Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in...

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Transcript of Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in...

  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street

    31 March 201

    Su!mitted to"

    Commissioner of #u!$ic Safet% Steven M& #are

    'ssistant Chief of the (epartment Scott Me$$o

    I'FF )oca$ *++ #resident #au$ (ought%

    Su!mitted !%"

    ,atta$ion -enneth Rainone

    'cting ,atta$ion Chief Stephen Capricotta

    'cting ,atta$ion Chief -evin .utras

    .une 201

  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    E/ecutive Summar%

    n 31 March 201 the #rovidence Fire (epartment e/perienced to mu$tip$e

    a$arm ind driven fires that tested the (epartments command and contro$ communications

    strateg% and tactics training operations for $arge sca$e events and mutua$ aid response andcapa!i$ities& hese fire events high$ighted the effects that ind driven fire conditions can have on

    department operations at structure fires the demand for ade5uate and rapid dep$o%ment of

    firefighting resources and the great ph%sio$ogica$ demands p$aced upon firefighters or6ing at

    these t%pes of $ong duration events& ' tota$ of tent% si/ #rovidence Fire (epartment mem!ers

    ere injured& Fourteen mem!ers ere injured at the Eaton Street fire& ' senior fire captain and

    senior firefighter e/perienced critica$ injuries at the Eaton Street& f the tent% si/ injured ten

    #rovidence mem!ers ere treated for presumed c%anide poisoning& he fire event high$ighted

    the comp$e/it% of c%anide issue the dangers of h%drogen c%anide in smo6e the danger to

    firefighters from smo6e e/posure and need for continued education of #rovidence Fire

    (epartment mem!ers and the Rhode Is$and medica$ communit% a!out the dangers of h%drogen

    c%anide poisoning from smo6e e/posure& his fire event provides $earning opportunities

    regarding the need for firefighters to maintain a $eve$ of fitness throughout the course of their

    careers to meet these ph%sio$ogica$ demands during structura$ firefighting7 the need to ensure

    ade5uate trac6ing rotation reha!i$itation and rest of fatigued fire fighters7 $earning

    opportunities regarding the #rovidence Fire (epartment Incident Command S%stem 8ICS9 and

    the command and contro$ of a $arge sca$e emergenc% incident& his fire event high$ighted the

    #rovidence Fire (epartments ina!i$it% to fu$fi$$ ICS Command Staff and :enera$ Staff positions

    ith chief officers ith Fire :round Command e/perience& his fire event a$so high$ighted the

    demands p$aced upon the #rovidence Fire (epartment ,ureau of perationa$ Contro$ 8,C9

    during emergenc% operations of this si;e and demonstrated the cha$$enges for the present on

    dut% staffing $eve$s of the ,C& he universa$ consensus of this committee as that Eaton Street

    fire presented $earning opportunities for the entire (epartment and as such the focus of this

    report is to provide $earning o!jectives for a$$ departmenta$ ran6s&


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    a!$e of Contents

    E/ecutive Summar%

  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence



    8#hoto 1 Side 1 and 2 !efore Fire (epartment arriva$9

    n 31 March 201 the #rovidence Fire (epartment simu$taneous$% e/perienced to

    mu$tip$e a$arm ind driven fires that tested the departments command and contro$

    communications strateg% and tactics training operations for $arge sca$e events and mutua$ aid

    response and capa!i$ities& hese events !egan ith a genera$ a$arm fire during hich a secondthree a$arm fire occurred&

    he #rovidence Fire (epartment ,ureau of perationa$ Contro$ 8,C9 !egan receiving

    phone ca$$s for a report of a house fire in the vicinit% of 41 Eaton Street at 14"04 hours& his fire

    5uic6$% gre to a genera$ a$arm fire& 'ppro/imate$% to and a ha$f hours into the Eaton Street

    fire the ,C as6ed the Incident Commander if he had an% units avai$a!$e to c$ear the first fire

    !ecause the ,C as receiving mu$tip$e phone ca$$s for the second fire&

    't 1"3+ hours the ,C dispatched mutua$ companies a$ong ith #rovidence Fire

    (epartment companies that ere a!$e to c$ear the Eaton Street fire to the area of )aure$ ?i$$

    've& and )a!an Street for reports of mu$tip$e houses on fire& his fire 5uic6$% gre to three



  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    hese ind driven fire events tested the entire +4 mem!er p$atoon of the #rovidence Fire

    (epartment off dut% mem!ers ho returned to or6 on their on initiative as e$$ as

    firefighters of severa$ surrounding communities that provided mutua$ aid to the cit% of

    #rovidence& It as the training dedication and professiona$ism disp$a%ed that da% a$ong ith

    the time tested aggressive interior structura$ firefighting strategies and tactics emp$o%ed !% the

    #rovidence Fire (epartment mem!ers 8for hich the (epartment has traditiona$$% !een

    recogni;ed for9 that 6ept !oth fire incidents from !ecoming major conf$agrations&

    he #rovidence Fire (epartment companies on the scene at 41 Eaton Street and $ater at

    )aure$ ?i$$ 've& faced rapid$% esca$ating e/treme$% fast moving fires that ere enhanced !% the

    effects of the ind& Meteoro$ogist Steve Cascione from $oca$ nes station ',C@es as

    contacted for the recorded ind speeds for the time of the fires& ?e provided the investigation

    committee recorded eather statistics from the e!site &underground&com that shoed

    sustained inds of 20&* to 34&> mph ith the highest gust of ind recorded at 4 mph for the

    five hour period of time during the fire events&1he inds ere !$oing from Side 1 to the Side

    3A4 corner of the origina$ fire !ui$ding for the fire event on Eaton Street&

    hese fire events high$ight the danger of ind driven fires the effects that ind can have

    on department operations at structure fires the demand for ade5uate and rapid dep$o%ment of

    firefighting resources and the great ph%sio$ogica$ demands p$aced upon firefighters or6ing at

    these t%pes of $ong duration events& f the +4 mem!ers or6ing that da% Fift% nine of those

    mem!ers operated at !oth fire events&

    's a resu$t of these to fire events tent% si/ #rovidence Fire (epartment mem!ers ere

    injured& Fourteen mem!ers ere injured at the Eaton Street fire& ' senior fire captain and senior

    firefighter e/perienced critica$ injuries at the Eaton Street fire re5uiring e/tended sta%s in area

    hospita$s& f the tent% si/ injured ten #rovidence mem!ers ere treated for presumed c%anide


    ,ecause of the num!er of injuries at these fires 'ssistant Chief of the (epartment

    perations Scott Me$$o ordered an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the to



  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    incidents& o committees ere formed to investigate the incidents and re$ated injuries and

    prepare reports on each incident&

    ,atta$ion Chief -enneth Rainone 'cting ,atta$ion Chief Stephen Capracotta and 'cting

    ,atta$ion Chief -evin .utras ere assigned the duties of investigating the injuries that occurred

    at 41 Eaton Street&

    '$$ officers ho responded to 41 Eaton Street ere instructed !% 'cting ,atta$ion Chief

    -evin .utras to su!mit a #rovidence Fire (epartment Form 1* regarding compan% actions at this

    incident a$ong ith the names of individua$s ho ere injured and circumstances re$ated to

    those injuries& -e% individua$ mem!ers invo$ved ith the events of this fire ere intervieed !%

    committee mem!ers&

    he intent of the committee as to o!jective$% co$$ect and revie the facts of the

    Eaton Street fire ana$%;e departmenta$ procedures and to ma6e recommendations for

    improvement in departmenta$ po$ic% and procedures&

    he universa$ consensus of this committee as that Eaton Street fire presented $earning

    opportunities for the entire (epartment and as such the focus of this report is to provide $earning

    o!jectives for a$$ departmenta$ ran6s&

    he fire event at 41 Eaton Street once again high$ighted the dangers of h%drogen c%anide

    as a product of com!ustion and the potentia$ danger to firefighters re$ated to h%drogen c%anide

    poisoning from accidenta$ smo6e e/posure& he #rovidence Fire (epartment had !een invo$ved

    in !ringing this danger $ight to the nations fire service e/act$% 10 %ears ago 8to the month9 !ac6

    in March of 200&2he Eaton Street fire event reiterates the need for continued education of

    department mem!ers and the medica$ communit% a!out the dangers of h%drogen c%anide

    poisoning from smo6e e/posure&

    he fire provides $earning opportunities regarding the ph%sio$ogica$ demands p$aced on

    the firefighters& he fire demonstrates the need of firefighters to maintain a $eve$ of fitness

    throughout the course of their careers to meet these ph%sio$ogica$ demands during structura$

    2 (orce%.&&.utras -& Mo$is .& arone .& Darren &Report of Investigative Committee into Cyanide Poisoning

    of Providence Firefighters. Ma% 200&

  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    firefighting and $ong duration events& In addition this fire event provides $essons on the need to

    ensure ade5uate trac6ing rotation rest and reha!i$itation of fatigued fire fighters&

    he $arge sca$e fire event at Eaton Street a$so provided $earning opportunities regarding

    the #rovidence Fire (epartment Incident Command S%stem 8ICS9 and the command and contro$

    of $arge sca$e emergenc% incidents&

    Dithin the rea$m of ICS this fire event high$ighted the #rovidence Fire (epartments

    ina!i$it% to fu$fi$$ ICS Command Staff and :enera$ Staff positions ith chief officers ith Fire

    :round Command e/perience&

    his fire event a$so high$ighted the demands p$aced upon the #rovidence Fire (epartment

    ,ureau of perationa$ Contro$ 8,C9 during emergenc% operations of this si;e& his event

    further demonstrated the cha$$enges for the present on dut% staffing $eve$s of the ,C&

    he (epartment can !e ver% than6fu$ that no civi$ian death or firefighter $ine of dut%

    death occurred at 41 Eaton Street& his fact is a testament to the training and professiona$ism

    e/hi!ited !% department mem!ers operating at this cha$$enging fire scene& he cha$$enge for the

