Request for Qualification Statement (RFP) REQUEST FOR ...€¦ · Trinity Metro is seeking a...

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RFP # 20-T014 Request For Proposal (RFP) – ERP Managed Systems Provider

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Request for Qualification Statement (RFP)



RFP # 20-T014 The Fort Worth Transportation Authority (“FWTA”) operating as (“Trinity Metro”) outlines the following schedule:

RFP Release: November 6, 2019

Pre-Proposal Meeting: 1601 E. Lancaster Ave.

Fort Worth, TX 76102 November 19, 2019 @ 2:00 p.m.

Proposal Response Due Date December 5, 2019 @ 2:00 p.m.

Sealed Qualifications Statement shall be delivered to:

Fort Worth Transportation Authority

Attn: Kathy Bridwell

801 Cherry Street, Suite 850

Fort Worth, TX 76102

Fax or e-mail not accepted.


The Fort Worth Transportation Authority operating as “Trinity Metro,” is a regional transportation authority of the State of Texas, created pursuant to Chapter 452, Transportation Code and confirmed by a public referendum on November 8, 1983. The FWTA provides public transportation services within the city limits of Fort Worth and Blue Mound. Such services include fixed bus routes, mobility impaired transportation service (MITS), carpool/vanpool services and commuter rail (Trinity Railway Express. A one-half of one percent ($.0050) sales tax is dedicated to supporting the FWTA’s public transportation program. The FWTA is also the recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) capital grants and Texas Commission on Environmental Quality grants.

The FWTA is governed by an 11 member Board of appointed officials. Eight Board members are appointed by the Fort Worth City Council and three Board members are appointed by the County Commissioners Court, in accordance with Subchapter N., Sec. 452.562 (c) – (f) of the Transportation Code. The Board sets policy through standing and ad hoc committees, and establishes broad business goals and policies for management. The President & Chief Executive Officer reports to the Board, and is responsible for implementation of Board policies and day-to-day operations of the FWTA.

This RFP creates no obligation on the part of the Fort Worth Transportation Authority to award a contract or to pay any costs incurred in the preparation or submittal of any RFP . The FWTA reserves the right to accept not more than three of the RFPs that it believes are the highest ranked. Those highest ranked Respondents will receive a Request For Proposal and be invited to submit a Proposal.

Fort Worth Transportation Authority

801 Cherry Street, Suite 850

Fort Worth, Texas 76102

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Table of Contents

SECTION 1 SCOPE OF WORK .......................................................................................................... 3

SECTION 2 – RESPONSE QUESTIONS ........................................................................................... 16

SECTION 3 INSTRUCTIONS TO RESPONDENTS ............................................................................ 19

SECTION 4 – EVALUATION CRITERIA ........................................................................................... 26

SECTION 5 – DBE GOAL ................................................................................................................ 27

SECTION 6 – SPECIAL PROVISIONS .............................................................................................. 34

SECTION 7 – FEDERAL CONTRACT AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS .............................................. 46

SECTION 8- ATTACHMENTS AND FORMS ................................................................................ 51

F1 – ATTACHMENTS AND AMENDMENTS ....................................................... 52

F2 - DBE COMPLIANCE STATEMENT ................................................................ 53




....................................................................................................................................... 55


LOBBYING ................................................................................................................. 56


F7 LIST OF REFERENCES FOR SIMILAR PROJECTS .................................... 60

F8 – AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLUSION .............................................................. 61


ISRAEL ........................................................................................................................ 62

F10 – PRICE PROPOSAL ......................................................................................... 63

RFP #20-T014 Request For Proposal (RFP) Managed Services Provider

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Trinity Metro is seeking a qualified firm to provide Managed Services for its Oracle JD Edwards Enterprise Resource Management (ERP) and Trapeze Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) systems. The selected firm will provide a wide variety of support services that include but are not limited to: software configuration, analysis, management, security, monitoring, troubleshooting, and integration support.


1) Services:

a. Foundation Services. Foundation Service is core to all of Trinity Metro’s managed services offerings and includes the following:

Service Frequency Included

24x7 live support with guaranteed Service Level Agreement

As Needed Yes

Dedicated Account Management As Needed Yes

Customer Care Portal (24x7 access) As Needed Yes

Ongoing system and IT performance analysis As Needed Yes

Progress Update and Service Metrics Review Monthly Yes

Quarterly Business Review (QBR) at Trinity Metro’s site

Quarterly Yes

b. Hosting Services. Trinity Metro environment will be hosted in the Trinity Metro's

premises. Hosting services are not within the scope of this SOW.

c. Infrastructure Management. Trinity Metro is handling Infrastructure Management for this environment.

d. Platform Management. The following Platform Management Services are in-


Service Frequency Included CNC Time Period

Package Management

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Production Package Build & Deploy - Full

Quarterly Yes Yes Scheduled

Production Package Build & Deploy - Update

Monthly Yes Yes Scheduled

Non-Production Package Build & Deploy - Full

Up to 3 Quarterly

Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Non-Production Package Build & Deploy - Update

Up to 4 Weekly

Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Environment Refresh Activity

Environment Refresh-Data Quarterly Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Path code/Object Refresh-Data

Quarterly Yes Yes Per Section


ESU Application

Installation of Enterprise One ESU's

Up to 30 annually

Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Technical Assistance/Troubleshooting

Technical Assistance and Troubleshooting

Up to 50 Hrs.


Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Technical Assistance and Troubleshooting-SEV 1

Up to 20 Hrs.


Yes Yes 24/7

Security Administration

Security Run Time Administration

Up to 20 Hrs. monthly

Yes Yes

Per Section 4d

System Administration Frequency


CNC Time Period

OCM Maintenance, Data Source Maintenance, OCM configuration, Data Source Maintenance, Perform Impact Analysis of ESUs, OMW and OMC Configuration and troubleshooting, OMW promotions, User account management, Package management, Troubleshoot and Maintain Security (including creation/deletion


Yes Yes Per Section 4d

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of users, password resets), Maintain Job Scheduler, Job Queue configuration, Printer Setup, Work Center purging, Submitted Jobs purging, Manage service restarts, Purge appropriate logs and temp files, Menu/Solution Explorer Configuration, Development Trinity Metro Local Web Trinity Metro Maintenance, System Health Checkups.

Technical Diagnosis/Performance/Design Improvement

Performance Tuning and Optimization

As Needed Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Monitoring Services

Server Manager Monitoring Ongoing Yes Yes 24/7

Data Monitoring Ongoing Yes Yes 24/7

Database Administration

Database Backup & Recovery Nightly Yes Yes 24/7

Install Database Tools As Needed Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Review Maintenance Jobs Daily Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Database Security Administration and Configuration

As Needed Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Review Monitoring & Response

Daily Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Database Troubleshooting As Needed Yes Yes Per Section 4d

SQL Statement Execution As Needed Yes Yes 24/7

Database Server Health Check Daily Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Platform Management Services outside of the scope listed above will be billed as follows on a monthly basis:

Service Fee

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Package Build (Full) $ ___ / each

Package Build (Update) $ ___ / each

Data Refresh $ ___ / each

Object Refresh $ ___ / each

ESU's $ ___ / each

Additional Technical Assistance $ ___ / hour

Security Administration $ ___ / hour

General CNC or DBA requests outside of stated hours that are not Production Outages/emergencies

$ ___ / hour

e. Oracle DB Support

Currently, Trinity Metro has six additional Database instances running on the same host as the _IDE Database. For these additional instances, Service Provider will be performing the following tasks as part of the ongoing management of the environment.

Database Administration

Frequency Included CNC Time Period

Database Backup & Recovery

Nightly Yes Yes 24/7

Install Database Tools

As Needed Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Review Maintenance Jobs

Daily Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Database Security Administration and Configuration

As Needed Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Review Monitoring & Response

Daily Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Database Troubleshooting

As Needed Yes Yes Per Section 4d

SQL Statement Execution

As Needed Yes Yes 24/7

Database Server Health Check

Daily Yes Yes Per Section 4d

Service Provider will provide up to 25 hours of Database Administration Services to Trinity Metro on these six (6) additional DB instances. If Trinity Metro's actual monthly usage of Database Administration Services exceeds the 25 hours, the services will be charged at the rate listed table in section “G”, the additional hours will be billed on the next invoice. If Trinity Metro requires that Database Administration Services be performed on-site, Trinity Metro will be responsible for travel expenses at an

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approved, reasonable rate. Any unused hours will rollover to the next month. Any rollover will be available for use during the annual period. Rollover hours can accumulate for the duration of the contract. Service Provider will provide up to 40 hours of Functional and Development Managed Services to Trinity Metro. If Trinity Metro's actual monthly usage of Functional or Development Managed Services exceeds the 40 hours, the services will be charged at the rate listed table in section “G”, and the additional hours will be billed on the next invoice. If Trinity Metro requires that Functional and Development Managed Services be performed on-site, Trinity Metro will be responsible for travel expenses at a reasonable rate. Any unused hours will rollover to the next month. Any rollover will be available for use during the annual period. Rollover hours can accumulate for the duration of the contract.

f. Production Functional Support Services.

The following Production Functional Support Services are in-scope:

Service Included

Dedicated Functional support team will lead business analysts


"How to" requests regarding the use and navigation of the application software


Resolution assistance for functional issues related to the application software


Monthly support hours/tickets Range from monthly hour/ticket allotment

to unlimited, depending on Service level purchased by TRINITY METRO

g. Development Support Services.

Supplemental to our standard Managed and Production Functional Support Services, Service Provider can provide Development Services which include release planning, testing services, implementation of new standard application features, software development, report development, third party integrations with the Application software, etc. Service Provider will adhere to Trinity Metro's application development policies and procedures if they are provided; if not, Service Provider will adhere to the industry best practices it uses as its standard.

Service Provider provide up to 35 hours of Functional and Development Managed Services to Trinity Metro. If Trinity Metro's actual monthly usage of Functional or

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Development Managed Services exceeds the 35 hours, the additional hours will be billed on the next invoice per the hourly rate table as proposed (see below). If Trinity Metro requires that Functional and Development Managed Services be performed on-site, Trinity Metro will be responsible for approved, reasonable travel expenses. Any unused hours will rollover to the next month. Any rollover will be available for use during the Annual period. The table below lists the hourly service rates for any technical services staff that may be required outside the technical staff listed in this SOW.

Resource Rate

Project Sponsor $ _____

Program Manager $ _____

Senior Project Manager $ _____

Project Manager $ _____

Project Administrator $ _____

Solution Architect $ _____

Senior Business Analysts $ _____

Business Analyst $ _____

Development Lead $ _____

Senior Developer $ _____

Data base Administrator $ _____

Developer $ _____

Tech Lead / CNC Lead $ _____

Senior Tech / Senior CNC $ _____

Associate Analyst $ _____

Trainer $ _____

Documentation Writer $ _____

h. Disaster Recovery Services:

Customer is handling Disaster Recovery Services for the hardware and infrastructure but the Service Provider is responsible for database/s, and related application/s.

4. Trinity Metro Support Procedures: a. Service Desk

Authorized Trinity Metro users will communicate issues via phone or Customer Care Portal to the Service Desk by creating a Service Ticket. Each service request will be assigned a trouble ticket number for tracking. At the time Trinity Metro accepts a service ticket, Trinity Metro will record an initial severity level of the service ticket based on the severity definitions included in

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the table below. The severity level of a service ticket may be adjusted. If, during the service request process, the issue no longer warrants the severity level currently assigned based on its current impact on the production systems, then the severity level will be downgraded to the severity level that most appropriately reflects its current impact. If, during the service request process, the issue warrants the assignment of a higher severity level than that currently assigned based on the current impact on the production systems, then the severity level will be upgraded to the severity level that most appropriately reflects its current impact. Trinity Metro shall ensure that the assignment and adjustment of any severity level designation is accurate based on the current impact on the production systems. Trinity Metro acknowledges that Service Provider is not responsible for any failure to meet performance standards caused by Trinity Metro's misuse or mis-assignment of severity level designations.

The technician receiving the Service ticket will communicate with Trinity Metro within 10 minutes upon receipt that they have been assigned the Service ticket and are working the issue. This may result in the exchange of dialog/emails to further understand the issue. The Service ticket will be worked according to Trinity Metro support Tier levels described below in Section 4c.

Once a Service ticket is resolved, it will be documented both at the Service desk and with the individual who requested the Service ticket.

b. Service Level Agreement - Target Response and Resolution Times

Incident / Severity Definitions

Severity Level

Response Time

Resolution Time

Escalation Threshold

Trinity Metro's production systems are stopped or so severely impacted that Trinity Metro cannot reasonably continue work. Trinity Metro experiences a complete loss of service. The impacted operation is mission critical to the business and the situation is an emergency. A Severity 1 service request has one or more of the following characteristics:

Severity 1 10 Minutes Best Effort 1 Hours

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1. Environment is down and/or inaccessible by Trinity Metro's End Users 2. Data is corrupted, resulting in a complete halt to Trinity Metro’s business operations 3. Environment hangs indefinitely, causing indefinite delays for critical resources or response Severity 1 service requests within 10 Minutes. Support will work 24x7 until the Severity 1 service request is resolved, a reasonable work-around is put in place, or as long as useful progress can be made. Trinity Metro must provide the support team with a contact during this 24x7 period to assist with data gathering, testing, and applying fixes.

Trinity Metro experiences a severe loss of service. Important features of the production systems are unavailable with no acceptable workaround; however, operations can continue in a restricted fashion

Severity 2 1 Hours Best Effort 4 Hours

Trinity Metro experiences a minor loss of service. The impact is an inconvenience, which may require a workaround to restore functionality

Severity 3 6 Hours Best Effort 24 Hours

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Trinity Metro requests information, enhancement, but there is no impact on the production systems. Trinity Metro experiences no loss of service.

