Religion in Blue Jeans

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Sermon series on Jesus

Transcript of Religion in Blue Jeans

Religion in Blue Jeans

Alvin L. Reyes MD

Isaiah 58:6-7 �"The kind of fasting I want is this: Remove

the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice, and let the oppressed go free.

�Share your food with the hungry and open �Share your food with the hungry and open your homes to the homeless poor. Give clothes to those who have nothing to wear, and do not refuse to help your own relatives.

�Is our religion real or is it a farce?

�What is the core of Adventism?�Sabbath

�2nd Coming�2 Coming�Ellen White�Vegetarianism�Newstart

�When does religion become significant ?

When it is in a sermon?�When it is in a sermon?�When we keep it in our heart?�When it is lived day by day?

�Is our religion significant ?

�Religion becomes significant when it touches people’s lives.

�What is our attitude towards "non-�What is our attitude towards "non-Christians”?

�What is our attitude towards those in the church who are not as “good”

as us?

�Do we tell others that they had better get right or they lose salvation?� And then we walk away -- satisfied that we have done our Christian duty in pointing them in the

right direction.

�Are we trying to convince others that we have "the truth“?that we have "the truth“?

�Are we presenting "the rules" and saying you had better come around to our way or suffer the consequences?

�Do we use the “carrot and the stick" approach and how often do we leave off the carrot completely?!

Is this what God wants from us?�Is this what God wants from us?

� Is this how we are to lead others to Christ? � Is this how God intends on saving those that are


We cannot convert people by �We cannot convert people by presenting prophecies or the end-time events, the 28 fundamental SDA beliefs or changing the diet .

How Christ Did It

How Did Jesus Do It?

�Christ did not go around hitting people over the head with the scriptures.

�Christ did not go around criticizing, accusing, or condemning people!

� Christ was most critical of "religious" people.

�Christ did not go around saying to people; “Hey, look at this list of things I have -memorize these and you will be saved!"

�Christ said, "What are your struggles? Let me help.”

� Christ invited them to have a better way of life and he showed others how to do it!

�Christ got right down in the "mud of life" with people! � Christ probably didn't have more than one change of cloths - no suits, no fine linen, just everyday

peasant cloths.

�Christ mingled with the people -- he went to their homes, ate dinner with them and probably played with the kids!

�Christ helped them fish and earn a living. Christ wasn't afraid to be seen riding in those stinky old fishing boats!

� And Christ didn't shy away from having a good time either - he attended marriage feasts and he let people throw him a party (the Triumphal Entry).

�And Christ wasn't afraid to ask someone else for help.

� This was one of his favorite methods for "introducing" himself (look at the story of the woman at the well!).

�Christ was real !� That is why we like/love Him. � That is why we like/love Him.

�He genuinely cared. �And our religion has

got to be "real" too!

�Do our neighbors and friends see Christ in us?

�Can they come to us and "talk"?

�Do they know that we are caring people?

�Or do they feel that we think we are �Or do they feel that we think we are "better" than them?

�Do they know they can come to us and we will help them?

�Are we willing to laugh with others �Are we willing to laugh with others and give them a hug, regardless of who they are or where they have been?

�Can we accept them just as they are?

�"I'd rather see a good sermon than hear one any day",

�If we are to help others or hope of �If we are to help others or hope of reaching them for Christ, we have to relate to them where they are and meet them there.

�Christianity is not feelings or thoughts.

�Christianity is real and it is powerful. But it has got to be real in our own But it has got to be real in our own lives before we can share it with others.

�Being filled with Christ in action is what true Christianity is all about.

Isaiah 58:6-7 �"The kind of fasting I want is this:

Remove the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice, and let the oppressed go free. oppressed go free.

�Share your food with the hungry and open your homes to the homeless poor. Give clothes to those who have nothing to wear, and do not refuse to help your own relatives.

God bless you.