Reporting graffiti vandalism - City of Whitehorse don’t attempt to confront the graffiti vandal....

Post on 01-Aug-2018

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Transcript of Reporting graffiti vandalism - City of Whitehorse don’t attempt to confront the graffiti vandal....

Graffiti Removal Information


Contacting Council

Postal Address:

Whitehorse City Council Locked Bag 2 Nunawading Delivery Centre 3110 Telephone: 9262 6333 Fax: 9262 6490



Service Centres:

Whitehorse Civic Centre (main Service Centre) 379-397 Whitehorse Road Nunawading 3131

Box Hill Service Centre Box Hill Town Hall 1022 Whitehorse Road Box Hill 3128

Forest Hill Service Centre Shop 130, Forest Hill Chase Shopping Centre Canterbury Road Forrest Hill 3131

Sustainable and Proud of ItThis publication is printed on 100% recycled paper

Publication no. 191107007

PreventionYou can minimise graffiti by reviewing the design and maintenance of your building and fences. Large blank walls or fences attract the most graffiti, so it is best to avoid these, or use some of the ideas below to make these areas less of a target for graffiti.

• Use fast growing vines or bushes to cover the wall. Growing spiky or bushy plants can reduce access to the wall;

• Use sensor lighting or keep the area well lit at night;

• Use darker colours rather than light colours;

• Use textured or rough surfaces;

• Use high density, lower absorbency materials such as hard-burnt bricks;

• Break up larger surfaces into smaller panels; and

• Use a fence to prevent access to a large blank wall.

Poorly kept buildings tend to attract graffiti vandals. Graffiti attracts more graffiti. Prompt removal and property upkeep can help reduce graffiti

Reporting graffiti vandalismWhen a crime is in progress, call the police on 000. Contact your local police station to report graffiti that has already occurred:

• Box Hill Police Station – (ph) 9890 1376• Burwood Police Station – (ph) 9888 8377• Nunawading Police Station – (ph) 9871 4111

Please don’t attempt to confront the graffiti vandal. You may wish to keep documentation of the costs incurred to remove graffiti and regain the original condition of the building for insurance purposes or to claim restitution through the courts.

For more information, please call Customer Service on 9262 6333 or visit



Graffiti Kits

Council can assist by providing graffiti removal kits and/or paint. For more information, call 9262 6333.


Council’s maintenance staff remove graffiti on Council’s assets within 24 to 48 hours.

AUSGAR – Graffiti Database

Council has a computer software package called the Australian Graffiti Register, which is essentially an intelligence-gathering tool to store records and digital images of every reported incidence of graffiti.

Community Corrections Services Work Crews

Council uses supervised teams to carry out clean-up duties as part of their community service.

Who is responsible for removing graffiti?The owner of the property is responsible for removing graffiti. While Council is not responsible for removing graffiti from private property in the municipality, it is keen to support residents whose property was targeted by graffiti vandals.

Graffiti Removal

Always remove or repaint over graffiti as soon as possible. The sooner you remove graffiti the easier it is to remove, as the paint has had less time to be absorbed into the structure. Fast removal (within 24 hours) lessens the exposure time of the graffiti and can deter graffiti vandals from ‘retagging’. Research shows that the best way to discourage repeat attacks of graffiti is to remove it as soon as it becomes visible. It is best to get advice before attempting to remove graffiti.

What is Graffiti?Graffiti vandalism involves marking another person’s property without their consent. Common methods include spray painting, felt-tipped pens and etching on glass.

Graffiti takes two main forms: ‘tags’ and ‘pieces’. Tags are usually quick scrawls depicting the initials or nickname of the person responsible. Pieces are sometimes likened to a mural.

Impact on the CommunityGraffiti vandalism has many negative affects on the community including:

• Cost to Whitehorse City Council, businesses, residents and government agencies in graffiti removal;

• Reduction in the perception of safety of an area, with flow-on social and economic effects when people are deterred from going to an area as a result of graffiti vandalism;

• Reduction in the visual amenity of an area.

Graffiti Clean Up and Removal ProgramWhile the City of Whitehorse does not have a widespread graffiti problem, graffiti does have a detrimental effect on the appearance of our neighbourhoods and businesses. By putting in measures to deter, detect and to help clean up the damage caused, Council is taking a pro-active approach to tackling this problem.