Severity 4 12 Hours Best Effort 48 Hours

c. Trinity Metro Support Tiers

Support Tier


Tier 1 Support

All support incidents begin in Tier 1, where the initial service request is created. The issue is identified, and clearly documented, and basic hardware/software troubleshooting is initiated.

Tier 2 Support

All support incidents that cannot be resolved with Tier 1 Support are escalated to Tier 2, where more complex support on hardware/software issues can be provided by more experienced engineers.

Tier 3 Support

Support Incidents that cannot be resolved by Tier 2 Support are escalated to Tier 3, where support is provided by our most experienced, senior engineers who have the ability to collaborate with 3rd party (vendor) support engineers to resolve the most complex issues.

d. Support Hours:

Normal Working Hours - Support and management of Trinity Metro's Application will be provided to the Trinity Metro by Service Provider between the hours of 6:00 am - 6:00 pm Central Standard Time Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.

Service Outside Normal Working Hours - Emergency services (Severity 1) will be performed outside of Normal Working Hours and are included in this service and will not be billed separately. All other services will be performed during Normal Working Hours.

5. Assumptions and Limitations:

In order for Trinity Metro's existing environment to qualify for Services, the following requirements must be met:

All Servers must be at the currently supported OS level for the Application and have all of the latest patches and Critical Updates installed.

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All Desktop PC's and Notebooks/Laptops with Microsoft Windows Operating Systems must be running a supported version as it relates to the Application software and have all of the latest Microsoft Service Packs and Critical Updates installed. This is especially important as it relates to supported browser versions.

All Server and Desktop Software must be Genuine, Licensed and Vendor-Supported.

The environment will have a currently licensed, up-to-date and Vendor-Supported Server-based Antivirus Solution protecting all Servers and Developer Workstations.

Trinity Metro shall advise Service Provider of regulatory requirements or obligations which may affect Service Provider’s provision of the Services.

Trinity Metro agrees to comply with each third-party end-user license agreement.

The Service Provider will only use in-house staff and will not outsource any type of work to be performed

A Technical Audit/Review may be completed by Service Provider.

Database Managed Services excludes Development, Upgrades and Project related work

6. Exclusions: 7.

The following services and costs are not included in this SOW and are out of scope:

The cost of any Software, Licensing, or Software Renewal or Upgrade Fees of any kind.

The cost of any 3rd Party Vendor or Manufacturer Support or Incident Fees of any kind.

The cost to bring Trinity Metro's environment up to minimum standards required for Services as listed in Section 5 of this SOW.

Failure due to acts of God, building modifications, power failures or other adverse environmental conditions or factors not under control of Service Provider employees.

Maintenance of other Application software packages besides the Application software supported under this SOW.

Programming (modification of software code) and program (software) maintenance unless as specified in the services table.

Training Services of any kind unless specified in the services table.

8. Service Modification or Discontinuation:

Subject to the notice provisions below, Service Provider / Trinity Metro reserves the right to modify or discontinue Services and to introduce new Services and

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features. Service Provider / Trinity Metro may make available to Service Provider / Trinity Metro all new services and features offered to all of our other Trinity Metros. Service Provider / Trinity Metro may, in our sole discretion, discontinue a Service at any time. Service Provider / Trinity Metro can provide a 90 days’ notice of the discontinuance of a Service. Discontinuance does not affect Orders accepted prior to the date of discontinuance, but new Orders for a Service will not be accepted after the date the service is discontinued.

Service Provider / Trinity Metro may, in our sole discretion, modify a Service from time to time, for example to work with new third-party products and services and to stay current with changing standards. Service Provider / Trinity Metro will give Trinity Metro 30 day’s written notice of the modification of a service and of substantive modifications to a Service Description. Such modifications will affect both existing Services and new Orders. Within sixty (60) days of receipt of a notice of modification to a Service, Trinity Metro may cancel Order(s) for that Service without liability for cancellation charges if the modification has made the Service materially less useful to Trinity Metro. The Service Provider will supply monthly report/s consisting of information on how they are adhering to the SLA agreement. Monthly reports are to be supplied by email to the Trinity Metro within the first five (5) days of each month. If service levels are not met by the Service Provider, there will be a 5% reduction in the following two month’s invoice will be applied. If service levels are not met by the Service Provider for two consecutive months a 25% reduction in the following three month’s invoice will be applied. If service levels are not met by the Service Provider for three consecutive months a 50% reduction in the following four month’s invoice will be applied or the Trinity Metro has the ability of cancelling the contract immediately with a written notification of cancellation.

9. Change Order Process:

A change order request is the method by which either party may communicate and eventually effectuate changes to the services.

Trinity Metro or Service Provider may request changes by initiating the change order process. To initiate the change order process, the party requesting the change must fill out a change order request form and submit it to the appropriate project leader of the other party. The change order request must at a minimum describe the requested change in sufficient detail for Trinity Metro and Service Provider to make a reasonable assessment of the request.

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Trinity Metro and Service Provider will review the change order request within 60 minutes and follow up with each other as necessary for further clarification or to discuss the impact that the change will have on the Services, deliverables, implementation schedule, Service Availability Levels, terms and conditions, and Trinity Metro fees. A change order request will not be effective, nor will a change be implemented unless the change order request is executed by duly authorized representatives from both the Trinity Metro and Service Provider.

Upon mutual acceptance of the change order request, it becomes part of the entire agreement between Service Provider and Trinity Metro with respect to the subject matter hereof. Service Provider will provide a copy of all mutually accepted change order requests to Trinity Metro for future reference.

Each Party will be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by it in participation of the change order process unless otherwise agreed in writing. The failure of either party to insist upon strict performance of the change order process for every change shall not constitute a waiver of its rights as set forth in the agreement, at law or equity.

10. Pricing Assumptions:

This SOW outlines the full breadth of Management Services to be provided by Service Provider to Trinity Metro. Any omission of pre-requisites or need for additional services shall result in a change order request, or support will be best effort on a next business day basis.

Additional Services requested by Trinity Metro and added to the SOW within 120 working days of Trinity Metro's and Service Provider’s acceptance of the SOW ("Acceptance") will be priced according to the fees listed at the time of SOW Acceptance. Any additional Services requested by Trinity Metro after 120 working days from the date of Trinity Metro and Service Provider's Acceptance of the SOW will be subject to the then current rates for such services.

Additional services may be added or deducted via Trinity Metro’s change order request process.

11. Service Fees:

Service Fees. The following table outlines proposed one-time and monthly recurring fees based on the Service options selected by Trinity Metro. Trinity Metro is tax exempt and taxes are not to be included. All fees are in US dollars.

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11. Payment Schedule:

Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties, Service Provider will invoice Trinity Metro on the first day of each month for services of the previous month at the rates specified in Form F-10 (Pricing Proposal Form) for the period of time beginning with the service start date stated in this SOW and continuing through the end of the initial term and any renewal term(s), unless Trinity Metro’s access to the Services Provider is earlier terminated pursuant to the terms of the agreement.

12. Training:

Service Provider will provide up to 200 hours of Functional and Development Training Services to Trinity Metro, to be used in the first year. Any remaining hours will rollover to year two (2) or three (3). After year three (3) the remaining hours will be fortified. At any time during the contract, Trinity Metro may request additional training hours at the previous mentioned rate.

13. Workflow & Processes:

Service Provider will provide up to 200 hours of services to create Trinity Metro’s workflows and processes at the direction of Trinity Metro’s subject matter expert/s. At any time during the contract, Trinity Metro may request additional hours at the previous mentioned rate. Hours to be used in year one (1) any remaining hour will rollover to year two (2) or three (3). After year three (3) the remaining hours will be forfeited.

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Responses to this Request for Proposal must include material to demonstrate knowledge and

experience related to similar transit agency engagements.

1) How many current transit agency Trinity Metros (actively engaged today) does the vendor

have? Please list each agency, and date the vendor began providing services.

2) How many current clients (actively engaged today) listed in response to question 1 are

under contract arrangements where the vendor is fully responsible for all aspects of Oracle

JD Edwards ERP support (i.e. patching, upgrading, backups, optimizing, training,

functional support, etc.)?

3) How many years has the vendor been working with Oracle JD Edwards and/or Trapeze


4) How many total full-time employees does the vendor currently have (not including

contractors, part-time, independent, etc.)?

5) How many total full-time Oracle JD Edwards ERP experts does the vendor currently have

(not including contractors, part-time, independent, etc.)?

6) What is the vendor’s vision of comprehensive managed services, where the vendor is fully

responsible for all aspects of ERP Systems?

7) How does the vendor see its personnel coordinating work with Trinity Metro’s


8) How will the vendor ensure Trinity Metro receives ongoing training to properly use the

ERP and EAM Systems as designed as essential employees retire, or as new software,

enhancements or upgrades are presented? Please elaborate on how you plan to help Trinity

Metro meet its goals for having our functional and technical staff trained as super users of

the ERP Systems.

9) What experience does the vendor have in reducing or removing transit agency’s software

customizations from Oracle JD Edwards ERP? Provide a list of transit agencies and case

studies of clients for which you have successfully provided this service. Provide contact

information (names, phone numbers and email addresses) for each agency or company


10) What experience does the vendor have implementing new Oracle JD Edwards applications

and modules or third party products that require integration with Oracle JD Edwards ERP


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11) How many product specialists would be dedicated to Trinity Metro? How many product

specialists would be onsite or available as needed on-site? Describe the types of services

that the vendor typically provides onsite (full time), onsite (as-needed) and remotely.

12) Are remote services provided domestically or internationally?

13) 1. Responder shall provide a brief executive summary to include administration

information, such as Responder contact name, address, phone number and email


2. Responder shall provide a detailed description of the qualifications of key personnel

who will perform work under this contract. This information shall include education,

training, strengths/specialties, technical experience, functional experience,

proficiency with various programming languages, specific dates and names of

employers, and any applicable certifications. Responders shall clearly describe their

ability to meet or exceed the desired qualifications listed in Section 1, Scope of Work.

Please attach a resumé for each key individual who will work under this contract to the

end of this Response Form.

3. Subcontractors Responder shall list all subcontractor firms or individuals, as

applicable, to be utilized under this contract to include name, location (city, state),

specialty, and years of experience. Trinity Metro may require the Contractor to submit

Subcontractor resumes and detailed qualification statements at time of project or task


4. Experience Responder shall provide a detailed description of their experience to


4.1 If Responder is a firm, the Responder shall provide a brief description of their

company including a brief history, corporate structure and organization, and

number of years in business. If Responder is an individual, the Responder shall

provide a resume and the number of years doing the type of work requested in this


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4.2 A detailed description of the Responder’s prior experience working on projects of

similar size, scope and function as what is requested in this RFP, including whether

the experience is in working in the private or public sector.

4.3 A list of projects worked on in the last 4 years to include project size, duration, role

and responsibilities, level of success and any learnings gained from each project.

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Notice of Intent to Respond to Proposal for (“RFP’)

Trinity Metro extends this RFP to solicit Proposals from any interested party (“Respondent”) for

ERP Managed Services for the financial management system (JD Edwards/Trapeze EAM). The

requirements and scope of work of this conversion are more fully described in the RFP and its


Each potential Respondent shall provide the Point of Contact, within ten (10) days of the

issuance date of this RFP. Submit a letter of intent (e-mail is accepted) to the Trinity Metro

Point of Contact acknowledging receipt of the RFP and inform Trinity Metro of its intent to

respond. The potential Respondent should also provide the name, address, telephone number,

and email address of a contact individual who can address inquiries related to this RFP.

1. RFP

a. This RFP, and other RFP information and any addendum can be downloaded from the Trinity

Metro’s website at Any

addendum or response to Respondent questions by Trinity Metro becomes a part of this RFP.

b. It is the Respondent or downloader’s responsibility to determine that a complete set of

documents, as defined in the Instructions for Respondents are received.

c. Trinity Metro’s website will be updated periodically with revisions, modifications and

clarifications to the RFP (“Addenda”), procurement and RFP information, responses to

questions asked by Respondent and additional information relevant to the procurement

process. Respondents are encouraged to routinely monitor the web site.

d. Neither Trinity Metro nor its representatives or consultants assume any responsibility for

errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of an incomplete RFP.

e. Respondents are required to submit a proposal response for consideration in awarded the

Agreement for the ERP Managed Services.

2. Additional Information and Procurement Process

a. Trinity Metro implemented its new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software (Oracle’s

JDE Enterprise One) and Trapeze’s Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) as the back office

business system in September, 2018. The software was integrated into Trinity Metro’s

infrastructure by Denovo, who has been providing technical and functional support to

Trinity Metro throughout the project to date.

To support the Oracle software, Enterprise One and all Trapeze products (Enterprise Asset Management (EAP) systems, Trinity Metro is seeking a contract to support the Enterprise

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One software through a managed service provider to provide operational support for all of Trinity Metro’s systems that reside on the Oracle database (JD Edwards Enterprise One and Trapeze EAM products.

b. Trinity Metro intends to enter into a Managed Services Agreement (“Agreement”) as a

result of this Request for Proposals (RFP). It is anticipated that the Agreement will be a Firm

Fixed Fee Price type agreement.

c. Promptly give the Trinity Metro Point of Contact written notice of all conflicts, errors,

ambiguities, or discrepancies that Respondent discovers in the RFP (including Attachments),

Addenda and other information made available during the procurement process.

3. RFP Requirements and Conditions:

Respondents should examine the entire RFP for all required documents to be included in the

submitted proposal response package to Trinity Metro. The instructions below highlight some of

the specific requirements but are not all inclusive.

a. The RFP will remain in full force and effect for ninety (90) days after the RFP submission


b. To be deemed responsive, RFPs must be prepared thoroughly, be responsive to the

requirements and criteria contained in the RFP, demonstrate an ability to meet the

requirements of the RFP and conform to the material terms and/or conditions of the RFP,

all as determined solely by Trinity Metro. Trinity Metro may reject an RFP if it is materially

incomplete, takes excessive exceptions to material terms and/or conditions of the RFP or

contains information that does not appear to demonstrate an ability to meet the RFP

requirements, all as determined solely by Trinity Metro. The Owner will apply reasonable

judgment and discretion in deciding whether an RFP is responsive.

c. Each RFP shall present the assumptions that the Respondent has incorporated into its RFP.

