RegularizationMethodsforItem ResponseandPairedComparison ... · Gunther Josef Schauberger...

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Gunther Josef Schauberger

Regularization Methods for ItemResponse and Paired ComparisonModelsDissertation an der Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Statistikder Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Eingereicht am 01.10.2015

Gunther Josef Schauberger

Regularization Methods for ItemResponse and Paired ComparisonModels

Dissertation an der Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Statistikder Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Eingereicht am 01.10.2015

Erster Berichterstatter: Prof. Dr. Gerhard TutzZweiter Berichterstatter: Prof. Dr. Helga Wagner

Tag der Disputation: 26.11.2015


Ich möchte mich bei allen bedanken, die zur Entstehung dieser Doktorarbeit beigetragenhaben. Inbesondere möchte ich mich bedanken bei . . .

. . . meinem Doktorvater Gerhard Tutz für die hervorragende Betreuung, die angenehmeArbeitsatmosphäre, den stets herzlichen und humorvollen Umgang und viele kon-struktive Diskussionen.

. . . Helga Wagner, die sich ohne zu Zögern bereit erklärt hat als Zweitgutachterin für dieseArbeit zur Verfügung zu stehen.

. . . Christian Heumann als Vorsitzendem der Prüfungskommission und besonders für diegute Zusammenarbeit in der Lehre.

. . . meinen ehemaligen und aktuellen Kollegen des Seminars für angewandte Stochastikfür offene Türen, diverse Institutzkolloqiuen und eine stets angenehme Arbeitsatmo-sphäre.

. . . allen am Institut für Statistik.

. . . der Statistical Modelling Society für das jährliche Ausrichten des IWSM und bei allen,die diese Konferenz zu etwas Besonderem machen.

. . . der Leibspeiserei für Gemüselasagne, Bulgursalat, Pasta, Pasta, Pasta, . . .

. . . Bastian Schweinsteiger und der ganzen Nationalmannschaft für den Sieg im WM-Finale, nicht nur im Hinblick auf das WM-Paper.

. . . meinen Freunden und Kollegen innerhalb des Instituts für zahlreiche Mittagessen, Kaf-feepausen und noch mehr gemeinsame Aktivitäten außerhalb der Arbeit. Ganz beson-ders bedanken möchte ich bei Linda, Tina und Verena.

. . . meinen Freunden außerhalb des Instituts, insbesondere bei Holger, Michael und Ingridfür viele schöne Reisen und alles Andere.

. . . meiner Familie, besonders bei meinen Eltern, meinen Schwestern sowie bei Pia, Franz-Xaver und Miriam für Ablenkung, Rückhalt und die Besinnung auf das Wesentlicheim Leben.


Ein Hauptaspekt der psychometrischen Modellierung liegt in der Messung latenter Eigen-schaften. Variablen oder Eigenschaften werden als latent bezeichnet wenn sie nicht direktmessbar sind und durch andere, direkt beobachtbare, Variablen ersetzt werden müssen.

Item Response Daten dienen dazu, nicht unmittelbar beobachtbare Fähigkeiten oder Eigen-schaften zu messen. Bei Intelligenztests beispielsweise muss jeder Teilnehmer versuchen eineReihe von Aufgaben zu lösen die so gestaltet sind, dass man mit ihnen die latente Eigen-schaft Intelligenz messen kann. Die gängigste Art Item Response Daten zu modellieren istdas Rasch Modell. Es verwendet einen Parameter für die Fähigkeit der Person und einenParameter für die Schwierigkeit der Aufgabe um die Wahrscheinlichkeit zu modellieren,dass eine bestimmte Person eine bestimmte Aufgabe löst.

Die Messung latenter Eigenschaften ist auch das Ziel von Paarvergleichen, die zustandekommen wenn zwei Objekte bezüglich bestimmter Eigenschaften verglichen werden. Bei-spielsweise können sportliche Wettkämpfe zwischen zwei Kontrahenten als Paarvergleichebezüglich der Fähigkeiten der Kontrahenten gesehen werden. Außerdem können Paarver-gleiche in experimentellen Designs verwendet werden um unbeobachtbare Eigenschaftenzu messen, beispielsweise die Attraktivität verschiedener Produkte. Das gängigste Paarver-gleichsmodell ist das sogenannte Bradley-Terry-Luce Modell. Es modelliert die Wahrschein-lichkeit, dass ein Objekt ein anderes übertrifft oder einem anderen Objekt gegenüberbevorzugt wird mit Hilfe der Differenz zwischen den geschätzten Eigenschaften beider Ob-jekte.

Sowohl das Rasch Modell als auch das Bradley-Terry-Luce Modell können in das Konzeptder Generalisierten Linearen Modelle eingebettet werden. Innerhalb dieses Konzepts sindzahlreiche Erweiterungen möglich. In dieser Arbeit werden beide Modelle durch das Ein-beziehen von Kovariablen erweitert, was zu allgemeineren Modellen führt. Das Einbeziehenvon Kovariablen eröffnet neue Einblicke in die Strukturen latenter Eigenschaften. Ins-besondere können die recht starken Annahmen, die sowohl das Rasch Modell als auch dasBradley-Terry-Luce Modell unterstellen, abgeschwächt werden. Die größere Flexibilität dervorgeschlagenen Methoden führt aber auch zu einer größeren Komplexität der Modelle.Regularisierungsmethoden erweisen sich als probates Instrument um mit der größeren An-zahl an Parametern umzugehen und um zwischen notwendigen und unnötigen Parameternzu unterscheiden. Die vorgeschlagenen Methoden werden anhand von verschiedenen Simu-lationen und Anwendungen auf echte Daten veranschaulicht.

Im Rasch Modell sind die Kovariablen notwendig, um Aufgaben mit sogenanntem Differen-tial Item Functioning (DIF) ausfindig zu machen. Differential Item Functioning tritt dannauf, wenn die Wahrscheinlichkeit, eine Aufgabe zu lösen, sich für zwei Personen mit der


gleichen Fähigkeit unterscheidet. Die vorgeschlagene Erweiterung des Rasch Modells er-laubt es, dass die Aufgabenschwierigkeiten von personenspezifischen Kovariablen abhängenund kann dadurch Aufgaben mit Differential Item Functioning ermitteln. Zur Schätzungwurden verschiedene Methoden entwickelt: DIFlasso verwendet einen Penalisierungsansatzwährend DIFboost auf Boosting Strategien basiert. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten existieren-den Methoden um Differential Item Functioning aufzudecken ermöglicht es die Methodesowohl kategoriale als auch stetige Kovariablen sowie mehrere Kovariablen gleichzeitig zuverwenden.

Im Bradley-Terry-Luce Modell muss man zwischen objektspezifischen und subjektspezi-fischen Kovariablen unterscheiden. Sowohl Attribute des Subjekts, das die Entscheidungtrifft, als auch Attribute der entsprechenden Objekte können möglicherweise die Entschei-dung zwischen den Objekten beeinflussen. Unterschiedliche neue Modellierungsansätzeund Penalisierungsterme werden diskutiert die dazu geeignet sind, mit den Anforderun-gen umzugehen, die sich aus den jeweiligen Typen von Kovariablen ergeben.


A main aspect in psychometric modeling is the measurement of latent traits. Variables ortraits are called latent if they can not be measured directly and need to be replaced byother, directly observable, variables. This dissertation focuses on two popular methods toanalyze latent traits, namely item response methods and paired comparisons.

Item response data serve to measure not directly observable abilities or traits. For example,in intelligence tests every participant faces a series of items which are designed to measurethe latent trait intelligence. The most popular way to model item response data is theRasch model. It uses one parameter for the ability of the person and one for the difficultyof the item to model the probability that a specific person solves a specific item.

The measurement of latent traits is also the goal of paired comparisons which appear whentwo objects are compared with respect to specific traits. For example, sport competitionsbetween two opponents can be seen as paired comparisons with respect to the abilitiesof the opponents. Furthermore, paired comparisons can be used in experimental designsto measure unobservable traits, for example the attractiveness of different products. Themost popular model for paired comparisons is the so-called Bradley-Terry-Luce model. Itmodels the probability that one object beats (or is preferred over) another object using thedifference between the estimated traits of both objects.

Both the Rasch model and the Bradley-Terry-Luce model can be embedded into the frame-work of generalized linear models. Within the framework of generalized linear models,several extensions are possible. In this thesis, both models are extended by the incorpora-tion of covariates leading to more general models. The inclusion of covariates allows for newinsights into the structure of the latent traits. In particular, it allows to weaken the ratherstrong assumptions implied by the Rasch model and the Bradley-Terry-Luce model. Theincreased flexibility of the proposed models also leads to a higher complexity of the mod-els. Regularization methods prove to be an effective instrument to deal with the increasednumber of parameters and to differentiate between necessary and unnecessary parameters.The proposed methods are illustrated in various simulations and real data applications.

In the Rasch model, the covariates are essential to identify items with differential itemfunctioning (DIF). Differential item functioning appears if the probability to solve an itemis different for persons with the same ability. The proposed extension of the Rasch modelallows for item difficulties to depend on person-specific covariates and, therefore, the newmodel can identify items with differential item functioning. Different estimation methodsfor the new model are developed: DIFlasso uses a penalty approach while DIFboost isbased on boosting strategies. In contrast to most existing methods to detect differentialitem functioning, the methods allow to use both categorical and continuous covariates andto use several covariates simultaneously.


In the Bradley-Terry-Luce model, one has to distinguish between object-specific covariatesand subject-specific covariates. Both attributes of the subject that decides and attributesof the respective objects can possibly affect the decision between the objects. Different newmodeling approaches and penalty terms are discussed which are suited to deal with thechallenges caused by the respective types of covariates.


1. Introduction 1

2. The Rasch Model 92.1. Assumptions and Properties of the Rasch Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.2. Estimation Approaches for the Rasch Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3. Differential Item Functioning 153.1. Popular Methods for DIF Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163.2. Problems and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models 194.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194.2. Differential Item Functioning Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4.2.1. The Binary Rasch Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204.2.2. A General Differential Item Functioning Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4.3. Estimation by Regularization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244.3.1. Maximum Likelihood Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244.3.2. Penalized Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4.4. The Fitting Procedure At Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294.5. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.5.1. Exam Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384.5.2. Knowledge Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.6. DIFlasso with Variable Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424.7. An Alternative Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444.8. Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5. Detection of Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques 475.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475.2. Differential Item Functioning Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485.3. Basic Boosting Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505.4. Boosting in Differential Item Functioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

5.4.1. The DIF Model as a Generalized Linear Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535.4.2. The DIFboost Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545.4.3. Illustrating Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575.4.4. Stability Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

xii Contents

5.4.5. Identifiability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605.5. Simulation Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

5.5.1. Comparison to Established Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615.5.2. Simulations with Many Covariates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

5.6. DIF in the Intelligence-Structure-Test 2000 R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685.7. Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

6. The Bradley–Terry Model 736.1. The Basic Bradley–Terry Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736.2. Extensions of the Bradley–Terry Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

7. Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data 777.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777.2. Bradley-Terry Models with Covariates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

7.2.1. The Basic Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787.2.2. Bradley-Terry Models with Ordered Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797.2.3. Heterogeneity in the Bradley-Terry Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

7.3. Penalized Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817.3.1. Embedding into Generalized Linear Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827.3.2. Selection by Penalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837.3.3. Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857.3.4. Choice of Penalty Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867.3.5. Confidence Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

7.4. Application to Pre-Election Data from Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 877.4.1. Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 877.4.2. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887.4.3. Inclusion of Twofold Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

7.5. Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data 978.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978.2. German Bundesliga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988.3. Ordered Paired Comparison Model with Home Advantage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

8.3.1. The Basic Binary Bradley-Terry Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 998.3.2. Ordinal Models Including the Advantage in Playing at Home . . . . . . . . 1008.3.3. Fitting the Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1028.3.4. Football Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

8.4. Identification of Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1058.4.1. Clustering of Teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1068.4.2. Clustering of Teams and Home Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

8.5. Accounting for Explanatory Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1108.5.1. A Model with Team-Specific Explanatory Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1108.5.2. Evaluation of Penalized Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Contents xiii

8.6. Application to the Data from Bundesliga Season 2013/2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1148.6.1. Ranks and Abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1148.6.2. Team-specific Home Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1158.6.3. Identification of Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1168.6.4. Clustering of Teams and Home Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1178.6.5. Accounting for Explanatory Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

8.7. Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression 1219.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1219.2. Model and Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1249.3. Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

9.3.1. Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1279.3.2. Estimation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1319.3.3. Goodness-of-fit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1349.3.4. Prediction Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1389.3.5. Probabilities for FIFA World Cup 2014 Winner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1399.3.6. Most Probable Tournament Outcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

9.4. Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

10.Conclusion and Outlook 147

Appendices 155

A. Visualization of Categorical Response Models 157A.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157A.2. The Multinomial Logit Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158A.3. Traditional Methods of Visualization: Probability Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160A.4. Glyphs for the Visualization of Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

A.4.1. Star Plots for Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164A.4.2. Extensions and Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166A.4.3. Alternative Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168A.4.4. Further Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

A.5. Ordinal Response Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173A.6. Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

B. Identifiability of the DIF Model 179

C. Additional Results for the WC1994 Data in Chapter 9 181

References 187

1. Introduction

Commonly, item response models and paired comparison models are treated as differentmodel classes, suited for different data situations. However, there is a great similarity be-tween item response data and paired comparisons and, accordingly, between the respectivemodeling approaches. Item response data appear when test persons face a certain numberof items which are designed to measure a specific latent trait of the test persons. Suchlatent traits can, for example, be certain skills (e.g. intelligence) of the test persons orattitudes towards a specific issue (e.g. xenophobia). In the simplest case only two out-comes are possible, for example right or wrong answers or approving or disapproving of astatement.

Paired comparison data occur if two objects or items compete in a certain way. The mostfrequent occurrence of paired comparisons is when two objects are presented and ratershave to declare a preference for one or the other object. But also in other situations pairedcomparisons appear, as, for example, in sport competitions between two players or teams.Again, in the simple case only two outcomes are possible, namely the win/preference of oneobject over the other.

Both in item response data and in paired comparisons, the outcome refers to the result ofa specific competition between two actors. Therefore, item response data can be seen asa special type of paired comparison data. Tutz (1989) distinguishes between homogeneousand heterogeneous paired comparisons. In this sense, item response data are heterogeneouspaired comparisons as the matched pairs are pairs of one item and one respondent. Incontrast, homogeneous paired comparisons treat matched pairs of two objects or items.

