Renaissance Power point

Post on 26-May-2015

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Background information about eh Renaissance

Transcript of Renaissance Power point

Knowledge is power

---Sir F

rancis Bacon

Renaissance 1485-1660

Renaissance - rebirth, a renewed interest in classical


Began in Italy -

Boccaccio - literature Petrach - sonnets Leonardo Da Vinci - art Galileo Galiee – science Michelangelo - art

Top Ten People of the Millenium

10. Galileo Galelei

9. Nicolaus Copernicus

8. Albert Einstein

7. Karl Marx

6. Christopher Columbus

5. William Shakespeare

4. Charles Darwin

3. Martin Luther

2. Isaac Newton

1. Johan Guttenberg

Humanism- an attempt to join the

classics with religion to strengthen both. Places an emphasis on humanity’s, rather than God’s, importance.

“What a piece of work is a man: how noble in reason;

how infinite in faculty; in form and moving how

express and admirable; in action how like an angel;

in apprehension how like a god; the beauty of the world, the paragon of



Technology and Thinking*Erasmus – Dutch philosopher, traveled

*Thomas More – English philosopher, advisor to Henry VIII and killed by him due to his not supporting his divorce suit (A Man for All Season – Bolton)

*Johan Guttenberg – developed printing press – first book was the Bible

*William Caxton – brings printing press to England 1476

Cheap Books Bring . . .

High availability

Increased literacy

Printing books in English cause the need for spelling and grammatical rules to be created

A & E chose Gutenberg as the most important person of the milennium

Renaissance in England

and Northern Europe

*Close ties with religion – more bookish than art based

*All Christians still Catholic until . . .

*Martin Luther begins the Reformation – he challenges the authority of the Catholic Church – 95 Theses

*Hated the Jewish

Church of England

*1531 - Henry VIII forms new church because the Pope would not grant him a divorce from his wife *The Church of England - Anglican Church - is still the dominant church in England today.

The Jewish*Persecuted throughout European history - kicked out of cities or forced to live in a certain areas

*Usury - lending money for interest

*Shylock - character created by Shakespeare in his play The Merchant of Venice stereotypical Jewish lender

*Marlowe - The Jew of Malta

The Tudors- A new ruling


The Tudor Dynasty

• Henry VII seized power from Richard III (Wars of the Roses)

• His son Arthur was raised to be king but died unexpectedly

• Henry VIII becomes king

Henry VIII (1509-1547)

*Argued heavily against Martin Luther

*Renaissance man – athletic, poet, played instruments, hunted

*Created royal navy

*Notorious womanizer

The Wives of Henry VIII

Catherine of Aragon - divorced

Anne Boleyn - beheaded

Jane Seymour - died

Anne of Cleves - divorced

Catherine Howard - beheaded

Katherine Parr - survived

Edward VI (1546-1553)*Son of Jane Seymour*Crowned at age nine*Very poor health*Died at 16 - childless

Lady Jane Grey

*Cousin of Edward VI

*Very well educated

*She was used by parents and father-in-law to (Protestants) to maintain control and not lose power to Catholic Church

*Queen for 9 days

*Reluctantly executed by Mary I

Mary I (1553-1558)

*Daughter of Catherine of Aragon

*Called Bloody Mary because she tried to reestablish the Catholic Church and executed Protestant leaders and others who tried to stop her

*Married Philip I from Spain (Catholic)

*Died childless

Elizabeth I (1558 – 1603)

*Daughter of Anne Boleyn

*Considered England’s greatest monarch

*Restores Church of England

*Builds the navy and defeated the Spanish Armada (55-0) – this changed the balance of power in Europe

*Known as the Virgin Queen

*Died childless

James I*Son of Mary Queen of Scots (she was a cousin to Elizabeth (same grandmother))*Elizabeth had her executed due to rumors of Catholic take overs (Babington Plot)*James is king of Scotland (James VI) and becomes king of both (James I)

LiteratureMost of the literature in this era was considered poetry and had to fit a

PATTERNSonnet – 14 line


Pastoral – poem with shepherds and farmers – rural

Epithalamia – wedding song

Epigrams – poems making fun of people

Songs – poem written to music

Epitaphs – poems for the dead



More on this later