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Transcript of REPORT of FFBL

8/7/2019 REPORT of FFBL 1/10




Visit to Fuji fertilizers Bin Qasim



ROLL# PP-034


8/7/2019 REPORT of FFBL 2/10



Table of contents

Serial no. CONTENTS Page no.

1 Introduction

2 Plant architecture of FFBL

3 1.  Site information

4 2.  Storage capacity

5 3.  Plant production rate

6 4.  Parts of plant7 I-  Utility plant

8 1.  Power production

9 2.  Water and steam

10 3.  Cooling towers

11 4.  Nitrogen supply

12 5.  Other utilities

13 II-  Ammonia production area

14 III-  Urea and DAP production area

15 y  Urea production

16 Specification of urea produced by FFBL

17 Properties of Sona urea

18 y  DAP production

19 Properties of DAP produced in FFBL

20 IV-  Storage and market supply of urea and DAP

21 Financial results

22 Backwardness of FFBL

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FFBL was developed in 1993 near port Qasim. And now a bold fertilizer company

in Pakistan. This industry manufacturing urea and Di-ammonium phosphate

(DAP). The property that make this industry unique from others fertilizers

manufacturers like ENGRO, etc. is the production of DAP. Because this is the only

industry which is producing DAP in Pakistan. About 31%-40% of DAP consumption

of Pakistan are fulfilled by the industry. ENGRO and other fertilizer companies are

only licensed supplier of DAP by the government of Pakistan in order to meet the


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Plant architectures of FFBL

1. Site information

The total plant area of FFBL is about 350 acres in which complex areas are about 120 acres. The plant

has also 8 acres in port Qasim.

2. Storage capacity

Items Capacity in MeT

ammonia 5,000urea 35,000

DAP 35,000

Phosphoric acid 45,000

3. Plant production rate

Products Production per day in

metric tons (when


Production per day in

metric tons (current)

ammonia 1,270 1,570

Urea 1,670 1,920

DAP 1,350 2,230

4. Parts of plant

The FFBL plant is can be divided into four major categories:

I-Utilities plant

II-Ammonia production area

III-Urea and DAP production area

IV- Storage and market supply of urea and DAP

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I-Utilities plant

No industry can be run without utilities. Deferent industries may have deferent type of utilities but they

are necessary for a continuous operation in an industry. If supply of any utility disturbs it will effect very

badly to the production and may cause the entire plant shut down. We have an example of electricity. A

power failure can cause entire plant close. And in Pakistan such type of accident are in routine. So

everyone who has a thought of establishing an industry must first consider about utilities. FFBL have also

some prospective thought thats why they have arranged utilities by their selves. Their utility plant


1. power production

For independency from KESC, FFBL is producing their own electricity of 52 mega watt by two gas

turbines at 60 Hz. This power is enough for the entire plant. In case of any failure in any gas turbine they

have also emergency diesel generators as stand by.

2. Water and steam

FFBL has water storage reservoirs and ponds for usage of water. For steam generation they have two

boilers producing 100 metric ton of steam per hour.

3. Cooling towersFor cooling purposes in the plant, 11 cooling towers are available. The distributions of cooling towers in

the entire plant are as under:

ammonia 06

DAP 02

Urea 02

Spare* 01

*use when damage or repairing.

4. Nitrogen supply

Storage tanks and supply facilities of nitrogen to the plant are available in utility department.

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5. Other utilities

Other utilities are instrument air and waste water treatment plants.

II-Ammonia production area

Ammonia is the major component for the production of urea and DAP. For making continuousproduction of urea and Dap it is necessary to produce ammonia simultaneously. The signification of this

plant is that this is a relocated plant. Actually this plant was first installed in America in 1965. But due to

some problems it was shut down in early 1990s. Then this plant was uninstalled, taken to port Qasim

and re installed in the location where it is actually now.

Note: The frequency of power is 60Hz because of this plant.

The general reaction of producing ammonia in FFBL is as under:

Natural gas + steam + air (nitrogen) ammonia

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III-Urea and DAP production area

Here we come to the main purpose of making all the plant the production of urea and DAP.

y  Production of urea:

Just for the information urea was the first organic compound which was made in the laboratory. In FFLBurea is produce by ammonia and carbon di oxide under the catalyst of UF-85.

Ammonia + CO2 UF-85 Urea

Specification of urea produced by FFBL:

Brand name Sona urea

Nitrogen (amide) 46%

Fulfill country demand 10% approximate

Properties of Sona urea: 

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a.  Cheapest among all nitrogenous fertilizers based on per unit cost of nutrient

b.  Less acidifying than many other nitrogenous fertilizers hence most suited for high pH soils

c.  High concentration of nutrients makes packing, storage and transport cost cheaper

d.  Larger granular size

e.  Greater granules strength

f.  Minimum fines, dust and powder

g.  Minimum losses in the air

h.  Least caking property

i.  Easy to spread in the fields

j.  No settling on crops

*very large grain produced in the packing.


y  Production of DAP:

As discussed before that FFBL is the only manufacture of DAP in Pakistan. It is a phosphorous based

fertilizer. The basic raw material for DAP manufacturing is phosphoric acid. The industry fulfills the

demand of about 31%-40% of the country. The general reaction for producing DAP in FFBL is as under:

Phosphoric acid + Sulphuric acid + Sand + coating oil + ammonia


Properties of DAP produce in FFBL:

a.  Completely soluble in water

b.  Good storage properties

c.  Total water soluble phosphoric acid helps plants to utilize moisture better and let roots grow

stronger and deeper even in acidic soilsd.  Being non- hygroscopic, DAP stores well even in high rainfall areas

e.  High concentration of nutrients makes packing, storage and transport per unit cost of nutrient

very low

f.  Nitrogen is present in an easily absorbed ammonical form, loss due to leaching is thus minimum


a.  Can be applied to soil. Also suitable in solution form as spray

b.  Application is recommended in split doses for better use efficiency 

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a.  DAP is suitable for all crops and soils

b.  Recommended for initial application

Note: in 2001-2002 the DAP plant in FFBL was remained closed due to economical reasons.

IV- Storage and market supply of urea and DAP

The storage facilities in FFBL have discussed before. The market supply of urea and DAP performed

through transport (truck, trawlers). For loading the trucks they use moving channels on which the

unpacked product move to the packing and then to trucks.

Financial results

2009 Rs 2008 Rs

Sales-net 5,856,387 2,004,831

Cost of sales (5,036,921) (1,402,213)

Gross Profit / (loss) 819,466 602,618

Administrative (93,439) (50,368)

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Backwardness in FFBL:

Along with qualities FFBL has a medium type of drawback like ENGRO. This

industry is producing electricity through natural gas turbines. As we all know that

our natural gas reservoirs in Sui are drying day by day very quickly, because the

consumption and unnecessary uses like power generation through gas. Our

appeal is that if an industry is considering safety, environmental issues, spending

millions to increase their production, also change their gas turbine into stream,

and wind turbine that are better than gas and also give the same power

production if good technology is used.


Other Income 247,657 157,606

Taxation 3,350 (62,293)

Profit after Tax 12,577 162,090

Earnings per Share

(Rs.)0.01 0.17