    #rovidence Fire (epartment is to $earn from this incident identif% actions that ma% have

    contri!uted to the event and $earn an% $essons from the injuries that occurred at this fire& he

    u$timate goa$ is to share these $essons ith future generations of #rovidence Firefighters and

    prevent future injuries or deaths&

    ,ac6ground and Significance

    he devastating effect of ind on structura$ firefighting strategies and tactics has !een

    recogni;ed for man% %ears& hrough the investigative or6 of the @ationa$ Institute for

    ccupationa$ Safet% and ?ea$th 8@IS?9 and the scientific research performed !% the @ationa$

    Institute of Standards and echno$ogies 8@IS9 the fire service has !ecome !etter educated a!out

    the devastating effects of ind driven fires&3@IS? has repeated$% identified the effects of ind

    driven fires as a contri!uting factor in man% )ine of (ut% (eaths 8)((9 that this agenc% has


    3 @ationa$ Institute of Standards and echno$og% Firefighting tactics under wind driven fire

    conditions: 7-story buiding e!periments.echnica$ @ote 12+& 200+


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    Most recent$% the @IS? )(( report F2014A0+ on the deaths of to ,oston Fire

    (epartment mem!ers re$eased in March of 201 reiterate the dangers associated ith ind

    driven structure fires& his report stated hen responding to a reported structure fire an

    overriding consideration concerning si;eAup must !e ind conditions and its potentia$ effect on

    the fire& he 6e% to successfu$$% operating at indAimpacted fires in a structure depends on

    recogni;ing the indAimpacted fire conditions that ma% change a seeming$% routine fire into a

    !$otorching fire& ,$otorching is the appropriate description of hat i$$ occur hen fire

    conditions are impacted !% ind conditions&4

    he #rovidence Fire (epartment a$so has e/perienced the effects of ind driven fires in

    the past most nota!$% on 14 'pri$ 2014&> n that da% the #rovidence Fire (epartment

    e/perienced a firefighter near miss event and mu$tip$e ma%da%s ere transmitted hen

    department mem!ers ere over run !% a ind driven fire event&

    's a resu$t of the near miss and ma%da%s on 14 'pri$ 2014 a department investigation

    as conducted& hat report stated"

    In 200= he @ationa$ Institute of Standards and echno$ogies 8@IS9 in

    conjunction ith Fire (epartment of @e Gor6 8F(@G9 #o$%technic Institute of @e

    Gor6 Hniversit% and support from the (epartment of ?ome$and Securit% conducted

    research on the effects of ind driven fires& he o!jective of this stud% as to improve

    the safet% of fire fighters and !ui$ding occupants !% deve$oping a !etter understanding of

    ind driven fires and ind driven firefighting tactics inc$uding structura$ venti$ation and

    suppression 8@IS 200= p& viii9& he research as a$so intended to stud% the effects of

    positive pressure venti$ation fans ind contro$ devices and e/terna$ ater app$ication

    ith f$oor !e$o no;;$es to mitigate the ha;ards of the ind in structure fires 8@IS

    200= p& i9&

    4 @ationa$ Institute of ccupationa$ Safet% and ?ea$th Fire Fighter Fata$it% Investigation Report F2014A0+ Mar


    > ,ates M& Cro$e% (& (ought% #& .utras -& oro '&Report of Investigation Committee

    into Firefighter "ayday and In#uries $ustained at %% Pymouth $treet& 'pri$ 2014


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    's a resu$t of these ind driven e/periments" ' !ase$ine as deve$oped for the

    ha;ards associated ith a ind driven fire and the impact of pressure venti$ation and

    f$o paths ithin a structure& Dind created conditions that rapid$% caused the

    environment in the structure to deteriorate !% forcing fire gases through the apartment of

    origin and into the pu!$ic corridor and staire$$& hese conditions ou$d !e untena!$e

    for advancing fire fighters& Mu$tip$e tactics used in conjunction ith each other ere

    ver% effective at improving conditions for fire fighter operations and occupant egress

    8@IS 200= p& i9&

    From the @IS stud% information has !een gained a!out the understanding of

    f$o paths ithin structure fires and the effects that ind pressure and venti$ation i$$

    have on these f$o paths& he f$o path of the energ% of the fire is inf$uenced !% areas of

    high and $o pressure& Simp$% put ind creates areas of high pressure and i$$ push

    heat smo6e 8un!urned fue$s9 and to/ic products of com!ustion toards areas of $o

    pressure& he ind i$$ push the fire from the room of origin out into areas of $o

    pressure such as adjacent rooms ha$$a%s and staire$$s&

    (epending on the ind ve$ocit% this movement ma% !e ver% e/p$osive and fire

    fighters operating in these areas ma% !e overArun !% intense radiant heat& It is imperative

    that fire fighters !e a!$e to recogni;e these dangers ithin the structure and operate inareas outside of these f$o paths hen ind is inf$uencing the progression of the fire&

    'ppropriate$% app$ied venti$ation tactics are a a% for fire fighters to contro$ these

    f$o paths and ensure their safet%& his re5uires strong 6no$edge of fire !ehavior and

    venti$ation tactics& ,% understanding the effects of ind and !% app$%ing the appropriate

    venti$ation tactics fire fighters can contro$ the fire and these dangerous f$o paths&

    Simp$% c$osing doors is another tactic is to contro$ the f$o path of the fire& his

    can !e accomp$ished !% contro$$ing the door of the room of origin& If this is not possi!$e

    contro$ of other interior doors ma% assist in contro$$ing the f$o path& In highArise fires

    the contro$ of staire$$ doors !ecomes ver% important hen the apartment door is $eft

    open during these t%pes of fire events&


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    In some cases depending on the ind ve$ocit% and pressure head $ong direct

    attac6 ith a hose $ine from the $o pressure area to the high pressure area 8from the

    un!urned to !urned9 direct$% against the f$o path of the fire ma% not !e prudent& Fire

    officers and Incident Commanders need to recogni;e this danger& Standard aggressive

    tactics ma% have to !e a$tered to ensure the safet% of mem!ers&

    Research into ind driven fires provided the $ine of dut% death reports $isted

    a!ove& hese reports are just a sma$$ samp$e of $ine of dut% deaths that indicated ind

    as found to !e a contri!uting factor& he investigations into these events demonstrated

    the effect that ind had on the progression of the fires& he e/tensive documentation of

    these events are indicators for the fire service of the need to incorporate the 6no$edge

    gained from these investigations and the research from the @IS stud% into dai$%

    structura$ firefighting training&

    @IS research has determined that ind speeds as $o as 10 mph 81 6mBhr&9 are

    sufficient to create indAdriven fire conditions if the f$o path is uncontro$$ed& @IS in a

    recent stud% on indAdriven fires in structures has shon that ind speeds as $o as 10

    mph can turn a routine room and contents fire into a f$oor to cei$ing fire storm or

    !$otorch effect generating untena!$e conditions for fire fighters even outside of the

    room of origin& emperatures in e/cess of 00 C 81100 F9 and tota$ heat f$u/es in e/cessof *0 6DBmJ ere measured at 4 ft& a!ove the f$oor a$ong the f$o path !eteen the fire

    room and the donind e/it vent& hese conditions ere attained ithin 30 seconds of

    the f$o path !eing formed !% an open vent on the upind side of the structure and an

    open vent on the donind side of the structure&

    he or6 !% @IS? and @IS indicate that the fire service as a ho$e sti$$ has

    or6 to do understanding the dangers of ind driven fires educating mem!ers on

    identif%ing ind driven fire potentia$ incorporating recognition of ind speeds in initia$si;eAup identif%ing potentia$ e/p$osive f$o paths and choosing the appropriate tactics

    hen com!ating these t%pes of fires&

    ,ates M& Cro$e% (& (ought% #& .utras -& oro '&Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter"ayday and In#uries $ustained at %% Pymouth $treet& 'pri$ 2014


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    he #rovidence Fire (epartment has in p$ace >0 preAesta!$ished standard operating procedures

    8S#s9& he standard operating procedures are intended to act as decision ma6ing guides for

    compan% officers and mem!ers& hese standard operating procedures are !ased upon nationa$$%

    recogni;ed consensus standards that are intended to ma6e fire ground activities as safe as

    inherent$% possi!$e& here are a num!er of #rovidence Fire (epartment S#s re$ated to

    structure fires most nota!$% perations at Structure Fires 'ccounta!i$it% Ma%da% Fast

    Compan% and Safet% Compan% perations& he department a$so fo$$os the princip$es of

    Incident Command out $ined in a document tit$ed #rovidence Fire (epartment Incident

    Command 81++39& (ecisions officers ma6e and actions that the% ta6e shou$d !e guided and !e

    inf$uenced !% the departments S#s Incident Command document (epartment Ru$es and

    Regu$ations standing :enera$ rders and the officers training and e/perience&

    he #rovidence Fire (epartment ,ureau of perationa$ Contro$ 8,C9 is responsi!$e for

    the dispatch of fire companies to emergencies& he ,C or Fire '$arm 8F'9 receives te$ephone

    ca$$s for emergencies and via the state operated +11 Enhanced S%stem& he department a$so has

    te$egraph fire a$arm street !o/es as e$$ as municipa$ a$arm !o/es in !ui$dings throughout the

    cit% referred to as master !o/es&

    he standard assignment for a master !o/ is three engines to $adders and a chief&

    Dhen !oth chiefs are unavai$a!$e a command compan% i$$ !e dispatched& ' command

    compan% can !e an engine or $adder compan% ith a captain in command of the compan%&

    he standard first a$arm assignment for a !ui$ding fire is three engines to $adders the

    Specia$ ?a;ards a rescue and a chief& Immediate$% fo$$oing the dispatch of the first a$arm

    companies the ,C dispatches a Fast 'ssist Search eam 8F'S9 compan%& he F'S

    Compan% is comprised of a )adder and Engine Compan%& Dhen a or6ing fire is confirmed the

    ,C i$$ dispatch Engine > ith the 'ir Supp$% Hnit& he officer of Engine > i$$ !e assigned

    the Incident Safet% fficer duties at the incident&

    Fires !e%ond the capa!i$ities of the first a$arm assignment are 6non as mu$tip$e a$arm

    fires& 'n additiona$ a$arm has to engines and one $adder assigned to it& he #rovidence Fire


