Requirements Traceability Matrix - Creating Process With Sample Template

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  • 8/19/2019 Requirements Traceability Matrix - Creating Process With Sample Template



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    How to Traceability Matrix – Exact Process with Sample TM Template

    osted In | Software Testing Templates, Testing Concepts, Testing Methodologies | Last Updated: "March 16,016"

     How to Create and Use It

    oday’s session is about an important QC tool, that is either over-simplified (read overlooked) or over-

    mphasized – (TM).

    Most often, the making, reviewing or sharing of a Traceability Matrix is not one of the primary QA processeliverables – so it is not majorly concentrated on, thus causing the under-emphasis. On the contrary, someients expect a TM to reveal earth-shattering facets about their product (under test) and are disappointed.

    When used right, a can be your GPS for your QA journey”.

    s is a general practice at STH, we will see the “What” and “How” aspects about a TM in this article.

    What is a ?

    he focus of any testing engagement is and should be maximum test coverage. By coverage, it simply means thate need to test everything there is to be tested. The aim of any testing project should be 100% test coverage.

    equirements begin with, establishes a way to make sure we place checks on the coveragepect. It helps in creating a snap shot to identify coverage gaps.

    How to Create a ?

    o being with we need to know exactly what is it that needs to be tracked or traced.

    esters start writing their test scenarios/objectives and eventually the test cases based on some input documents – usiness requirements document, Functional Specifications document and Technical design documentptional).

    et’s suppose, the following is our Business requirements document (BRD): (Download this sample BRD

    excel format)

    Click any image to enlarge)

    Create Requirements

    raceability Matrix – 

    Traceability Matrix

    Traceability Matrix 

    Traceability Matrix

    Traceability Matrix to

    Traceability Matrix

  • 8/19/2019 Requirements Traceability Matrix - Creating Process With Sample Template


    he below is our Functional Specifications document (FSD) based on the interpretation of the Businessquirements document (BRD) and the adaptation of it to computer applications. Ideally all the aspects of FSD

    eed to be addressed in the BRD. But for simplicity’s sake I have only used the points 1 and 2.

    ample FSD from Above BRD: (Download this sample FSD in excel format)

    ote: the BRD and FSD are not documented by QA teams. We are merely, the consumers of the documentsong with the other projects teams.

    ased on the above two input documents, as the QA team we came up with the below list high-level scenariosr us to test.

    ample Test Scenarios from the Above BRD and FSD: (Download this sample test Scenarios file)

  • 8/19/2019 Requirements Traceability Matrix - Creating Process With Sample Template


    nce we arrive here, now would be a good time to start creating the requirements .

    personally prefer a very simple excel sheet with columns for each document that we wish to track. Since theusiness requirements and functional requirements are not numbered uniquely we are going to use the sectionumbers in the document to track. (You can choose to track based on line numbers or bulleted-point numbers etc.epending on what makes most sense for your case in particular.)

    ere is how a simple would look for our example:

    he above document establishes a trace between, the BRD to FSD and eventually to the test scenarios. Byeating a document like this, we can make sure every aspect of the initial requirements have been taken into

    onsideration by the testing team for creating their test suites.

    ou can leave it this way. However, in order to make it more readable, I prefer including the section names. Thisill enhance understanding when this document is shared with the client or any other teams. The outcome is as


    gain, the choice to use the former format or the later is yours.

    his is the preliminary version of your TM but generally does not serve its purpose when you stop here.Maximum benefits can be reaped from it when you extrapolate it all the way to defects.

    et’s see how.

    traceability matrix

    Traceability Matrix

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    or each test scenario that you came up with, you are going to have at least 1 or more test cases. So, includenother column when you get there and write the test case IDs as shows below:


    t this stage, the Traceability Matrix can be used to find gaps. For example, in the above Traceability Matrix youe that there are no test cases written for FSD section 1.2.

    s a general rule, any empty spaces in the Traceability Matrix are potential areas for investigation. So a gap likehis can mean one of the two things:

