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June 27-29, 2016, MEETING

This document includes meeting reports of the following: NCAA Division I Council, NCAA

Division I Competition Oversight Committee, NCAA Division I Football Oversight Committee,

NCAA Division I Legislative Committee, NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Oversight

Committee, NCAA Division I Strategic Vision and Planning Committee, NCAA Division I

Student-Athlete Experience Committee, and NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Oversight



1. NCAA Division I Council Two-Year Governance Structure Ad Hoc Working Group

Report. The Council expressed support for recommendations made by the Legislative

Committee based on the recommendations in the report of the Council Two-Year

Governance Structure Review Ad Hoc Working Group. In addition, the Council received

a report regarding additional items that were addressed by the working group, but did not

result in recommendations for changes to legislation or procedures. The Council agreed

that the working group should continue to review the governance structure to address both

new issues that may arise and continuing issues that have been raised by the membership.

One item for continued review includes exploration of ways in which the nonautonomy

conferences may address legislation adopted by the autonomy conferences, whether it be

through Council adoption, a more formal and public opt-in process or another possible


a. Legislative and Procedural Recommendations. The following recommendations

will be forwarded to the NCAA Division I Board of Directors for consideration:

(1) Recommendation to develop a process by which the Council may formally

recommend legislative ideas/concepts to the autonomy conferences for

consideration. Such a process would be developed in consultation with the

five autonomy conferences and it is anticipated that Council would have a

standing agenda item at its April and June meetings during which time it

could formally agree to recommend legislative concepts in areas of

autonomy to the five autonomy conferences to consider sponsoring into the

autonomy legislative cycle. Such a process will facilitate greater

opportunity for discussion and collaboration among the autonomy and

nonautonomy conferences.

(2) Recommendation to move the current submission deadline for autonomy

proposals from September 1 to November 1 and combine the sponsor

modification and amendment-to-amendment periods. The autonomy

business session would continue to occur at the NCAA Convention in

January. Dates of publications and review would be adjusted accordingly.

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 2


The later submission date will allow for a more thorough analysis and

development of autonomy concepts through fall conference meetings.

(3) Recommendation to approve a one-year waiver to allow the Council to

introduce legislation into the legislative cycle through November 1. The

submission deadline for conference-sponsored legislation would remain

September 1. Dates of publications and review of proposals introduced by

the Council would be adjusted accordingly. The later submission date will

allow major issues (e.g., time demands, football recruiting) to be fully

developed before introduction into this year’s legislative cycle. The

membership also may evaluate the modified process to determine if it

wishes to maintain the current September 1 deadline or recommend

legislation to adjust the submission deadline to November 1.

(4) Recommendation to expand the current amendment period to February 1

for Council-governance proposals not identified for a January vote. The

additional time to submit amendments will allow for final adjustments and

refinement to proposals based on feedback from Legislative Forum at the

Convention and from other constituencies.

b. Other Results of the Two-Year Governance Structure Review.

(1) It was affirmed that current process permits only autonomy conferences to

sponsor and vote on legislation in an area of autonomy.

(2) Autonomy conferences should develop a process to address autonomy

legislative issues that may not warrant the use of the full autonomy

legislative process (e.g., noncontroversial or minimal national interest).

(3) Results of a membership survey indicate little support for a process by

which the 27 nonautonomy conferences would vote separately on

previously adopted autonomy proposals. The current opt-in process appears

to provide a sufficient opportunity for the 27 conferences and their

institutions to apply the autonomy legislation; however, it was noted that a

more formal process (e.g., report to national office) may be necessary for

high profile matters (e.g., health and safety, time demands). This issue will

continue being discussed by the working group.

(4) It was affirmed that violations are to be handled through NCAA

enforcement process regardless of whether nonautonomy institution has

elected to apply autonomy legislation.

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 3


(5) Voting should continue to occur in April on Council-governance proposals

(other than proposals identified for January votes).

(6) Proposals recommended as noncontroversial should be reviewed by the

Legislative Committee for recommendation to the Council regarding

whether the concepts meet the standards to be considered noncontroversial.

(7) Voting on football-specific proposals should remain limited to specific

conference representatives (10 Football Bowl Subdivision/13 NCAA

Football Championship Subdivision).

2. Council Operational Issues. The Council discussed several concepts related to alleviating

the significant workload on Council members and increasing the efficiency and

effectiveness of Council operations. The NCAA Division I Council Coordination

Committee will review feedback and additional concepts in order to develop

recommendations for Council consideration at a future meeting. Items to be reviewed by

the Coordination Committee include:

a. Development of a consent package that allows Council to quickly act on multiple


b. Composition of standing committees.

3. Enhancing the Student-Athlete Experience. The Council reviewed and discussed

concepts aimed at enhancing the student-athlete experience brought forward from the

Student-Athlete Experience Committee. Council feedback will be considered along with

the feedback gathered from the Division I membership, and legislative recommendations

are expected for the Council’s August teleconference. Autonomy concepts were also

discussed and feedback will be shared with those conferences as legislation is developed.

It is anticipated that a comprehensive, Phase I package of legislation and best practices will

be considered at the 2017 NCAA Convention.

Council-governance concepts in development include:

a. Educating prospective student-athletes on time demands during recruitment


b. Scheduling predictability;

c. Sport-specific review of playing and practice seasons and countable athletically

related activities; and

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 4


d. Impact of the summer schedule on the student experience.

Autonomy concepts in development include:

a. A student-athlete time management plan; and

b. A seven-day required break at the conclusion of the championship segment and an

additional 14 days off during the academic year.

4. Council Legislative Actions. The Council’s legislative actions are detailed in Attachment

A and voting results are available in Attachment B. Pursuant to NCAA Constitution, legislation adopted by the Council (other than noncontroversial legislation) is

considered final at the conclusion of the next Division I Board of Directors meeting

(August 4).


1. Values-Based Revenue Distribution. The Council discussed the various concepts under

review by the NCAA Division I Values-Based Revenue Distribution Working Group. It

is anticipated that the working group will make its final recommendation to the Board of

Directors October 2016.

2. Division I Transfer Student-Athletes. Council received an update regarding discussions

of transfer student-athletes. The Council Coordination Committee will continue to review

and monitor issues related to transfer situations and make recommendations, as


3. Reports from Council Committees. The Council received reports of the actions of the

seven Council committees.

a. Competition Oversight Committee. The following items include actions taken

by the Council on recommendations and information provided to the Council from

the Competition Oversight Committee.

(1) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to, in

golf, exempt the East Lake Cup from the maximum dates of competition

and the declared playing season. The proposal’s effective date is August 1,


Rationale. The East Lake Cup was started in November 2015 and beginning

in 2016 will be a three-day collegiate team competition featuring the four

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 5


institutions that advanced to the semifinals from each of the most recent

NCAA Division I Men’s and Women’s Golf Championships. The format

consists of each of the four teams, per gender, participating in one day of

18-hole stroke-play competition, which in turn determines the seeding for

the following two days of semifinal and finals/consolation match-play

competition that will be covered live by the Golf Channel at East Lake Golf

Club in Atlanta. This proposal provides the opportunity to embrace an event

that builds upon the overall broadcast coverage that occurs each year at the

finals site and extends to the regular season. The East Lake Club and East

Lake Foundation have provided philanthropic support through their

collaboration with public and private organizations to offer Atlanta’s East

Lake residents opportunities to build a better future through education for

children and adults, affordable housing, job readiness and connections with

the broader community.

(2) The Competition Oversight Committee supported a strategic multiphase

approach to enhance student-athlete experience and bolster financial

stewardship. Recommendations were based on feedback from

championship participant surveys and multisport conference survey. Data

from current expenditures, historical trends and overall position of the

championships helped inform decisions. Survey responses indicated a

desire to continue to support the student-athlete experience (attendance and

fan access, and quality of travel); maintain/enhance current and future

officiating programs; establish championship formats that support

excellence, fairness and consistency; and conduct championships at sites

with exceptional atmosphere and facilities. Immediate enhancements for

2016-17 include improved awards ceremonies; gathering/meeting areas for

family/friends; and a requirement that hosts live stream preliminary-round

competition. Strategic areas for 2016-17 and 2017-18 include exploring

models to maintain and enhance championships; quality of travel

experience; enhanced officiating training and development programs;

consistency and fairness of championship experience; and championship

formats and automatic qualifier policies. Other Phase I enhancements

require additional planning before being implemented in 2016-17 and 2017-

18 (e.g., enhanced banquets, improved team awards and participant gifts).

Phases II and III include areas for the committee structure and the

membership to discuss further (e.g., travel party policies, sponsorship

minimums, bracketing principles, automatic qualifier policies).

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 6


(3) The Competition Oversight Committee has requested that one of its

members be appointed to serve on NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel to

maintain communication and continuity.

(4) The Competition Oversight Committee supported an adjustment to the

Division I Softball Championship format to conduct the super regionals as

three-day competitions rather than the current two-day format that stages

the “if necessary” game as part of a doubleheader on day two.

(5) The Competition Oversight Committee referred a concept to change the

playing and practice season for men’s soccer to a two-semester format

(championship segment in the spring) to the NCAA Division I Men’s

Soccer Committee.

(6) Key topics for future discussion include:

(a) Strategic objectives to improve the student-athlete experience and

manage short-term and long-term growth of the championships; and

(b) Site selections for 2018 through 2022.

b. Football Oversight Committee. The following items include actions taken by the

Council on recommendations and information provided to the Council from the

Football Oversight Committee.