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    (epartment has the a!i$it% to assign si/ a$arms after hich the fire ou$d !e referred to as a

    :enera$ '$arm fire&*

    Hpon the announcement of a Ma%da% on a fire ground the department has procedures to

    ma6e the fire and automatic mu$tip$e a$arms ith hat is 6non as a Ma%da% response&

    Ma%da% response is comprised of to engines to $adders and to rescues&

    he #rovidence Fire (epartment changed over to a h%!rid =00 M?; s%stem in 200+&

    his seven channe$ s%stem is a com!ination of digita$ and ana$og radio channe$s& Channe$s 1 >

    and * are digita$& #orta!$e radios on 1 > and * transmit to a series of repeater toers

    throughout the Cit%& Fire ground channe$s 2 3 and 4 are ana$og& #orta!$e radios on 2 3 and 4

    transmit direct$% to one another a$6ie ta$6ie st%$e& ?oever apparatus or mo!i$e radios

    transmit direct$% to the toers on a$$ channe$s& 'pparatus radios i$$ not receive the porta!$es on

    channe$s 2 3 or 4 the a$6ie ta$6ie st%$e un$ess a vehic$e repeater s%stem 8RS9 is manua$$%

    turned on& he RS repeats the ana$og message over the digita$ fre5uenc%& Engines $adders and

    the $ine chief vehic$es are e5uipped ith RS& his is a ver% genera$ e/p$anation of the fair$%

    intricate communication s%stem& #ertinent to this investigation porta!$e radios on channe$s 2 3

    or 4 on$% transmit to other porta!$es or need to !e repeated through a RS on the same channe$&

    If no apparatus radio is on the same channe$ ith a RS the transmission i$$ not reach fire

    a$arm or apparatus&

    his intricate radio s%stem re5uires strict adherence to S# 1* and S# 3> hich dictate the

    procedures for using mu$tip$e radio channe$s for one incident& hese procedures re5uire one RS

    !e sitched to the second radio channe$ assigned for the Rescue Sector during Ma%da% events at



    he Investigative Committee as se$ected !% 'ssistant Chief of (epartment Scott Me$$o& 'n

    organi;ationa$ meeting as he$d& From this meeting three o!jectives ere set& he first o!jective

    * #rovidence Fire (epartmentRues and Reguations1++

    = #rovidence Fire (epartment"aydays Standard perating #rocedure 3>& 2012


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    as to gather as much data as possi!$e& Second to eva$uate the information co$$ected& )ast$%

    report an% $essons that can !e $earned to prevent injur% or death&

    he data co$$ection !egan ith the retrieva$ of the radio transmissions for the Eaton Street

    Fire Captain .u$ia Rou6e provided the committee a C( audio recording for each radio channe$

    8#rimar% (ispatch Channe$ 1 and Fire ground Channe$ 29& 'cting ,atta$ion Chief -evin .utras

    instructed a$$ compan% officers to su!mit a #rovidence Fire (epartment Form 1* regarding

    compan% actions at this incident a$ong ith the names of individua$s ho ere injured and

    circumstances re$ated to those injuries& #hotos that had !een ta6en at the fire scene !% itnesses

    and provided to Car *+ ere a$so given to the committee& Mem!ers of the committee co$$ected

    data regarding the t%pe of injur% and functions !eing performed that contri!uted to the injur%&

    Incident at 41 Eaton Street

    n 31 March 201 at 14"0* hours the #rovidence Fire (epartment ,ureau of

    perationa$ Contro$ 8,C9 dispatched Engines 12 * 1> )adder 4 and Specia$ ?a;ards 1

    Rescue 4 and ,atta$ion 3 to 41 Eaton Street for a report of a !ui$ding fire&+he ,C a$so

    reported that #rovidence #o$ice ere on the scene and that there as a !rush fire on )eigh Street

    e/tending to a house on Eaton Street&

    Dhi$e responding a$ong (oug$as 'venue to Eaton Street Engine 12 and )adder 3 eredirected to )eigh Street !% civi$ians& Engine 12 reported to the ,C that he as !eing directed to

    )eigh Street and that there as a possi!$e !rush fire on )eigh Street& he ,C radioed Engine

    12 and reiterated that #rovidence #o$ice stated a there as a possi!$e !rush fire !ehind 41 Eaton&

    his radio transmission as immediate$% fo$$oed !% a transmission from Engine 12 stating that

    there as a house fire on Eaton and that Engine 12 ou$d !e !ac6ing don )eigh Street to

    respond to the origina$ address of 41 Eaton Street&

    't appro/imate$% 14"10 hours Rescue 4 as the first fire apparatus to arrive on the scene

    at 41 Eaton Street& Rescue 4 transmitted a Code Red and gave a si;e up that stated there as a

    fu$$% invo$ve house fire ith heav% fire shoing second third and fourth f$oor of a three fami$%

    residentia$ ood frame& his transmission as immediate$% fo$$oed !% Engine * and Rescue 4

    + Recorded 'udio Fi$es #rovidence Fire (epartment 'pri$ 201


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    !oth re5uesting a second a$arm& ,atta$ion 3 arrived on the scene and informed the ,C to

    prepare for a third a$arm&

    he officer of Rescue 4 esta!$ished the EMS sector !ecame the EMS Sector officer& ?e

    !egan assessing the need to e/pand the EMS sector !ased upon the potentia$ for injured mem!ers

    and reha! of mem!ers as the incident progressed& he EMS Sector fficer !egan to re5uest

    additiona$ rescues to ensure that EMS services ere provided on the est and east sides of the

    rapid$% e/panding incident&

    8#hoto 2 Ear$% Stages of peration Side 19

    't 14"11 hours ,atta$ion 3 re5uested a third a$arm& 't 14"12 hours )adder radioed the,C and reported that there as fire in E/posure 4& his transmission as fo$$oed ith a

    transmission from ,atta$ion 3 esta!$ishing Eaton Command& Eaton Command provided the ,C

    ith the first status report hich stated one three and one ha$f stor% ood frame !ui$ding fu$$%

    invo$ved in fire E/posure 4 as on fire ith fire shoing on the second and third f$oors

    E/posure 2 as on fire ith fire in the $oft and that the fire as dou!tfu$ at this time&

    First a$arm companies se$fAdep$o%ed fo$$oing #rovidence Fire (epartment Standard perating

    #rocedures and the departments Incident Command se5uence of preAesta!$ished incident

    priorities si;eAup strategic o!jectives and tactica$ operations out$ined in the departments

    Incident Command S%stem Manua$& he first a$arm compan% officers a$$ recogni;ed the

    esca$ating fire event unfo$ding !efore them and understood the Incident 'ction #$an of riting

    off hat as a$read% $ost 8the origina$ fire !ui$ding9 and focusing actions on e/posure protection

    and fire contro$&


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    Engine * arrived first to the Eaton Street side of the event& Engine 12 esta!$ished a ater

    supp$% to Engine *& Engine * stretched a to and a ha$f inch hand $ine to !egin e/posure

    protection of Side 2 of E/posure 4& he chauffer of Engine * used his dec6 gun to !egin

    e/posure protection on Side 4 of E/posure 2&

    )adder 3 remained on )eigh Street here the% ere origina$$% directed !% !%standers&

    he fire fighters assigned to )adder 3 positioned their apparatus and attempted to provide

    vertica$ venti$ation on E/posure 4 hi$e the officer of )adder 3 contro$$ed the groing !rush

    fire that threatened !ui$dings on )eigh Street& Engine 4 supp$ied )adder 3 ith ater from a

    h%drant on (oug$as 've&

    )adder 4 and )adder arrived and positioned and prepared their apparatus for defensive

    operations on the origina$ fire !ui$ding and e/posure protection of Side 2 of E/posure 4&

    8#hoto 3 )adder 4 Setting up for defensive perations Side19

    Engine 14 fo$$oed )adder in on the origina$ dispatch& Engine 14 positioned their

    apparatus to use the dec6 gun on the third f$oor of E/posure 4 and #rotect E/posure 4'& he

    mem!ers of Engine 14 !egan to prepare feeders to supp$% )adder 4 )adder and $ater )adder 1&

    Engine 3 supp$ied Engine 14 ith a five inch feeder from a6$and 've&

    Engine 1> stretched a three inch attac6 $ine fitted ith a ,$i;tfire no;;$e to !egin

    e/posure protection in the rear of E/posure 2& he chauffer of Engine 1> $ater returned to his

    apparatus to !egin ater supp$% operations to )adder * hich as dispatched on the second

    a$arm and as no positioned in front of E/posure 2&


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    Mem!ers of Specia$ ?a;ards made entr% into E/posure 4 hich as no on fire& he%

    performed primar% searches on the first f$oor and some areas on the second f$oor that did not

    contain fire& he officer of Specia$ ?a;ards notified the Incident Commander 8IC9 of the search

    resu$ts and informed the IC his mem!ers ere stretching hand $ine into E/posure 4 and ere

    operating on the second f$oor&

    Engine 2 arrived on the second a$arm& he% stretched a hand $ine into E/posure 2 and

    performed a search on f$oors one and to& Engine 2 then informed the IC that the% ere

    operating on the third f$oor Side 4 of E/posure 2& 'fter securing a ater source for Engine *

    Engine 12 dep$o%ed hand $ine into E/posure 2 and made their a% up to the $oft of E/posure 2&

    Dith defensive operations undera% on the origina$ fire !ui$ding and companies moving

    offensive$% into the E/posure 2 and E/posure 4 the IC !egan to sectori;e the incident& he IC

    designated the officer of Specia$ ?a;ards as the E/posure 4 Sector fficer and the IC designated

    the officer of Engine 12 as the E/posure 2 Sector fficer& he IC esta!$ished a third sector on the

    e/terior of Side 3 of a$$ !ui$dings invo$ved& Engine 1> as assigned as the Side 3 Sector fficer&

    he IC then !egan to assign companies to the three sectors no esta!$ished& Engine 14

    !ac6up the mem!ers of Specia$ ?a;ards in E/posure 4 and stretched up the front stairs of

    E/posure 4& he officers of )adder 1 and )adder moved into the E/posure 4 to assist ith

    offensive operations no ta6ing p$ace in that !ui$ding&

    Engine = and the officer of )adder * moved into the E/posure 2 to assist offensive

    operations no ta6ing p$ace in that !ui$ding&

    Car 2 arrived on the scene and at 14"2 hours he re5uested a fourth a$arm just 1+ minutes

    after the dispatch of the first a$arm& en minutes $ater Car 2 re5uested a genera$ a$arm !e struc6

    at 14"3 hours&

    Dith the remainder of avai$a!$e #rovidence Fire Companies arriving on scene the IC

    assigned companies into the e/posure !ui$dings to gain contro$ of the fires in these !ui$dings and

    6eep the incident from groing an% further&


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    Engine 13 and )adder 2 ere assigned to the E/posure 2 Sector and the IC made the

    officer of Engine 13 the E/posure 2 Sector fficer& his a$$oed for Engine 12 to maintain their

    position in the $oft and provided greater supervision of companies operating in E/posure 2&

    Engine 10 Engine 8after providing Engine 14 a second five inch feeder9 and )adder >

    ere assigned to E/posure 4 Sector and the officer of )adder 1 as assigned as the E/posure 4

    Sector fficer& he change in the assignment of the Sector fficer ro$e as made again to gain

    !etter supervision of companies operating in E/posure 4&

    Engine 11 and )adder = ere assigned the duties of the F'S Compan%& Engine 4 and

    )adder 1 ere origina$$% assigned the F'S Compan% duties !ut the rapid$% esca$ating fire

    event re5uired use of these companies !% the IC for tactica$ operations&

    't 14">1 hours the IC provided the ,C ith another incident status update& he IC

    reported that he had one !ui$ding fu$$% invo$ved heav% fire in E/posure 2 and heav% fire in

    E/posure 4 fire sti$$ dou!tfu$& 's the incident duration progressed the IC re5uested an additiona$

    $adder and engine to have in staging& ' @orth #rovidence engine and $adder ere dispatched to

    the scene& he @orth #rovidence )adder as used to re$ieve some of the #rovidence cres in

    E/posure 2 hi$e the @orth #rovidence Engine as used in E/posure 4&

    he mem!ers operating at 41 Eaton Street faced fierce fire conditions as a resu$t of the

    effect that ind p$a%ed upon the incident& he effects of the ind made the tas6s of contro$$ing

    fire spread overhau$ing e/tinguished areas of fire and comp$ete$% e/tinguish poc6ets of fire that

    ou$d f$are up hen inf$uenced !% the ind an e/treme$% arduous time consuming tas6&

    E/posure 2 as the first !ui$ding here head a% as gained and contro$ of the fire in

    that !ui$ding as comp$eted& Cres operating on f$oor to and three performed e/tensive

    overhau$ to comp$ete$% e/tinguish the fire on those f$oors& Cres operating in the $oft of

    E/posure 2 faced an unfinished $oft hich a$$oed them to cover the entire f$oor ith their hose$ine from the re$ative safet% of the rear staire$$& he officer of Engine 12 reported that his cre

    as a!$e to ma6e it up onto the f$oor and s$o$% move toard Side 1 to comp$ete the

    e/tinguishment of the fire in the $oft&


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    he contro$ of the fire in E/posure 4 as more difficu$t& he $oft of that !ui$ding had

    !een finished into an occupied $iving space& he unit as divided front to !ac6 ith a stair to the

    fourth f$oor on Side 1 and Side 3& ,ecause it as a finished space additiona$ hose as re5uired

    to cover the ha$$a%s and rooms off of the ha$$a% to reach a$$ areas of the f$oor un$i6e the open

    f$oor area in the $oft of E/posure 2&

    he first hose $ine advanced up the rear stairs stretched short& rigina$ heada% into the

    $oft as $ost hen the hose $ine had to !e !ac6ed don to piece in additiona$ hose to ma6e the

    stretch& 't one point during the !att$e to gain the fourth f$oor companies attempting to move up

    to the fourth ere ordered don to the third f$oor !% the IC& he IC as concerned a!out the

    conditions he as itnessing from the e/terior that interior cres ere not aare of& Dhen it

    as confirmed that a$$ mem!ers ere in a safe $ocation on the third f$oor the IC directed )adder

    3 and )adder 1 to p$ace their master streams into the $oft of E/posure 4 to 6noc6 don the

    groing !u$6 of the fire on the fourth f$oor&

    #rior to the use of the master streams on the fourth f$oor mem!ers cou$d dar6en don the

    f$ames on Side 3 and move up the stairs on$% to !e driven don the stairs hen gusts of ind

    ou$d drive hidden fire and heat out of the concea$ed spaces don onto the hose $ine cre& 'fter

    the master streams 6noc6ed don the !u$6 of the f$ames on the fourth f$oor the master streams

    ere redirected !ac6 on the origina$ fire !ui$ding& Cres in E/posure 4 cou$d no move !ac6 up

    to comp$ete the e/tinguishment or the fourth f$oor !% opening up the finished cei$ings and a$$s

    to comp$ete the e/tinguishment of hidden poc6ets of fire&

    he fire as p$aced under contro$ at 1>"41 hours& Some companies remained on the scene

    for appro/imate$% to more hours ith #rovidence Fire (epartment 'rson Investigators

    remaining on the scene unti$ 1+"4> hours&


    he dangers of acute h%drogen c%anide poisoning from smo6e inha$ation are not ne to

    the #rovidence Fire (epartment& n March 23 and 24 of 200 the #rovidence Fire (epartment

    $earned of the true magnitude of the dangers of c%anide in smo6e as the resu$t of three fires over

    the course of to da%s& In the aftermath of the three fires a tota$ of 2= mem!ers sought medica$


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    fo$$o up 2* of ho ere tested for c%anide poisoning& 10Eight of those mem!ers ere found to

    have e$evated $eve$s of c%anide&11

    ne mem!er ho had e$evated c%anide $eve$s from an e/posure to smo6e at the second fire

    suffered a heart attac6 at the third fire& Dhi$e the investigation committee as not a!$e to

    conc$ude that c%anide re$ated arrh%thmia $ed to the mem!ers heart attac6 it as determined

    ith certaint% that the mem!er had e$evated $eve$s of c%anide in his !$ood at the time of he

    suffered the heart attac6&12 he investigation did determine that c%anide poisoning can $ead to

    death !% affecting the !od%s a!i$it% to carr% o/%genated to the vita$ organs as e$$ as having the

    a!i$it% to causes heart arrh%thmias and that the arrh%thmias can occur up to to ee6s after the


    he investigative report from the events in 200 !rought the dangers of acute c%anide poisoning

    from smo6e inha$ation to the nationa$ $eve$& he investigative report from 200 discovered that

    h%drogen c%anide is produced in significant 5uantities at fires invo$ving materia$s that are

    common$% present in modern !ui$dings such as p$astics s%nthetics and nitri$es&14't that time

    the investigation committee found research that supported the most common cause of c%anide

    poisoning as from smo6e inha$ation&1>

    10 (orce% .&&.utras -& Mo$is .& arone .& Darren &Report of Investigative Committee into

    Cyanide Poisoning of Providence Firefighters& Ma% 200

    11 (orce%.& et a$&Report of Investigative Committee into Cyanide Poisoning of Providence Firefighters& Ma%

    200(orce%.& et a$&Report of Investigative Committee into Cyanide Poisoning of Providence Firefighters& Ma%


    12(orce%.& et a$&Report of Investigative Committee into Cyanide Poisoning of Providence

    Firefighters& Ma% 200

    13 (orce%.& et a$&Report of Investigative Committee into Cyanide Poisoning of Providence

    Firefighters& Ma% 200

    14 (orce%.& et a$&Report of Investigative Committee into Cyanide Poisoning of Providence

    Firefighters& Ma% 200


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    #rior to 200 the C%anide #oisoning reatment Coa$ition 8C#C9 had !een s$o$% raising the

    aareness of the dangers of c%anide in smo6e !ut as a resu$t of the events in #rovidence in

    200 the nations fire service is no great$% aare of the dangers& C%anide is no 6non as one

    of the dead$% to/ic tins a$ong ith Car!on Mono/ide that can have acute affects to

    firefighters from smo6e inha$ation&

    he investigative report in 200 found that the e/posures to c%anide ere a resu$t of

    trained seasoned firefighters misperceiving the ris6 and ma6ing a ca$cu$ated ris6 versus !enefit

    ana$%sis on the fire ground ithout a$$ of the pertinent information&1he 200 report found that

    firefighters are e/pected to ma6e the decision to ear or not ear their SC,' at a variet% of

    incidents from !ui$ding fires to investigations of fa$se or accidenta$ a$arms to investigating

    strange odors or the sme$$ of smo6e to operating at !rush fires ru!!ish fires and car fires&1*he

    200 report a$so stated that the decisions firefighters are re5uired to ma6e re$ated to air use is

    often made re$%ing on their s6i$$ judgement and e/perience in determining hen to mas6 up& 1=

    his decision to mas6 up is inf$uenced !% the potentia$ for the atmosphere to !e ha;ardous the

    $imited air supp$% duration the a!i$it% of the cre to accomp$ish tactica$ assignments and the

    desire of mem!ers not anting to consume air in nonAcontaminated areas so that the% have air

    hen needed to ensure the units tactica$ effectiveness&1+

    1> Ec6stein M and Manisca$co #MFocus on $mo&e Inhaation - 'he "ost Common Cause of (cuteCyanidePoisoning #rehospita$ and (isaster Medicine http"BBpdm&medicine&isc&edu o$& 21@o& 2 8MarA

    'pr 200

    1 (orce%. et a$&Report of Investigative Committee into Cyanide Poisoning of Providence

    Firefighters& Ma% 200

    1* (orce% . et a$&Report of Investigative Committee into Cyanide Poisoning of Providence

    Firefighters& Ma% 200

    1= (orce% . et a$&Report of Investigative Committee into Cyanide Poisoning of Providence Firefighters& Ma% 200

    1+ (orce% . et a$&Report of Investigative Committee into Cyanide Poisoning of Providence

    Firefighters& Ma% 200


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    he Investigative Committee conducted a $ength% intervie ith the Fire Captain ho as

    hospita$i;ed for c%anide poisoning from the Eaton Street fire& (uring the intervie the Fire

    Captain e/p$ained his air use as inf$uenced e/act$% as as e/p$ained in the previous paragraph&

    Dhi$e operating on the third f$oor of E/posure 4 the Captain removed his face piece once the

    fire on the third f$oor as comp$ete$% 6noc6ed don a$$s ere opened up and chec6ed for

    hidden fire and indos ere ta6en out to venti$ate the third f$oor& he Captain did

    ac6no$edge that mem!ers did operate in and out of smo6e for sma$$ periods of time due to the

    sir$ing ind conditions& 't times it as accepta!$e to remove face pieces on$% to have the ind

    change direction and push smo6e don from the fourth f$oor onto their position& he Captain

    and other compan% officers operating in that sector 6ne that the% ou$d have to push up the

    rear stairs to the fourth f$oor to contro$ and e/tinguish the fire on the fourth f$oor in E/posure 4&

    he first hose $ine !rought up the rear stairs to the third and fourth f$oor stretched short

    hen mem!ers attempted to push up to the fourth f$oor& he mem!ers of )adder 3 had attempted

    to venti$ate the roof on E/posure 4 !ut ere pushed off of the roof !ecause of the radiant heat

    from the origina$ fire !ui$ding and the sir$ing fire coming up Side 2 of E/posure 4& 's the

    mem!ers ere $eaving the roof the% ere on$% a!$e to venti$ate an e/isting s6% $ight opening on

    the roof of E/posure 4& he $ac6 of enough hose to reach the fourth f$oor the ind driven fire

    conditions that da% and the ina!i$it% of the mem!ers of )adder 3 to ade5uate$% venti$ate

    E/posure 4 made the push up to the fourth f$oor a difficu$t ph%sica$$% demanding and time and

    air consuming tas6&

    hose mem!ers not on the rear stairs and or6ing on the third f$oor aiting to move up

    to the fourth f$oor removed face pieces !e$ieving the atmosphere as safe on the venti$ated third

    f$oor& he Fire Captain stated during his intervie that he had operated that da% 8March 31

    2019 just as he had done for ever% other fire he had operated at during his thirt% one %ear

    career& ?e perceived the atmosphere on the third f$oor to !e safe !ecause of the strong inds

    !$oing in from Side 1 toards Side 3 of E/posure 4& ?e a$so anted to conserve his air for

    hen his cre moved up the rear stairs to the fourth f$oor& he Fire Captain a$so stated that his

    cre as mas6ed up hen the% ere on the rear stairs to the fourth f$oor and hi$e on the fourth

    f$oor !efore !eing re$ieved&


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    Fo$$oing the events in 200 the #rovidence Fire (epartment imp$emented severa$

    changes to attempt to address the c%anide issue& he first change as to assess the presence of

    c%anide at fire scenes and assist department officers in identif%ing unsafe Immediate$%

    (angerous to )ife and ?ea$th 8I()?9 atmospheres and ma6e correct ris6 versus !enefit

    ana$%sis& he second change as to move to a $onger duration air supp$%&

    In 200 the #rovidence Fire (epartment or6ed ith one manufacturer of gas

    monitoring devices& his compan% partnered ith the #F( and provided 23 sing$e gas meters&

    he c%anide gas meters ere p$aced on a$$ compan% officers air pac6s& he idea as to turn on

    the devices hen entering structure fires to a$$o the devices to a$ert compan% officers of the

    presence of c%anide&

    'fter the imp$ementation and use of the detectors it !ecame apparent that the gas meters

    ere not !ui$t to meet the rigors of structura$ firefighting& he fi$ters on the gas meters as e$$ as

    other components are on$% rated for temperature environments of one hundred and tent%

    degrees Fahrenheit or $oer& Soon meters ere !eing damaged !ecause the meters ere !eing

    used in e$evated temperature environments& 'fter !eing damaged the meters ere returned to

    manufacturer for repairs& he manufacturer anted to !e paid to repair or rep$ace the meters& he

    #rovidence Fire (epartment made a fisca$ decision to move aa% from air monitoring for

    c%anide& Compan% officers no $onger carr% the c%anide sing$e gas meters&

    Dhat did !ecome readi$% apparent as the preva$ence of c%anide at fire scenes& Dhen the

    meters ere in service the% cou$d !e heard a$arming at man% t%pes of fire events that #F(

    mem!ers responded to& #rior to the presence of the meters mem!ers performing a ris6 versus

    !enefit ana$%sis at simi$ar t%pes of fire events assumed the atmospheres ere safe&

    'ir monitoring of fire environments after the fire has !een 6noc6ed don has no

    !ecome a standard operating procedure for some fire departments around the countr%& he

    #rovidence Fire (epartment no $onger emp$o%s air monitoring procedures for fire scenes&

    he idea !ehind air monitoring is to provide officers ith additiona$ information a!out

    the atmosphere as to hether it is safe to remove face pieces or not& 'ir monitoring is a

    procedure that the #rovidence Fire (epartment shou$d consider to incorporate !ac6 in to


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    department procedures& ' compan% at each fire cou$d !e assigned the responsi!i$it% of providing

    air monitoring once the fire is under contro$&

    Dith respect to air monitoring not a$$ the dangers associated ith the to/ic products of

    com!ustion can !e monitored for& he gas detection e5uipment can on$% provide information

    ith respect to the t%pe of gas !eing monitored& Car!on mono/ide and c%anide $eve$s cou$d !e

    monitored for !ut other 6non dangerous carcinogens present in smo6e cannot !e monitored

    for& Firefighters need to !e educated and understand that other dangers are present in smo6e and

    it is not accepta!$e to !reathe smo6e even hen the gas meters are not a$arming for car!on

    mono/ide or c%anide&

    ' recommendation from the 200 investigation as for the #rovidence Fire (epartment

    to investigate the idea of comprehensive air management&20't that time four mem!ers of the

    Seatt$e Dashington Fire (epartment had !een moving to educate the 'merican fire service of the

    need for firefighters to !etter manage air use& he motivation for !etter air management !% the

    Seatt$e mem!ers as the resu$t of firefighter near misses and severa$ )ine of (ut% (eath

    8)((9 incidents e/perienced !% the Seatt$e Fire (epartment& he )((s ere the resu$t of

    firefighters running out of air in I(?) atmospheres&21

    In 200= the #rovidence Fire (epartment moved to a $onger duration air supp$% c%$inder&

    he Seatt$e Fire (epartment and other departments around the countr% had moved to the $onger

    duration c%$inders to com!at the issue of firefighters running out of air in an I()? atmosphere

    and !eing e/posed to smo6e& he move to the $onger duration c%$inders as done to a$$o fire

    fighters to mas6 up ear$ier enter or6 and e/it the Immediate$% (angerous to )ife and ?ea$th

    8I()?9 atmosphere hi$e sti$$ !eing on air&

    20 (orce% . et a$&Report of Investigative Committee into Cyanide Poisoning of Providence

    Firefighters& Ma% 200

    21 ,ernocco S& :ag$iano M& .ose #& #hi$ips C&(ir "anagement for the Fire $ervice 200=

    #enne$$ #u!&


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    his method of 6noing ho much air %ou have upon entering monitoring that air hi$e

    in the I()? atmosphere and e/iting the I()? atmosphere !efore the $o air a$arm indicator

    !egins to sound has !ecome 6non to the fire service as the Ru$e of 'ir Management22

    Since 2013 the princip$e of the Ru$e of 'ir Management a$ong ith the re5uirement of

    training mem!ers on individua$ consumption rates and the re5uirement to manage air

    consumption as part of a cre has !een incorporated into the @ationa$ Fire #rotection

    'ssociation 8@F#'9 Standard 1404 $tandard for Fire $ervice Respiratory Protection 'raining.

    Dhen the #rovidence Fire (epartment moved to the $onger duration air supp$% the intent

    of getting mem!ers to go on air sooner and sta% on air $onger as not conve%ed to a$$ mem!ers

    of the department& he training on the intent and purpose of the $onger duration air supp$% as

    presented as a point schoo$ presentation& Chiefs officers and firefighters not needing or not

    interested in receiving a ha$f a point toard promotion did not attended&

    he department did not revise its Standard perating #rocedure 8S#9 2 to ref$ect the

    intent of the change to the $onger duration air supp$%& In 2010 a draft revision of the

    (epartments S# 2 as su!mitted to the administration upon their re5uest& he draft S#

    incorporated the Ru$e of 'ir Management and out$ined the necessar% resources needed to meet

    the tenants of the Ru$e of 'ir Management& his draft as not adopted nor has the S# !een

    revised since !eing esta!$ished in 1+++&

    he administration at that time as main$% concerned ith the aspects of the draft S#

    that out$ined hat is 6non as three deep dep$o%ment resource a$$ocation mode$& he three

    deep dep$o%ment mode$ is descri!ed in the !oo6 'ir Management for the Fire Service 23his

    dep$o%ment mode$ had !een used primari$% in the past for high rise t%pe fires as e$$ as $ong

    duration events here mem!ers ere re5uired to remain on air hi$e in the I()? atmosphere&

    he #rovidence Fire (epartment S# 2+ ?igh Rise Fires recommends incident commanders use

    this method of resource a$$ocation for re$ief trac6ing and reha!!ing of cres&24#rogressive

    departments around the countr% have !een moving to this t%pe dep$o%ment mode$ for ever% da%

    22 ,ernocco S& et a$&(ir "anagement for the Fire $ervice 200= #enne$$

    23 ,ernocco S& et a$(ir "anagement for the Fire $ervice 200= #enne$$ #u!


