Reproductive strategy of the Egyptian free-tailed bat ...

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Reproductive strategy of the Egyptian free-tailedbat, Tadarida aegyptiaca, from a subtropicallatitude (25°S) in South AfricaAnja le Grange*, Mac van der Merwe & Márthan Bester

Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002 South Africa

Received 12 April 2010. Accepted 11 September 2010

Free-tailed bats (Molossidae) are widely distributedin Africa and exhibit considerable reproductiveflexibility. The Egyptian free-tailed bat, Tadaridaaegyptiaca, is one of the most widespread of themolossids and is therefore an excellent model tostudy the variation in reproduction through latitudi-nal changes. Bats were collected during 2008 and2009 from Pretoria (25°S), South Africa. In males,spermatogenesis was already underway in January(summer) and spermatozoa were first noted in theepididymis during May (late autumn), where they arestored until the end of September. From September,the testes showed little spermatogenic activity andpossibly remained quiescent until early summer. Infemales, follicular development started prior to Janu-ary with large Graafian follicles present in June.Ovulation, copulation and subsequent fertilizationoccurred in late August (spring). When compared tothe same species from a low temperate latitude (33°S)it is apparent that spermatogenesis and folliculardevelopment were initiated earlier in the year at 25°S.We propose that the seasonal monoestry displayed byT. aegyptiaca at 25°S may be the norm throughouttheir distributional range and that a latitudinal differ-ence of just eight degrees could influence the timingof events in the reproductive cycle of a free-tailed bat.

Key words: Reproduction, Egyptian free-tailed bat,Tadarida aegyptiaca.

Variations in the reproductive patterns ofbats are generally linked to major differ-

ences inlatitude and the influence latitude has onseasonal resource distribution (Racey & Entwistle2000). In temperate regions, where periods ofresource abundance are usually short, the major-ity of chiropterans hibernate and therefore dis-play a seasonal monoestrous breeding pattern

(Gustafson 1979; Oxberry 1979). In tropical andsubtropical regions, where environmental condi-tions are less variable and periods of resourceabundance are longer, there is little need for hiber-nation (Vivier & Van der Merwe 1997). The repro-ductive patterns of these non-hibernating batsrange from restricted seasonal monoestrous andseasonal polyoestrous through to aseasonalpolyoestrous (Jerret 1979; Happold & Happold1990). Furthermore the reproductive patterns ofindividual species have been shown to vary acrosstheir latitudinal range (Van der Merwe et al. 1986;Vivier & Van der Merwe 1997; Racey & Entwistle2000). This reproductive flexibility is especiallywell established in African free-tailed bats(Happold & Happold 1990; Bernard & Tsita 1995).

Free-tailed bats of the family Molossidae occur intemperate, subtropical and tropical regions almostworldwide (Bernard & Tsita 1995). They occurextensively in Africa, and in southern Africa thefamily is represented by six genera and 14 species(Skinner & Chimimba 2005). Their extensiveranges and apparent reproductive flexibility makeAfrican molossids excellent species in which tostudy the effect changes in latitude have on repro-duction (Bernard & Cumming 1997). Despite this,available information on reproduction in molos-sids from Africa is very limited (Vivier & Van derMerwe 1996, 1997, 2001).

The Egyptian free-tailed bat, Tadarida aegyptiaca,is a small (~16 g) molossid that has one of themost widespread distributions of all African bats(Srinivasulu & Srinivasulu 2007). Its range extendsfrom the Western Cape in South Africa, through-out Africa, and as far north as the West Bengalprovince in eastern India (Herselman & Norton

African Zoology 46(1): 169–175 (April 2011)

*Author for correspondence.E-mail:

