Report on marginal external damage costs inventory of greenhouse ...

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Project no: 502687


New Energy Externalities Developments for Sustainability

INTEGRATED PROJECT Priority 6.1: Sustainable Energy Systems and, more specifically,

Sub-priority Socio-economic tools and concepts for energy strategy.

Delivery n° 5.4 - RS 1b

“Report on marginal external damage costs

inventory of greenhouse gas emissions

Due date of technical paper: Feb 2007

Actual submission date: September 2007

Start date of project: 1 September 2004 Duration: 48 months

Organisation name for this technical paper: David Anthoff

Authors: David Anthoff

Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme (2004-2008) Dissemination Level

PU Public X

PP Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services)

RE Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commission Services)

CO Confidential, only for members of the consortium (including the Commission Services)


Report on marginal external damage costs of greenhouse gas emissions New Results from FUND 3.0

Version 1.1

26 September 2007

David Anthoff

Revision history Version Date Change

0.9 9 September 2007 Initial report 1.0 24 September 2007 Small layout edits 1.1 26 September 2007 Added discussion of unknown damage categories (p. 4-5)

Added tables with discount rates (p. 9-10)


Marginal damage cost of greenhouse gas emission estimates are widely used today to inform

decision making on climate change mitigation and adaptation. The marginal damage cost of carbon is

commonly referred to as the Social Cost of Carbon (SCC). Marginal damage figures are not the only

measure used to quantify impacts from climate change, other studies have also presented total

damage costs (e.g. Nordhaus and Boyer 2000; Tol 2002; Tol 2002) and more recently new measures

like changes in the balanced growth equivalent (Stern 2006) have been used. Nevertheless, marginal

damage estimates of carbon emissions seem to be most numerous in the literature, and today meta-

studies of marginal damage estimates give a comprehensive overview of these studies (Tol 2005; Tol


Estimates of the social cost of carbon differ not only because the underlying integrated assessment

models represent key climate and socio-economic relations differently, but also because there are a

number of assumptions to be made to which these estimates are highly sensitive, which cannot

easily be resolved. Examples include the choice of discount rate, the treatment of uncertainty and

the use of equity weighting. Due to this structure of the problem, one can generate a large range of


social cost of carbon estimates even from a single model, by just changing a few key assumptions for

different model runs.

This report discusses a set of new model results from the integrated assessment model FUND 3.0 and

in particular outlines the assumptions made in different model runs.


This paper uses version 3.0 of the Climate Framework for Uncertainty, Negotiation and Distribution

(FUND). Version 3.0 of FUND corresponds to version 1.6, described and applied by Tol (1999; 2001;

2002), except for the impact module, which is described by Tol (2002; 2002) and updated by Link and

Tol (2004). A further difference is that the current version of the model distinguishes 16 instead of 9

regions. Readers familiar with FUND can skip this section.

Essentially, FUND consists of a set of exogenous scenarios and endogenous perturbations. The model

distinguishes 16 major regions of the world, viz. the United States of America, Canada, Western

Europe, Japan and South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, Central and Eastern Europe, the former

Soviet Union, the Middle East, Central America, South America, South Asia, Southeast Asia, China,

North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Small Island States. The model runs from 1950 to 2300 in time

steps of one year. The prime reason for starting in 1950 is to initialize the climate change impact

module. In FUND, the impacts of climate change are assumed to depend on the impact of the

previous year, this way reflecting the process of adjustment to climate change. Because the initial

values to be used for the year 1950 cannot be approximated very well, both physical and monetized

impacts of climate change tend to be misrepresented in the first few decades of the model runs. The

22nd and 23rd centuries are included to account for the fact that climate change does not stop in


The period of 1950-1990 is used for the calibration of the model, which is based on the IMAGE 100-

year database (Batjes and Goldewijk 1994). The period 1990-2000 is based on observations (World


Resources Institute 2000). The climate scenarios for the period 2010-2100 are based on the EMF14

Standardized Scenario, which lies somewhere in between IS92a and IS92f (Leggett, Pepper et al.

1992). The 2000-2010 period is interpolated from the immediate past, and the period 2100-2300


The scenarios are defined by the rates of population growth, economic growth, autonomous energy

efficiency improvements as well as the rate of decarbonisation of the energy use (autonomous

carbon efficiency improvements), and emissions of carbon dioxide from land use change, methane

and nitrous oxide. The scenarios of economic and population growth are perturbed by the impact of

climatic change. Population decreases with increasing climate change related deaths that result from

changes in heat stress, cold stress, malaria, and tropical cyclones. Heat and cold stress are assumed

to have an effect only on the elderly, non-reproductive population. In contrast, the other sources of

mortality also affect the number of births. Heat stress only affects the urban population. The share of

the urban population among the total population is based on the World Resources Databases (World

Resources Institute 2000). It is extrapolated based on the statistical relationship between

urbanization and per-capita income, which are estimated from a cross-section of countries in 1995.

Climate-induced migration between the regions of the world also causes the population sizes to

change. Immigrants are assumed to assimilate immediately and completely with the respective host


The tangible impacts are dead-weight losses to the economy. Consumption and investment are

reduced without changing the savings rate. As a result, climate change reduces long-term economic

growth, although consumption is particularly affected in the short-term. Economic growth is also

reduced by carbon dioxide abatement measures. The energy intensity of the economy and the

carbon intensity of the energy supply autonomously decrease over time.

The endogenous parts of FUND consist of the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide,

methane and nitrous oxide, the global mean temperature, the impact of carbon dioxide emission


reductions on the economy and on emissions, and the impact of the damages to the economy and

the population caused by climate change. Methane and nitrous oxide are taken up in the

atmosphere, and then geometrically depleted. The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide,

measured in parts per million by volume, is represented by the five-box model of Maier-Reimer and

Hasselmann (1987). Its parameters are taken from Hammitt et al. (1992). The model also contains

sulphur emissions (Tol 2006).

The radiative forcing of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and sulphur aerosols is determined

based on Shine et al. (Shine, Derwent et al. 1990). The global mean temperature T is governed by a

geometric build-up to its equilibrium (determined by the radiative forcing RF), with a half-life of 50

years. In the base case, the global mean temperature rises in equilibrium by 2.5°C for a doubling of

carbon dioxide equivalents. Regional temperature follows from multiplying the global mean

temperature by a fixed factor, which corresponds to the spatial climate change pattern averaged

over 14 GCMs (Mendelsohn, Morrison et al. 2000). The global mean sea level is also geometric, with

its equilibrium level determined by the temperature and a half-life of 50 years. Both temperature

and sea level are calibrated to correspond to the best guess temperature and sea level for the IS92a

scenario of Kattenberg et al.(1996).

The climate impact module, based on Tol (2002; 2002) includes the following categories: agriculture,

forestry, sea level rise, cardiovascular and respiratory disorders related to cold and heat stress,

malaria, dengue fever, schistosomiasis, diarrhoea, energy consumption, water resources, and

unmanaged ecosystems. There has been some discussion of other damage categories in the

literature (cf. section 3.2.1 in Watkiss, Anthoff et al. 2005), but neither have they been modeled in a

quantitative way, nor can one even strictly say whether they will be damages or benefits. Such

damage categories are not included in FUND, but it would be pure speculation to say that this biases

the damage estimates up or down or whether they would make a large or small difference to the

results. Climate change related damages can be attributed to either the rate of change


(benchmarked at 0.04°C/yr) or the level of change (benchmarked at 1.0°C). Damages from the rate of

temperature change slowly fade, reflecting adaptation (cf. Tol 2002).

People can die prematurely due to temperature stress or vector-borne diseases, or they can migrate

because of sea level rise. Like all impacts of climate change, these effects are monetized. The value of

a statistical life is set to be 200 times the annual per capita income. The resulting value of a statistical

life lies in the middle of the observed range of values in the literature (cf. Cline 1992). The value of

emigration is set to be 3 times the per capita income (Tol 1995; Tol 1996), the value of immigration is

40 per cent of the per capita income in the host region (Cline 1992). Losses of dryland and wetlands

due to sea level rise are modelled explicitly. The monetary value of a loss of one square kilometre of

dryland was on average $4 million in OECD countries in 1990 (cf. Fankhauser 1994). Dryland value is

assumed to be proportional to GDP per square kilometre. Wetland losses are valued at $2 million per

square kilometre on average in the OECD in 1990 (cf. Fankhauser 1994). The wetland value is

assumed to have logistic relation to per capita income. Coastal protection is based on cost-benefit

analysis, including the value of additional wetland lost due to the construction of dikes and

subsequent coastal squeeze.

Other impact categories, such as agriculture, forestry, energy, water, and ecosystems, are directly

expressed in monetary values without an intermediate layer of impacts measured in their ‘natural’

units (cf. Tol 2002). Impacts of climate change on energy consumption, agriculture, and

cardiovascular and respiratory diseases explicitly recognize that there is a climatic optimum, which is

determined by a variety of factors, including plant physiology and the behavior of farmers. Impacts

are positive or negative depending on whether the actual climate conditions are moving closer to or

away from that optimum climate. Impacts are larger if the initial climate conditions are further away

from the optimum climate. The optimum climate is of importance with regard to the potential

impacts. The actual impacts lag behind the potential impacts, depending on the speed of adaptation.

The impacts of not being fully adapted to new climate conditions are always negative (cf. Tol 2002).


The impacts of climate change on coastal zones, forestry, unmanaged ecosystems, water resources,

diarrhoea malaria, dengue fever, and schistosomiasis are modelled as simple power functions.

Impacts are either negative or positive, and they do not change sign (cf. Tol 2002).

Vulnerability to climate change changes with population growth, economic growth, and technological

progress. Some systems are expected to become more vulnerable, such as water resources (with

population growth), heat-related disorders (with urbanization), and ecosystems and health (with

higher per capita incomes). Other systems are projected to become less vulnerable, such as energy

consumption (with technological progress), agriculture (with economic growth) and vector- and

water-borne diseases (with improved health care) (cf. Tol 2002).

Dimensions of results

The set of results for this model exercise is fairly large. This section will attempt to categorize the

results along various dimensions, explain the parameter choices made for each dimension and give

recommendations on what values should be considered for policy decisions in what way. It will not

attempted to give a full theoretical foundation for all possible parameter choices, but where

adequate references to the appropriate background literature are given. This section is best thought

of as guideline to the result set, it should enable consumers of the accompanying data sets to pick

the right number for further applications from the set of estimates provided.

Physical dimensions

Different gases

This study not only calculates the social cost of carbon, i.e. the marginal damage from an extra ton of

carbon emission, but in addition includes estimates for three other greenhouse gases as well: The

marginal damage of CH4, N2O and SF6 emissions. The procedure to calculate the four marginal

damage figures for the four gases is exactly the same, in each case the model is run twice and the

second run is perturbed by a small, marginal extra emission of the specific gas, after which the

difference in damages between the runs is produced to come to a marginal damage estimate.



The proper value to look at depends on what gas is emitted in a project, the corresponding marginal

damage figure for that gas should be used.