    1. The test team has somehow missed considering the “Existing user” functionality.2. The “Existing user” functionality has been deferred to later or removed from the application’s functionality

    requirements. In this case, the TM shows an inconsistency in the FSD or BRD – which means that an

    update on FSD and/or BRD documents should be done.

    it is scenario 1, it will indicate the places where test team needs to work some more to ensure 100% coverage.

    scenarios 2, TM not just shows gaps it points to incorrect documentation that needs immediate correction.

    et us now expand the TM to include test case execution status and defects.

    he below version of the generally prepared during or after test execution:

    ownload requirements template here: excel format

    mportant Points to Note About

    Traceability Matrix is

    traceability matrix   Traceability Matrix in

    Traceability Matrix

  • 8/19/2019 Requirements Traceability Matrix - Creating Process With Sample Template


    he following are the important points to note about this version of the :

    The execution status is also displayed. During execution, it gives a consolidated snapshot of how work isogressing.

    Defects: When this column is used to establish the backward traceability we can tell that the “New user”nctionality is the most flawed. Instead of reporting that so and so test cases failed, TM provides a transparency

    ack to the business requirement that has most defects thus show casing the Quality in terms of what the clientesires.

    As a further step, you can color code the defect ID to represent their states. For example, defect ID in red canean it is still Open, in green can mean it is closed. When this is done, the TM works as a health check reportsplaying the status of the defects corresponding to a certain BRD or FSD functionality is being open or closed.

    If there is a technical design document or use cases or any other artifacts that you would like to track you canways expand the above created document to suit your needs by adding additional columns.

    o sum up, a requirements helps in:

    1. Ensuring 100% test coverage2. Showing requirement/document inconsistencies

    3. Displaying the overall defect/execution status with focus on business requirements.4. If a certain business and/or functional requirement were to change, a TM helps estimate or analyze the

    impact on the QA team’s work in terms of revisiting/reworking on the test cases.


    1. A TM is not a manual testing specific tool, it can be used for automation projects as well. For anautomation project, the test case ID can indicate the automation test script name.

    2. It is also not a tool that can be used just by the QAs. The development team can use the same to mapBRD/FSD requirements to blocks/units/conditions of code created to make sure all the requirements are

    developed.3. Test management tools like HP ALM come with the inbuilt traceability feature.

    n important point to note is that, the way you maintain and update your determines theffectiveness of its use. If not updated often or updated incorrectly the tool is a burden instead of being a helpnd creates the impression that the tool by itself it not worthy of using.

    Have you created a your projects? How similar or different is it from what we have

    eated in this article? Please share your experiences, comments, thoughts and feedback on this article

    rough your comments.

    bout Author: This is an article by STH team member Swati Seela.




    Traceability Matrix

    traceability Matrix

    Traceability Matrix

    Traceability Matrix in





  • 8/19/2019 Requirements Traceability Matrix - Creating Process With Sample Template


    Recommended Reading Only For You:

    Cause and Effect Graph – Dynamic Test Case Writing Technique For Maximum Coverage with Fewer

    est Cases

    State Transition Testing Technique for Testing Complex Applications

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    How to Perform White Box Testing – Explained with a Simple Example

    he Best Software Testing Training You'll Ever Get!


    1 Mohsin

    Good Articel, which gives clear picture on TM !

    2 Akshayaa

    nice…. but steps to maintain traceabiltiy matrix in QC can be added…

    3 VISHAL M

    thanks for sharing….!!!

    4 True Testers

    Thank you..Now i got the clear idea about ..

    5 Ram

    Excellent and detailed post.

    6 olayinka shola

    Good material. Thank you.

    7 Aarthi

    Got clear picture of RTM, thank you for the post

    8 will smith

    Thanks for the great post.This post helped me a lot to understand the TM.Can you please post on the Test scenarios.How to identify the Scenarios in an web application.does all the

    methods of testing(FT,IT,ST) come under a one scenario.

