Relationship between Estragon and Vladimir as body and soul

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Transcript of Relationship between Estragon and Vladimir as body and soul

Relationship between Estragon and Vladimir as Body and Soul. – Samuel

beckett Name: Deepika VajaPaper : The Modernist literature Topic: Relationship between Estragon and Vladimir as Body and Soul. Enrollment no: PG14101031.Year & class: 2014-16 & M.A -2Roll Dept. of English M. K. Bhavnagar University.

• About Samuel Beckett.• About waiting for godot.• Why Vladimir and Estragon represent soul

and body?• Relationship between Estragon and

Vladimir as Body and Soul.• Symbols of ‘Boot’ and ‘Hat’ has represent

of both personality.• Example .• Conclusion .

About Samuel Beckett.• He was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1906.• He was poet, playwright and story writer.• He was protestant middle class person. And

he say that ‘I had little talent for happiness’.• His work:Waiting for godotEndgameMalone dieThe unnamable

About waiting for godot.

• It is originally wrote in French 1948, Beckett translated the play into English.

• Vladimir and Estragon are protagonist. Both are waiting for unknown person Mr.Godot. But he never came.

• Waiting for Godot was part of theater of absurd. This implies that it is meant to be irrational.

• It is nothingness, waiting and absurd ideas in the play.

Why Vladimir and Estragon represent soul and body?

• We found that absurd theater does away with the concepts of dram, chronological plot, logical language, theme, recognizable setting.

• There is also split between the intellect and body within the work.

• That’s why Vladimir as soul and Estragon as body.

• So both whom cannot exist without the other.

Relationship between Estragon and Vladimir as Body and Soul.





Symbols of ‘Boot’ and ‘Hat’ has represent of both personality.

•Estragon’s Boot •Physical •Sleep, forget everything

•Vladimir’s Hat•Mental •Thinking, intellect, remember to Mr.Godot.

‘Hand in hand from the top of the Eiffel Tower, among the first. We were respectable in those days. Now it's too late. They wouldn't even let us up.’ – Vladimir.

•‘I may be mistaken. (Pause.) Let's stop talking for a minute, do you mind?’•‘Nothing to be done’. – Estragon

Example …• Indian religious in body and

soul are necessary. Only soul (Atma) never leave or existence to biological world of without body.

• It is need of body.

Conclusion • As mind controls body, Vladimir controls

Estragon in the worst suicide situations. • Therefore, Estragon represents the body of a

person, to have simple understanding.• while Vladimir represents mind (soul). This is

the way that Beckett unconsciously split into two different aspects of a single person- body (Estragon) and soul/mind (Vladimir).

• So thus that, Beckett unconsciously penned two distinct physical bodies and mind both are necessary.

Source :• Original text of Waiting for Godot by

Beckett.• Wikipedia. 4 oct 2015


• YouTube. 15 oct 2015 <http://www.Youtube/>.

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