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    fire events of shorter durations& he intent of the use of this dep$o%ment mode$ as to com!at the

    dangers of mem!ers !eing e/posed to smo6e&

    he practice of adhering to three deep dep$o%ment mode$s is resource dependent& ' $ot of

    resources 8i&e& engine and $adder companies9 are re5uired to meet this dep$o%ment mode&

    Essentia$$% for ever% hose $ine dep$o%ed there is one engine compan% on the $ine one engine

    compan% on dec6 and one engine compan% in staging to re$ieve the mem!ers on the $ine hen

    their air supp$% !egins to !ecome $o& he on dec6 cre can move up and re$ief the initia$ hose

    $ine cre !efore their $o air a$arms activate if their tactica$ assignment and position re5uires

    them to !e continua$$% on air& hen the cre in staging ou$d move up& his same process for

    $adder companies ou$d need to !e used for those $adder compan% tactica$ assignments and

    positions that re5uire the cre to !e on air continua$$%&

    'n a$ternative to the three deep dep$o%ment resource a$$ocation mode$ for shorter

    duration events is the staffing of engine and $adder companies ith one officer and three

    firefighters& Four person cres hen operating in the I()? atmospheres re5uiring air use have

    the a!i$it% to sp$it the cre and operate in the I()? in teams of to or more&2>Dhen the need

    for rep$acing air supp$ies !ecomes apparent the officer can sp$it his cre and send to mem!ers

    out to rep$ace their air c%$inders hi$e to remain in the I()?& Dhen the first to mem!ers

    sent to rep$enish their air supp$% return the ne/t to mem!ers can rotate out for ne air

    c%$inders& his procedure of air management and sp$itting the cre a$$os the compan% to

    maintain their tactica$ assignment ithin the I()? atmosphere ithout the need for additiona$


    hree person engine and $adder companies cannot fo$$o the same procedure for

    rep$enishing their air supp$% as four person companies& hree person companies do not have the

    a!i$it% to sp$it the cre and maintain tenants of the to in to out ru$e found in the

    (epartments standard operating procedures&


    24 #rovidence Fire (epartment Standard perating #rocedure 2+)igh Rise Fire1++>

    2> #rovidence Fire (epartment Standard perating #rocedure 32 *perations at $tructure Fires



  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    Since 200 there have !een five $ess high profi$e fire events here an individua$

    mem!er of the department as treated for c%anide poisoning as a resu$t of e/posure to smo6e

    from structura$ firefighting& he events of March 31 2001 and the previous e/posures to

    c%anide indicate that more education and training of department mem!ers is re5uired&

    C$ear$% the continued e/posure of mem!ers to c%anide indicate the pro!$em for the

    #rovidence Fire (epartment is hat has !ecome 6non as an adaptive cha$$enge and not a

    technica$ cha$$enge for the department&2*he department has continued to address the c%anide

    issue and air use ith technica$ so$utions !ut the pro!$em of mem!ers !eing e/posed to c%anide

    continues to occur&

    's as found in 200 this Investigation Committee finds that characteri;ing the pro!$em

    strict$% as a discip$inar% issue ignores the comp$e/it% of the pro!$em&2='$so simp$% changing

    tactica$ operations of the #rovidence Fire (epartment ou$d not address the issue of continued

    e/posures to smo6e& his t%pe of change i$$ re5uire the t%pe of transformationa$ $eader that

    ?eifet; and )ins6% rite a!out in the !oo6 )eadership on the )ine&2+

    he issue is e/treme$% comp$e/ re5uiring strong transformationa$ $eadership support

    throughout the department 8!oth po$itica$$% and administrative$%9 continued education and

    training of a$$ mem!ers and ran6s of the department&

    here has !een much research of the ph%sio$ogica$ demands p$aced upon firefighters

    during structura$ firefighting& he persona$ protective firefighting gear re5uired for therma$

    2 #rovidence Fire (epartment Standard perating #rocedure 32 *perations at $tructure Fires


    2*?eifet; Rona$d '& and Martin )ins6%+eadership on the +ine: $taying (ive through the

    ,angers of +eading& ,oston M'" ?arvard ,usiness Schoo$ 2002& #rint&

    2= (orce% . et a$&Report of Investigative Committee into Cyanide Poisoning of Providence

    Firefighters& Ma% 200

    2+ ?eifet; Rona$d '& and Martin )ins6%+eadership on the +ine: $taying (ive through the

    ,angers of +eading& ,oston M'" ?arvard ,usiness Schoo$ 2002& #rint&


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    protection the se$fAcontained !reathing apparatus carried on the !ac6s of firefighters necessar%

    e5uipment needed to perform inside the fire environment and the ph%sio$ogica$ and emotiona$

    stress a$$ have a s%nergistic effect p$acing e/treme ph%sio$ogica$ demands on the firefighters

    !od%& 'ccording to information provided !% the Hnited States Fire 'dministration 8HSF'9 the

    $eading cause of fata$ities to firefighters is heart re$ated medica$ emergencies and HSF' data

    a$so indicates that after age 3> the proportion of deaths due to traumatic injuries decrease and

    the proportion of deaths due to medica$ causes steadi$% increase&30

    ' stud% found that the provision of fire suppression and emergenc% medica$ services

    entai$s sporadic high $eve$s of ph%sica$ e/ertion uncontro$$ed environmenta$ e/posures and

    ps%cho$ogica$ stress from o!serving intense human suffering&31Firefighters e/perience inordinate

    num!ers of $ineAofAdut% deaths deaths due to occupationa$ diseases forced retirements and $ineA

    ofAdut% injuries&32Firefighter fata$ities and injuries occur at a rate one and one ha$f times those of

    po$ice officers&33

    ften firefighter heart rates i$$ go from norma$ resting rates to e$$ a!ove age re$ated

    ma/imum heart rates& his ph%sio$ogica$ demand can occur ith $itt$e or no arning as e$$ as

    ith $itt$e or no arm up due to the nature of emergenc% response& Research has found that the

    pattern of sedentar% periods interrupted !% catecho$amine surges and heav% ph%sica$ e/ertion has

    30 Stoe$$ Frederic6 M& Chief *fficer& Sti$$ater -" Fire #rotection #u!$ications 6$ahoma

    State H 2004& #rint&

    31 MooreAMerre$$ )& 'inong K& Mc(ona$d S& Moore .& Fisher E&Reducing Firefighter

    ,eaths and In#uries: Changes in Concept Poicy and Practice Contributing Factors to

    Firefighter +ine-of-,uty ,eath in the nited $tates&

    32 MooreAMerre$$ )& et a$Reducing Firefighter ,eaths and In#uries: Changes in Concept

    Poicy and Practice Contributing Factors to Firefighter +ine-of-,uty ,eath in the nited


    33 MooreAMerre$$ )& et a$Reducing Firefighter ,eaths and In#uries: Changes in Concept

    Poicy and Practice Contributing Factors to Firefighter +ine-of-,uty ,eath in the nited



  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    !een suspected to put firefighters at an increased ris6 for acute heart attac6s&34' danger of

    e/ceeding the ma/imum heart rate is the !od%s ina!i$it% to carr% o/%genated !$ood to vita$

    organs of the !od%&

    From the investigation of the events at the Eaton Street fire it is 6non that the

    firefighter ho as critica$$% injured suffered a heart re$ated medica$ emergenc% that as

    diagnosed as demand ischemia& (emand ischemia is a t%pe of heart re$ated event for hich

    !$oc6ages in the arteries ma% not !e present& It occurs hen a patients heart needs more o/%gen

    than is avai$a!$e in the !od%s supp$% and ma% occur in patients ith tach%arrh%thmias

    8a!norma$$% fast heart rates9&3>,$ood tests i$$ sho the presence of en;%mes that indicate

    damage to the heart musc$e&

    he activities at the emergenc% scene of the critica$$% injured firefighter and su!se5uent

    injur% high$ight the e/treme ph%sio$ogica$ demands p$aced upon firefighters during the

    performance of their duties& he critica$$% injured firefighter as assigned to an engine compan%

    for the fire on Eaton Street& ?is engine compan% staffed ith an officer and to firefighters as

    dispatched upon the genera$ a$arm& he initia$ assignment for the engine compan% as to secure

    an additiona$ ater source& he engine compan% $aid a one thousand foot five inch feeder from

    the h%drant $ocated at the corner of Chad ,ron Street and a6$and 'venue&

    he critica$$% injured firefighter as responsi!$e for turning in this h%drant and then ran

    up to the fire scene& nce at the scene he retrieved his air pac6 and too$s and as instructed !%

    his officer to assist the other firefighter in dep$o%ing an attac6 hose $ine into E/posure 4& he

    cres assignment from the Incident Commander as to ta6e the $ine to the fourth f$oor and

    re$ief cres a$read% operating on the fourth f$oor& Dhen intervieed the critica$$% injured

    firefighter reported that he had moved up and don the four f$ights of the rear stairs severa$

    times to ensure ade5uate hose as stretched up to the fourth f$oor& hese actions ere necessar%

    to a$$o for the hose $ine to cover the entire foot print of the fourth f$oor&

    34 ?a$es &)eart ,isease in the Fire $ervice: Cause for Concern 2011

    3> http"BB&secondscount&orgBheartAconditionAcentersBinfoAdetai$A2Bt%pesAofAheartAattac6s


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    Dhat needs to !e remem!ered is that this firefighter as carr%ing si/t% pounds of

    persona$ protective e5uipment and too$s necessar% to perform safe$% and effective$% hi$e

    performing these assigned tas6s& 'dditiona$$% this as a three person engine compan%& he

    officer as needed on the fourth f$oor to supervise and direct the activities of the no;;$e man in

    the ;ero visi!i$it% I()? atmosphere& )eaving a$$ of the or6 of stretching the hose $ine into

    position on the shou$ders of the critica$$% injured firefighter&

    'fter comp$eting duties as the !ac6up firefighter the critica$$% injured firefighter joined

    his cre on the fourth f$oor& Short$% after reaching the fourth f$oor and ith improvements of

    conditions on the fourth the injured firefighter informed his officer of the need to ta6e a 5uic6

    !rea6& he firefighter ent outside to an area of Sector 3 here cou$d remove his SC,' and

    persona$ protective e5uipment& ?e as given a !ott$e of ater !% mem!ers operating in that

    Sector& 'fter drin6ing the ater and catching his !reath he then donned his persona$ protective

    e5uipment and SC,' and joined his cre on the fourth f$oor& he cre remained on the fourth

    f$oor unti$ the f$oor as comp$ete$% overhau$ed and the fire comp$ete$% e/tinguished&