(1) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

eliminate the exception to the “deserving team” criteria that permits a

conference champion that is contractually obligated to participate in a bowl

game to be considered a “deserving team” regardless of its won-lost record.

The proposal’s effective date is immediate.

Rationale. The exception for a conference champion to be bowl eligible

regardless of its won-lost record is unnecessary due to conference expansion

and the number of institutions that are required for a conference to be

considered a Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) conference.

(2) The Council approved the formation of a football competition committee

within the Football Oversight Committee’s substructure. The NCAA

Division I Football Competition Committee will examine rules and

regulations related to all aspects of football, including, but not limited to,

playing rules, officiating, integrity of the game, technology, game-day

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 7


operations, competitive balance and student-athlete health and safety. All

recommendations of the Football Competition Committee are subject to the

approval of the Football Oversight Committee.

(3) The Football Oversight Committee approved a request from The Ivy League

to use experimental rules for the 2016-17 football season that will place the

football at the 40-yard line for kickoffs and place the football at the 20-yard

line following touchbacks. The rules will be in effective for all Ivy League

conference contests and nonconference contests in which both institutions

agree to the rules. The conference will evaluate the impact of these rules

on concussion data for the 2016-17 season before determining any future

rule changes.

c. Legislative Committee. The following items include actions taken by the Council

on recommendations and information provided to the Council from the Legislative


(1) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

specify that, in baseball and basketball, a graduate midyear transfer who

meets the one-time transfer exception may be immediately eligible. The

proposal’s effective date is August 1, 2017.

Rationale. Relief has been provided through the waiver process to midyear

baseball or basketball transfer student-athletes who do not meet the one-

time transfer exception for graduate student participation. Such relief has

been granted for both the graduate student transfer legislation and the

midyear enrollee legislation. As a result, student-athletes who meet the one-

time transfer exception (and, therefore do not need a waiver) are

disadvantaged. Student-athletes who do not need a waiver are not eligible

until the ensuing academic year and the student-athlete who has previously

transferred and needs a waiver is granted immediate eligibility. Although

an institution could submit a legislative relief waiver for relief of the

midyear enrollee legislation, absent extenuating circumstances, approval of

such a request would be directly contrary to the legislation and an official


(2) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

eliminate the opportunity for a waiver of the five-year period of eligibility

for participation in officially recognized competition directly qualifying

participants for final Olympic tryouts and officially recognized tryouts

involving national teams sponsored by a national governing body of the

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 8


U.S. Olympic Committee (or, for student-athletes representing another

nation, the equivalent organization of that nation, or, for student-athletes

competing in a non-Olympic sport, the equivalent organization of that

sport). The proposal’s effective date is August 1, 2017.

Rationale. The original intent of the athletics activities waiver was to

provide an extension of a student-athlete’s five-year period of eligibility in

situations in which he or she is required to spend a significant amount of

time engaged in elite international competition. Over the years, it has

become common for national governing bodies to “officially recognize”

training and tryouts that do not meet the spirit of the original legislation and

should not warrant an extension of the five-year period of eligibility. This

proposal will restrict the athletics activities waiver to participation in the

appropriate level of tryouts and competition related to the appropriate elite-

level international events.

d. Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee. The following items include actions

taken by the Council on recommendations and information provided to the Council

from the Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee.

(1) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

increase, from four to five, the number of basketball regions that are used

to populate the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Committee. The

proposal’s effective date is immediate, for committee member terms that

begin on or after September 1, 2017.

Rationale. Increasing the number of regions from four to five provides

better balance of the number of institutions and conferences per region and

a more accurate geographic representation based on current conference

affiliations. All other composition criteria remain the same (i.e., 10

members, not more than three members from any one region, six members

from FBS institutions and four members from FCS and Division I


(2) The Council approved the formation of a men’s basketball competition

committee within the Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee’s

substructure. The NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Competition

Committee will develop and recommend strategic principles in order to

ensure that Division I men’s college basketball remains true to its original

rules, playable, watchable, popular and relevant in areas that include game

presentation, game operations, technology and statistical trends. All

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 9


recommendations of the Men’s Basketball Competition Committee are

subject to the approval of the Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee.

(3) Regarding the nomination process to fill positions on the Men’s Basketball

Committee, the Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee recommends that

each conference may nominate an additional candidate who would add to

the gender or ethnic diversity of the committee and that the conference may

designate primary and secondary candidates. The Men’s Basketball

Oversight Committee will work with NCAA Division I Council

Nominating Committee to operationalize this process.

e. Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee. The following items include actions

taken by the Council on recommendations and information provided to the Council

from the Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee.

(1) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

increase, from four to five, the number of basketball regions that are used

to populate the NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Championship Sport

Committee. The proposal’s effective date is immediate, for committee

member terms that begin on or after September 1, 2017.

Rationale. Increasing the number of regions from four to five provides

better balance of the number of institutions and conferences per region and

a more accurate geographic representation based on current conference

affiliations. All other composition criteria remain the same (i.e., 10

members, not more than three members from any one region, six members

from FBS institutions and four members from FCS and Division I


(2) The Council approved the formation of a women’s basketball competition

committee within the Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee’s

substructure. All recommendations of the NCAA Division I Women’s

Basketball Competition Committee are subject to the approval of the

Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee.

(3) The Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee received a report from the

Women’s Basketball Championship Sport Committee regarding the 32

conferences that were awarded automatic qualification for the 2017

championship; updated selection criteria to specify that “to be selected as

an at-large team, a team must have a record of .500 or above;” and revised

bracketing principles to permit the assignment of teams, by s-curve order,

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 10


to first and second round and regional sites taking into account distance

from site, mode of transportation and accessibility by fans.

(4) The Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee received a report from its

NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee Strategic

Format Review Subcommittee that it is considering potential format

changes that would move the NCAA Women’s Final Four to the weekend

after NCAA Men’s Final Four starting in 2021 at the earliest and would

have the top 32 seeds host first round games (one game) with four super

regional sites hosting three rounds. The Women’s Final Four format would

remain the same. Changes could be implemented as early as 2019. The

membership and other stakeholders (e.g., ESPN, Women’s Basketball

Coaches Association) will be consulted for feedback on the potential


(5) The Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee received a report from its

NCAA Division I Council Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee Ad

Hoc Working Group on Recruiting. The charge and roster has been

finalized and its initial teleconference was focused on the scope of its work.

Potential areas for review include the recruiting calendar, enhanced

work/life balance for coaches and refocusing recruiting on the scholastic

environment. A report is anticipated in September 2016 in advance of the

next in-person Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee meeting.

(6) The Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee received a report from the

NCAA Division I Council Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee

Discussion Group on Student-Athlete Time Demands. The discussion

group was supportive of all but one of the concepts developed by the NCAA

Division I Student-Athlete Experience Committee Enhancing the Student-

Athlete Experience – Time Demands Subgroup. The discussion group

expressed concern about the educational exception to the five-year rule for

study abroad and internships, noting the difficulty of application to winter

championship sports. However, the discussion group is supportive of

women’s basketball student-athletes taking advantage of such opportunities

in the summer.

(7) The Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee reviewed benefits provided

to participating student-athletes and families at the Men’s Final Four and

the Women’s Final Four, reaffirming a commitment to provide women’s

basketball student-athletes experience that is comparable to the experience

provided to men’s basketball student-athletes. The Women’s Basketball

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 11


Oversight Committee requested a review of anticipated benefits for the

2017 championships at its October 2016 meeting.

f. Student-Athlete Experience Committee. The following items include actions

taken by the Council on recommendations and information provided to the Council

from the Student-Athlete Experience Committee.

(1) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

increase, from two to three, the number coaches in men’s water polo and

women’s water polo who may be employed by an institution and who may

contact or evaluate prospective student-athletes off campus. The proposal’s

effective date is August 1, 2017.

Rationale. Increasing the number of countable coaches will enhance

student-athlete safety during practice and enhance student-athlete

experience and development by increasing coaching opportunities during

practice. This proposal aligns water polo with other “goalie-specialty”

position sport limits.

(2) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

specify that, in softball, women’s lacrosse, men’s volleyball, women’s

water polo and women’s beach volleyball, a student-athlete may engage in

intercollegiate competition during the segment of the playing season that

does not conclude with the NCAA championship without using a season of

competition, provided the student-athlete remains academically eligible

during the segment that concludes with the NCAA championship. The

proposal’s effective date is August 1, 2017.

Rationale. An exception currently applies to field hockey, men’s soccer,

women’s soccer, women’s volleyball and men’s water polo to allow a

student-athlete to engage in intercollegiate competition during the spring

nonchampionship segment without using a season of competition, provided

the student-athlete was academically eligible during the segment that

concludes with the NCAA championship. This proposal would provide a

student-athlete who participates in the proposed spring NCAA

championship sports with the same exception during the fall

nonchampionship segment.

(3) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

specify that, in field hockey, lacrosse and wrestling, off-campus recruiting

contacts shall not be made with an individual (or his or her relatives or legal

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 12


guardians) before September 1 at the beginning of his or her junior year in

high school and that contacts that occur during a prospective student-

athlete’s junior year may occur only at the prospective student-athlete’s

educational institution or residence. The proposal’s effective date is August

1, 2017.

Rationale. This proposal will simplify the legislation by creating a uniform

start date for off-campus contacts, telephone calls and recruiting materials

and electronic correspondence.

