Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited 4G OFC Network DGPS Survey ... · To meet this requirement of MoEF,...

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Transcript of Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited 4G OFC Network DGPS Survey ... · To meet this requirement of MoEF,...

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Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited 4G OFC


DGPS Survey report for Forest Diversion of

proposed OFC Cable Route from Katghora to

Hadmor with Route Length 34.85 Km, in

District Korba




Geotrax International Services

Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

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Table of Contents 1.  Introduction and Background ....................................................................... 3 

1.1  Background........................................................................................ 3 1.2  Location and Communication ................................................................ 3 1.3  Objective ........................................................................................... 4 1.4  Geotrax Empanelment Certificate in Chhattisgarh .................................... 5 

2.  Scope of Work ........................................................................................... 8 3.  Deliverables ............................................................................................... 9 4.  Brief description of the Technical approach ..................................................... 9 

4.1  Input Data ......................................................................................... 9 4.2  GIS Data Preparation .......................................................................... 9 4.3  Establishment of Primary Control Point (PCP) ........................................ 10 4.4  Establishment of Secondary Control Point (SCP) .................................... 11 4.5  DGPS Survey Procedure ..................................................................... 11 4.6  Creation of Vector Layers ................................................................... 12 4.7  Specification of DGPS Equipment ........................................................ 12 

5.  Results ................................................................................................... 15 6.  Background of Organization ....................................................................... 17 

6.1  Company Profile: Geotrax .................................................................. 17 7.  Annexure ................................................................................................ 19 

7.1  Annexure – 1: PCP Observation Processing Report ................................. 19 7.2  Annexure – 2: DGPS Surveyed coordinates of Forest Patches .................. 26 7.3  Annexure – 3: Geo-Referenced Maps of the Proposed Route ................... 34 

7.3.1  Geo-referenced Forest Map showing Proposed 4G OFC Route ............... 34 7.3.2  Geo-referenced SOI Map (1:50000) showing Proposed 4G OFC Route .... 35 

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1. Introduction and Background


1.1 Background

Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited is setting up 4G Optical Fiber Cable

network across the country. In the state of Chhattisgarh, the company

plans to set up the telecom network (including laying of OFC cable) along

the NHAI/PWD Road corridor. Reliance Jio Infocomm is granted license by

Ministry of Communications & IT, Dept. of Telecommunications, and Govt.

Of India, to establish Optical Fiber Cable network under the license

number 370/2011 dated. 23.06.2011 issued to M/S Infotel Broadband

Services Limited (company name changed to Reliance Jio Infocomm

Limited on 22.01.2013). The OFC Cable is laid under the ground at

approx. depth of 1.65m and the trench width is 0.5m. In most of the

places the cable trench line on National Highways is approx. at a distance

of 14.5m from the road centerline and for State/District highways it is

approx. 7m from the road centerline.

1.2 Location and Communication

The proposed OFC Cable route from Katghora to Hadmor (Tehsil: Kendai,

District: Korba) is on the National Highway corridor NH-111. The route

length is approx. 34.85 km. The National Highway 111 links the town

Bilaspur to Ambikapur via Katghora. OFC cable route falls in two tehsils:

Kendai and Atmanagar of the Korba district. The survey site passes

through two forest ranges – Kendai and Atmanagar of Katghora forest

division. The cable route’s proposed starting point is Hadmor Village

Latitude 22°44'40.66" N and Longitude 82°29'07.72" E and the end

location is Katghora at Latitude 22°33'16.76" N and Longitude

82°32'49.29" E. The OFC Cable route is covered under Survey of India

Toposheet 64 J/06 and 64 J/10 on RF 1:50000.

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1.3 Objective

As per directives of Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF) dated 8th

July 2011; all applications for Forest Diversion, under Forest Conservation

Act, 1980 must be accompanied with Geo‐referenced shape file, showing

the boundary of the proposed area (both soft copy and hard copy maps),

prepared using Differential GPS (DGPS) and the same should be uploaded

to MoEF website along with the online application.

To meet this requirement of MoEF, Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited,

entrusted the DGPS survey work to M/s Geotrax International Services,

Raipur, which is an empanelled agency of Directorate of Geology and

Mines, Chhattisgarh (Ref. Circular No. F-7-14/2013/12, dated. 10.11.2014).

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1.4 Geotrax Empanelment Certificate in Chhattisgarh

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Not to Scale Fig-1: Katghora to Hadmor 4G OFC Cable Proposed Route on Satellite Imagery

2. Scope of Work

1. Establishment of one base station with 72 Hours observationand secondary control points at every 10km along the proposed route.

2. DGPS Survey for collection of ground coordinates along the OFCCable trench at every 50m interval and/or at every turn/bend along the porposed trench. The DGPS data is collected at forest patches only.

3. Data processing and Interpretation

a. Geo-referencing of SOI Toposheet (1:50000), Forest Stock map (1:15000, if available) and satellite imagery

b. Creation of OFC Cable trench boundary vector map using the DGPS Surveyed data

c. Superimposition of cable route layer on Georeferencedforest maps, SOI Toposheet and Satellite imagery.

d. Computation of Forest area proposed for diversion. It includes Reserved/Protected Forest & Revenue Forest.

e. Preparation of Geo-referenced forest map at 1:15000 scale, and SOI Toposheet at 1:50000 scale.

f. Preparation of DGPS survey report along with soft copy of – maps in shapefile format and kml file

4. Printing of report and Geo-referenced maps and Technical compliance.

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3. Deliverables

The deliverables envisaged for the assignment are described below

1. Post processed DGPS observations data as well as raw data in RINEX format.

2. DGPS Reports - Base line & network adjustment report for the primary and Secondary Control Points.

3. Geo-referenced SOI maps & forest block mapsbased on DGPS observations – Hard and Soft Copy (SHP and KML formats).

4. Proposed Forest Diversion area statement as per DGPS Survey

5. DGPS Survey and mapping report

4. Brief description of the Technical approach

4.1 Input Data

The proposed 4G Cable Route plan is shown on the ground by the engineer/

Vendor of Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd (RJIL). The Forest & SOI maps required

for geo-referencing were provided byReliance Jio Infocomm Limited.It is

proposed that the cable is laid within the ROW of the NHAI/PWD road corridor

(where possible). The cable trench is laid at a depth of 1.65m below ground

and the trench width is 0.5m. The revenue village maps were collected from

NIC online website ( The revenue forest

information& details are collected from the District Revenue department and

were provided by RJIL. 