Neither the acceptance by Trinity Metro of an RFP, nor the participation of Trinity Metro

for any discussion or interview with the Respondent, shall in any way be interpreted as an

agreement or approval by Trinity Metro that the assumptions are reasonable or correct or

that Trinity Metro accepts any liability for the Respondent’s RFP. The Owner specifically

disclaims responsibility or liability for any Respondent’s assumptions in developing its RFP.

d. DBE: The DBE Goal for work resulting from this Solicitation is: 5% minimum for the

professional services provided. Section 5 contains additional information regarding the

DBE requirements.

e. RFP Delivery: The original RFP shall be in a sealed package, addressed as shown

below, bearing the name and address of the Respondent, and clearly marked as


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Trinity Metro

Attention: Kathy Bridwell

Burnett Plaza

801 Cherry Street, Suite 850

Fort Worth, Texas 76102

RFP #20-T014 Request For Proposal (RFP) for ERP Managed Services Provider

The original RFP shall be marked a s “ original” and bear all original signatures. The

original RFP and 2 copies must be submitted in individual binders. Include one copy of

the entire RFP response on a f l a s h d r i v e .

It is the responsibility of the Respondent to examine the entire RFP package and seek

clarification of any item or requirement that may not be clear and to check all

responses for accuracy before submitting a response. It is the sole responsibility of the

Respondent to ensure timely delivery of the RFP. Trinity Metro will not be responsible

for failure of service on the part of the U.S. Post Office, courier services, or any other

form of delivery service chosen by Respondent.

An RFP arriving late for whatever reason will not be accepted.

4. Response to Communications and Request

Trinity Metro will not respond to oral questions or requests. Only written requests,

including questions and/or request for clarifications, will be acceptable (email and/or

email attachments will be accepted). All request(s), including questions and/or

clarifications shall be sent to the attention of the person identified below. Only written

responses, from Trinity Metro, provided as addenda shall be official and all other forms of

communication with any officer, employee or agent of Trinity Metro shall not be binding

on Trinity Metro. Any responses to such written requests shall be provided by Trinity Metro

in the form of an addendum.

All questions (including all technical, contract or administrative questions) regarding the

scope of services or this RFP shall be submitted by email (no phone inquiries will be

accepted). All request(s), including questions and/or requests for clarifications must be sent to

the attention of the person identified below, and must be submitted in writing not less than

within 7 days before the date on which the RFPs are due and addressed to the Point of Contact:

Point of Contact:

Kathy Bridwell

Trinity Metro


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Respondents shall not contact other employees of Trinity Metro or any members of the Trinity

Metro’s Board of Directors concerning this RFP. Any Respondent violating this provision may

be disqualified from further participation in the procurement process.

5. Basis for Contract Negotiation

This RFP, the Respondent’s RFP, the RFP, including the form of contract included in the RFP, and the Proposal submitted in response to the RFP shall be used as the basis for any potential contract negotiations and service fees.

6. Rejection of RFP

Trinity Metro reserves the right to reject any or all RFPs. Issuance of this RFP does not bind Trinity Metro to award a contract, nor does Trinity Metro in any way assume liability for expense incurred by Respondents in preparation of their RFPs statement.

8. Confirmation of information in Statement of Qualifications


11. Confidential Information

Information included in an RFP is subject to the Texas Public Information Act, Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code (TPIA). Information is not exempt as confidential under TPIA simply because the party submitting the information anticipates or requests that it be kept confidential. Accordingly, a Respondent whose RFP includes information that the Respondent believes in good faith to be confidential or proprietary information or to contain trade secrets of Respondent (defined herein as “Confidential Information”) must specifically identity such information on every page of the RFP on which it is found. This identification must be explicit as to the designated information. If Trinity Metro receives a request for Confidential Information, it shall notify Respondent in writing in accordance with the requirements of the TPIA and will, if reasonably and timely requested by Respondent, ask for a decision from the Open Records Division of the Office of the Attorney General of the State of Texas regarding whether the information may be excepted from disclosure under the TPIA. In such event, Respondent authorizes Trinity to submit any information contained in the RFP, including information the Respondent has labeled as being Confidential Information, to the Office of the Attorney General. Respondent bears the burden of making the appropriate showing(s) to the satisfaction of the Attorney General’s Office.

Trinity Metro, its directors, officers, employees, agents, and attorneys are not liable for any disclosure of any information submitted in a response to this RFP. By submitting an RFP, the Respondent waives any claim against, and releases from liability, Trinity Metro, its directors, officers, employees, agents,

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and attorneys with respect to disclosure of any information included in the RFP, including information labeled as Confidential Information.

12. Cost of RFP Preparation

The cost of preparing a response to this RFP and RFP, if requested, including any site visits, will not be reimbursed by Trinity Metro.

13. Respondent’s Proposal Response

Trinity Metro will evaluate RFPs received using the criteria and weighting described in this RFP to determine the highest ranked RFPs. All RFPs should be comprehensive, concise and clear. Trinity Metro may cancel or re-advertise this solicitation at its discretion and without liability to any Respondent or potential Respondent.

Any required Interviews for selected firms will be scheduled. Only firms shortlisted will be notified. The final selection of the service provider is anticipated to be completed and submitted to the Trinity Metro Board of Directors for approval in January, 2020, authorizing negotiations and execution with the top-ranked firm.

If Trinity Metro is unable to negotiate a satisfactory Agreement with the top-ranked Respondent within 30 calendar days, Trinity Metro will formally end negotiations with that firm in writing and may proceed to the next ranked Respondent in the order of the selection ranking, until an Agreement is reached or all negotiations end. Trinity Metro, in its complete discretion, may elect to extend the time for negotiations with any Shortlisted Respondent for an additional period of time.

If any exceptions are taken to any portion of the RFP, Respondent must clearly indicate the exceptions taken and include a full explanation as a separate attachment to the RFP. The failure to identify exceptions and/or proposed changes without a full explanation will constitute acceptance by Respondent of this RFP as proposed by Trinity Metro. Submission of an RFP indicates Respondent’s acceptance of the evaluation criteria and weighting contained in the RFP as well as Respondent’s recognition and acknowledgement that subjective judgments must be made by the Owner during the evaluation.

16. Texas Ethics Commission Interested Parties Disclosure Form Requirement for Selected DB Contractor

Before a Contract shall be deemed deliverable by and binding on Trinity Metro, the Design/Build Contractor must comply with Section 2252.908 of the Texas Government Code states that Texas state agencies and other Texas governmental entities, such as the Trinity Metro, may not enter into certain contracts with a business entity unless the entity submits a “disclosure of interested parties” (Form 1295). The Design-Builder must submit a completed, executed, and notarized Form 1295, with the certification of filing with the Texas Ethics Commission, when a contract is delivered to Trinity Metro for execution. Please refer to the information at the Texas Ethics Commission’s website for

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instructions on registering and completing Form 1295. Trinity Metro must notify the Texas Ethics Commission of the receipt of the filed Form 1295 with the certification of filing not later than the 30th day after the date the contract binds all parties to the contract. The commission will post the completed Form 1295 to its website within seven business days after receiving notice from Trinity Metro. Trinity Metro will not execute the contract, and no agreement will be formed if Trinity Metro has not received the certification of filing.

16.1 “Interested Party” – means a person who has a controlling interest in a Business Entity with whom the Owner contracts or who actively participates in facilitating the Contract or negotiating the terms of the Contract, including a broker, intermediary, adviser, or attorney for the Business Entity.

16.2 “Business Entity” – means any entity recognized by law through which business is conducted, including a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. As a condition to entering the Contract, the Business Entity constituting the successful Bidder must provide a Texas Ethics Commission Certificate of Interested Parties Form to the Owner at the time the Business Entity/Bidder submits the signed Contract to Trinity Metro in full compliance with the following requirements under which the successful firm shall:

Go to the Ethics Commission’s website (,

Complete the “Interested Parties” information, in accordance with the

requirements of the Texas Ethics Commission Rules published at Title 1, Part 2,

Chapter 46, of the Texas Administrative Code and available on the referenced


Include the Trinity Metro contract identification number,

Include a short description of the goods or services to be used by FWTA, and

Indicate whether each interested party has a controlling interest in the business

entity, is an intermediary in the contract for which the disclosure is being filed, or


16.3 In accordance with the Commission Rules, the Certificate of Filing and completed Certificate of Interested Parties must be (i) printed, (ii) signed by an authorized agent of the business entity, and (iii) submitted to Trinity Metro at the time of the submission of the signed contract to Trinity Metro. Trinity Metro then must notify the Ethics Commission in electronic format of receipt of the document within 30 days of contracting and the Commission will make the disclosure of interested parties available to the public on its website.

17. DBE Requirements

The DBE Goal for this solicitation is 5%. Additional information on the DBE Program Requirement can be found in Section 5 of this solicitation.

18. Prohibition of Contracts with Companies Boycotting Israel

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The Texas Government Code Chapter 2270, Prohibition of Contracts with Companies Boycotting Israel.

Trinity Metro may not enter a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that; (i) it does not Boycott Israel; and (ii) will not Boycott Israel during the term of the contract.

“Boycott Israel” is defined to mean refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli-controlled territory, but does not include an action made for ordinary business purposes.

“Company” is defined to mean a for-profit sole proprietorship, organization, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company, including a wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company, or affiliate of those entities or business associations that exists to make a profit.

19. Sales Taxes

Trinity Metro is a tax-exempt entity and is free from all state and federal taxes. No such taxes shall be included in the proposer’s charges to Trinity Metro. However, the selected firm may be liable for the payment of sales and use taxes on materials purchased for fulfilling this Contract.

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Evaluation and Selection Criteria for the Managed Services Provider

RFPs will be evaluated based on the evaluation criteria and weighting contained in the RFP by a selection

committee of individuals formed by Trinity Metro.

The RFPs will be evaluated using the following criteria and weighting:

Scoring will be based on how well the RFP responds to the requirements described in this RFP, information collected from references, and the evaluation criteria described in this section. Trinity Metro reserves the right to contact references provided in the RFPs.

RFP Section Weighting - Points

A. Industry Knowledge, Expertise and Experience


B. Demonstrated Customer Service Quality and Support on Similar Projects


C. Organization and Key Personnel and Scope 15

D. Account Management, Strength and Stability and Relevant Project Experience


E. DBE Goal (5%) 5

F. Cost/Financial Considerations 25

Total 100

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Trinity Metro has a policy to involve Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) to the maximum extent feasible in all phases of its procurement practices. Trinity Metro’s DBE Program, Certification and Utilization forms are included in Section 6. Certification and utilization forms are also included in Section 6. DBE firms are encouraged to respond to this RFP.

DBE Goal for this Solicitation is: 5%

Policy Statement. It is the policy of the Department of Transportation that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises as defined in 49 CFR Part 26 shall have the opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds under this agreement. Consequently, the DBE requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 apply to this agreement.


DBE Obligation. Trinity Metro and its contractors agree to ensure that DBEs as defined in 49 CFR Part 26 have the opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts and subcontracts financed in whole or in part with Federal funds provided under this agreement. In this regard, Trinity Metro and its contractors shall take all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26 to ensure that DBEs have

the opportunity to compete for and perform contracts. Trinity Metro and its contractors shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age or national origin, in the award and performance of DOT-assisted contracts.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) DBEs are for-profit small business concerns where socially and economically disadvantaged individuals own at least a 51% interest and control management and daily business operations.

African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific and Subcontinent Asian Americans and women are presumed to be socially and economically disadvantaged.

Other individuals can be characterized as socially and economically disadvantaged on a case-by-case basis.

To participate in the program, a small business owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals must receive DBE certification from their relevant state or local transportation agency. NOTE: this is not a federal certification and is not applicable to federal contracts.

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Irrespective of the size standard, a firm cannot exceed the size of $23.98 million and still be seen as a Disadvantaged l Business Enterprise. This size limit is periodically adjusted for inflation.

DBE Businesses must be certified. Trinity Metro’s local certifying agency is the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA), but Trinity Metro will accept DBE certifications listed on the Texas Unified Certification Program (TUCP) website.

Only currently certified DBE firms can be used to meet DBE goals, and all involved DBE contractors and subcontractors must be certified prior to award of the project.

M/WBE Participation. Trinity Metro and Respondent agree to ensure that M/WBEs have the opportunity to participate in the performance of this contract and subcontracts. In this regard, Trinity Metro and Respondent shall take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that M/WBEs have the opportunity to compete for and perform on this contract. Trinity Metro and Respondent shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age or national origin, in the award and performance of this contract.

Minority and Women Business Enterprise

(M/WBE). M/WBEs are for-profit business

concerns. Businesses seeking to qualify as

an M/WBE must meet the following


51 percent of owners or shareholders must be women or individuals from minority groups as defined by the NCTRCA certification guidelines.

Day-to-day operations must be controlled by one or more of these individuals

Businesses must be located in the marketplace or doing business in the marketplace at the time of Statement opening or during negotiations related to proposals

M/WBE Businesses must be certified. Trinity Metro’s local certification agency is the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA), but Trinity Metro will accept M/WBE certifications by other recognized certifying agencies.

Only currently certified firms can be used to meet M/WBE goals, and all involved M/WBE contractors and subcontractors must be certified prior to award of the project.