(4) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

specify that, in field hockey, women’s gymnastics, lacrosse and wrestling,

on-campus recruiting contacts and unofficial visits with athletics

department involvement shall not occur with an individual (or his or her

relatives or legal guardians) before September 1 at the beginning of his or

her junior year in high school. The proposal’s effective date is August 1,


Rationale. Currently there is no initial date for on-campus recruiting

contacts or unofficial visits with athletics department involvement to begin.

This proposal simplifies the legislation by creating a uniform start date for

contacts, recruiting materials and electronic correspondence in the

applicable sports. Finally, this proposal will help address the issue of early

recruiting in these sports.

(5) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

specify that, in lacrosse, telephone calls may not be received from an

individual (or his or her relatives or legal guardians) before September 1 at

the beginning of his or her junior year in high school. The proposal’s

effective date is August 1, 2017.

Rationale. This proposal, in conjunction with the other proposals applicable

to lacrosse, is intended to make September 1 of a prospective student-

athlete’s junior year the starting date for all communications and contacts.

Without a restriction on receipt of telephone calls, the other recruiting

restrictions fall short of curtailing early recruiting. Currently, an

institution’s coach may ask a club coach to have the prospective student-

athlete contact him or her. The combination of lacrosse proposals will

simplify the application of recruiting communication legislation and

address the issue of early recruiting.

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 13


(6) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

establish a separate recruiting calendar for women’s beach volleyball and

specify that 50 evaluation days shall be available for evaluations of

prospective student-athletes engaged in beach volleyball practice and/or

competition. The proposal’s effective date is August 1, 2017.

Rationale. Currently, the combined women’s volleyball and women’s

beach volleyball recruiting calendar has three quiet periods that would

become evaluation periods for women’s beach volleyball. The current quiet

periods do not allow women’s beach volleyball coaches to effectively

recruit during a critical time in the beach volleyball season. Contact periods

will remain the same for both sports. In order to avoid a competitive

advantage for women’s volleyball programs, women’s beach volleyball

recruiting will remain confined to beach volleyball competitions and

practices. Currently, nearly 50% of institutions that sponsor both sports

have separate staffs for each sport. The increase of youth play in beach

volleyball allows beach coaches to recruit exclusively at beach volleyball

events. Evaluation activities by a coach who is both a women’s volleyball

coach and a women’s beach volleyball coach at a volleyball event (not

beach volleyball) would count be subject to the women’s volleyball

recruiting calendar and limitations.

(7) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

specify that, in women’s lacrosse, that an institution shall not commence

practice sessions in the championship segment before the third Saturday in

January and shall not engage in its first date of competition (game or

scrimmage) in the championship segment before the Friday that is 15 weeks

before the Friday immediately preceding the NCAA Women’s Lacrosse

Championship. The proposal’s effective date is August 1, 2017.

Rationale. This proposal will reduce the championship segment from up to

21 weeks to 18 weeks, including 15-16 weeks of competition. The proposal

promotes student-athlete well-being by reducing the demands of the

championship segment.

(8) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

specify that, in women’s lacrosse, an institution shall limit its total playing

schedule with outside competition during the segment in which the NCAA

championship is conducted to 17 contests (as opposed to dates of

competition). The proposal’s effective date is August 1, 2017.

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 14


Rationale. A “date of competition” permits an institution to participate in

multiple contests on the same day. This proposal promotes student-athlete

well-being by reducing demands on their time. One lacrosse game lasts

approximately two hours. Conducting multiple contests on the same day is

not in the best interests of student-athletes.

(9) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to, in

swimming and diving, to exempt the College Swimming Coaches

Association of America (CSCAA) national invitational from the maximum

dates of competition and the declared playing season. The proposal’s

effective date is August 1, 2017.

Rationale. The CSCAA invitational has provided an opportunity for

student-athletes, who achieved the NCAA Division I B time standard or

Zone Diving Standard, but did not qualify for NCAA championships, an

opportunity to compete in a season ending meet. Since institutions must

include CSCAA national invitational within their playing season, there is

concern that the meet will cease to exist due to the application of current

playing season calculations. Currently, institutions are required to withhold

a date of competition in order to send student-athletes to the event. Over

the past several years, the number of NCAA men and women swimming

and diving student-athletes who achieved Division I B cuts or one diving

qualification but did not qualify for the NCAA championship has been

significant. In effort to enhance the student-athlete experience and promote

their achievements, the inclusion of the CSCAA invitational as an exempted

event will support this initiative to provide greater postseason access for


(10) The Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative cycle to

specify that, in women’s beach volleyball, an institution shall not play its

first contest (game or scrimmage) with outside competition in the

championship segment before the Thursday that is 10 weeks before the

Thursday immediately preceding the start of the National Collegiate

Women’s Beach Volleyball Championship and that an institution shall limit

its total playing schedule with outside competition to 16 dates of

competition during the championship segment and four dates of

competition during the nonchampionship segment.

Rationale. Currently, women’s beach volleyball has half the championship

segment length of other sports and is limited to 16 total dates of competition

with not more than two dates of competition during the nonchampionship

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 15


segment. This proposal extends the championship segment competition

season by one week but will provide women’s beach volleyball student-

athletes with competition opportunities that are comparable to other single

semester women’s sports. The overall length of the combined

championship and nonchampionship segments remains 132 days.

(11) The Council appointed Jennifer Condaras, Senior Compliance

Administrator for the Big East Conference and member of the Student-

Athlete Experience Committee, to the NCAA Division I Committee for

Legislative Relief. In April, the Council approved legislation to increase

the composition of the Committee for Legislative Relief from five members

to seven members and to specify that one member shall also be a member

of the Student-Athlete Experience Committee.

g. Strategic Vision and Planning Committee. The following items include actions

taken by the Council on recommendations and information provided to the Council

from the Strategic Vision and Planning Committee.

(1) The Council approved an amendment to its policies and procedures to

specify that a member of the Strategic Vision and Planning Committee serve

on the Council Coordination Committee.

(2) The Strategic Vision and Planning Committee made several editorial

changes to its original charging document to better reflect its current

responsibilities and oversight. In addition, the Strategic Vision and

Planning Committee is developing a plan to assist the Council in building

and managing the Division I agenda and a tool to help evaluate the success

of tracking on Division I initiatives.

(3) The Strategic Vision and Planning Committee supported the recommended

increases to the Ethnic Minority and Women Enhancement Postgraduate

Scholarship for Careers in Athletics and The NCAA Postgraduate

Scholarship from $7,500 to $8,500.

(4) The Strategic Vision and Planning Committee continued its review of the

transition of responsibilities of the NCAA Division I Committee on

Institutional Performance. In October, a recommendation will be made to

the Council to endorse a transition plan, rebrand the Institutional

Performance Program tool and consider noncontroversial legislation to

dissolve the Committee on Institutional Performance.

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 16


(5) The Strategic Vision and Planning Committee agreed that equestrian will

continue to be identified as an emerging sport for women. The sport has

demonstrated potential growth based on new organizational efforts and

membership feedback.

(6) The Strategic Vision and Planning Committee reaffirmed that the health and

safety of student-athletes is a top priority for the entire Division I

membership and recommends that the Council Two-Year Governance

Structure Review Ad Hoc Working Group continue to discuss and explore

an appropriate legislative process or other procedure to involve the entire

membership in the resolution of such issues.

(7) The Strategic Vision and Planning Committee reported that the following

institutions have been advanced to year four of the Division II to Division I

reclassification process: Abilene Christian University; Grand Canyon

University; University of the Incarnate Word; and the University of

Massachusetts Lowell. In addition, Northern Kentucky University was

recommended for election to active Division I membership and The

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, was recommended for election to

active FBS membership. Coastal Carolina University will enter year one of

the reclassification process from the FCS to the FBS. Finally, the Northeast

Water Polo Conference has been recommended for election as a single sport

conference, effective August 1.

4. Update from the NCAA Division I Committee on Academics. At the request of the

Committee on Academics, the Council introduced a proposal into the 2016-17 legislative

cycle to specify that for a postgraduate student-athlete, only credit earned toward a degree

may be used to satisfy the requirement to earn six credits per regular academic term, except

that graduate student-athletes who are permitted to be enrolled without admission to or

designation of specific graduate program may use any graduate-level coursework and post-

baccalaureate student-athletes who are permitted to remain undeclared may continue to use

any coursework. The proposal’s effective date is August 1, 2017.

Rationale. Current requirements may not adequately measure or incentivize postgraduate

degree-specific work and progress. This proposal will ensure meaningful progress toward

designated degree program. However, it accounts for the prevalence of student-athletes

enrolled in “at-large” programs.

5. Increasing Division I Influence in Playing Rules in Football, Men’s Basketball and

Women’s Basketball. The Council received an update on the discussions related to a

possible modification to the current playing rules committee structures for football, men’s

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 17


basketball and women’s basketball. The sport oversight committees reviewed and

discussed feedback from affected constituencies related to models for possible changes.

The sport oversight committees will continue to explore potential options to increase

Division I influence and add Division I representation on these three association-wide

playing rules committees. This topic will continue to be discussed by the Football, Men’s

and Women’s Basketball Oversight Committees.

6. Review of Updated Council Policies and Procedures. The Council reviewed and

approved updates to its policies and procedures to address situations in which student-

athlete representatives are unable to participate in Council Coordination meetings and to

address the assignment of new Council members in situations in which Council vacancies

occur outside the annual term expiration timeline.

