Republic vs Marcopper

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Republic vs Marcopper

  • 8/12/2019 Republic vs Marcopper


  • 8/12/2019 Republic vs Marcopper


  • 8/12/2019 Republic vs Marcopper


    Or%er/ In an Or%er %ate% :a8 *3, *5>>, the Office of the Presi%ent "rante% the a@ovepartia# 'otion for reconsi%eration, th!s9

    =HEREORE, the instant Ur"ent EA-Parte :otion for Reconsi%eration ishere@8 .R$NTED, an% the Or%er of this Office, %ate% :a8 , *5>>, is here@8

    set asi%e insofar as it %enies respon%ent-appe##ants re!ests for iss!ance ofrestrainin" or%ers/

    $ccor%in"#8, the Po##!tion $%&!%ication Boar%, its a"ents, %ep!ties orrepresentatives are here@8 en&oine% fro' enforcin" its cease an% %esist or%erof $pri# *2, *5>> pen%in" reso#!tion @8 this Office of respon%ent-appe##antsappea# fro' sai% or%ers/

    It is f!rther %irecte% that the stat!s !o o@tainin" prior to the iss!ance of sai%cease an% %esist or%er @e 'aintaine% !nti# f!rther or%ers fro' this Office/

    It is !n%erstoo%, however, that %!rin" the efficac8 of this restrainin" or%er,respon%ent-appe##ant sha## i''e%iate#8 !n%erta(e, at a cost of not #ess thanP34,444/44 a %a8, the @!i#%in" of artificia# reefs an% p#antin" of sea "rass,'an"roves an% ve"etation on the ca!sewa8 of Ca#ancan Ba8 !n%er thes!pervision of the Po##!tion $%&!%ication Boar% an% s!@&ect to s!ch "!i%e#inesas the Boar% 'a8 i'pose/

    SO ORDERED/)*4+

    In #ine with the %irective fro' the Office of the Presi%ent, the Ca#ancan Ba8Reha@i#itation Pro&ect ;CBRP< was create%, an% ::C re'itte% the a'o!nt ofP34,444/44 a %a8, startin" fro' :a8 *3, *5>> to the Eco#o"8 Tr!st !n% ;ET1-020-E? iss!e% to respon%ent-appe##ant ::C eApire% on e@r!ar8*4, *5>6, an% in or%erin" the #atter to cease an% %esist fro' %ischar"in" 'inetai#in"s into Ca#ancan Ba8/

    Respon%ent-appe##ant ar"!es that the cease an% %esist or%ers were iss!e% @8the P$B eA-parte, in vio#ation of its proce%!ra# an% s!@stantive ri"hts provi%e%for !n%er Section 6 ;a< of P/D/ No/ 5>0 re!irin" a p!@#ic hearin" @efore an8or%er or %ecision for the %iscontin!ance of %ischar"e of a sewa"e or in%!stria#wastes into the water, air or #an% co!#% @e iss!e% @8 the P$B/

    =e are not pers!a%e%/

    Section 6;a< of P/D/ No/ 5>0, rea%s in part9

    Sec/ 6;a< P!@#ic Hearin"/ P!@#ic hearin" sha## @e con%!cte% @8 theCo''issioner, Dep!t8 Co''issioner or an8 senior officia# %!#8 %esi"nate% @8the Co''issioner prior to iss!ance or pro'!#"ation of an8 or%er or %ecision@8 the Co''issioner re!irin" the %iscontin!ance of %ischar"e of sewa"e,in%!stria# wastes an% other wastes into the water, air or #an% reso!rces of thePhi#ippines as provi%e% in the Decree9 provi%e%, that whenever theCo''ission fin%s a pri'a facie evi%ence that the %ischar"e% sewa"e orwastes are of i''e%iate threat to #ife, p!@#ic hea#th, safet8 or we#fare, or toani'a# or p#ant #ife, or eAcee%s the a##owa@#e stan%ar%s set @8 the

    Co''ission, the Co''issioner 'a8 iss!e an eA-parte or%er %irectin" the%iscontin!ance of the sa'e or the te'porar8 s!spension or cessation ofoperation of the esta@#ish'ent or person "eneratin" s!ch sewa"e orwastes witho!t the necessit8 of a prior p!@#ic hearin"/ A A A / ;!n%erscorin"s!pp#ie%

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    In a #etter %ate% ?an!ar8 , *556)*+ , :!nicipa# :a8or =i#fre%o $/ Re% of Sta/ Cr!F,:arin%!!e infor'e% the P$B that ::C stoppe% re'ittin" the a'o!nt of 34,444/44 per%a8 as of ?!#8 *, *55* to the ET of the CBRP/ This #etter-co'p#aint of :a8or Re% was%oc(ete% as DENR-P$B Case No/ 40-44256-51, for vio#ation of P/D/ 5>0)*3+an% itsi'p#e'entin" R!#es an% Re"!#ations/

    In an or%er %ate% $pri# 3, *556, the P$B r!#e% that the o@#i"ation of ::C to%eposit P34,444/44 per %a8 to the ET of the CBRP s!@sists, as provi%e% for in theOr%er of the Office of the Presi%ent %ate% :a8 *3, *5>>, %!rin" the efficac8 of sai%or%er restrainin" the P$B fro' enforcin" its cease an% %esist or%er a"ainst::C/ Since the Or%er was #ifte% on#8 on e@r!ar8 2, *553, the o@#i"ation of ::C tore'it was #i(ewise eAtin"!ishe% on#8 on sai% %ate an% not ear#ier as conten%e% @8 ::Cfro' the ti'e it cease% %!'pin" tai#in"s into the Ba8 on ?!#8 *, *55*/ =e !ote in part9

    The iss!e @efore this Boar% is whether :arcopper :inin" Corporation is sti##o@#i"e% to re'it the a'o!nt of P34,444/44 to the CBRP/ The answer @8 theOr%er fro' the Office of the Presi%ent %ate% *3 :a8 *5>>, which states thatthe o@#i"ation on the part of :arcopper :inin" to pa8 the a'o!nt ofP34,444/44 per %a8 for the reha@i#itation of Ca#ancan Ba8 is @in%in" on#8%!rin" the efficac8 of the sai% Or%er/

    The recor% f!rther shows that on 42 e@r!ar8 *553, the Office of thePresi%ent #ifte% its Or%er %ate% *3 :a8 *5>>/ This 'eans that as of the %ateof the #iftin", :arcopper :inin" Corporation no #on"er ha% an8 o@#i"ation tore'it the a'o!nt of P34,444/44 to the CBRP/ Th!s, :arcoppers o@#i"ationon#8 r!ns fro' *3 :a8 *5>> to 42 e@r!ar8 *553/ Be8on% the c!t-off %ate of

    42 e@r!ar8 *553, :arcopper is no #on"er o@#i"ate% to re'it the a'o!nt ofP34,444/44 per %a8 to the CBRP/

    It %oes not 'atter whether :arcopper was no #on"er %!'pin" its tai# 'inin"sinto the sea even @efore the c!t-off %ate of 42 e@r!ar8 *553/ The o@#i"ationof :arcopper to pa8 the a'o!nt of P34,444/44 to the CBRP arises fro' theOffice of the Presi%ent Or%er %ate% *3 :a8 *5>>, not fro' it %!'pin" of 'inetai#in"s/

    =HEREORE, :arcopper :inin" Corporation is here@8 or%ere% to pa8 the

    CBRP the a'o!nt of P34,444/44 per %a8, co'p!te% fro' the %ate :arcopper:inin" Corporation stoppe% pa8in" on 4* ?!#8 *55*, !p to the for'a# #iftin" ofthe s!@&ect Or%er fro' the Office of the Presi%ent on 42 e@r!ar8 *553/

    SO ORDERED/)*0+

    ::C assai#e% the afore!ote% Or%er %ate% $pri# 3, *556 of the P$B as n!## an%voi% for havin" @een iss!e% witho!t &!ris%iction or with "rave a@!se of %iscretion in a
  • 8/12/2019 Republic vs Marcopper


    petition for Certiorari an% Prohi@ition ;with pra8er for te'porar8 restrainin" or%er an%pre#i'inar8 in&!nction< @efore the Co!rt of $ppea#s which was %oc(ete% as C$-./R/ No/SP-00121/ In a Reso#!tion %ate% ?!#8 *2, *556, the Co!rt of $ppea#s re!ire% the P$Ban% its 'e'@ers to co''ent on sai% petition/

    On Nove'@er *5, *556, the Office of the So#icitor .enera#, on @eha#f of the P$B

    an% its 'e'@ers, fi#e% with the Co!rt of $ppea#s the re!ire% co''ent/

    On Septe'@er *2, *556, for p!rposes of %eter'inin" whether or not to "rant ::Cspra8er for a te'porar8 restrainin" or%er an% pre#i'inar8 in&!nction, the Co!rt of $ppea#scon%!cte% a hearin" where co!nse# for the parties were hear% on ora# ar"!'ents/

    In a Reso#!tion %ate% Septe'@er *5, *556, the Co!rt of $ppea#s iss!e% a writ ofpre#i'inar8 in&!nction, con%itione% !pon the fi#in" of a @on% @8 ::C in the a'o!nt ofP244,444/44 en&oinin" the P$B an% its 'e'@ers to cease an% %esist fro' enforcin" theassai#e% Or%er %ate% $pri# 3, *556, !nti# it ha% 'a%e a f!## %eter'ination on the 'eritsof the case/

    On ?an!ar8 6, *55>, the Co!rt of $ppea#s pro'!#"ate% a Decision in C$-./R/ SPNo/ 00121, the %ispositive portion of which rea%s9

    In view of the fore"oin", the instant petition is here@8 .R$NTED an%,accor%in"#8, the !estione% Or%er of respon%ent Po##!tion $%&!%ication Boar%%ate% 3 $pri# *556 is here@8 SET $SIDE/ Respon%ents are or%ere% toRER$IN an% DESIST fro' enforcin" aforesai% Or%er/ The in&!nctive @on%fi#e% @8 the petitioner in the a'o!nt of ive H!n%re% Tho!san% ;P244,444/440,;otherwise (nown as the Nationa# Po##!tion Contro# Decree of *561

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    Respon%ent :arcopper :inin" Corporation was not %eprive% of %!e processof #aw when petitioner Po##!tion $%&!%ication Boar% %irecte% it to co'p#8 withits #on"-eAistin" P34,444/44 per %a8 o@#i"ation !n%er the Or%er of the Office of

    the Presi%ent %ate% :a8 *3, *5>>/)*2+

    In settin" asi%e the Or%er of the P$B %ate% $pri# 3, *556, re!irin" ::C to pa8 itsarrears in %eposits, the Co!rt of $ppea#s r!#e% that the P$B eAcee%e% its power an%a!thorit8 in iss!in" the s!@&ect Or%er for the fo##owin" reasons9

    The app#ica@#e an% "overnin" #aw in this petition is Rep!@#ic $ct No/ 650otherwise (nown as the Phi#ippine :inin" $ct of *552 ;:inin" $ct, approve%on :arch 3, *552

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  • 8/12/2019 Republic vs Marcopper


    In the instant case, it is of recor% that petitioner ::C !n%erta(es itso@#i"ation to provi%e for the reha@i#itation of the Ba8 waters/ This o@#i"ation,thro!"h its 'onetar8 contri@!tion to the ET, is however anchore% on itscontin!in" %isposa# of the 'ines tai#in"s waste into the Ba8/ Hence, since itcease% its 'inin" operations in the affecte% area as of ?!#8 *55* an% ha% not@een %ischar"in" an8 tai#in"s wastes since then, its conse!ent %!t8 toreha@i#itate the po##!te% waters, if an8, no #on"er eAists/

    A A A

    Be that as it 'a8, this Co!rt o@serves that o!t of the approAi'ate s!' ofthirt8-two ;3< 'i##ion pesos contri@!te% @8 the petitioner to the ET there isa%'itte%#8 an eAistin" esti'ate% @a#ance of fo!rteen ;*0< 'i##ion pesos in the!n%/ or its part, petitioner %oes not rene"e on its o@#i"ation to reha@i#itatean% in fact !n%erta(es to contin!e the reha@i#itation process !nti# its

    co'p#etion within two ;< 8ears ti'e an% which wo!#% on#8 cost siA ;1< 'i##ionpesos/ Th!s, as petitioner convincin"#8 ar"!e% an% which respon%ent!nsatisfactori#8 re@!(e%, the eAistin" fo!rteen ;*0< 'i##ion pesos in the ET is'ore than eno!"h to co'p#ete the reha@i#itation pro&ect/ ;TSN, Hearin" %ate%*2 Septe'@er *556, at pp/ 21 to 1, Ro##o

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    it was si'p#8 re!irin" ::C to co'p#8 with an o@#i"ation in an Or%er which has #on"@eco'e fina# an% eAec!tor8/

    In the conteAt of the esta@#ishe% facts, the iss!e that act!a##8 e'er"es is9 Has theP$B !n%er R$ 353* as a'en%e% @8 PD 5>0 ;Nationa# Po##!tion Contro# Decree of*561< @een %iveste% of its a!thorit8 to tr8 an% hear po##!tion cases connecte% with

    'inin" operations @8 virt!e of the s!@se!ent enact'ent of R$ 650 ;Phi#ippine :inin"$ct of *5520 an% its i'p#e'entin" r!#es an% re"!#ations< fi#e%a"ainst ::C @8 :arin%!!e :a8or =i#fre%o Re%/ In the s!@&ect Or%er %ate% $pri# 3,*556, the P$B r!#e% that ::C sho!#% pa8 its arrears in %eposits to the ET of theCBRP co'p!te% fro' the %a8 it stoppe% %!'pin" an% pa8in" on ?!#8 *, *55* !p to the#iftin" of the Or%er of the Office of the Presi%ent %ate% :a8 *3, *5>> on e@r!ar8 2,*553/

    The answer is in the ne"ative/ =e a"ree with the So#icitor .enera# that the Co!rt of$ppea#s co''itte% reversi@#e error in r!#in" that the P$B ha% no a!thorit8 to iss!e the

    Or%er %ate% $pri# 3, *556/Rep!@#ic $ct No/ 353* ;$n $ct Creatin" The Nationa# =ater $n% $ir Po##!tion

    Contro# Co''ission< was passe% in ?!ne *>, *510 to 'aintain reasona@#e stan%ar%s ofp!rit8 for the waters an% air of the co!ntr8 with their !ti#iFation for %o'estic, a"ric!#t!ra#,in%!stria# an% other #e"iti'ate p!rposes/ Sai% #aw was revise% in *561 @8 Presi%entia#Decree No/ 5>0 ;Provi%in" or The Revision Of Rep!@#ic $ct No/ 353*, Co''on#8Jnown $s The Po##!tion Contro# Law, $n% or Other P!rposes< to stren"then theNationa# Po##!tion Contro# Co''ission to @est protect the peop#e fro' the "rowin"'enace of environ'enta# po##!tion/ S!@se!ent#8, EAec!tive Or%er No/ *5, s/ *5>6;The Reor"aniFation $ct of the DENR< was passe%/ The interna#str!ct!re, or"aniFation an% %escription of the f!nctions of the new DENR, partic!#ar#8

    the :ines an% .eosciences B!rea!, revea#s no provision pertainin" to the reso#!tion ofcases invo#vin" vio#ations of the po##!tion #aws/)*>+The :ines an% .eo-SciencesB!rea! was create% !n%er the sai% EO *5 to a@sor@ the f!nctions of the a@o#ishe%B!rea! of :ines an% .eo-Sciences, :inera# Reservations Deve#op'ent Boar% an% the.o#% :inin" In%!str8 Deve#op'ent Boar% to, a'on" others, reco''en% po#icies,re"!#ations an% pro"ra's pertainin" to 'inera# reso!rces %eve#op'ent7 assist in the'onitorin" an% eva#!ation of the B!rea!s pro"ra's an% pro&ects7 an% to %eve#op an%pro'!#"ate stan%ar%s an% operatin" proce%!res on 'inera# reso!rces %eve#op'ent/ )*5+

    On the other han%, the P$B was create% an% "rante% !n%er the sa'e EO *5@roa% powers to a%&!%icate po##!tion cases in "enera#/ Th!s,

    SEC/ *5/ Pollution Adudication Board/ There is here@8 create% a Po##!tion$%&!%ication Boar% !n%er the Office of the Secretar8/ The Boar% sha## @eco'pose% of the Secretar8 as Chair'an, two ;< Un%ersecretaries as 'a8 @e%esi"nate% @8 the Secretar8, the Director of Environ'enta# 'ana"e'ent, an%three ;3< others to @e %esi"nate% @8 the Secretar8 as 'e'@ers/ The Boar%sha## ass!'e the powers an% f!nctions of the Co''issionGCo''issioners of
  • 8/12/2019 Republic vs Marcopper


    the Nationa# Po##!tion Contro# Co''ission with respect to the a%&!%ication ofpo##!tion cases !n%er Rep!@#ic $ct 353* an% Presi%entia# Decree 5>0,partic!#ar#8 with respect to Section 1 #etters e, f, ", &, (, an% p of P/D/ 5>0/ TheEnviron'enta# :ana"e'ent B!rea! sha## serve as the Secretariat of theBoar%/ These powers an% f!nctions 'a8 @e %e#e"ate% to the re"iona# officesof the Depart'ent in accor%ance with r!#es an% re"!#ations to @e pro'!#"ate%@8 the Boar%/)4+

    Section 1 #etters e, f, ", &, (, an% p of PD 5>0 referre% to a@ove are !ote% asfo##ows9

    SEC/ 1/ Po#er" and $unction"/ The Co''ission sha## have the fo##owin" powersan% f!nctions9

    ;e< Iss!e or%ers or %ecision to co'pe# co'p#iance with the provisions of this Decreean% its i'p#e'entin" r!#es an% re"!#ations on#8 after proper notice an% hearin"/

    ;f< :a(e, a#ter or 'o%if8 or%ers re!irin" the %iscontin!ance of po##!tion specif8in" thecon%itions an% the ti'e within which s!ch %iscontin!ance '!st @e acco'p#ishe%/

    ;"< Iss!e, renew, or %en8 per'its, !n%er s!ch con%itions as it 'a8 %eter'ine to @ereasona@#e, for the prevention an% a@ate'ent of po##!tion, for the %ischar"e ofsewa"e, in%!stria# waste, or for the insta##ation or operation of sewa"e wor(s an%in%!stria# %isposa# s8ste' or parts thereof9 Provi%e%, however, That theCo''ission, @8 r!#es an% re"!#ations, 'a8 re!ire s!@%ivisions, con%o'ini!',hospita#s, p!@#ic @!i#%in"s an% other si'i#ar h!'an sett#e'ents to p!t !p appropriatecentra# sewera"e s8ste' an% sewa"e treat'ent wor(s, eAcept that no per'its sha##@e re!ire% to an8 sewa"e wor(s or chan"es to or eAtensions of eAistin" wor(s that%ischar"e on#8 %o'estic or sanitar8 wastes fro' a sin"#es resi%entia# @!i#%in"provi%e% with septic tan(s or their e!iva#ent/ The Co''ission 'a8 i'posereasona@#e fees an% char"es for the iss!ance or renewa# of a## per'its re!ire%herein/

    ;h0 an% its i'p#e'entin" r!#es an%re"!#ations which &!ris%iction was not #ost !pon the passa"e of R$ 650 ;the Phi#ippine

    :inin" $ct of *552ati#n '& e Depart%ent '& n!ir#n%ent, nery And ?atura 5e"#ur$e",

    5ena%in it A" e Depart%ent #& n!ir#n%ent and ?atura 5e"#ur$e", And =#r 'ter urp#"e".

    [8]See Se$". 1 @ 19.

    [9]'riina 5e$#rd", Annex , p. 2B.
  • 8/12/2019 Republic vs Marcopper


    [1B]'5, Annex , pp. 21-23.

    [11]Rollo, pp.

    [12]'5, Annex D, pp. 24-2:.

    [13]r#!idin r te 5e!i"i#n #& 5epui$ A$t ?#. 3931, $#%%#ny

  • 8/12/2019 Republic vs Marcopper


  • 8/12/2019 Republic vs Marcopper


    [23]231 S5A 292 )1994*.

    [24]apter KHHH. G Sette%ent #& #n&i$t"

    S. 77.anel of !r$itrators. -- ere "a e a pane #& aritrat#r" in te rei#na #&&i$e #& te Depart%ent

    $#%p#"ed #& tree )3* %e%er", t# )2* #& #% %u"t e %e%er" #& te iippine ar in ##d "tandin and #ne

    a i$en"ed %inin enineer #r a pr#&e""i#na in a reated &ied, and duy de"inated y te Se$retary a" re$#%%ended

    y te +ine" and 6e#"$ien$e" ureau Dire$t#r. #"e de"inated a" %e%er" #& te pane "a "er!e a" "u$ inadditi#n t# teir #r< in te Depart%ent it#ut re$ei!in any additi#na $#%pen"ati#n. A" %u$ a" pra$ti$ae,

    "aid%e%er" "a $#%e d#n &r#% te di&&erent ureau" #& te Depart%ent in te rei#n. e pre"idin #&&i$er

    tere#& "a e "ee$ted y te drain #& #t". /i" tenure a" pre"idin #&&i$er "a e #n a yeary a"i". e%e%er" #& te pane "a perr% teir dutie" and #iati#n" in earin and de$ idin $a"e" unti teir de"inati#n

    i" itdran #r re!#

  • 8/12/2019 Republic vs Marcopper


    [2:]Ht i" an undi"puted &a$t tat te iippine" i" #ne #& te iy %inerai>ed $#untrie" in te #rd it a ide

    rane #& e$#n#%i$ %inera" und in #!er 77 per$ent #& it" 7 pr#!in$e".

    e $#untry a" e"ti%ated t# a!e 3B.8 ii#n %etri$ t#n", #& i$ 11.: ii#n %etri$ t#n" )37.3L* are %etai$

    and 19.3 ii#n %etri$ t#n" )2.3L* are n#n-%etai$.

    A" #& 199B, te $#untryI" t#ta %inera #re re"er!e" a" 18 %ii#n %etri$ t#n". +etai$ #re" "u$ a" pri%ary #d,

    pri%ary $#pper, $r#%ite and ir#n, ere peed at 8.8 ii#n %etri$ t#n". ?#n-%etai$ #re", #n te #ter and,"u$ a" $e%ent ra %ateria", %ane"ite and %are, ere pa$ed at ar#und 9.1 ii#n %etri$ t#n".

    Hn te 197BI" en te %inin indu"try a" $#ntriutin a#ut 23L #& te $#untryI" t#ta exp#rt earnin", it ad 32

    %eta pr#du$in &ir%".

    e eyday" #& te %inin indu"try a" n#t t# e "u"tained en #rd %eta pri$e" "tarted t# de$ine in 1982.

    Fie tere ere 31 #d and $#pper %inin &ir%" in 1982, ti" dinded t# #ny 1 in 1987, and t# 12 a" #& ti"


    #day, a%#"t a te re%ainin %inin &ir%" are de$arin #""e" in %ii#n" and are ayin #&& t#u"and" #re te u"e #&

    #ur %inera re"#ur$e" and %ae te

    %inin indu"try r it t# e ae t# $#%pete in te #rd %ar