The basic and most popular models for these data are the Rasch model (RM) for itemresponse data and the Bradley-Terry or Bradley-Terry-Luce model (BTL) for paired com-parison data. The Rasch model (Rasch, 1960) assumes that the probability that a personsolves an item is determined by the difference between one latent parameter representingthe person and one latent parameter representing the item. Let the random variable Ypirepresent the response where Ypi = 1 if person p solves item i and Ypi = 0 otherwise. Withthe Rasch model the probability that person p solves item i is modeled by

P (Ypi = 1) = exp(θp − βi)1 + exp(θp − βi)

p = 1, . . . , P , i = 1, . . . , I

2 1. Introduction

where θp is the person parameter and βi is the item parameter. In contrast, the Bradley-Terry model (Bradley and Terry, 1952) for a competition between two objects ar and asmodels the probability that ar beats as by

P (Y(rs) = 1) = exp(γr − γs)1 + exp(γr − γs)


The parameters γr, r = 1, . . . ,m, are the trait parameters of the objects {a1, . . . , am}. Therandom variable Y(rs) denotes the response where Y(rs) = 1 if object ar is preferred over asand Y(rs) = 0 otherwise.

Comparing these two basic models, "the direct relationship between the RM and the BTL isobvious" (Fischer and Molenaar, 1995). Both models are logit models, their linear predictorsrepresent the difference between the latent traits of both actors. The main difference is,that the two actors are one item and one person for the Rasch model but two items forthe Bradley-Terry model. In this thesis, both models for homogeneous and heterogeneouspaired comparisons, in particular the Rasch model and the Bradley-Terry model, will beextended in various ways. The proposed extensions are supposed to allow for more flexibilityin the modelling of item response and paired comparison data and for the inclusion of moreinformation than in classical modelling approaches. A main focus will be on the inclusionof covariates.

All proposed methods will use regularization techniques for estimation. The main goalof regularization is to prevent overfitting and to allow for unique solutions in ill-posedproblems, see Hastie et al. (2009) for an introduction into a broad variety of regulariza-tion methods. In this thesis, two different regularization techniques will be used, namelypenalization and boosting. In penalization methods for regression models, the regular log-likelihood is maximized with respect to a certain side constraint. The resulting penalizedlikelihood

lp(β) = l(β)− λJ(β)

for a model with a general parameter vector β consists of the regular log-likelihood l(β)and a penalty term J(β) in combination with a tuning parameter λ. Famous examplesfor penalization methods are the ridge regression (Hoerl and Kennard, 1970) or lasso re-gression (Tibshirani, 1996). While ridge restricts the L2 norm of the parameter vectorβ = (β1, . . . , βp) using the penalty term

J(β) =p∑i=1

β2i ,


lasso restricts the L1 norm of the parameter vector with the penalty term

J(β) =p∑i=1|βi|.

A main feature of penalization methods is shrinkage. The estimated coefficients are shrunktoward zero leading to a decreased variance of the estimates. In total, although the shrink-age effect goes along with biased estimates the decreased variance can lead to a decreasedmean square error. Some penalization methods as, for example, the lasso also provide adimension reduction in the covariate space. In the case of lasso, this means that lasso isable to provide parameter estimates equal to zero. Therefore, lasso allows for automaticparameter selection. In recent years, several penalty terms suited for different regressionmodels and different data structures were developed.

Boosting evolved within the machine learning community rather than in the statisticalmodelling community. First approaches were proposed by Freund et al. (1996) and Tukey(1977). In the context of regression models, boosting was developed by Friedman et al.(2000) and extended, for example, by Bühlmann and Yu (2003) and Bühlmann and Hothorn(2007a). The main feature of boosting is the principle that many weak learners are combinedinto one joint and (hopefully) strong learner. In regression models, boosting combines manyweak learners into a joint model. The main goal is to gradually improve a certain lossfunction, for example the L2 loss or specific likelihood functions. In this context, a learneris considered to be a weak learner if it improves the respective loss function only by a littleamount. This concept helps to avoid overfitting as the procedures is not supposed to beperformed until convergence. Many boosting procedures, including the one proposed in thisthesis, also allow for variable selection.

Guideline through the Thesis

This thesis consists of 10 chapters and three appendices. Chapters 2 and 3 contain generalintroductions into the most important topics treated in Chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 2 pro-vides an introduction into the Rasch model, together with its most important assumptionsand properties and the typical estimation methods. Chapter 3 gives a short introductioninto the topic of differential item functioning. As Chapters 4 and 5 propose new methodsfor the detection of differential item functioning, Chapter 3 also presents some of the mostpopular methods for the detection of differential item functioning.

Chapter 4 proposes a new diagnostic tool for the identification of differential item function-ing (DIF). In particular, an explicit model for differential item functioning is proposed thatincludes a set of variables. In contrast to most classical approaches to detect DIF, which

4 1. Introduction

only allow to consider few (mostly two) subpopulations, the proposed model can handleboth continuous and categorical covariates. The ability to include a set of covariates en-tails that the model contains a large number of parameters. Penalized maximum likelihoodestimators are used to solve the estimation problem and to identify the items that induceDIF. It is shown that the method is able to detect items with DIF. Simulations and twoapplications demonstrate the applicability of the method.

Chapter 5 continues the idea from Chapter 4 to identify differential item functioning usingseveral covariates at the same time and proposes a boosting algorithm instead of the penal-ized likelihood approach. The covariates can be both continuous and (multi-)categorical,and also interactions between covariates can be considered. The method works for the gen-eral parametric model for DIF in Rasch models proposed in Chapter 4. Since the boostingalgorithm selects variables automatically, it is able to detect the items which induce DIF.It is demonstrated that boosting competes well with traditional methods in the case ofsubgroups. Furthermore, it outperforms the method proposed in Chapter 4 in the caseof metric covariates. The method is illustrated by an extensive simulation study and anapplication to real data.

While Chapters 2-5 treat some basics and some new proposals in the context of itemresponse data and the inclusion of covariates, the following chapters consider methodssuited for paired comparison data. First, Chapter 6 introduces the basic Bradley-Terrymodel together with the most important existing extensions of the model.

In traditional paired comparison models heterogeneity in the population is simply ignoredand it is assumed that all persons have the same preference structure. In Chapter 7, a newmethod to model heterogeneity in paired comparison data is proposed. The preference ofan item over another item is explicitly modelled as depending on attributes of the subjects.Therefore, the model allows for heterogeneity between subjects as the preference for an itemcan vary across subjects depending on subject-specific covariates. Since by constructionthe model contains a large number of parameters we propose to use penalized estimationprocedures to obtain estimates of the parameters. The used regularized estimation approachpenalizes the differences between the parameters corresponding to single covariates. Itenforces variable selection and allows to find clusters of items with respect to covariates.We consider simple binary but also ordinal paired comparisons models. The method isapplied to data from a pre-election study from Germany.

In Chapter 8, a general paired comparison model for the evaluation of sport competitions isproposed. It efficiently uses the available information by allowing for ordered response cat-egories and team-specific home advantage effects. Penalized estimation techniques are usedto identify clusters of teams that share the same ability. The model is extended to includeteam-specific explanatory variables. Therefore, in contrast to Chapter 7, object-specific co-variates are considered instead of subject-specific covariates. It is shown that regularization


techniques allow to identify the contribution of team-specific covariates to the success ofteams. The usefulness of the method is demonstrated by investigating the performance andits dependence on the budget for football teams of the German Bundesliga.

In Chapter 9 an approach for the analysis and prediction of international soccer matchresults is proposed. In contrast to Chapter 8, the result of one match is not modeled as anordered response. Instead, the number of scored goals is modeled directly using a Poissondistribution. To account for the paired comparison structure of the data, the linear predictorconsists of differences between the covariates of both competing teams. Therefore, similaras in Chapter 8 object-specific covariates are included in the model. Lasso approaches areused to achieve variable selection and shrinkage. Based on preceding FIFA World Cups,two models for the prediction of the FIFA World Cup 2014 are fitted and investigated.Based on the model estimates, the FIFA World Cup 2014 is simulated repeatedly andwinning probabilities are obtained for all teams. Both models favor the actual FIFA WorldChampion Germany.

In Chapters 4 and 5 the concept of effect stars is used to visualize parameter estimatesfor DIF items, in chapter 7 effect stars are used to visualize estimates from the proposedmethod BTLLasso. Originally, effect stars were proposed to visualize parameter estimatesin categorical response models, in particular for multinomial and ordinal logit models.Therefore, in Appendix A the original concept of effect stars in the context of multinomiallogit models is introduced. The multinomial logit model is the most widely used model fornominal multi-category responses. One problem with the model is that many parameters areinvolved, another that interpretation of parameters is much harder than for linear modelsbecause the model is non-linear. Both problems can profit from graphical representations.Effect stars visualize the effect strengths by star plots, where one star collects all theparameters connected to one term in the linear predictor. In contrast to conventional starplots, which are used to represent data, the plots represent parameters and are consideredas parameter glyphs. The method is extended to ordinal models and illustrated by severaldata sets.

In order to keep the single chapters self-contained, every chapter contains separate intro-ductions to the relevant topics and a separate conclusion. Therefore, every chapter can alsobe read separately but some topics will repeat themselves.

Contributing Manuscripts

Parts of this thesis were published as articles in peer reviewed journals, other parts werepublished in proceedings of scientific conferences or as technical reports at the Departmentof Statistics of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. In the following, chapter by

6 1. Introduction

chapter all contributing manuscripts are listed together with a declaration of the personalcontributions of the respective authors:

Chapter 4: Tutz and Schauberger (2015b). A Penalty Approach to Differential ItemFunctioning in Rasch Models. Psychometrika 80 (1), 21 – 43

The project was initiated by Gerhard Tutz and further developed jointly by Gerhard Tutzand Gunther Schauberger. Gunther Schauberger implemented the method and performedthe simulations and the real data analyses. Gunther Schauberger developed the correspond-ing R-package DIFlasso. The manuscript was written close collaboration of both authors.The original manuscript is extended by Section 4.6, which discusses concepts of variableselection within the proposed method. Apart from this section and some minor modifica-tions Chapter 4 and Tutz and Schauberger (2015b) match. The technical report 134 (Tutzand Schauberger, 2012a) and the conference paper from the IWSM 2013 (Schauberger andTutz, 2013) contain preliminary work on the project.

Chapter 5: Schauberger and Tutz (2015b). Detection of Differential Item Functioningin Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques. British Journal of Mathematical and StatisticalPsychology, published online

The project was initiated jointly by Gerhard Tutz and Gunther Schauberger. Main au-thor of the manuscript was Gunther Schauberger in close collaboration with Gerhard Tutz.Gunther Schauberger was responsible for the implementation of the method, of the sim-ulation studies and the application to real data. Furthermore, Gunther Schauberger de-veloped the corresponding R-package DIFboost. Apart from minor modifications Chapter5 and Schauberger and Tutz (2015b) match. The conference paper from the IWSM 2014(Schauberger and Tutz, 2014) contains preliminary work on the project.

Chapter 7: Schauberger and Tutz (2015c). Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Compar-ison Data – an L1 Penalty Approach with an Application to Party Preference Data. De-partment of Statistics, LMU Munich, Technical Report 183

The project was initiated and realized in close collaboration. Gunther Schauberger as thefirst author mainly wrote most of the manuscript and performed the presented analyses. Hewas also responsible for the implementation of the method and the corresponding R-packageBTLLasso. The original manuscript is extended by Subsection 7.4.3 which discusses theinclusion of twofold interactions in the application and by a paragraph applying the conceptof effect stars to the estimates of the proposed method. Apart from these extensions andminor modifications Chapter 7 and Schauberger and Tutz (2015c) match. The conference


paper from the IWSM 2015 (Schauberger and Tutz, 2015a) contains preliminary work onthe project.

Chapter 8: Tutz and Schauberger (2015a). Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Mo-dels with Application to Football Data from German Bundesliga. Advances in StatisticalAnalysis, 99 (2), 209 – 227

The manuscript was a joint project of Gerhard Tutz and Gunther Schauberger. Bothauthors contributed to the manuscript. The data collection and all implementations weredone by Gunther Schauberger. The original manuscript is extended by Section 8.6 where theanalyses from the previous sections are applied to the data from another Bundesliga season.Apart from this section and minor modifications Chapter 8 and Tutz and Schauberger(2015a) match. The technical report 151 (Tutz and Schauberger, 2014) contains preliminarywork on the project.

Chapter 9: Groll, Schauberger, and Tutz (2015). Prediction of Major International SoccerTournaments Based on Team-Specific Regularized Poisson Regression: An Application tothe FIFA World Cup 2014. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 11 (2), 97 – 115

Andreas Groll and Gunther Schauberger initiated and conducted the project in close collab-oration. In particular, they were equally responsible for the data collection, the implemen-tation of the methods and the manuscript. Gerhard Tutz supervised the methodologicalpart of the manuscript and helped to improve the manuscript by extensive discussions.Apart from minor modifications Chapter 9 and Groll et al. (2015) match. The technicalreport 166 (Groll et al., 2014) contains preliminary work on the project.

Appendix A: Tutz and Schauberger (2013): Visualization of Categorical Response Mo-dels: From Data Glyphs to Parameter Glyphs. Journal of Computational and GraphicalStatistics, 22 (1), 156 – 177

The manuscript was mainly drafted by Gerhard Tutz with contributions of GuntherSchauberger. Gunther Schauberger was responsible for the implementation including thecorresponding R package EffectStars (Schauberger, 2014b) and for all visualizations inthe manuscript. He was strongly involved in all parts of the final manuscript. Apart fromminor modifications Appendix A and Tutz and Schauberger (2013) match. The technicalreport 117 (Tutz and Schauberger, 2012a) and the conference paper from the IWSM 2012(Schauberger and Tutz, 2012) contain preliminary work on the project.

8 1. Introduction


Most computations in this thesis were done with the statistical program R (R Core Team,2015), parts were implemented in C++ but are integrated in R. For most of the methodsproposed in this thesis add-on packages for R were developed which can be downloaded fromthe Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). In particular, the following R-packageswere developed:

DIFlasso provides the method DIFlasso proposed in Chapter 4 (Schauberger, 2014a).