7. Council Coordination Committee. The Council received a summary of actions taken and

key informational items discussed by the Council Coordination Committee between April

13 and June 1, 2016.

8. Report of the April 6-8, 2016, Council Meeting. The Council approved the report of its

April 6-8, 2016, meeting.

9. 2016 Future Meeting Dates.

a. August 3 (Council only) teleconference from 1 to 4 p.m. Eastern; and

b. October 3-5 (Council and standing committees) meeting, Indianapolis.

Council Chair: Jim Phillips, Northwestern University, Big Ten Conference

Council Liaisons: Diane Dickman, Law, Policy and Governance

Jennifer Fraser, Law, Policy and Governance

Kevin Lennon, Law, Policy and Governance

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 18


NCAA Division I Council Meeting

June 27-29, 2016


Troy Austin, Longwood University; Big South Conference.

Mitch Barnhart, University of Kentucky; Southeastern Conference.

Robert Bernardi, Nicholls State University; Southland Conference.

Robert Bowlsby, Big 12 Conference (FBS Autonomy conference commissioner).

Bill Chaves, Eastern Washington University; Big Sky Conference.

Tim Day, Iowa State University; Big 12 Conference.

Connor Donnelly, Sacred Heart University; Northeast Conference (Student-Athlete Advisory

Committee representative) (alternate).

Dianthia Ford-Kee, Mississippi Valley State University; Southwestern Athletic Conference.

Keith Gill, University of Richmond; Atlantic 10 Conference.

Dan Guerrero, University of California, Los Angeles; Pac-12 Conference.

Robin Green Harris, Ivy League (FCS conference commissioner) (alternate).

Ted Gumbart, Atlantic Sun Conference (alternate).

Sandy Hatfield Clubb, Drake University; Missouri Valley Conference.

Jeffrey Hathaway, Hofstra University; Colonial Athletic Association.

Lynn Holzman, West Coast Conference.

Connie Hurlbut, Western Athletic Conference.

Brian Hutchinson, Morehead State University; Ohio Valley Conference.

Blake James, University of Miami (Florida); Atlantic Coast Conference.

Paul Krebs, University of New Mexico; Mountain West Conference.

Robert Krimmel, Saint Francis University (Pennsylvania); Northeast Conference.

Mark LaBarbera, Valparaiso University; Horizon League.

Bill Maher, Canisius College; Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference.

Bruce McCutcheon, Lafayette College; Patriot League (alternate).

Bernadette McGlade, Atlantic 10 Conference (Division I conference commissioner).

Maggie McKinley, University of Cincinnati; American Athletic Conference.

Mary Mulvenna, America East Conference.

Don Oberhelman, California Polytechnic State University; Big West Conference.

Mike O’Brien, University of Toledo, Mid-American Conference.

Stephen Perez, California State University-Sacramento (Faculty Athletics Representative

Association representative).

Jim Phillips, Northwestern University; Big Ten Conference.

Jean Lenti Ponsetto, DePaul University; Big East Conference.

Kim Record, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Southern Conference.

Report of the NCAA Division I Council

and Seven Council Standing Committees

June 27-29, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 19



Judy Rose, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Conference USA.

Bob Scalise, Harvard University; Ivy League.

Rachel Scott, University of Texas at Austin; Big 12 Conference (Student-Athlete Advisory

Committee representative).

Justin Sell, South Dakota State University; Summit League.

Brian Shannon, Texas Tech University (DIA-FAR representative).

Larry Teis, Texas State University, Sun Belt Conference.

Etienne Thomas, North Carolina Central University; Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference.

Craig Thompson, Mountain West Conference (FBS Nonautonomy conference commissioner).


Vicky Chun, Colgate University; Patriot League.

Lily Johnson, Missouri State University; Missouri Valley Conference (Student-Athlete

Advisory Committee representative).

Kyle Kallander, Big South Conference (FCS conference commissioner).

Vaughn Williams, Kennesaw State University; Atlantic Sun Conference.

Guests in Attendance:

Carolyn Callahan, Committee on Academics.

NCAA Staff Liaisons in Attendance:

Diane Dickman, Jenn Fraser and Kevin Lennon.

Other NCAA Staff Members in Attendance for Portions of the Meeting:

Scott Bearby, Anucha Browne, Meredith Cleaver, Joni Comstock, Azure Davey, Lynn Dickey,

Mark Emmert, Dan Gavitt, Stephanie Grace, Brandy Hataway, Jennifer Henderson, Michelle

Hosick, Charnele Kemper, Mark Lewis, Oliver Luck, Matt Maher, Steve Mallonee, Jobrina

Marques, Kristen Matha, Kathleen McNeely, Binh Nguyen, Susan Peal, Todd Petr, Trevor

Reeves, Kris Richardson, Dave Schnase, Geoff Silver, Cari Van Senus, Quintin Wright, and

Leeland Zeller.

NCAA Division I Council June 2016 Legislative Actions


Number Title Source


Date Intent Council Action











NCAA Division I

Council (Football

Oversight Committee)

August 1,


In bowl subdivision football, to specify that the

exception to address a situation in which there are an

insufficient number of eligible teams for postseason

bowl selection shall be extended through August 1,

2020; further, to (1) eliminate the “one-time” use

restriction; (2) specify that teams that meet the

exception are considered “alternates”; (3) to

eliminate the condition that allows an institution to

count two wins against Football Championship

Subdivision opponents toward potential bowl

eligibility; (4) specify that an institution that finishes

the season with a minimum of five wins and a

maximum of seven losses but achieved a multiyear

Academic Progress Rate that permits postseason

participation (e.g., 930) may qualify for bowl

selection (alternates are identified in descending

order based on the institution’s multiyear APR in

football; in the event of a tie, the institution with the

highest single-year rate in the most recent reporting

year will be selected first); (5) specify that an

alternate team must declare whether it will participate

if identified; and (6) specify that an alternate shall

select a remaining bowl game in which it will

participate (terms of participation will be the same as

those applicable to the originally contracted



amended as

reflected in the

intent statement.

Adopted, as











NCAA Division I

Council (Legislative



To eliminate the legislation that prescribes the loss of

one year of eligibility for practice and varsity

competition for each year of ineligible participation

or receipt of improper aid.

Supported as




NCAA Division I Council June 2016 Legislative Actions

Page No. 2



Number Title Source


Date Intent Council Action






NCAA Division I

Council (Student-

Athlete Experience



In softball, to eliminate the contact and evaluation

exceptions specific to Hawaii in the recruiting


Supported as










NCAA Division I

Council (Men’s and

Women’s Oversight



In basketball, to specify that the Enforcement

Certification and Approvals Group may consider a

prospective student-athlete’s waiver request, in

accordance with established policies and procedures,

related to the residency requirements for participants

on nonscholastic teams that wish to participate in

certified events; and that the policies and procedures

shall be reviewed annually by the Men’s and

Women’s Basketball Oversight Committees.

Supported as










NCAA Division I

Council (Committee

on Academics)


To eliminate references to “multiple levels of

analysis” and “progression of penalties” and to

clarify APP penalties, including the “levels” and

“progression of penalties,” are determined pursuant

to the policies and procedures of the APP, as

established by the Committee on Academics, as


Supported as











NCAA Division I

Council (Student-

Athlete Experience



To eliminate the legislation associated with the

amateur-status affidavits for any NCAA

championship or football bowl contest.

Supported as



NCAA Division I Council Voting Results

June 28-29, 2016ATTACHMENT B

Conference -- Voting Delegate Co



ce T




g W





ve A


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America East -- M. Mulvenna DI 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YAmerican Athletic Conference -- M. McKinley NA 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Atlantic 10 -- K. Gill DI 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YAtlantic Coast -- B. James A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YAtlantic Sun -- T. Gumbart DI 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YBig 12 -- T. Day A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YBig East -- J. Ponsetto DI 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YBig Sky -- B. Chaves FCS 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YBig South -- T. Austin FCS 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Big Ten -- J. Phillips A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YBig West -- D. Oberhelman DI 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YColonial Athletic Assoc. -- J. Hathaway FCS 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YConference USA -- J. Rose NA 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y YHorizon League -- M. LaBarbera DI 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIvy League -- B. Scalise FCS 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YMetro Atlantic Athletic -- B. Maher DI 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YMid-American -- M. O'Brien NA 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Mid-Eastern Athletic -- E. Thomas FCS 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y YMissouri Valley -- S. Hatfield Clubb DI 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YMountain West -- P. Krebs NA 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YNortheast -- B. Krimmel FCS 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y YOhio Valley -- B. Hutchinson FCS 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YPac-12 -- D. Guerrero A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YPatriot League -- B. McCutcheon FCS 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YSoutheastern -- M. Barnhart A 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Southern -- K. Record FCS 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YSouthland -- R. Bernardi FCS 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YSouthwestern Athletic -- D. Ford-Kee FCS 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YSummit League -- J. Sell DI 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YSun Belt -- L. Teis NA 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

West Coast -- L. Holzman DI 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YWestern Athletic -- C. Hurlbut DI 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

DI Commissioner -- B. McGlade 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIA FAR -- B. Shannon 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YFARA -- S. Perez 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YFBS Autonomy Commissioner -- B. Bowlsby 4 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YFBS Non-Autonomy Commissioner -- C. Thompson 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YFCS Commissioner -- R. Green Harris 1SAAC -- C. Donnelly 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y YSAAC -- R. Scott 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 56 62 62 61 61 13 13 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2

64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 15 15 15A = Autonomy; NA = FBS Nonautonomy

















