Relate to God Leader Guide

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Transcript of Relate to God Leader Guide


Self Discovery:

Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should)

primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture

or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation

will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study.

Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section

(not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get

beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there

are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first

and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here

to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the

Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best

for your group.

1.) To set up discussion ask…

What does it take to trust someone else?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start

the conversation:

As the outcome stated there are a multitude of things we can choose to trust Christ with

or not (job, relationships, health, finances, etc) all those things add up to how we end up

trusting Christ each Day. With that in mind, on a scale of 1-10 (1 being I don’t trust

Him at all and 10 being I trust Him with everything) how would you rate your everyday




trust in Christ? Why do you answer with that number today? ******[Life Group leader

if someone says, for example, “I’m at a 6 with trusting Christ every day because I am

having a hard time trusting Him with my finances”, you follow up with the question:

What would it look for you to take steps toward trusting Christ in that specific


How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Any surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described

The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it

relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people

share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

Knowing the “Right Answer” is Jesus, honestly consider the following questions...

What is preventing you from trusting Christ right now?

If you didn’t get to answer before, what area of your daily life are you hesitant to

trust Christ?

Why would you trust Christ over Ghandi, Mohammad, Joseph Smith, the Pope or any

other religious superstar?

What can we determine is the very first step in trusting Christ?

Can we fully trust Christ and yet believe there are multiple paths (religions) to have

a relationship with God?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description? Anything

you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?


Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were really

happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the

scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why? Did you

learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP** For each Outcome Study, as your group does the study on their own

before group, have them star or highlight at least two scriptures and two discernment questions that grabbed their attention or caused them to ask deeper

questions of them self.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person.

Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to

them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely remain


Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?


How does my thinking need to shift to embrace and apply this/these truths?

Copyright © 2013, Gateway Community Church

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). **TIP** For each Outcome Study, as your group does the study on their own before group, have them star or highlight at least two scriptures and two discernment questions that grabbed their attention or caused them to ask deeper questions of them self.

1.) To set up discussion ask…

v In scripture God shows us that He relates to us in different ways: King, Friend, Protector, Provider, Lover (Pursuer of my soul) Counselor, Father, Mentor…. • How do you relate to him currently? • How have you related to Him in the past?

v How would you like to relate to him?

v What or who have influenced your thinking and experience of what it means to relate to God? Has it been positive or negative?

Leader’s Guide

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described

The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention. Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v Abraham was called a friend of God. Do you believe that God refers to you as a friend? What makes you say that?

v Do you think of your relationship with God as something to be cultivated?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description? 4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome

Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were

really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

How does my thinking need to shift to embrace and apply this/these truths?

Copyright © 2013, Gateway Community Church

Leader Guide

Self Discovery:

Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not).

1.) To set up discussion ask

v Generally, do you trust easily?

v What was a past hard step that God asked you to take? What made that step painful? What fruit did it bear in you?

v Do you truly trust God’s love and plan for you? How does that make a difference in your life?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition? Does

anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described

The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v What stood out to you?

v What is the difference between belief and trust?

v Are there areas in your life where you believe God but don’t trust God? (in reference to the 4th sentence)


What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions

This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP** For each Outcome Study, as your group does the study on their own, before group, have

them star or highlight at least two scriptures and two discernment questions that grabbed their attention or caused them to ask deeper questions of them self.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply what I’ve learned to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

Copyright © 2013, Gateway Community Church

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not).

1.) To set up discussion ask…

v When you consider the idea of obeying, what thoughts or feelings come up for you?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v Which is easiest for you to do: Obey the teaching of scripture, the promptings of

the Holy Spirit or live from a place of trust in God?

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

Leader Guide

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

How do you think trust and obey go together?

In what way can you relate to the Israelites?

v What have been the fruits of obedience in your life?

v What has been the fruit of disobedience?

v What would you say to someone who says everything is forgiven so I don’t have to obey.