4.2 GIS Data Preparation

Based on the input data (maps, boundary coordinates from CMPDI) and

information provided by Revenue Department of Surguja and Surajpur

districts, the DGPS base station - Primary and Temporary Benchmarks Control

Points (PCP and TBM) in the project area are planned. One PCP with 72 hours

observation was planned and established on the roof top of the Forest

Department Guest House (Shiv Park), Surajpur. Secondary control points are

planned for DGPS Static Observation for at least 12 hours duration at Tara

Forest Guest House, Surajpur which is approximately 45 Km (aerial distance)

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from Surajpur Primary Control Point. The Temporary Bench Mark are further

established along the route from Tara to Katghora using the Tara Secondary

control point as a reference point.

Not to Scale Fig-2: Satellite Image showing the location of the Surajpur Primary Control Point

4.3 Establishment of Primary Control Point (PCP) The Primary Control Point (PCP) with 72 hours of DGPS Observation was

established as the DGPS base station. The PCP was established in the roof top

of the Forest Department Guest House (Shiv Park) in Surajpur. As per Survey

of India (SOI) Guideline, the PCP is to be fixed through continuous observation

for 72 hours duration. The 72 hours of observation was carried out using DGPS

from 9thMay 2016 to 12thMay2016. The observed data was processed with

reference to the data of International GNSS Service (IGS) stations as per SOI

guideline (IGS processed report is enclosed as Annexure-1).

The coordinate of the PCP is given below:

Point ID Latitude (d:m:s) Longitude (d:m:s) Ellipsoidal Height(m)

SurajpurBase 23°12'52.39820"N 082°52'59.05530"E 486.559000

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Fig-3: Images showing Primary Control Point (PCP)

4.4 Establishment of Secondary Control Point (SCP) The Secondary Control Point with 12 hours of static observation was

established at Tara Forest Guest House (Point ID: TARA Base).The TARA

control point is established w.r.t to the Surajpur Primary Control Point.

Number Of Points: 2 Number Of Control Points: 1

Control Point ID Type Latitude Longitude Ellipsoidal Height(m)

SurajpurBase Lat. Lon. H 23°12'52.39820"N 082°52'59.05530"E 486.559000

Below table lists the coordinates of TBMs:

Point ID Latitude Longitude North(m) East(m) Ellipsoidal Height (m)

TARA_Base 22°50'01.39550"N 082°44'18.77644"E 2526163.501 678405.9089 509.562031

4.5 DGPS Survey Procedure DGPS survey was carried out using a pair of DGPS instrument. One DGPS

Instrument was used as Base Station. The first base station for the survey

was established at the Secondary control Point in Tara. The base is shifted

using the Real Time Kinematic Survey method. The distance between the

Base Station and rover was always less than 5km.

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The other DGPS instrument was working as Rover. The survey was conducted

in Real Time Kinematic (RTK) mode. The Survey team carried out DGPS

Survey of boundary points by walking along the proposed cable trench

boundary. DGPS readings were collected at every 50m distance along trench

and at every turn or bend. For Geo-referencing village maps around 5 GCPs

were collected for the each village having Govt. Forest Land.

During the survey the start and end of forest patch was identified in the field

with the help of staff from the forest department. The forest department staff

also provided information regarding the forest range, compartment number


The static data is Post Processed using Trimble Business Centre software.

4.6 Creation of Vector Layers The surveyed points captured through DGPS were plotted in the GIS Software

and the Polygon and Polyline layers are created using the DGPS Surveyed

points. Different layers such as the Forest Patch polygon, Forest Trench

centerline, Non-Forest Trench line, polygon showing Revenue forest patches

(Chote Jad ka Jungle + Bade Jad Ka Jungle) etc., are prepared. The vector

layers prepared are then super-imposed on the Geo-referenced Forest map

and Cadastral maps.

4.7 Specification of DGPS Equipment Geotrax deployed the most advance and hi-precision devices to carry out the

DGPS survey. The DGPS performance specifications are given below. The

corresponding fact sheets are placed below for ready reference.

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5. Results The total route length from Katghora to Hadmor is approx. 34.85 km and the

proposed forest area for diversion is 0.844 Ha. DGPS Survey processing report

and co-ordinates of the PCP are in Annexure-1, and DGPS coordinates of TBM

and forest patch boundary coordinates is in Annexure-2. The geo-referenced

maps are in Annexure -3.


Hadmor to Katghora: Proposed Forest Diversion Area Statement 

Total Route Length (in KM) 

Total Forest Patch Length 

(in KM) 

OFC Cable Trench Width (in KM) 

Total Forest Diversion Area (in HA) 

34.85 16.88 0.0005 0.844

T A B L E  ‐ A 

Hadmor to Katghora : Schedule Of Forest Land ‐ Protected Forest & Orange Forest Area 







1  1 

K A T G H O R A 


2  1  ORANGE AREA  OA705  0.013 

3  9 


ORANGE AREA  OA733  0.077 

4  7  ORANGE AREA  OA732  0.026 

5  19  ORANGE AREA  OA736  0.001 

6  18  ORANGE AREA  OA736  0.102 

7  9  ORANGE AREA  OA732  0.045 

8  6  PROTECTED FOREST  P453  0.094 

9  6  PROTECTED FOREST  P455  0.109 

10  2  PROTECTED FOREST  P464‐P465  0.103 

11  6  PROTECTED FOREST  P481  0.031 

TOTAL FOREST AREA (in Ha)  0.690 

   T A B L E ‐  B   

Hadmor to Katghora : Schedule Of Forest Land ‐ Revenue Forest (CJJ + BJJ) 

SL. NO. 