Failure to achieve DBE and M/WBE contract goals. If the Design-Builder fails to carry out the contract utilizing at least the same percentage of DBE and/or M/WBE participation shown on its successful bid or proposal, the contract payments may be reduced at Trinity Metro ’s option as a liquidated damage, and not as a penalty, by the amount equal to the mathematical dollar difference between the total contract amount multiplied by the DBE and/or M/WBE percentage goal and the actual dollar amount of documented DBE and/or M/WBE participation in the

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contract. However, any authorized adjustment in the percentage of DBE and/or M/WBE participation approved by Trinity Metro may be substituted in this formula for the DBE and/or M/WBE percentage goal as originally established.

Exception. Where the contract will be for procurement of a standard manufactured item or other similar procurement not open to subcontracting opportunities, and no certified DBE has submitted a bid, Trinity Metro may consider a bid which does not fully comply with the DBE requirements.

Trinity Metro has a written document that fully describes its DBE policy and program.

The document is available upon request from Trinity Metro DBE Administrator, 1600 East Lancaster Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas 76102-6720.

DBE ASSISTANCE ORGANIZATIONS FWTA can provide assistance in identification of DBE firms:

Fort Worth Transportation Authority

ATTN: Contract Administration and Procurement

801 Cherry Street

Fort Worth, Texas 76102-6720

(817) 215-8760

The following agencies provide certification services only. DBE lists should be requested from FWTA:

North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency

624 Six Flags Drive Suite # 216

Arlington, Texas 76011

(817) 640-0606

(817) 640-6315 (fax)

Technical Assistance Provided by:

Tarrant County Asian American Chamber of Commerce

711 Houston Street

Fort Worth, Texas 76102

(817) 212-2690

(817) 212-2697 (fax)

Fort Worth Metropolitan Black Chamber of Commerce

1150 South Freeway, Suite 211

Fort Worth, Texas 76104

(817) 531-6538

(817) 332-6438 FAX

Fort Worth Business Assistance Center (BAC)

1150 South Freeway

Fort Worth, Texas 76104

(817) 871-6006

(817) 871-6031 FAX

MBDC/Minority Business Development Center

545 East John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 100 Irving, Texas 75062

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(214) 688-1612

(214) 688-1753 (fax)

Texas Unified Certification Program

Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 1327 North Main Street

Fort Worth, Texas 76106-8576

(817) 625-5411

(817) 625-1405 FAX

American Indian Chamber of Texas

P.O. Box 163047

Fort Worth, Texas 76161

(817) 429-2323

(817) 451-3575 FAX

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A. Compliance Requirements

Compliance with the DBE Policy and Program consists of: (a) meeting or exceeding the DBE percentage participation goals established for this solicitation; (b) demonstrating good faith efforts to meet such participation goals; or (c) demonstrating that the solicitation comes within the exception to the DBE percentage participation goals as being a procurement for a standard manufactured item, or other similar procurement not open to subcontracting opportunities.

In order to demonstrate compliance through its "good faith efforts" to obtain the DBE percentage participation goals, Respondent must submit with its statement sufficient information to enable FWTA to determine that the efforts made by Respondent to obtain DBE participation were such efforts that Respondent actively and aggressively sought to meet the goals. Actions or efforts which are merely "pro forma" or "going through the motions" do not constitute good faith efforts to obtain the participation of DBEs. Similarly, even efforts which are sincerely motivated but which, given all circumstances relevant to the particular solicitation, could not be reasonably expected to produce a level of DBE participation sufficient to meet the goals do not constitute good faith efforts. In determining whether Respondent has made a good faith effort to obtain the DBE participation percentage goals, Trinity Metro will not only look at the kinds of efforts that Respondent has made, but also the quality and intensity of these


To assist Trinity Metro in making the required judgment concerning fulfillment of good faith efforts, the Department of Transportation has prepared a list illustrating the kinds of actions which would indicate that Respondent has made a good faith effort. These kinds of efforts include:

1) Respondent attended pre-bid meetings scheduled by Trinity Metro to inform DBEs of contracting and subcontracting opportunities;

2) Respondent selected portions of the work to be performed by certified DBEs in order to increase the likelihood of meeting the DBE goals (including, where appropriate, breaking down contracts into economically feasible units to facilitate DBE participation);

3) Respondent advertised in general circulation, trade association, and/or minority focus medial concerning the subcontracting opportunities;

4) Respondent provided written notice to a reasonable number of specified DBEs that their interest in the procurement was being solicited, in sufficient time to allow such DBEs to participate effectively;

5) Respondent followed up initial solicitations of interest by contacting DBEs to determine with certainty whether the DBEs were interested;

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6) Respondent provided interested DBEs with adequate information about the plans, specifications, and requirement of the solicitation;

7) Respondent negotiated in good faith with interested DBEs , not rejecting DBEs as unqualified without sound reasons based on their investigation of the capabilities;

8) Respondent made efforts to assist interested DBEs in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, or insurance required by Trinity Metro or Respondent;

9) Respondent effectively used the services of available minority community organizations; minority contractor groups; local, state and federal minority business assistance offices; and other organizations that provide assistance in the recruitment and placement of DBEs (such as those Assistance Organizations listed above).

This is not intended to be an inventory or checklist. The Department of Transportation not require Trinity Metro to insist that Respondent do any particular one or any combination of the items on this list. It is not intended to be an exclusive or exhaustive list of all actions Respondent, acting in good faith actively and aggressively seeking to obtain DBE participation, would make. Other types of efforts or factors may be relevant in appropriate cases.

B. Compliance Documentation

In order to demonstrate compliance with Trinity Metro DBE Policy and Program and goals, it is essential that full documentation be submitted at the time of the statement. This documentation consists of completion of the relevant statements appearing in Section 6, Attachments and Forms of this RFP packet, and attaching additional relevant documentation and information where specified.

TRINITY METRO DBE COMPLIANCE STATEMENTs for this procurement but who wishes to show that it complies with the policy and program because of having made "good faith efforts" to meet those goals.

C. Counting Participation Toward Meeting DBE Goal

DBE participation shall be counted toward meeting goals set in accordance with DOT's DBE regulations at 49 CFR Part 26 and Trinity Metro’s program as follows:

1) Once a firm is determined to be a certified DBE in accordance with the provisions specified in this program, the total dollar value of the contract or subcontract awarded to it is counted toward the applicable goal, if the contract is a fixed price contract. For other types of contracts, only actual payments to the certified DBE will be counted toward the applicable goal.

2) Trinity Metro or Respondent employing a certified DBE firm

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may count toward its goals a portion of the total dollar value of a contract with a joint venture eligible under the DBE eligibility criteria specified herein equal to the percentage of the ownership and control of the certified DBE partner in the joint venture.

3) Trinity Metro or Respondent will count toward its goal only expenditures to certified DBEs that perform a commercially useful function in the work of a contract. A certified DBE is considered to perform a commercially useful function when it is responsible for execution of a distinct element of the work of a contract and carrying out its responsibilities by actually performing, managing, and supervising the work involved. To determine whether a certified DBE is performing a

commercially useful function, Trinity Metro’s contractor shall evaluate the amount of work subcontracted, industry practices, and other relevant factors.

4) Consistent with normal industry practices, a DBE may enter into subcontracts. If a DBE contractor subcontracts a significantly greater portion of the work of the contract than would be expected on the basis of normal industry practices, the DBE shall be presumed not to be performing a commercially useful function. The DBE may present evidence to rebut this presumption to Trinity Metro. Trinity Metro’s decision on the rebuttal of this resumption is final, subject to review by the Department of Transportation in instances of DOT-assisted contracts.

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1. Contract Type

This will be a Firm Fixed Fee Rate Contract. The contract period will be for three (3) years with two (2) two-year renewal options. Delivery and performance shall be made only as authorized after funding appropriations and program approval have been granted by the FWTA’s Board of Directors. I n t h e e ve n t t ha t th e n e c e s s a ry fu nd in g appropriation or program approval is not granted, then the affected multiyear contract will be canceled.

2. Expenses & In voic in g

The FWTA is exempt under this solicitation from all Federal, State, municipal and local taxation. A copy of the FWTA’s tax exempt certification will be provided to the successful proposer upon request. This provision supersedes any language pertaining to payment of taxes that may appear elsewhere in this solicitation.

3. Select ion Proce dure

a. Proposals received after date and time specified in Section 2.0 are not eligible and shall not be considered for award of contract.

b. After the proposals are received, the FWTA Evaluation Committee shall evaluate each proposal that was submitted on time and the evaluation shall be based on the criteria listed Section 4.0. The sum total points scored on both qualifications and price will be considered in award of a contract. Following this initial evaluation, Trinity Metro Evaluation Committee may make a recommendation to the Board of Directors concerning award of contract without further discussion with proposers, or the firms submitting. The top rated proposals may be asked to make an oral presentation to the evaluation team for the purpose of further clarification and evaluation of the proposals.

c. Oral presentations, if required, shall be conducted to solicit information to enable

Trinity Metro to evaluate the capability of the applicable proposer proposing the desired services. If the Trinity Metro notifies a proposer that an

oral presentation is required, the Trinity Metro shall inform the proposer of the schedule, order and procedure for the presentation, including its content, time limits, identity of the presenters, and use of handouts and visual aids. Trinity Metro may tape record and/or

videotape any presentation.

d. If oral presentations are scheduled, the representatives of the firm who will be directly assigned to the account shall be present at the interview. During the interview portion of the meeting, the Evaluation Committee may advise the proposer of deficiencies in the Proposal Documentation and shall allow the proposer to satisfy the requirements, questions, or concerns by submitting final Proposal Documentation. The proposer may decide not to modify their Proposal Documentation and may inform the Buyer that the Proposal Documentation is firm and final.

e. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Trinity Metro emphasizes that it may elect to forego oral presentations for allor some proposers. Consequently, all responses shall be comprehensive and clear. No proposer shall rely upon the opportunity to present additional or clarifying information at a later time.

f. The Evaluation Committee shall not disclose any information included in a proposing firm's Proposal Documentation to another firm, and shall not disclose any information for the purpose of bringing one firm's Proposal Documentation up to that of a competitor's Proposal Documentation.

g. If final Proposal Documentations are required, the Evaluation Committee shall reevaluate each of the final Proposal Documents, including those deemed f inal at the interview. The f inal Proposal

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Documentations shall be evaluated on the same criteria used in the first evaluation.

h. The Evaluation Committee shall recommend the top ranked proposer to Trinity Metro’s Board of Directors. Trinity Metro Board shall make the final selection. Selection of any firm except the top ranked firm must be “for cause,” and that reason must be stated in the minutes of Trinity Metro Board’s decision.

i. Award o f cont ract sha l l be mad e to the responsive, responsible proposer whose Proposal Documentation is determined to be the most advantageous to the TRINITY METRO, taking into consideration the evaluation factors. Notwithstanding any other provision of this RFP, the Trinity Metro expressly reserves the right to waive any immaterial defect or informality, reject any or all Proposal Documentations, reissue a Request for Proposal Documentation, modify the number and types of data to be collected to meet budgetary limitations, or cancel the Request for Proposal (RFP).

4. Open Records

All responses submitted to Trinity Metro become the property of Trinity Metro and are subject to the Public Information Act (Texas Government Code Chapter 552). The bidder shall familiarize themselves with the provisions of that Act. In no event shall Trinity Metro, or any of its agents, representatives, proposers, directors, officers, or employees be liable to a bidder for the disclosure of all or any portion of a response submitted pursuant to the RFP. If Trinity Metro receives a request for public disclosure of all or any portion of a response, Trinity Metro will use reasonable efforts to notify the applicable bidder of the request and give such bidder an opportunity to assert, in writing, a claimed exception under the Public Information Act or other applicable law within the time period specified in Trinity Metro’s notice and allowed under the Act. Provided Trinity Metro receives the bidder’s written assertion for the exception of identified materials within the time period specified in Trinity Metro’s notice, Trinity Metro will forward those assertions to the Office of the Attorney General with the Trinity Metro’s request for determination of the matter. If a

bidder has special concerns about information which it desires to make available to Trinity Metro but which it believes constitutes a trade secret, proprietary information or other information excepted from disclosure, such bidder shall identify those portions of a bid that the bidder considers to be trade secrets or confidential commercial, financial, or proprietary information. Such information should be clearly marked “CONFIDENTIAL” and the basis of the claim of confidentiality should be stated. Data so identified will be maintained as a protected record, to the extent permitted by law. Blanket statements regarding the confidentiality of information may not be sufficient to protect the confidentiality of information submitted. A bidder is encouraged to seek counsel regarding any information it seeks to keep confidential.

In no event shall the Procurers be liable to a Private Entity or Private team member for the disclosure of any materials or information submitted in response to these guidelines or an Invitation for Bid.

5. Proposer’s Acknowledgement

By submitting a response to this RFP, each proposer unequivocally acknowledges that the proposer has read and fully understands this RFP, and that the proposer has asked questions and received satisfactory answers from Trinity Metro regarding any provisions of this RFP with regard to which the proposer desired clarification.

6. Exceptions to Any Portion of the

Solicitation Requirements

a. Exceptions to RFP terms and

conditions –

Proposers are cautioned to limit exceptions, conditions, and l imitations to the proposal documents as they may be determined to be so fundamental as to cause rejection of the proposal for not responding to the requirements of the RFP.

b. Exceptions taken to the terms and conditions of the solicitation, to any of its formal

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attachments or to other parts of the solicitation shall be clearly identified. Each exception shall be specifically related to each paragraph and/or specific part of the solicitation to which the exception is taken. Proposer shall provide rationale in support of the exception and fully explain its impact, if any, on the performance.

7. Incorporation Of Proposer’s Proposal

a. Trinity Metro reserves the right to incorporate the successful proposer’s proposal into any resulting purchase order or contract, by reference or full including any revisions and supplements.

b. If, after contract award, it is discovered that changes were agreed to in writing during negotiations, but were not incorporated into the resulting contract, such changes shall be considered administrative in nature and incorporated by unilateral modification at no change in the contract cost or price, or other terms and conditions. To satisfy the contract requirements, the bidder shall adhere to the bid accepted by Trinity Metro.