Abstain (A)


Yes/Adopt (Y)No/Defeat (N)

No Vote Cast (Blank)









NCAA Division I Council Voting Results

June 28-29, 2016ATTACHMENT B

Conference -- Voting Delegate Co



ce T




g W



America East -- M. Mulvenna DI 1American Athletic Conference -- M. McKinley NA 2

Atlantic 10 -- K. Gill DI 1Atlantic Coast -- B. James A 4Atlantic Sun -- T. Gumbart DI 1Big 12 -- T. Day A 4Big East -- J. Ponsetto DI 1Big Sky -- B. Chaves FCS 1Big South -- T. Austin FCS 1

Big Ten -- J. Phillips A 4Big West -- D. Oberhelman DI 1Colonial Athletic Assoc. -- J. Hathaway FCS 1Conference USA -- J. Rose NA 2Horizon League -- M. LaBarbera DI 1Ivy League -- B. Scalise FCS 1Metro Atlantic Athletic -- B. Maher DI 1Mid-American -- M. O'Brien NA 2

Mid-Eastern Athletic -- E. Thomas FCS 1Missouri Valley -- S. Hatfield Clubb DI 1Mountain West -- P. Krebs NA 2Northeast -- B. Krimmel FCS 1Ohio Valley -- B. Hutchinson FCS 1Pac-12 -- D. Guerrero A 4Patriot League -- B. McCutcheon FCS 1Southeastern -- M. Barnhart A 4

Southern -- K. Record FCS 1Southland -- R. Bernardi FCS 1Southwestern Athletic -- D. Ford-Kee FCS 1Summit League -- J. Sell DI 1Sun Belt -- L. Teis NA 2

West Coast -- L. Holzman DI 1Western Athletic -- C. Hurlbut DI 1

DI Commissioner -- B. McGlade 1IA FAR -- B. Shannon 1FARA -- S. Perez 1FBS Autonomy Commissioner -- B. Bowlsby 4FBS Non-Autonomy Commissioner -- C. Thompson 2FCS Commissioner -- R. Green Harris 1SAAC -- C. Donnelly 1SAAC -- R. Scott 1

A = Autonomy; NA = FBS Nonautonomy

Abstain (A)


Yes/Adopt (Y)No/Defeat (N)

No Vote Cast (Blank)


-6 a

s n












B c





















B c





















t La

ke C








C m


er o

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cil P


















58 58 58 49 600 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 06 6 6 15 4

64 64 64 64 64



































JUNE 27-28, 2016, MEETING

Note: This document does not include items that are incorporated in the NCAA Division I

Council report.




1. Zone diving sites for 2017. The NCAA Division I Competition Oversight Committee

approved as a consent package the following zone diving sites for the 2017 Division I Men's

and Women's Swimming and Diving Championships:

Zone Host Institution Location

Zone A Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Virginia

Zone B Auburn Auburn, Alabama

Zone C Indiana Bloomington, Indiana

Zone D Missouri Columbia, Missouri

Zone E Northern Arizona Flagstaff, Arizona

2. Individual/team sports subcommittee report. The Competition Oversight Committee

received a report from the individual/team sports subcommittee and took the following


NCAA Men's and Women's Rifle Committee.

Committee chair appointment. The Competition Oversight Committee approved

a waiver of a policy that precludes a head coach from chairing a sport committee

so that Melissa Mulloy-Mecozzi, head rifle coach at Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, may serve as chair of the rifle committee effective September 1,

2016. The committee noted that a waiver is available for sports sponsored by

fewer than 60 percent of the membership eligible to participate in the


NCAA Division I Men's and Women's Swimming and Diving Committee.

Selection criteria – relay qualification procedures. The Competition Oversight

Committee approved an adjustment in the selection criteria to clarify that only

swimmers can trigger eligibility for relays at the championships.

Other Informational Items of the NCAA

Division I Competition Oversight Committee

June 27-28, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 2


NCAA Division I Men's and Women's Track and Field and Cross Country


Selection criteria for cross country. The Competition Oversight Committee

approved various adjustments to the selection criteria for cross country, noting that

they are not a departure but rather clarification to the current practice of selecting

at-large teams to the championships field with emphasis on NCAA regional

championships performances. The Competition Oversight Committee also noted

an informational item regarding the Men's and Women's Track and Field and Cross

Country Committee's discussion about the effect that runners who do not finish

races have on the selection of at-large teams to the championships.

NCAA Division I Wrestling Committee.

Selection criteria modifications. The Competition Oversight Committee approved

adjustments in the selection criteria to provide greater clarity and transparency in

the selection process and increase the probability of maintaining complete and

balanced brackets. The Competition Oversight Committee also reviewed an

informational item regarding the Wrestling Committee's desire to add a team

component to the NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships.

3. NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel report. The Competition Oversight Committee

accepted reports from the panel's recent teleconferences as information only.

4. Winter championships participant survey results. Competition Oversight Committee

members reviewed feedback collected from winter sport championships participant surveys,

noting the high percentage of respondents who are satisfied with their championships


5. NCAA championships update. The NCAA's senior executive vice president for

championships provided a brief update on the Division I championships program and noted

areas and issues that are likely to generate discussion in the future.

6. Presidential Working Group on Sports Sponsorship update. The chair of the

Competition Oversight Committee provided an update regarding the ongoing discussions

within Presidential Working Group on Sports Sponsorship.

7. NCAA Division I Nominating Committee update. NCAA staff provided a brief update

regarding the ongoing discussions within the Nominating Committee.

Other Informational Items of the NCAA

Division I Competition Oversight Committee

June 27-28, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 3


8. NCAA Division I Legislative Subcommittee of Competition Oversight Committee update. The NCAA staff updated the Competition Oversight Committee on the status of the

2015-16 legislative proposals that previously had been reviewed, including those that will be

effective as of August 1, 2016.

9. Other business. The Competition Oversight Committee approved extending the Mountain

Pacific Sports Federation automatic qualification in women's lacrosse for the 2017


10. Future meetings and teleconferences. The Competition Oversight Committee will meet in

person on the following dates. Members noted that teleconferences may be added as


October 3-4, 2016.

Committee Chair: Mitch Barnhart, University of Kentucky, Southeastern Conference

Staff Liaisons: Joni Comstock, Championships and Alliances

Jennifer Henderson, Academic and Membership Affairs

Other Informational Items of the NCAA

Division I Competition Oversight Committee

June 27-28, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 4


NCAA Division I Competition Oversight Committee Meeting

June 27-28, 2016


Emily Altier, Niagara University; Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference.

Shelley Appelbaum, Michigan State University; Big Ten Conference.

Mitch Barnhart, University of Kentucky; Southeastern Conference.

Amanda Braun, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Horizon League.

Tim Day, Iowa State University; Big 12 Conference.

Dianthia Ford-Kee, Mississippi Valley State University; Southwestern Athletic Conference.

Beth Goode, Stanford University; Pac-12 Conference.

Mark Harlan, University of South Florida; American Athletic Conference.

Robin Harris, The Ivy League

Natalie Honnen, Clemson University; Atlantic Coast Conference.

Brian Hutchinson, Morehead State University; Ohio Valley Conference.

Paul Krebs, University of New Mexico; Mountain West Conference.

Robert Krimmel, Saint Francis University (Pennsylvania); Northeast Conference.

Bill Maher, Canisius College; Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference.

Chris May, Saint Louis University; Atlantic 10 Conference.

Maggie McKinley, University of Cincinnati; Conference USA.

Mike O'Brien, University of Toledo; Mid-American Conference.

Kim Record, University of North Carolina, Greensboro; Southern Conference.

Donovan Robertson, The Ohio State University; Big Ten Conference.


Sergio Perkovic, University of Notre Dame; Atlantic Coast Conference.

Paula Smith, University of California, Irvine; Big West Conference.

Guest(s) in Attendance:

Jim Phillips, Northwestern University (Division I Council chair).

NCAA Staff Liaisons in Attendance:

Joni Comstock and Jennifer Henderson.

Other NCAA Staff Members in Attendance:

Sharon Cessna, Robin Hale, Mark Lewis, John Pfeffenberger, Carol Reep and Jerry Vaughn.



June 27-28, 2016, MEETING

Note: This document does not include any items that are incorporated in the NCAA

Division I Council report.


1. Increasing Division I Influence in Playing Rules. The NCAA Division I Football

Oversight Committee reviewed feedback from NCAA Divisions II and III and the NCAA

Playing Rules Oversight Panel (PROP) on two concepts that would increase NCAA

Division I influence in the playing rules process. The Football Oversight Committee

confirmed its interest in influencing Division I representation on both the NCAA Football

Rules Committee and PROP. While noting that Divisions II and III were not supportive

of a model that would increase Division I members on PROP from six to 12, alternatives

were discussed, including the use of the Division I Football Competition Committee for

influencing an agenda for Division I football to be reviewed by the NCAA Division I

Football Rules Committee and PROP. Discussions will continue with the chairs of the

NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Oversight Committee and NCAA Division I

Women's Basketball Oversight Committee regarding other alternatives.


