausages," were carefully

designed to look like human flesh by food artist Sharon Baker

"The brief was simple: raise awareness of the game within the non-gaming community and go beyond hardcore gamers who were already anticipating the game’s release.”

Fake graffiti tags reading “No Hope Left”, have also been popping up in locations all over the world to promote the Resident Evil 6 website and C-virus map

The No Hope Left site itself reads as a blog, collating sightings of the C-Virus across the world and searching for a pattern One thing mentioned on the site is an Ivy University sweater that was said to show traces of non-human blood and the c-virus – the sweater was then auctioned on eBay after users linked the above video showing a college student wearing the sweater

Stick Twiddlers



Incredible Things

Wallpaper Passion

A big thanks to the sources:
