Renaissance and Reformation Review. This individual discovered the planets moved in an elliptical...

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Transcript of Renaissance and Reformation Review. This individual discovered the planets moved in an elliptical...

Renaissance and Reformation Review

This individual discovered the planets moved in an elliptical

motion around the sun.

• Johannes Kepler

This man is credited for creating the Scientific Method.

• Sir Francis Bacon

The belief that the Earth is the center of the universe

• Geocentric

This was the name of the Church of England.

• Anglican Church

He was a Danish nobleman who made very accurate

observations of stars without a telescope.

• Tycho Brahe

• “Mr. Silvernosebladderbust”

What was the surname (last name) of Henry VIII, Mary I,

and Elizabeth I?

• Tudor

Why was Mary Tudor called “Bloody Mary”?

• She executed many Protestants after gaining power

An opinion or a doctrine differing with established

religious beliefs.

• Heresy

T/F: Queen Elizabeth was disliked by the citizens of



The model community of Geneva prohibited dancing,

fighting, and laughing in church....But not

• Theocracy

The Act of Supremacy was declared by this man, making him the head of the Church of


• King Henry VIII

I am, I am

Who is the head of the Roman Catholic Church?

• Pope

Why did the Catholic Reformation occur?

• The Catholic Church wanted to gain back current Protestants who had been


What notion is synonymous with Sir Isaac Newton

• Gravity

A government run by religious leaders is called.

• Theocracy

Who was the notorious reformer of the Church?

• Martin Luther

Why did Henry VIII want his marriage to his 1st wife,

Catherine of Aragon, annulled after 18 years of marriage?

• She did not give birth to a male child

The spread of Calvinism led to what event?

• The rise of theocracies

This famous artist created the “Creation of Adam”

• Michelangelo

What did Lutherans believe about salvation?

• It is achieved through faith

As compared to the Italian Renaissance, the Northern

Renaissance began:

• 100 years later

The “Pieta” is a famous piece of art depicting what?

• Mother Mary with Jesus dead across her lap.

What famous artist from the Renaissance period created the painting the “School of


• Raphael

What issue led people to move towards the Protestant


• The Catholic Church was too powerful and full of abuses.

Machiavelli wrote a guidebook that was controversial

because it:

• Indicated that kings should use any means necessary to maintain power.

Why did Martin Luther write the 95 theses?

• He was denouncing the sale of indulgences.

The Renaissance was during what time period?

• 1300-1500

The growing Middle Class began to demand books

written in what language?

• The vernacular

Copernicus challenged the traditional European view of the universe by theorizing


• The sun is the center of the universe.

The Renaissance immediately followed what time period in


• Middle Ages/Dark Ages

This famous artist created the Mona Lisa and the Last


• Leonardo Da Vinci