1. Approval of guidelines for waivers of the 90 percent requirement to permit a

Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) institution to count a victory against a Football

Championship Subdivision (FCS) opponent toward the established FBS bowl

eligibility requirements. The committee approved postseason bowl eligibility waiver

guidelines for institutions seeking relief of NCAA Division I Bylaws and, to permit a victory against a FCS institution who will not meet the

90 percent requirement of the permissible maximum number of football grant-in-aid per

year during a rolling two-year period, to be counted toward the definition of "deserving

team". The guidelines establish the following information standards for those FBS

institutions seeking a waiver from the committee:

a. Chronology of events surrounding applicant institution's discovery of FCS

institution's inability to meet minimum grant-in-aid requirements;

b. Contemporaneous documentation of applicant institution's awareness of FCS

institution's ability to satisfy minimum scholarship requirements or potential

Academic Performance Plan (APP) penalties at the time the parties entered into a

contractual agreement;

Other Informational Items of The NCAA Division I

Football Oversight Committee

June 27-28, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 2


c. Applicant institution's attempts to reschedule another eligible opponent in the

affected season; and

d. Other unique or catastrophic circumstances that affected FCS institution's ability

to meet the 90 percent grant-in-aid requirement.

2. Approval of the April 2016 Football Oversight Committee In-Person Meeting

Report. The Football Oversight Committee reviewed and approved the April 6-7, 2016,

in-person meeting report.

3. NCAA Division I Council Football Recruiting Ad Hoc Working Group Update. The

Football Oversight Committee received an update from the NCAA Division I Council

Football Recruiting Ad Hoc Working Group's June 16 and 23 teleconferences.

4. NCAA Division I Football Championship Committee Report. The Football Oversight

Committee received an update from the chair of the NCAA Division I Football

Championship Committee.

5. NCAA Football Rules Committee Report. The Football Oversight Committee received

the report from the NCAA Football Rules Committee and its review in the areas of

statistical trends and technology (e.g., use of technology in the press box or on the

sideline). Rule changes approved for the 2016 and 2017 football seasons were noted.

The rule changes included, but were not limited to:

a. Digital Technology Allowed in Press Box and Locker Room (Rule 1-4.11).

Coaches are permitted to make use of digital technology in the press box and the

locker room, but they still may not use video images, photographs or computers

on the field. The digital connections in the press box provided by the home

team/facility must be the same in both coaching booths. (Note: The effective date

of this proposal is the 2017 season after a request from the Collegiate

Commissioners Association.);

b. Sliding Ball Carrier is Defenseless (Rule 2-27.14). A ball carrier who obviously

gives himself up and goes into a feet-first slide is included in the list of

defenseless players;

c. Unsportsmanlike Conduct (Rule 9-2.6). If a coach commits two unsportsmanlike

conduct fouls, he is automatically disqualified from the game, which is the current

rule for players;

Other Informational Items of The NCAA Division I

Football Oversight Committee

June 27-28, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 3


d. Instant Replay – Targeting Fouls (Rule 12-5.5. f). In reviewing targeting fouls the

Instant Replay Official is to examine all aspects of the action: whether the player

was defenseless, the location of the forcible contact, the presence of indicators of

targeting, and the use of the crown of the helmet. Also, the replay official may

create a targeting foul in the case of an egregious action that was not called by the

officials on the field; and

e. Medical Observer (Rule 12-5.2). The Instant Replay Official may stop the game

at the initiative of a medical observer in the Instant Replay booth. (This change

makes the 2015 experimental rule official.)

6. Comprehensive Review of Football. The Football Oversight Committee continued its

discussions related to the comprehensive review of football. Specifically, a concept

related to 14-week playing season was reviewed. NCAA staff will work with Division I

conferences to model a potential conference schedule under a proposed 14-week playing

season. Additional information will be reviewed during the October in-person meeting.

7. NCAA Division I Committee for Legislative Relief Feedback Request. In response to

a request from the NCAA Division I Committee for Legislative Relief, the Football

Oversight Committee reviewed a waiver filed by a Division I member institution and

provided feedback on the waiver request. The feedback will be considered by NCAA

staff and the Committee for Legislative Relief.

8. Update from Second Safety in College Football Summit. The Football Oversight

Committee received an update from the NCAA Sports Science Institute regarding the

Second Safety in College Football Summit. The proposed year-round practice

recommendations from the summit were noted. The recommendations were made based

on data gathered on safety and head-impact exposure. Discussion related to this topic

will continue during a July teleconference.

9. Review of Football Bowl Subdivision Membership Requirements. The Football

Oversight Committee received an update on the history and current state of the FBS

membership requirements.

Committee Chair: Bob Bowlsby, Big 12 Conference

Staff Liaisons: Ron Prettyman, Championships and Alliances

Kris Richardson, Academic and Membership Affairs

Other Informational Items of The NCAA Division I

Football Oversight Committee

June 27-28, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 4


NCAA/sites/gov/DI Committees/D I Council/FOC/Meetings and Calls/2016-06 Meeting/Reports/April 2016 - FBOC Report for Council.EM:jn_20160630

NCAA Division I Football Oversight Committee Meeting

June 27-28, 2016


Ray Anderson, Arizona State University; Pac-12 Conference.

Todd Berry, American Football Coaches Association.

Bob Bowlsby, Big 12 Conference.

Lisa Campos, Northern Arizona University; Big Sky Conference.

Shawn Eichorst, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Big Ten Conference.

Bret Gilliland, Mountian West Conference.

Blake James, Miami University; Atlantic Coast Conference.

Dan Mullen, Mississippi State University; Southeastern Conference.

Paul Rogers, Southern Methodist University; 1-A FARs.

Todd Stansbury, Oregon State University, Pac-12 Conference.

Jon Steinbrecher, Mid-American Conference.

Evan Tatford, University of Louisiana, Lafayette; Sun Belt Conference.

Mark Wilson, Tennessee Technological University; Ohio Valley Conference.


Vicky Chun, Colgate University; Patriot League.

Kyle Kallander, Big South Conference.

Guest(s) in Attendance:

Keith Gill, University of Richmond; Atlantic 10 Conference.

Jim Phillips, Northwestern University; Big Ten Conference.

NCAA Staff Liaisons in Attendance:

Ron Prettyman and Kris Richardson.

Other NCAA Staff Members in Attendance:

Scott Bearby, Scott Connors, Mark Emmert, Jenn Fraser, Brian Hainline, Ty Halpin, Chris

Howard, Kevin Lennon, Mark Lewis, Oliver Luck, Abbie Markey, Keith Martin, Eric Mayes

and Geoff Silver.



JUNE 27, 2016, MEETING

Note: This document does not include any items that are incorporated in the NCAA Division I

Council report.


1. Approval of NCAA Division I Legislative Committee May 19 Report. The Legislative

Committee approved the report of its May 19 teleconference.

2. Review of NCAA Division I Interpretations Committee Report/Official Interpretations. The Legislative Committee revised a previously approved official interpretation (Reference:

7/13/05, Item No. 3) and issued the following interpretation:

Use of Concurrent Enrollment Courses to Satisfy Credit-Hour Requirements. (I) The

Legislative Committee determined that a traditional course taken at an institution other than

the certifying institution during a regular term while enrolled full time at the certifying

institution may be used to satisfy the six credits per term and 18 semester or 27 quarter credit

hours per academic year requirements, provided:

(a) The course is available to any student at the certifying institution;

(b) The student-athlete enrolls in the course in the same manner as is available to any student;


(c) Enrollment in the course occurs within the offering institution’s regular enrollment periods

(preregistration or drop/add period) in accordance with the institution’s academic calendar

and applicable policies and procedures.

[References: Bylaws (concurrent courses at two institutions),

(nontraditional courses from another institution) and (credit from other institutions)

and an official interpretation (07/13/05, Item No. 3), which has been archived]

3. Review of NCAA Division I Committee for Legislative Relief May 16 Teleconference

Report. The Legislative Committee received a report of the May 16 teleconference of the

Committee for Legislative Relief and approved a revision to the policies and procedures of the

Committee for Legislative Relief to add the senior compliance administrator to the list of

institutional staff members who will receive a letter detailing the chronology of the institution

or individual’s actions in cases involving misinformation, a lack of information or institutional

error in which a student-athlete is detrimentally impacted by the actions of institutional

personnel and the applicant institution benefits (request is approved) as a result of the

circumstances. Previously, only the chancellor or president, director of athletics, and primary

institutional contact listed in RSRO received the letter.

Other Informational Items of the NCAA Division I

Legislative Committee

April 6, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 2


Committee Chair: Don Oberhelman, California Polytechnic State University, Big West Conference

Staff Liaisons: Steve Mallonee, Academic and Membership Affairs

Leeland Zeller, Academic and Membership Affairs

NCAA Division I Legislative Committee Meeting

June 27, 2016


David Batson, Texas A&M University.

Tricia Brandenburg, Towson University.

Carolyn Callahan, Division I Committee on Academics, University of Virginia.

AJ Grube, Western Carolina University.

Brad Hostetter, Atlantic Coast Conference.

Tony Hernandez, Division I Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement chair, University of Miami,


Scott Lazenby, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

Kaity McKittrick, Division I Committee for Legislative Relief member, Lafayette College (alternate).

Cameron Mingo, SAAC Representative, Princeton University, Ivy League.

Keri Mendoza, Division I Interpretations Committee chair, Big 12 Conference.

Mary Mulvenna, America East Conference.

Don Oberhelman, California Polytechnic State University.

Brian Shannon, Texas Tech University.


Jacqueline Blackett, Division I Committee on Academics, Columbia University-Barnard College.

Lyla Clerry, University of Iowa.

Roderick Perry, Indiana University Purdue University -- Indianapolis.

Rob Philippi, Division I Committee for Legislative Relief chair, Conference USA.