1  5     





BANJARI  328  0.003 

2  4 MADAI 

255  0.001 

3  3  327  0.001 


374/1  0.005 

5  20  184/1  0.010 

6  17  PODI  364  0.001 

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      T A B L E ‐  B 

7  16          






224  0.001 

8  15  262  0.003 

9  14  261  0.001 

10  13  224  0.0002 

11  12  232  0.001 

12  11  73  0.004 

13  18  389  0.017 

14  11  80  0.003 

15  8 


396  0.040 

16  11  334  0.006 

17  10  331  0.002 

18  11  333/1  0.002 

19  11  333/3  0.001 

20  11  333/2  0.002 

21  1 


991  0.012 

22  1  1043  0.008 

23  1  928  0.010 

24  1  1070  0.003 

25  1  795  0.013 

26  1  805  0.005 

TOTAL FOREST AREA (in Ha)  0.154 


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6. Background of Organization

6.1 Company Profile: Geotrax Geotrax International Services ( is a Professional Land

Mapping and Services provider across India established in the year 1999.

During the last 14+ years, we had an opportunity to execute a variety of

surveying jobs all over India and in the Middle East to various customer

specifications for RIS, LIS, and Municipal GIS oriented jobs. Cadastral Surveys

using ETS/DGPS and Provision of Ground control conforming to stringent

accuracy standards using high end instruments as RTK/GPRS DGPS is our

specialty. We also have a UAV (Drone) and Ground Penetrating Radar (on


Geotrax is headed by Mr. V.V.S Bandhakavi (Ex-Survey of India employee)

who has more than 40+ years’ experience in the field of surveying in India and


Some of our major clients include: Odisha Space Application Centre (ORSAC) Steel Authority of India (SAIL) National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) Survey Settlement and Land Records Department (Govt. Of Gujarat) Survey Settlement and Land Records Department (Govt. Of Madhya

Pradesh) Irrigation Dept. (Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir) National Remote Sensing Agency (Hyderabad) Meinhardt India Private Limited (Delhi), Nagarjuna Construction Company (NCC, Hyderabad) Consulting Engineering Services (CES, New Delhi) Lee Associates of South Asia (LASA, Delhi) Power development Corporation (Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir)

Geotrax expertise covers: DGPS Surveys for Mining lease boundary, and Forest Diversion Consultancy services for Mining Plan & EIA Boundary and cadastral surveys using DGPS and Total station; Topographic surveys. Ground control surveys for photogrammetric projects, including Airborne


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Only one of the two companies in India who are empanelled by NRSA for DGPS survey for ground control point collection

Route and alignment surveys combining conventional and photogrammetric methods.

Construction and cross-section surveys (from road design to precision layout and quality control).

Being a client focused organization, GeoTrax’s combination of survey

equipment, personnel, and computer resources allow for the tailoring of the

project approach to match the orders of accuracy and precision requirements

for each project. GeoTrax’s equipment resources include 250 DGPS, 33 hand-

held GPS units, theodolites, electronic digital and automatic levels, 19

Electronic Total Stations, and data collectors.

On the mapping side, our CAD and GIS professionals assist the survey projects

by creating accurate maps. We have dedicated CAD experts who have

extensive experience with different CAD software.

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7. Annexure 7.1 Annexure – 1: PCP Observation Processing Report

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7.2 Annexure – 2: DGPS Surveyed coordinates of Forest Patches

Sl.No  Pillar Id  Patch No  Easting (m)  Northing (m)  Latitude "N"  Longitude "E" 

1  P1 


652531.0101 2516015.462  22°44'40.66800"  82°29'07.72080"

2  P2  652538.1784 2515993.681  22°44'39.95880"  82°29'07.96560"

3  P3  652546.2888 2515970.841  22°44'39.21360"  82°29'08.24280"

4  P4  652557.1016 2515943.668  22°44'38.32800"  82°29'08.61000"

5  P5  652564.6055 2515925.836  22°44'37.74480"  82°29'08.86920"

6  P6  652565.7448 2515923.129  22°44'37.65480"  82°29'08.90520"

7  P7  652576.1795 2515905.384  22°44'37.07520"  82°29'09.26520"

8  P8  652584.7418 2515896.811  22°44'36.79440"  82°29'09.56400"

9  P9  652590.2785 2515893.159  22°44'36.67560"  82°29'09.75480"

10  P10  652596.8875 2515889.951  22°44'36.56760"  82°29'09.98520"

11  P11  652610.455  2515884.654  22°44'36.39120"  82°29'10.46040"

12  P12  652645.5612 2515874.774  22°44'36.05640"  82°29'11.68800"

13  P13  652666.2381 2515868.954  22°44'35.86200"  82°29'12.41160"

14  P14  652724.3896 2515851.517  22°44'35.27520"  82°29'14.44200"

15  P15  652800.986  2515830.468  22°44'34.56600"  82°29'17.12040"

16  P16  652843.3205 2515819.343  22°44'34.19160"  82°29'18.60000"

17  P17  652899.4883 2515802.98  22°44'33.64080"  82°29'20.56200"

18  P18  653017.16  2515769.403  22°44'32.51040"  82°29'24.67320"

19  P19  653205.5349 2515726.704  22°44'31.05960"  82°29'31.26120"

20  P20  653249.0207 2515715.699  22°44'30.68880"  82°29'32.78400"

21  P21  653316.7236 2515703.497  22°44'30.27120"  82°29'35.15280"

22  P22  653343.7463 2515695.96  22°44'30.01560"  82°29'36.09600"

23  P23  653360.9142 2515688.115  22°44'29.75640"  82°29'36.69360"

24  P24  653426.0432 2515645.849  22°44'28.35960"  82°29'38.96160"

25  P25  653539.0725 2515568.212  22°44'25.80000"  82°29'42.89640"

26  P26  653580  2515541.218  22°44'24.90720"  82°29'44.32200"

27  P27  653592.1083 2515531.435  22°44'24.58680"  82°29'44.74320"

28  P28  653606.7027 2515514.32  22°44'24.02520"  82°29'45.24720"

29  P29  653655.0601 2515448.741  22°44'21.87600"  82°29'46.92120"

30  P30  653671.7488 2515439.992  22°44'21.58800"  82°29'47.50080"

31  P31  653714.9927 2515434.327  22°44'21.39000"  82°29'49.01640"

32  P32  653847.737  2515421.59  22°44'20.93280"  82°29'53.66400"

33  P33  653897.4161 2515405.537  22°44'20.39280"  82°29'55.39920"

34  P34  653978.8761 2515369.136  22°44'19.18320"  82°29'58.23960"

35  P35  654088.5817 2515348.133  22°44'18.46320"  82°30'02.07720"

36  P36  654157.0501 2515331.976  22°44'17.91600"  82°30'04.47120"

37  P37  654308.3715 2515287.664  22°44'16.42560"  82°30'09.75960"

38  P38  654376.5819 2515264.632  22°44'15.65520"  82°30'12.14280"

39  P39  654389.5089 2515256.717  22°44'15.39240"  82°30'12.59280"

40  P40  654398.3396 2515251.311  22°44'15.21600"  82°30'12.90240"

41  P41  654411.7084 2515237.039  22°44'14.74440"  82°30'13.36320"

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Sl.No  Pillar Id  Patch No  Easting (m)  Northing (m)  Latitude "N"  Longitude "E" 