Different emission periods

Marginal damage estimates are also calculated for different marginal emission periods, in particular

for various emission periods over the next century. It is well known that an extra ton of greenhouse

gas emission today has a different impact on societies than an extra ton of the same greenhouse gas

emission at a later point in time. The main reason for this is the increase in greenhouse gas

concentrations in the atmosphere due to the baseline socio-economic scenario and the non-linear

response of damages to greenhouse gas concentration changes in the atmosphere.

The marginal damage estimates over time start in the year 2005 for this report and are then

calculated in ten year steps up to the year 2095. Ideally one would want to include damages from the

same time span after the date of the marginal emission for all these estimates. Assuming for example

that one is looking at a 300 year time frame, one would ideally want marginal damage estimates that

include all damages caused by the extra emission that occur in the next 300 years after the marginal

emission, e.g. one would want the marginal damage estimates for the year 2015 to include damages

in the years 2015-2315 and estimates for the year 2045 to include damages in the years 2045-2345.

The results presented in this paper do not follow this theoretical ideal, rather the cut of point is

always the end of the time period the model runs to, i.e. damages are always taken into account up

to the year 2300. This is a pragmatic approach, mainly chosen because the model is not build to run

longer than to the year 2300 and at the same time the wish to not artificially truncate marginal

damage estimates for early periods at an earlier date (i.e. one could have limited the damages

considered for SCC figures to the next 200 years after the marginal emission), in particular given that

significant portions of the damage only occur in later time periods.



In a cost-benefit analysis one should look at the precise year a particular emission is expected to

happen and use the marginal damage emission for that time period when calculating the damages

caused by the project.

Preference dimensions

Implicitly or explicitly any marginal damage estimate of climate change is based on some ranking of

outcomes, i.e. is based on some preference ordering that a potential decision maker is assumed to

hold. There is no consensus on what the “right” or correct preference order should be, and indeed it

is commonly assumed that this question is one that cannot be answered by simple scientific

investigation. In particular, economics as a discipline can only to some degree help with the choice of

preference ordering a decision maker should hold: It can mainly test a given preference ordering for

consistency with for example opinions hold by the public or consistency with other decisions already


For this reason this report presents a variety of results assuming different preference orders, mainly

along two dimension of choice: Discounting and equity weighting.


FUND uses the usual Ramsey style discounting, that is the actually discount rate used for discounting

the marginal damage figures is calculated as a combination of the consumption growth rate, the risk

aversion or more general curvature of the utility function parameter and the pure rate of time

preference (also called the utility discount rate). Following most of the literature, the risk aversion

parameter is always set to 1, so that the final discount factor 𝐷𝐹𝑡 ,𝑟 for time 𝑡 and region 𝑟 is

𝐷𝐹𝑡 ,𝑟 =1

1 + 𝜌 + 𝑔𝑖 ,𝑟𝑡𝑖=0

where 𝑔𝑡 ,𝑟 is the per capita consumption growth rate in region 𝑟 at time 𝑡 and 𝜌 is the pure rate of

time preference. The results presented in this report are calculated for three different choices of


pure rate of time preference, namely 0%, 1% and 3%. The choice of time preference rate constitutes

a real change in the preference order which implicitly underlies the cost-benefit analysis and from

which the discount factor is derived.

The effective discount rates used even for a specific pure rate of time preference varies over time

and region, since per capita consumption growth rates vary over time and by region. To enable some

comparison with other studies, selected equivalent constant consumption discount rates1 for results

that are discounted back to the year 2005 are presented in the following tables:


2006 1.7% 1.9% 1.9% 2.0% 2.0% 2.8% 2.8% 1.1% 1.6% 1.6% 2.8% 3.4% 3.4% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6%

2050 1.5% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 3.0% 3.0% 2.3% 2.4% 2.4% 2.5% 2.5% 2.9% 2.4% 2.4% 2.4%

2100 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.4% 2.4% 2.4% 2.4% 2.4% 2.8% 2.4% 2.4% 2.4%

2150 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.8% 1.8% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 2.3% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1%

2200 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.6% 1.6% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 2.0% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8%

2250 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 1.4% 1.4% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 1.8% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6%

Table 1: Equivalent constant discount rates for pure rate of time preference of 0%


2006 2.7% 2.9% 2.9% 3.0% 3.0% 3.8% 3.8% 2.1% 2.6% 2.6% 3.8% 4.4% 4.4% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6%

2050 2.5% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% 4.0% 4.0% 3.3% 3.4% 3.4% 3.5% 3.5% 3.9% 3.4% 3.4% 3.4%

2100 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 3.3% 3.3% 3.4% 3.4% 3.4% 3.4% 3.4% 3.8% 3.4% 3.4% 3.4%

2150 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 2.8% 2.8% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% 3.3% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1%

2200 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.6% 2.6% 2.8% 2.8% 2.8% 2.8% 2.8% 3.0% 2.8% 2.8% 2.8%

2250 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% 1.9% 2.4% 2.4% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% 2.8% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6%

Table 2: Equivalent constant discount rates for pure rate of time preference of 1%

1 The equivalent constant consumption discount rate 𝐸𝐷𝑅𝑡 ,𝑟 for the year 𝑡 and region 𝑟 is defined as follows:


1+𝐸𝐷𝑅𝑡 ,𝑟 𝑡 =


1+𝜌+𝑔𝑖 ,𝑟𝑡𝑖=0

, where 𝜌 is the pure rate of time preference and 𝑔𝑡 ,𝑟 is the average per capita growth

rate in year 𝑡 in region 𝑟.



2006 4.7% 4.9% 4.9% 5.0% 5.0% 5.8% 5.8% 4.1% 4.6% 4.6% 5.8% 6.4% 6.4% 4.6% 4.6% 4.6%

2050 4.5% 4.6% 4.6% 4.6% 4.6% 6.0% 6.0% 5.3% 5.4% 5.4% 5.5% 5.5% 5.9% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4%

2100 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 4.3% 5.3% 5.3% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4% 5.8% 5.4% 5.4% 5.4%

2150 4.1% 4.1% 4.1% 4.1% 4.1% 4.8% 4.8% 5.1% 5.1% 5.1% 5.1% 5.1% 5.3% 5.1% 5.1% 5.1%

2200 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.6% 4.6% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8% 5.0% 4.8% 4.8% 4.8%

2250 3.9% 3.9% 3.9% 3.9% 3.9% 4.4% 4.4% 4.6% 4.6% 4.6% 4.6% 4.6% 4.8% 4.6% 4.6% 4.6%

Table 3: Equivalent constant discount rates for pure rate of time preference of 3%

In recent years it has also been argued that discount rates should be declining (Weitzman 1998;

Weitzman 2001; Pearce, Groom et al. 2003; Groom, Hepburn et al. 2005), mainly because the future

is uncertain. Such results are present in this report in two ways: For probabilistic runs, i.e. results

from Monte Carlo simulations, this will effectively happen automatically, since the discount rate is

derived from an uncertain consumption growth rate. That is, for probabilistic runs, the stochastic

discount rate will be declining for constant pure rate of time preference choices. For deterministic, so

called “Best Guess” results, this report contains results that are discounted with a declining discount

rate according to the UK Greenbook guidelines for long term discounting (see H.M. Treasury 2003

annex 6 for the detailed discount rate schedule). Note the declining discounting numbers are only

explicitly presented for best guess results, because for probabilistic runs all discounting schemes will

essentially have a declining discount rate. Also note that it is unclear how one would combine equity

weights with a declining discount rate in a deterministic setting, so that no such results are



If one wants to come up with climate change policies that are consistent with expressed preferences

of consumers and other observed decision of national policy makers, it is essential to use a discount

rate that is somewhere close to observed interest rates. In combination with the parameter chosen

for the curvature of the utility function for FUND, the standard approach would be to use a 3% pure

rate of time preference. In order to account for the fact that uncertain discount rates decline, one

should ideally use probabilistic results, or, if that is not possible, use the declining discount rate



Results with 0% pure rate of time preference might be a helpful reminder what a decision maker who

has no preference for the current generation would do.

Equity weighting

Besides discounting, where the problem is to pick a representation of a preference order that fits a

decision makers intertemporal substitutability of consumption, there is a choice between attitudes

towards inequality within a generation, i.e. towards inequality between people. In an integrated

assessment model like FUND, with coarse geographical resolution, this is represented as an attitude

towards inequality in average per capita income between different regions.

For this report, two different schemes are used. One is commonly referred to as results that are

“equity weighted”, the other as results without equity weights. For results that are equity weighted,

there is a further question of how to present such numbers, in particular the question of

normalization. But the choice of normalization is not a choice between different preference orders, it

simply is a choice between different units of presenting equity weighted results. The question of

normalization will therefore be discussed in more detail in the section on presentation dimensions.

The difference between equity weighted and non equity weighted social cost of carbon estimates is

best demonstrated by looking at the underlying welfare functions for the two schemes. Equity

weighted social cost of carbon figures follow directly from a standard, utilitarian welfare function of a

global, benevolent planner:

𝑊𝑒𝑤 = 𝑈 𝐶𝑡 ,𝑟 𝑃𝑡 ,𝑟 1 + 𝜌 −𝑡




where 𝑇 is the end of the time period considered, 𝑈 ⋅ is the utility function, 𝐶𝑡,𝑟 is average per capita

income and 𝑃𝑡 ,𝑟 is population in region 𝑟 at time 𝑡 and 𝜌 is the pure rate of time preference. Note

that there aren’t any weights in this welfare function. If one derives the equation for the social cost

of carbon from this welfare function (see Anthoff, Hepburn et al. 2006 for a detailed derivation), one



𝑆𝐶𝐶𝑒𝑤 = 𝐶0

𝐶0,𝑟 𝐷𝑡,𝑟


1 + 𝜌 + 𝑔𝑖 ,𝑟𝑡𝑖=0



where 𝐶𝑡 is world average per capita income at time 𝑡 and 𝐷𝑡 ,𝑟 is the consumption loss in region 𝑟 at

time 𝑡 caused by the marginal emission of the greenhouse gas. The term “equity weighted” comes

from the equity weight 𝐶0/𝐶0,𝑟 in the social cost of carbon equation, i.e. the weight is present in the

SCC calculation, not in the welfare function.

The equity weight has an appealing interpretation: It gives damages in low income regions more

weight than damages in high income regions and that corresponds nicely with the notion of marginal

declining utility of consumption: The higher the income level of an agent is, the less welfare loss he

or she has from the same absolute loss of income, i.e. the same absolute loss of income causes a

higher welfare loss for a poor agent than for a rich agent.

While the welfare function underpinning the equity weighted marginal damage figures is ethically

appealing, there is a huge difficulty in using it for public policy: It is quite obvious that no national

decision maker (or for this matter groups of nations like the European Union) is even close to operate

by the assumed preference order from which equity weighted social cost of carbon figures follow.