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

v In what areas have you seen freedom from sin / great obedience to God?

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were

really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

v Be sure to talk about what people turn to for security, joy, and purpose. It comes

up in several questions.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP** For each Outcome Study, as your group does the study on their own before group, have them star or highlight at least two scriptures and two discernment questions that grabbed their attention or caused them to ask deeper questions of them self.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

How does my thinking need to shift to embrace and apply this/these truths.

Copyright © 2013, Gateway Community Church


1.) To set up discussion ask…

v Do you think of yourself as a worshiper?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self-discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

Leader Guide


v What does worship look like throughout your daily life?

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

Knowing the “Right Answer” is Jesus, honestly consider the following questions...

v What is your central hope, that one thing you long for that will change everything if we get it?

v What is your central love, that one thing you could not lose or life would not be worth living?

v What is your central trust, that one thing you look to for strength and confidence in life?

v What competes for your hope, love, and trust?

v Do you really believe that God wants us to worship Him because He knows that is where our wellbeing and satisfaction come from?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?


4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were

really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP** For each Outcome Study, as your group does the study on their own before group, have them star or highlight at least two scriptures and two discernment questions that grabbed their attention or caused them to ask deeper questions of them self.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

How does my thinking need to shift to embrace and apply this/these truths?

Copyright © 2013, Gateway Community Church

1.) To set up discussion ask…

v When you hear the word study does it bring a positive or negative feeling? v Who taught you to study (for school or in faith)?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

Leader Guide

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described

The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v Out of the two common errors that people make (Relationship with God over run with Study or all heart and no head) which do you lean toward?

v Describe a time in your life where your lack of understanding who God is caused you to misinterpret circumstances and led to you making a poor decision.

v Describe a time in your life where your understanding of who God is caused you to

see things clearly and make a good decision.

v What do you think about this statement: “When we have depth of understanding, we will have the depth of conviction that will bring about the kind of living for which we truly long.”? Have you seen this be true in your life or in someone else? Describe what it looked like.

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were

really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP** For each Outcome Study, as your group does the study on their own before group, have them star or highlight at least two scriptures and two discernment questions that grabbed their attention or caused them to ask deeper questions of them self.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

How does my thinking need to shift to embrace and apply this/these truths?

Copyright © 2013, GatewayCommunity Church

1.) To set up discussion ask…

v The Holy Spirit can be a concept that’s misunderstood & churches have varying views on it. In your spiritual journey, what has been your experience or exposure to the Holy Spirit?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

Leader Guide

v Of the three things mentioned in the definition, which do you feel strongest at & which do you feel is most challenging? (Walks through life in communion with God, listening to the Spirit for guidance, and Trusting the Spirit for strength)

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described

The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v Do you think it is better for us to have the presence of God residing within us than the presence of God walking beside us? Why do you think that?

v What is your understanding of the Holy Spirit & His role?

v What do you think it means to keep in step with the Spirit? Are you currently doing that?

v How do you think we practically live by the unlimited strength of God rather than living by our own very limited strength and perspective?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were

really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP** For each Outcome Study, as your group does the study on their own before group, have them star or highlight at least two scriptures and two discernment questions that grabbed their attention or caused them to ask deeper questions of them self.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

How does my thinking need to shift to embrace and apply this/these truths?

Copyright © 2013, GatewayCommunity Church

1.) To set up discussion ask…

v What first comes to mind when you hear the word IDENTITY? v What are ways that you have defined yourself over your life?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation.

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond)and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use thespecific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

Leader Guide

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation: v Where does your heart go when you hear that “The calling of scripture is not to

change but to die, and to then experience a new life in Christ.”

v When was time you were trying to “muscling our way to change your behavior”?

v Is there a time in your life that you realized that you were just faking being someone you weren’t?

v How have you learned about your new identity and how have you practiced it?

v Do you know what lies that Satan comes at you with? What are they?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were

really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP** For each Outcome Study, as your group does the study on their own before group, have them star or highlight at least two scriptures and two discernment questions that grabbed their attention or caused them to ask deeper questions of them self.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

How does my thinking need to shift to embrace and apply this/these truths?

Copyright © 2013, GatewayCommunity Church

1.) To set up discussion ask…

v How do you feel about the concept of Discipline in general? What comes to mind when you hear “spiritual discipline”?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation.

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond)and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use thespecific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

Leader Guide

v What spiritual disciplines do you practice? (It’s ok to say none)

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described

The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation: v How are you feeding yourself spiritually?

v What are you doing that gives strength and vitality to the “new me” that God has

birthed within you?

v Is there a sort- of “junk food” you’re filling my life with that is weakening the new creation in you?

v How do you faithfully engage in spiritual disciplines without become performance oriented but instead know that you walk in grace?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

v The 2nd evidence says: Is able to explain the purpose of various disciplines and

can describe them through both scripture and experience.

v Spiritual disciplines aren’t for the sake of discipline they are to make something true about you that isn’t currently true. What spiritual discipline are you engaging in and why? Is it ok that you aren’t doing all of them?

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were

really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP** For each Outcome Study, as your group does the study on their own before group, have them star or highlight at least two scriptures and two discernment questions that grabbed their attention or caused them to ask deeper questions of them self.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

How does my thinking need to shift to embrace and apply this/these truths?

Copyright © 2013, Gateway Community Church

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

1.) To set up discussion ask

v What do you think of when you hear the word confession?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v In James 5:16 we are commanded for the sake of freedom to, “confess our sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” The promise is

Leader Guide

that we will be healed. Is your experience of Confession freeing (healing) or terrifying or somewhere in between? Why?

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v What is the problem that confession solves? v God knows everything whether you confess it or not. Is this an invitation to

come to him with everything or is it terrifying that we can’t hide it?

v What difference has is made when you have practiced confession?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now? In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were really

happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP**ForeachOutcomeStudy,asyourgroupdoesthestudyontheirown beforegroup,havethemstarorhighlightatleasttwoscripturesandtwo discernmentquestionsthatgrabbedtheirattentionorcausedthemtoask deeperquestionsofthemself.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

Copyright © 2013, Gateway Community Church

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

1.) To set up discussion ask

v When have you felt most free & why?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation: v It seems contradictory to find freedom by surrendering to someone else. How

does surrendering to Christ bring you freedom?

Leader Guide

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v Which end of the spectrum do you tend toward - pretending there is no sin in your life or believing you can never overcome your sin?

v Do you believe that everyone who sins is a slave to sin? Why or why not?

v What is it about the truth that you think sets you free? (John 8:32)

v How can the same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead raise us out of our destructive patterns?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

v What’s one area of struggle / sin that you’ve seen God bring freedom in?

v What’s one area of struggle / sin that you’re pursuing freedom in?

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now? In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP**ForeachOutcomeStudy,asyourgroupdoesthestudyontheirown, beforegroup,havethemstarorhighlightatleasttwoscripturesandtwo discernmentquestionsthatgrabbedtheirattentionorcausedthemtoask deeperquestionsofthemself.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

Copyright © 2013, GatewayCommunity Church

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

1.) To set up discussion ask…

v Where (if at all) have you experienced authentic community? What made it life-giving for you? Or - What do you feel has kept you from experiencing authentic community?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v What does it look like to not only participate but promote authentic, Christ-centered, unified community? How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described

The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v What are challenges that hinder authentic community & unity?

v What would you define as a “real” friend?

v Are your “real” friends within Christ’s family or outside of it & what are the benefits to both? What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were

really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP** For each Outcome Study, as your group does the study on their own before group, have them star or highlight at least two scriptures and two discernment questions that grabbed their attention or caused them to ask deeper questions of them self.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

How does my thinking need to shift to embrace and apply this/these truths?