8. Insurance Requirements

a. The Contractor shall, at all times during the term of this contract and extended terms thereof, provide and maintain the following types of insurance protecting the interests of the Trinity Metro and the Contractor with limits of liability not less than those specified below.

b. Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance or its equivalent, covering all owned, hired and non-owned vehicles used in connection with the work performed under this contract with combined single limits for bodily injury and property damage liability of not less than $1,000,000.

c. Commercial General Liability insurance or its equivalent, providing limits of not less than $2,000,000 for bodily injury and property damage per occurrence with a general aggregate of $2,000,000 and a products and completed operations aggregate of $2,000,000. There shall not be any policy exclusions or

limitations for the following:

Contractual Liability covering Contractor's obligations herein

Personal Injury Advertising Liability

Explosion, Collapse & Underground Property Damage Hazard

Medical Payments

Fire Damage Legal Liability

Broad Form Property Damage

Liability for Independent Contractors

d. Workers' Compensation Insurance or its equivalent, providing benefits comparable to those provided under the Workers' Compensation Act of the State of Texas and/or any other State or Federal law or laws applicable to the Contractor's employees performing work under this contract. Employer's Liability Insurance with limits of liability of not less than $1,000,000 each accident, $1,000,000 each employee for disease and $1,000,000 policy limit for disease. This insurance must be endorsed with a Waiver of Subrogation Endorsement, waiving the carrier's right of recovery under subrogation or otherwise from Fort Worth Transportation Authority.

e. Certificates of Insurance - Before commencing execution of this contract, the Contractor shall mail Certificates of Insurance satisfactory to Trinity Metro (or, as and when Trinity Metro may direct, copies of the policies endorsements or actual insurance policies) at the address in Section 3.0 evidencing that insurance as required by paragraph (a), and all subparagraphs to (a) above, is in force, stating policy number dates of expiration and limits of liability thereunder. All copies of policies and Certificates of Insurance submitted to Trinity Metro shall be in form and content acceptable to the Trinity Metro.

f. Approval of Forms and Companies - All coverage described in this contract shall be in a form and content satisfactory to the Contracting Officer. No party subject to the provisions of this contract shall violate or knowingly permit to be violated any of the provisions of the policies of insurance described herein. All insurance should be provided by insurance companies with a Best's Rating of A- or better.

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g. Additional Insured Endorsement - The policy or policies providing Commercial General Liability, Automobile Liability, and as otherwise required above shall be endorsed to name Fort Worth Transportation Authority, their directors, officers, respective representatives, agents and employees as Additional Insured as respect to operations performed by or on behalf of the Contractor in performance of this contract. The policy shall also be endorsed to name other interests as directed by Trinity Metro. The policies shall be primary and non-contributory.

h. Notice of Cancellation or Material Changes - Policies and/or Certificates shall specifically provide that a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation, non-renewal, or material change be sent to Trinity Metro.

i. Multiple Policies - The limits of liability as required above may be provided by a single policy of insurance or a combination of primary, excess or umbrella liability policies. But in no event shall the total limit of liability of any one occurrence or accident be less than the amount shown above.

j. Deductibles - Companies issuing the insurance policies and the Contractor shall have no recourse against Trinity Metro for payment of any premiums or assessments for any deductibles, as all such premiums and deductibles are the sole responsibility and risk of the Contractor.

k. Subcontractors - If any part of the work is sublet, C o n t r a c t o r s h a l l re q u i r e a n y a nd a l l subcontractors performing work under this contract to carry workers' compensation insurance, in accordance with paragraph (a) above. The Contractor shall determine any other types of insurance and the limits of liability that Contractor shall deem appropriate and adequate to protect the interests of Trinity Metro. In the event a subcontractor is unable to furnish any insurance required under this Contract, the Contractor shall endorse the subcontractor as an Additional Insured or become an Alternate Employer. The Contractor shall obtain and furnish to Trinity Metro c e r t i f i c a t e s o f I n s u r a n c e e v i d e n c i n g subcontractors' workers' compensation insurance coverage. If a subcontractor's certificate of workers compensation insurance expires during the period of performance, Contractor shall obtain

a renewal certificate. All certificates of workers' compensation insurance must be maintained by the Contractor for a period of not less than 1 year. All other insurance certificates for subcontractors shall be furnished to Trinity Metro upon request.

l. No Release - The carrying of the above-described coverage shall in no way be interpreted as relieving the Contractor of any other responsibility or liability under this agreement or any applicable law, statute, regulation or order.



No member of the governing body of Trinity Metro, other officer, employee or agent of Trinity Metro who exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the carrying out of the activities, to which this Contract pertains, shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Contract.



No member of the governing body who exercises any functions or responsibilities in the review or approval of the carrying out of activities to which this Contract pertains, shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Contract. No part of the proceeds shall be paid directly or indirectly to any officer or employee of the State of Texas as wages, compensation or gifts in exchange for acting as officer, agent, employee, subcontractor, or Proposer to Trinity Metro in connection with any work contemplated or performed relative to this Contract.



In accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 431, no member of, or delegate to, the Congress of the United States shall be admitted to any share or part of this Contract, or to any benefit arising there from.


The Proposer covenants that it presently has no

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interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of services required to be performed under this Contract. The Proposer further covenants that no person having such interest shall be employed in the performance of this Contract.


The Proposer has all requisite power and authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform services specified in the RFP and any Contract that may be issued. The Proposer warrants that the individuals who have signed the Proposal have the legal right and authority to bind the Proposer.


If the Proposal is made by an individual doing business under an assumed name, the Proposal shall so state. If the Proposal is made by a partnership, the full name and addresses of each member and the address of the partnership shall be given and the Proposal shall be signed by one member thereof. If the Proposal is made by a corporation, it shall be signed in the corporate name by an authorized officer. If the Proposal is made by a joint venture, the full name and address of each member of the joint venture shall be given and the Proposal shall be signed by each venture. Form(s) is included to be filled out and submitted with Proposal.


Proposer shall contain a provision making the subcontractor(s) subject to all provisions stipulated in the Contract. The Proposer shall be fully responsible for all services performed by any subcontractor.


Trinity Metro reserves the right to conduct a cost or price analysis for any purchase or service. Trinity Metro may be required to perform a cost/price analysis when competition is lacking for any purchase. Sole source procurements or procurements which result in a single Proposal received, will be subject to a cost/price analysis, which will include the appropriate verification of

cost date, the evaluation of specific elements of costs and the projection of the data to determine the effect on Proposal prices. Trinity Metro may require a pre-award audit, and potential Proposers shall be prepared to submit data relevant to the proposed work which will allow Trinity Metro to sufficiently determine that the proposed price is fair, reasonable, and in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations. Procurements resulting in a single Proposal will be treated as a negotiated procurement and Trinity Metro reserves the right to negotiate with the single Proposer to achieve a fair and reasonable price. If both parties cannot agree upon a negotiated price, Trinity Metro reserves the right to reject the single Proposal. All contract change orders or modifications will be subject to a cost analysis.


The rates quoted in any Proposal submitted shall include all necessary cost to complete the services in accordance with the specifications. Anything omitted from such specifications, which are clearly necessary, shall be considered a portion of such cost although not directly specified or called for in the specifications. Proposer should note discounts.


The Proposer agrees to pay each subcontractor for satisfactory performance of its contract no later than 30 days from receipt of each payment the Proposer receives from Trinity Metro. The Proposer agrees further to return retainage payments to each subcontractor within 30 days after the subcontractor work is satisfactorily completed. Any delay or postponement of payment from the above reference may occur only for good cause following written approval of Trinity Metro. This clause applies to both DBE and non DBE subcontractors. If the Proposer determines the work to be unsatisfactory, it must notify Trinity Metro immediately, in writing, and state the reasons. Failure to comply with this requirement would be construed to be a breach of contract and subject to contract termination.


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A. Definitions for Purposes of the section Trinity Metro term “days” refers to working days of the Authority. Trinity Metro term “interested party” means any person (a) who is an actual Proposer or prospective Proposer in the procurement involved, and (b) whose direct economic interest would be affected by the award of the contract or by a failure to award the contract. Note – The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) will be notified by the Authority of all formal, written protests, when FTA funds are involved. B. Trinity Metro will hear and consider a bona fide protest regarding its procurement actions. It is anticipated that the majority of protests will be evaluated and finally decided by the Authority. Accordingly, the Authority intends to provide a thorough review of all bona fide bid protests. The Authority’s primary concern, however, is Trinity Metro timely procurement of needed capital equipment, supplies or services. It does not intend to allow the filing of protests to unnecessarily delay the procurement process, especially if the protest involved is vexatious or frivolous in nature. Notwithstanding the availability of these protest procedures, any interested party is encouraged to exhaust all methods described in this section of resolving an issue before filing a formal protest with the Authority. In its consideration of a protest, the Authority reserves the right to give due consideration to the good faith efforts of the protestor to resolve the issue involved through informal methods. C. Submission of Protest Any interested party may file a protest with the Authority on the basis that the Authority has failed to comply with applicable Federal or State Regulations or with the Authority’s Procurement Process. The protest must be filed in accordance with Trinity Metro timing requirements set forth in subsection D. “Types of Protests and Timing” of this section, and must include: The name, phone number, e-mail and address of the protestor.

The RFP and proposed contract number of the proposal. A statement of grounds for the protest, a statement as to what relief is requested, and in particular the Federal or State law or Authority Process alleged to have been violated. This statement should be accompanied by any supporting documentation the protesting party desires the Authority to consider in making its decision. Protest should be submitted to: Kathy Bridwell AVP Procurement Fort Worth Transportation Authority 801 Cherry Street – 8th Floor Fort Worth, TX 76102 D. Types of Protests and Timing The requirement for timely filing of protest with the Authority will depend upon the type of protests involved. The Authority will consider the following three types of protest by interested parties: 1. Protest regarding proposal Any protest regarding the proposal must be filed no later than five (5) business days before proposal due date. Any protest filed after that date regarding the proposal will not be considered by the Authority. This type of protest would include any claim that the proposal contained exclusionary or discriminatory specification, any challenge to the basis of award, or any claim that the proposal documents or the proposal process violated applicable Federal or State law, or that the Authority failed to follow its Procurement Process in the proposal. 2. Protests regarding Requirements and Responsiveness Any protest regarding the requirements and responsiveness of proposal by the Authority must be filed with Authority no later than five (5) business days after receipt of letter of notification of non-responsiveness. Any protest filed after such date regarding the requirements and responsiveness will not be considered by the Authority. This type of protest would include any challenge to determinations by the Authority of the responsiveness of or the responsibility of a Proposer, or any claim that the requirements and

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responsiveness of proposal violated Federal or State law or the Authority’s Procurement Process. 3. Protest Regarding Receipt of Non-Award Notification Any protest regarding the award of the contract must be filed no later than five (5) business days after receipt of Non- Award Notification. Any protest regarding the award of the contract filed after that date will not be considered by the Authority. This type of protest will only be entertained by the Authority if the protestor is able to demonstrate that the party awarded the contract fraudulently represented itself as a responsible Proposer of that the Authority violated Federal or State regulations or its Procurement Process in the award of the contract. E. Authority Response The Authority will notify the protestor upon timely receipt of a protest and may, where appropriate, request additional information from the protestor. The Authority may, at its discretion, meet with protestor to review the matters raised by the protest. The Authority’s consideration of the particular types of protests will, except as otherwise stated in subsection 2. “Decisions by Authority” of this section E. “Authority Response” in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Types of Protests a. Protest regarding proposal Upon receipt of a timely filed protest regarding the proposal, the Authority will postpone the opening until resolution of the protest. No additional proposals will be accepted during the period of postponement. If the protest regarding the proposal involves a claim of unduly restrictive or exclusionary specifications, the Authority will, in evaluation of the protest, consider both the specific need of the Authority for the feature or item challenged and any effects on competition of including the specifications regarding that feature or item. If the Authority determines that such feature or

item was included in the specification in order to meet justified and valid transit needs of the Authority, and was not unduly restrictive of competition or designed to exclude a particular competitor, then the Authority will have grounds to deny the protest. b. Protest regarding requirement and responsiveness Upon receipt of a timely filed protest regarding the requirements responsiveness, the Authority will suspend its evaluation of all proposals submitted until resolution of the protest, if the Authority determines that the protestor has established that there are reasonable doubts regarding the responsiveness of a proposal or the responsibility of a Proposer or regarding the Authority’s compliance with Federal or State Regulations or its Procurement Process. c. Protests after non-award notification Upon receipt of a timely filed protest regarding the non-award notification the Authority will not proceed with contract, if necessary, until the resolution of the protest if the Authority determines that the protestor has established a prima facie case that the contract was awarded fraudulently or in violation of that Federal or State Regulations or the Authority’s Procurement Process. 2. Decisions by Authority As indicated above, in most instances the Authority will suspend the procurement process upon receipt of a bona fide protest. However, the Authority reserves the right, notwithstanding the pendency of a protest, to proceed with the appropriate action in the procurement process or under the contract in the following cases: A. where the item to be procured is urgently required; B. where the Authority determines that the protest was vexatious or frivolous; and C. where delivery or performance will be unduly delayed or other undue harm will occur, by failure to make the award promptly. After reviewing the protest submitted under this section, the Authority will issue a written decision of the basis of the information provided by the protestor, the results of any meetings with

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protestor, and the Authority’s own investigation. If the protest is upheld, the Authority will take appropriate action to correct the procurement process and protect the rights of the protestor, including re-proposal, revised evaluation of proposal or Authority determinations, or termination of the contract. If the protest is denied, the Authority will lift any suspension imposed and proceed with the procurement process. F. FTA Protest Procedure Reviews of protests by FTA will be limited to claims that the Authority failed to have or follow protest procedures, or claims the Authority failed to review a complaint or protest. A protestor must exhaust all administrative remedies with the Authority before pursuing a protest with FTA. An appeal to FTA must be received by the cognizant FTA regional or Headquarters Office within five (5) working days of the date the protester knew or should have known of the violation. Under certain circumstances, protest may be made to the FTA in accordance with FTA circular 4220.1F. Violations of Federal law or regulation will be handled by the complaint process stated within that law or regulation. Violations of State or local law or regulations will be under the jurisdiction of State or local authorities.