42  P42  654421.1739 2515218.522  22°44'14.13960"  82°30'13.69080"

43  P43  654426.0954 2515207.468  22°44'13.77960"  82°30'13.86000"

44  P44  654427.5044 2515197.452  22°44'13.45200"  82°30'13.90320"

45  P45  654427.1917 2515177.456  22°44'12.80400"  82°30'13.88520"

46  P46  654413.1857 2515119.472  22°44'10.92480"  82°30'13.37400"

47  P47  654390.3489 2515046.828  22°44'08.57040"  82°30'12.54960"

48  P48  654380.1457 2515030.625  22°44'08.04480"  82°30'12.18600"

49  P49  654356.1216 2515002.831  22°44'07.14840"  82°30'11.33280"

50  P50  654327.2862 2514972.255  22°44'06.16560"  82°30'10.31040"

51  P51  654292.5578 2514934.012  22°44'04.93440"  82°30'09.07920"

52  P52  654266.9068 2514904.093  22°44'03.96960"  82°30'08.17200"

53  P53  654240.8603 2514875.146  22°44'03.03720"  82°30'07.24680"

54  P54  654214.194  2514850.891  22°44'02.25600"  82°30'06.30360"

55  P55  654193.5682 2514837.557  22°44'01.83120"  82°30'05.57640"

56  P56  654105.467  2514777.283  22°43'59.90160"  82°30'02.46960"

57  P57  654093.3556 2514745.876  22°43'58.88280"  82°30'02.03400"

58  P58  654094.1003 2514718.292  22°43'57.98640"  82°30'02.04840"

59  P59  654094.845  2514690.709  22°43'57.09000"  82°30'02.06640"

60  P60  654120.2149 2514617.432  22°43'54.69960"  82°30'02.92680"

61  P61  654131.0317 2514594.746  22°43'53.95800"  82°30'03.29760"

62  P62  654139.3527 2514574.011  22°43'53.28120"  82°30'03.58200"

63  P63  654143.2377 2514553.131  22°43'52.60080"  82°30'03.71160"

64  P64  654139.9216 2514506.04  22°43'51.07080"  82°30'03.57840"

65  P65  654132.605  2514491.472  22°43'50.59920"  82°30'03.31920"

66  P66 


654080.5519 2514393.414  22°43'47.42760"  82°30'01.45800"

67  P67  654059.2134 2514349.051  22°43'45.99480"  82°30'00.69480"

68  P68  654032.7484 2514311.826  22°43'44.79240"  82°29'59.75520"

69  P69  654017.3083 2514299.574  22°43'44.40000"  82°29'59.20800"

70  P70  654007.8052 2514287.227  22°43'44.00040"  82°29'58.87320"

71  P71  654006.3905 2514282.769  22°43'43.85640"  82°29'58.81920"

72  P72  654007.0037 2514272.015  22°43'43.50720"  82°29'58.83720"

73  P73  654023.6005 2514232.372  22°43'42.21120"  82°29'59.40600"

74  P74  654026.2159 2514206.179  22°43'41.35800"  82°29'59.48880"

75  P75  654014.7946 2514182.451  22°43'40.59120"  82°29'59.07840"

76  P76  654018.6397 2514180.651  22°43'40.53360"  82°29'59.21520"

77  P77  654079.4805 2514132.257  22°43'38.93880"  82°30'01.32840"

78  P78  654089.2563 2514111.655  22°43'38.26560"  82°30'01.66320"

79  P79  654093.7693 2514087.353  22°43'37.47360"  82°30'01.81440"

80  P80  654112.1213 2514047.544  22°43'36.17400"  82°30'02.44080"

81  P81  654097.3871 2513992.35  22°43'34.38480"  82°30'01.90800"

82  P82  654082.9378 2513959.753  22°43'33.33000"  82°30'01.38960"

83  P83  654119.9633 2513968.712  22°43'33.60720"  82°30'02.68920"

84  P84  654148.2475 2513929  22°43'32.30760"  82°30'03.66480"

85  P85  654145.949  2513855.3  22°43'29.91360"  82°30'03.56040"

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Sl.No  Pillar Id  Patch No  Easting (m)  Northing (m)  Latitude "N"  Longitude "E" 

86  P86  654124.4378 2513773.223  22°43'27.25320"  82°30'02.77560"

87  P87  654145.5675 2513772.725  22°43'27.22800"  82°30'03.51720"

88  P88  654197.4069 2513802.476  22°43'28.17840"  82°30'05.34600"

89  P89  654228.5339 2513768.939  22°43'27.07680"  82°30'06.42240"

90  P90  654228.0991 2513742.819  22°43'26.22720"  82°30'06.39720"

91  P91  654232.2596 2513701.862  22°43'24.89520"  82°30'06.53040"

92  P92  654205.1056 2513672.022  22°43'23.93400"  82°30'05.56920"

93  P93  654203.6971 2513663.48  22°43'23.65680"  82°30'05.51520"

94  P94  654237.0091 2513653.739  22°43'23.32920"  82°30'06.67800"

95  P95  654278.6623 2513578.711  22°43'20.87760"  82°30'08.11080"

96  P96  654293.3081 2513566.267  22°43'20.46720"  82°30'08.62200"

97  P97  654316.7392 2513550.516  22°43'19.94880"  82°30'09.43560"

98  P98  654465.5034 2513512.968  22°43'18.67800"  82°30'14.63760"

99  P99  654512.7071 2513486.336  22°43'17.79600"  82°30'16.28280"

100  P100  654567.3007 2513444.319  22°43'16.41360"  82°30'18.18000"

101  P101  654634.8481 2513417.092  22°43'15.50640"  82°30'20.53800"

102  P102  654828.5781 2513373.282  22°43'14.01600"  82°30'27.30960"

103  P103  654940.5216 2513397.268  22°43'14.76120"  82°30'31.24080"

104  P104  655036.1126 2513368.713  22°43'13.80000"  82°30'34.58160"

105  P105  655094.0961 2513344.157  22°43'12.98280"  82°30'36.60480"

106  P106  655119.0501 2513302.341  22°43'11.61480"  82°30'37.46520"

107  P107  655120.7925 2513281.245  22°43'10.92720"  82°30'37.51920"

108  P108  PATCH NO 3 

655192.8707 2512768.202  22°42'54.22680"  82°30'39.86280"