Copyright © 2013, GatewayCommunity Church

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

1.) To set up discussion ask

v What is your relationship with conflict? v In conflict, are you a stuffer, exploder, or other?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v What’s your understanding of biblical conflict resolution?

Leader Guide

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v “Conflict is neither good nor bad”, how do you respond to that?

v What kind of opportunity does conflict in relationship offer when done well?

v What fears come up for you around conflict?

v What draws you towards, gossip, anger, and bitterness over moving into the tension, caring enough to confront? What’s been the fruit of that?

v What would motivate you to move into the tension, caring enough to confront?

v What’s been the result of healthy conflict for you?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now? In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were really

happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions

This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP**ForeachOutcomeStudy,asyourgroupdoesthestudyontheirown beforegroup,have

themstarorhighlightatleasttwoscripturesandtwo discernmentquestionsthatgrabbedtheirattentionorcausedthemtoask deeperquestionsofthemself.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

1.) To set up discussion ask

v How easy is it for you to encourage & exhort (strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something) others?

v How easy is it for you to receive encouragement from others? Why or why not?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

Leader Guide

v How have you seen all grace or all truth abused or cause harm?

v In our Gateway “come as you are” culture why is it so important to allow others to be in process?

v How do you know when you’re enabling others or just allowing them to be in process?

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v How do you regularly build others up (family, friends, acquaintances)? Does it look like, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged” (Matthew 1:7), or like, “Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins” (James 5:20) most often?

v “We must be careful of our own perspective and motives, and we must carefully consider the perspective of our friends.” Have you experienced someone trying to build you up with their own perspective and motive in mind? How did that work? How did you respond?

v Can give an example of how someone who loved you approached you with grace & truth and what was the result?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below: v Which do you tend toward most - grace or truth? How so?

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP**ForeachOutcomeStudy,asyourgroupdoesthestudyontheirown, beforegroup,have

themstarorhighlightatleasttwoscripturesandtwo discernmentquestionsthatgrabbedtheirattentionorcausedthemtoask deeperquestionsofthemself.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply what I’ve learned to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?


1.) To set up discussion ask…

v What comes to mind when you hear humility?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self-discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

Leader’s Guide


How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described

The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation: v “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). Why do you

think God is opposed to the proud?

v Is arrogance really Lethal? How have you seen that to be true?

v Read the last sentence in the first paragraph. Are any of those things true of you? What do you need to work on?

v How does knowing who you are in Christ affect being humble?

v When my life is found in God and played for for God what is the fruit of that?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were

really happening in your life?


5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP** For each Outcome Study, as your group does the study on their own before group, have them star or highlight at least two scriptures and two discernment questions that grabbed their attention or caused them to ask deeper questions of them self.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply these learning’s to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

How does my thinking need to shift to embrace and apply this/these truths?

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

1.) To set up discussion ask

v What do you think is one of the major ways you impact others around you?

v In general, how well do you receive feedback or criticism?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

Leader Guide

v What do you think are a few of the positive & negative ways you impact others around you?

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v In every relationship we bring ourselves. Why should that motivate self-awareness?

v Why is self-awareness so much harder to understand that others-awareness?

v Could you guess at the answer to this? - “What do others wish I knew, but I’m seemingly unaware of?”

v “We impact those around us, whether we intend to or not, and the loving learn to discern the effect of their own presence.” - How do we discern the effect of our presence?

v Which of these questions feels the scariest to you? Which are you most curious? v “How can I bring a more helpful presence to our friendship?” v “What do you wish I knew but seemingly don’t?” v “How have I blessed or challenged you?” v “What would you like to have more of from me?” v “What would you like to have less of from me?”

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP**ForeachOutcomeStudy,asyourgroupdoesthestudyontheirown, beforegroup,have

themstarorhighlightatleasttwoscripturesandtwo discernmentquestionsthatgrabbedtheirattentionorcausedthemtoask deeperquestionsofthemself.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply what I’ve learned to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

1.) To set up discussion ask

v In what ways have you been served by others? Is it hard to receive others service?

v What’s been the fruit of serving others in your experience?