Trinity Metro reserves the right to request Additional Services under this RFP that may not be specifically identified within. Proposers are encouraged to identify and provide supporting statements and price information for any other area(s) of services not listed in the Scope that may be related to Additional Services and the work of Trinity Metro.



No alterations or variables in Trinity Metro terms of the RFP and /or of the Proposed Contract shall be valid or binding upon Trinity Metro unless

authorized in writing by Trinity Metro.


Any public agency (i.e., city, district, public agency, municipality, and other political subdivision or any FTA-funded entity) shall have the option of participating in any award made as a result of a Proposal and/or contract at the same prices, terms and conditions. Trinity Metro reserves the right to assign any or all portions of Services awarded under this Proposal and/or contract. This assignment, should it occur, shall be agreed to by Trinity Metro and Proposer. Once assigned, each agency will enter into its own contract and be solely responsible to the Proposer for obligations to the service assigned. Trinity Metro’s right of assignment will remain in force over the contract period or until completion of the contract including options, whichever occurs first. Trinity Metro shall incur no financial responsibility in connection with contracts issued by another public agency. The public agency shall accept sole responsibility for placing service and payments to the Proposer.


The Contractor shall not publish or reproduce subject data in whole or in part, or in any manner or form, without the advance written consent of Trinity Metro, unless Trinity Metro has released or approved the release of that data to the public.

24. GRATUITIES AND KICKBACKS It shall be a breach of ethical standards for any person to offer, give or agree to give any employee or former employee, or for any employee or former employee to solicit, demand, accept or agree to accept from another person, a gratuity or an offer of employment in connection with any decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, preparation of any part of a program requirement or a purchase request, influencing the content of any specification or procurement standard, rendering of advice, investigation, auditing or in any other advisory capacity in any proceeding or application, request for ruling, determination, claim or controversy or other particular matter, pertaining to any program requirement of a contract or subcontract or to any solicitation or

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proposal therefore. It shall be a breach of ethical standards for any payment, gratuity or offer of employment to be made by or on behalf of a subcontractor under a contract to the prime contractor or higher tier subcontractor or a person associated therewith, as an inducement for the award of a subcontract or order. Breach of the provisions of this paragraph is, in addition to a breach of this contract, a breach of ethical standards which may result in civil or criminal sanction and/or debarment or suspension from being a contractor or subcontractor under Metropolitan Government contracts.

25. NO CONTINGENCY FEES Contractor hereby represents that Contractor has not been retained or retained any persons to solicit or secure this Contract upon an agreement or understanding for a contingent commission, percentage, or brokerage fee, except for retention of bona fide employees or bona fide established commercial selling agencies for the purpose of securing business. Breach of the provisions of this paragraph is, in addition to a breach of this contract, a breach of ethical standards which may result in civil or criminal sanction and/or debarment or suspension from being a contract or subcontractor under Trinity Metro contracts. Trinity Metro shall have the right to annul said Contract without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the Contract price or consideration the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee.

26. NON-DISCRIMINATION It is the policy of Trinity Metro not to discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, color, national origin, creed, religion or disability in its hiring and employment practices, or in admission to, access to, or operation of its programs, services, and activities. With regard to all aspects of this contract, Contractor certifies and warrants it will comply with this policy. No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, be discriminated against in the admission or access to, or be discriminated against in treatment or employment in Trinity Metro contracted programs or activities, on the grounds of handicap and/or disability, age, race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, or any

other classification protected by federal or Texas State Constitutional or statutory law; nor shall they be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the performance of contracts with Trinity Metro or in the employment practices of Trinity Metro Contractors. Accordingly, all Proposers entering into contracts with Trinity Metro shall, upon request, be required to show proof of such nondiscrimination and to post in conspicuous places that are available to all employees and applicants, notices of nondiscrimination.

27. LICENSING AND PERMITS The Contractor and all subcontractors shall be appropriately licensed in the State of Texas for the work required as a result of the Contract. The cost for any required licenses shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, the contractor shall be responsible for paying for permits and government fees where the cost of obtaining such permits or paying such fees has not been waived by the issuing authority necessary for proper execution and completion of the Project. The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any building or other types of permits necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Project

28. INSPECTION OF WORK All work which includes services performed, material furnished or utilized in the performance of services, and workmanship in the performance of services shall be subject to inspection and test by Trinity Metro to the extent practicable at all times and places during the term of the Contract. All inspections by Trinity Metro shall be made in such a manner as to not unduly delay the work. Trinity Metro shall have the right to enter the premises used by the Contractor for the purpose of inspection and auditing all data and records, which pertain to the Contractor’s performance under the Contract. If any work performed is not in conformity with the requirements of the Contract, Trinity Metro shall have the right to require the Contractor to perform the work again in conformity with such

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requirements at no increase in the total Contract amount. In the event the Contractor fails promptly to perform the work again, Trinity Metro shall have the right, either by Contract or otherwise, to have the work performed in conformity with the Contract requirements and charge to the Contractor any costs to Trinity Metro that are directly related to the performance of such work, or terminate the Contract for default as provided in this RFP.

29. PROPOSER’S RESPONSIBILITY It is the intent of these specifications to provide for services of first quality. The contractor shall assume responsibility for all services provided for this project including services provided by subcontractors


If the services performed are not acceptable Trinity Metro will furnish a letter of non-acceptance detailing the deficiencies within thirty (30) days after delivery. Acceptance of delivery of services performed shall not release the Contractor from liability for services not performed even after final payment have been made.

31. STANDARD OF CARE Contractor shall perform all services under this Contract in a skillful and competent manner. Contractor represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling necessary to perform the services. Contractor warrants that all employees and subcontractors shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform the services assigned to them. The Contractor represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the services, and that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout Trinity Metro’s term of this Contract. Any person who is determined by Trinity Metro to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the services, a threat to the safety of persons or property, or any employee who fails or refuses to

perform the services in a manner acceptable to Trinity Metro shall be promptly removed by the Contractor and shall not be re-employed to perform any of the services under this Contract.


Trinity Metro reserves the right to purchase goods and/or services, with other Contractors in connection with these Services.


No changes to this RFP, Proposer proposal, or Contract shall be approved unless appropriate parties of Trinity Metro authorize the change. All changes shall be made by written agreement between the parties. Trinity Metro shall not incur any costs due to any unauthorized changes made by Contractor.

34. TAX EXEMPTION Trinity Metro is exempt from payment of all Federal, State, and local taxes in connection with the project. Said taxes must not be included in proposal prices.

35. ATTORNEY FEES In the event Trinity Metro deems it necessary to take legal action to enforce any provision of the contract, and Trinity Metro prevails, Contractor shall pay all expenses of such action including Trinity Metro attorney fees and costs at all stages of the litigation.


Any name appearing upon the Comptroller General’s list of ineligible contractors for federally-assisted contracts shall be ineligible to act as a subcontractor for contractor pursuant to this contract. If contractor is on the Comptroller General’s list of ineligible contractors for federally financed or assisted construction, the recipient shall cancel, terminate or suspend this contract.

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A. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Contract to the contrary to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Contractor shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless Trinity Metro, Trinity Railway Express, and their respective representatives, officers, directors, shareholders, partners, members of their governing boards, members, managers, employees, affiliates, assignees, agents, consultants and contractors (other than Contractor and its Subcontractors and Suppliers) (collectively, the “Indemnitees”) from and against all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, causes of action, administrative proceedings, suits, judgments, fees (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees and expert fees), and expenses, of any nature, kind or description, directly or indirectly, caused by, arising out of, resulting from, or sustained or incurred in connection with (in whole or in part), (1) the Work performed hereunder, or any part thereof, (2) Contractor’s failure to comply with the Contract, (3) the use, occupancy or presence of Contractor, its Subcontractors, Suppliers, employees or agents on or about the Work Site, or (4) any act or omission of Contractor, any Subcontractor, any Supplier, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of the foregoing, or anyone that any of the foregoing control or exercise control over (“Claims”), but not to the extent directly attributable to, the gross negligence or willful misconduct of an Indemnitee. The foregoing indemnity shall include, but is not limited to, Claims arising out of or resulting from bodily injury to, or sickness, disease or death of, any employee, agent or representative of Contractor or any of its Subcontractors, Supplier or any other person, directly or indirectly employed by any of the foregoing, or anyone that any of the foregoing control or exercise control over regardless of fault or negligence by an Indemnitee (“Employee Claims”). Contractor acknowledges and agrees that Indemnitees other than Trinity Metro are third-party beneficiaries under this Agreement with respect to Contractor’s indemnity obligations. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED WITH RESPECT TO CLAIMS DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE TO AN INDEMNITEE’S GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT, THE OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTOR UNDER THIS

INDEMNIFICATION SHALL APPLY TO ALL CLAIMS, EVEN IF SUCH CLAIMS ARE CAUSED IN WHOLE OR PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF AN INDEMNITEE. TO THE EXTENT IT MAY LAWFULLY DO SO, CONTRACTOR WILL NOT ASSERT, AS TO ANY CLAIM MADE BY AN INDEMNITEE UNDER THIS SECTION, ANY DEFENSE IT MAY HAVE UNDER THE TEXAS WORKER'S COMPENSATION STATUTE. NO COURT OR JURY FINDINGS IN ANY EMPLOYEE CLAIM PURSUANT TO ANY WORKER’S COMPENSATION ACT OR THE FEDERAL EMPLOYER’S LIABILITY ACT AGAINST A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT MAY BE RELIED UPON OR USED BY TRINITY METRO OR BY CONTRACTOR IN ANY ATTEMPT TO ASSERT LIABILITY AGAINST THE OTHER PARTY. B. If any legal limitations now or hereafter in effect affect the validity or enforceability of the indemnification obligations under this article, such legal limitations are made a part of the indemnification obligation to the minimum extent necessary to bring the indemnification into conformity with the requirements of such limitations, and as so modified the indemnification obligations shall continue in full force and effect. The indemnification obligations under this Section shall not be limited to or by damages, compensation or benefits payable under insurance policies, workers’ compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefits acts. C. The Trinity Metro has the right to appoint defense counsel, at its own expense, to associate in the defense of any contested claim. The Trinity Metro will cooperate fully with Contractor in the defense of all claims. The Trinity Metros election to appoint defense counsel will not affect Contractor’s obligation to indemnify and hold harmless Trinity Metro from and against all claims to the extent set forth in the Contract. When defending Trinity Metro against claims, Contractor will retain counsel experienced in defending such claims and mutually agreeable to both Trinity Metro and Contractor. The Trinity Metro will not unreasonably withhold, condition, or delay its consent to Contractor’s choice of counsel. Contractor will not settle any claims in a manner that would impose any expense, penalty, obligation, or limitation on Trinity Metro without Trinity Metro’s prior written consent.

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38. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The Contract, as well as the rights, obligations and remedies of the parties, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. Whenever there is no applicable state statute or decisional precedent governing the interpretation of or disputes arising under or related to the Contract, then federal common law, including the law developed by federal boards of contract appeals, the United States Court of Federal Claims, the United States Claims Court, and the Comptroller General of the United States, shall govern. Any suit or action arising from the Contract shall be commenced and prosecuted in the courts of Tarrant County, Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, as applicable, and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of these courts. Contractor verifies that it does not boycott Israel, and agrees that during the term of this Agreement/Contract will not boycott Israel as that term is defined in Texas Government Code Section 808.001, as amended. Trinity Metro is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company that does business with Iran, Sudan, or a foreign terrorist organization.

39. Contract Order of Precedence

A. The General Provisions, Special Provisions, and Specifications are essential to the Contract. All are intended to be complementary and to provide for completed work suitable for its intended use. A requirement occurring in one is as binding as though occurring in all. B. The documents referenced below are in descending order of precedence. Any conflict between any of the documents shall be resolved in favor of the document with higher precedence.

Contract Form

Special Provisions

General Provisions

Scope of Work


Reference Documents/Standards/Codes

Proposal C. Contractor shall immediately notify Trinity Metro, in writing, of any ambiguity or conflict within or between documents, any error, omission, lack of necessary detailed description, or a detail, which is a potential code violation, which is discovered in the Specifications or Plans and request clarification and direction. Trinity Metro will provide clarification and direction as required to fulfill the intent of the specifications. Proceeding without the required notification and request for clarification or instruction shall be at Contractor’s risk.

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9.1 No Obligation by the Federal Government.

1. The Purchaser and Contractor acknowledge and agree that, notwithstanding any concurrence by the Federal Government in or approval of the solicitation or award of the underlying contract, absent the express written consent by the Federal Government, the Federal Government is not a party to this contract and shall not be subject to any obligations or liabilities to the Purchaser, Contractor, or any other party (whether or not a party to that contract) pertaining to any matter resulting from the underlying contract.

2. The Contractor agrees to include the above clause in each subcontract financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA. It is further agreed that the clause shall not be modified, except to identify the subcontractor who will be subject to its provisions.

9.2 Program Fraud and False or Fraudulent Statements or Related Acts.

1. The Contractor acknowledges that the provisions of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, as amended, 31 U.S.C. § § 3801 et seq and U.S. DOT regulations, "Program Fraud Civil Remedies," 49 C.F.R. Part 31, apply to its actions pertaining to this Project. Upon execution of the underlying contract, the Contractor certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of any statement it has made, it makes, it may make, or causes to be made, pertaining to the underlying contract or the FTA assisted project for which this contract work is being performed. In addition to other penalties that may be applicable, the Contractor further acknowledges that if it makes, or causes to be made, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, or certification, the Federal Government reserves the right to impose the penalties of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 on the Contractor to the extent the Federal Government deems appropriate.