DIFboost provides the method DIFboost proposed in Chapter 5 (Schauberger, 2015b).

BTLLasso provides the method BTLLasso proposed in Chapter 7 (Schauberger, 2015a).The fitting algorithm of BTLLasso is implemented in C++ code which is integrated intoR using the packages Rcpp (Eddelbuettel, 2013) and RcppArmadillo (Eddelbuetteland Sanderson, 2014).

EffectStars provides the concept of effect stars proposed in Appendix A (Schauberger,2014b).

2. The Rasch Model

In the following, the basic Rasch model (Rasch, 1960) will be explained in more detail. TheRasch model is considered to be a starting point of the item response theory (IRT) whichover the last decades replaced the classical test theory (CTT) as the most popular methodin the analysis of tests or questionnaires in general. The main difference between the CTTand the IRT is that the IRT models a probabilistic distribution of the correct responseprobability. The most general IRT model is the so called 3PL model (Birnbaum, 1968). Itmodels the probability of a specified response depending on item parameters and a personparameter. Typically, such a specified response will simply be the (either correct or wrong)answer on a test question. If person p, p = 1, . . . , P, tries to solve item i, i = 1, . . . , I, theresponse is denoted as

Ypi =

1 person p solves item i

0 otherwise

Accordingly, the 3PL model is denoted by

P (Ypi = 1) = ci + (1− ci)exp (ai(θp − βi))

1 + exp (ai(θp − βi)).

Here, θp represents the person ability and βi represents the item difficulty. The parametersci and ai represent the guessing parameter and the discrimination parameter of item i.The model is called 3PL model as one item i is characterized by three item parameters,ai, βi, ci. From the 3PL model, the 2PL model and the 1PL model can be obtained as specialcases. In the 2PL model, it is assumed that no guessing is possible and the restrictionci = 0, i = 1, . . . , I is applied. In the 1PL model (in the following referred to as theRasch model), additionally equal discrimination parameters are assumed by restrictingai = 1, i = 1, . . . , I.

In the analysis of item response data, the Rasch model is the most popular choice. If personp, p = 1, . . . , P, tries to solve item i, i = 1, . . . , I, this is specified by the Rasch model by

P (Ypi = 1) = exp(θp − βi)1 + exp(θp − βi)

10 2. The Rasch Model

where θp represents the latent person ability and βi represents the latent item difficulty.For identifiability, a restriction on the parameters is needed. Frequently, either a personparameter or an item parameter is set zero. Basically, the Rasch model simply represents abinomial logit model and can, therefore, easily be embedded into the framework of gener-alized linear models (GLMs) (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989). The Rasch model makes theperson abilities and the item difficulties comparable. For example, if the ability of personp equals the difficulty of item i (i.e. θp = βi), the Rasch model will predict a probability of0.5 that person p will solve item i.

2.1. Assumptions and Properties of the Rasch Model

The Rasch model is accompanied by four main assumptions, namely monotonicity, uni-dimensionality, conditional independence and sufficiency, compare Hatzinger (1989) andKelderman (1984).

Monotonicity The solving probability P (Ypi = 1|θp, βi) is strictly monotone increasing forθp ∈ R. Furthermore, P (Ypi = 1|θp, βi) → 0 for θp → −∞ and P (Ypi = 1|θp, βi) → 1for θp →∞ holds. Therefore, with increasing ability, the probability to solve an itemincreases.

Unidimensionality Given the item difficulty, the probability to solve an item solely dependson the true value of the respective person on the latent trait. That means thatP (Ypi = 1|θp, βi, φ) = P (Ypi = 1|θp, βi) holds for any additional variable φ. Given theability parameter and the item difficulty, the solving probability does not depend onany other variables φ.

Conditional independence Given the latent trait, the items have to be stochastically in-dependent. Therefore, for equally able persons the solving probabilities for differentitems are independent. Solving one item does not increase or decrease the probabil-ity to solve another item. Conditional independence is also widely known as localindependence.

Sufficiency The total score of a person Sp = ∑i Ypi contains the entire information for the

ability of the person. The score is a sufficient statistic for the person parameter θp,persons with the same score have the same ability. Accordingly, also the number ofpersons that solved an item i, namely Ri = ∑

p Ypi, is a sufficient statistic for the itemdifficulty.

In the Rasch model (as in all IRT models), items can be visualized using so-called itemcharacteristic curves (ICCs). An ICC shows the probability of a correct response on therespective item depending on the person parameter θp. Figure 2.1 exemplarily shows the

2.2 Estimation Approaches for the Rasch Model 11

ICCs for three items with different item difficulties. The main feature of ICCs in Rasch

−4 −2 0 2 4











β1 = − 1.5β2 = 0β3 = 1.5

Figure 2.1.: Exemplary item characteristic curves for three items in a Rasch model

models is that they all share the same form (they have the same slope) and are only shiftedvertically depending on the respective item difficulty.

2.2. Estimation Approaches for the Rasch Model

To estimate the Rasch model, three different maximum likelihood approaches exist: Jointmaximum likelihood (JML), conditional maximum likelihood (CML) and marginal maxi-mum likelihood (MML). JML simultaneously provides estimates both for the person pa-rameters and the item parameters. CML and MML only provide item parameters, personparameters have to be estimated separately.

Joint Maximum Likelihood Estimation

The joint maximum likelihood estimation of Rasch models is the easiest and most intuitiveestimation method. If an appropriate design matrix is built, it can easily be performedusing standard software for GLMs. Using the restriction θP = 0, the design matrix can beseen from

12 2. The Rasch Model

log(P (Ypi = 1)P (Ypi = 0)

)= θp − βi = 1T

P (p)θ − 1TI(i)β = xT


where 1TP (p) = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) has length P − 1 with 1 at position p, 1T

I(i) =(0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) has length I with 1 at position i, and the parameter vectors areθ = (θ1, . . . , θP−1), β = (β1, . . . , βI) yielding the total vector δT = (θT,βT). The designvector linked to person p and item i is given by xT

pi = (1TP (p),−1T

I(i)). Finally, the Raschmodel can be estimated by combining all single design vectors xpi into a design matrix andby stacking all responses Ypi appropriately into a response vector.

Estimation based on JML faces two main problems. First, if a person solves all or noitems, its ability estimate will diverge to θp = ∞ or θp = −∞, respectively. Equivalently,items that were solved by all or no persons will not have finite estimates although this caseis much more unlikely as in general the number of persons clearly exceeds the number ofitems. After all, in both cases the respective person or item has to be removed from thedesign matrix. Second, the estimates for the item parameters from JML are inconsistentand biased for P → ∞ and I fixed, see e.g. Andersen (1973b, 1980). Therefore, in recentyears JML is decreasingly used in practice.

Conditional Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Nowadays, the conditional maximum likelihood method is the most popular choice. It isbased on the property, that the sum score Sp = ∑

i Ypi of a person p is sufficient for theability θp of person p. When conditioning on the sum scores the solving probabilities onlydepend on the item difficulties. Therefore, CML initially only provides estimates for theitem parameters. Based on the item parameters, estimates for the person parameters canbe obtained in a second step.

Let yp = (yp1, . . . , ypI) represent the response pattern of person p with the correspondingsum score sp = ∑

i ypi. Following Hatzinger (1989), the probability to observe the patternyp, conditional on the respective sum score Sp, is denoted by

P (Yp = yp|Sp = sp) = P (Yp = yp)P (Sp = sp)

=exp(θpsp) exp(−∑i βiypi)/

∏p(1− exp(θp − βi))

exp(θpsp)γ(sp; β1, . . . , βI)/∏p(1− exp(θp − βi))

. (2.1)

Here, γ(sp; β1, . . . , βI) = ∑y|sp

exp(−∑i βiypi) represents the elementary symmetric func-tion and y|sp represents all possible response patterns with a sum score sp. It can be seen

2.2 Estimation Approaches for the Rasch Model 13

that all terms depending on θp can be eliminated from (2.1). Combining all possible sumscores t = 0, . . . , I, the conditional likelihood can finally be denoted by

Lc = exp(−∑i βiri)∏t γ(t; β1, . . . , βI)nt


where ri = ∑p ypi denotes the number of persons that solved item i and nt is the number of

subjects with sp = t. Maximizing the conditional likelihood provides consistent estimatesfor the item parameters when P →∞. Afterwards, the person parameters can be estimatedassuming the item parameters to be fixed. The conditional maximum likelihood shares theproblem of the joint maximum likelihood that for items solved by all or no persons and forpersons that solved all or no items, no finite estimates can be found.

Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Similar to the conditional maximum likelihood approach, the marginal likelihood approachuses the trick to estimate the item parameters separately by eliminating the person param-eters from the likelihood. In the case of the marginal likelihood, this is done by assuminga certain distribution for the person parameters. Typically, the person parameters are as-sumed to be normally distributed. With a given distribution, the person parameters canbe integrated out from the likelihood.

The person parameters are assumed to be a random sample of the distribution G(θ). Thenthe probability to observe the pattern yp can be denoted by

P (Yp = yp) =∫ ∞−∞

P (yp|θp)dG(θp).

Using the parameters of the Rasch model, this can be denoted by

P (Yp = yp) = exp(βiri)∫ ∞−∞

exp(θpsp)∏Ii=1(1− exp(θp − βi))


Finally, the marginal likelihood is defined as product over all persons of the probabilityabove. Then, the likelihood is a function depending on the item parameters and the distri-bution G(θ) and can be maximized with regard to the respective parameters. Due to thedistributional assumption, using the marginal likelihood the estimates for the persons withperfect scores or scores of zero are finite.

3. Differential Item Functioning

Psychological or educational tests are typically used to investigate a latent trait of a personlike the intelligence or other specific skills. For this purpose, appropriate items are neededto provide a valid measurement of the respective trait. Items are considered to be unfairif, for a specific item, two persons with the same underlying latent trait have differentprobabilities to answer the item correctly. Then, the item functions differently for twopersons with the same value of the latent trait. Therefore, this phenomenon is calleddifferential item functioning (DIF). In former publications, DIF was also denominated bythe terms measurement bias or item bias, see, e.g., Lord (1980), Swaminathan and Rogers(1990) or Millsap and Everson (1993). Nowadays, the more neutral term of differential itemfunctioning has widely prevailed.

Over the past decades, a vast amount of methods has been proposed to detect DIF. For anoverview of the most popular methods see, e.g., Holland and Wainer (2012), Millsap andEverson (1993) or, more up to date, Magis et al. (2010). Typically, DIF is investigated bytesting if special (known) characteristics of the participants like gender or ethnicity alterthe probability to score on an item. Alternatively, also (unknown) latent classes could beassumed to describe DIF as proposed by Rost (1990). Here one assumes, that a modelholds for all persons within a latent class but models for different classes differ. Since itis unclear what the latent classes represent, interpretation is rather hard and much lessintuitive than for DIF between known groups. Therefore, latent class models have notbecome an established tool in DIF detection.

DIF can be divided into uniform and nonuniform DIF. Uniform DIF means that the differ-ence between the solving probabilities for an item is constant along the person abilities fortwo equally able persons. In nonuniform DIF, the magnitude of the DIF effect depends onthe respective person ability. Figure 3.1 exemplarily shows the item characteristic curvesfor items with uniform (left) and nonuniform (right) DIF between two subgroups of thepopulation. It can be seen, that for nonuniform DIF the item characteristic curves can alsobe crossing. While the item is easier for group 1 than for group 2 on a low ability level itis harder on a high ability level. Within the context of IRT models, nonuniform DIF canbe found in 2PL or 3PL models because only here the item characteristic curves can havedifferent slopes. In case of the Rasch model introduced in Chapter 2, only uniform DIF ispossible as all discrimination parameters are assumed to be fixed ai = 1, i = 1, . . . , I.

16 3. Differential Item Functioning










Group 1Group 2











Group 1Group 2


Figure 3.1.: Exemplary item characteristic curves for an item with uniform (left) and nonuniform(right) DIF between two subgroups

3.1. Popular Methods for DIF Detection

Traditional DIF methods are focused on the detection of DIF between two groups (referenceand focal group) of participants, typically males and females. In the following, the mostpopular methods for the case of two group comparison are presented.

For DIF detection, the Mantel-Haenszel (MH) method has become a popular choice. Itwas proposed by Holland and Thayer (1988) and is named by the Mantel-Haenszel statisticproposed by Mantel and Haenszel (1959). The method can be described as an item-wisecontingency table method and is not based on an underlying IRT model. It can not de-tect nonuniform DIF but only uniform DIF. The participants of the test are matched bytheir total test score. For each distinct test score, a 2 × 2 table collects the number ofcorrect and incorrect answers for the reference and the focal group. Finally, a χ2-statisticcan be calculated across all contingency tables. A χ2-test with one degree of freedom isperformed.

Swaminathan and Rogers (1990) proposed the method of logistic regression which is basedon the item-specific model

log(P (Ypi = 1)P (Ypi = 0)

)= β0 + β1Sp + β2Gp + β3SpGp,

where Gp represents the group membership (0: reference group, 1: focal group) and Sprepresents the total test score of person p. The parameters β2 and β3 can then be testedby Wald or Likelihood-Ratio-Tests. Testing β2 represents a test on uniform DIF while atest of β3 represents a test on nonuniform DIF. If only uniform DIF is investigated, theinteraction SpGp can be omitted.

3.2 Problems and Limitations 17

In contrast to both aforementioned approaches, the method of Lord (Lord, 1980) is explicitlybased on IRT models. In the case of two subgroups, separate IRT models are fitted forthe reference group and the focal group. Then, the differences of the item parameters aretested using a χ2-test. If the difference between the item parameters corresponding to thesame item differs significantly from zero, the item is diagnosed as DIF item. In general, thecorresponding test statistic for item i is denoted byQi = (αiR−αiF )T(ΣiR−ΣiF )−1(αiR−αiF )where αiR = (aiR, βiR, ciR) and αiF = (aiF , βiF , ciF ) collect all item parameters from themodels for the reference group and the focal group, respectively. ΣiR and ΣiF represent thevariance-covariance matrices of the respective estimates. In the case of the Rasch model(1PL model), the test statistic is reduced to Qi = (βiR − βiF )2/(σ2

iR + σ2iF ) with σ2

iR andσ2iF representing the estimated variances of the difficulty estimates βiR and βiF . In that

case, the detection of DIF is restricted to uniform DIF. For the method of Lord, asymptoticnormality of the item parameters is assumed.

