REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS -RFP 200 820 - Workforce Solutions

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Transcript of REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS -RFP 200 820 - Workforce Solutions

Norsk Treteknisk Institutt 1

CE-marking of solid wood products

Audun Øvrum, Norwegian Institute of Wood Technology (NTI)

CE-marking is the manufacturer's declaration that a product complies with the essential requirements of the relevant European health, safety and environmental protection legislation, in practice by many of the so-called Product Directives. For wood products it is the Construction Products Directive (CPD) that sets the requirements. In general CE-marking is a mean for free access for the product in the European Economic Area. It is not a quality mark, but depending on the use of the product, some quality aspects may be included in the CE-marking

A manufacturer must perform two things to be allowed to make a declaration for a product.

1. The product must be tested in an Initial type test (ITT) to determine the performance of the product.

2. The manufacturer must perform a factory production control (FPC) to ensure that all produced products conform to ITT.

Every product that the manufacturer brings on to the market must conform to the ITT.

Both the ITT and FPC are defined in a technical specification. This technical specification can either be a harmonized product standard, or a European technical approval (ETA). The latter is usually obtained by using a European technical guideline (ETAG).

For the sawmilling industry technical specifications have the form of harmonized standards. In these standards a system for attestation of conformity is outlined. There are several levels of attestation of conformity, and some levels require an involvement of a notified body to certify some of the tasks in the attestation of conformity. The responsibility will however always be on the manufacturer. A quick summary of these levels are:

System 4 No Notified Body, manufacturer performs every task

System 3 Test labs do the ITT

System 2/2+ FPC certified by a notified body

System 1/1+ Product certificate by a notified body

Notified bodies (NB) are independent third party bodies that are appointed nationally. These bodies can act in the whole European Economic Area, and a

ce-marking of solid wood products 2006-11-17

Norsk Treteknisk Institutt 2

manufacturer is free to choose whatever NB he or she wants regardless of nationality of both manufacturer and NB.

The practical implementation of CE-marking is in sum for a manufacturer like this:

1. Make an initial type test and establish a factory production control for the product

2. Depending on the product, certify the factory production control or get a Certification of product conformity.

3. Declare the properties relevant for the product on the product itself, on a label attached to it, on the packaging or in the accompanying documentation.

4. Make a declaration of conformity.

5. Affix the CE-marking

There are numerous wood products which already have, or in near future will have, a harmonized standard which make CE-marking possible. The most common products from saw mills and planer mills are structural timber, wood flooring and panelling and cladding.

Structural timber is defined in AoC level 2+ in EN 14081, and requires marking on every piece of timber. The quality requirements are strength class, some requirements on deformation, fissures, wane, biological features and deviation of dimensions. There are no specific requirement on moisture content. This standard is compulsory from 01.09.2007.

Wood flooring is defined in AoC-level 4 in EN 14342, and requires no marking of pieces, just on accompanying documentation. You should follow one of nine product standards, which gives some technical requirements on the product like grading, dimensions, moisture content, deviations and so on. This standard is compulsory from 01.03.2007.

Panelling and cladding is defined in AoC-level 4 in EN 14915, and requires no marking of pieces, just on accompanying documentation. It is not required to follow any product standard, which again results in no technical requirements on the product. This standard is compulsory sometime in 2008.

For some products and countries additional marking may be relevant. This is allowed, but this additional marking must give added value to the customer either by a higher AoC level, or higher quality requirements on the product. The additional marking must be voluntary and transparent, and must not be in contradiction, or be confused with the CE-marking.

ce-marking of solid wood products 2006-11-17

Norsk Treteknisk Institutt,

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Audun ØvrumNorwegian Institute of Wood Technology (NTI)


• General principles• Products• Differences• Practical implementation

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• The manufacturer's declaration that the product complies with the essential requirements of the relevant European health, safety and environmental protection legislation, in practice by many of the so-called Product Directives.

• For wood products the ConstructionProducts Directive (CPD)

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• Six essential requirements shall be addressed• ER 1 Mechanical resistance and stability• ER 2 Safety in case of fire• ER 3 Hygiene, health and environment• ER 4 Safety in use• ER 5 Protection against noise• ER 6 Energy economy and heat retention

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• Initial type test• To determine the performance of the product type

• Factory production control• The permanent internal control of production exercised by

the manufacturer to assure that all produced products conform to ITT

Is obligatory for every construction product placed on the European Market and is based upon:

Every product brought onto the market must conform to the Initial Type Test.

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• Declare the properties relevant for the product on the product itself, on a label attached to it, on the packaging or in the accompanying documentation

• Make a declaration of conformity• Shall be supplied to the customer on demand

• Depending on the product certify the factory production control

• Depending on the product get a Certification of product conformity

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1. Harmonized product standard from CEN

2. European Technical Approval (ETA)• Preferably through a European Technical

Guideline (ETAG)• Etag 07 Timber frame buildings• Etag 12 Log building kits

Harmonized product standard

(Made by a CEN-committee)

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CE-markingAnnex ZA

Position paper(Made by

sector groups)

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• - is a mechanism of the Construction Products Directive (89/106/CE)

• - MUST be done before the product is placed on the market

• - the process before the manufacturer can CE mark his product

• May involve a Notified Body

Main responsibility: The manufacturer

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• Third party bodies

• Appointed nationally

• Can act in the whole EEA

• Free choice of Notified Body by manufacturer

Manufacturers conformity declaration + certification of FPC

Certificate of product conformity

Audit testing of samples

Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of FPC

Certification of FPC

Initial inspection of factory and of FPC

Initial type testingTasks for the notified body

Initial type testing

Testing of samples according to a prescribed test plan

Factory production control (FPC)