Vaughn Williams, Kennesaw State University.

NCAA Staff Liaisons in Attendance:

Steve Mallonee and Leeland Zeller.

Other NCAA Staff Members in Attendance:




JUNE 27-28, 2016, MEETING Note: This document does not include any items that are included in the NCAA Division

I Council report. KEY ITEMS.

1. Meeting with National Broadcast Media. The NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball

Oversight Committee discussed several college basketball related topics during a meeting

with media representatives from national and conference network television entities. The

committee plans to review the following areas to assist in expanding the fan base and

elevating college basketball awareness throughout the season: (a) increased broadcast

media access to coaches/teams with the extent and level of access to be defined; (b)

change the first permissible contest date to midweek in November; (c) increased

transparency in the NCAA championship selection process during the season; and (d)

attracting younger fans to the game through digital platforms. Consideration will be

given on how to best continue the open communication and dialogue with broadcast

media in the future, including possible future meetings.

2. Increasing Division I Influence in the Playing Rules. The Men’s Basketball Oversight

Committee reviewed feedback from Divisions II and III and the NCAA Playing Rules

Oversight Panel on the two models to increase Division I influence on playing rules.

Although the option to recommend an increase in Division I representation on the NCAA

Men’s Basketball Rules Committee to establish a majority of Division I members was

discussed, support was maintained for the model that will provide increased

communication between the Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee and the Men’s

Basketball Rules Committee. The increased communication will include the opportunity

to provide guidance to the Men’s Basketball Rules Committee regarding suggested areas

of focus and provide feedback on proposed rules changes.

3. USA Basketball Coach License Program. The Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee

received an update from USA Basketball regarding the USA Basketball coach license

program. The Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee, in conjunction with the NCAA

Division I Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee, agreed to transition the coach

certification process, including background checks, from the NCAA enforcement staff to

USA Basketball.


1. March 2016 Report. The Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee approved its March

30, 2016, meeting report as previously distributed.

Report of the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball

Oversight Committee June 27-28, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 2


2. National Association of Basketball Coaches Time Demands Ad Hoc Group Update. The Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee received an update on the work of the NABC

Time Demands Ad Hoc Group. It was noted that recommendations were forwarded to the

autonomy conferences and the NCAA Division I Student-Athlete Experience Committee

for review in April 2016.

3. NABC Selection, Seeding and Bracketing Ad Hoc Group Update. The Men’s

Basketball Oversight Committee received an update on the work of the NABC Selection,

Seeding and Bracketing Ad Hoc Group. It was noted that recommendations will be

forwarded to the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Committee for discussion at its July

2016 meeting.

4. Men’s Basketball Committee Update. The Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee

reviewed the Men’s Basketball Committee May 2016 report and received an update

regarding the 2017 Men’s Final Four of the Division I Men’s Basketball Championship in


5. Officiating and Playing Rules Update. The Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee

supported a recommendation by the Men’s Basketball Rules Committee and subsequently

approved by the Playing Rules Oversight Panel that would allow a coach to call a timeout

when the coach’s team is attempting a throw-in. An update on a new interpretation on the

restricted area arc rule was received and areas to be considered as future rules changes

were reviewed. The need for continued consistent enforcement of the officiating

directives and the importance of sportsmanship during the regular season were discussed.

These areas of emphasis will be reviewed with the Collegiate Commissioners Association

prior to the start of the 2016-17 playing season.

6. NBA Draft Process. The Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee reviewed statistics on

the new legislation that permits underclassmen to declare for the NBA draft and attend the

NBA combine. Results of a survey that was distributed to the senior compliance

administrator at institutions that had one or more student-athletes receive an invitation or

questionnaire to the combine will be reviewed in October. Based on the feedback,

potential legislative or process changes will be discussed.

Committee Chair: Dan Guerrero, University of California, Los Angeles; Pac-12 Conference

Staff Liaisons: Dan Gavitt, Men’s Basketball

Charnele Kemper, Academic and Membership Affairs

Report of the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball

Oversight Committee June 27-28, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 3



NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee

June 27-28, 2016, Meeting

June 22-23, 2015 Attendees:

Val Ackerman, Big East Conference.

Ross Bjork, University of Mississippi; Southeastern Conference.

Paul Brazeau, Atlantic Coast Conference.

Kim Capriotti, Jacksonville University; Atlantic Sun Conference.

Joe Castiglione, University of Oklahoma; Big 12 Conference.

Doug Elgin, Missouri Valley Conference.

Dan Guerrero, University of California, Los Angeles; Pac-12 Conference.

Jim Haney, National Association of Basketball Coaches.

Jeff Hathaway, Hofstra University; Colonial Athletic Association.

Ron Hunter, Georgia State University; Sun Belt Conference.

Cody McDavis, University of Northern Colorado; Big Sky Conference.

Judy Rose, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Conference USA.

Bill Self, University of Kansas; Big 12 Conference.

Gene Smith, Ohio State University; Big Ten Conference.

Craig Thompson, Mountain West Conference.

Guest(s) in Attendance:

Jay Demings, Keith Gill, Rita Grayson, Art Hyland (via teleconference), Jim Phillips, Jim


NCAA Staff Liaisons in Attendance:

Kelly Brummett, Dan Gavitt, Charnele Kemper, Jeremy McCool, JoAn Scott.

Other NCAA Staff Members in Attendance:

Dan Calandro, J.D. Collins, Ron English, Jenn Fraser, Will Hopkins, Greg Johnson,

Julie Kimmons, Sandy Parrott, Niko Roberts, L.J. Wright.



JUNE 27-28, 2016, MEETING

Note: This document does not include any items that are incorporated in the NCAA

Division I Council report.




1. Recommendations for 2016-17 Legislative Proposals. The NCAA Division I Student-

Athlete Experience Committee reviewed several sport-specific legislative proposals for

possible introduction into the 2016-17 legislative cycle by the NCAA Division I Council.

During the review of the proposals, discussions addressed whether sport-specific proposals

that impact time commitments of student-athletes should be introduced into the cycle given

the current review of opportunities to enhance the student-athlete experience and a

potential sport-specific analysis as part of that review. A high level of scrutiny was applied

to any proposal related to increasing the time demands of student-athletes. A complete

moratorium on proposals impacting the amount of time a student-athlete dedicates to

athletics is not appropriate given the current scope and anticipated timeline for the sport-

specific review.

The following legislative proposals were not recommended for introduction into the 2016-

17 legislative cycle by the Division I Council:

a. Division I Council referral on legislative NCAA Proposal No. 2015-61. The

Division I Council requested a review NCAA Proposal No. 2015-61, which would,

in women's volleyball, limit coaches and noncoaching staff members' employment

to only his or her institution's camps or clinics or another collegiate institution's

camps or clinics. The proposal would prohibit employment at noninstitutional,

privately owned camps or clinics, including a camp or clinic conducted by a local

sports club. The Student-Athlete Experience Committee recommended that the

proposal be tabled, noting the current discussions regarding noninstitutional camps

in other sports.

b. Division I Council referral on legislative NCAA Proposal No. 2015-82. The

Division I Council requested a review NCAA Proposal No. 2015-82, which would,

in women's soccer, modify the start date for preseason practice to August 1 and the

first contest to the second Friday in August. The proposal would increase the

current preseason model by less than one week. The Student-Athlete Experience

Report of the NCAA Division I Student-Athlete Experience Committee

June 27-28, Meeting

Page No. 2


Committee recommended that the proposal be tabled, noting the potential increase

to length of the season and the proposed concept of conducting a sport-specific

review as part of the enhancing the student-athlete experience – time demands


2. Enhancing the Student-Athlete Experience – Time Demands. The Student-Athlete

Experience Committee reviewed feedback from all Division I conferences, NCAA member

associations and coaches' associations on its seven concepts. As part of that review, the

committee was provided with feedback from the NCAA Division I Women's Basketball

Oversight Committee, the National Association of Basketball Coaches and the Mid-

American Conferences Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. The Student-Athlete

Experience Committee appreciates the insightful information and will continue to reflect

on the feedback as it continues its deliberations on the legislative concepts and best


3. Sport-Specific Review Regarding Playing Season and Post Season. During its

discussions related to sport-specific legislative proposals, the Student-Athlete Experience

Committee recognized the need for a group to review all NCAA sports, excluding men's

and women's basketball and football which have their own Division I Governance

oversight committee, regarding the administration of each regular playing season and

postseason related to time demands. Rather than formally requesting the creation of a

working group at this time, the Student-Athlete Experience Committee noted the

importance of conducting a sport-by-sport review at a later date and the need to work

collaboratively with the NCAA Division I Competition Oversight Committee based on

their policies and procedures governing the championship seasons in 22 sports.

4. Review of Committee Reports. The Student-Athlete Experience Committee reviewed and

approved its minutes from its past four meetings.

5. Future Teleconference Meetings. The Student-Athlete Experience Committee will

conduct its next teleconference meetings on the following dates and times:

a. July 18 at 1 p.m. Eastern time; and

b. August 15 at 1 p.m. Eastern time.

6. Future In-Person Meetings. The Student-Athlete Experience Committee will conduct its

next in-person meetings on the following dates:

October 4-5.

Report of the NCAA Division I Student-Athlete Experience Committee

June 27-28, Meeting

Page No. 3


NCAA /DI Committees/Division I Council/Student-Athlete Experience Committee/Reports/June 2016 - SAEC report for Council_MM:JNM:sr_070816

Committee Chair: Bob Scalise, Harvard University, Ivy League

Staff Liaisons: Brandy Hataway, Academic and Membership Affairs

Matt Maher, Academic and Membership Affairs

Jobrina Marques, Academic and Membership Affairs

Kristen Matha, Academic and Membership Affairs

NCAA Division I Student-Athlete Experience Committee

June 27-28, 2016, Meeting


Lindsey Babcock, Kansas State University, Big 12 Conference.

Rob Bernardi, Nicholls State University, Southland Conference.

Jennifer Condaras, Big East Conference.

Jimmy Gehrels, Pepperdine University (Student-Athlete), West Coast Conference.

Erin Kido, Eastern Michigan University, Mid-American Conference.

Mike Sagas, University of Florida, Southeastern Conference.

Bob Scalise, Harvard University, The Ivy League.

Justin Sell, South Dakota State University, The Summit League.

Larry Teis, Texas State University, Sunbelt Conference

Etienne Thomas, North Carolina Central University, Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference.



Other Attendees:

Rachel Scott, University of Texas at Austin (student-athlete), Big 12 Conference.

Keith Gill, University of Richmond.

Jim Phillips, Northwestern University.

NCAA Staff Liaisons in Attendance:

Brandy Hataway, Matt Maher, Jobrina Marques and Kristen Matha.

Other NCAA Staff Members in Attendance:

Mark Emmert, Jenn Fraser, Michelle Hosick, Kevin Lennon and Quintin Wright.



June 27-28, 2016, MEETING

Note: This document does not include any items that are incorporated in the NCAA

Division I Council report.


1. Roles and Responsibilities. The NCAA Division I Strategic Vision and Planning

Committee continued an evaluation of its roles and responsibilities. To assist in agenda

development and handle any noncontroversial issues between meetings, the committee

agreed to form an executive committee. To ensure diversity of divisional representation,

the executive committee will consist of the chair, vice chair and a third member of the

Strategic Vision and Planning Committee. Full Strategic Vision and Planning Committee

involvement in business conducted between in-person meetings is preferred but having a

smaller group act on emergency or clearly noncontroversial issues requiring immediate

attention will be beneficial. The NCAA staff liaisons were charged with handling the

annual tuition inflation adjustment per NCAA Bylaw and providing a report of the

action taken.

2. Survey Updates. The Strategic Vision and Planning Committee will continue to discuss

the concepts of an annual health and safety survey and a survey of the student-athlete

experience. The Division I Student-Athlete Advisory Committee was asked to review the

concepts at its July meeting and provide feedback. In addition, the surveys will be

discussed as part of the transition of duties from the NCAA Division I Committee on

Institutional Performance.


1. Review of April 6-7, 2016, Report. The Strategic Vision and Planning Committee

reviewed its and the Council April 6-7 reports and accepted the reports as submitted.

2. Communications Update. The Strategic Vision and Planning Committee received an

update regarding phase one of the digital advertising campaign. The campaign is intended

to highlight the positive impact intercollegiate athletics has on student-athletes, focusing

on stories selected from membership submissions.

3. CBS-Turner Contract. The Strategic Vision and Planning Committee received an update

from Kathleen McNeely regarding the impact of the new media contract for 2025-2032.

4. Sport Science Institute and NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and

Medical Aspects of Sports. The Strategic Vision and Planning Committee received an

update from John Parsons regarding the implication of the independent medical care

legislation passed by the Autonomy Five Conferences in January. A draft of the Sport

Other Informational Items of the NCAA Division I

Strategic Vision and Planning Committee

June 27-28, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 2


Science Institute's comprehensive strategic plan and a review of the Inter-Association

recommendations from the 2016 Safety in College Football Summit was reviewed. The

Strategic Vision and Planning Committee offered to be available to assist with future

implementation strategies and methods for obtaining membership feedback on health and

safety initiatives.

5. Football Bowl Subdivision Membership Requirements. As part of its oversight

responsibility related to membership issues, the Strategic Vision and Planning Committee

continued general discussions related to institutions seeking to reclassify to the Football

Bowl Subdivision as independent programs. The history of relevant legislation and

membership actions were reviewed.

6. Reports. The Strategic Vision and Planning Committee reviewed the following reports

without taking action:

a. April report of the NCAA Gender Equity Task Force;

b. April report of the NCAA Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee;

c. April report of the NCAA Committee on Women's Athletics;

d. February report of the NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship Committee;

e. April report of the Walter Byers Scholarship Committee; and

f. May report of the NCAA Division I Values-Based Revenue Distribution Working


7. 2016 Future Meetings in Indianapolis.

a. August 3 (teleconference only); and

b. October 3-4.

Committee Chair: Sandy Hatfield Clubb, Drake University, Missouri Valley Conference

Staff Liaisons: Todd Petr, Research

Jennifer Roe, Academic and Membership Affairs

Dave Schnase, Academic and Membership Affairs

Other Informational Items of the NCAA Division I

Strategic Vision and Planning Committee

June 27-28, 2016, Meeting

Page No. 3



NCAA Division I Strategic Vision and Planning Committee

June 27-28, 2016, Meeting Attendees:

Troy Austin, Longwood University; Big South Conference.

Gail Barksdale, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis; The Summit League.

Sandy Hatfield Clubb, Drake University; Missouri Valley Conference.

Beth DeBauche, Ohio Valley Conference.

Connor Donnelly, Sacred Heart University; Northeast Conference.

Lynn Hickey, University of Texas at San Antonio; Conference USA.

Lynn Holzman, West Coast Conference.

Jay Jacobs, Auburn University; Southeastern Conference.

Mark LaBarbera, Valparaiso University; Horizon League.

Stephen Perez, California State University, Sacramento; Big Sky Conference.



Guests in Attendance:

Keith Gill, University of Richmond; Atlantic 10 Conference.

Jim Phillips, Northwestern University; Big Ten Conference.

NCAA Staff Liaisons in Attendance:

Todd Petr, Jennifer Roe and Dave Schnase.

Other NCAA Staff Members in Attendance:

Troy Arthur, Scott Bearby, Zandria Conyers, Amy Dunham, Jenn Fraser, Kevin Lennon,

Kathleen McNeely, John Parsons and Bob Williams. Amy Wilson via teleconference.



June 27-28, 2016, MEETING

Note: This document does not include any items that are incorporated in the NCAA

Division I Council report.


1. Increasing Division I Influence in Playing Rules. The NCAA Division I Women’s

Basketball Oversight Committee reviewed feedback from Divisions II and III and the

NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel on two concepts to increase Division I influence in

playing rules. The Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee confirmed its desire to

increase Division I representation on both the NCAA Women’s Basketball Rules

Committee and Playing Rules Oversight Panel. While noting that Divisions II and III

were not supportive of the original increase of six to 12 Division I members on Playing

Rules Oversight Panel, increasing representation from six to eight, which would establish

a majority of Division I members, was discussed. Discussions will continue with the

chairs of the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Oversight Committee and NCAA

Division I Women's Basketball Oversight Committee regarding other alternatives.

2. USA Basketball Coach License Program. The Women’s Basketball Oversight

Committee received an update from USA Basketball regarding the USA Basketball coach

license program. The Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee, in conjunction with the

Men’s Basketball Oversight Committee, agreed to transition the coach certification

process, including background checks, from the NCAA enforcement staff to USA



Approval of the April 2016 Women’s Basketball Oversight Committee In-Person

Meeting and June 2016 Teleconference Reports. The Women’s Basketball Oversight

Committee reviewed and approved the April 6-7, 2016, in-person meeting and June 2,

2016, teleconference reports.

Other Informational Items of the NCAA Division I

Women's Basketball Oversight Committee

June 27-28, 2016, In-Person Meeting

Page No. 2


Committee Chair: Jean Lenti Ponsetto, DePaul University, Big East Conference

Staff Liaisons: Anucha Browne, Championships and Alliances

Binh Nguyen, Academic and Membership Affairs

NCAA Division I Women's Basketball Oversight Committee Meeting

June 27-28, 2016


Bill Chaves, Eastern Washington University; Big Sky Conference.

Chris Dawson, Pac-12 Conference.

Sydni Epps, Hofstra University; Colonial Athletic Association.

Nora Lynn Finch, Atlantic Coast Conference.

Dru Hancock, Big 12 Conference.

Connie Hurlbut, Western Athletic Conference.

Bernadette McGlade, Atlantic 10 Conference.

Jean Lenti Ponsetto, DePaul University; Big East Conference.

Janice Ruggiero, University of New Mexico; Mountain West Conference.

Dawn Staley, University of South Carolina; Columbia; Southeastern Conference.


Kevin Anderson, University of Maryland, College Park; Big Ten Conference.

Chris Davis, Gardner-Webb University; Big South Conference (non-voting member).

Danielle Donehew, Women's Basketball Coaches Association (non-voting member).

Heather Gores, Gonzaga University; West Coast Conference.

Kelsey Mitchell, Ohio State University; Big Ten Conference (non-voting member).

Guest(s) in Attendance:

Jay Demings (USA Basketball), Keith Gill, Jim Phillips and Jim Tooley (USA Basketball).

NCAA Staff Liaisons in Attendance:

Anucha Browne and Binh Nguyen.

Other NCAA Staff Members in Attendance:

Meredith Cleaver, Zandria Conyers, Diane Dickman, Mark Hatfield, Julie Kimmons, Tina

Krah, Sandy Parrott, Elizabeth Ramsey and Karen Wolf.