All three aforementioned methods have been extended to the case of multiple groups insteadof one reference and one focal group. Somes (1986) and Penfield (2001) extended the MHapproach, Magis et al. (2011) extended the logistic regression method and Kim et al. (1995)extended the method of Lord. All methods (together with their extension to multiplegroups) are implemented in the R-package difR (Magis et al., 2010, 2013).

3.2. Problems and Limitations

The presented methods of DIF detection share two main problems (Millsap and Everson,1993). First, the tests are designed for only one covariate. In the case of multiple covariatesseveral tests have to be performed at the same time and the problem of multiple testingarises. Therefore, correction strategies like the Bonferroni correction have to be applied(e.g., Penfield, 2001). Second, the participants from different groups are matched by theirtotal test scores, assuming that the total test score is an appropriate measurement of thelatent traits of the participants. Therefore, one assumes that all other items (except forthe studied item) do not show DIF and are treated as so-called anchor items. Generally,all DIF methods depend on anchor items. They are assumed to be DIF-free and serve asreferences for the item under investigation. A contaminated set of anchor items (i.e. theset contains DIF items) will lead to an increased error rate in DIF identification. For anoverview of different anchor strategies, see Kopf et al. (2015). Obviously, for a methodof DIF detection the assumption that all other items are DIF-free is rather paradoxical.Especially if several items show DIF in favor of the same group, the test scores can beconsiderably biased. Then, the test score is no longer a fair measurement and the qual-ity of the DIF method will suffer. Therefore, an unbiased measure of the latent trait isneeded. For this purpose, so-called purification methods have been proposed, for example

18 3. Differential Item Functioning

by Holland and Thayer (1988), Candell and Drasgow (1988) or Clauser et al. (1993). Thegoal of these procedures is to iteratively detect DIF items and to exclude these items fromthe calculation of the test score. Purification procedures are supposed to lead to an un-contaminated measurement of the latent trait and to an improved selection performance ofthe respective DIF detection method. In several publications, e.g. Wang and Su (2004) orFidalgo et al. (2000), purification methods turned out to provide a significant improvementof the respective methods.

4. A Penalty Approach to DifferentialItem Functioning in Rasch Models

4.1. Introduction

Differential item functioning (DIF) is the well known phenomenon that the probability ofa correct response among equally able persons differs in subgroups. For example, the dif-ficulty of an item may depend on the membership to a racial, ethnic or gender subgroup.Then the performance of a group can be lower because these items are related to specificknowledge that is less present in this group. The effect is measurement bias and possi-bly discrimination, see, for example, Millsap and Everson (1993), Zumbo (1999). Variousforms of differential item functioning have been considered in the literature, see, for exam-ple, Holland and Wainer (2012), Osterlind and Everson (2009); Rogers (2005); Osterlindand Everson (2009). Magis et al. (2010) give an instructive overview of the existing DIFdetection methods.

In this chapter we will investigate DIF in item response models, focusing on the Raschmodel. In item response models DIF is considered to be uniform, that is the probabilityof correctly answering is uniformly greater for specific subgroups. Test statistics for theidentification of uniform DIF have been proposed, among others, by Thissen et al. (1993),Lord (1980), Holland and Thayer (1988), Kim et al. (1995) and Raju (1988). More recently,DIF has been embedded into the framework of mixed models (Van den Noortgate andDe Boeck, 2005) and Bayesian approaches have been developed (Soares et al., 2009). Alsothe test concepts developed in Merkle and Zeileis (2013) could be helpful to investigatedependence of responses on subgroups.

A severe limitation of existing approaches is that they are typically limited to the considera-tion of few subgroups. Most often, just two subgroups have been considered with one groupbeing fixed as the reference group. The objective of the present chapter is to provide tools

This chapter is a modified version of Tutz and Schauberger (2015b), previous work on the issue can befound in the technical report 134 (Tutz and Schauberger, 2012a) and the conference paper Schaubergerand Tutz (2013). See Chapter 1 for more information on the personal contributions of all authors andtextual matches.

20 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

that allow for several groups but also for continuous variables like age to induce differentialitem functioning. We propose a model that lets the item difficulties to be modified by a setof variables that can potentially cause DIF. The model necessarily contains a large num-ber of parameters which raises severe estimation problems. But estimation problems canbe solved by regularized estimation procedures. Although alternative strategies could beused we focus on regularization by penalization, using penalized maximum likelihood (ML)estimates. The procedure allows to identify the items that suffer from DIF and investigatewhich variables are responsible.

More recently, Strobl et al. (2015) proposed a new approach that is also able to handleseveral groups and continuous variables but uses quite different estimation procedures.The proposed method will be compared to this alternative approach.

Chapter 4 is organized as follows. In Section 4.2 we present the model, in Section 4.3 weshow how the model can be estimated. Then we illustrate the fitting of the model by useof simulation studies and real data examples.

4.2. Differential Item Functioning Model

We will first consider the binary Rasch model and then introduce a general parametricmodel for differential item functioning.

4.2.1. The Binary Rasch Model

The most widespread item response model is the binary Rasch model (Rasch, 1960). Itassumes that the probability that a participant in a test scores on an item is determinedby the difference between two latent parameters, one representing the person and onerepresenting the item. In assessment tests the person parameter refers to the ability of theperson and the item parameter to the difficulty of the item. More generally the personparameter refers to the latent trait the test is supposed to measure. With Ypi ∈ {0, 1} theprobability that person p solves item i is given by

P (Ypi = 1) = exp(θp − βi)1 + exp(θp − βi)

p = 1, . . . , P , i = 1, . . . , I

where θp is the person parameter (ability) and βi is the item parameter (difficulty). A moreconvenient form of the model is

4.2 Differential Item Functioning Model 21

log(P (Ypi = 1)P (Ypi = 0)

)= θp − βi, (4.1)

where the left hand side represents the so-called logits, Logit(P (Ypi = 1) =log(P (Ypi = 1)/P (Ypi = 0)). It should be noted that the parameters are not identifiable.Therefore, one has to fix one of the parameters. We choose θP = 0, which yields a simplerepresentation of the models to be considered later.

Under the usual assumption of conditional independence given the latent traits the maxi-mum likelihood (ML) estimates can be obtained within the framework of generalized linearmodels (GLMs). GLMs for binary responses assume that the probability πpi = P (Ypi = 1)is given by g(πpi) = xT

piδ, where g(.) is the link function and xpi is a design vector linkedto person p and item i. The link function is directly seen from model representation (4.1).The design vector, which codes the persons and items and the parameter vector are seenfrom

log(P (Ypi = 1)P (Ypi = 0)

)= θp − βi = 1T

P (p)θ − 1TI(i)β,

where 1TP (p) = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) has length P − 1 with 1 at position p, 1T

I(i) =(0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) has length I with 1 at position i, and the parameter vectors areθ = (θ1, . . . , θP−1), β = (β1, . . . , βI) yielding the total vector δT = (θT,βT). The designvector linked to person p and item i is given by xT

pi = (1TP (p),−1T


GLMs are extensively investigated in McCullagh and Nelder (1989), short introductionswith the focus on categorical data are found in Agresti (2002) and Tutz (2012). Theembedding of the Rasch model into the framework of generalized linear models has theadvantage that software that is able to fit GLMs and extensions can be used to fit modelsvery easily.

4.2.2. A General Differential Item Functioning Model

In a general model that allows the item parameters to depend on covariates that characterizethe person we will replace the item parameter by a linear form that includes a vector ofexplanatory variables. Let xp be a person-specific parameter that contains, for example,gender, race, but potentially also continuous covariates like age. If βi is replaced by βi+xT

pγiwith item-specific parameter γi one obtains the model

log(P (Ypi = 1)P (Ypi = 0)

)= θp − (βi + xT

pγi) (4.2)

22 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

For illustration, let us consider the simple case where the explanatory variable codes asubgroup like gender, which has two possible values. Let xp = 1 for males and xp = 0 forfemales. If item i functions differently in the subgroups, one has the item parameters

βi + γi for males and βi for females.

Then γi represents the difference of item difficulty between males and females. If one prefersa more symmetric representation one can choose xp = 1 for males and xp = −1 for femalesobtaining

βi + γi for males and βi − γi for females.

Then γi represents the deviation of the sub-populations in item difficulty from the baselinedifficulty βi. Of course in an item that does not suffer from differential item functioning,one has γi = 0 and, therefore, items for males and females are equal.

The strength of the general model (4.2) is that also continuous covariates like age canbe included. Thinking of items that are related to knowledge on computers or moderncommunication devices the difficulty may well vary over age. One could try to build moreor less artificial age groups, or, as we do, assume linear dependence of the logits. With xpdenoting age in years the item parameter is βi + ageγi. If γi = 0 the item difficulty is thesame for all ages.

The multi-group case is easily incorporated by using dummy-variables for the groups. LetR denote the group variable, for example, race with k categories, that is, R ∈ {1, . . . , k}.Then one builds a vector (xR(1), . . . , xR(k−1)), where components are defined by xR(j) = 1if R = j and xR(j) = 0 otherwise. The corresponding parameter vector γi has k − 1components γT

i = (γi1, . . . , γi,k−1). Then the parameters are

βi + γi1 in group 1, . . . βi + γi,k−1, in group k − 1 βi in group k.

In this coding the last category, k, serves as reference category, and the parametersγi1, . . . , γi,k−1 represent the deviations of the subgroups with respect to the reference cate-gory.

One can also use symmetric coding where one assumes ∑kj=1 γij = 0 yielding parameters

βi + γi1 in group 1, . . . βi + γi,k−1, in group k − 1 βi + γik in group k.

In effect one is just coding a categorical predictor in 0− 1-coding or effect coding, see, forexample, Tutz (2012).

The essential advantage of model (4.2) is that the person-specific parameter includes all thecandidates that are under suspicion to induce differential item functioning. Thus one has

4.2 Differential Item Functioning Model 23

a vector that contains age, race, gender and all the other candidates. If one component inthe vector γi is unequal zero the item is group-specific, the parameter shows which of thevariables is responsible for the differential item functioning. The model includes not onlyseveral grouping variables but also continuous explanatory variables.

The challenge of the model is to estimate the large number of parameters and to determinewhich parameters have to be considered as unequal zero. The basic assumption is that mostof the parameters do not depend on the group, but some can. One wants to detect theseitems and know which one of the explanatory variables is responsible. For the estimationone has to use regularization techniques that are discussed in Section 3.

Identifiability Issues

The general model uses the predictor ηpi = θp−βi−xTpγi when person p tries to solve item i.

Even if one of the basic parameters is fixed, say, βI = 0, the model can be reparameterizedby use of a fixed vector c in the form

ηpi = θp − βi − xTpγi = θp − βi − xT

p (γi − c)− xTpc = θp − βi − xT

p γi,

where θp = θp − xTpc and γi = γi − c. The parameter sets {θp, βi,γi} and {θp, βi, γi} de-

scribe the same model, the parameters are just shifted by xTpc in the case of θ-parameters

and c in the case of γ-parameters. In other words, the model is overparameterized andparameters are not identifiable. Additional constraints are needed to make the parametersidentifiable. However, the choice of the constraints determines which items are consid-ered as DIF-inducing items. Let us consider a simple example with a binary variable xp,which codes, for example, gender. Then the parameters are identifiable if one sets oneβ-parameter and one γ-parameters to zero. With six items and the unconstrained param-eters (γ1, . . . , γ6) = (5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3) the constraint γ1 = 0 yields the identifiable parameters(γ1, . . . , γ6) = (0, 0, 0,−2,−2,−2), whereas the constraint γ6 = 0 yields the identifiableparameters (γ1, . . . , γ6) = (2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0). In the first case one uses the transformation con-stant c = 5, in the second case the transformation constant c = 3. When the θ-parametersare transformed accordingly one obtains two equivalent parameterizations. But in the firstparameterization the second three items show DIF, in the second parameterization the firstthree items show DIF. It can not be decided which of the item sets shows DIF becauseboth parameterizations are valid. The model builder fixes by the choice of the constraintwhich set of items shows DIF. But this basic identifiability problem seems worse than it is.When fitting a Rasch model one wants to identify the items that deviate from the modelbut assumes that the model basically holds for the majority of items. Thus one aims atidentifying the maximal set of items for which the model holds. Thus, if, for example, theunconstrained items can be given by (γ1, . . . , γ6) = (5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 2), the choice γ3 = 0 makes

24 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

the items 3,4,5 Rasch-compatible and the rest has DIF. In contrast, γ6 = 0 makes item6 Rasch-compatible but the rest has DIF. Therefore, a natural choice is γ3 = 0, where itshould be emphasized again that any choice is legitimate. The fitting procedure proposed inthe following will automatically identify the maximal set of items that is Rasch-compatible.We will come back to that in the following but give here general conditions for the identi-fiability of items.

In the general model with predictor ηpi = θp − βi − xTpγi a set of identifiability conditions


(1) Set βI = 0, γTI = (0, . . . , 0) (or for any other item).

(2) The matrix X with rows (1,xT1 ), . . . , (1,xT

P ) has full rank.

(for a proof, see Appendix B). The first condition means that for one item the β andthe γ-parameters have to be fixed. It serves as a reference item in all populations. Thesecond condition is a general condition that postulates that the explanatory variables haveto contain enough information to obtain identifiable parameters. It is a similar conditionas is needed in common regression models. It should be noted that the condition is general,the explanatory variables can be continuous or categorical. In the latter case, the matrixXcontains the dummy variables that code the categorical variable. As in regular regression,in particular highly correlated continuous covariates affect the rank of the design matrixand might yield unstable estimates. In the extreme case estimates are not unique becausethey are not identifiable. Then, one might reduce the set of covariates. In the case whereestimates still exist but are unstable, nowadays regularization methods are in common use.A specific form of regularization is also used in the following.

4.3. Estimation by Regularization

4.3.1. Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Let the data be given by (Ypi,xp), p = 1, . . . , P, i = 1, . . . , I. Maximum likelihood es-timation of the model is straightforward by embedding the model into the framework ofgeneralized linear models. By using again the coding for persons and parameters in theparameter vectors 1P (p) and 1I(i) the model has the form

log(P (Ypi = 1)P (Ypi = 0)

)= θp − βi − xT


= 1TP (p)θ − 1T

I(i)β − xTpγi.

4.3 Estimation by Regularization 25

With the total vector given by (θT,βT,γT1 , . . . ,γ

TI ) one obtains for observation Ypi the design

vector (1TP (p),−1T

I(i), 0, 0, , . . . ,−xTp . . . , 0, 0), where the component −xT

p corresponds to theparameter γi.

Although ML estimation is straightforward estimates will exist only in very simple cases, forexample, if the explanatory variable codes just two subgroups. In higher dimensional casesML estimation will deteriorate and no estimates or selection of parameters are available.

4.3.2. Penalized Estimation

In the following we will consider regularization methods that are based on penalty terms.The general principle is, not to maximize the log-likelihood function, but a penalized ver-sion. Let α denote the total vector of parameters, in our case αT = (θT,βT,γT

1 , . . . ,γTI ).

Then one maximizes the penalized log-likelihood

lp(α) = l(α)− λJ(α),

where l(.) is the common log-likelihood of the model and J(α) is a penalty term thatpenalizes specific structures in the parameter vector. The parameter λ is a tuning parameterthat specifies how serious the penalty term has to be taken. A widely used penalty termin regression problems is J(α) = αTα, that is, the squared length of the parameter vector.The resulting estimator is known under the name ridge estimate, see Hoerl and Kennard(1970) for linear models and Nyquist (1991), Segerstedt (1992), LeCessie (1992) for the usein GLMs. Of course, if λ = 0 maximization yields the ML estimate. If λ > 0 one obtainsparameters that are shrunk toward zero. In the extreme case λ → ∞ all parameters areset to zero. The ridge estimator with small λ > 0 stabilizes estimates but does not selectparameters, which is the main objective here. Penalty terms that are useful because theyenforce selection are L1-penalty terms.

Let us start with the simple case of a univariate explanatory variable, which, for example,codes gender. Then the proposed lasso penalty for differential item functioning (DIFlasso)is given by

J(θT,βT,γT1 , . . . ,γ

TI ) =


which is a version of the L1-penalty or lasso (for least absolute shrinkage and selectionoperator). The lasso was propagated by Tibshirani (1996) for regression models, and hasbeen studied intensively in the literature, see, for example, Fu (1998), Osborne et al. (2000),Knight and Fu (2000), Fan and Li (2001) and Park and Hastie (2007). It should be notedthat the penalty term contains only the parameters that are responsible for differentialitem functioning, therefore only the parameters that carry the information on DIF are

26 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

penalized. Again, if λ = 0 maximization yields the full ML estimate. For very large λ allthe γ-parameters are set to zero. Therefore, in the extreme case λ→∞ the Rasch model isfitted without allowing for differential item functioning. The interesting case is in between,when λ is finite and λ > 0. Then the penalty enforces selection. Typically, for fixed λ, someof the parameters are set to zero while others take values unequal zero. With a carefullychosen tuning parameter λ the parameters that yield estimates γi > 0 are the ones thatshow DIF.

For illustration we consider a Rasch model with 10 items and 70 persons. Among the 10items three suffer from DIF induced by a binary variable with parameters γ1 = 2, γ2 =−1.5, γ3 = −2. Figure 4.1 shows the coefficient build-ups for the γ-parameters for one dataset, that is, how the parameters evolve with decreasing tuning parameter λ. In this data

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0









Figure 4.1.: Coefficient build-up for Rasch model with DIF induced by binary variable, dashedlines are the items with DIF, solid lines are the items without DIF.

set ML estimates existed. We do not use λ itself on the x-axis but a transformation of λthat has better scaling properties. Instead of giving the λ-values on the x-axis we scale itby ‖γ‖/ max ‖γ‖, where max ‖γ‖ corresponds to the L2-norm of the maximal obtainableestimates, that is, the ML estimates. On the right side of Figure 4.1 one sees the estimatesfor λ = 0 (‖γ‖/max‖γ‖ = 1), which correspond to the ML estimates for the DIF model.At the left end all parameters are shrunk to zero, corresponding to the value of λ, wherethe simple Rasch model without DIF is fitted. Thus, the figure shows how estimates evolveover diminishing strength of regularization. At the right end no regularization is exerted,at the left side regularization is so strong that all γ-parameters are set to zero. The verticalline shows the tuning parameter selected by BIC (see below), which represents the best

4.3 Estimation by Regularization 27

estimate for this selection criterion. If one uses this criterion all items with DIF (dashedlines) are selected, obtaining estimates unequal zero. But for all items without DIF theestimates are zero. Therefore in this data set identification was perfect.

In the general case with a vector of covariates that potentially induce DIF a more appro-priate penalty is a modification of the grouped lasso (Yuan and Lin, 2006; Meier et al.,2008). Let γT

i = (γi1, . . . , γim) denote the vector of modifying parameters of item i, wherem denotes the length of the person-specific covariates. Then the group lasso penalty foritem differential functioning (DIFlasso) is

J(θT,βT,γT1 , . . . ,γ

TI ) =


where ‖γi‖ = (γ2i1 + · · · + γ2

im)1/2 is the L2-norm of the parameters of the ith item withm denoting the length of the covariate vector. The penalty encourages sparsity in thesense that either γi = 0 or γij 6= 0 for j = 1, . . . ,m. Thus the whole group of parameterscollected in γi is shrunk simultaneously toward zero. For a geometrical interpretation ofthe penalty, see Yuan and Lin (2006). The effect is that in a typical application only someof the parameters get estimates γi 6= 0. These correspond to items that show DIF.

Choice of Penalty Parameter

An important issue in penalized estimation is the choice of the tuning parameter λ. In ourcase it determines the numbers of items identified as inducing DIF. Therefore, it determinesif all items with DIF are correctly identified and also if some are falsely diagnosed asDIF-items. To find the final estimate in the solution path it is necessary to balance thecomplexity of the model and the data fit. However, one problem is to determine thecomplexity of the model, which in penalized estimation approaches is not automaticallyidentical to the number of parameters in the model. We worked with several criteria forthe selection of the tuning parameter, including cross-validation and AIC criteria with thenumber of parameters determined by the degrees of freedom for the lasso (Zou et al., 2007).A criterion that yielded a satisfying balancing and which has been used in the simulationsand applications is the BIC (Schwarz, 1978) with the degrees of freedom for the group lassopenalty determined by a method proposed by Yuan and Lin (2006). Here, the degrees offreedom (of penalized parameters γ) are approximated by

dfγ(λ) =I∑i=1

I(‖γi(λ)‖ > 0) +I∑i=1


i ‖(m− 1).

28 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

Since the person parameters and the item parameters are unpenalized, the total degrees offreedom are df(λ) = I + P + dfγ(λ)− 1. The corresponding BIC is determined by

BIC(λ) = −2 · l(α) + df(λ) · log(P · I),

where l(α) is the log-likelihood of the current parameter vector α.

Identifiability and Estimation

As demonstrated at the end of Section 4.2 the model without constraints is not identifiable.Moreover, the identification of DIF-items depends on the constraints that are used. Becauseof the basic identifiability problem, one can define few or many items as DIF-items. The aimto find the maximal set of Rasch-compatible items with a small set of items characterized asDIF-items is strongly supported by the regularization approach. We first fit the full modelwithout constraints. Because of the regularization term the parameters are estimable,although not identifiable, see Friedman et al. (2010), where this procedure has been usedin multinomial regression models. With growing smoothing parameter more and moreitems are characterized as not being compatible with the Rasch model with the items thathave the strongest deviation from the Rasch model being the first ones that show in thecoefficient build-ups. In all cases that were considered the value of the smoothing parameterchosen by our criterion was such that not all parameters showed DIF. Most often just fewparameters had estimates γi 6= 0. Therefore, one of the items with γi = 0 is chosen andused as reference. By rearranging items, one of these items is denoted by I and one setsβI = 0, γT

I = (0, . . . , 0), which is obtained by computing βi − βI for the item difficultiesand γi − γI for the γ-parameters, where βi, γi denote the estimates for the full model.This yields the identifiable parameters that are considered in the following simulations andapplications. Of course, in the simulations the true values are centered around the sameitem.

Further Remarks

We focus on penalized ML estimation. Regularized estimation with penalty terms hasthe advantage that the penalty term is given explicitly and, therefore, it is known howestimates are shrunk. An alternative procedure that could be used is boosting as proposedin Chapter 5. It selects relevant variables by using weak learners and regularization isobtained by early stopping. Although the form of regularization is not given in an explicitform it typically is as efficient as regularization with corresponding penalty terms. Alsomixed model methodology as used by Soares et al. (2009) to estimate DIF can be combined

4.4 The Fitting Procedure At Work 29

with penalty terms that enforce selection. However, methodology is in its infancy, see forexample Ni et al. (2010) or Bondell et al. (2010).

4.4. The Fitting Procedure At Work

In the present section it is investigated if the procedure is able to detect the DIF items.This is done in a simulation study where it is known which items are affected by DIF.


For illustration, we will first consider several examples. In the first example we have 70 per-sons, 10 items, three with DIF (γT

1 = (−1, 0.8, 1), γT2 = (−1.1, 0.5, 0.9), γT

3 = (1,−1,−1),γT

4 = . . . = γT10 = (0, 0, 0)). The upper panel in Figure 4.2 shows the coefficient build-ups

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0














0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0














Figure 4.2.: Coefficient build-up for Rasch model with DIF induced by three variables, dashedlines are the items with DIF, solid lines are the items without DIF. Upper panel shows perfectidentification, in the lower panel identification is not perfect.

30 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

for an exemplary data set. Now one item is represented by three lines, one for each co-variate. Again, items with DIF are given by non-solid lines and items with DIF by solidlines. In this data set the BIC criterion selects all the items with DIF and sets all itemswithout DIF to zero. In the lower panel one sees a data set where identification is notperfect. It is seen that some items without DIF are falsely considered as inducing DIF. Butalso in this data set the items with DIF are the first ones to obtain estimates unequal zerowhen penalization is relaxed. The items without DIF obtain estimates unequal zero butestimates are very small.

An example without DIF is seen in Figure 4.3. The setting is the same as before (P =70, I = 10) but all γ-parameters are set to zero. It is seen that the procedure also workswell in the case of the Rasch model because all γ-parameters are estimated as zero.

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0











Figure 4.3.: Coefficient build-up for Rasch model without DIF .

For further illustration we show in the upper panel of Figure 4.4 the estimates of 100simulated data sets for the same setting as in Figure 4.2. The boxplots show the variabilityof the estimates, the stars denote the underlying true values. The β-parameters in the leftblock represent the basic item parameter, which are estimated rather well. In the nextblock the modifying parameters γis are shown for items with DIF and in the last block themodifying parameters for items without DIF are shown. In this last block the stars thatdenote true values are omitted since they are all zero. Overall, the estimates of the basicβ-parameters (first block) and the items without DIF (third block) are quite close to theirtrue values. In particular the estimates of the parameters that correspond to items withoutDIF are zero or close to zero and are frequently diagnosed as not suffering from DIF. The γ-parameters in the middle block, which correspond to items with DIF, are distinctly unequalzero and, therefore, the DIF-items are identified. But the latter estimates are downwardbiased because of the exerted penalization, which shrinks the estimates.

4.4 The Fitting Procedure At Work 31

Figure 4.4.: Upper panel: Box plots of estimates for Rasch model with DIF induced by threevariables, stars denote true values. Lower panel: the same model with a final ML step on selecteditems.

The bias can be removed and estimators possibly improved by an additional refit. The fit ofthe model in combination with the selection of the tuning parameter yields the set of itemsthat are considered as suffering from DIF. To avoid shrinkage and bias one can compute afinal un-penalized ML fit of the reduced model that contains only the parameters that havebeen selected as being non-zero. In the lower panel of Figure 4.4 the estimates with a finalrefit step are given. While the estimation of the basic β-parameters has hardly changed, thedownward bias in item parameters for items with DIF is removed. However, the estimates ofparameters for items without DIF automatically suffers. If one of these items is diagnosed asDIF-item the final ML-fit yields larger values than the penalized estimate. The reductionof bias comes with costs. As is seen from Figure 4.4 the variability for the procedure withan additional ML step is larger. Penalization methods like lasso typically have two effects,selection and shrinkage. By shrinking estimates extreme values are avoided and standard

32 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

errors are smaller but bias is introduced. The final ML estimate aims at a new balance ofvariance and bias but keeps the selection effect.

Simulation Scenarios

In the following we give results for selected simulation scenarios based on 100 simulations.The person parameters are drawn from a standard normal distribution and we considerscenarios with varying strength of DIF. The item parameters have the form βi + xT

pγi.We always work with standardized person characteristics xp, that is, the components havevariance 1. A measure for the strength of DIF in an item is the variance Vi = var(βi+xT

pγi),which for independent components has the simple form Vi = ∑

j γ2ij. For standardization

it is divided by the number of covariates m. The average of 1m

√Vi over the items with

DIF gives a measure of the strength of DIF in these items. The implicitly used referencevalue is the standard deviation of the person parameters, which is 1. We use three differentstrengths of DIF, strong, medium and weak. For the parameters of strong DIF, the DIFstrength is 0.25. For medium and weak DIF, the parameters from the strong DIF settingare multiplied by 0.75 and 0.5, respectively. Accordingly, the DIF strengths for medium andweak are 0.1875 and 0.125. An overall measure of DIF in a setting is the average of 1



over all items. For the strong scenario with 20 items one obtains 0.05, for the medium andweak 0.038 and 0.025, respectively.

When calculating mean squared errors we distinguish between person and item parameters.For person parameters it is the average over simulations of ∑p(θp − θp)2/P . For items itis the squared difference between the estimated item difficulty and the actual difficulty∑p

∑i[(βi + xT

pγi)− (βi + xTp γi)]2/(I · P ).

One of the main objectives of the method is the identification of items with DIF. The criteriaby which the performance of the procedure can be judged are the hits or true positives (i.e.the number of correctly identified items with DIF) and the false positives (i.e. the numberof items without DIF that are falsely diagnosed as items with DIF).