The most simple thought experiment one can do to understand why is to think what the optimal

income redistribution following from the underlying welfare function would look like. The answer is

clear: A decision maker having a preference order which is represented by the 𝑊𝑒𝑤 welfare function

would engage in massive income redistributions from high income countries to low income

countries, on a scale that is clearly not the case when one looks at actual decision made by bodies

like the European Union. If the European Union had a preference ordering like 𝑊𝑒𝑤 , one would

expect to see huge income transfers from the EU to very poor countries, orders of magnitudes over

and above what happens in development programs.

If one does not want to implicitly assume a welfare function for which the optimal solution would be

to change the income distribution of the world in the most fundamental way, an alternative is to only


look at efficiency and correct the externality failure which the greenhouse gas caused damage is. In

this case the equation to calculate the marginal cost of greenhouse gas emissions is just the standard

present value of the damages:

𝑆𝐶𝐶 = 𝐷𝑡,𝑟


1 + 𝜌 + 𝑔𝑖,𝑟𝑡𝑖=0



More recently even more schemes for a national decision maker have been presented that

investigate more social welfare functions (Anthoff and Tol 2007), but no such results are presented in

this report.


The use of equity weights is not suggested for a regional decision maker, given that one has to

assume a preference order for that decision maker that seems not to be present. As with a low pure

rate of time preference, they might serve as a helpful reminder of what a truly benevolent global

decision maker would do.

Presentation dimensions

Results in this report are presented for different discounting base years and for different equity

weighting normalizations. The various options along these dimensions are best thought of as choices

of presentation, not as a choice between preference orderings. While the numerical figures for

marginal damage estimates that are discounted to different base years might differ widely, they

really represent the same underlying result, i.e. if they are used properly in follow up analysis, it

doesn’t matter to which base year a figure is discounted. This of course implies that in follow up

studies there are certain rules to be followed depending on the choice presentation one has made

for the marginal damage estimate. In this section the choices for discounting base year and equity

weighting normalization are investigated and explained.


Discounting base year

Marginal damage estimates of greenhouse gas emissions differ depending on the timing of the

marginal emission. Therefore, this report presents marginal damage estimates for different emission

years, i.e. marginal damage estimates over time. For marginal damage estimates in the present, it is

natural to discount them to the present, but once one looks at marginal emissions at a later time, the

question arises as to what base year one should pick for the discounting. Two choices emerge: One

can either discount everything back to the present, or one can discount back to the year of emission.

Assuming that 𝑡 = 0 is the present and that one is looking at the marginal damage from an emission

at a later time 𝑡∗ > 0, the marginal damage estimate without equity weighting, discounted to the

present is given by

𝑆𝐶𝐶0 = 𝐷𝑡 ,𝑟


1 + 𝜌 + 𝑔𝑖 ,𝑟𝑡𝑖=0𝑟



while the marginal damage estimate discounted to the year of the emission is given by

𝑆𝐶𝐶𝑡∗ = 𝐷𝑡,𝑟


1 + 𝜌 + 𝑔𝑖,𝑟𝑡𝑖=𝑡∗𝑟



where the only difference between the two equations is what discount rates are included in the

discount factor (note that 𝑆𝐶𝐶0 includes all discount rates from time 0 on, while 𝑆𝐶𝐶𝑡∗ only includes

the discount rates starting from time 𝑡∗).

One normally thinks of discounting as the procedure to convert cost or benefits in the future into

their net present value (NPV). What one is really doing when one is calculating marginal damage

costs and discounts them to the year of the emission is calculate the net “year of emission” value.

Both values can be useful, it is just important that in a cost benefit analysis one always only combines

values that are discounted to the same time, ideally one should operate with the net present value.

Situations where the figures that are discounted to the year of emission are useful are for example

when they are further processed by another model: that model might take as an input the marginal


damage of greenhouse gas emissions in the year 2020, then do some further calculations and

internally will then discount its results back to the present, i.e. 2005. In such a case it would be wrong

to use the net present value as the input into this model. In general, the proper procedure is to make

sure that at some point everything is discounted back to the present, whether that is done in one

step or in two steps, where things are first discounted to the year of emission and then later from the

year of emission to the present does not matter.


Unless results are to be used in further calculations that will then discount back to the year 2005, one

should avoid numbers that are discounted to the year of emission and rather use marginal damage

estimates that are discounted to 2005 in the first place.

Equity weighting normalization

The issue of normalization of equity weighted results is closely related to the calibration of the

welfare function. With the type of utilitarian welfare function used in FUND, the same preference

order can be represented by any positive, linear transformation of the welfare function we have

looked at so far. In particular, the following welfare function will represent the same preference

ordering for all 𝛼 > 0:

𝑊 = 𝛼 𝑈 𝐶𝑡 ,𝑟 𝑃𝑡 ,𝑟 1 + 𝜌 −𝑡




As such, for a given preference structure, there is not one “right” welfare function, but rather many,

that equally represent this preference order. From each of these many welfare functions, one can

derive an equation to calculate the marginal damage of greenhouse gas emissions, and equally

equations that ought to be used to weight any cost or benefit in a project appraisal. As long as one

consistently uses only one set of equations in a given cost-benefit analysis, the results of such a

decision problem will be the same, regardless from which linear transformation of the welfare

function on derives these equations. The key message here is to make sure to always use only


numbers in one cost-benefit analysis that have been weighted by equations that are derived from

the same linear transformation of the welfare function.

In this report, marginal damage estimates from two different linear transformations of the welfare

function for equity weighted results are presented. The first is labeled as “normalized to world

average per capita income”. Here 𝛼 is picked such that the equation for the marginal damage (for an

emission in the present) is

𝑆𝐶𝐶𝑒𝑤 ,𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 = 𝐶0

𝐶0,𝑟 𝐷𝑡 ,𝑟


1 + 𝜌 + 𝑔𝑖 ,𝑟𝑡𝑖=0



that is, damages are first discounted by the standard Ramsey discounting rule within every region,

then weighted with a weight that gives more (less) weight to damages in regions that have an

average per capita income below (above) the world average. Of course, if this number is to be used

in a cost-benefit analysis, any other cost or benefit must be weighted by this regional weight as well,

in particular if e.g. a region like the European Union was to use that number in a cost-benefit

analysis, it would have to weigh any other number, like for example abatement costs, with the

appropriate regional equity weight. The European Union has an average per capita consumption well

above world average, so that it would have to weight any abatement or other cost with a weight

below unity. If this is done consistently, there is no problem, but in practice this seems hardly

feasible, in particular when numbers like the marginal damage estimates are handed over to

different research groups and this caveat on how they can be used might get lost.

To circumvent this problem, it has been suggested to instead us marginal damage estimates that are

derived from a different transformation of the welfare function (Anthoff, Hepburn et al. 2006) and

such numbers are also reported here. They are labeled as “normalized to west Europe”, and the

equation to calculate such SCC figures is


𝑆𝐶𝐶𝑒𝑤 ,𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝐸𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒 = 𝐶0,𝑊𝐸𝑈

𝐶0,𝑟 𝐷𝑡,𝑟


1 + 𝜌 + 𝑔𝑖 ,𝑟𝑡𝑖=0



where 𝐶0,𝑊𝐸𝑈 is average per capita consumption in west Europe in the present. With this

normalization the regional weight for the European Union obviously is unity and therefore just drops

out. This greatly simplifies things: In a cost-benefit analysis, any cost or benefit within the European

Union can just be discounted by the normal standards and be used directly, without applying further

equity weights to it.


If equity weighted numbers are used, one should use those that are normalized to the region in

which the decision is taking place, since this will greatly reduce the complexities of comparing it with

other numbers.


The uncertainties surrounding estimates of marginal greenhouse gas damages are huge. These

uncertainties stem from a variety of sources, including uncertainty about scenarios of socio-

economic development, non-perfect knowledge of the physical processes occurring in the

atmosphere, difficulties in assessing the magnitudes of impacts, impacts that are not included in

models like FUND and many more (see Downing, Anthoff et al. 2005 for a systematic treatment of

these uncertainties). One dimension of uncertainties is dealt with explicitly in this report, and that is

uncertainties about precise parameter values. FUND can be run in a deterministic mode, in which

case the model is run exactly once and the best guess value for all input parameters is used. The

result obtained from such a run is also called the best guess result. But for many of these input

parameters the best guess is not the whole story: In many cases the true value for the parameter is

unknown. To investigate these uncertainties, FUND can be run in a probabilistic mode, where a

Monte Carlo simulation is performed. In that case the model is run for 1000 times, and for each run

the input parameters are sampled from probability distributions for each parameter. These

distributions are sometimes taken from the scientific literature, when such information is provided


by the underlying studies, sometimes they are expert judgments of the model builder. In any case, it

is assumed that such probabilistic runs are more appropriate for issues as uncertain as climate


The standard way to then aggregate the results of these 1000 runs back into one number would be

to take the arithmetic mean, i.e. calculate the expected value. Such numbers are presented in this

report, but a practical problem shows in this case: With only a 1000 runs there is a fair chance of

extreme outliers being part of the sample, i.e. of runs where values for the input parameters are

extremely large or small, and whose likelihood according to the distribution for the parameter is

much smaller than 1/1000. This is a general problem of Monte Carlo simulations with a limited

number of runs. Such outliers will improperly alter the arithmetic mean of the simulation. The proper

solution to this would be to drastically increase the number of runs and thereby reducing the chance

of such outliers significantly, but due to computational constraints this is not feasible with today’s

hardware with a model like FUND. An alternative is to calculate the mean of a trimmed set of

numbers, i.e. calculate the mean not of the result of the 1000 runs, but rather take out e.g. the 5% of

values of that set at each extreme side (i.e. the highest and lowest 2.5%) and then calculate the mean

of the remaining results. This will solve the problem of outliers, but introduces problems by itself, in

particular if one assumes that the nature of the climate change decision problem is such that the

very tails of such probability distributions of results dominate the rational decision (Weitzman 2007).

If this is indeed the case, truncating the samples also implies that one truncates the most important

runs and is actually getting further away from the appropriate result. At this point, the question

whether the tails of the distribution dominate the decision problem, as Weitzman (2007) argues, is

an open research question, but if he is right, all of the current state of the art integrated assessment

models, including FUND, are at this point not sampling into these tails and would therefore not

reflect this line of thinking. Given that it is unclear at this point what the appropriate measure is, this

report presents trimmed and untrimmed results as well as another indicator, namely the median of

the distribution of results.



In general, results from probabilistic runs capture more aspects of the decision problem and

therefore are to be used instead of best guess results whenever possible. On the other hand it is

difficult to give advice as to what precise aggregator of the probability distribution one should use,

given the current research activity surrounding this area.


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The model FUND internally uses $ 1995 as its units. Results for this report have been inflation

adjusted to use $ 2005 by using the US consumer price index.

Results that are not equity weighted are labeled “NoEW”, results that are equity weighted and

normalized with average world per capita income are labeled with “AvEW” and those that are

weighted and normalized to the EU are labeled with “WeuEW”.