1980; Srinivasulu & Srinivasulu 2007). These batsare gregarious and colonies roost in caves, rockcrevices, tree cavities as well as in roofs and anycrevice in brickwork (Skinner & Chimimba 2005).Recently Cory Toussaint et al. (2010) demonstratedthat ‘prolonged, multiday heterothermic bouts’occur in the males of this species during winterin Pretoria, South Africa (25°S). It has also beensuggested that the females of this species mayundertake seasonal movements to maternitycolonies where conditions are more favourable forbreeding, however very little work has been doneto establish the exact location of these colonies(Herselman & Norton 1980; Skinner & Chimimba2005; Cory Toussaint et al. 2010). The aforemen-tioned findings are sure to have an impact on thereproductive strategy of T. aegyptiaca. Regardlessof these findings there is only one detailed studyon the reproduction of the Egyptian free-tailedbat from Africa to date, this being from a lowtemperate latitude (33°S) (Bernard & Tsita 1995).Tadarida aegyptiaca’s extensive range, heterother-my and possible breeding migrations make it anideal model system to evaluate the interactionsbetween latitude, climate and reproduction.

The aim of this study was, therefore, to investi-gate the reproductive biology of T. aegyptiaca in ahigh latitude (25°S) subtropical environmentthrough a histological examination of spermato-genesis in males and follicle development infemales.

This study was conducted at the Groenkloofeducational campus (25°46’9”S, 28°12’33”E) of theUniversity of Pretoria in Pretoria, South Africa.The Tadarida aegyptiaca colonies at Groenklooftypically roost in the vertical gaps between roofoverhangs and outer walls. Bats were capturedwith a mist net (4 –10 m) during June, September,October 2008 and January, March and May 2009.Following capture the bats were transported to themain campus of the University of Pretoria forprocessing.

Bats were euthanased with an overdose of halo-thane and the testes and ovaries were removed.Material was fixed in Bouin’s fluid for 24 hours andthen rinsed and stored in 70% ethanol. Followingstandard paraffin-wax embedding, tissues wereserially sectioned at 7 µm, mounted on glass slides,and stained with Ehrlich’s haematoxylin andcounterstained with eosin (Coetzee & Van derMerwe 1992).

Changes in male reproductive condition weredetermined by measuring the diameter (from the

outer boundaries of the basement membrane) often randomly selected epididymal and seminiferoustubules for each specimen, using an eyepiecemicrometer (×10 Kellner). Spermatogenic activitywas qualitatively assessed according to the stageof spermatozoid formation as described inJungueira & Carneiro (2003).

Changes in female reproductive activity wereassessed qualitatively by noting the presence orabsence of primary follicles, secondary follicles,Graafian follicles, corpora lutea and the presenceor absence of a conceptus. When present, the largestdiameter of any primary, secondary and Graafianfollicles, together with the oocyte, was measuredfor each specimen. Since follicles and oocytes aremostly ovoid the diameter was calculated by halvingthe sum of two measurements taken at rightangles to one another to include both the greatestlength and width. Follicle diameter was takenfrom the outside boundaries of the stratumgranulosum and oocyte diameter from the innerboundaries of the zona pellucida.

One-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc analysiswas used to test for differences between samplingmonths and multiple regression analyses wereperformed to test for relationships. Climatic datawere obtained from the South African WeatherBureau.

The climate of the study area is clearly seasonalwith a single hot season from September throughto March (spring/summer) and a cooler seasonfrom April to August (autumn/winter). There isalso strong seasonality in the rainfall patternwith most rainfall between November and March(Fig. 1).

In males, spermatogenesis was already inprogress during January (summer) with primaryspermatocytes present in the seminiferous tubules(Fig. 2A). During March (early autumn) there wasan increase in the number of primary and secondaryspermatocytes. Spermiogenesis started betweenMarch and May since many seminiferous tubulescontained spermatids and spermatozoa duringMay (Fig. 2B). Spermatozoa were first noted in theepididymis in May, where they were stored in thecauda epididymis until the end of September(spring) (Fig. 2C). In September the seminiferoustubulus started to become quiescent with fewspermatozoa present in some of the seminiferoustubules (Fig. 2D). In October only spermatogoniawere present. Testes possibly remained quiescentuntil later in the summer.