Leader Guide

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v Which of these aspects of serving are you most passionate about?

v Which of these is most challenging to you?

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v How do you respond to the statement “All indicators are that from his (Jesus’) vantage point we live in the midst of a multi-car pile up. We don’t always see it this way from our vantage point?’

v How do we, like Jesus, proclaim freedom for the prisoners and set the oppressed free?

v What would it look like to spiritually serve someone?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP**ForeachOutcomeStudy,asyourgroupdoesthestudyontheirown, beforegroup,have

themstarorhighlightatleasttwoscripturesandtwo discernmentquestionsthatgrabbedtheirattentionorcausedthemtoask deeperquestionsofthemself.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply what I’ve learned to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

Copyright © 2013, Gateway Community Church

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

1.) To set up discussion ask

v What do you think of when you hear the topic spiritual gifts?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v In the description it speaks of 3 steps - Identify, Develop & Deploy your spiritual gifts. Where you are you in that process?

Leader Guide

v What do you think it looks like to develop your spiritual gifts?

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v How do we working together re-present Christ to each other & the world?

v Why do you think God has gifted us each uniquely?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP**ForeachOutcomeStudy,asyourgroupdoesthestudyontheirown, beforegroup,have

themstarorhighlightatleasttwoscripturesandtwo discernmentquestionsthatgrabbedtheirattentionorcausedthemtoask deeperquestionsofthemself.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply what I’ve learned to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

Copyright © 2013, Gateway Community Church

Week 1


• Study – Prior to meeting, give each person (or have each person download) a

copy of the Financial Generosity Study. It can be found under the Read & Study tab

at below link.

• Ask each person to complete the study prior to meeting.

• Video – The video can be used at any point in the process. Consider watching it as a

group when you give out the Financial Generosity Study (the week before), or

encourage everybody to watch it on their own.

• Link:

1.) To set up the Discussion:

• How was money handled and talked about in your home growing up? How does

that affect your view of money today?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Described:

• It has been observed that Jesus discussed money and possessions more than he discussed heaven and hell. Why do you think this is?

• How do you respond to this statement: Every financial decision is a spiritual

decision? Why do you agree or disagree?

• Why do you think talking about money is so sensitive and personal to people?

Leader Guide

• What passages and questions most caught your attention in the Study?

Next Steps

• Give each person (or have them download) a copy of The Heist. It can be found at the below link. Ask them to complete it prior to the next gathering.


Week Two: The Heist

Opening Question

• On a scale of 1 to 10, to what degree are you worrying about money in this current season of life (1 being not at all, 10 being a great deal)?

Discussion Questions

• What most caught your attention in The Heist reading?

• How did you assess in the Money Personality Assessment? What was

accurate or inaccurate about the description of you?

• The biblical word tithe means a tenth. The implication is that we give a tenth of

our income. What is your conviction on tithing, and how did you arrive at that


Next Steps

• Distribute the FAQ Sheet for personal review.

• Financial Peace University – Give dates for the upcoming FPU. Dates can be found


Leader Tips

• If needed, spread the conversation over three weeks rather than two.

• Familiarize yourself with the FAQ sheet prior to Week 1.

• If you think it would be more effective, use the video later in the discussion

rather than at the beginning.

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

1.) To set up discussion ask

v What fears rise to the surface when you hear the spiritual outcome of “Outreach”?

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

Leader Guide

v Do you truly believe that the news of Jesus Christ is GOOD news for everybody?

Why or why not?

v Are you typically hesitant to share good news?

v What barriers do you sense to sharing the good news of Christ?