    9 Shruti K 

    this is very simple and effective method to track requirements.thank you for sharing

    Traceability Matrix

  • 8/19/2019 Requirements Traceability Matrix - Creating Process With Sample Template


    10 Keilla

    very nice material

    11 Swati Seela

    @Akshayaa: QC does not create a . it just makes sure that traceability is an integral partof the entire test management process. Please check out our QC tutorials for how to achieve that:

    12  jayashree

    very nice article.

    13 Devi

    I am new to Software Testing. I got a clear picture of TRM.Thanks for your post. Please provide some more….

    14 Satish

    Thanks for sharing the artical. Can you plz share the Smoke test case format?

    15 Prachi

     Now i got clear understand about TM .Thanks for sharing .

    16 Sangram Kumar Das

     Nice article..good contents and easy to understand.

    17 Ahmed fathi

    Really so thanks for these valued articles and waiting for more …

    18 Kiran J

    superb in simple words. I saw so many complex TMs but this one is the simplest.

    19 Martin Bogdanov

    Great topic. It describes the correct way of creating and maintaining a TM.

    20 Niti Soni

    Very helpful material. Thanks!

    21 Yogesh Koshti

    You wrote : “Ideally all the aspects of FSD need to be addressed in the BRD.”

    I think it should be exactly opposite statement

    22 Michael Wharton

    After reading this article, I wanted to ask a question. We just switched from QC to JIRA and we nowhouse our tests in there as well. Now, I right my Test Cases in an excel spreadsheet and import them intoJIRA once they have been signed off as complete by Development and the Business owner. Can the TMtake the place of my Test Case spreadsheet or should I still use both to make sure I have maximum testcoverage. Seems like both are kind of a waste of time.

    traceability Matrix

  • 8/19/2019 Requirements Traceability Matrix - Creating Process With Sample Template



    Michael W

    23 Amit Tanwar

    Very nice article….Gives a clear understanding on TM

    24 Rajesh

     Nice one

    25 Geetanjali Negi

    Thanks for this article. It gives me a clear picture of the TM. A mystery of TM got solved for me now. Theexmaple is very good.

    26 Dilip Singh

     Nice Articles, its really help me.. Thanks

    27 Robert Dunlop

     Nice to verify that the TM I use is similar in layout and logic to others. I liked the colour coding, thatillustrates an instant “health check”.I also use the data to input into charts that are used for weekly / monthly management reports.Only suggestion would be fill in the gaps in BRD and FSD columns to allow sorting and filtering, withoutcorrupting the data.

    28 baliruno ivan

    thank you for TM ITS GOOD

    29 Asif 

    The way it is define it is easy to understand. Thanks

    30 faraaz

    Hi Vinay,

    So in given excel sheet if in QC i think no need to prepare right as everything it iscovered by Test Coverage analysis and only if we are not using the tool we need the above


    31 Pradeep

     Nice Post

    32 Siddhant Raut

    i yet not created TM but this will help me a lot to understand create for my projects….

    33 Sunil

    Good article . Started with QC steps but they are not added

    34 Swati

    @Sunil: The QC in the first line stands for Quality control not HP Quality center – thats why you did not

    Traceability MatrixTraceability


  • 8/19/2019 Requirements Traceability Matrix - Creating Process With Sample Template


    find any QC steps- sorry about the confusion. We tried to keep this generic. I hope you found the rest of the article helpful.

    35 Niketa Bihani

    Very informative and explainatory post.Thanks for posting it.It gives me clear picture about RTM.

    36 priyanka


    thanks a tonne, i needed this information badly….:)

    37 Domnic

    I stumbled on your site while searching for . Really Nice article, thank you Swati Seelaand than you to STH team


    38 Jitendra

    Very nice article. Informative and very useful.thanks a lot for writing this article

    39 Testing_Ratz

    Excellent Article on TM. Its helps me to create Tm for my project.Tnx

    40 sasi

    well explained…. good one..

    41 keerthan

    Really very good article .. cleared all my doubts which I had on ‘key purpose of writing TM’ ..

    42 Sahil

     Nice post…Just a thought after reading the post..