Tasks for the manufacturer


Manufacturers conformity declaration accompanied by Certificate of product conformity

Manufacturers conformity declaration

Attestation of conformity

System no:

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System 4

No Notified Body

System 3

Test labs

System 2/2+

FPC Certification body

System 1/1+

Product certification Body

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2008?EN 15497Finger jointed structural timber

2008?EN 15228Impregnated structural timber

Spring 2009Spring 2008EN 14545/EN 14592


Spring 2008

Spring 2008

Spring 2008

Summer 2007








Spring 2009EN 14732Prefabricated elements

Spring 2009EN 14544Structural round timber

Spring 2009EN 14229Wood poles for overhead lines

Summer 2008EN 14915Solid wood panelling and cladding

1.9.2007EN 14081Structural rectangular timber

1.4.2007EN 14080Glue laminated timber

1.3.2007EN 14342Wood flooring

1.9.2006EN 14374Structural LVL

1.9.2006EN 14250Prefabricated structural members

1.4.2004EN 13986Wood based panels

CompulsoryStandard no.Product

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• In general a mean for free access in the EEA, not a quality mark

• Different meaning for different products• Sometimes a quality mark, but not always• Additional marking still relevant

Some examples

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• Based on annex ZA in EN 14081-1• AoC-level 2+, which means that the factory

production control has to certified by a Notified Body

• Declaration of strength class, resistance to fire and durability

• Requires marking of every piece of timbera) c) a) Producer identification

b)Letter 'M' b) c) Identification number of notified body

NBODY d) Strength class or grade and grading PRODUC e) if appropriate

CODE CE M f) Code number to identify documentation DRY GRADED C 24

f) e) d)

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• Initial type test of strength properties of 40 pieces if machine grading

• Strength class• Some requirements on deformation,

fissures, wane and biological features• Limits for deviation of dimensions• No specific moisture content

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CE conformity marking, consisting of the “CE”-symbol given in Directive 93/68/EEC.

Identification number of the FPC certification body

Sawmill Ltd.

0001 Sawmill Town



Producer identification

Last two digits of the year in which the marking was affixed

FPC Certificate number

EN 14081-1

Structural timber C24 (T2) Dry graded Species code PCAB Grading standard INSTA 142 Reaction to fire D-s2, d0 Durability class 4

No. of European standard

Description of product


information on regulated characteristics

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• Based on Annex ZA in EN 14342• Should follow one of nine product

standards• Technical requirements on the product

(grading, dimensions, moisture content, deviations…)

• AoC-level 4, which means that the manufacturer are responsible for everything

• Requires no marking of pieces, just on accompanying documentation

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• Reaction to fire (tabulated)• Formaldehyde content (tabulated)• Pentachlorophenol content (tabulated)• Breaking strength (to be tested

for self supporting floors)• Slipperiness (to be tested)• Thermal conductivity (tabulated)• Biological durability (tabulated)�Possible with NPD (no performance


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Any Co Ltd


Name or identifying mark of the producer.

Last two digits of the year in which the marking was


EN 14342

Solid softwood flooring, to be nailed

Density and thickness: 500, 25

Reaction to fire: Dfl-s1

Emission of formaldehyde E1

Content of pentachlorophenol > 5 ppm

Breaking strength 0,2kN (60 cm)

Slipperiness USRV 100

Thermal conductivity 0,17 W/m K

Biological durability Class 1

Number of this European Standard.

Description of product and information on regulated


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• Based on Annex ZA in EN 14915• Not required to follow product standards,

but it refers to three different product standards• No technical requirements

• AoC-level 4, which means that the manufacturer are responsible for everything

• Requires no marking of pieces, just on accompanying documentation

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• Reaction to fire (tabulated)• Formaldehyde content (tabulated)• Pentachlorophenol content (tabulated)• Water vapour permeability (tabulated)• Sound absorption (tabulated)• Thermal conductivity (tabulated)• Biological durability (tabulated)�Possible with NPD (no performance


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CE conformity marking, consisting of the "CE" symbol given in Directive 93/68/EEC.

Any Co Ltd, PO Box 21, B-1050


Name or identifying mark and registered address of the


Last two digits of the year in which the marking was affixed.

EN 14915

Solid hardwood panelling and cladding, 1200 x 250 x 12 mm

Intended use: Wall and ceiling panels for internal use

Reaction to fire D-s1,d0

Density and thickness: 410, 12 / 8

I WC PCAB 4 390 0,1/0,3 E1 >5

Number of this standard.

Description of product and information on regulated


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• Wood based panels have been CE-marked for some years

• Some producers have started CE-marking of truss rafters

• Wood flooring companies are implementing CE-marking as we speak

• Some producers of structural timber will be ready for CE-marking before Christmas

• Panelling and cladding probably in the end of next year

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• Conditions• Added value through:

• Higher AoC level• Higher quality requirements on the product

• No contradiction or confusion with CE-marking

• Voluntary• Transparent

• Is relevant for some countries and some products

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• Not yet• Additional marking will be required by

some customers still• By time CE-marking might be the only

conformity assessment for most products

Norsk Treteknisk Institutt,

Thank you for listening!