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Transcript of REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - ·...

Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), 1ST FLOOR, K.H.ROAD, SHANTHINAGAR ,


Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation

November - 2014

“Operations and Maintenance of Commercial-cum-Retail Space at Mysore central (Moffusil) Bus terminal

(Mysore) in Karnataka”






Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

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The information contained in this Request for Proposal ("RFP") document provided to the Bidder(s), whether verbally or in documentary form by or on behalf of Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "KSRTC") or any of their employees or advisors (collectively referred to as "KSRTC Representatives"), is provided to the Bidder(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP document and all other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.

The purpose of this RFP document is to provide the Bidder(s) with information to assist the formulation of their Proposals. This RFP document does not purport to contain all the information each Bidder may require. This RFP document may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for KSRTC, their employees or advisors to consider the business / investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each Bidder who reads or uses this RFP document. Each Bidder should conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this RFP document and where necessary obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. KSRTC, their employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the RFP document and concerned with any matter deemed to form part of the RFP document, the award of the projects, the information and any other information supplied by or on behalf of KSRTC Representatives or otherwise arising in any way from the selection process.

KSRTC may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information in this RFP document from time-to-time, after intimating the same to the Applicants.

KSRTC Representatives reserve the right to accept or reject any or all proposals without assigning any reasons thereof. The bidding process shall be governed by the laws of India and courts at Bangalore will have jurisdiction over the matters concerning and arising out of this RFP document and corresponding process.

Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

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Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

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1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………….5

2 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS……………………………………………………8

3 QUALIFICATION CRITERIA……………………………………………............16

4 PRICE PROPOSAL………………………………………………………………..18


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1.1 Background 1.1.1 Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation hereinafter referred to as KSRTC is a

Government of Karnataka (GoK) undertaking which manages inter–state and intra-state bus operations based out of Karnataka. KSRTC also undertakes ancillary facilities for bus operations for approximately one hundred and forty six (146) Bus Terminals.

1.1.2 Typically, KSRTC leases commercial and retail space available in the bus terminals on a case-to-case basis to individual parties. However, in the present case, KSRTC proposes to engage private partner/s for the newly built bus terminal at Mysore Central (Moffusil) Bus terminal (Mysore) to conceptualize, plan, market, and sub - lease/ sub-license the commercial and retail space available at the said Bus Terminal at Karnataka. (“The Project”) KSRTC intends to identify private sector entity for operation of the said spaces within each terminal and provision of public facilities at the terminal including food counters, shops, ATMs, dormitory and other passenger amenities.

1.1.3 Details of the Project Site are set out in the Bus Terminal Sketch & Area Details forming Volume II of this RFP document.

1.1.4 In order to enhance revenues from the Bus Terminal and to provide better facilities to the passengers and public at large, KSRTC intends to facilitate operations of commercial and retail facilities at the terminal. In this regard, KSRTC has developed/constructed the commercial and retail space at the said bus terminal: The details are as follow. Table-a: Project Site Mysore Central (Moffusil) Bus Terminal (Mysore)

Floor wise Total Commercial-cum-retail leasable

space (sq. ft.)

Sub-Licensee used space (sq.ft.)

Vacant space (sq. ft.)

A B C Commercial-cum-retail leasable space (sq.ft.)

Ground Floor 14592.63 10216 4376.63 1st Floor 43005.87 2577.28 40428.59 2nd Floor 44214.64 2577.28 41637.36 Total 101813.14 15370.56 86442.58

Advertisement space (sq ft.) 2200.00 2200.00 00.00 Parking Space (sq. ft.) 47239.00 24000.00 23239.00 House Keeping Space(exluding commercial stalls & including basement floor parking) (sq. ft)

244065.63 244065.63 00.00

Over All Total 395317.8 285636.2 109681.58 NOTE:- The floor wise details of licensees with sketch of the above mentioned floors are in Annexure- Z ( Travellator facility and Lift facility available)

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Which are subject to the following conditions. The bidder has to quote for the commercial-com-retail leasable space for all the 3 (three) floors i.e., Ground Floor = 14592.63, Frist Floor = 43005.87 and Second Floor = 44214.64, Total = 101813.14 sq.ft. The successful bidder will be allowed to utilise the available advertisement space and the parking space as he shall be responsible for upkeep / House keeping of the bus stand. However, the bidder should note that as indicated in table-a;

a) Among the total commercial-com-retail leasable space of 14592.63 sq.ft in ground floor, a space measuring 10216.00 sq ft has been occupied by sub-Licensees and there is vacant space of 4376.63 sq.ft.

b) The total commercial-com-retail leasable space of 43005.87 sq.ft in Frist Floor. c) The total commercial-com-retail leasable space of 44214.64 sq.ft in Second Floor. d) The total Advertisement leasable space of 2200.00 sq.ft in Bus terminal. e) The total Parking space of 47239.00 sq.ft in Bus terminal. f) The total Housekeeping space of 244065.63 sq.ft in Bus terminal. The successful Bidder shall enter into agreement with KSRTC for the entire commercial-

cum-retail leasable space, Advertisement space, Parking space & Housekeeping space as indicates in Table - a of the above table as per clause 2.27. The successful Bidder can sublet the remaining vacant space of 109581.58 shown in above table. The Successful Bidder has to enter into an agreement with the existing sub licensees and continue for the remaining period and to act as per agreements terms entered into them. He can collect the Licensee Fee + Service Tax + Electricity Bill + Water Bill and any other applicable taxes from the existing sub licensees. The details of which are specified at Annexure - Z The terms & conditions of the agreement to be entered into between the successful bidder and the existing sub licensees is a matter purely between the successful bidder and the existing sub licensees. KSRTC shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever in this regard. Further, the KSRTC will also not be responsible for any / disputes between the successful bidder and the sub licensees both existing and new.

1.1.5 In pursuance of the aforesaid objective, KSRTC is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP)

inviting proposals from interested private sector entities for the proposed Projects. Bidders are now required to submit detailed proposals as per provisions of this RFP document (“Proposals”).

1.1.6 As per GoK requirements KSRTC is following the e-Procurement System for this Bidding Process.

1.1.7 The interested Bidders shall download the RFP document from the “Operations and Maintenance of Commercial-cum-Retail Space at Mysore Central (Moffusil) Bus Terminal on PPP basis”

1.1.8 The Proposals would be evaluated on the basis of the evaluation criteria set out in this RFP document in order to identify the Successful Bidder/s for the Project/s (“Successful Bidder/s”).

1.1.9 The successful Bidder would then enter into an Agreement (‘Concession Agreement’) with KSRTC, and discharge all obligations of the “Concessionaire”.

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1.1.10 The Successful Bidder would be required to carry out conceptualizing, planning, marketing and sub-licensing of the commercial and retail space in the said Bus Terminal according to the terms and conditions in the agreement entered with KSRTC.

1.1.11 The tenure or the Concession Period for the Projects shall be twelve (12) years from the date of hand over of the respective Project Site by KSRTC.

1.1.12 An interested entity may submit its Proposal for Operations and Maintenance of Commercial-cum-Retail Space in Bus Terminal at Mysore Central (Moffusil) Bus terminal (Mysore) Note: Bidders are requested to clearly mention the name of the project site being bid for in their Proposal.

1.2 Brief Description of Bidding Process

1.2.1 KSRTC intends to follow a single stage process for selection of the Successful Bidder. The criterion for selection of Successful Bidder shall be based on ‘Highest Price Proposal (H1)’ submitted by the Bidders as per Clause 4.1.4. The evaluation process would include consideration of the following set of documents i.e. Qualification submission as part of the Proposal:

1.3 Tentative Bidding Schedule

KSRTC would endeavour to adhere to the following schedule: S. No. Event Description Date Time

1 Last date for submission of xerox copy EMD DD & all Annexures A to F

24-12-2014 17:00 hours

2 Negotiation Meeting Fixed on 26-12-2014 16:00 hours

Note: Original D.D. Drawn in favour of CAO/FA (Bid Security) as per RFP and to submit to this office before Negotiation Meeting.

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A. General

2.1 Eligible Bidders

2.1.1 Bidders shall participate in the bidding process as single entity or consortium of entities (In case of Bidder applying as a Consortium, certain requirements for Consortium as set out in Clause 2.2 shall be applicable).

2.1.2 A Bidder can either be a company or partnership firm or limited liability partnership individual/proprietor (or a consortium of entities established under the relevant governing law or statute).

2.1.3 Any entity which has been barred by KSRTC, Government of Karnataka (GoK), any other State Government in India (SG) or Government of India (GoI), or any of the agencies of KSRTC/GoK/ SG/ GoI and the bar subsists as on the Proposal Due Date, would not be eligible to submit a Proposal. The Bidders would be required to submit an undertaking to this effect as per the format enclosed in Appendix E.

2.2 Requirements for Consortium participation:

Proposals submitted by a Consortium should comply with the following additional requirements:

(a) The number of members in a consortium shall be limited to a maximum of two (2) members;

(b) The proposal should contain the information required from each member; (c) The proposal should include a description of the rules and responsibilities of the

members; (d) The members of the Consortium shall execute a Power of Attorney as per the format

enclosed at Appendix B-1; (e) The members of the consortium shall enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

for the purpose of submitting the proposal and the same shall be submitted to KSRTC with the proposal;

The MoU should, inter alia:

i. Convey the intent of the Lead Member to form a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) with Other Member/s also as its shareholder/s. The minimum shareholding pattern of the Consortium Members shall be as indicated in Clause 3.2 hereinafter. Such SPV would subsequently carry out all the responsibilities of the Successful Bidder in accordance with the terms of the Concession Agreement, in case the Project is awarded to the Consortium;

ii. clearly outline the proposed roles and responsibilities of each member of the Consortium; and

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iii. Also include a statement to the effect that the members of the Consortium shall be liable jointly and severally for the implementation of the Project in accordance with the terms of the project agreements. Also include a statement that, all correspondence of KSRTC would be addressed to Lead Member during the course of the bidding process.

The MoU entered into, between the members of the Consortium should be specific to the Project and should contain the above requirements, failing which the Proposal may be considered non-responsive and liable to be rejected.

2.3 Number of Proposals and Respondents

Each Bidder shall submit only one (1) Proposal for the project site, in response to this RFP. Any Bidder, who submits more than one (1) Proposal for one site, shall be disqualified.

2.4 Proposal Preparation Cost

The Bidder shall be responsible and shall pay for all of the costs associated with the preparation of its Proposal and its participation in the bidding process. KSRTC will not be responsible or in any way be liable for such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

2.5 Project Inspections and Visit to the Sites

2.5.1 It is desirable that each Bidder submits its Proposal after visiting the site of the respective Bus Terminal and ascertaining for itself the location, surroundings, or any other matter considered relevant by it.

2.5.2 It would be deemed that by submitting the Proposal for RFP, the Bidder has:

a. made a complete and careful examination and accepted the RFP document in totality ;

b. received all relevant information requested from KSRTC, and

c. made a complete and careful examination of the various aspects of the Project including but not limited to:

i. the Project Site/s;

ii. existing facilities in the Project Site’s, infrastructure and structures, if any;

iii. all other matters that might affect the Bidder's performance under the terms of this RFP document.

2.5.3 KSRTC shall not be liable for any mistake or error on the part of the Bidder in respect of the above.

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2.6 Right to Accept or Reject any of the Proposals

2.6.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP, KSRTC reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal or to annul the bidding process or reject all Proposals, at any time without any liability or any obligation for such rejection or annulment, without assigning any reasons.

2.6.2 KSRTC reserves the right to reject any Proposal if:

a. at any time, a material misrepresentation is made or discovered, or

b. the Bidder does not respond promptly and diligently to requests for supplemental information required for the evaluation of the Proposal, or

2.6.3 Rejection of the Proposal by KSRTC as aforesaid would lead to the disqualification of the Bidder. If such disqualification / rejection occurs after the Proposals have been opened and the best Bidder gets disqualified / rejected, then KSRTC reserves the right to:

a. either invite the next best Bidder to match the Proposal submitted by the best Bidder; or

b. Take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of KSRTC, including annulment of the bidding process.

2.6.4 KSRTC further reserves the right to award the Project to a single/sole Bidder of the bidding process in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Government of Karnataka. KSRTC may at its sole discretion award the Project to a single/sole Bidder where such Bidder fulfils the Qualification Criteria set out in Section 3 and its Price Proposal complies with the Minimum Consideration in accordance with Section 4.

2.7 Contents of RFP

The RFP document comprises the contents as listed below, and would additionally include any Addendum issued in accordance with Clause 2.8.

Volume I Instructions to Bidders

Volume II Bus Terminal Sketch and Area Details

2.8 Amendment of RFP

2.8.1 At any time prior to the Proposal Due Date, KSRTC may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by a Bidder, modify the RFP document by the issuance of Addendum.

2.8.2 Any Addendum shall be posted on website

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2.8.3 In order to provide the Bidders a reasonable time to examine the Addendum, or for any other reason, KSRTC may, at its own discretion, extend the Proposal Due Date.


2.9.1 All correspondence / enquiries should be submitted to the following in writing by fax/registered post / courier:

Attention: Chief Traffic Manager (Commercial)


Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC),

1st Floor, K.H.Road, Shanthinagar ,

Bangalore -560027

Tel: 080-22221321


2.9.2 No interpretation, revision, or other communication from KSRTC regarding this solicitation is valid unless it is in writing and is signed by Chief Traffic Manager (Com), KSRTC.

B. Preparation and Submission of Proposal

2.10 Language and Currency

2.10.1 The Proposal and all related correspondence and documents should be written in the English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder with the Proposal may be in any other language provided that they are accompanied by appropriate translations of the pertinent passages in the English language and duly notarized. Supporting materials, which are not translated into English, may not be considered. For the purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the Proposal, the English language translation shall prevail.

2.10.2 The currency for the purpose of the Proposal shall be the Indian Rupee (INR). In case conversion of currency to INR is required, such conversion shall be based upon the RBI Reference Rate applicable fourteen (14) days prior to the Proposal Due Date. In all such cases, the original figures in the relevant foreign currency, the exchange rate used and the INR equivalent shall be clearly stated as part of the Proposal. KSRTC reserves the right to use any other suitable exchange rate, if the Proposal is submitted in any other currency, for the purpose of uniformly evaluating all Bidders.

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2.11 Bid Security

2.11.1 To participate in this tender, Bid Security for an amount of INR. 25,00,000 (INR Twenty five lakhs Only) in the name of CAO/FA, KSRTC shall be submitted on or before negotiation.

2.11.2 The entire Bid Security of INR 25,00,000 shall be paid through D.D to this office on or before as mentioned in clause 1.3

2.11.3 The Bid Security shall be kept valid throughout the Proposal Validity Period and would need to be extended, if so required by KSRTC, for any extension in Proposal Validity Period.

2.11.4 The Bid Security shall be returned to the unsuccessful Bidders within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of issuance of Letter of Award (LoA) to the Successful Bidder. The Bid Security submitted by the Successful Bidder shall be released upon furnishing of the Performance Security.

2.11.5 The Bid Security shall be forfeited in the following cases:

a. If the Bidder modifies or withdraws its Proposal

b. If the Bidder withdraws its Proposal during the interval between the Proposal Due Date and expiration of the Proposal Validity Period;

c. If the Successful Bidder proposes any new conditions or attempts to make the proposal conditional before signing of the Concession Agreement;

d. If the Successful Bidder fails to provide the Performance Security within the stipulated time or any extension thereof provided by KSRTC;

e. If any information or document furnished by the Bidder turns out to be misleading or untrue in any material respect.

f. If the Successful Bidder fails/refuses to execute the Concession Agreement within the requisite period as stated in this RFP.

2.12 Validity of Proposal

Proposal shall remain valid for a period not less than 180 (One Hundred and Eighty) days from the Proposal Due Date ("Proposal Validity Period"). KSRTC reserves the right to reject any Proposal, which does not meet this requirement.

2.13 Extension of Validity of Proposal

In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original Proposal Validity Period, KSRTC may request Bidders to extend the Proposal Validity Period for a specified additional period.

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2.14.1 Any queries shall be addressed and submitted to:

C. Evaluation of Proposal

2.15 Confidentiality

Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and recommendation for the Bidders shall not be disclosed to any person not officially concerned with the process. KSRTC will treat all information submitted as part of Proposal in confidence and would require all those who have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. KSRTC will not divulge any such information unless it is ordered to do so by any authority pursuant to applicable law or order of a competent court or tribunal, which requires its disclosure.

2.16 Tests of responsiveness

2.16.1 Prior to evaluation of Proposals, KSRTC will determine whether each Proposal is responsive to the requirements of the RFP. A Proposal shall be considered responsive if the Proposal:

a. is received/deemed to be received by the Proposal Due Date including any extension.

b. is accompanied by the Bid Security as stipulated in Clause 2.11; c. is accompanied by the Power of Attorney, the format for which is specified in

Appendix B/B-1/B-2; d. contains all the information as requested in this document; e. contains information in formats same as those specified in this document; and f. Mentions the Proposal Validity Period as set out in Clause 2.12.

2.16.2 KSRTC reserves the right to reject any Proposal which is non-responsive and no request

for alteration, modification, substitution or withdrawal shall be entertained by KSRTC in respect of such Proposals.

2.17 Clarifications

To facilitate evaluation of Proposals, KSRTC may, at its sole discretion, seek clarifications in writing from any Bidder regarding its Proposal.

ATTN. OF: Chief Traffic Manager (Com)


Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation, 1st Floor, K.H.Road, Shanthinagar , Bangalore -560027 7760990023.

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2.18 Proposal Evaluation: Qualifications Submission

2.18.1 The Qualification Proposals of the Bidders would be evaluated as per the Qualification Criteria set out in Section 3.

2.18.2 Only those Bidders whose Qualification Submissions meet the Qualification Criteria (“Qualified Bidders“) would be considered for evaluation in the next stage.

2.19 Notifications

KSRTC will notify the Successful Bidder by facsimile and by a Letter of Award (LoA) that its Proposal has been accepted.

2.20 KSRTC’s Right to Accept or Reject Proposal

2.20.1 KSRTC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the Proposals without assigning any reason and to take any measure as it may deem fit, including annulment of the bidding process, at any time prior to award of the Project, without liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment.

2.20.2 KSRTC reserves the right to invite revised Proposals from Bidders with or without amendment of the RFP at any stage, without liability or any obligation for such invitation and without assigning any reason.

2.20.3 KSRTC reserves the right to reject any Proposal if at any time:

a. a material misrepresentation made at any stage in the bidding process is uncovered; or

b. The Bidder does not respond promptly and thoroughly to requests for supplemental information required for the evaluation of the Proposal.

This would lead to the disqualification of the Bidder. If such disqualification / rejection occurs after the Proposals have been opened and the Successful Bidder gets disqualified / rejected, then KSRTC reserves the right to:

a. declare the Bidder with second lowest Price Proposal as the Preferred Bidder and where warranted, invite such Bidder for negotiations; or

b. Take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of KSRTC, including annulment of the bidding process.

2.21 Acceptance of Letter of Award and Execution of Agreement

2.21.1 Within one (01) week from the date of issuance of the Letter of Award (“LoA”), the Successful Bidder shall accept the LoA and return the same to KSRTC. The Successful Bidder shall prepare/discuss and execute the Agreement within 15 days of the issue of LoA or within such further time as KSRTC may agree to in its sole discretion.

2.21.2 KSRTC will promptly notify other Bidders that their Proposal has not been accepted and their Bid Security will be returned as promptly as possible.

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2.22 Performance Security

2.22.1 The Successful Bidder for the respective project site shall furnish a refundable Performance Security by way of a demand draft for an amount equivalent to the Price Proposal of the Successful Bidder (equal to the respective Price Proposal of the Concessionaire for such Project Site). The Performance Security demand draft / Bank guarantee shall be in favour of Chief Accounts Officer cum Financial Advisor, KSRTC.

2.22.2 Failure of the Successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of Clause 2.20 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the LoA, and forfeiture of the Bid Security. In such an event, KSRTC reserves the right to take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of KSRTC, including annulment of the bidding process.

2.23 Concession Period and the Annual License Fee commencement Date

The Concession Period shall commence from the date of execution of agreement with KSRTC as per clause 2.21. However the Annual License Fee shall commence as per the details below.

2.23.1 The Annual License Fee for the sub-Licensee used space of 285736.2sqft as shown in table-a shall commence from the date of execution of agreement.

2.23.2 The Annual License Fee for the vacant space of 109581.58 sqft as shown in table-a shall commence from 120 days (04 months) (Moratorium period / License Fee Free Period) from the date of execution of the agreement. During this moratorium period the Concessionaire is expected to carry out all necessary activities for starting commercial operations of this space. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Moratorium period should not be extended beyond 120 days from the date of execution of the Agreement.

However, if any stalls are opened and business / commercial activities are conducted when the moratorium period is in force, then the developer / concessionaire has to pay the development / license fee depending upon utilization of space (per sq mt / Rs per sq mt). i.e., on pro-rata basis from the date of opening of the stall / conducting commercial activities.

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3.1 Qualification Criteria

3.1.1 The Bidder’s competence and capability is proposed to be established by the following parameter:

a. Bidder would be evaluated in terms of its net worth in the most recent completed financial year:

For the purpose of qualification under this criterion, Bidders are required to demonstrate a net worth as under:

Project Site Net worth criteria

Mysore central (Moffusil) Bus Terminal, Mysore

INR 2,00,00,000/- (INR Two Crores Only) in the most recent completed financial year (2012-13 or 2013-14)

3.1.2 For the purpose of this RFP document,

a. In case a Bidder is a ‘company’;

Net worth = (Paid-up equity capital + Reserves) – (Revaluation Reserves + Miscellaneous Expenditure not written-off)

b. In case Bidder is a ‘partnership firm’;

Net worth =

i) Net worth of partnership firm = (Partner’s capital + Reserves) – (Revaluation Reserves + Miscellaneous Expenditure not written-off)


ii) Net worth of individual partners = Value of assets owned by individual partners - (Secured and Unsecured debt + Investment in subject partnership firm) of individual partners

c. In case Bidder is an ‘individual/proprietor’;

Net worth =

i) Net worth of proprietorship firm = (Proprietor’s capital + Reserves) – (Revaluation Reserves + Miscellaneous Expenditure not written-off)


ii) Net worth of individual/proprietor = Value of assets owned by proprietor/individual- (Secured and Unsecured debt + Investment in subject proprietorship firm) of individual/proprietor

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d. In case a Bidder is a ‘limited liability partnership;

Net worth = (Partner’s capital + Reserves) – (Revaluation Reserves + Miscellaneous Expenditure not written-off)

* In case the Bidder is a ‘company’, its net worth is required to be certified by its Statutory Auditor.

*In case of bidder who are ‘partnership firms’, ‘limited liability partnership’ or ‘individuals/proprietors’, the net worth is required to be certified by a Chartered Accountant.

* The Bidders should provide information regarding the above based on audited annual accounts for the respective financial year. The financial year would be the same as the one normally followed by the Bidder for its Annual Report.

3.1.3 The Proposal must be accompanied by the audited annual financial statements of the Bidder for the last two (2) completed financial years (2011-12 & 2012-13 or 2012-13 & 2013-14). The Bidder should have turnover of minimum Rs.2.00 Crores per annum for the above said years.

3.1.4 In case the annual accounts for the latest financial year are not audited and therefore the Bidder could not make it available, the Bidder shall give an undertaking to that effect and the statutory auditor shall certify such undertaking. In such a case, the Bidder shall provide the Audited Annual Financial Statements for two years preceding the latest financial year which would be used for the purpose of evaluation.

3.2 Special conditions for a Consortium

In case the Bidder applying for this Project is a Consortium:

(i) Lead Member of the Consortium shall meet at least fifty per cent (50%) of the Net worth criteria so defined.

(ii) The Lead Member shall commit to hold an equity stake of at least fifty one per cent (51%) of the aggregate shareholding of the SPV in the Project for a period of Seven (7) years from the date of execution of the Concession Agreement. The Other Member shall commit to hold an equity stake of at least ten percent (10%) of the aggregate shareholding of the SPV in the Project for a period of Seven (7) years from date of execution of the Concession Agreement.

3.3 Declaration of Qualified Bidders

Bidders meeting the Financial Capability (Net worth) Criteria shall be declared as Qualified Bidder and Price Proposals of only the Qualified Bidders shall be considered.

3.4 Liberty is reserved to the Corporation to Add / Change / Delete certain clauses on justification.

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4.1 Evaluation of Price Proposal

4.1.1 Price Proposal

Price Proposal shall be the Bidder’s quote for “Annual License Fee” payable to KSRTC. The Price Proposal shall be submitted electronically in the specimen format at Appendix G, which shall be provided at the e-tendering website. The Bidder shall quote the amount of “Annual License Fee” that would be payable to KSRTC in quarterly instalments in advance, during a year. The Annual License Fee shall be subject to an escalation of five percent (5%) per annum.

4.1.2 Minimum Consideration for Annual License Fee

A reserve value of Annual License Fee is fixed as under:

4.1.3 Scope of Price Proposal

KSRTC reserves the right to either accept or reject the price proposal of the bidder at its discretion

4.1.4 Declaration of Successful Bidder

Bidder whose Price Proposal (quote for Annual License Fee) is highest (H1) shall be declared as Preferred Bidder. It is however clarified that the declaration of the Preferred Bidder does not impose any obligation on KSRTC to indicate the conclusion of the bidding process.

Project Site

Minimum Consideration

Mysore central (Moffusil) Bus Terminal, Mysore.

INR: 3,12,00,000/- (INR Three Crore sixteen Lakhs Only)

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5.1. General Submissions

The documents listed below shall be filled as per the formats provided, shall be duly signed by the authorized signatory and the same shall be submitted on or before 24.12.2014 @ 17.00 hrs. a. Letter of Proposal as per Appendix A

b. Power of Attorney as per Appendix B/Appendix B-1/Appendix B-2, authorising the signatory of the Proposal to commit the Bidder

c. Anti-Collusion Certificate as per Appendix D

d. Letter of Undertaking from Bidder as per Appendix E

e. Details of existing sub licensees Information Annexure / Appendix Z

f. Bid Security as per Clause 2.11

g. Details of Bid Security as per Appendix F

h. Price Proposal Appendix G

Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

Page 20 of 36 Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation

Format for Letter of Proposal APPENDIX A (On the Letter head of the Bidder)


Chief Traffic Manager,

Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation,

1st Floor, K.H.Road, Shanthinagar,

Bangalore -560027

Subject: Proposal for Operations and Maintenance of Commercial and Retail Space at Mysore central (Moffusil) Bus Terminal in Karnataka

Reference: Request for Proposal issued by KSRTC

Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of___________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “the Bidder”), and having reviewed and fully understood all of the Proposal requirements and information provided, the undersigned hereby submits the Proposal for the project referred above.

We are enclosing our Proposal with the details as per the requirements of the RFP, for your evaluation for the following bus terminals:

S/No. Bus Terminal Commercial-cum-retail space sq.ft.

We confirm that our Proposal is valid for a period of 180 days from Proposal Due Date indicated in the RFP document. KSRTC and its authorised representatives are hereby specifically authorised to conduct or to make any enquiry or investigations to verify the statements, document and information submitted with this application and / or in connection therewith and to seek clarification from our bankers, financial institutions and clients regarding the same. The undersigned declares that the statements made and the information provided in this proposal is complete, true and correct in all respects.

Yours faithfully,


(Signature of the Authorised Signatory of Bidder)


(Name and designation of the Authorised Signatory of Bidder)

Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

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(In case of a Company)

Format for Power of Attorney for Signing of Proposal APPENDIX B

(On stamp paper of appropriate value)

Power of Attorney

Know all men by these presents, we _________________________________ (name and address of the registered office of Bidder) do hereby constitute, appoint and authorise Mr. / Ms. ______________ ______________________________________________ (name and residential address) who is presently employed with us and holding the position of _____________________________ as our or attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our bid for the project envisaging Operations and Maintenance of Commercial and Retail Space at Mysore central (Moffusil) Bus Terminal in Karnataka, including signing and submission of all documents and providing information / responses to the KSRTC, representing us in all matters before KSRTC, and generally dealing with KSRTC in all matters in connection with our bid for the said Project. We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.


__________________________ ___________________________ (Signature) ___________________________ (Name, Title and Address)

Accepted ___________________________ (Signature) ___________________________ (Name, Title and Address of the Attorney) Note:

(In case of a Partnership Firm)

Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

Page 22 of 36 Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation

Format for Power of Attorney for Signing of Proposal APPENDIX B-1

(On stamp paper of appropriate value)

Power of Attorney

Know all men by these presents, we/I (name of partner/s) _________________________________ (name and address of the registered office of Bidder) do hereby constitute, appoint and authorise Mr. / Ms. ______________ ______________________________________________ (name and residential address) who is presently a partner with the firm_____________________________ as our attorney, to do in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to our bid for the project envisaging Operations and Maintenance of Commercial and Retail Space at Mysore central (Moffusil) Bus Terminal in Karnataka, including signing and submission of all documents and providing information / responses to the KSRTC, representing us in all matters before KSRTC, and generally dealing with KSRTC in all matters in connection with our bid for the said Project.

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.



___________________________ (Signature) ___________________________ (Name, Title and Address)

Accepted ___________________________ (Signature) ___________________________ (Name, Title and Address of the Attorney) Note:

Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

Page 23 of 36 Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation

(In case of an Individual/Proprietor)

Format for Declaration for Signing of Proposal APPENDIX B-2


Know all men by these presents, I (name of individual/proprietor) _________________________________ (name and address of the registered office of Bidder) do hereby declare that I ______________ ______________________________________________ (name and residential address) who is presently the owner/proprietor of _____________________________ is authorized to do all such acts, deeds and things necessary in connection with or incidental to my bid for the project envisaging Operations and Maintenance of Commercial and Retail Space at Mysore central (Moffusil) Bus Terminal in Karnataka, including signing and submission of all documents and providing information / responses to the KSRTC, representation in all matters before KSRTC, and generally dealing with KSRTC in all matters in connection with my bid for the said Project.


__________________________ ___________________________ (Signature) ___________________________ (Name, Title and Address)

Accepted ___________________________ (Signature) ___________________________ (Name, Title and Address of the Attorney) Note:

Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

Page 24 of 36 Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation

Format for Certificate from Statutory Auditor for Financial Capability


Signature and Seal of the Auditor with registration number



Financial Capability Certification Date: We have verified the relevant statutory and other records of M/s ______________ [Name of the Bidder], have ascertained net worth in accordance with Clause 3.1.2 (a) and certify the following:

Criteria For Financial Year 2012-2013 or 2013-2014

Net worth Signature and Seal and registration number of Statutory Auditor

Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

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Bidders may note that in case of a Partnership firm or an individual/proprietor, the relevant financial records and accounts shall be verified and certified by the concerned auditor/accounts officer/chartered accountant of the partnership firm/individual - Refer format Appendix C-1.

Format for Certificate from Statutory Auditor for Financial Capability APPENDIX C- 1

Signature and Seal of the Auditor with registration number



Financial Capability Certification Date: We have verified the relevant financial and bank records of M/s ______________ [Name of the Bidder], and have ascertained net worth in accordance with Clause 3.1.2 (b) / (c) {as the case may be} and certify the following:

Criteria For Financial Year 2012-2013 or 2013-2014

Net worth Signature and Seal and registration number of Statutory Auditor

Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

Page 26 of 36 Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation

Anti Collusion Certificate APPENDIX D

(On the Letter head of the Bidder) Date:

Chief Traffic Manager,

Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation,

1st Floor, K.H.Road, Shanthinagar ,

Bangalore -560027

Subject: Proposal for Operations and Maintenance of Commercial and Retail Space at Mysore central (Moffusil) Bus Terminal in Karnataka

Reference: Request for Proposal issued by KSRTC

We hereby certify and confirm that in the preparation and submission of our Proposal for the above mentioned Project, we have not acted in concert or in collusion with any other Bidder or other person(s) and also not done any act, deed or thing which is or could be regarded as anti-competitive. We further confirm that we have not offered nor will offer any illegal gratification in cash or kind to any person or agency in connection with the instant Proposal. Dated this ____________________ Day of ________________________, 2014 ________________________ (Name of the Bidder) ________________________ (Signature of the Authorised Person) ________________________ (Name and designation of the Authorised Person)

Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

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Format for Undertaking APPENDIX E

(On the Letterhead of the Bidder)

Date: Chief Traffic Manager, Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation, 1st Floor, K.H.Road, Shanthinagar , Bangalore -560027

Subject: Proposal for Operations and Maintenance of Commercial and Retail Space at Mysore central (Moffusil) Bus Terminal in Karnataka

Reference: Request for Proposal issued by KSRTC

We confirm that we are not barred by KSRTC, Government of Karnataka (GoK), any other State Government in India (SG) or Government of India (GoI), or any of the agencies of GoK/SG/GoI from participating in urban infrastructure or any other projects (contracting or otherwise) as on the clause 1.3 indicated in the RFP document issued by KSRTC. Yours faithfully, ___________________________ (Signature of Authorised Signatory) ________________________ (Name and designation of the Authorised Person)

Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

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Details of Bid Security

S/No. Description 1 Project Applied for 2 Amount Paid 3 Mode of Payment 4 Details, if any

Request for Proposal – Volume I Instructions to Bidders

Page 29 of 36 Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation

Price Proposal APPENDIX G (To be submitted only in electronic mode on E-Tendering Website)


Chief Traffic Manager, Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation, First Floor, K.H.Road, Shanthinagar , Bangalore -560027

Subject: Proposal for Operations and Maintenance of Commercial and Retail Space at Mysore central (Moffusil) Bus Terminal/s in Karnataka

Reference: Request for Proposal issued by KSRTC Dear Sir, We refer to the RFP document issued by KSRTC for the captioned Project. We are pleased to offer our Price Proposal for the Project:

We understand that this quoted amount of Annual License Fee shall be subject to escalation of 5% per annum. We have completely read and understood the RFP document and Price Proposal is unconditional and is in line with the requirements of the RFP document. Yours faithfully, ___________________________ (Signature of Authorised Signatory) ______________________ (Name and designation of the Authorised Person)

Annual License Fee for Project Site at Mysore central (Moffusil) Bus Station, Mysore

INR _________________(in words) (subject to minimum of INR Twenty Lakhs)


Floor wise Total Commercial-cum-retail leasable

space (sq. ft.)

Sub-Licensee used space

(sq.ft.) Vacant space

(sq. ft.)

Commercial-cum-retail leasable space (sq.ft.)

Ground Floor 14592.63 10216 4376.63

1st Floor 43005.87 2577.28 40428.59

2nd Floor 44214.64 2577.28 41637.36

Total 101813.14 15370.56 86442.58 Advertisement space (sq ft.) 2200.00 2200.00 00.00

Parking Space (sq. ft.) 47239.00 24000 23239 House Keeping Space(exluding commercial stalls & including basement floor parking) (sq. ft)

244065.63 244065.6 00.00

Over All Total 395317.8 285636.2 109681.58



2) Sketch Sketch-1: Ground Floor

Sketch-2: First Floor

Sketch-3: Second Floor

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2 2 n.PÉ.C§ÄÝ¯ï £À Àgï n.PÉ.¸ÉÆÖÃgï 30000 180000 96 1/8/12 31/7/22 10 500 CVzÉ

3 3 ªÀĺÀªÀÄÆzï. ¦ J-1 30000 180000 96 1/3/13 28/2/23 10 500 CVzÉ

4 4 C§Æ¨ÉÃPÀgÀ ¹¢ÝPï ¸Ë¨sÁUÀå 30000 180000 96 01/08/12 31/7/22 10 500 CVzÉ

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9 9 ¦.PÉ.CAiÀÄƨï d£ÀvÁ ¥ÀÆæmï ¸ÁÖ¯ï 22000 132000 96 01/08/12 31/7/22 10 500 CVzÉ

10 10 C§Æ¨ÉÃPÀgÀ ¹¢ÝPï D²ÃªÁðzï ¹éÃmïì & ræÃAPïìÀì 30000 180000 96 01/08/12 31/7/22 10 500 CVzÉ

11 11 gÀ»ÃªÀiï « E¯ÉªÀ£ï ¸ÁÖgï 30000 180000 96 24/1/12 23/1/22 10 0 CVzÉ

12 12 ±ÀĺÉèï J°èPÀ À CPÀëAiÀiÁ ¨ÉÃPï & ¹éÃmï 25000 150000 100 01/11/12 31/10/22 10 500 CVzÉ

13 13 ÀC§Äݯï gÀeÁPï.PÉ.¹ PÀ£ÁðlPÀ ºÁmï&PÀƯï&PÉ.¹.Cgï ¥ÀÄqï PÉÆÃlð 70000 420000 550 31/10/11 30/10/21 10 1750 CVzÉ

14 14 JA.J.gÀ¦ÃPï ¥ÀÄqï ¥Áå¯Éøï gÉ ÉÆÖÃgÉAmï 45000 300000 500 04/03/12 03/03/22 10 2800 CVzÉ

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16 16 JA.J.gÀ¦ÃPï ¥ÀÄqï ¥Áå¯Éøï gÉ ÉÆÖÃgÉAmï 70000 420000 506 23/7/12 22/7/22 10 2800 CVzÉ

17 17 DjÃ¥sï PÉ.¦ ªÉÄʸÀÆgÀÄ ºÁmï ¸Áàmï 30000 180000 123 01/08/12 31/7/22 10 500 CVzÉ

18 18 ªÀÄfÃzï PÉ.PÉ gÁAiÀÄ¯ï ¨ÉÃPÀì & ªÉƨÉʯïìì 30000 180000 560 25/7/11 24/7/21 10 500 CVzÉ

19 20 ªÀĺÀªÀÄzï ¸ÀÄ¥ÉÃgï M.¦ PÀÁ¸ÉÆäà ¨ÉÃPï & ¹éÃmïì 45000 270000 560 01/08/12 31/7/22 10 1000 CVzÉ

20 21 ªÀĺÀªÀÄzï ¸ÀÁ° CAiÀÄð Fmï & ræAPïì 30000 180000 150 01/08/12 31/7/22 10 500 CVzÉ

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21 22 ¦.E.ZÀAzÀæ£ï PÀ ÀÆÛj ¨sÀªÀ£ï ªÉeï ºÉÆÃn¯ï 210000 1260000 3000 23/7/12 29/3/22 10 3000 CVzÉ

22 24 ¸ÀĨÉÃgï «.¦ ¸ÉªÉ£ï E¯ÉªÀ£ï 10000 60000 100 21/12/12 20/12/22 10 0 CVzÉ

23 32 ªÉƺÀ¹Ã£Á ¤¨Á 100 nà 12000 72000 100 12/04/14 11/4/19 5 500 CVzÉ

24 30/31 AiÀÄƸÉÆÃ¥sï ¥ÉÊd¯ï «.¦ ¹AzsÀÆgÀ ¨sÀªÀ£ï ªÉeï ºÉÆÃmÉ ï & ZÉÊ£Á §eÁgï100000 600000 1800 04/03/12 3/3/22 10 2800 CVzÉ

25 0 PÉ.PÉA¥ÉÃUËqÀ ÀªÀįÉÊ ªÀĺÀzÉñÀégÀ PÉÆèÃPï gÀÆA 20000 320000 150 12/03/11 11/3/21 10 0 CVzÉ

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27 JnJA-2 ªÀiÁå£ÉÃdgï J¸ï.©.JA 11000 66000 80 01/12/11 31/11/20 9 0 CVzÉ

28 JnJA-3 ªÀiÁå£ÉÃdgï JfJ¸ï mÁæ£Àì ºÁåPÀÖ mÉPÁߣÁ®f °Ã 14000 56000 100 02/10/12 1/10/17 5 0 CVzÉ

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30 JnJA-5 ªÀiÁå£ÉÃdgï JA¥ÀÆ¹Ã¸ï °Ã 15000 45000 70 17/3/14 16/3/23 9 0 CVzÉ

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36 PÀĪÀiÁgÀ © & gÁWÀªÀ£ï «.¦ ¨ÉÊgÀªÀ ¥ÁQðAUï & ºË¸ï QæAUï 50000 250000 24000 23/7/12 22/7/22 10 CVzÉ

37 À ÀĺÉèÁ J°PÁ gÉÆøï UÁqÀð£ï ¯ÁqïÓ 90000 540000 5154 1/4/2013 31/3/23 10 CVzÉ

1 & 2 CAvÀ ÀÄÛ

170000 990000 31354

1311000 7986000 41670

Total Commercia


Vacant space (sq. ft.)Ground

Fllor 14592.63 10316 4276.63 10316

1st Floor 43005.87 2577.28 40428.59 2577.28

2nd Floor 44214.64 2577.28 41637.36 2577.28

Total 101813.14 15470.56 86342.58 15470.56

2200 2200 2200

47239 24000 23239 24000

244065.63 244065.63 244065.6

395317.77 285736.19 109581.58 285736.2Over All Total

Floor wiseCommercial-cum-retail leasable space (sq.ft.)Advertisement space (sq ft.)Parking Space (sq.ft.)House KeepingSpace(exluding