    Hpon e/iting the !ui$ding the entire cre reported to the EMS Sector for reha!i$itation& It

    as there that the critica$$% injured firefighters vita$ signs ere discovered not to !e ithin

    accepta!$e $eve$s& ?is pu$se rate as initia$$% recorded at 1>4 !eats per minute& 'fter

    appro/imate$% fifteen minutes of continued rest and o!servation his pu$se rate remained at 13>

    !eats per minute& 't this point the EMS Sector fficer made the decision to have the firefighter

    transported the hospita$& he other firefighter assigned to this engine compan% as a$so

    transported to the hospita$ for overe/ertion and e/haustion re$ated s%mptoms&

    he @ationa$ Fire #rotection 'ssociations 2014 Firefighter Injur% Report $isted that there

    ere 33>0 firefighter injuries for 2014&3Strain sprain and muscu$ar pain resu$ted in more than

    3 ?a%nes :& .& ?%$ton and .& Mo$is&Firefighter In#uries /012& Rep& ,oston" @ationa$ Fire

    #rotection 'ssociation 2014& #rint&


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    ha$f the major t%pes of injuries received during fireground operations&3*vere/ertion ran6ed

    second at 2>L for the $eading cause of injuries&3=

    'n investigation into the injuries at Eaton Street found that the majorit% of the injuries

    ere overe/ertion& here ere fourteen origina$ injures from the Eaton Street fire& Dhen

    c$assif%ing the t%pe of injuries sustained aside from to hand injuries 8one crushing one !urn9

    and one e%e injur% the remaining e$ven injuries can !e c$assified as overe/ertion fatigue t%pe

    injuries& hese injuries comprised strains and sprains of various !od% parts 8he Fire Captain

    treated for c%anide poisoning as origina$$% transported for a 6nee injur%9&

    ne da% fo$$oing the Eaton Street fire si/ additiona$ firefighters sought medica$ fo$$o

    up& Four of the si/ mem!ers had operated at !oth the Eaton Street fire and the )aure$ ?i$$ 'venue

    fire on March 31 201& '$$ of these mem!ers ere s%mptomatic ith overe/ertion and fatigue

    t%pe injuries&

    Dhen e/amined the injuries at the Eaton Street fire corre$ate ith research that has !een

    done that identifies the major contri!uting factors for firefighter injuries& he contri!uting factors

    are cre si;e standard operating guide$ines and hea$th e$$ness fitness and medica$ status of


    Cre si;e has !een researched !% @ationa$ Institute of Standards and echno$ogies

    8@IS9&40he @IS research addressed the effects that cre si;e has on firefighter safet% and

    3* ?a%nes :& et a$&Firefighter In#uries /012& Rep& ,oston" @ationa$ Fire #rotection

    'ssociation 2014& #rint&

    3= ?a%nes :& et a$&Firefighter In#uries /012& Rep& ,oston" @ationa$ Fire #rotection 'ssociation 2014& #rint&

    3+ MooreAMerre$$ )& et a$&Reducing Firefighter ,eaths and In#uries: Changes in Concept

    Poicy and Practice Contributing Factors to Firefighter +ine-of-,uty ,eath in the nited


    40 'veri$$ (& MooreAMerre$$ )& ,aro% '& Santos R& #eacoc6 R& @otarianni -&

    Disso6er (&Report on Residentia Fireground Fied 3!periments.@IS echnica$ @ote 11&



  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    effectiveness& he research 5uantified the effectiveness of cre si;e firstAdue engine arriva$

    time and apparatus arriva$ stagger on the duration and time to comp$etion of tent% to 6e%

    fireground tas6s and the effect on occupant and firefighter safet%&41he research from @IS

    e/periments su!stantiated the re5uirements in the @F#' 1*10 Standard for the rgani;ation and

    (ep$o%ment of Fire Suppression perations Emergenc% Medica$ perations and Specia$

    perations to the #u!$ic !% Career Fire (epartments&

    In 200* @IS? pu!$ished a @IS? '$ert for the service re$ated to cardiovascu$ar

    disease and other sudden cardiac events& he @IS? '$ert provided recommendations to

    minimi;e the ris6 of injur% and death to fire fighters from cardiovascu$ar events& ne of the

    recommendations ca$$s for fire departments to ensure ade5uate staffing $eve$s for emergenc%

    operations to prevent overAe/ertion injuries42&

    Dhat is interesting a!out the num!er and t%pes of injuries recorded of the fourteen

    injuries nine of those mem!ers ere from three person cres hi$e the remaining five injuries

    ere from four person cres& Research has demonstrated that cre si;e of four persons versus

    three persons reduced the ris6 of injuries and improved overa$$ firefighter safet%&

    's mentioned a!ove standard operating guide$ines have !een identified as a contri!uting

    factor for firefighter injuries& he research cited a!ove particu$ar$% ref$ects the $ac6 of standard

    operating guide$ines or fai$ure to fo$$o esta!$ished standard operating guide$ines as a

    contri!uting factor for injuries&

    he #rovidence Fire (epartment ICS provides for ensuring that mechanisms for trac6ing

    and reha!i$itating personne$ are in p$ace and !eing used&43he #rovidence Fire (epartment ICS

    a$so states that personne$ must !e a$so monitored for signs of ph%sica$ or emotiona$ e/haustion

    41 'veri$$ (& et a$&Report on Residentia Fireground Fied 3!periments.@IS echnica$ @ote

    11& 2010

    42 @IS?&Preventing Fire Fighter Fataities ,ue to )eart (ttac&s and *ther $udden

    Cardiovascuar 3vent.#u!$ication @o& 200*133& 200*

    43 #rovidence Fire (epartment Incident Command $ystem1++3


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    indications of e/posure to smo6e ha;ardous materia$s or eather e/tremes&44he command

    matri/ for trac6ing the $ocation and status as in p$ace and !eing used on March 31 201& he

    EMS sector as esta!$ished and in p$ace to provide EMS and reha! to firefighters or6ing at the


    Fo$$oing a discussion and revie of the num!er of overe/ertion and fatigue t%pe

    injuries at the Eaton Street fire the IC ac6no$edged that the activation of additiona$

    intermediate command $eve$ positions of the #rovidence Fire (epartment ICS ou$d have

    improved direct supervision of mem!ers or6ing at the scene& he IC further ac6no$edged that

    the additiona$ intermediate command $eve$ positions cou$d have assisted the IC in maintaining a

    proper span of contro$ as out$ined in the (epartments ICS document&4>,% !ui$ding a proper

    command structure the IC cou$d have improved the span of contro$ hich ou$d have improved

    the monitoring of cres or6ing in the to e/posure !ui$dings as e$$ as monitoring the

    amount of time these cres or6ed in the those I()? atmospheres& he intermediate command

    $eve$ positions cou$d have or6ed more c$ose$% ith the compan% officers identif%ing those

    mem!ers needing re$iefs& hen re$iefs cou$d have !een provided in a more time$% fashion to

    prevent mem!ers from overe/erting themse$ves&

    he injuries from the Eaton Street fire ref$ect the dangers associated aggressive interior

    structura$ firefighting& he injuries further high$ight theph%sio$ogica$ demands p$aced upon

    firefighters& he nature of the or6 performed and injuries sustained at the Eaton Street fire

    ref$ect the need of firefighters to maintain $eve$s of fitness that invo$ve the components of cardio

    vascu$ar strength and conditioning and f$e/i!i$it% training throughout the course of their careers&

    It is important to note that rest is an important component of the aspects of fitness hea$th

    and e$$ness for com!ating the ph%sio$ogica$ and ps%cho$ogica$ stressors of firefighting& Dhen

    performing an o!jective revie of the injuries that occurred at the Eaton Street fire the recent

    reorgani;ation of the p$atoon structure of the #rovidence Fire (epartment cannot !e over$oo6edhen e/amining the overe/ertion and fatigue re$ated injuries sustained !% department mem!ers&

    44 #rovidence Fire (epartment Incident Command $ystem1++3

    4> #rovidence Fire (epartment Incident Command $ystem1++3


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    he reorgani;ation to the Fire (epartment invo$ved no input from fire department

    officia$s& ?ad the po$itica$ administration consu$ted the fire department mem!ers the

    administration ou$d have !een informed of the impact that this t%pe of change ou$d have on

    the overa$$ safet% of the firefighters&

    @IS? through the Center for (isease Contro$ 8C(C9 has performed research that

    identifies the impact of increased hours or6ed ith a decrease in the amount of time off for

    recuperation&4' @ationa$ Response eam technica$ report found that fatigue i$$ !e a greater

    impact on overa$$ safet% hen responders are or6ing $ong shifts and the tas6s are ver%

    demanding such as high$% cognitive or emotiona$$% intense or6 ph%sica$ e/ertion e/treme

    environments or e/posure to other hea$th or safet% ha;ards&4*hese findings suggest that

    firefighters ho fre5uent$% or6 $onger shifts com!ined ith $onger or6 ee6s and night

    shifts ma% !e at a higher ris6 of injur% and reduced performance&4='nother report found $onger

    and more stressfu$ the or6 shiftBee6 the greater the need for recuperative time off&4+

    he present or6 schedu$e does not provide ade5uate rest or recuperation for maintaining

    proper fitness hea$th and e$$ness $eve$s to meet the ph%sio$ogica$ and ps%cho$ogica$ demands

    of the jo!&

    he Eaton Street fire provides $earning opportunities ith respect to the #rovidence Fire

    (epartment ICS and command and contro$ of $arge sca$e emergenc% incidents& he #rovidence

    Fire (epartment ICS provides a professiona$ approach to emergenc% management& ICS can

    enhance the a!i$it% of fire officers to organi;e and contro$ resources and activities at the incident


    4* @ation Response eam 4uidance for "anaging 5or&er Fatigue during ,isaster Response


    4= @ation Response eam 4uidance for "anaging 5or&er Fatigue during ,isaster Response


    4+ Sonnentag N Kij$stra 2007 .ohnson 2007 otterde$$ et a$ 1++>7 HS('BForest Service&