This pattern of spermatogenic activity was

170 African Zoology Vol. 46, No. 1, April 2011

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Fig. 2. A, Seminiferous tubule of specimen collected in January showing primary spermatocytes (arrow).B, Seminiferous tubule of specimen collected in May showing spermatids and spermatozoa (arrow). C, Epididymistubule of specimen collected in May showing spermatozoa (arrow). D, Seminiferous tubule of specimen collected inSeptember showing last remaining spermatozoa (arrow) and spermatogonia.

Fig. 1.Mean monthly minimum (�) and maximum (�) temperatures and mean monthly rainfall (� ) for 2008 and 2009(UNISA weather station, Groenkloof, Pretoria, South Africa).

reflected in the seminiferous and epididymaltubule diameter (Fig. 3). There was a significantdecrease in the seminiferous tubule diameter fromSeptember to January, followed by a significantincrease to March and again to May (F5,27 = 62.33,n = 33, P < 0.01). The epididymis tubule diametersignificantly increased from June to September,after which there was a significant decrease toJanuary followed by a significant increase to May(F5,27 = 34.91, n = 33, P < 0.01).

Female T. aegyptiaca have a bicornuate uterus butshowed complete dextral dominance. Folliculardevelopmental stages up until the secondaryfollicle stage was observed in both ovaries but,thereafter follicular development became confinedto the right ovary only. Follicular developmentwas already under way by January since youngGraafian follicles were already present at this time(Fig. 4A).

Copulation, ovulation and fertilization occurredat the end of August or the beginning of September(spring), since one specimen was observed duringSeptember with spermatozoa in the uterineglands and a large preovulatory Graafian folliclein the right ovary (Fig. 4B,C). Three pregnantspecimens were also observed, each with a four-cell stage embryo situated in the right oviduct(Fig. 4D).

Growth of the ovarian follicles in relation togrowth of their oocytes is presented in Fig. 5. Thedata indicate that during the primary and secondaryfollicle stages oocyte diameter and follicle diameterincreased in size at a relatively even rate. However,

from the small Graafian follicle stage onwardsthere was a large increase in follicle diameter butnot in oocyte diameter. This was mainly due to theformation and expansion of the antrum causing arapid increase in the follicle size, whereas theoocyte had attained its full size. The data also showa significant positive correlation between oocytediameter and follicle diameter (F1, 42 = 57.31,n = 44, P < 0.01, R2 = 0.57).

Atresia is the process whereby ovarian folliclesare lost from the ovary other than by ovulation,follicular cells and oocytes die and are disposed ofby phagocytic cells (Van der Merwe 1979; Jungueira& Carneiro 2003). Atresia was observed from theprimary follicle stage until the young Graafianfollicle stage. Primary follicles underwent Type Iatresia, where the oocyte degenerates before thestratum granulosa (Vivier 1993). Type II atresia iswhere the stratum granulosa disappears beforethe oocyte (Vivier 1993). Secondary and Graafianfollicles exhibited both types but Type II was morecommon. There was a general increase in theobserved number of atretic follicles in the ovaryfrom January to September.

Tadarida aegyptiaca is a monoestrous, mono-tocous seasonal breeder. Spermiogenesis and thefinal stages of follicular development occur duringautumn with copulation, ovulation and subse-quent fertilization in late August. These findingsagree in part with a previous report on the repro-duction of T. aegyptiaca collected at 33°S (Bernard &Tsita 1995). The present study revealed that certainreproductive events, such as spermatogenesis and

172 African Zoology Vol. 46, No. 1, April 2011

Fig. 3. Mean (±S.D.) seminiferous tubule (�) and epididymis tubule (�) diameter (µm) in male Tadarida aegyptiaca(asterisks indicate significant change from preceding month,*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01).

follicular development were initiated earlier in theyear at 25°S than at 33°S. In the present studyspermatogenesis already started in January,whereas at 33°S it only commenced in February.Follicular development was already under wayduring January in the present study, while at 33°Sfollicular development only began in April. Sper-matozoa were also noted much earlier in theepididymis, during May, in this study as comparedto July at 33°S.