    When a project is using HP Quality centre, is there still a need to create and maintain this RTM as QC itself has a Req tab and most often Req are uploaded in QC and a link is establisted between REQ and Testscripts that we create.

    43 Saroja

    Hi, Thank you very much for posting valuable article. I learned so much about TM. Keep up your goodwork.

    44 Renuka

    Good one. One suggestion- We could even provide link to the test case id and defect id to in the TM makeit more user friendly.

    45 Chandrashekhar

    Thank you so much for this…

    46 PP

    traceability matrix

  • 8/19/2019 Requirements Traceability Matrix - Creating Process With Sample Template


    Really easy to understand

    47 ss

     Now i got the clear idea about ..thanks

    48 Ganesh Kiran

    Great post!!!

    I did this part of the test management, but never thought am doing testing traceability.

    You exactly explained what we do….

    49 Anup

    Good post…

    50 Anup

    great post!!!

    51 priya

    Really great information to understand TM.

    Thanks a Lot.

    52 Ishrat

    Got the clear idea about .


    53 Dheeru

    Awesome site……Everything is very clearly explained….Nice work 


    54 Rohit

     Nice article and also a very nice site…

    55 Girish Govind

    Good one. Very nicely protrayed.

    56 sunandha

    Very well explained.Thanks

    57 sumit

    Its exactly what i require..!! Thanks alot

    58 Mubashir

    Good explanation. Thank you!

    59 mahadev

    Traceability Matrix

    Traceability Matrix…

  • 8/19/2019 Requirements Traceability Matrix - Creating Process With Sample Template


    Excellent it’s very helpful for me thank you very much

    60 soumya

    Good document on RTM.

    61 Harish

    “Requirements begin with, establishes a way to make sure we place checks on thecoverage aspect. It helps in creating a snap shot to identify coverage gaps.” It definitely did create a

    snapshot of the concept in my memory.

    62 parul

    Got clear picture of RTM, thank you for the post

    63 Sudhindra Deshpande

    Hi, who is responsible for RTM?who all can view it?suppose there are 3 modules and 3 test engineers are working on them,

    then how they will update the RTM ?or everyone will prepare there own of perticular module and then it get collborated?

    Thanks in advance

    64 Rizwan

    Great job.

    65 Anand

    It is a nice article.It will be further useful, if the details of recording metrics version wise – how to add. And also few morelines about ‘Forward TM’ & ‘Backward TM’.

    66 Meghana

    It really good and informative…

    67 Rohit K 

    Really very very helpful…

    68 karthik vedam

    good job…thank u

    69 Shailesh Pachori

    really good information. this is very useful to understand technical jargon and easy to adoptable.

    70 neeraj

    good example…

    71 abhay

    Very Good Article

    72 good one

    Traceability Matrix to

    Traceability Matrix

  • 8/19/2019 Requirements Traceability Matrix - Creating Process With Sample Template


    good one very helpful

    73 Toshi Jain

    Very well explained.

    Thank ew.

    74 pranay

    This website and the articles you are providing is quite fantastic. Very useful in gaining the real time

    knowledge. The tutorials your website covered is more helpful for experts and freshers as well.Thank you so much.

    75 Shahnaz

    Very clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    76 Katrine

    Thank you for explanation on clear examples. On my projects I have used the same approach but untiltoday I even don`t asked myself that this approach for managing all the requirements is called TM. And

    always thought that I don`t know the term TM))))

    77 Raghu

    Good one

    78 Joe

    Re: #27

    I made a copy of the TM tab, and did as Robert suggested.

    I can eMail it, if necessary.


    79 Tejeshwar jaiswal

    Thanks for the post. Its really a good & helpful article.I would like to ask the question same as Sudhindra i.e.who is responsible for RTM?

    who all can view it?Suppose there are 3 modules and 3 test engineers are working on them, then how they will update theRTM ?or everyone will prepare there own of perticular module and then it get collaborated?

    80 Sania

    Very precisely-written, thanks Swati!

    81 sulabh

    very good article, got the clear overview of RTM

    82 Bala

    Article is very good , we got full picture on TM.

    eave a Comment

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