2. The Contractor also acknowledges that if it makes, or causes to be made, a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission, or certification to the Federal Government under a contract connected with a project that is financed in

whole or in part with Federal assistance originally awarded by FTA under the authority of 49 U.S.C. §

5307, the Government reserves the right to impose the penalties of 18 U.S.C. § 1001 and 49 U.S.C. § 5307(n)(1) on the Contractor, to the extent the Federal Government deems appropriate.

3. The Contractor agrees to include the above two clauses in each subcontract financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA. It is further agreed that the clauses shall not be modified, except to identify the subcontractor who will be subject to the provisions.

9.3 Access to Records.

1. Where the Purchaser is not a State but a local government and is the FTA Recipient or a subgrantee of the FTA Recipient in accordance with 49 C. F. R. 18.36(i), the Contractor agrees to provide the Purchaser, the FTA Administrator, the Comptroller General of the United States or any of their authorized representatives access to any books, documents, papers and records of the Contractor which are directly pertinent to this contract for the purposes of making audits, examinations, excerpts and transcriptions.

2. Contractor also agrees, pursuant to 49 C. F. R. 633.17 to provide the FTA Administrator or his authorized representatives including any PMO Contractor access to Contractor's records and construction sites pertaining to a major capital project, defined at 49 U.S.C. 5302(a)1, which is receiving federal financial assistance through the programs described at 49 U.S.C. 5307, 5309 or 5311.

3. Where the Purchaser is a State and is the FTA Recipient or a sub-grantee of the FTA Recipient in accordance with 49 C.F.R. 633.17, Contractor agrees to provide the Purchaser, the FTA Administrator or his authorized representatives, including any PMO Contractor, access to the Contractor's records and construction sites pertaining to a major capital project, defined at 49 U.S.C. 5302(a)1, which is receiving federal financial assistance through the programs described at 49 U.S.C. 5307, 5309 or 5311. By definition, a major capital project excludes contracts of less than the simplified acquisition threshold currently set at $100,000.

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4. Where the Purchaser enters into a negotiated contract for other than a small purchase or under the simplified acquisition threshold and is an institution of higher education, a hospital or other non-profit organization and is the FTA Recipient or a subgrantee of the FTA Recipient in accordance with 49 C.F.R. 19.48, Contractor agrees to provide the Purchaser, FTA Administrator, the Comptroller General of the United States or any of their duly authorized representatives with access to any books, documents, papers and record of the Contractor which are directly pertinent to this contract for the purposes of making audits, examinations, excerpts and transcriptions.

5. Where any Purchaser which is the FTA Recipient or a sub-grantee of the FTA Recipient in accordance with 49 U.S.C. 5325(a) enters into a contract for a capital project or improvement (defined at 49 U.S.C. 5302(a)1) through other than competitive bidding, the Contractor shall make available records related to the contract to the Purchaser, the Secretary of Transportation and the Comptroller General or any authorized officer or employee of any of them for the purposes of conducting an audit and inspection.

6. The Contractor agrees to permit any of the foregoing parties to reproduce by any means whatsoever or to copy excerpts and transcriptions as reasonably needed.

7. The Contractor agrees to maintain all books, records, accounts and reports required under this contract for a period of not less than three years after the date of termination or expiration of this contract, except in the event of litigation or settlement of claims arising from the performance of this contract, in which case Contractor agrees to maintain same until the Purchaser, the FTA Administrator, the Comptroller General, or any of their duly authorized representatives, have disposed of all such litigation, appeals, claims or exceptions related thereto. Reference 49 CFR 18.39(i)(11).

FTA does not require the inclusion of these requirements in subcontracts.

9.4 Federal Changes.

Federal Changes - Contractor shall at all times comply with all applicable FTA regulations, policies, procedures and directives, including without limitation those listed directly or by reference in the Master Agreement between Purchaser and FTA, as they may be amended or promulgated from time to time during the term of this contract. Contractor's failure to so comply shall constitute a material breach of this contract.

9.5 Civil Rights (EEO, Title VI & ADA).

1. Nondiscrimination - In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d, section 303 of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 6102, section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. § 12132, and Federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the Contractor agrees that it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, or disability. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with applicable Federal implementing regulations and other implementing requirements FTA may issue.

2. Equal Employment Opportunity - The following equal employment opportunity requirements apply to the underlying contract:

a. Race, Color, Creed, National Origin, Sex - In accordance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e, and Federal transit laws at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable equal employment opportunity requirements of U.S. Department of Labor (U.S. DOL) regulations, 'Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor,' 41 C.F.R. Parts 60 et seq ., (which implement Executive Order No. 11246, 'Equal Employment Opportunity,' as amended by Executive Order No. 11375, 'Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity,' 42 U.S.C. § 2000e note), and with any applicable Federal statutes, executive orders, regulations, and Federal policies that may in the future affect construction activities undertaken in the course of the Project. The Contractor agrees to take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, creed, national origin, sex, or age. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue.

b. Age - In accordance with section 4 of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § § 623 and Federal transit law at 49 U.S.C. § 5332, the Contractor agrees to refrain from discrimination against present and prospective employees for reason of age. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue.

c. Disabilities - In accordance with section 102 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, 42

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U.S.C. § 12112, the Contractor agrees that it will comply with the requirements of U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 'Regulations to Implement the Equal Employment Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act,' 29 C.F.R. Part 1630, pertaining to employment of persons with disabilities. In addition, the Contractor agrees to comply with any implementing requirements FTA may issue.

3. The Contractor also agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA, modified only if necessary to identify the affected parties.

9.6 Incorporation of FTA Terms.

Incorporation of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Terms - The preceding provisions include, in part, certain Standard Terms and Conditions required by DOT, whether or not expressly set forth in the preceding contract provisions. All contractual provisions required by DOT, as set forth in FTA Circular 4220.1E are hereby incorporated by reference. Anything to the contrary herein notwithstanding, all FTA mandated terms shall be deemed to control in the event of a conflict with other provisions contained in this Agreement. The Contractor shall not perform any act, fail to perform any act, or refuse to comply with any (name of grantee) requests which would cause The Fort Worth Transportation Authority to be in violation of the FTA terms and conditions.

9.7 Energy Conservation.

Energy Conservation - The contractor agrees to comply with mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in the state energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.

9.8 Termination Provisions.

a. Termination for Convenience The Fort Worth Transportation Authority, by written notice, may terminate this contract, in whole or in part, when it is in the Government’s interest. If this contract is terminated, the Recipient shall be liable only for payment under the payment provisions of this contract for services rendered before the effective date of termination.

b. Termination for Default If the Contractor fails to deliver supplies or to perform the services within the time specified in this contract or any extension or if the Contractor fails to comply with any other provisions

of this contract, the Fort Worth Transportation Authority may terminate this contract for default. The Fort Worth Transportation Authority shall terminate by delivering to the Contractor a Notice of Termination specifying the nature of the default. The Contractor will only be paid the contract price for supplies delivered and accepted, or services performed in accordance with the manner or performance set forth in this contract.

If, after termination for failure to fulfill contract obligations, it is determined that the Contractor was not in default, the rights and obligations of the parties shall be the same as if the termination had been issued for the convenience of the Fort Worth Transportation Authority.

c. Opportunity to Cure The Fort Worth Transportation Authority in its sole discretion may, in the case of a termination for breach or default, allow the Contractor 30 – 60 days in which to cure the defect. In such case, the notice of termination will state the time period in which cure is permitted and other appropriate conditions

If Contractor fails to remedy to the Fort Worth Transportation Authority's satisfaction the breach or default of any of the terms, covenants, or conditions of this Contract within ten (10) days after receipt by Contractor of written notice from The Fort Worth Transportation Authority setting forth the nature of said breach or default, the Fort Worth Transportation Authority shall have the right to terminate the Contract without any further obligation to Contractor. Any such termination for default shall not in any way operate to preclude the Fort Worth Transportation Authority from also pursuing all available remedies against Contractor and its sureties for said breach or default.

d. Waiver of Remedies for any Breach In the event that the Fort Worth Transportation Authority elects to waive its remedies for any breach by Contractor of any covenant, term or condition of this Contract, such waiver by the Fort Worth Transportation Authority shall not limit the Fort Worth Transportation Authority’s remedies for any succeeding breach of that or of any other term, covenant, or condition of this Contract.

9.9 Suspension and Debarment

This contract is a covered transaction for purposes of 49 CFR Part 29. As such, the contractor is required to verify that none of the contractor, its principals, as defined at 49 CFR 29.995, or affiliates, as defined at 49 CFR 29.905, are excluded or disqualified as defined at 49 CFR 29.940 and 29.945.

The contractor is required to comply with 49 CFR 29, Subpart C and must include the requirement to comply

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with 49 CFR 29, Subpart C in any lower tier covered transaction it enters into.

By signing and submitting its bid or proposal, the bidder or proposer certifies as follows:

The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact relied upon by the Fort Worth Transportation Authority. If it is later determined that the bidder or proposer knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to remedies available to the Fort Worth Transportation Authority, the Federal Government may pursue available remedies, including but not limited to suspension and/or debarment. The bidder or proposer agrees to comply with the requirements of 49 CFR 29, Subpart C while this offer is valid and throughout the period of any contract that may arise from this offer. The bidder or proposer further agrees to include a provision requiring such compliance in its lower tier covered transactions.

9.10 Disputes

Disputes arising in the performance of this Contract which are not resolved by agreement of the parties shall be decided in writing by the authorized representative of the Fort Worth Transportation Authority’s CEO/President. This decision shall be final and conclusive unless within ten (10) days from the date of receipt of its copy, the Contractor mails or otherwise furnishes a written appeal to the CEO/President. In connection with any such appeal, the Contractor shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to offer evidence in support of its position.

The decision of Trinity Metro authorized representative shall be binding upon the Contractor and the Contractor shall abide be the decision.

9.10.1 Performance During Dispute - Unless otherwise directed by the Fort Worth Transportation Authority, Contractor shall continue performance under this Contract while matters in dispute are being resolved.

9.11 Claims for Damages

Should either party to the Contract suffer injury or damage to person or property because of any act or omission of the party or of any of his employees, agents or others for whose acts he is legally liable, a claim for damages therefor shall be made in writing to such other party within a reasonable time after the first observance of such injury of damage.

9.12 Remedies

Unless this contract provides otherwise, all claims, counterclaims, disputes and other matters in question between the Fort Worth Transportation Authority and the Contractor arising out of or relating to this

agreement or its breach will be decided by arbitration if the parties mutually agree, or in a court of competent jurisdiction within the State of Texas.

9.13 Rights and Remedies

The duties and obligations imposed by the Contract Documents and the rights and remedies available thereunder shall be in addition to and not a limitation of any duties, obligations, rights and remedies otherwise imposed or available by law. No action or failure to act by the Fort Worth Transportation Authority, Architect or Contractor shall constitute a waiver of any right or duty afforded any of them under the Contract, nor shall any such action or failure to act constitute an approval of or acquiescence in any breach thereunder, except as may be specifically agreed in writing.

9.14 Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment, 31 U.S.C. 1352, as amended by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, P.L. 104-65 [to be codified at 2 U.S.C. § 1601, et seq.] –

Contractors who apply or bid for an award of $100,000 or more shall file the certification required (Attachment C) by 49 CFR part 20, "New Restrictions on Lobbying." Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each tier shall also disclose the name of any registrant under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 who has made lobbying contacts on its behalf with non-Federal funds with respect to that Federal contract, grant or award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the Fort Worth Transportation Authority.

9.15 Clean Air

(1) The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 7401 et seq. The Contractor agrees to report each violation to the Fort Worth Transportation Authority and understands and agrees that the Fort Worth Transportation Authority will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to FTA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office.

(2) The Contractor also agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract exceeding $100,000 financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA.

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9.16 Clean Water

(1) The Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq . The Contractor agrees to report each violation to the Fort Worth Transportation Authority and understands and agrees that the Fort Worth Transportation Authority will, in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to FTA and the appropriate EPA Regional Office.

(2) The Contractor also agrees to include these requirements in each subcontract exceeding $100,000 financed in whole or in part with Federal assistance provided by FTA.

9.17 Electronic and Information Technology

The Fort Worth Transportation Authority agrees that reports or information it provides to or on behalf of the Federal Government will use electronic or information technology that complies with the accessibility requirements of:

(1) Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. § 794d, and

(2) U.S. ATBCB regulations, “Electronic and Information Technology accessibility Standards,” 36 C.F.R. part 1194.

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F1 - Attachments and Amendments

F2- DBE Compliant Statement

F3- Certification of Contractor Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other

Responsibility Matters

F4 - Conflict of Interest Acknowledgement and Certification Good Faith Effort


F5- Certification of Compliance with Restriction on Lobbying

F6 - Business Questionnaire & List of References F7 - List of References for Similar Projects F8 - Affidavit of Non-Collusion F9- Prohibition of Boycotting Israel F10 -- Price Proposal Form

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The undersigned acknowledges receipt of attachments and amendments for Trinity Metro’s solicitation RFP 20-T014 ERP Managed Services.


AMENDMENTS: Failure to acknowledge receipt of all attachments and amendments may cause bidder/proposer to be considered nonresponsive to the solicitation.

Acknowledged receipt of each attachment and amendment must be clearly established and included with the bid/proposal response.


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Check the statement below that applies to your submittal.

_______1. Statement meets or exceeds DBE percentage participation goal established for this procurement. You shall submit the Schedule of DBE Utilization with Statement. If you are a certified DBE, complete the first set of questions on Schedule of DBE Utilization for yourself and submit DBE certification number. Submit DBE certification numbers for each DBE you intend to use.