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v Have you experienced a negative response to sharing Christ? v The love of Christ compelled Paul to share Christ with others. What does

Christ’s love compel you to do? v How do we authentically share Christ without being manipulative, overbearing

or judgmental?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP**ForeachOutcomeStudy,asyourgroupdoesthestudyontheirown, beforegroup,have

themstarorhighlightatleasttwoscripturesandtwo discernmentquestionsthatgrabbedtheirattentionorcausedthemtoask deeperquestionsofthemself.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply what I’ve learned to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?

Self Discovery: Adults almost always learn and apply best when the learning is a result of self- discovery.

Much of your role as Life Group leader is to help surface questions and create conversation that foster self-discovery. Do NOT feel like you need to (or should) primarily teach the study. Having one or two prepared small nuggets based on a scripture or discernment question is as much teaching as you will want to do. True transformation will be the fruit of guiding the discussion and providing questions for the conversation you are having.

Consider the following questions as a way to guide your Life Group through the study. Each Outcome Study includes five sections. You will want to go through each section (not necessarily using every question). Page one of each study will help your group get beyond the surface of the specific spiritual outcome, so don't rush through it.

In this guide there are Outcome specific questions (marked with a diamond) and there are generic questions you could ask with any outcome. Use the specific questions* first and then maybe use some generic (or maybe not). Remember this leaders guide is here to help you facilitate good discussion that leads group members to engage with the Lord what He wants to say to them about the Outcome, so use from this what is best for your group.

1.) To set up discussion ask

v Share a positive experience you have in prayer.

2.) Spiritual Outcome Defined Read the definition and ask the starred question and one or two questions to start the conversation:

Leader Guide

v What do you understand the spiritual battle to mean?

v How have you prayed for God’s best in the lives of those around you?

v What is the kingdom of God, and how does prayer align us with the kingdom of God?

How do you feel or what do you think about that definition?

Does anything surprise you about the definition?

Is there anything you’d add or take away from the definition?

3.) Spiritual Outcome Described The description has several good thoughts that might get your group opening up quickly. As it relates to the Spiritual Outcome, don’t be afraid to camp-out here for a while and let people share what aspect of the description grabbed their attention.

Read through the description and one or two questions to start the conversation:

v Prayer can sometimes be seen as a passive action. In what ways does prayer become “the action itself” when we experience the tension between evil and God’s ongoing work in our lives?

v Why is it important for us to engage in prayer on behalf of ourselves and others? v What does the act of prayer say about us and about God?

What grabbed your attention in the description?

What stands out to you here?

What questions come to mind as you read the description?

Anything you didn’t understand?

How do you respond to that description?

4.) Evidence of the Spiritual Outcome Read the evidence portrayal and ask one of the questions below:

v What is one step that you can take this week to pray on behalf of others or for

God’s kingdom? v What would it look like for you to invite others to pray for you this week?

How does the evidence of this outcome show up in your life now?

In your own words, what difference would it make if this outcome were really happening in your life?

5.) Scripture and Discernment Questions This section will be the meat of the conversation. It’s in this section that you’ll want to let the scripture readings teach and inform your group on what this outcome is all about.

What passages of Scripture or discernment questions stood out to you and why?

Did you learn anything new from these passages of Scripture?

Did you learn anything about your self as you engaged this outcome?

**TIP**ForeachOutcomeStudy,asyourgroupdoesthestudyontheirown, beforegroup,have

themstarorhighlightatleasttwoscripturesandtwo discernmentquestionsthatgrabbedtheirattentionorcausedthemtoask deeperquestionsofthemself.

6.) Next Steps (SO IMPORTANT, DON’T SKIP) Be sure that you leave enough time to explore what next steps could be for each person. Encourage them to consider what it would look like to apply what ever it is that God revealed to them in this outcome. It’s in this section that you’ll ask “so what?”

How do I apply what I’ve learned to my life?

How does this lead to transformation in my life and not merely

remain information?

Consider some of the ideas that were brought up and ask one or two questions;

So what – how will this impact my life four days, two weeks, a year from now?

What do I need to start doing or stop doing to make true of my life?

What barriers are in my life right now that keeps me from ?