Best Guess

Gas C

Best Guess Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $82.4 $80.7 $78.2 $75.0 $71.3 $67.2 $62.8 $58.4 $54.1 $50.0

AvEW $208.5 $199.7 $190.2 $180.1 $169.5 $158.5 $147.4 $136.5 $126.0 $116.1

WeuEW $993.0 $950.9 $906.0 $857.9 $807.2 $755.0 $702.2 $650.2 $600.1 $552.9

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $10.8 $12.0 $12.5 $12.3 $11.7 $10.9 $9.9 $8.8 $7.8 $6.8

AvEW $38.8 $37.3 $35.3 $32.8 $30.0 $27.0 $24.0 $21.1 $18.5 $16.0

WeuEW $184.7 $177.5 $168.1 $156.3 $143.0 $128.8 $114.4 $100.7 $87.9 $76.3

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW -$6.9 -$3.7 -$1.8 -$0.7 -$0.2 $0.1 $0.2 $0.2 $0.2 $0.2

AvEW -$7.1 -$3.4 -$1.1 $0.1 $0.7 $0.9 $0.8 $0.7 $0.6 $0.5

WeuEW -$34.0 -$16.3 -$5.4 $0.5 $3.2 $4.1 $4.0 $3.5 $2.9 $2.3

Declining discount rate

$19.3 $20.3 $20.4 $19.7 $18.5 $17.1 $15.4 $13.8 $12.2 $10.7

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $82.4 $103.9 $129.0 $158.2 $191.2 $228.1 $271.2 $322.2 $378.8 $433.0

AvEW $208.5 $231.7 $255.5 $279.7 $302.9 $326.0 $351.3 $380.4 $413.9 $446.1

WeuEW $993.0 $1,144.2 $1,291.4 $1,421.4 $1,526.9 $1,603.6 $1,668.7 $1,726.6 $1,769.9 $1,788.8

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $10.8 $17.2 $25.4 $35.5 $47.6 $61.6 $78.4 $98.7 $122.0 $145.9

AvEW $38.8 $47.8 $57.8 $68.7 $79.9 $91.5 $104.0 $118.2 $134.4 $150.8

WeuEW $184.7 $235.9 $292.3 $349.1 $402.7 $449.9 $494.1 $536.6 $574.6 $604.8

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW -$6.9 -$6.3 -$5.0 -$3.0 -$0.4 $3.0 $7.1 $12.2 $18.3 $24.7

AvEW -$7.1 -$5.3 -$2.8 $0.4 $3.9 $7.8 $11.9 $16.4 $21.3 $26.4

WeuEW -$34.0 -$26.3 -$13.9 $1.8 $19.8 $38.2 $56.4 $74.3 $91.1 $105.7

Declining discount rate

$19.3 $24.0 $29.4 $35.3 $41.6 $48.0 $54.3 $60.4 $66.4 $72.4



Gas C

Average Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $200.5 $203.1 $196.1 $208.5 $767.6 $253.2 $122.3 $116.0 $130.5 $106.4

AvEW $460.5 $441.0 $472.0 $371.6 $2,426.9 $342.5 $269.4 $241.2 $404.0 $210.4

WeuEW $2,192.5 $2,099.3 $2,247.0 $1,769.1 $11,558.7 $1,630.6 $1,282.7 $1,148.2 $1,923.2 $1,001.6

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $45.0 $45.0 $44.4 $42.3 $139.4 $50.4 $21.9 $20.5 $21.3 $16.2

AvEW $122.5 $111.6 $117.0 $86.4 $385.1 $69.8 $51.1 $44.0 $66.7 $33.1

WeuEW $583.1 $531.2 $557.1 $411.1 $1,834.0 $332.3 $243.4 $209.3 $317.4 $157.6

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW -$0.5 $1.7 $3.1 $2.7 $10.0 $3.8 $1.2 $1.1 $1.0 $0.7

AvEW $12.3 $11.2 $12.7 $7.8 $17.5 $5.3 $3.3 $2.5 $3.4 $1.4

WeuEW $58.5 $53.3 $60.5 $37.0 $83.4 $25.0 $15.5 $12.1 $16.3 $6.8

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $200.5 $257.6 $319.8 $401.6 $1,621.1 $699.7 $460.7 $569.8 $776.2 $747.0

AvEW $460.5 $511.9 $634.1 $577.4 $4,337.7 $705.3 $642.8 $673.2 $1,328.7 $809.4

WeuEW $2,192.5 $2,526.0 $3,202.7 $2,931.2 $21,863.8 $3,463.8 $3,048.6 $3,049.1 $5,672.0 $3,240.7

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $45.0 $63.3 $89.2 $111.7 $436.8 $229.8 $152.6 $205.7 $285.4 $283.8

AvEW $122.5 $143.1 $191.9 $180.9 $1,024.9 $236.4 $221.6 $246.3 $486.1 $311.9

WeuEW $583.1 $706.1 $968.9 $918.0 $5,165.2 $1,161.0 $1,050.9 $1,115.2 $2,075.0 $1,248.7

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW -$0.5 $3.0 $9.7 $13.3 $66.9 $45.9 $27.5 $45.2 $67.3 $69.4

AvEW $12.3 $17.5 $30.9 $29.4 $102.2 $47.5 $45.9 $56.1 $120.2 $78.6

WeuEW $58.5 $86.1 $155.9 $149.0 $514.4 $233.0 $217.6 $254.1 $512.9 $314.7


Average, 1% trimmed

Gas C

Average 1% Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $158.5 $172.8 $159.1 $134.7 $117.6 $131.9 $100.0 $93.9 $95.5 $83.8

AvEW $381.5 $389.5 $365.5 $281.5 $246.0 $289.3 $212.3 $195.3 $195.8 $169.6

WeuEW $1,816.3 $1,854.6 $1,740.0 $1,340.3 $1,171.3 $1,377.5 $1,010.8 $930.1 $932.5 $807.2

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $35.0 $37.7 $34.6 $28.2 $23.3 $25.8 $17.9 $16.2 $15.4 $12.7

AvEW $102.4 $97.3 $89.8 $65.0 $53.6 $59.2 $40.3 $34.8 $32.8 $26.8

WeuEW $487.4 $463.1 $427.4 $309.4 $255.3 $281.9 $191.7 $165.5 $156.3 $127.6

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW -$2.3 $0.3 $1.4 $1.3 $1.1 $1.6 $0.9 $0.8 $0.7 $0.5

AvEW $8.6 $8.4 $8.5 $5.1 $4.0 $4.3 $2.4 $1.8 $1.6 $1.1

WeuEW $40.9 $40.0 $40.6 $24.3 $18.8 $20.6 $11.5 $8.8 $7.6 $5.4

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $158.5 $219.4 $257.2 $268.3 $290.7 $415.4 $376.2 $452.9 $551.2 $589.6

AvEW $381.5 $452.2 $491.0 $437.5 $440.2 $595.8 $506.4 $545.1 $644.0 $652.5

WeuEW $1,816.3 $2,231.5 $2,480.1 $2,220.8 $2,215.6 $2,926.1 $2,402.3 $2,470.0 $2,750.2 $2,611.8

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $35.0 $53.0 $68.8 $76.5 $87.5 $136.2 $124.5 $158.8 $200.7 $225.1

AvEW $102.4 $124.8 $147.2 $136.1 $142.9 $200.5 $174.5 $194.7 $239.3 $252.5

WeuEW $487.4 $615.6 $743.4 $690.9 $719.0 $984.8 $827.5 $881.9 $1,021.8 $1,010.5

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW -$2.3 $0.7 $4.8 $6.8 $10.2 $24.0 $20.1 $31.4 $44.1 $53.5

AvEW $8.6 $13.1 $20.7 $19.2 $23.1 $39.1 $33.8 $40.9 $55.7 $62.6

WeuEW $40.9 $64.6 $104.5 $97.5 $116.1 $192.0 $160.5 $185.0 $237.8 $250.3


Average 5% trimmed

Gas C

Average 5% Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $123.0 $135.1 $122.3 $101.1 $94.6 $94.1 $81.8 $75.6 $70.9 $66.7

AvEW $299.6 $304.8 $284.1 $218.6 $203.0 $215.6 $178.3 $159.3 $148.0 $131.7

WeuEW $1,426.4 $1,451.1 $1,352.7 $1,040.6 $966.5 $1,026.4 $848.8 $758.6 $704.5 $627.1

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $24.2 $27.9 $25.3 $19.6 $18.0 $17.7 $14.2 $12.7 $11.3 $9.9

AvEW $78.3 $76.1 $68.5 $47.9 $43.1 $44.1 $33.1 $28.0 $24.7 $20.5

WeuEW $372.9 $362.5 $326.2 $227.9 $205.3 $210.0 $157.6 $133.4 $117.8 $97.5

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW -$4.5 -$1.5 $0.0 $0.0 $0.5 $0.8 $0.6 $0.5 $0.5 $0.4

AvEW $3.9 $4.8 $5.2 $2.5 $2.6 $2.9 $1.8 $1.4 $1.1 $0.8

WeuEW $18.7 $22.6 $24.9 $11.9 $12.5 $14.0 $8.5 $6.5 $5.4 $3.8

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $123.0 $171.3 $196.0 $202.2 $233.3 $291.8 $306.9 $357.3 $405.1 $453.1

AvEW $299.6 $353.8 $381.7 $339.6 $363.2 $443.9 $425.2 $444.5 $486.7 $506.8

WeuEW $1,426.4 $1,746.0 $1,927.9 $1,724.3 $1,828.3 $2,180.3 $2,017.2 $2,014.5 $2,077.9 $2,028.9

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $24.2 $39.2 $50.1 $53.6 $67.7 $92.3 $98.7 $122.7 $145.6 $168.4

AvEW $78.3 $97.6 $112.3 $100.3 $114.9 $149.4 $143.5 $156.9 $180.4 $193.0

WeuEW $372.9 $481.9 $567.3 $508.9 $578.1 $733.6 $680.6 $711.1 $770.3 $772.4

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW -$4.5 -$2.4 $0.5 $0.9 $5.1 $12.6 $13.3 $21.1 $29.1 $36.1

AvEW $3.9 $7.4 $12.7 $9.5 $15.3 $26.5 $25.0 $30.3 $39.9 $44.5

WeuEW $18.7 $36.6 $64.0 $47.9 $77.0 $130.3 $118.7 $137.0 $170.3 $177.9


Average 10% trimmed

Gas C

Average 10% Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $101.9 $114.6 $100.4 $81.3 $80.6 $78.3 $68.8 $65.1 $61.1 $55.2

AvEW $257.5 $266.5 $239.9 $183.1 $174.2 $178.0 $152.7 $136.0 $128.3 $110.3

WeuEW $1,225.9 $1,268.8 $1,142.4 $871.6 $829.4 $847.5 $727.1 $647.4 $611.0 $525.2

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $18.2 $22.4 $19.6 $14.5 $14.7 $14.2 $11.5 $10.6 $9.6 $8.1

AvEW $65.6 $64.6 $56.9 $38.5 $36.2 $35.6 $27.8 $23.4 $21.2 $16.9

WeuEW $312.5 $307.8 $270.7 $183.5 $172.2 $169.6 $132.5 $111.6 $100.8 $80.3

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW -$5.7 -$2.4 -$0.9 -$0.7 $0.1 $0.5 $0.3 $0.4 $0.4 $0.3

AvEW $1.2 $2.6 $3.4 $1.1 $1.8 $2.1 $1.3 $1.0 $0.9 $0.6

WeuEW $5.7 $12.3 $16.3 $5.3 $8.5 $10.0 $6.3 $5.0 $4.4 $3.0

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $101.9 $145.5 $161.0 $163.3 $198.5 $240.6 $255.3 $302.3 $343.7 $374.9

AvEW $257.5 $309.3 $322.3 $284.4 $311.6 $366.4 $364.2 $379.3 $422.0 $424.5

WeuEW $1,225.9 $1,526.6 $1,628.3 $1,444.3 $1,568.9 $1,800.4 $1,727.9 $1,719.2 $1,802.0 $1,699.2

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $18.2 $31.5 $38.9 $39.8 $55.1 $73.0 $78.9 $100.6 $121.3 $136.1

AvEW $65.6 $82.9 $93.2 $80.7 $96.3 $120.6 $120.6 $131.3 $154.3 $159.0

WeuEW $312.5 $409.1 $470.8 $409.7 $484.9 $592.5 $572.0 $595.0 $659.0 $636.4

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW -$5.7 -$4.1 -$2.0 -$2.9 $1.8 $7.2 $8.1 $14.9 $22.1 $26.4

AvEW $1.2 $4.0 $8.3 $4.3 $10.4 $18.9 $18.5 $23.2 $32.3 $34.1

WeuEW $5.7 $19.8 $41.9 $21.5 $52.4 $92.7 $87.7 $104.8 $137.9 $136.6



Gas C

Median Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $43.2 $51.6 $47.7 $34.6 $32.0 $35.5 $31.2 $27.4 $29.2 $22.5

AvEW $136.8 $133.2 $126.7 $93.9 $82.6 $87.6 $67.8 $61.3 $63.6 $50.0

WeuEW $651.6 $634.6 $603.6 $447.3 $393.4 $417.2 $322.7 $291.9 $302.9 $238.2

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $1.7 $4.6 $5.7 $2.7 $3.7 $4.3 $4.2 $3.7 $3.9 $2.7

AvEW $27.4 $28.7 $25.4 $15.0 $13.6 $15.0 $11.2 $9.0 $9.3 $6.7

WeuEW $130.6 $136.7 $120.8 $71.5 $64.8 $71.6 $53.2 $42.9 $44.5 $32.0

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW -$9.1 -$5.7 -$3.1 -$2.3 -$1.1 -$0.5 -$0.3 -$0.1 $0.0 $0.0

AvEW -$7.3 -$4.0 -$1.4 -$2.0 -$0.9 -$0.1 $0.0 $0.1 $0.2 $0.1

WeuEW -$34.6 -$19.1 -$6.5 -$9.5 -$4.1 -$0.4 -$0.1 $0.4 $1.1 $0.5

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $43.2 $64.9 $76.8 $70.2 $76.6 $111.6 $118.6 $126.0 $150.2 $145.8

AvEW $136.8 $154.6 $170.2 $145.9 $147.6 $180.3 $161.7 $170.9 $209.0 $192.1

WeuEW $651.6 $763.6 $860.3 $741.1 $744.1 $886.0 $766.9 $775.4 $893.3 $770.6

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $1.7 $6.6 $11.5 $7.4 $14.8 $24.1 $27.0 $32.3 $47.5 $43.5

AvEW $27.4 $36.8 $41.5 $31.4 $36.2 $50.8 $48.4 $50.3 $68.1 $63.4

WeuEW $130.6 $181.7 $210.0 $159.6 $182.4 $250.3 $229.8 $228.4 $291.1 $253.7

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW -$9.1 -$9.5 -$8.2 -$10.3 -$8.8 -$6.0 -$4.8 -$3.0 $1.2 -$0.5

AvEW -$7.3 -$6.3 -$3.3 -$7.5 -$5.0 -$0.7 -$0.2 $1.9 $8.2 $6.3

WeuEW -$34.6 -$30.9 -$16.8 -$38.3 -$25.4 -$3.5 -$1.2 $8.6 $35.2 $25.4



Best Guess

Gas CH4

Best Guess Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $364 $375 $382 $387 $388 $388 $386 $383 $380 $377

AvEW $894 $899 $899 $898 $893 $885 $874 $862 $850 $837

WeuEW $4,258 $4,281 $4,283 $4,277 $4,255 $4,213 $4,161 $4,106 $4,050 $3,986

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $165 $160 $152 $143 $133 $123 $113 $104 $95 $87

AvEW $422 $392 $362 $334 $306 $279 $254 $230 $209 $189

WeuEW $2,011 $1,867 $1,725 $1,590 $1,458 $1,330 $1,209 $1,097 $995 $900

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $61 $51 $41 $33 $26 $20 $15 $12 $9 $7

AvEW $167 $129 $99 $76 $59 $45 $34 $25 $19 $14

WeuEW $793 $614 $473 $364 $279 $212 $160 $121 $91 $69

Declining discount rate

$185 $182 $177 $171 $163 $155 $146 $137 $127 $117

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $364 $480 $622 $799 $1,013 $1,271 $1,596 $2,011 $2,518 $3,069

AvEW $894 $1,043 $1,208 $1,394 $1,597 $1,820 $2,082 $2,403 $2,793 $3,216

WeuEW $4,258 $5,152 $6,105 $7,086 $8,048 $8,950 $9,888 $10,904 $11,943 $12,894

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $165 $225 $300 $395 $512 $655 $837 $1,073 $1,365 $1,690

AvEW $422 $503 $593 $698 $815 $945 $1,099 $1,288 $1,521 $1,777

WeuEW $2,011 $2,482 $3,000 $3,550 $4,106 $4,647 $5,219 $5,846 $6,502 $7,127

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $61 $86 $119 $160 $212 $276 $357 $464 $598 $750

AvEW $167 $201 $241 $288 $341 $402 $473 $561 $670 $793

WeuEW $793 $993 $1,219 $1,465 $1,721 $1,975 $2,247 $2,547 $2,866 $3,178

Declining discount rate

$185 $240 $306 $386 $480 $590 $715 $855 $1,008 $1,170



Gas CH4

Average Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $1,502 $893 $811 $984 $882 $1,434 $931 $750 $912 $746

AvEW $2,274 $2,083 $1,806 $2,773 $2,002 $2,166 $1,937 $1,603 $1,947 $1,596

WeuEW $10,829 $9,919 $8,598 $13,204 $9,533 $10,311 $9,222 $7,634 $9,268 $7,600

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $706 $403 $338 $369 $310 $493 $284 $211 $238 $177

AvEW $1,121 $958 $780 $984 $704 $729 $592 $454 $508 $377

WeuEW $5,335 $4,559 $3,712 $4,686 $3,351 $3,472 $2,816 $2,162 $2,416 $1,795

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $261 $138 $98 $86 $60 $84 $40 $25 $24 $14

AvEW $459 $331 $229 $211 $135 $122 $81 $53 $49 $30

WeuEW $2,186 $1,576 $1,089 $1,006 $642 $580 $388 $251 $234 $143

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $1,502 $1,142 $1,303 $2,025 $2,291 $4,016 $3,669 $3,630 $6,017 $5,396

AvEW $2,274 $2,419 $2,426 $4,309 $3,582 $4,459 $4,621 $4,474 $6,409 $6,143

WeuEW $10,829 $11,935 $12,255 $21,878 $18,033 $21,903 $21,915 $20,274 $27,334 $24,591

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $706 $570 $664 $1,023 $1,192 $2,248 $2,029 $2,053 $3,480 $3,141

AvEW $1,121 $1,228 $1,278 $2,061 $1,875 $2,470 $2,564 $2,543 $3,704 $3,552

WeuEW $5,335 $6,059 $6,456 $10,464 $9,438 $12,130 $12,160 $11,524 $15,796 $14,219

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $261 $237 $283 $424 $499 $1,008 $905 $940 $1,623 $1,476

AvEW $459 $517 $555 $797 $787 $1,101 $1,144 $1,165 $1,722 $1,654

WeuEW $2,186 $2,549 $2,804 $4,045 $3,960 $5,405 $5,426 $5,278 $7,342 $6,618


Average, 1% trimmed

Gas CH4

Average 1% Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $855 $779 $761 $834 $726 $793 $788 $669 $713 $649

AvEW $2,023 $1,817 $1,730 $1,885 $1,631 $1,754 $1,669 $1,414 $1,503 $1,409

WeuEW $9,631 $8,649 $8,236 $8,977 $7,764 $8,352 $7,948 $6,730 $7,156 $6,709

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $418 $359 $321 $319 $261 $264 $239 $188 $183 $155

AvEW $1,010 $860 $751 $730 $590 $587 $509 $401 $389 $335

WeuEW $4,809 $4,093 $3,575 $3,476 $2,808 $2,795 $2,423 $1,909 $1,853 $1,593

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $171 $126 $93 $76 $53 $45 $33 $22 $18 $13

AvEW $421 $305 $221 $173 $118 $98 $70 $47 $37 $27

WeuEW $2,004 $1,452 $1,051 $825 $560 $469 $335 $222 $179 $128

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $855 $994 $1,228 $1,707 $1,863 $2,502 $3,050 $3,176 $4,350 $4,767

AvEW $2,023 $2,109 $2,324 $2,929 $2,917 $3,612 $3,982 $3,944 $4,944 $5,421

WeuEW $9,631 $10,407 $11,739 $14,874 $14,685 $17,742 $18,888 $17,872 $21,105 $21,706

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $418 $506 $633 $879 $993 $1,366 $1,682 $1,797 $2,486 $2,773

AvEW $1,010 $1,102 $1,231 $1,529 $1,570 $1,988 $2,205 $2,245 $2,838 $3,153

WeuEW $4,809 $5,440 $6,218 $7,763 $7,907 $9,765 $10,462 $10,174 $12,115 $12,624

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $171 $215 $271 $374 $432 $609 $753 $826 $1,148 $1,302

AvEW $421 $476 $536 $653 $686 $888 $988 $1,031 $1,313 $1,479

WeuEW $2,004 $2,349 $2,705 $3,317 $3,455 $4,364 $4,686 $4,673 $5,603 $5,920


Average 5% trimmed

Gas CH4

Average 5% Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $724 $674 $665 $659 $616 $633 $625 $548 $592 $552

AvEW $1,749 $1,573 $1,542 $1,501 $1,392 $1,431 $1,373 $1,176 $1,278 $1,188

WeuEW $8,328 $7,491 $7,340 $7,148 $6,628 $6,811 $6,538 $5,598 $6,086 $5,657

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $359 $315 $287 $259 $226 $213 $190 $155 $154 $132

AvEW $897 $757 $677 $600 $513 $484 $421 $334 $331 $286

WeuEW $4,273 $3,605 $3,225 $2,856 $2,440 $2,303 $2,005 $1,589 $1,577 $1,360

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $150 $112 $85 $64 $47 $37 $27 $18 $15 $11

AvEW $383 $273 $202 $147 $104 $82 $59 $39 $32 $23

WeuEW $1,821 $1,302 $963 $701 $496 $390 $279 $185 $152 $110

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $724 $860 $1,073 $1,337 $1,569 $1,979 $2,444 $2,622 $3,559 $4,060

AvEW $1,749 $1,826 $2,071 $2,332 $2,490 $2,945 $3,275 $3,280 $4,203 $4,571

WeuEW $8,328 $9,013 $10,461 $11,843 $12,537 $14,469 $15,538 $14,867 $17,951 $18,303

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $359 $444 $565 $707 $856 $1,091 $1,350 $1,488 $2,047 $2,374

AvEW $897 $971 $1,110 $1,256 $1,365 $1,637 $1,825 $1,868 $2,415 $2,691

WeuEW $4,273 $4,791 $5,609 $6,377 $6,873 $8,045 $8,657 $8,467 $10,312 $10,774

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $150 $191 $245 $310 $382 $493 $607 $686 $951 $1,118

AvEW $383 $427 $491 $555 $608 $739 $822 $860 $1,120 $1,271

WeuEW $1,821 $2,105 $2,480 $2,820 $3,061 $3,633 $3,901 $3,897 $4,782 $5,088


Average 10% trimmed

Gas CH4

Average 10% Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $649 $602 $605 $590 $551 $558 $555 $479 $520 $487

AvEW $1,599 $1,425 $1,418 $1,341 $1,237 $1,265 $1,226 $1,037 $1,141 $1,054

WeuEW $7,612 $6,785 $6,753 $6,383 $5,892 $6,021 $5,835 $4,939 $5,434 $5,016

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $327 $285 $262 $233 $203 $188 $170 $136 $137 $117

AvEW $830 $693 $628 $540 $462 $431 $377 $295 $298 $253

WeuEW $3,954 $3,301 $2,992 $2,573 $2,198 $2,052 $1,797 $1,407 $1,420 $1,202

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $139 $102 $78 $58 $42 $33 $24 $16 $14 $10

AvEW $357 $254 $189 $134 $95 $74 $53 $35 $29 $20

WeuEW $1,702 $1,208 $900 $638 $451 $350 $252 $165 $138 $97

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $649 $768 $974 $1,192 $1,402 $1,723 $2,161 $2,278 $3,102 $3,556

AvEW $1,599 $1,654 $1,905 $2,082 $2,213 $2,603 $2,923 $2,893 $3,753 $4,053

WeuEW $7,612 $8,164 $9,626 $10,576 $11,145 $12,790 $13,868 $13,115 $16,027 $16,230

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $327 $401 $515 $634 $767 $957 $1,200 $1,295 $1,796 $2,080

AvEW $830 $889 $1,030 $1,131 $1,229 $1,459 $1,635 $1,654 $2,173 $2,379

WeuEW $3,954 $4,387 $5,203 $5,746 $6,191 $7,168 $7,759 $7,496 $9,281 $9,526

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $139 $174 $226 $280 $343 $436 $543 $599 $841 $983

AvEW $357 $396 $459 $505 $553 $664 $743 $767 $1,015 $1,126

WeuEW $1,702 $1,954 $2,318 $2,567 $2,783 $3,262 $3,523 $3,475 $4,335 $4,510



Gas CH4

Median Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $429 $395 $406 $388 $333 $341 $329 $272 $304 $264

AvEW $1,099 $993 $1,027 $886 $784 $752 $772 $631 $674 $588

WeuEW $5,236 $4,730 $4,893 $4,220 $3,735 $3,580 $3,674 $3,006 $3,210 $2,797

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $227 $194 $182 $161 $124 $116 $103 $80 $80 $63

AvEW $599 $499 $471 $369 $299 $262 $244 $188 $181 $141

WeuEW $2,853 $2,378 $2,244 $1,759 $1,426 $1,247 $1,160 $893 $863 $674

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $102 $71 $56 $41 $26 $21 $15 $10 $8 $5

AvEW $275 $183 $141 $95 $61 $46 $34 $22 $18 $11

WeuEW $1,308 $873 $673 $454 $292 $218 $164 $106 $85 $54

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $429 $508 $656 $776 $821 $1,056 $1,276 $1,309 $1,757 $1,887

AvEW $1,099 $1,153 $1,380 $1,377 $1,402 $1,547 $1,842 $1,759 $2,213 $2,266

WeuEW $5,236 $5,691 $6,973 $6,993 $7,065 $7,605 $8,732 $7,982 $9,467 $9,052

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $227 $271 $362 $427 $460 $579 $698 $760 $1,030 $1,065

AvEW $599 $640 $772 $774 $797 $886 $1,055 $1,050 $1,319 $1,333

WeuEW $2,853 $3,161 $3,902 $3,928 $4,015 $4,356 $5,008 $4,757 $5,644 $5,338

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $102 $121 $163 $199 $215 $269 $331 $361 $494 $508

AvEW $275 $286 $343 $360 $357 $413 $483 $491 $624 $623

WeuEW $1,308 $1,412 $1,734 $1,827 $1,799 $2,030 $2,294 $2,228 $2,667 $2,496



Best Guess

Gas N2O

BestGuess Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $27,748 $27,684 $27,467 $27,105 $26,607 $25,985 $25,245 $24,398 $23,451 $22,412

AvEW $63,238 $62,615 $61,741 $60,611 $59,230 $57,608 $55,761 $53,704 $51,459 $49,043

WeuEW $301,184 $298,217 $294,052 $288,672 $282,094 $274,372 $265,571 $255,778 $245,083 $233,578

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $7,984 $7,532 $7,044 $6,537 $6,023 $5,515 $5,020 $4,542 $4,087 $3,655

AvEW $18,567 $17,217 $15,890 $14,590 $13,326 $12,106 $10,940 $9,835 $8,797 $7,827

WeuEW $88,427 $82,001 $75,681 $69,490 $63,466 $57,658 $52,105 $46,843 $41,897 $37,280

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $1,637 $1,338 $1,076 $855 $671 $522 $403 $309 $235 $178

AvEW $4,034 $3,164 $2,470 $1,917 $1,479 $1,133 $863 $653 $492 $369

WeuEW $19,212 $15,069 $11,766 $9,132 $7,042 $5,396 $4,109 $3,111 $2,343 $1,755

Declining discount rate

$9,898 $9,480 $9,010 $8,499 $7,957 $7,393 $6,818 $6,239 $5,664 $5,105

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $27,748 $35,461 $44,793 $56,136 $69,578 $85,434 $104,740 $128,418 $155,752 $183,273

AvEW $63,238 $72,665 $82,909 $94,104 $105,864 $118,491 $132,855 $149,657 $169,030 $188,454

WeuEW $301,184 $358,829 $419,107 $478,304 $533,597 $582,806 $631,114 $679,230 $722,792 $755,691

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $7,984 $10,623 $13,938 $18,100 $23,205 $29,438 $37,258 $47,135 $58,978 $71,611

AvEW $18,567 $22,071 $26,037 $30,533 $35,461 $40,952 $47,355 $55,002 $64,054 $73,650

WeuEW $88,427 $108,990 $131,619 $155,190 $178,738 $201,425 $224,953 $249,631 $273,903 $295,333

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $1,637 $2,281 $3,118 $4,195 $5,549 $7,245 $9,421 $12,232 $15,700 $19,556

AvEW $4,034 $4,934 $5,991 $7,226 $8,621 $10,217 $12,111 $14,412 $17,192 $20,254

WeuEW $19,212 $24,367 $30,287 $36,728 $43,454 $50,251 $57,533 $65,408 $73,517 $81,216

Declining discount rate

$9,898 $12,035 $14,513 $17,347 $20,536 $24,062 $27,876 $31,905 $36,070 $40,300



Gas N2O

Average Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $57,775 $69,395 $54,626 $62,067 $57,331 $77,796 $57,038 $58,143 $38,207 $53,966

AvEW $122,603 $153,136 $125,094 $124,643 $103,773 $165,541 $96,086 $110,565 $73,507 $116,720

WeuEW $583,743 $729,083 $595,598 $593,443 $494,070 $788,208 $457,487 $526,398 $349,987 $555,670

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $17,394 $19,153 $14,594 $15,097 $13,150 $16,550 $11,579 $11,122 $6,948 $9,116

AvEW $39,082 $42,544 $33,888 $31,380 $25,084 $35,137 $20,482 $21,478 $13,491 $19,603

WeuEW $186,076 $202,548 $161,342 $149,404 $119,425 $167,298 $97,518 $102,256 $64,236 $93,322

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $3,967 $3,560 $2,399 $2,007 $1,504 $1,530 $967 $790 $431 $468

AvEW $9,383 $8,019 $5,579 $4,297 $3,025 $3,240 $1,788 $1,532 $834 $984

WeuEW $44,673 $38,176 $26,560 $20,457 $14,403 $15,428 $8,514 $7,292 $3,970 $4,685

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $57,775 $88,568 $87,648 $124,917 $139,766 $248,511 $203,992 $264,740 $218,605 $433,618

AvEW $122,603 $177,763 $168,059 $193,648 $185,637 $340,780 $229,166 $308,557 $241,752 $449,266

WeuEW $583,743 $877,274 $848,903 $983,298 $934,579 $1,674,315 $1,087,228 $1,397,949 $1,032,221 $1,797,832

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $17,394 $26,987 $28,647 $41,114 $48,149 $86,778 $76,380 $102,731 $88,545 $178,695

AvEW $39,082 $54,555 $55,553 $65,713 $66,812 $118,963 $88,750 $120,291 $98,360 $184,756

WeuEW $186,076 $269,216 $280,596 $333,663 $336,340 $584,460 $421,028 $544,960 $419,960 $739,337

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $3,967 $6,085 $6,957 $9,813 $12,102 $21,227 $20,836 $28,784 $26,128 $52,425

AvEW $9,383 $12,510 $13,537 $16,204 $17,655 $29,246 $25,129 $33,847 $29,182 $54,168

WeuEW $44,673 $61,733 $68,372 $82,273 $88,871 $143,675 $119,203 $153,329 $124,588 $216,762


Average, 1% trimmed

Gas N2O

Average 1% Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $52,616 $57,395 $49,945 $52,906 $48,913 $54,037 $46,339 $46,246 $34,336 $38,339

AvEW $113,404 $125,468 $105,087 $106,798 $93,832 $116,328 $86,150 $93,686 $68,083 $79,572

WeuEW $539,941 $597,367 $500,332 $508,477 $446,735 $553,858 $410,174 $446,039 $324,167 $378,867

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $16,219 $16,434 $13,496 $13,112 $11,584 $11,968 $9,651 $8,956 $6,244 $6,471

AvEW $36,771 $36,271 $29,193 $27,446 $23,062 $26,186 $18,471 $18,330 $12,556 $13,521

WeuEW $175,068 $172,694 $138,989 $130,675 $109,799 $124,674 $87,943 $87,266 $59,786 $64,379

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $3,765 $3,141 $2,232 $1,793 $1,384 $1,203 $832 $649 $388 $336

AvEW $8,980 $7,070 $4,970 $3,878 $2,836 $2,608 $1,628 $1,324 $780 $697

WeuEW $42,753 $33,661 $23,662 $18,462 $13,502 $12,415 $7,749 $6,303 $3,714 $3,319

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $52,616 $72,779 $80,318 $106,094 $121,278 $171,276 $171,760 $220,508 $197,208 $280,013

AvEW $113,404 $145,644 $141,183 $165,923 $167,859 $239,505 $205,472 $261,408 $223,888 $306,139

WeuEW $539,941 $718,787 $713,122 $842,515 $845,040 $1,176,512 $974,792 $1,184,535 $956,070 $1,225,808

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $16,219 $23,028 $26,507 $35,477 $43,137 $62,958 $65,648 $86,216 $80,269 $115,861

AvEW $36,771 $46,508 $47,856 $57,469 $61,427 $88,668 $80,037 $102,638 $91,532 $127,385

WeuEW $175,068 $229,536 $241,721 $291,836 $309,231 $435,557 $379,688 $465,067 $390,867 $510,036

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $3,765 $5,352 $6,471 $8,719 $11,247 $16,709 $18,259 $24,473 $23,850 $34,668

AvEW $8,980 $11,029 $12,060 $14,623 $16,551 $23,536 $22,872 $29,250 $27,294 $38,355

WeuEW $42,753 $54,433 $60,912 $74,252 $83,315 $115,611 $108,498 $132,526 $116,548 $153,556


Average 5% trimmed

Gas N2O

Average 5% Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $45,586 $46,188 $41,891 $42,170 $39,373 $38,558 $35,587 $38,047 $29,237 $32,242

AvEW $97,191 $97,619 $88,700 $87,144 $80,086 $81,208 $72,391 $75,624 $58,602 $64,807

WeuEW $462,755 $464,796 $422,325 $414,911 $381,301 $386,660 $344,678 $360,053 $279,034 $308,571

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $14,231 $13,473 $11,417 $10,727 $9,571 $8,647 $7,540 $7,426 $5,382 $5,482

AvEW $32,160 $29,905 $24,978 $23,041 $19,836 $18,648 $15,674 $14,968 $10,858 $11,109

WeuEW $153,123 $142,387 $118,928 $109,706 $94,444 $88,787 $74,629 $71,264 $51,700 $52,895

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $3,382 $2,716 $1,935 $1,521 $1,177 $895 $671 $544 $338 $288

AvEW $8,117 $6,261 $4,349 $3,365 $2,471 $1,954 $1,401 $1,101 $680 $579

WeuEW $38,644 $29,812 $20,708 $16,020 $11,767 $9,303 $6,670 $5,240 $3,238 $2,755

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $45,586 $58,557 $67,163 $84,494 $98,108 $118,090 $134,081 $176,579 $166,767 $224,872

AvEW $97,191 $113,312 $119,160 $135,380 $143,257 $167,176 $172,639 $210,985 $192,702 $249,315

WeuEW $462,755 $559,269 $601,940 $687,482 $721,267 $821,347 $819,136 $956,183 $822,955 $998,363

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $14,231 $18,903 $22,359 $29,021 $35,589 $43,838 $51,936 $69,768 $68,198 $94,085

AvEW $32,160 $38,344 $40,946 $48,245 $52,830 $63,137 $67,909 $83,799 $79,148 $104,653

WeuEW $153,123 $189,252 $206,832 $245,006 $265,985 $310,183 $322,205 $379,787 $338,000 $419,055

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $3,382 $4,631 $5,587 $7,382 $9,518 $12,061 $14,920 $20,110 $20,428 $28,575

AvEW $8,117 $9,768 $10,553 $12,687 $14,422 $17,635 $19,685 $24,315 $23,792 $31,833

WeuEW $38,644 $48,209 $53,307 $64,428 $72,607 $86,636 $93,396 $110,192 $101,606 $127,467


Average 10% trimmed

Gas N2O

Average 10% Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $40,500 $40,973 $36,578 $37,314 $33,995 $33,475 $31,587 $33,301 $26,206 $28,556

AvEW $87,578 $87,236 $77,450 $77,496 $70,506 $70,360 $64,655 $66,891 $52,504 $57,364

WeuEW $416,995 $415,370 $368,778 $368,987 $335,707 $335,017 $307,843 $318,494 $250,002 $273,138

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $12,861 $12,196 $10,135 $9,584 $8,287 $7,583 $6,791 $6,548 $4,837 $4,875

AvEW $29,111 $27,115 $22,151 $20,645 $17,555 $16,328 $14,146 $13,280 $9,792 $9,870

WeuEW $138,610 $129,104 $105,471 $98,298 $83,585 $77,743 $67,353 $63,233 $46,627 $46,996

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $3,110 $2,496 $1,745 $1,380 $1,030 $795 $611 $483 $305 $256

AvEW $7,462 $5,788 $3,922 $3,052 $2,205 $1,732 $1,280 $978 $618 $517

WeuEW $35,530 $27,558 $18,674 $14,533 $10,499 $8,248 $6,093 $4,657 $2,942 $2,462

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $40,500 $51,962 $58,504 $74,523 $84,264 $101,964 $118,413 $155,202 $148,480 $197,416

AvEW $87,578 $101,257 $104,043 $120,385 $126,103 $144,832 $154,191 $186,585 $172,628 $220,663

WeuEW $416,995 $499,797 $525,618 $611,389 $635,020 $711,644 $731,599 $845,806 $737,331 $883,712

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $12,861 $17,106 $19,797 $25,876 $30,741 $38,277 $46,505 $61,416 $60,789 $82,862

AvEW $29,111 $34,766 $36,309 $43,226 $46,746 $55,276 $61,287 $74,341 $71,374 $92,969

WeuEW $138,610 $171,598 $183,429 $219,530 $235,403 $271,599 $290,793 $336,982 $304,837 $372,316

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $3,110 $4,254 $5,030 $6,669 $8,318 $10,646 $13,495 $17,716 $18,260 $25,235

AvEW $7,462 $9,029 $9,516 $11,509 $12,864 $15,632 $17,979 $21,601 $21,620 $28,441

WeuEW $35,530 $44,563 $48,071 $58,447 $64,782 $76,805 $85,308 $97,919 $92,337 $113,898



Gas N2O

Median Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $24,868 $28,113 $21,735 $22,856 $21,436 $20,926 $19,414 $19,812 $16,573 $16,603

AvEW $56,688 $59,946 $49,749 $48,320 $45,219 $43,728 $38,149 $40,414 $34,166 $34,758

WeuEW $269,918 $285,437 $236,873 $230,132 $215,167 $208,230 $181,695 $192,464 $162,710 $165,580

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $8,180 $8,517 $6,106 $6,088 $5,215 $4,790 $4,058 $3,922 $3,064 $2,920

AvEW $19,581 $19,135 $14,642 $13,516 $11,403 $10,381 $8,466 $8,223 $6,458 $6,044

WeuEW $93,240 $91,119 $69,723 $64,373 $54,297 $49,436 $40,317 $39,151 $30,754 $28,790

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $2,158 $1,831 $1,128 $934 $672 $528 $364 $300 $199 $155

AvEW $5,440 $4,291 $2,757 $2,119 $1,448 $1,137 $770 $619 $404 $315

WeuEW $25,912 $20,437 $13,136 $10,093 $6,898 $5,415 $3,667 $2,948 $1,927 $1,503

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $24,868 $35,940 $34,672 $45,096 $52,355 $61,664 $68,647 $87,158 $95,260 $110,818

AvEW $56,688 $69,577 $66,802 $75,040 $80,849 $90,005 $90,917 $112,637 $112,331 $133,665

WeuEW $269,918 $343,454 $337,614 $381,313 $407,005 $442,325 $431,782 $511,075 $479,862 $535,679

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $8,180 $11,899 $11,880 $16,427 $19,108 $23,569 $27,060 $34,381 $38,308 $47,239

AvEW $19,581 $24,532 $23,998 $28,279 $30,351 $35,108 $36,646 $46,034 $47,045 $56,927

WeuEW $93,240 $121,110 $121,256 $143,760 $152,916 $172,700 $174,059 $208,640 $201,045 $228,049

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $2,158 $3,081 $3,236 $4,467 $5,270 $6,672 $7,859 $10,392 $11,564 $14,697

AvEW $5,440 $6,691 $6,686 $7,983 $8,442 $10,255 $10,806 $13,671 $14,118 $17,370

WeuEW $25,912 $33,047 $33,814 $40,592 $42,561 $50,427 $51,340 $61,987 $60,455 $69,540



Best Guess

Gas SF6

Best Guess Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $1,917 $1,857 $1,793 $1,724 $1,650 $1,574 $1,494 $1,411 $1,326 $1,240

AvEW $4,275 $4,127 $3,971 $3,807 $3,635 $3,458 $3,274 $3,087 $2,895 $2,702

WeuEW $20,361 $19,656 $18,911 $18,130 $17,314 $16,468 $15,595 $14,700 $13,789 $12,867

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $419 $390 $361 $332 $303 $275 $249 $223 $199 $177

AvEW $947 $872 $799 $729 $662 $597 $536 $479 $426 $376

WeuEW $4,510 $4,152 $3,806 $3,472 $3,151 $2,845 $2,555 $2,283 $2,028 $1,792

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $63 $51 $42 $33 $26 $20 $16 $12 $9 $7

AvEW $151 $119 $94 $73 $57 $44 $34 $26 $20 $15

WeuEW $719 $568 $447 $350 $272 $210 $161 $123 $93 $70

Declining discount rate

$545 $513 $480 $446 $412 $379 $345 $313 $281 $251

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $1,917 $2,380 $2,925 $3,572 $4,319 $5,179 $6,203 $7,435 $8,818 $10,149

AvEW $4,275 $4,789 $5,332 $5,910 $6,498 $7,112 $7,801 $8,601 $9,510 $10,381

WeuEW $20,361 $23,650 $26,954 $30,040 $32,751 $34,980 $37,060 $39,037 $40,667 $41,629

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $419 $551 $715 $919 $1,169 $1,471 $1,847 $2,318 $2,878 $3,465

AvEW $947 $1,118 $1,309 $1,525 $1,760 $2,020 $2,322 $2,680 $3,101 $3,540

WeuEW $4,510 $5,519 $6,619 $7,753 $8,873 $9,938 $11,031 $12,164 $13,258 $14,194

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $63 $88 $120 $163 $217 $284 $372 $486 $627 $785

AvEW $151 $186 $228 $277 $333 $397 $474 $568 $682 $808

WeuEW $719 $919 $1,151 $1,407 $1,677 $1,953 $2,252 $2,579 $2,917 $3,242

Declining discount rate

$545 $639 $747 $868 $1,003 $1,150 $1,308 $1,474 $1,645 $1,818



Gas SF6

Average Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $3,764 $18,663 $4,339 $2,948 $3,561 $3,046 $4,025 $2,483 $3,068 $3,135

AvEW $7,611 $53,710 $9,410 $5,825 $7,864 $5,707 $6,765 $4,719 $6,635 $5,289

WeuEW $36,235 $255,533 $44,794 $27,732 $37,442 $27,171 $32,207 $22,470 $31,583 $25,180

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $884 $4,074 $883 $596 $678 $552 $690 $408 $467 $443

AvEW $1,889 $11,485 $1,971 $1,225 $1,505 $1,077 $1,193 $797 $1,008 $766

WeuEW $8,994 $54,644 $9,381 $5,834 $7,165 $5,127 $5,679 $3,795 $4,800 $3,647

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $152 $572 $106 $65 $62 $44 $46 $24 $23 $18

AvEW $346 $1,575 $241 $140 $137 $89 $83 $48 $49 $32

WeuEW $1,648 $7,493 $1,147 $667 $652 $423 $394 $230 $231 $153

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $3,764 $24,594 $6,986 $5,830 $8,988 $9,218 $14,570 $11,458 $18,965 $22,298

AvEW $7,611 $62,379 $12,646 $9,051 $14,068 $11,750 $16,135 $13,166 $21,834 $20,372

WeuEW $36,235 $307,480 $63,846 $45,950 $70,826 $57,717 $76,541 $59,672 $93,151 $81,472

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $884 $5,920 $1,743 $1,599 $2,560 $2,783 $4,575 $3,838 $6,417 $7,775

AvEW $1,889 $14,735 $3,231 $2,566 $4,008 $3,647 $5,169 $4,462 $7,356 $7,224

WeuEW $8,994 $72,631 $16,315 $13,029 $20,178 $17,913 $24,518 $20,222 $31,383 $28,893

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $152 $1,007 $310 $316 $509 $590 $1,000 $902 $1,491 $1,850

AvEW $346 $2,458 $585 $528 $799 $802 $1,163 $1,068 $1,703 $1,766

WeuEW $1,648 $12,118 $2,953 $2,683 $4,021 $3,939 $5,516 $4,841 $7,264 $7,063


Average, 1% trimmed

Gas SF6

Average 1% Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $3,455 $3,685 $3,554 $2,571 $3,088 $2,626 $2,643 $2,132 $2,313 $1,946

AvEW $6,999 $7,486 $6,959 $5,259 $6,376 $5,018 $5,280 $4,169 $4,513 $3,653

WeuEW $33,324 $35,640 $33,133 $25,039 $30,359 $23,890 $25,137 $19,849 $21,488 $17,390

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $814 $819 $731 $526 $592 $482 $465 $356 $358 $288

AvEW $1,745 $1,759 $1,528 $1,124 $1,257 $951 $947 $709 $709 $548

WeuEW $8,306 $8,373 $7,275 $5,350 $5,987 $4,528 $4,509 $3,376 $3,373 $2,609

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $142 $120 $90 $59 $55 $39 $33 $22 $18 $13

AvEW $324 $274 $200 $130 $120 $80 $67 $43 $36 $24

WeuEW $1,545 $1,306 $952 $620 $570 $379 $321 $207 $170 $115

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $3,455 $4,672 $5,630 $5,137 $7,667 $7,999 $9,857 $10,011 $13,562 $13,299

AvEW $6,999 $8,690 $9,349 $8,171 $11,405 $10,330 $12,594 $11,629 $14,845 $14,059

WeuEW $33,324 $42,885 $47,224 $41,488 $57,428 $50,747 $59,738 $52,712 $63,374 $56,267

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $814 $1,149 $1,422 $1,423 $2,210 $2,437 $3,178 $3,379 $4,691 $4,863

AvEW $1,745 $2,255 $2,505 $2,353 $3,349 $3,220 $4,104 $3,969 $5,167 $5,165

WeuEW $8,306 $11,129 $12,652 $11,948 $16,861 $15,821 $19,466 $17,991 $22,055 $20,669

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $142 $206 $260 $285 $448 $526 $724 $801 $1,125 $1,242

AvEW $324 $428 $485 $491 $698 $719 $947 $960 $1,252 $1,326

WeuEW $1,545 $2,112 $2,452 $2,494 $3,516 $3,530 $4,493 $4,353 $5,346 $5,308


Average 5% trimmed

Gas SF6

Average 5% Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $2,893 $2,975 $2,658 $2,166 $2,420 $2,102 $2,106 $1,806 $1,757 $1,589

AvEW $5,842 $6,270 $5,234 $4,350 $4,900 $4,113 $4,268 $3,556 $3,554 $3,024

WeuEW $27,815 $29,851 $24,922 $20,713 $23,331 $19,582 $20,323 $16,932 $16,922 $14,400

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $693 $685 $578 $450 $470 $393 $378 $302 $277 $236

AvEW $1,490 $1,492 $1,199 $948 $983 $794 $777 $605 $564 $456

WeuEW $7,094 $7,104 $5,709 $4,511 $4,682 $3,783 $3,699 $2,883 $2,686 $2,173

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $124 $104 $76 $51 $45 $33 $27 $18 $14 $10

AvEW $287 $239 $168 $113 $96 $69 $57 $37 $29 $20

WeuEW $1,369 $1,137 $798 $539 $458 $326 $269 $178 $139 $97

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $2,893 $3,777 $4,232 $4,294 $5,947 $6,328 $7,865 $8,350 $10,029 $10,585

AvEW $5,842 $7,278 $7,032 $6,758 $8,764 $8,466 $10,180 $9,918 $11,687 $11,636

WeuEW $27,815 $35,918 $35,522 $34,321 $44,132 $41,596 $48,298 $44,965 $49,908 $46,591

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $693 $961 $1,127 $1,210 $1,733 $1,964 $2,581 $2,829 $3,518 $3,894

AvEW $1,490 $1,913 $1,966 $1,984 $2,619 $2,690 $3,366 $3,389 $4,112 $4,300

WeuEW $7,094 $9,442 $9,929 $10,075 $13,187 $13,215 $15,970 $15,362 $17,558 $17,216

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $124 $178 $220 $248 $363 $440 $603 $678 $869 $1,005

AvEW $287 $373 $407 $427 $562 $619 $794 $824 $1,020 $1,116

WeuEW $1,369 $1,839 $2,055 $2,167 $2,828 $3,039 $3,769 $3,735 $4,355 $4,467


Average 10% trimmed

Gas SF6

Average 10% Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $2,570 $2,574 $2,323 $1,914 $2,073 $1,845 $1,825 $1,605 $1,516 $1,379

AvEW $5,194 $5,519 $4,609 $3,867 $4,178 $3,646 $3,706 $3,197 $3,076 $2,673

WeuEW $24,732 $26,280 $21,944 $18,411 $19,894 $17,359 $17,647 $15,225 $14,645 $12,728

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $623 $595 $512 $401 $407 $347 $329 $270 $241 $206

AvEW $1,345 $1,327 $1,069 $848 $848 $704 $678 $544 $493 $405

WeuEW $6,402 $6,319 $5,088 $4,036 $4,040 $3,353 $3,226 $2,592 $2,350 $1,926

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $114 $93 $69 $46 $40 $29 $24 $17 $13 $9

AvEW $265 $215 $153 $102 $85 $61 $50 $34 $26 $18

WeuEW $1,263 $1,024 $727 $488 $404 $290 $237 $160 $123 $86

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $2,570 $3,269 $3,682 $3,779 $5,103 $5,581 $6,797 $7,388 $8,586 $9,188

AvEW $5,194 $6,407 $6,191 $6,006 $7,472 $7,505 $8,839 $8,918 $10,113 $10,284

WeuEW $24,732 $31,621 $31,276 $30,505 $37,632 $36,873 $41,939 $40,432 $43,194 $41,180

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $623 $835 $996 $1,074 $1,496 $1,738 $2,236 $2,508 $3,039 $3,378

AvEW $1,345 $1,702 $1,752 $1,775 $2,259 $2,384 $2,935 $3,047 $3,597 $3,811

WeuEW $6,402 $8,399 $8,848 $9,013 $11,377 $11,715 $13,928 $13,814 $15,362 $15,259

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $114 $159 $199 $223 $317 $389 $525 $606 $758 $874

AvEW $265 $336 $370 $386 $495 $550 $700 $744 $903 $996

WeuEW $1,263 $1,656 $1,870 $1,962 $2,492 $2,703 $3,323 $3,371 $3,857 $3,986



Gas SF6

Median Year of emission

2005 2015 2025 2035 2045 2055 2065 2075 2085 2095

Discounted to 2005

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $1,551 $1,454 $1,500 $1,235 $1,180 $1,150 $1,117 $1,000 $940 $861

AvEW $3,218 $3,142 $3,103 $2,552 $2,435 $2,336 $2,269 $1,970 $1,816 $1,706

WeuEW $15,319 $14,960 $14,772 $12,153 $11,592 $11,118 $10,805 $9,380 $8,648 $8,128

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $391 $360 $339 $260 $235 $221 $202 $170 $154 $128

AvEW $890 $812 $759 $570 $499 $452 $416 $349 $304 $262

WeuEW $4,239 $3,865 $3,619 $2,715 $2,376 $2,149 $1,983 $1,662 $1,447 $1,247

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $76 $60 $49 $31 $25 $19 $15 $11 $8 $6

AvEW $188 $144 $111 $73 $55 $38 $32 $23 $16 $12

WeuEW $897 $684 $530 $346 $260 $182 $152 $110 $77 $57

Discounted to year of emission

0% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $1,551 $1,834 $2,379 $2,426 $2,917 $3,445 $4,096 $4,362 $5,255 $5,593

AvEW $3,218 $3,648 $4,169 $3,961 $4,358 $4,814 $5,415 $5,489 $5,963 $6,553

WeuEW $15,319 $18,001 $21,056 $20,137 $21,927 $23,620 $25,678 $24,910 $25,505 $26,295

1% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $391 $500 $660 $695 $881 $1,072 $1,389 $1,559 $1,909 $2,084

AvEW $890 $1,041 $1,244 $1,194 $1,331 $1,530 $1,800 $1,955 $2,217 $2,468

WeuEW $4,239 $5,137 $6,293 $6,064 $6,693 $7,509 $8,559 $8,856 $9,461 $9,882

3% pure rate of time preference

NoEW $76 $102 $139 $150 $194 $243 $324 $392 $485 $548

AvEW $188 $224 $270 $274 $318 $345 $448 $511 $567 $660

WeuEW $897 $1,106 $1,365 $1,391 $1,606 $1,698 $2,128 $2,320 $2,429 $2,642