The settings considered in the following are:

• Setting 1: 250 persons, 20 items, 4 with DIF on 5 variables, parameters (strongDIF): γT

1 = (−0.8, 0.6, 0, 0, 0.8), γT2 = (0, 0.8,−0.7, 0, 0.7), γT

3 = (0.6, 0, 0.8,−0.8, 0),γT

4 = (0, 0, 0.8, 0.7,−0.5), γT5 = . . . = γT

20 = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), two variables binary, threestandard normally distributed.

• Setting 2: 500 persons, items as in setting 1,

• Setting 3: 500 persons, 20 items, 8 with DIF on 5 variables, items 1 – 4 as in setting1, items 5 – 8 same as items 1 – 4

4.4 The Fitting Procedure At Work 33

• Setting 4: 500 persons, 40 items, 8 with DIF, items 1 – 8 same as in setting 3

• Setting 5: same as Setting 2, but the person abilities differ along with the first (binary)covariate (θ|x1 = 1 ∼ N(1, 1), θ|x1 = 0 ∼ N(0, 1))

Settings 1-4 vary in the number of persons and the number of items with and withoutDIF. In all of them the person parameters are not linked to the predictor. After all, itcan occur in practice that there is correlation between the abilities of persons and thegrouping variable. Therefore it is of interest if the performance of DIF detection suffersfrom correlation. The last setting, setting 5, explicitly includes correlation between theabilities and the first, binary predictor. Persons with predictor value x1 = 1 are assumedto have higher abilities.

In Table 4.1 the MSEs as well as the hits and false positive rates are given for the fit of theRasch model (without allowing for DIF), the DIFlasso and the DIFlasso with refit. It isseen that the accuracy of the estimation of person parameters does not depend strongly onthe strength of DIF. It is quite similar for strong and medium DIF and slightly worse forweak DIF. Also the fitting of the Rasch model or DIFlasso yields similar estimates of personparameters. The refit procedure, however, yields somewhat poorer estimates in terms ofMSE. The estimation of item parameters shows a different picture. DIFlasso distinctlyoutperforms the Rasch model, in particular if DIF is strong the MSE is much smaller. Therefit is better than the normal DIFlasso in all of the settings except one. Therefore, whenthe focus is on the estimation of item parameters, the refit can be recommended for a moreprecise and unbiased estimation.

The effect of correlation between abilities and predictors is investigated separately. Thesettings 2 and 5 use the same number of persons and parameters, but in setting 5 a binarycovariate is highly correlated with the person abilities. The MSEs can be seen from Table4.1. In Figure 4.5 the MSEs for the two settings are compared to each other for strong DIFwith setting 2 being depicted in the left box plot and setting 5 in the right box plot. Theupper panel shows the box plots for the MSEs of the person parameters, the lower for theitem parameters. Again, it can be seen that for the person parameters the refit performs alittle worse than the regular DIFlasso and the Rasch Model. The correlation in setting 5makes estimation harder for all three methods but the estimation of person parameters doesnot suffer strongly. From the lower panel, which shows the MSEs for the item difficulties, itis seen that the DIFlasso strongly outperforms the Rasch Model and that the refit improvesthe estimation of the item-specific parameters. As for person parameters the correlationaffects the accuracy of estimation but not very seriously. Estimation accuracy in terms ofMSE does not suffer strongly from the presence of correlation.

Since our focus is on the identification of DIF-items the hits and false positive rates are ofparticular interest. It is seen from the lower panel of Table 4.1 that the procedure works

34 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

MSE person parameters MSE item parametersSetting Rasch DIFlasso Refit Rasch DIFlasso Refit

P = 250 strong 0.341 0.344 0.376 0.368 0.149 0.1211 I = 20 medium 0.349 0.350 0.370 0.233 0.145 0.128

IDIF = 4 weak 0.347 0.347 0.348 0.129 0.127 0.129P = 500 strong 0.316 0.326 0.350 0.338 0.070 0.052

2 I = 20 medium 0.323 0.328 0.345 0.202 0.064 0.048IDIF = 4 weak 0.331 0.332 0.341 0.105 0.069 0.062P = 500 strong 0.326 0.327 0.367 0.650 0.106 0.077

3 I = 20 medium 0.327 0.328 0.358 0.378 0.096 0.069IDIF = 8 weak 0.334 0.335 0.351 0.186 0.108 0.093P = 500 strong 0.176 0.176 0.189 0.343 0.082 0.055

4 I = 40 medium 0.176 0.176 0.185 0.205 0.071 0.049IDIF = 8 weak 0.181 0.180 0.185 0.110 0.081 0.073P = 500 strong 0.333 0.342 0.366 0.355 0.091 0.058

5* I = 20 medium 0.338 0.343 0.359 0.210 0.078 0.052IDIF = 4 weak 0.345 0.346 0.353 0.109 0.082 0.079

Setting true positives false positivesP = 250 strong 0.99 0.016

1 I = 20 medium 0.79 0.003IDIF = 4 weak 0.04 0.000P = 500 strong 1.00 0.022

2 I = 20 medium 1.00 0.013IDIF = 4 weak 0.71 0.001P = 500 strong 1.00 0.089

3 I = 20 medium 1.00 0.042IDIF = 8 weak 0.77 0.002P = 500 strong 1.00 0.030

4 I = 40 medium 1.00 0.013IDIF = 8 weak 0.61 0.001P = 500 strong 1.00 0.021

5* I = 20 medium 0.99 0.011IDIF = 4 weak 0.52 0.001

Table 4.1.: MSEs for the simulation scenarios (upper panel) and average rates of hits/false positives(lower panel).* Setting 5 contains a binary covariate highly correlated with the person abilities.

4.4 The Fitting Procedure At Work 35











MSE person parameters

Rasch DIF−Lasso Refit














MSE item parameters

Rasch DIF−Lasso Refit

Figure 4.5.: Box plots of MSEs for setting 2 (left box plot) and setting 5 (right box plot) for strongDIF.

well. If DIF is strong the hit rate is 1 or close to 1, for medium DIF one needs more personsin the setting to obtain a hit rate of 1. Of course, for weak DIF identification is harder andone will not always find all the items with DIF. For 250 persons and weak DIF, there isnot enough information anymore to have an acceptable selection performance. But the hitrate increases strongly when the number of persons is increased to 500 persons (setting 2)instead of 250 persons (setting 1).

One nice result is that the false positive rate is negligible. Although not all items withDIF may be found, it hardly occurs that items without DIF are falsely diagnosed. Onlyin setting 3 the false positive rate is slightly increased. When comparing the settings 2and 5, which only differ because in the latter correlation between abilities and predictors ispresent, it is seen that the hit rate suffers only for weak DIF. For strong and medium DIFthe performance is very similar. Together with the results for the MSEs, DIFlasso seems toperform rather well also in the case where the performance of persons is linked to a binarycovariate. Differences in abilities and DIF are well separated.

36 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

Comparison with Methods for Multiple Groups

The method proposed here works for vector-valued predictors but can be compared to ex-isting methods that are limited to the handling of groups. Most of the established methodsfor detection of uniform DIF use just two groups representing, for example, gender. Magiset al. (2010) set up a nice framework and shortly introduce into the existing DIF methods.For the case of one binary covariate they consider the Mantel-Haenszel (MH) method, de-veloped by Mantel and Haenszel (1959) and applied to DIF by Holland and Thayer (1988),the method of logistic regression (Swaminathan and Rogers, 1990) and Lord’s χ2-test (Lord,1980). MH is a χ2-test where the performances of the groups are tested against each otherseparately for all items, conditional on the total test score. For the method of logisticregression, a logit model is fitted using the total test score, the group membership and aninteraction of test score and group membership as covariates. The response is the proba-bility of a person to score on an item. For detection of uniform DIF, the parameter for thegroup membership is tested by a likelihood ratio or a Wald test. Lord’s χ2-test uses thenull-hypothesis that the item parameters are equal within both groups. The parametersare estimated by the maximum likelihood principle separately for the groups, then theyare tested against each other by a χ2-test. The methods can be generalized to the case ofmultiple groups. This has been done by Somes (1986) and Penfield (2001) for MH, Magiset al. (2011) for logistic regression and Kim et al. (1995) for Lord’s χ2 test. In R (R CoreTeam, 2015), these methods are implemented in the package difR (Magis et al., 2013),which is also described in Magis et al. (2010).

Since we are interested in the performance in the case of more complex predictors we givethe results of a simulation study where DIF in more than two groups is investigated. For thecomparison we use the implementation in difR (Magis et al., 2013). In the simulation studythree different settings are considered. The definition of the DIF strengths strong, mediumand weak is equivalent to the previous simulations. Each setting is run 100 times. We useP = 500 persons and I = 20 items. The groups are defined by a factor with q categorieswhich is either q = 5 or q = 6. For the DIFlasso approach, this factor is represented byq − 1 binary dummy variables. For the reference methods, we have the case of a q-groupscomparison. The number of DIF-items is either IDIF = 4 or IDIF = 8.

Table 4.2 shows the results for the selection performance of the single methods. It canbe seen, that DIFlasso is competitive for strong and medium DIF. It achieves even lowerfalse positive rates than the other methods. For weak DIF, however, the true positiverate is smaller than for the competing methods. It selects too few variables resulting inminimal false positive rates but too small true positive rates. The effect is ameliorated ifthe number of groups and the number of DIF items increases. It should also be noted thatin the simple case of binary predictors the MH method and the other procedures designedexplicitly for this case outperform the general method proposed here. Thus for few groups

4.4 The Fitting Procedure At Work 37

Setting DIFlasso Lord Logistic MH

strong true positives 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000P = 500 false positives 0.016 0.020 0.063 0.058

1 I = 20 medium true positives 0.998 1.000 1.000 1.000IDIF = 4 false positives 0.009 0.018 0.059 0.052q = 5 weak true positives 0.410 0.938 0.978 0.970

false positives 0.000 0.018 0.056 0.049

strong true positives 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000P = 500 false positives 0.020 0.113 0.070 0.064

2 I = 20 medium true positives 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000IDIF = 4 false positives 0.013 0.024 0.061 0.063q = 6 weak true positives 0.890 0.985 0.995 0.990

false positives 0.000 0.019 0.056 0.054

strong true positives 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000P = 500 false positives 0.053 0.042 0.118 0.113

3 I = 20 medium true positives 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000IDIF = 8 false positives 0.028 0.028 0.093 0.083q = 5 weak true positives 0.530 0.946 0.980 0.981

false positives 0.001 0.021 0.064 0.062

Table 4.2.: Means of true positives and false positives for the simulations with multiple groups

and in particular for weak DIF the alternative methods are to be preferred. If the predictorstructure is more complex the proposed method works well and allows to investigate theeffect of vector-valued predictors.

Separating the Group Effects from the Abilities

In the following we briefly discuss how real differences in the populations in addition to DIFcould be explicitly incorporated in a model. The main problem is that one has to modelthe effect of a grouping variable or, more general, a covariate on the ability of personsand still have an identifiable model. For categorical covariates, which are considered inthe following, the separation of the group effect from DIF can be obtained by using anANOVA-type representation of the model. But because of nesting the design is not that ofa simple ANOVA model. Let the covariate be a categorical variable or factor like gender.Then one has two groups of persons, males and females. Because individuals have theirown effects, individuals themselves can be seen as a factor. The third factor is determinedby the items. A useful representation of the model treats gender, or, more general, thecategorical covariate as a blocking factor. The individuals are the elements within a block,where it is essential that there is no connection between the individuals in different levels of

38 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

the blocking variable. For the representation, the index p for the individual is replaced bythe index (g, j), where g represents the level of the grouping variable (g = 1, . . . , G) and jthe individuals within blocks (j = 1, . . . , ng). There is no connection between observations(g, j) and (g′, j), g 6= g′, but between observations (g, j) and (g, j′) because the latter arefrom the same level of the blocking variable. For a general treatment of nesting, see, forexample, McCullagh and Nelder (1989).

The Rasch model (without DIF) for individual (g, j) and item i can then be representedby the predictor

ηgji = η0 + αg + δgj − βi

with the usual symmetric side constraints ∑g αg = ∑j δgj = ∑

i βi = 0. In the model theperson parameter θp has been replaced by the parameter η0+αg+δgj, where (g, j) representsperson p. The model contains the constant η0 and three factors, the grouping variable, thepersons, nested within groups, and the items. The parameter αg represents the effect ofthe categorical covariate, which is separated from the effect δgj of person (g, j). The modelwith DIF has the representation

ηgji = η0 + αg + δgj − (βi + γgi)

with the additional side constraints ∑g γgi = ∑i γgi = 0. The additional parameters γgi

represent the interaction between the grouping variable and the items. It should be notedthat the factor item interacts only with the grouping variable, not with the persons. Thismakes the model a very specific ANOVA-type model. Of course, alternative side constraintscan be used. For example,∑i βi = 0 can be replaced by βI = 0, or∑g αg = 0 can be omittedif η0 is fixed by η0 = 0. Here we used symmetric side constraints because they are are mostoften used in ANOVA-type models.

By using the embedding into the ANOVA framework with nesting structure one obtainsan identifiable model that separates the effect of the grouping variable from the persons.It works also for more than one grouping variable by specifying main effects (and possiblyinteraction effects) of the grouping variables and nesting the persons within the blocks.

4.5. Examples

4.5.1. Exam Data

Our first data example deals with the solution of problems in an exam following a course onmultivariate statistics. There were 18 problems to solve and 57 students. In this relativelysmall data set two variables that could induce DIF were available, the binary variables

4.5 Examples 39

level (bachelor student of statistics: 1, master student with a bachelor in an other area: 0)and gender (male: 0, female: 1). Figure 4.6 shows the coefficient build-ups. With BIC asselection criterion no item showed DIF. So we were happy that the results did not indicatethat the exam was preferring specific subgroups.

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0










0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0










Figure 4.6.: Coefficient build-ups for exam data.

In this simple case, in which potential DIF is induced by binary variables, which indicatethe sub populations, one can also use test statistics to examine if DIF is present becauseML estimates exist. The embedding into the framework of generalized linear models allowsto use the likelihood ratio test to test the null hypothesis γ1 = . . . , γI = 0 (for the theorysee, for example, Tutz (2012)). We consider the effects of gender and level separately. Thep-values are 0.28 for gender and 0.38 for level. The result supports that DIF is not present.Alternatively, we used model checks based on conditional estimates as Andersen’s likelihoodratio test (Andersen, 1973a), which is implemented in the R-package eRm, see Mair et al.