_______2. Statement does not meet the DBE percentage participation goal established for this procurement, but we have made bona fide good faith efforts to reach those goals. If this statement applies,

you shall submit the Schedule of DBE Utilization and the DBE Good Faith Effort Documents, along with statement, together with all other documentation of good faith efforts which you wish FWTA to consider in evaluating your statement. Only documentation submitted with statement will be considered. Submit DBE certification numbers for each DBE you intend to use.

______3. Statement does not have any DBE percentage participation for this procurement, but we believe this procurement meets the following exception to FWTA’s DBE Policy:

“This solicitation is for the procurement of a standard manufactured item or other similar procurement with no subcontracting opportunities.”

Firm shall check “Yes” or “No” to both questions below and then explain in the exception information area below.

Failure to provide an explanation may render the statement non-responsive (Subcontracting opportunities include things such as: delivery, assembly, installation, painting, suppliers, etc. Supplies are items purchased specifically for this procurement, other than the standard manufactured item requested by the request for qualification).

Will you perform this entire contract without subcontractors? ______Yes ______No

Will you perform this entire contract without suppliers? ______ Yes ______ No

If you answered “no” to either question above, please fully explain why you are seeking the exception. The existence of subcontractor and supplier opportunities usually indicates that option # 2 and the Good Faith Effort Documents apply.

Exception Information (attach additional sheets, titled “Exception Information”, if needed):

Authorized Signature Name of Company

Printed Name and Title Date

Note: Failure to complete and return the DBE forms as indicated above, will result in rejection of the statement. The making of a material misrepresentation of fact could be a basis for disqualification and may cause a firm to be considered for classification as an irresponsible contractor and barred from FWTA’s work for a period of not exceeding six months.

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The potential contractor for FWTA contract (hereinafter "PRIMARY PARTICIPANT"

- print name), ______ certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals:

1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency;

2. Have not within a three year period preceding this statement been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for: commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;

3. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (2) of this certification; and

4. Have not within a three year period preceding this application had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default.

(If the primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, the participant shall attach an explanation to this certification)


Signature and Title of Authorized Official __________________________________________ Date

Primary participant is required to secure from every subcontractor this same certification and shall submit such to FWTA prior to such subcontractor's commencing work under this contract. Contractor may make as many copies of this schedule as needed for certification by all subcontractors.

(If the subcontractor is unable to certify to any of the statements above in this certification, the subcontractor shall attach an explanation to this certification)


Signature Title Name of Firm (printed)

Signature Title Name of Firm (printed)

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In order to promote fairness and impartiality in FWTA's procurement process, involvement in any decision making role in the solicitation, or in the awarding or administration of a resulting contract by any Related Person who might receive some Benefit is prohibited. "Related Person" is defined as any employee, officer, Executive Committee member, or agent of FWTA. "Benefit" is defined as any direct or indirect pecuniary, financial, or other tangible advantage, gain, promotion, or interest growing out of or related in any manner to the solicitation or to a contract or subcontract growing out of the solicitation. Such involvement of any Related Person is also prohibited when a person bearing certain relationship to the Related Person ("Other Related Person") may receive a Benefit. Such "Other Related Person" is defined as any member of a Related Person's immediate family (a spouse, child, parent, brother or sister), a partner of any Related Person, or any person or organization which employs or is about to employ a Related Person or Other Related Person. If a Related Person or Other Related Person will or may so Benefit, a prohibited conflict of interest may exist.

2 . Disclosures.

Your obligation, as a prospective contractor under this solicitation, is to disclose fully all information you have or may acquire which has to do with any such Benefit which may come to any Related Person or Other Related Person. In considering the possibility of the existence of such benefit, you also need to consider each person and firm you believe may be involved as a joint venturer, or subcontractor, or other similar role in carrying out and performing a contract with FWTA pursuant to the solicitation. In other words, if you are aware of any business, financial, or other interest, or actual or potential employment relationship between any Related Person or any Other Related Person, on the one hand, and yourself or any other person or firm you believe may be involved in carrying out the contract to be awarded pursuant to this solicitation, on the other hand, you have an affirmative obligation to fully disclose that information to FWTA. You are encouraged to contact the Assist Vice President of Contract Administration and Procurement prior to the deadline for submitting your Response (defined as a statement or other response to this solicitation), make such disclosure, and request a ruling as to whether any prohibited conflict of interest does in fact exist.

In order for your Response to be considered RESPONSIVE to this solicitation, it is mandatory that you complete and execute the Acknowledgment and Certification below, and include with your Response, written disclosure of all information relative to any potential conflict of interest which may be known to you, and which you have not disclosed to FWTA in writing prior to the submission of your Response.


The undersigned potential contractor of FWTA hereby acknowledges receipt and understanding of the Conflict of Interest provisions set out above; and hereby certifies that, except as heretofore or herewith fully disclosed in writing, to the best of potential contractor's knowledge and belief, no such conflict exists, or is likely to exist in the future pertaining to this procurement should the contract be awarded to potential contractor; and potential contractor further hereby promises to promptly notify FWTA in writing if such knowledge or belief changes in the future.


Signature and Title of Authorized Official of Potential Contractor

Name of Potential Contractor (print)


The undersigned recommended subcontractor of FWTA hereby acknowledges receipt and understanding of the Conflict of Interest provisions set out above; and hereby certifies that, except as heretofore or herewith fully disclosed in writing, to the best of recommended subcontractor's knowledge and belief, no such conflict exists, or is likely to exist in the future pertaining to this procurement should the contract be awarded to recommended subcontractor; and recommended subcontractor further hereby promises to promptly notify FWTA in writing if such knowledge or belief changes in the future.


Signature and Title of Authorized Official of Recommended Subcontractor

Name of Recommended Subcontractor

Note: Respondent shall make copies of the Conflict of Interest document and Acknowledgment and Certification form and provide same to each subcontractor Respondent recommends for the contract. Respondent is required to secure an acknowledgment and certification from each subcontractor Respondent recommends and submit such certification to FWTA prior to a subcontractor beginning any work under this contract.

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I, , hereby certify on behalf of

(Printed Name and Title of Contractor Official)


(Printed Name of Contractor)

(1) It will not use federal funds to support lobbying.

(2) No federal funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.

(3) If any funds other than Federal funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions.

(4) All subcontractors and subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.

This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance is placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S.C. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure.



(Signature of Authorized Official) (Title of Authorized Official) Note: Respondent shall make

copies of this blank page and obtain certification from all subcontractors that Respondent is recommending, and submit such certifications to FWTA prior to such subcontractors beginning any work under this contract.

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(Respondent shall complete, execute and submit this l form. This form shall also be completed, executed and submitted for other members of any Joint Venture or partnership or other entity created for this Project and for the Lead Architect)

This questionnaire, the requested list of references and the authorization to release financial information are used in part to assist in determining a potential Design-Builder’s r’s capabilities to meet the obligations to provide design-build services. Respondent shall submit the information with the RFP. All information shall be current and traceable.

Trinity Metro reserves the right to make additional inquiries based on information submitted, or the lack thereof. Questions concerning this questionnaire or the authorization form shall be directed to the Point of Contact identified in the RFP.

1. Name of Respondent or Business:

2. List name(s) and business address of officers and directors for corporations, partners for partnerships, and sub-contractors/consultants (attach additional pages as necessary):

3. Number of years in business under present business name:

4. If applicable, list all other names under which the business identified above operated in the last 5 years:

5. Annual Gross Revenue (past year): M=millions K=thousands ______$100K - $500K _____$500K - $1M _____$1M-$10M _____$10M-$20M _____>$20M

6. Has the business, or any officer or partner, failed to complete a contract? ____Yes ____No

7. Is any litigation pending against the Respondent and the Designer _____Yes _____No

8. Has the business ever been declared “not responsible” for the purpose of any governmental agency contract award? _____Yes _____No

9. Has the business been debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible,

voluntarily excluded, or otherwise disqualified from bidding, proposing or contracting? _____Yes _____No

10. Are there any proceedings pending relating to the business’ responsibility, debarment,

suspension, voluntary exclusion or qualification to receive a public contract? ___Yes ___No

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11. Has the government or other public entity requested or required enforcement of any of its rights under a surety agreement on the basis of a default or in lieu of declaring the business in default? ______Yes ______No

12. Is the business in arrears on any contract or debt? _____Yes _____No

13. Has the business been a defaulter, as a principal, surety or otherwise? ___Yes ___No

14. Have liquidated damages or penalty provisions been assessed against the business for

failure to complete work on time or for any other reason? _____Yes _____No

15. Within the past three years, has there been any material changes in the financial position of the business? ____Yes ____No

16. Within the past three years have there been any pending or past legal proceedings and

judgments or any contingent liabilities in which the Respondent was or is a party that

could adversely affect the Respondent’s financial position or ability to undertake this


____-Yes ____No

17. Does the business maintain a drug-free workplace? _____Yes _____No

18. If a “yes” response is given under questions 6-16 provide a detailed explanation including

dates, reference to contract information, contacts, etc. (attach additional pages as necessary), failure to disclose detailed explanations may disqualify the Respondent :

19. Business Identification Number (EIN, etc.)

20. Provided completed List of References for Similar Projects form. _____Yes ____No

I, individually and on behalf of the business named in this Business Questionnaire, do by my signature below, certify that the information provided in this questionnaire is true and correct. I understand that any false statements or misrepresentations regarding the business named above may result in:

1. Termination of any or all contracts which the FWTA has or may have with the business, 2. Disqualification of the business from consideration for contracts, 3. Removal of the business from the FWTA’s Respondents’ list and/or 4. Legal action(s) applicable under federal, state or local law.

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(Owner, CEO, President, Majority Stockholder or Designated Representative) Date:

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(Use additional pages as necessary)

1. Project Name:

Date of Completion and Contract Value : Owner Name: Address: Reference Contact Name: Telephone Number: E-Mail Address:

2. Project Name: Date of Completion and Contract Value: Owner Name: Address: Reference Contact Name: Telephone Number: E-Mail Address:

3. Project Name:

Date of Completion and Contract Value: Owner Name: Address: Reference Contact Name: Telephone Number: E-Mail Address:

4. Project Name:

Date of Completion and Contract Value: Owner Name: Address: Reference Contact Name: Telephone Number: E-Mail Address:

5. Project Name:

Date of Completion and Contract Value: Owner Name: Address: Reference Contact Name: Telephone Number: E-Mail Address:

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Each member of the proposing team (prime and subs) shall submit a signed and notarized Form F9 – Non-Collusive Affidavit.

THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING SUBMITTED STATEMENT TO PROVIDE ERP Managed Services in response to RFP 20-T014 swear that said prosper has not directly or indirectly entered into any combination, collusion, undertaking, or agreement relative to price/rate to be proposed by any person, or to prevent any person, or persons, or company from submitting pricing; or to entice any Respondent to refrain from pricing for such supplies, merchandise, service, or contract, and that said proposal so made is without reference or regard to any other proposal, and without agreement, understanding or combination, either directly or indirectly, with any person or persons, with reference to such proposal in any way or manner whatsoever.

Respondent (Firm)

Name, title and Signature of Respondent or Firm

STATE of _____________________________________________

County of

Subscribed and sworn before me this _______day of, 2019

My commission expires

Notary Public Seal Dated at

City State

Failure to properly Notarize and Return This Form with the Statement Will Invalidate Your Statement

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(This form must be completed and submitted)

Under the Texas Government Code, Chapter 2270, Prohibition of Contracts with Companies Boycotting Israel.

Effective September 1, 2017, a state agency and a political subdivision (which includes a transportation authority) may not enter a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that; (i) it does not Boycott Israel; and (ii) will not Boycott Israel during the term of the contract.

“Boycott Israel” is defined to mean refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli-controlled territory, but does not include an action made for ordinary business purposes.

“Company” is defined to mean a for-profit sole proprietorship, organization, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company, including a wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company, or affiliate of those entities or business associations that exists to make a profit.

"I, ____________________ (Name of certifying official), the _______ (title or position of

c e r t i f y i n g o f f i c i a l ) o f ( n a m e o f c o m p a n y ) , d o h e r e b y v e r i f y o n

behalf of said company to Trinity Metro that said company does not Boycott Israel and

will not Boycott Israel (as that term is defined in Texas Government Code Section

808.001) during the term of this contract.

Signature of Certifying Official


Date: _________________________________

RFP # 20-T014 Request For Proposal (RFP) ERP Managed Services

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Note: This Price Proposal is to be submitted in the following manner:

1. Entire SOW quoted as a single service 2. SOW quoted for each service:

a. Manage Services b. Training c. Workflow & Processes

Service Fee

Package Build (Full)

$ ___ / each

Package Build (Update)

$ ___ / each

Data Refresh

$ ___ / each

Object Refresh

$ ___ / each


$ ___ / each

Additional Technical Assistance

$ ___ / hour

Security Administration

$ ___ / hour

General CNC or DBA requests outside of stated hours that are not Production Outages/emergencies

$ ___ / hour

Resource Rate / hour

Project Sponsor

$ _____

Program Manager

$ _____

Senior Project Manager

$ _____

Project Manager

$ _____

Project Administrator

$ _____

RFP # 20-T014 Request For Proposal (RFP) ERP Managed Services

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Solution Architect

$ _____

Senior Business Analysts

$ _____

Business Analyst

$ _____

Development Lead

$ _____

Senior Developer

$ _____

Data base Administrator

$ _____


$ _____

Tech Lead / CNC Lead

$ _____

Senior Tech / Senior CNC

$ _____

Associate Analyst

$ _____


$ _____

Documentation Writer

$ _____

Other: List any other expenses (ex. estimated travel or other) that may apply. Signature: Date: E-Mail Address: