Reproductive System female reproductive system. Inside the womb 0k 0k.

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Transcript of Reproductive System female reproductive system. Inside the womb 0k 0k.

Reproductive System

female reproductive system

Inside the womb


Combining Forms• Andr(o): male • Amni(o): amniotic sac• Balan(o): glans penis• Cervic(o): neck, cervix • Crypt(o): hidden• Cry(o): cold• Epididym(o): epididymis• Fet(o): fetus• Gynec(o): female, woman

• Genit(o): organs of reproduction

• Lapar(o): abdominal wall• Men(o): month• Nat(o): birth• O(o): egg, ovum• Obstetr(o): midwife• Olig(o): few• Par(o): bearing offspring• Prostat(o):prostate gland• Perine(o): perineum

Combining Forms• Pen(o): penis• Salping(o): fallopian tube• Scrot(o): scrotum• Semin(o): semen • Sympt(o): symptom• Therm(o): heat• Vas(o): vessel, ductus deferens • Vulv(o): vulva• Varic(o): dilated vein• Vesicul(o):seminal vesicle

Combining Forms

• Spermat(o), sperm(o): sperm • Oophor(o), ovari(o): ovary• Galact(o), lact(o): milk• Orchi(o), orch(o), orchid(o), test(o): testis (plural:

testes)• Mamm(o), mast(o): breast• Colp(o), vagin(o): vagina• Hyster(o), metri(o), metr(o), uter(o): uterus


Prefixes and suffixes • Ante-, pre- = before, in

front • Brachy-: short• Contra- = against• Dys-: difficult, painful• Ecto- = outside• Endo-: inside• Epi-: above, upon• Multi-: many, much• Nulli-: none

• Quadri-: four• Post-: after• Primi- : first• Pseudo-: false• -arche: beginning• -blast: embryonic or

early form• cyesis: pregnancy• -cidal: killing• -cide: killing

Suffixes • -genesis: origin, beginning• -gravida: pregnant female• -plasia: formation,

development • -para: woman who has

given birth• -salpinx: fallopian tube• -spadias: slit, fissure• -tocia: childbirth, labor• -therapy: treatment• -version: turning

Female Reproductive System

• Function: Provide nourishment for a fetus throughout pregnancy

• to transport ova and discharge it from the body if fertilization does not occur


• Ovaries: glands located in the pelvic cavity where ripened eggs are released

• Fallopian tubes: tubes that extend from the ovaries to the uterus

• Fimbriae: fingerlike projections that create wavelike currents to move the ovum into the fallopian tubes

Structures• Uterus: contains and nourishes the embryo until

the fetus is born• Cervix: the lower portion of the uterus that leads

into the vagina• Vagina: a muscular tube that extends into to the

body • Organ of sexual intercourse and receptor of

semen• Discharges menstrual flow and delivers the fetus • Bartholin glands: secret mucus to lubricate the

vagina during intercourse


• External genitalia: (vulva) sex or reproductive organs visible on the outside of the body

• Clitoris: composed of erectile tissue and nerve endings

• Perineum: the area between the vagina and the anus

• Episiotomy: a surgical incision of the perineum during childbirth

Structures • Mammary Glands (breasts): Contain adipose

(fat) tissue and milk-producing glands• Secrete milk for the nourishment of the

newborn (lactation)• Develop during puberty as a result of estrogen

and progesterone


• Menarche: the fist menstrual cycle around age 12• Menstrual cycle: (28 days) A series of phases during

which the uterine lining changes in response to hormonal changes

• Menstrual phase: Days 1-5• the endometrium sloughs off due to hormone

stimulation• The detached tissue and blood are discharged as

menstrual flow

The Menstrual Cycle

• Ovulatory Phase: days 6-14• when menstruation stops and the

endometrium thickens• Estrogen rises and ova being to mature • On day 14 one mature ovum is released

(ovulation)• The ovum leaves the ovary and enters the

fallopian tube

The Menstrual Cycle

• Postovulatory phase: days 15-28• Estrogen and progesterone stimulate

thickening of the endometrium in preparation for implantation of an embryo

• If fertilization does not occur, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease and the uterine lining begins to shed again

• Menstruation


• Pregnancy: the uterus grows in size to house the fetus

• The vaginal canal elongates • The uterus rises higher into the pelvis• Mucous membranes thicken to protect the

fetus• The cervix and vagina become more elastic• fertilization 3:10-4:26

Labor and Childbirth

• Labor: the process of expelling the fetus from the uterus

• Stage 1: the stage of dilation: uterine contractions begin and the cervix dilates to 10 cm

• Stage 2: stage of expulsion: the baby is expelled from the uterus

• Stage 3: placental stage: uterine contractions discharge the placenta from the uterus

Menopause • Menopause: the ending of ovarian activity and

diminished hormone production that occurs at about age 50

• Amenorrhea: the absence of menses • Climacteric: the period in which symptoms of

menopause occur – Symptoms: hot flashes, vaginal drying, vaginal

atrophy– Hormone replacement therapy: estrogen is given to

combat symptoms of menopause


• Causes: infection: virus, fungus, bacteria, injury, hormonal dysfunction

• Symptoms: pain, itching, discharge, lesions • Prevention: yearly pelvic examination• Gynecology: deals with disorders of the

female reproductive organs and breasts• Obstetrics: deals with the health of a woman

and her fetus during pregnancy and birth


• Puerperium: the period of adjustment after childbirth that lasts 6-8 weeks– Reproductive organs return to their normal



• Menstrual disorders• Causes: hormonal dysfunction or pathological

conditions of the uterus• Dysmenorrhea: painful menstruation– Causes: uterine contractions, pathological

growths, anemia, fatigue, diabetes, tuberculosis– Treatment: estrogen

Pathology• Metrorrhagia: irregular bleeding between

menstrual periods or after menopause • May be a sign of serious menstrual disorders

such as tumors• Menorrhagia or hypermenorrhea: profuse or

prolonged bleeding during regular menstruation• Caused by endocrine gland dysfunction,

inflammatory diseases, tumors or emotional disturbances


• Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): occurs before the onset of menstruation

• Symptoms: headache, fatigue, mood changes, anxiety, depression, uncontrolled crying and water retention

• Caused by hormonal changes• Ends when menstruation appears or shortly after• Prevention: increase exercise, reduce salt,

caffeine and alcohol use

Pathology• Endometriosis: the presence of functional

endometrial tissue in areas outside of the uterus

• Symptoms: pain, infertility and other problems


• Pelvic and vaginal infections• Pelvic inflammatory disease: inflammation of

the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries • Causes: pathogen (bacteria) enters during

intercourse or childbirth• Examples: Gonorrhea and chlamydia• Can result in infertility if not treated properly• Septicemia: bacteria in the blood because of

severe infections


• Vaginitis: inflammation of the vagina caused by bacteria, viruses or yeast

• Symptoms: painful intercourse, itching, foul-smelling discharge, urethritis

• Candidiasis: also called moniliasis, caused by the a yeast that is normally present in the vagina

• Causes: using antibiotics, pregnancy, steroids, diabetes

• Treatment: antifungal (myocostatics) drugs


• Trichomoniasis: caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis (parasite)

• Most common STD


• Breast cancer: carcinoma of the breast• The most common cancer in women in the U.S. • Associated with ovarian hormonal function• Contributors: diet high in fat, family history,

hormone replacement therapy, late or early menarche, nulliparous women

• Prevention: Mammograms and self breast examinations can catch it early


• Cervical cancer: usually affects women between the ages of 40 and 50

• Causes: sexual activity, first coitus at a young age, large number of sexual partners, infection with STD’s, intercourse with men whose previous partners had cervical cancer

• Treatment: radiation therapy, and surgery (cauterizing and cryotherapy)


• Atresia: congenital closure of a normal body opening such as the vagina

• Choriocarcinoma: malignant tumor of the uterus at the site of an ectopic pregnancy

• Dyspareunia: painful intercourse• Endocervicitis: inflammation of the mucous

membrane of the cervix caused by chronic infections

Eptopic Pregnancy


• Retroversion: turning of an organ from its original position (uterus)

• Uterine fibroids: benign tumors composed of fibrous tissue that develop in the uterus

• Also called leioyomas, myomas or fibroids


• Sterility: inability of the female to become pregnant or the male to impregnate the female

• Abortion: termination of pregnancy before the embryo or feus is capable of surviving on its own

• Abruptio placentae: premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall

• Causes hemorrhaging that could lead to death

Problems with Pregnancy


• Breech presentation: the fetal buttocks or feet present first rather than the head

• Down syndrome: (trisomy 21) a genetic condition where a person has 47 chromosomes instead of 46

• Extra copy of chromosome 21• Causes mental and physical delays in child



• Eclampsia: serious form of toxemia during pregnancy

• Ectopic pregnancy: the fertilized egg implants itself outside of the uterus

• Placenta Previa: the placenta is attached close to or covers the cervix and results in hemorrhaging during labor

Eptopic Pregnancy

Problems with Pregnancy

Medical Procedures

• Intrauterine device: (IUD) a small T-shaped device is inserted to prevent pregnancy

• Copper IUD: releases copper particles into the uterus

• Hormonal IUD: releases progestin to prevent pregnancy

Medical Procedures

• Cerclage: suturing of the cervix to prevent it from dilating prematurely during pregnancy

• Cesarean section: C-section: incision of the abdomen and uterus to remove the fetus

• Uses: cephalopelvic disproportion, STD presence, fetal distress and breech presentation

Medical Procedures

• Colpocleisis: surgical closure of the vaginal canal

• Conization: excision of a cone-shaped piece of tissue of the cervix for histological examination

• Cordocentesis: sampling of fetal blood drawn from the umbilical vein used to identify hemolytic disease and genetic abnormalities

Medical Procedures

• Cryosurgery: the process of freezing tissue to destroy cells

• Dilation and curettage: (D&C) widening of the cervical canal and scraping of the uterine endometrial lining with a curette

• Uses: to control abnormal bleeding, treat incomplete abortions, obtain tissue samples

Medical Procedures • Hysterectomy: excision of the uterus• Uses: uterine cancer, dysfunctional bleeding,

fibroid tumors, prolapse of uterus, severe endometriosis

• Subtotal: the ovaries, cervix and fallopian tubes remain

• Total: cervix is removed but ovaries and fallopian tubes remain

• Total plus bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy: total complete hysterectomy removing the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries

Medical Procedures

• Laparoscopy: visual examination of the abdominal cavity with a laparoscope

• Though an incision on the umbilicus • Lumpectomy: excision o fa small breast tumor

Medical Procedures

• Mammoplasty: surgical reconstruction of a breast to change its shape, size or position

• Augmentation: insertion of a breast implant beneath the pectoralis major muscle

• Reduction: breast reduction to reduce the size of a large breast

Medical Procedures

• Mastectomy: removal of an entire breast• Total: removal of the breast, nipple and areola• Modified radical: removal of the breast and

lymph nodes under the arm• Radical: removal of the breast, underarm

lymph nodes and chest wall muscles

Medical Procedures

• Mastectomy: removal of an entire breast• Total: removal of the breast, nipple and areola• Modified radical: removal of the breast and

lymph nodes under the arm• Radical: removal of the breast, underarm

lymph nodes and chest wall muscles

Medical Procedures

• Reconstructive breast surgery: creation of a breast shaped mound to replace a breast that has been removed due to cancer

• Tubal ligation: ties (ligates) the fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy

• Amniocentesis: puncture of the amniotic sac to remove amniotic fluid to test for fetal abnormalities

Problems with Pregnancy


Tubal Ligation

Medical Procedures

• Colposcopy: visual examination of the vagina and cervix with a colposcope

• Insufflation: delivery of pressurized air into a cavity or organ to allow visual examination, remove an obstruction or apply medication

• Pelvimetry: measurement of pelvic dimensions to determine if the fetus’ head will pass through

• Chorionic villus sampling: sampling of the placenta for prenatal diagnosis of genetic defects

Medical Procedures

• Endometrial biopsy: removal of uterine endometrium sample for study

• Papanicolaou (Pap) test: cytological study used to detect abnormal cells in the cervix and vagina

• Hysterosalpingography: fluoroscopy of the uterus and uterine tubes

• Mammography: radiographic examination of the breast to screen for breast cancer


• Antifungals: used to treat vaginal yeast infections – Vaginal yeast infections

• Estrogens: used to treat symptoms of menopause through hormone replacement therapy

• Oral contraceptives: hormones used to prevent pregnancy and treat menstrual disorders


• Oxytocics: used to induce labor at term by increasing uterine contractions– Controls bleeding after birthing

• Prostoglandins: used to terminate pregnancy– Causes uterine contractions

• Spermicides: used to destroy sperm by creating an acidic environment in the uterus


Abbreviations • AB, Ab, ab: antibody or abortion• CA: cancer, chronological age or cardiac arrest• D&C: dilation and curettage• DUB: dysfunctional uterine bleeding• FSH: follicle-stimulating hormone• GYN: gynecology• HRT: hormone replacement therapy• IUD: intrauterine device• LH: luteinizing hormone• CS, C-section: cesarean section• FECG, FEKG: fetal electrocardiogram

Abbreviations• LMP: last menstrual period• LSO: left salpingo-oophorectomy• OCPs: oral contraceptive pills• Pap: Papanicolaou test• PID: pelvic inflammatory disease• STD: sexually transmitted disease• US: ultrasound, ultrasonography• IVF-ET: in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer• OB: obstetrics• Para 1,2,3 and so on: unipara, bipara, tripara

(number of births)