40 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

(2012) and Mair and Hatzinger (2007). These tests resulted in p-values of 0.315 for genderand 0.417 for level and also support that DIF is not an issue in this data set.

4.5.2. Knowledge Data

An example that has also been considered by Strobl et al. (2015) uses data from an onlinequiz for testing one’s general knowledge conducted by the weekly German news magazineSPIEGEL. The 45 test questions were from five topics, politics, history, economy, culture,and natural sciences. We use the same sub sample as Strobl et al. (2015) consisting of 1075university students from Bavaria, who had all been assigned a particular set of questions.The covariates that we included as potentially inducing DIF are gender, age, semester ofuniversity enrollment, an indicator for whether the student’s university received elite statusby the German excellence initiative (elite), and the frequency of accessing SPIEGEL’s onlinemagazine (spon).

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0










Figure 4.7.: Coefficient build-ups for covariate gender in Quiz Data; dashed vertical line indicatesBIC-optimal path point

Figure 4.7 shows as an example the coefficient build-ups for the covariate gender. At thepath point that was selected by the BIC criterion (dashed vertical line), 16 of the 45 itemsshowed DIF, which is not surprising because it is not a carefully constructed test thatreally focusses on one latent dimension. In Figure 4.8, the estimated effects of the itemscontaining DIF are visualized. The upper panel shows the profile plots of the parametersfor the included covariates. For each item with DIF one profile is given. The lower panelshows the strengths of the effects in terms of the absolute value of the coefficients. Oneboxplot refers to the absolute values of the 16 parameters for one covariate. It is seenthat the strongest effects are found for the covariate gender, the weakest effects are in the

4.5 Examples 41

variable elite, which measures the status of the university where the student is enrolled. Itshould be noted that the importance of the single covariates for the DIF can be measuredby the absolute values of their coefficients since all covariates were standardized.









gender spon age semester elite


gender spon age semester elite







γ ip

Figure 4.8.: Upper panel: profile plot for coefficient estimates of items with DIF, profiles of thefour items with highest DIF are highlighted; lower panel: boxplots of absolute values of coefficient-estimates for items with DIF

In Figure 4.8 (upper panel) four items are represented by dashed lines. They showed thestrongest DIF in terms of the L2-norm of the estimated parameter vector. All of them referto economics. For illustration, these four items are considered in more detail. They are

• Zetsche: "Who is this?" (a picture of Dieter Zetsche, the CEO of the Daimler AG,maker of Mercedes cars, is shown).

• AOL: "Which internet company took over the media group Time Warner?"

• Organic: "What is the meaning of the hexagonal ’organic’ logo?" (Synthetic pesticidesare prohibited)

• BMW: "Which German company took over the British automobile manufacturersRolls-Royce?"

42 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

The profiles for the items Zetsche, AOL and BMW are quite similar. They are distinctlyeasier for male participants and for frequent visitors of SPIEGELonline. The item Organicshows a quite different shape being definitely easier for females. It is also easier to solve forstudents that are not frequent visitors of SPIEGELonline. The item differs from the otherthree items because it refers more to a broad education than to current issues. Also, femalesmight be more interested in (healthy) food in general. In this respect female students andstudents that do not follow the latest news seem to find the item easier. Therefore thedifferent profile.

In Figure 4.9, the estimates for the covariate-specific parameters in DIF-items are illus-trated using effect stars, see also Appendix A. In effect stars, one star represents the











































Figure 4.9.: Effect stars for the four items with highest DIF

parameters corresponding to one group of parameters. The length of the rays correspondsto the exponentials of the parameters. A circle with radius 1 represents the case of exp(0)and, therefore, the no-effect case. Rays within the circle represent negative parameters,rays beyond the circle represent positive parameters. In our application, all parameterscorresponding to one item are collected in a star. It can be seen that among the presenteditems, the item organic is the only item with a positive gender effect.

4.6. DIFlasso with Variable Selection

The main objective of DIFlasso is to detect items containing DIF by regularization methods.After all, the proposed group-lasso type penalty term does not perform variable selection.For an item diagnosed as DIF item, every coefficient will be unequal zero, i.e. every co-variate will have an effect. However, the results from the general knowledge test fromSubsection 4.5.2 suggest that variable selection could be a desirable tool for our analysis.Clearly, the variables gender, age and spon seem to be important variables for the DIF itemswe found. The covariates semester and elite have rather small estimates for all items and

4.6 DIFlasso with Variable Selection 43

are likely not to induce any DIF. Therefore, an automatic method to select the variablesactually inducing DIF could be useful.

For that purpose, two strategies seem sensible. The first possibility is to replace the group-lasso type penalty term by a simple lasso-type penalty. The respective penalty term canbe denoted as

J(θT,βT,γT1 , . . . ,γ

TI ) =



Every additional (compared to the basic Rasch model) item-specific parameter is penalizedseparately with respect to its absolute value. Therefore, every single of these parameterscan be estimated as zero exactly and be eliminated from the model. If every parametercorresponding to a covariate j is eliminated from the model (γij = 0 for i = 1, . . . , I),covariate j is completely eliminated from the model. In such a case, variable selection isrealized. Yet, this concept is less focused on the issue of detecting DIF items. Every item i

with at least one parameter unequal zero, i.e. γij 6= 0 holds for at least one j, j = 1, . . . ,m,is diagnosed to be a DIF item.

The second possibility to perform variable selection is to extend the regular DIFlassomethod by a post-selection step. The idea is to calculate another regularized model basedon the items selected by DIFlasso. Instead of using the complete model (4.2), the reducedmodel

log(P (Ypi = 1)P (Ypi = 0)


θp − (βi + xTpγi) i ∈ A

θp − βi i /∈ A(4.3)

is used where A denotes the active set of items where DIF was found by DIFlasso. Therefore,item-specific parameters are used for DIF items only. To perform variable selection, weagain use the regularization technique of group lasso. But, instead of grouping by items wegroup by covariates. The penalty term for the post-selection step in DIFlasso is thereforedenoted as

J(θT,βT,γT1 , . . . ,γ


) =m∑j=1‖γ.j‖, (4.4)

where γ.j denotes the vector of item specific parameters for the j-th covariate γ.j =(γ1j, . . . , γIAj). IA denotes the number of items in the active set A and m denotes thenumber of covariates. This penalty term allows for explicit variable selection. Model se-lection is again performed by model selection criteria, we again recommend the BIC. Withdecreasing penalty parameter, the covariate vectors enter the model as a whole. If theBIC-optimal penalty parameter is chosen large enough, some variables will be excludedfrom the model.

44 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

4.7. An Alternative Method

In contrast to most existing methods the proposed procedure allows to include all vari-ables that might lead to DIF and identify the items with DIF. Quite recently Strobl et al.(2015) proposed a new procedure that is also able to investigate the effect of a set of vari-ables. Therefore, it seems warranted to discuss the differences between our method and therecursive partitioning approach advocated by Strobl et al. (2015).

Recursive partitioning is similar to CARTs (Classification and Regression Trees), whichwere propagated by Breiman et al. (1984). For a more recent introduction see Hastieet al. (2009), or from a psychological viewpoint Strobl et al. (2009). The basic conceptof recursive partitioning and tree methods in regression models is to recursively partitionthe covariate space such that the dependent variable is explained best. In the case ofcontinuous predictors partitioning of the covariate space means that one considers splits insingle predictors, that is, a predictor X is split into X ≤ c and X > c where c is a fixedvalue. All values c are evaluated and the best split is retained. If a predictor is categoricalsplits refer to all possible subsets of categories. Recursive partitioning means that one findsthe predictor together with the cut-off value c that explains the dependent variable best.Then given X ≤ c (and the corresponding sub sample) one repeats the procedure searchingfor the best predictor and cut-off value that works best for the sub sample with X ≤ c. Thesame is done for the sub sample with X > c. The procedure of consecutive splitting can bevisualized in a tree. Of course, there are many details to consider, for example, one has todefine what best explanation of the dependent variable means, when to stop the procedureand other issues. For details see Breiman et al. (1984).

In item response models the partitioning refers to the predictors that characterize thepersons. That means when using the person-specific variable X, for example, age, it issplit into X ≤ c and X > c. The Rasch model is fit in these sub populations yieldingdifferent estimates of item parameters. Then one has to decide if the difference betweenitem estimates before splitting and after splitting is systematic or random. If it is systematicthe split is warranted. For the decision Strobl et al. (2015) use structural change tests, whichhave been used in econometrics (see also Zeileis et al. (2008)). Although the basic conceptis the same as in the partitioning in regression models, now a model is fitted and thereforethe method is referred to as model based partitioning. For details see Strobl et al. (2015).

For the knowledge data Strobl et al. (2015) identified gender, spon and age as variables thatinduce DIF. This is in accordance with our results (Figure 4.8), which also identified thesevariables as the relevant ones. By construction the partitioning approach yields areas, inwhich the effect is estimated as constant. The partitioning yielded eight subpopulations, forexample, {female, spon ≤ 1, age ≤ 21} and {male, spon ≤ 2− 3, age ≤ 22}. Within thesesubspaces all items have estimates that are non-zero. Items that have particularly large

4.7 An Alternative Method 45

values are considered as showing DIF. It is not clear what criterion is used to identify theitems that actually show DIF. Strobl et al. (2015) just describe 5 items that seem to havelarge values. Therefore, one can not compare the two approaches in terms of the numberof selected items.

Let us make some remarks on the principles of the recursive partitioning approach to DIFand the penalization method proposed here.

Recursive partitioning can be considered a non-parametric approach as far as the predictorsare concerned. No specific form of the influence of predictors on items is assumed. But, inthe case of continuous variables implicitly a model is fitted that assumes that the effectsare constant over a wide range, that is, over X ≤ c and X > c given the previous splitting.In contrast, our penalization approach assumes a parametric model for DIF. Althoughit can be extended to a model with unspecified functional form, in the present versionit is parametric. An advantage of parametric models is that the essential information iscontained in a modest number of parameters that show which variables are influential forspecific items. A disadvantage of any parametric model is that it can be misspecified. Thepartitioning approach, considered as a more exploratory tool, is less restrictive, althoughassuming a constant value over wide ranges is also a restriction.

An advantage of the parametric model, if it is a fair approximation to the underlyingstructure, is the use of familiar forms of the predictor, namely a linear predictor, which,of course, can include interactions. In contrast, partitioning methods strongly focus oninteractions. Typically in each consecutive layer of the tree a different variable is usedin splitting. The result is smaller and smaller subpopulations which are characterizedas a combination of predictors. The subpopulations {female, spon ≤ 1, age ≤ 21} and{male, spon ≤ 2− 3, age ≤ 22}, found for the knowledge data seem rather specific.

A potential disadvantage of tree based methods is their instability. A small change of datamight result in quite different splits. That is the reason why tree-based methods have beenextended to random trees, which are a combination of several trees on the same data set,see Breiman (2001).

The penalty approach uses an explicit model for DIF, and the model is separated from theestimation procedure. In the partitioning approach the model and the fitting are entwined.For practitioners it is often helpful to have an explicit form of the model that shows howparameters determine the modelled structure. Moreover, in the penalty approach an explicitcriterion is used to determine how many and which items show DIF. The ability to identifythe right items has been evaluated in the previous section.

Of course, none of the models is true. Neither is the effect constant within an interval of ageas assumed in the partitioning approach nor is the effect linear as assumed in the suggestedmodel. But, as attributed to Box, although all models are wrong some can be useful. Since

46 4. A Penalty Approach to Differential Item Functioning in Rasch Models

the models are not nested a goodness-of-fit tests could yield a decision. But goodness-of-fitas a measure for the adequacy of a model is a tricky business in partitioning models as wellas in regularized estimation procedures, in particular in the framework of item responsemodels. Therefore, not much is available in terms of goodness-of-fit, although it might bean interesting topic of future research.

One basic difference seems to be that the penalty approach uses all covariates, with thevariables that are of minor relevance obtaining small estimates, but selects items. Thepartitioning approach selects variables, or, more concisely combinations of covariates, butthen estimates all items as having an effect, that is, estimates are unequal zero. Thuspenalty approaches focus on the selection of items, partitioning methods on the selectionof combinations of covariates.

4.8. Concluding Remarks

A general model for DIF that is induced by a set of variables is proposed and estimationprocedures are given. It is shown that the method is well able to identify items with DIF.The concept is general, with modifications it can be extended to models that include itemswith more than two categories as, for example, the graded response model (Samejima, 1997)or the partial credit model (Masters, 1982). Also the assumption that items are modified inthe linear form xT

pγi can be relaxed to allow for additive functions f1(xp1) + · · ·+ fm(xpm)by using, for example, P-spline methodology (Eilers and Marx, 1996).

The estimation used here is penalized unconditional ML estimation. Alternative regularizedestimators could be investigated, for example, estimators based on mixed models methodol-ogy. Also the regularization technique can be modified by using boosting techniques insteadof penalization.

The method is implemented in the R package DIFlasso (Schauberger, 2014a) and is avail-able from CRAN. It uses the the coordinate ascent algorithm proposed in Meier et al. (2008)and the corresponding R package grplasso (Meier, 2009).

5. Detection of Differential ItemFunctioning in Rasch Models byBoosting Techniques

5.1. Introduction

In the beginnings of item response theory (IRT) the focus was on the Rasch model (Rasch,1960) and its extensions to the 2PL and 3PL model by Birnbaum (1968). The Rasch modelassumes that every person has a fixed latent ability and every item has a fixed difficulty.The difference between ability and difficulty determines the probability that a person solvesan item. The extensions from Birnbaum (1968) attenuated this assumption by introducingtwo additional item parameters, for discrimination and guessing. Since then, item responsetheory has been a topic of intensive research and has been extended in various ways.

A well-known problem in item response models is that the probability to score on an itemmight vary over persons with the same latent ability. This may be caused by certaincharacteristics of the persons like gender, age, or race or by other unknown (latent) classeswithin the tested population. The phenomenon is known under the name Differential ItemFunctioning (DIF). If an item is detected to have DIF one option is to remove the itembecause it does not provide a fair measurement of the respective trait.