109  P109  655189.6658 2512754.79  22°42'53.79120"  82°30'39.74400"

110  P110  PATCH NO 4 

655017.7051 2512221.743  22°42'36.51840"  82°30'33.52680"

111  P111  655034.382  2512200.306  22°42'35.81640"  82°30'34.10640"

112  P112 PATCH NO 5 

655414.4863 2511590.347  22°42'15.85800"  82°30'47.20680"

113  P113  655418.582  2511567.726  22°42'15.12360"  82°30'47.34360"

114  P114  655423.7717 2511538.294  22°42'14.16240"  82°30'47.51280"

115  P115 


654613.6178 2509782.354  22°41'17.34720"  82°30'18.50040"

116  P116  654605.3799 2509653.608  22°41'13.16400"  82°30'18.16560"

117  P117  654591.8853 2509612.446  22°41'11.82840"  82°30'17.67960"

118  P118  654546.9875 2509555.155  22°41'09.98160"  82°30'16.08480"

119  P119  654508.2339 2509505.704  22°41'08.38680"  82°30'14.70960"

120  P120  654452.8342 2509414.57  22°41'05.44200"  82°30'12.73680"

121  P121  654386.4202 2509292.668  22°41'01.50000"  82°30'10.36800"

122  P122  654385.6002 2509268.092  22°41'00.70080"  82°30'10.33200"

123  P123  654425.145  2509168.078  22°40'57.43920"  82°30'11.68200"

124  P124  654428.9938 2509124.546  22°40'56.02080"  82°30'11.80080"

125  P125  654418.9812 2509087.912  22°40'54.83280"  82°30'11.43720"

126  P126  654357.4537 2508943.33  22°40'50.15280"  82°30'09.23040"

127  P127  654358.4942 2508915.553  22°40'49.24920"  82°30'09.25560"

128  P128  654365.8845 2508891.963  22°40'48.47880"  82°30'09.50760"

129  P129  654395.3552 2508839.738  22°40'46.77240"  82°30'10.51920"

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Sl.No  Pillar Id  Patch No  Easting (m)  Northing (m)  Latitude "N"  Longitude "E" 

130  P130  654409.1587 2508801.358  22°40'45.51960"  82°30'10.99080"

131  P131  654424.8969 2508791.43  22°40'45.19200"  82°30'11.53800"

132  P132  654471.0026 2508719.566  22°40'42.84120"  82°30'13.12920"

133  P133  654484.7176 2508708.362  22°40'42.47400"  82°30'13.60440"

134  P134  654577.498  2508666.518  22°40'41.08080"  82°30'16.84080"

135  P135  654621.3129 2508638.842  22°40'40.16640"  82°30'18.36360"

136  P136  654690.6125 2508574.756  22°40'38.06040"  82°30'20.77200"

137  P137  654743.0735 2508539.478  22°40'36.89760"  82°30'22.59720"

138  P138  654810.4857 2508497.336  22°40'35.50440"  82°30'24.94080"

139  P139  654826.9207 2508489.784  22°40'35.25240"  82°30'25.51680"

140  P140  654850.0159 2508486.437  22°40'35.13720"  82°30'26.32320"

141  P141  654893.3539 2508490.223  22°40'35.24520"  82°30'27.84240"

142  P142  654934.3629 2508491.421  22°40'35.27040"  82°30'29.27880"

143  P143  654956.3119 2508486.888  22°40'35.11560"  82°30'30.04920"

144  P144  654966.8457 2508483.037  22°40'34.98960"  82°30'30.41640"

145  P145  654985.666  2508473.644  22°40'34.67640"  82°30'31.07160"

146  P146  655025.9932 2508448.75  22°40'33.85200"  82°30'32.47560"

147  P147  655079.1794 2508415.707  22°40'32.76120"  82°30'34.32600"

148  P148  655154.6738 2508366.174  22°40'31.12680"  82°30'36.95400"

149  P149  655242.9323 2508308.267  22°40'29.21520"  82°30'40.02480"

150  P150  655309.105  2508271.875  22°40'28.00920"  82°30'42.32880"

151  P151  655343.0812 2508262.941  22°40'27.70680"  82°30'43.51680"

152  P152  655408.0279 2508249.176  22°40'27.23880"  82°30'45.78840"

153  P153  655481.7819 2508233.615  22°40'26.70960"  82°30'48.36600"

154  P154  655551.9934 2508215.955  22°40'26.11200"  82°30'50.81760"

155  P155  655643.6908 2508187.132  22°40'25.14360"  82°30'54.02160"

156  P156  655721.8249 2508160.504  22°40'24.25080"  82°30'56.75040"

157  P157  655851.1604 2508116.657  22°40'22.78560"  82°31'01.26480"

158  P158  655968.5448 2508076.982  22°40'21.45360"  82°31'05.36160"

159  P159  656011.9086 2508034.094  22°40'20.04600"  82°31'06.86640"

160  P160  656021.1149 2508008.803  22°40'19.22160"  82°31'07.17960"

161  P161  656041.0976 2507895.922  22°40'15.54600"  82°31'07.83840"

162  P162  656055.9463 2507847.859  22°40'13.97640"  82°31'08.34240"

163  P163  656115.8183 2507769.9  22°40'11.42400"  82°31'10.41240"

164  P164  656140.9818 2507750.719  22°40'10.79040"  82°31'11.28720"

165  P165  656234.3667 2507715.637  22°40'09.62040"  82°31'14.54520"

166  P166  656297.8577 2507692.959  22°40'08.86080"  82°31'16.76280"

167  P167  656331.0575 2507678.105  22°40'08.36760"  82°31'17.91840"

168  P168  656363.9862 2507643.37  22°40'07.22640"  82°31'19.05960"

169  P169  656478.4609 2507456.421  22°40'01.11000"  82°31'23.00160"

170  P170  656508.3702 2507390.472  22°39'58.95720"  82°31'24.02760"

171  P171  656511.6953 2507356.118  22°39'57.83760"  82°31'24.13200"

172  P172  656497.9036 2507284.142  22°39'55.50480"  82°31'23.62080"

173  P173  656502.4926 2507247.44  22°39'54.30960"  82°31'23.76840"

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Sl.No  Pillar Id  Patch No  Easting (m)  Northing (m)  Latitude "N"  Longitude "E" 

174  P174  656568.2396 2507108.751  22°39'49.77720"  82°31'26.02200"

175  P175  656572.3909 2507104.361  22°39'49.63320"  82°31'26.16600"

176  P176  656615.0183 2507059.283  22°39'48.15360"  82°31'27.64560"

177  P177  656673.6976 2507007.819  22°39'46.46160"  82°31'29.67960"

178  P178  656693.8804 2506971.161  22°39'45.26280"  82°31'30.37440"

179  P179 


656697.0632 2506951.556  22°39'44.62560"  82°31'30.47880"

180  P180  656692.5792 2506919.72  22°39'43.59240"  82°31'30.30960"

181  P181  656683.0133 2506897.871  22°39'42.88320"  82°31'29.96760"

182  P182  656668.9928 2506878.619  22°39'42.26400"  82°31'29.47080"

183  P183  656620.9831 2506838.119  22°39'40.96080"  82°31'27.77160"

184  P184  656588.4299 2506829.117  22°39'40.68000"  82°31'26.63040"

185  P185  656551.8331 2506830.997  22°39'40.75560"  82°31'25.34880"

186  P186  656540.438  2506828.879  22°39'40.68720"  82°31'24.94920"

187  P187  656513.436  2506785.181  22°39'39.27600"  82°31'23.98800"

188  P188  656500.9009 2506747.003  22°39'38.04120"  82°31'23.53440"

189  P189  656499.9197 2506725.974  22°39'37.35720"  82°31'23.49120"

190  P190  656504.0314 2506708.623  22°39'36.79200"  82°31'23.63160"

191  P191  656522.0887 2506674.236  22°39'35.66880"  82°31'24.25080"

192  P192  656535.7778 2506652.63  22°39'34.95960"  82°31'24.72240"

193  P193 


656421.4822 2504904.304  22°38'38.15880"  82°31'20.09280"

194  P194  656402.2183 2504835.186  22°38'35.91960"  82°31'19.39080"

195  P195  656380.1727 2504756.087  22°38'33.35640"  82°31'18.59160"

196  P196  656358.7644 2504730.949  22°38'32.54640"  82°31'17.83200"

197  P197  656260.8977 2504661.084  22°38'30.30720"  82°31'14.37960"

198  P198  656212.3056 2504607.177  22°38'28.56840"  82°31'12.65880"

199  P199  656154.1275 2504522.3  22°38'25.82880"  82°31'10.59240"

200  P200  656128.967  2504485.593  22°38'24.64440"  82°31'09.69600"

201  P201 


656014.0076 2504181.82  22°38'14.80560"  82°31'05.56320"

202  P202  656015.715  2504180.156  22°38'14.75160"  82°31'05.62080"

203  P203  656018.3185 2504122.526  22°38'12.87960"  82°31'05.69280"

204  P204  656030.4179 2504085.729  22°38'11.67720"  82°31'06.10320"

205  P205  656046.2995 2504037.429  22°38'10.10040"  82°31'06.63960"

206  P206  656059.88  2503985.726  22°38'08.41560"  82°31'07.09680"

207  P207  656103.087  2503845.338  22°38'03.84000"  82°31'08.56200"

208  P208  656116.672  2503821.869  22°38'03.06960"  82°31'09.03000"

209  P209  656121.8025 2503788.709  22°38'01.98960"  82°31'09.19560"

210  P210  656165.3845 2503680.109  22°37'58.44720"  82°31'10.68240"

211  P211  656225.974  2503585.443  22°37'55.34760"  82°31'12.77400"

212  P212  656236.834  2503572.024  22°37'54.90840"  82°31'13.14840"

213  P213  656273.1025 2503511.785  22°37'52.93920"  82°31'14.39760"

214  P214  656279.258  2503494.029  22°37'52.35960"  82°31'14.60640"

215  P215  656295.1615 2503482.285  22°37'51.97080"  82°31'15.15720"

216  P216  656302.0933 2503459.113  22°37'51.21480"  82°31'15.39120"

217  P217  PATCH  656375.9386 2503305.745  22°37'46.20720"  82°31'17.92560"

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Sl.No  Pillar Id  Patch No  Easting (m)  Northing (m)  Latitude "N"  Longitude "E" 

218  P218  NO 9  656382.5166 2503292.178  22°37'45.76080"  82°31'18.14880"

219  P219  656401.3208 2503262.694  22°37'44.79600"  82°31'18.79680"

220  P220  656420.1899 2503237.98  22°37'43.98600"  82°31'19.44840"

221  P221  656462.4813 2503182.758  22°37'42.17880"  82°31'20.91000"

222  P222  656509.3105 2503121.233  22°37'40.16280"  82°31'22.53000"

223  P223  656544.9785 2503077.606  22°37'38.73360"  82°31'23.76120"

224  P224  656559.8497 2503063.1  22°37'38.25480"  82°31'24.27960"

225  P225  656586.1224 2503046.961  22°37'37.72200"  82°31'25.19400"

226  P226  656648.9072 2503019.755  22°37'36.81840"  82°31'27.38280"

227  P227  656859.8717 2502929.141  22°37'33.80160"  82°31'34.73760"

228  P228  656976.0377 2502879.294  22°37'32.14200"  82°31'38.78760"

229  P229  657000.9728 2502866.355  22°37'31.71360"  82°31'39.65520"

230  P230  657015.4212 2502852.291  22°37'31.24920"  82°31'40.15560"

231  P231  657023.2177 2502836.91  22°37'30.74880"  82°31'40.42560"

232  P232  657027.9586 2502821.97  22°37'30.25920"  82°31'40.58400"

233  P233  657038.3714 2502766.874  22°37'28.46640"  82°31'40.92960"

234  P234  657041.2016 2502756.642  22°37'28.13160"  82°31'41.02320"

235  P235  657042.1524 2502753.205  22°37'28.02000"  82°31'41.05560"

236  P236  657047.0632 2502742.387  22°37'27.66720"  82°31'41.22480"

237  P237  657052.3221 2502736.477  22°37'27.47280"  82°31'41.40840"

238  P238  657063.5819 2502730.04  22°37'27.26040"  82°31'41.80080"

239  P239  657083.818  2502722.484  22°37'27.00840"  82°31'42.50640"

240  P240  657119.9217 2502717.541  22°37'26.83560"  82°31'43.76640"

241  P241  657144.4298 2502713.502  22°37'26.69520"  82°31'44.62320"

242  P242  657180.2377 2502699.06  22°37'26.21280"  82°31'45.87240"

243  P243  657206.8932 2502673.598  22°37'25.37760"  82°31'46.79760"

244  P244  657245.9403 2502592.458  22°37'22.72800"  82°31'48.13680"

245  P245  657268.1405 2502551.139  22°37'21.37440"  82°31'48.90000"

246  P246  657288.3795 2502525.052  22°37'20.52120"  82°31'49.59840"

247  P247  657384.8897 2502452.159  22°37'18.12000"  82°31'52.95000"

248  P248  657481.2597 2502388.484  22°37'16.01760"  82°31'56.30160"

249  P249  657592.78  2502327.166  22°37'13.98720"  82°32'00.18600"

250  P250  657642.2677 2502299.959  22°37'13.08360"  82°32'01.91040"

251  P251  657675.942  2502270.348  22°37'12.11160"  82°32'03.07680"

252  P252  657768.641  2502169.333  22°37'08.79600"  82°32'06.28800"

253  P253  657782.8465 2502160.401  22°37'08.50080"  82°32'06.78120"

254  P254  657797.7376 2502154.977  22°37'08.32080"  82°32'07.29960"

255  P255  657873.3585 2502144.585  22°37'07.95720"  82°32'09.94560"

256  P256  657903.6733 2502135.262  22°37'07.64400"  82°32'11.00400"

257  P257  657935.6799 2502110.033  22°37'06.81240"  82°32'12.11640"

258  P258  657946.3497 2502091.177  22°37'06.19680"  82°32'12.48360"

259  P259  657965.7152 2502034.7  22°37'04.35360"  82°32'13.13880"

260  P260  657975.3896 2502021.331  22°37'03.91440"  82°32'13.47360"

261  P261  657988.0738 2502013.91  22°37'03.66960"  82°32'13.91640"

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Sl.No  Pillar Id  Patch No  Easting (m)  Northing (m)  Latitude "N"  Longitude "E" 

262  P262  658028.0032 2502007.125  22°37'03.43560"  82°32'15.30960"

263  P263  658088.2182 2502012.8  22°37'03.60120"  82°32'17.42280"

264  P264  658270.9244 2502017.516  22°37'03.69120"  82°32'23.82000"

265  P265  PATCH NO 10 

659195.534  2501538.799  22°36'47.81520"  82°32'56.02560"

266  P266  659225.4304 2501527.622  22°36'47.44440"  82°32'57.06600"

267  P267 


659262.3528 2501522.596  22°36'47.26800"  82°32'58.35840"

268  P268  659274.6779 2501521.593  22°36'47.23200"  82°32'58.79040"

269  P269  659275.5105 2501521.526  22°36'47.22840"  82°32'58.81920"

270  P270  659295.0671 2501513.459  22°36'46.95840"  82°32'59.49960"

271  P271  659308.0628 2501508.099  22°36'46.78200"  82°32'59.95320"

272  P272  659318.2705 2501503.889  22°36'46.64160"  82°33'00.30960"

273  P273  659340.742  2501492.809  22°36'46.27080"  82°33'01.09440"

274  P274  659365.1862 2501480.757  22°36'45.87120"  82°33'01.94400"

275  P275  659391.1075 2501467.976  22°36'45.44640"  82°33'02.84760"

276  P276  659431.5955 2501451.607  22°36'44.90280"  82°33'04.25880"

277  P277  659452.4391 2501450.431  22°36'44.85600"  82°33'04.98960"

278  P278  659472.6537 2501449.07  22°36'44.80560"  82°33'05.69520"

279  P279  659504.2522 2501444.772  22°36'44.65440"  82°33'06.80040"

280  P280  659516.7315 2501443.074  22°36'44.59680"  82°33'07.23600"

281  P281  659543.6605 2501441.315  22°36'44.52840"  82°33'08.17920"

282  P282  659589.8444 2501438.298  22°36'44.41680"  82°33'09.79560"

283  P283  PATCH NO 12 

659672.9156 2501328.779  22°36'40.82760"  82°33'12.66480"

284  P284  659676.1537 2501308.817  22°36'40.17600"  82°33'12.76920"

285  P285  PATCH NO 13 

659733.4987 2501096.903  22°36'33.26760"  82°33'14.70240"

286  P286  659734.2455 2501092.148  22°36'33.11280"  82°33'14.72400"

287  P287 PATCH NO 14 

659737.8734 2501070.121  22°36'32.39640"  82°33'14.84280"

288  P288  659740.5183 2501054.414  22°36'31.88520"  82°33'14.93280"

289  P289  659742.6341 2501041.849  22°36'31.47480"  82°33'15.00120"

290  P290 PATCH NO 15 

659743.9343 2501034.128  22°36'31.22280"  82°33'15.04440"

291  P291  659748.466  2501007.216  22°36'30.34800"  82°33'15.19200"

292  P292  659753.9742 2500974.505  22°36'29.28240"  82°33'15.37200"

293  P293 PATCH NO 16 

659756.096  2500961.905  22°36'28.87200"  82°33'15.44400"

294  P294  659757.265  2500954.963  22°36'28.64520"  82°33'15.48000"

295  P295  659758.9021 2500947.438  22°36'28.40040"  82°33'15.53760"

296  P296 PATCH NO 17 

659562.7793 2499616.504  22°35'45.19680"  82°33'08.18280"

297  P297  659564.705  2499599.196  22°35'44.63520"  82°33'08.24400"

298  P298  659566.6745 2499587.774  22°35'44.26440"  82°33'08.30880"

299  P299 


659580.6544 2499513.887  22°35'41.85600"  82°33'08.77320"

300  P300  659588.7895 2499487.018  22°35'40.98120"  82°33'09.04680"

301  P301  659630.033  2499452.976  22°35'39.85800"  82°33'10.47960"

302  P302  659652.42  2499425.841  22°35'38.96880"  82°33'11.25360"

303  P303  659666.595  2499379.225  22°35'37.44960"  82°33'11.73240"

304  P304  659662.579  2499294.726  22°35'34.70280"  82°33'11.55960"

305  P305  659657.2652 2499206.878  22°35'31.84800"  82°33'11.34360"

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Sl.No  Pillar Id  Patch No  Easting (m)  Northing (m)  Latitude "N"  Longitude "E" 

306  P306  659661.1558 2499184.91  22°35'31.13520"  82°33'11.46960"

307  P307  659654.1487 2499146.692  22°35'29.89320"  82°33'11.21040"

308  P308  659642.254  2499111.286  22°35'28.74840"  82°33'10.78200"

309  P309  659612.4494 2499054.056  22°35'26.89800"  82°33'09.71640"

310  P310  659586.0135 2499011.094  22°35'25.50840"  82°33'08.77680"

311  P311  659543.7036 2498968.781  22°35'24.14760"  82°33'07.27920"

312  P312  659510.9931 2498856.204  22°35'20.49720"  82°33'06.09480"

313  P313  659508.2119 2498833.073  22°35'19.74840"  82°33'05.98680"

314  P314  659510.9582 2498802.109  22°35'18.74040"  82°33'06.07320"

315  P315  659550.4071 2498683.768  22°35'14.87760"  82°33'07.40880"

316  P316  659559.5493 2498651.123  22°35'13.81560"  82°33'07.71840"

317  P317  659563.4013 2498622.159  22°35'12.87240"  82°33'07.84440"

318  P318  659561.1379 2498543.742  22°35'10.32360"  82°33'07.73640"

319  P319  659569.7861 2498497.689  22°35'08.82240"  82°33'08.02080"

320  P320  659570.093  2498446.316  22°35'07.15200"  82°33'08.01360"

321  P321  659551.9007 2498391.108  22°35'05.36280"  82°33'07.35480"

322  P322  659518.9999 2498325.834  22°35'03.25320"  82°33'06.18120"

323  P323  659487.4927 2498289.883  22°35'02.09400"  82°33'05.06520"

324  P324  659456.3718 2498264.134  22°35'01.26960"  82°33'03.96360"

325  P325  659433.796  2498251.053  22°35'00.85200"  82°33'03.17160"

326  P326  659394.2403 2498241.063  22°35'00.53880"  82°33'01.78200"

327  P327  659350.7027 2498237.94  22°35'00.45240"  82°33'00.25560"

328  P328  659347.065  2498235.954  22°35'00.39120"  82°33'00.12960"

329  P329  659343.2111 2498229.771  22°35'00.18960"  82°32'59.99280"

330  P330  659342.1985 2498220.166  22°34'59.87640"  82°32'59.95320"

331  P331  659345.3342 2498187.85  22°34'58.82520"  82°33'00.05040"

332  P332  659360.5266 2498109.658  22°34'56.28000"  82°33'00.55440"

333  P333  659381.8776 2498006.797  22°34'52.92840"  82°33'01.26360"

334  P334  659422.0065 2497823.991  22°34'46.97040"  82°33'02.60280"

335  P335  659421.3534 2497797.329  22°34'46.10640"  82°33'02.57040"

336  P336  659406.6612 2497769.363  22°34'45.19920"  82°33'02.04480"

337  P337  659351.7436 2497708.643  22°34'43.24440"  82°33'00.10080"

338  P338  659309.0199 2497640.2  22°34'41.03400"  82°32'58.57800"

339  P339  659297.6777 2497616.775  22°34'40.27800"  82°32'58.17480"

340  P340  659284.1647 2497560.392  22°34'38.44920"  82°32'57.68160"

341  P341  659277.4908 2497477.872  22°34'35.76720"  82°32'57.41520"

342  P342  659271.503  2497451.591  22°34'34.91400"  82°32'57.19920"

343  P343  659259.7895 2497424.197  22°34'34.02840"  82°32'56.77800"

344  P344  659238.498  2497389.324  22°34'32.90160"  82°32'56.01840"

345  P345  PATCH NO 19 

659380.2511 2496672.203  22°34'09.54120"  82°33'00.72000"

346  P346  659376.1867 2496648.978  22°34'08.78520"  82°33'00.57240"

347  P347 PATCH NO 20 

658975.7524 2495300.306  22°33'25.07760"  82°32'46.06440"

348  P348  658975.978  2495299.066  22°33'25.03440"  82°32'46.07160"

349  P349  658985.3165 2495269.286  22°33'24.06600"  82°32'46.38840"

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Sl.No  Pillar Id  Patch No  Easting (m)  Northing (m)  Latitude "N"  Longitude "E" 

350  P350  659010.29  2495242.831  22°33'23.19480"  82°32'47.25240"

351  P351  659030.7785 2495213.882  22°33'22.24800"  82°32'47.95800"

352  P352  659057.218  2495183.4  22°33'21.24720"  82°32'48.87240"

353  P353  659100.1612 2495144.778  22°33'19.97640"  82°32'50.36280"

354  P354  659086.457  2495084.454  22°33'18.02160"  82°32'49.86240"

355  P355  659085.534  2495070.664  22°33'17.57520"  82°32'49.82280"

356  P356  659070.7915 2495045.791  22°33'16.76880"  82°32'49.29720"

7.3 Annexure – 3: Geo-Referenced Maps of the Proposed Route

7.3.1 Geo‐referencedForestMapshowingProposed4GOFCRoute

Not to Scale

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7.3.2 Geo‐referencedSOIMap(1:50000)showingProposed4GOFCRoute

Not to Scale