Despite these earlier reproductive developments,ovulation, copulation and subsequent fertilizationoccurred at the end of August as was reported byBernard & Tsita (1995). This could be explained bythe slightly longer summer period at 25°S; how-ever, at both latitudes the end of August coincideswith the end of winter and the rise of minimumtemperatures (Bernard & Tsita 1995, Fig. 1). Iffemale T. aegyptiaca were to start reproduction at

25°S earlier than August, the energetically mostdemanding period of pregnancy and lactationwould not be synchronized with the period ofpeak rainfall and insect abundance (Van derMerwe et al. 1986; Vivier & Van der Merwe 1997).

It is also possible that ovulation, copulation andfertilization occur earlier at this location but thatmost of the pregnant females then move to morefavourable areas and form maternal colonies. Thisnotion is supported by Cory Toussaint et al. (2010),who were unable to capture any females duringJuly. However, without detailed studies on theseasonal movements of the females of this species,this notion remains speculative and should be thefocus of further studies.

The monoestry exhibited by T. aegyptiaca isinteresting compared to the seasonal polyoestryexhibited by the smaller little free-tailed bat(Chaerephon pumila) at relatively the same latitude

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Fig. 4. A, Young Graafian follicle in right ovary of specimen collected in January (arrow). B, Right uterine horn ofspecimen collected in September showing spermatozoa in uterine glands (arrow). C, Same specimen as in 2Bshowing a large preovulatory follicle in the right ovary. D, Specimen collected in September showing a four-cell stageembryo in right oviduct.

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(Van der Merwe et al. 1986). It has been suggestedthat the monoestry exhibited by T. aegyptiaca at33°S could be the result of a longer gestationperiod (120 days) and a relatively short summerperiod (Bernard & Tsita 1995). However, Kashyap(1980) reported a slightly shorter gestationperiod (77–90 days) in the same species fromIndia (22°N), where they also displayed mono-estry. Although no conclusions could be drawnwith regard to gestation length in the presentstudy; lactating females have been found duringDecember in Zimbabwe and juveniles duringMarch in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (Skinner &Chimimba 2005). These findings suggest thatT. aegyptiaca could be monoestrous throughout itsrange.

The molossid family is one of the most diverseamongst the African microchiropterans and somespecies, such as C. pumila and the Angolanfree-tailed bat (Mops condylurus,) are common andhave widespread distributions (Van der Merweet al. 1986). The considerable comparative dataavailable for these species, from a wide range oflatitudes (10°N–25°S), demonstrate the plasticityin their reproductive pattern with changinglatitude (Happold & Happold 1990). As latitudeincreases, C. pumila reduces the number of repro-ductive cycles in a season, while M. condylurusalways has two pregnancies per season but reducesthe interval between pregnancies (Van der Merwe

et al. 1986; Happold & Happold 1990; Vivier & Vander Merwe 1997, 2001). Another southern Africanmolossid that displays an interesting reproductivepattern is the large Madagascar free-tailed bat(Tadarida fulminans). This molossid also has twopregnancies per season, but while one pregnancycoincides with the favourable wet season asexpected the second occurs during the cool dryseason (Cotterill & Fergusson 1993). The uniquereproductive patterns shown by these and othermolossids could possibly be related to their inter-esting wingloading characteristics and foragingstyle (Bernard & Cumming 1997). Molossids arefast, high-flying bats, that are able to cover greatdistances and are therefore able to exploit insectsthat are not as accessible to other microchiropte-ran families (Fenton & Rautenbach 1986). Studiesof molossid diets and sampling of insects at theirflight level could yield intriguing insights intotheir reproductive flexibility and should be pur-sued further.

In conclusion, even though the present studydid not show major differences in the reproduc-tive pattern of T. aegyptiaca between 25°S and 33°S,it does suggest that a difference in latitude of justeight degrees can influence the timing of events inthe reproductive cycle of a free-tailed bat.

We thank Professors A.E. McKechnie and N.C. Bennettfor their help and suggestions, and C. Scott for assistanceduring fieldwork.

Fig. 5.Diameter (µm) of primary (�), secondary (�) and Graafian (�) follicles against the diameter of their respectiveoocytes of female Tadarida aegyptiaca.


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Responsible Editor: G.N. Bronner

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