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    scene to hand$e the situation in the most effective manner possi!$e&>0ICS can increase the overa$$

    effectiveness of command officers hi$e at the same time ma6ing their jo! easier and $ess


    ,ecause of the ever%da% use of the ICS the first arriving compan% officers a$ong ith the

    first arriving ,atta$ion Chief ere a!$e to coordinate the activities of the units dispatched on the

    first a$arm& Command as esta!$ished the command se5uence !egun incident priorities

    identified si;e up performed strategic o!jectives esta!$ished and tactica$ operations assigned&

    In an effort to maintain proper span of contro$ the IC 5uic6$% recogni;ed the need to

    divide the scene into managea!$e units& he IC esta!$ished E/posure 4 as one sector and

    E/posure 2 as a second sector and assigned the first compan% officers into these !ui$dings as the

    sector officers& nce these sectors ere esta!$ished and resources assigned to each sector the IC

    esta!$ished the Side 3 Sector to manage the companies operating on e/terior of Side 3 of the


    he ICs span of contro$ as e/ceeded even ith esta!$ishment of the sectors and the

    EMS sector !eing esta!$ished !% the officer of the first arriving rescue& (uring the course of the

    fire the IC as responsi!$e for the accounta!i$it% of trac6ing of and assigning time$% re$iefs of

    mem!ers assigned to tent% to #F( fire units si/ #F( ')S rescue units to @orth

    #rovidence Fire units and four out of ton ')S rescue units&

    he $esson to share from an o!jective revie of the command structure for this fire

    event is the need to esta!$ish additiona$ intermediate command $eve$ positions to improve the

    overa$$ safet% and accounta!i$it% of mem!ers operating at the scene& he IC shou$d have

    considered assigning an perations Chief& 's e$$ the geographica$ area of the incident justified

    the esta!$ishment of to (ivision Chief positions one (ivision Chief for contro$ of activities in

    each of the to e/posure !ui$dings& he (ivision Chiefs cou$d then assign sector officers for

    each f$oor of the e/posure !ui$dings improving direct supervision accounta!i$it% and overa$$

    safet% of mem!ers or6ing in those !ui$dings&

    >0 #rovidence Fire (epartment Incident Command $ystem1++3

    >1 #rovidence Fire (epartment Incident Command $ystem1++3


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    he revie of the events of the Eaton Street fire high$ight the #rovidence Fire

    (epartments ina!i$it% to fi$$ ICS Command Staff :enera$ Staff and intermediate command $eve$

    positions ith chief officers ho have Fire :round Command e/perience&

    ?istorica$$% chief officers of the department ou$d promote up through the ran6s& hese

    chief officers ou$d have had e/perience as Fire )ieutenants and Fire Captains& he Fire

    Captains ou$d promote to Fire ,atta$ion Chiefs 8,C9& he ,Cs cou$d promote to (eput%

    'ssistant Chief 8('C9 positions and the ('Cs ou$d move on to the 'ssistant Chief of the

    (epartment 8'C(9 Staff positions or Chief of the (epartment 8C(9&

    Since 200= the #rovidence Fire (epartment has moved to e$iminate severa$ Chief fficer

    Staff positions& he Fire Marsha$$ and (irector of the (ivision of raining ere once Chief

    fficer positions& he duties of these positions have since !een assigned to the Captains of those

    respective divisions& In 2010 a reorgani;ation of the num!er of Chief fficer )ine positions

    e$iminated a !atta$ion chief position from each of the four p$atoons& '$so since 2010 the

    (epartment Safet% fficer position has !een vacant& his position traditiona$$% had !een a

    ,atta$ion Chief ran6& In 201 the (epartment as once again reorgani;ed& he restructuring of

    the num!er of p$atoons e$iminated to more Chief fficer )ine positions 8one ('C one ,C9&

    More recent$% the unfi$$ed C( 'C( perations and the unfi$$ed ('C )ine

    positions have reduced the num!er of #rovidence Fire (epartment Chief fficers ith fire

    ground command e/perience&

    ?istorica$$% hen the (epartment has had fires of the si;e and comp$e/it% of the Eaton

    Street fire hether during the da% or night upon the occurrence of a mu$tip$e a$arms the C(

    'C( Fire Marsha$$ (irector of (ivision of raining (epartment Safet% fficer EMS ,C

    and Superintendent of 'utomotive Repair ou$d respond to the scene of the a$arm and carr% out

    their assigned duties&>2he return of these chief officers to the mu$tip$e a$arm fires provided the

    IC ith chief officers so that if the ICS command structure re5uired these chiefs cou$d !e

    assigned ICS Command Staff ICS :enera$ Staff positions or intermediate command $eve$


    >2 #rovidence Fire (epartmentRues and Reguations1++


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    Dhen o!jective$% revieing the events surrounding the injuries at the Eaton Street fire

    discussion of the unfi$$ed (epartment Safet% fficer position cannot !e over$oo6ed& 's

    mentioned a!ove this position has !een $eft unfi$$ed since 2010& Since 2012 four (epartment

    investigations and reports have !een done !ecause of fire events invo$ving ma%da%s firefighter

    near miss events and fires resu$ting in serious injuries to firefighters& Each of these previous

    reports has recommended the reAactivation of the (epartment Safet% fficer and ,atta$ion 2

    Chief fficer positions&

    he intent of these recommendations as to improve overa$$ firefighter safet%& he

    (epartment Safet% fficer position had !een responsi!$e for the management of (epartment

    ccupationa$ Safet% and ?ea$th program& he (epartment Safet% officer maintained a thorough

    6no$edge of current and changing Federa$ State and $oca$ $as regu$ating safet% in the

    or6ing environment app$ica!$e to the fire department& he Safet% fficer as responsi!$e

    identif%ing and causing the correction of safet% and hea$th ha;ards& It as the Safet% fficers

    responsi!i$it% to investigate a$$ occupationa$ injuries i$$nesses e/posures and fata$ities invo$ving

    fire department personne$ and a$$ accidents invo$ving fire department vehic$es apparatus

    e5uipment and faci$ities& he Safet% fficer managed the co$$ection and ana$%sis of the records

    and data pertaining to apparatus accidents deaths injuries i$$nesses and e/posures of fire

    department personne$& he Safet% fficer responded to emergenc% incidents that invo$ved a high

    degree of ris6 to personne$ and integrated into the #rovidence Fire (epartment ICS to serve as

    the incident safet% officer&

    he repeated recommendation for the reAesta!$ishment of the ,atta$ion 2 Chief fficer

    )ine position to each or6ing p$atoon as a$so intended to improve firefighter safet%& he

    present structure of to Chief fficers per p$atoon ma6es each chief responsi!$e the direct

    persona$ command contro$ and supervision over the personne$ of fifteen companies assigned to

    each of the to !atta$ions& Each chief is re5uired to ma6e month$% inspection of the 5uarters and

    a dai$% inspection of personne$ assigned to the !atta$ion&>3

    Dith the present organi;ationa$ structure of to Chief fficers per p$atoon one Chief

    fficer is responsi!$e for nine companies during the initia$ stages of a fire incident& he first

    >3 #rovidence Fire (epartmentRues and Reguations1++


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    a$arm for a structure fire is three engines to $adders one heav% rescue one ')S rescue&

    Immediate$% fo$$oing the dispatch of the first a$arm companies and engine and $adder is

    dispatched as the Fast 'ssist Search eam 8F'S9 companies& his !rings the first a$arm

    comp$iment to nine companies& he Internationa$ Fire Service raining 'ssociations Chief

    fficer !oo6 states that the standard span of contro$ for an incident commander is three to seven

    ith five !eing the optima$ num!er for appropriate span of contro$&>4he #rovidence Fire

    (epartment ICS a$so states that this is the standard for span of contro$& Current$% the second

    chief if avai$a!$e is !eing dispatched to fire incidents to assist ith managing a fire incident

    $eaving no supervisor for the remaining nineteen companies in the cit%&

    he decimation of the Chief fficer positions !% past and present administrations a$ong

    ith the unfi$$ed e/isting chief officer positions has created a situation that prevents the

    #rovidence Fire (epartment from fo$$oing command contro$ procedures out$ined in the

    (epartments Ru$es and Regu$ations Incident Command S%stem and various Standard

    perating #rocedures& 's stated previous$% $ac6 of fo$$oing standard operating guide$ines as

    identified !% research as a contri!uting factor to firefighter injuries&

    his fire event a$so high$ighted the demands p$aced upon the #rovidence Fire (epartment

    ,ureau of perationa$ Contro$ 8,C9 during emergenc% operations of this si;e& his event

    further demonstrated the cha$$enges for the present on dut% staffing $eve$s of the ,C&

    (uring the Eaton Street fire hich re5uired a$$ avai$a!$e #rovidence Fire (epartment

    units he ,C as coordinating the re5uired mutua$ aid coverage throughout the remainder of

    the cit% monitoring the primar% dispatch radio channe$ and continued to anser routine and

    emergenc% te$ephone ca$$ vo$ume&

    It as fortunate that the Eaton Street fire occurred during da% time operations for the

    ,C& he Captain of the ,C ho norma$$% or6s da% time hours stepped in to assist the

    norma$ on dut% staff of one Fire )ieutenant and to civi$ian dispatchers to meet the demands of

    cha$$enges faced !% the ,C& In addition to persona$$% assisting the on dut% staff the Captain of

    >4 Internationa$ Fire Service raining 'ssociation Chief *fficer& Sti$$ater -" Fire #rotection

    #u!$ications 6$ahoma State H 2004& #rint&


  • 7/26/2019 Report of Investigation Committee into Firefighter Injuries Sustained at 41 Eaton Street in Providence


    the ,C immediate$% recogni;ed the need of additiona$ staff& he Captain of the ,C ordered

    to civi$ian dispatchers to remain on dut% hen their re$iefs arrived for the change of shift&

    'ppro/imate$% to hours and thirt% five minutes into the Eaton Street fire the ,C

    !egan receiving phone ca$$s for a second ind driven fire on )aure$ ?i$$ 'venue& he ,C as

    no monitoring to fire events and simu$taneous$% monitoring the radio channe$s assigned for