There is a wide range of literature on DIF in general, see, for example, Holland and Wainer(2012) and Millsap and Everson (1993). A very popular choice to detect DIF is the Mantel-Haenszel (MH) method. It is based on a test statistic proposed by Mantel and Haenszel(1959) and was used to detect DIF in item response theory by Holland and Thayer (1988).Various other methods to identify items which induce DIF have been proposed, for example,Swaminathan and Rogers (1990) and Lord (1980). Magis et al. (2010) set up a frameworkfor the existing DIF methods and gave an excellent overview on currently available methodsalong with a software implementation (Magis et al., 2013).

This chapter is a modified version of Schauberger and Tutz (2015b), previous work on the issue can befound in the conference paper Schauberger and Tutz (2014). See Chapter 1 for more information on thepersonal contributions of all authors and textual matches.

48 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

The essential drawback of the MH method and most of the other existing methods is thatthey are limited to identify DIF between two subgroups, e.g., for male and female par-ticipants. Some methods for multiple subgroups have been developed, see Somes (1986),Penfield (2001), Magis et al. (2011) and Kim et al. (1995). Gonçalves et al. (2013) setup a quite general Bayesian multifactor model for the detection of DIF in the 3PL model(Birnbaum, 1968). But methods that are able to handle DIF induced by continuous covari-ates or by a whole vector of covariates at the same time are scarce. Recently, Strobl et al.(2015) proposed to use tree methodology whereas Magis et al. (2015) used penalizationtechniques. The proposed method is strongly related to the approach proposed in Chapter4 using regularization techniques.

In this Chapter, a new and efficient method is proposed for the detection of DIF in Raschmodels that can deal with several (continuous and categorical) covariates and also interac-tions between the covariates simultaneously. The method is based on boosting techniqueswhich have been developed more recently in the machine learning community (Freund et al.,1996) and in statistics (Bühlmann and Hothorn, 2007a), but their potential has not yet beenexploited to uncover structures in item response models.

In Section 5.2, a DIF model is given in which DIF is explicitly represented by parameters.Section 5.3 introduces the idea of boosting in general, whereas Section 5.4 describes indetail the proposed estimation algorithm. Sections 5.5 and 5.6 illustrate the method byapplications to both simulated and real data sets and compare it to existing approaches.

5.2. Differential Item Functioning Model

In the binary Rasch model the probability for a person to score on an item is determinedby a parameter for the latent ability of the person and a parameter for the item difficulty.In the case of P persons and I items, the Rasch model is given by

P (Ypi = 1) = exp(θp − βi)1 + exp(θp − βi)

p = 1, . . . , P , i = 1, . . . , I, (5.1)

where Ypi represents the response of person p on item i. It is coded by Ypi = 1 if person psolves item i and Ypi = 0 otherwise. Both the person parameters, θp, p = 1, . . . , P , and theitem parameters, βi, i = 1, . . . , I, are unknown and have to be estimated. Alternatively,model (5.1) can be given in the form

log(P (Ypi = 1)P (Ypi = 0)

)= θp − βi, (5.2)

5.2 Differential Item Functioning Model 49

where the left hand side specifies the so-called log-odds or logits. As model (5.2) is notidentifiable in this general form, a restriction on the parameters is needed. A commonchoice, that is also used in the following, is θP = 0. Alternatively, also one item parameteror the sum of all item parameters could be restricted to zero.

In item response models, DIF appears if an item has different difficulties depending oncharacteristics of the person which tries to solve the item. Therefore, DIF changes the itemdifficulty depending on covariates of the participants. This concept can be formalized by

log(P (Ypi = 1)P (Ypi = 0)

)= θp − (βi + xT

pγi), (5.3)

where xTp = (xp1, . . . , xpm) denotes a person-specific covariate vector of length m and,

again, the restriction θP = 0 is used. This general Differential Item Functioning Model(DIF model) is an extension of the Rasch model (5.2) allowing for person-specific itemdifficulties βi + xT

pγi. The item-specific parameters γTi = (γi1, . . . , γim) determine how the

covariates xp1, . . . , xpm influence the difficulty of item i for person p. The original Raschmodel corresponds to the special case where γi = 0 for all items. The general model (5.3)was proposed in Chapter 4, a special case of the model was considered by Paek and Wilson(2011). However, estimation methods were quite different from the approach suggestedhere.

The main problem with the general DIF model is thatm·I additional parameters (comparedto the Rasch model) have to be estimated. Since each item has its own parameter percovariate, the number of parameters in the model can be huge. As the full DIF modelis not identifiable, Maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is no option in this case. Onepossibility to overcome this problem are penalization methods where a penalized likelihoodis maximized. For example, the ridge estimator (Hoerl and Kennard, 1970) or the lassoestimator (Tibshirani, 1996) can still be calculated when regular ML estimation fails. InChapter 4 penalization methods of this type were used. Here we propose a quite differentmethod, namely boosting. Boosting is an algorithmic procedure with origins in machinelearning, see, for example, Freund and Schapire (1997).

Boosting as a method of statistical learning was developed by Friedman et al. (2000) andextended, for example, by Bühlmann and Yu (2003), Tutz and Binder (2006), Bühlmann(2006) and Bühlmann and Hothorn (2007a). Boosting in basic regression methods is avail-able for the statistical software R (R Core Team, 2015), which will be used for all followingcalculations. It is, for example, implemented in the add-on package mboost, see Hothornet al. (2013), which is also used for our computations.

One strength of boosting is, that it is able to select relevant terms in the predictor even invery high dimensional settings. This establishes the link to DIF in item response models.

50 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

The general assumption for our model is that only some of the items show DIF and only forthese items item-specific parameters γi have to be estimated. Therefore, detection of DIFmeans selection of variables, or, in parametric models, selection of parameters that shouldbe included in the model and, therefore, have estimates unequal zero. If a whole vectorγi is set to zero, the difficulty of item i does not depend on the covariates and no DIF ispresent.

Generally, in the following all covariates are assumed to be standardized. This has theadvantage that the covariates have the same scale and, therefore, can be compared di-rectly. Especially, estimates for the item-specific covariates γip can be compared directlyand represent the size of the respective DIF effect.

5.3. Basic Boosting Procedures

Before developing boosting procedures for DIF models, in this section we briefly considerthe basic concept of boosting and the choice of tuning parameters. The adaptation to DIFmodels will be considered in the consecutive sections. We start with the linear model, whereboosting is much easier to conceptualize, and then proceed to boosting for generalized linearmodel (GLM).

Let us first consider a linear regression model

yi = β0 +p∑j=1

xijβj + εi, i = 1, . . . , n,

for p covariates. If p is very large and it is suspected that not all covariates are influential,maximum likelihood estimation is a bad choice because of its instability in high-dimensionalsettings. In contrast, boosting is able to fit additive structures even in high-dimensionalsettings by successively fitting only parts of the model.

A basic ingredient of boosting is the specification of the so-called base learners f(·). Thebase learners specify the structure that is fitted within one step of the procedure. Sincewe want to fit a linear model, the base learners are the ordinary least squares (OLS)estimators

f(x) = βsxs

for single covariates s = 1, . . . , p. That means within one step only one covariate is used.Although all the updates of all covariates are evaluated, in each boosting step a specificcovariate s∗ is selected that yields the greatest reduction of the residual sum of squaresgiven the previous estimate. Let η(l−1) represent the current linear predictor (the currentmodel fit) from the previous boosting step l − 1, then the residual of the ith observation

5.3 Basic Boosting Procedures 51

is ui = yi − η(l−1). In the lth step one fits a linear model for only one covariate on thedata (ui, xis), i = 1, . . . , n, and then selects the best predictor, which is used to update thelinear predictor. Thus boosting is a stepwise procedure, which iteratively improves the fitby fitting a model to the current residuals. Tukey (1977) proposed the so-called "twicing",which means, after fitting a model one fits it again on the residuals. Boosting means notonly two but many iterative fits. The following algorithm can be seen as the basic boostingprocedure for linear models.

L2 Boost in Linear Models

Step 1 (Initialization)Given data {yi,xi}, fit the base procedure to yield the function estimate η(0)(xi).Typically one fits an intercept model obtaining η(0)(xi) = β0 .

Step 2 (Iteration: Fitting of base learners and selection)For l = 1, 2, 3, . . . , compute the residuals ui = yi− η(l−1)(xi) and fit the base learnersto the current data {ui,xi}.

(a) One fits by minimizing least squares, that is, for fixed j one minimizes


(ui − βjxij)2,

obtaining βj. (b) Selection means that one determines s∗ such that

s∗ = arg minj


(ui − βjxij)2.

(c) The improved fit is obtained by the update

η(l)(xi) = η(l−1)(xi) + νβs∗xis∗ .

Step 3 (Stop)Iterate Step 2 until l = lstop is reached.

In step 2, the linear predictor is updated by η(l)(xi) = η(l−1)(xi) + νβs∗xis∗ , which servesto compute the residuals in the following boosting step. It should be noted that the linearstructure is maintained and only one component of the linear predictor is updated. Letη(l−1)(xi) have the linear form

∑pj=1 β

(l−1)j xij, then the addition of νβs∗xis∗ changes only the

weight on the variable s∗. The parameter ν, 0 < ν ≤ 1, is used as a shrinkage parameter.

52 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

This shrinkage parameter makes the base learners "weak" and, therefore, prevents overfit-ting because only small steps towards the optimal solution are made. For this purpose, νhas to be chosen sufficiently small, ν = 0.1 is a common choice. The procedure correspondsto a stepwise fitting of the linear model. In every step, one of the coefficients is updatedby a rather small amount. The weakness of the learner is important because only then thefit is efficient (Bühlmann and Yu (2003) and Bühlmann (2006)). The smaller ν is chosen,the weaker the learner gets but the more boosting steps are required. If one does not stop,boosting is a complicated way of obtaining the maximum likelihood estimate. The selectioneffect is obtained by stopping the procedure before it converges. Then, only the variablesthat obtained non-zero weights are included in the model and one obtains a regularized es-timate. Bühlmann (2006) showed that the procedure is consistent for underlying regressionfunctions that are sparse in terms of the L1-norm.

Boosting can also be seen as a stepwise optimization of a specific loss function. For thelinear regression model, the optimized loss function is the L2 loss between the response andthe linear predictor. In this context, boosting can be seen as a gradient descent methodand sometimes is called gradient boosting. For the (slightly modified) L2 loss function

L(y, η) = 12(y − η)2,

the gradient is given by the residuals

∂L(y, η)∂η

= y − η.

Therefore, instead of stepwise fitting of the residuals boosting can be seen as repeatedfitting of the response with a so called offset , which is a known constant. In our case it isgiven by the estimate of the previous step η(l−1)(xi). The least squares estimate uses thecriterion


(ui − βjxij)2 =n∑i=1

(yi − (η(l−1)(xi) + βjxij))2. In the latter form it is seen thatone minimizes the least squares criterion for the original data yi, but including the knownconstant η(l−1)(xi) in the fit.

The iterative fitting with an offset offers a way to obtain boosting estimates also forgeneralized linear models (GLM). A GLM is in particular determined by the structureµi = E(yi|xi) = h(ηi), where h() is a known response function and the linear predictor hasthe form ηi = ∑p

j=1 βjxij. One difference between the L2 boost and a generalized linearmodel boosting is that in the boosting step one cannot fit a GLM to the residuals because,for example, with binary data, residuals are not from {0, 1}. The role of the residuals istaken by the offset.

Typically, the boosting algorithm is repeated for a large predefined number of steps lstop.After the end of the algorithm, an appropriate criterion is used to determine the optimal

5.4 Boosting in Differential Item Functioning 53

number of steps lopt. This can either be done by information criteria like AIC or BIC orby the method of cross validation. For the example of the linear model, this correspondsto a model selection between lstop possible models. The first model simply represents anull model where no covariates are included. With every boosting step, a new covariate isadded or (if the respective covariate has been selected before) the parameter of a covariateis updated. As the base learners are asssumed to be “weak”, successive models only differslightly from each other. This makes it more likely for the optimal model to be found.Implicitly, this model selection corresponds to variable selection. Typically, in the finallychosen model lopt, not all of the possible predictors have been chosen and, therefore, areexcluded from the final model. Thus, lopt is the most important regularization parameterfor the boosting algorithm. A quite different approach to bypass the problem of overfittingis stability selection, which is described in detail in a following section and which will beapplied to our DIFboost algorithm.

5.4. Boosting in Differential Item Functioning

5.4.1. The DIF Model as a Generalized Linear Model

The Rasch model and also the more general DIF model (5.3) can be embedded into theframework of generalized linear models (GLM).

Let the data be given by (Ypi,xp), p = 1, . . . , P, i = 1, . . . , I. For simplicity, we use thenotation 1T

P (p) = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) and 1TI(i) = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0), where 1P (p) and 1I(i)

have lengths P −1 and I and have the value 1 at positions p and i, respectively. Therefore,the vectors are constructed in a way that they can be seen as dummy variables for thecorresponding persons and items, respectively. Then, model (5.3) can be represented as

log(P (Ypi = 1)P (Ypi = 0)

)= θp − βi − xT


= 1TP (p)θ − 1T

I(i)β − xTpγi = zT

piα. (5.4)

Here, αT = (θT,βT,γT1 , . . . ,γ

TI ) denotes the complete parameter vector containing θT =

(θ1, . . . , θP−1) and βT = (β1, . . . , βI). The design vector for the person p and the itemi is denoted by zT

pi = (1TP (p),−1T

I(i), 0, . . . , 0,−xTp , 0, . . . , 0). In zpi, the position of the

component −xp corresponds to the parameter γi in α.

In general, model (5.4) represents the structural component of a GLM for binary responsewith logit link. GLMs are extensively investigated in McCullagh and Nelder (1989), intro-ductions with the focus on categorical data are found in Agresti (2002) and Tutz (2012).

54 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

Of course, also the regular Rasch model can be represented in the GLM framework by

log(P (Ypi = 1)P (Ypi = 0)

)= θp − βi = 1T

P (p)θ − 1TI(i)β, (5.5)

where the design vector and the parameter vector reduce to (1P (p),−1I(i)) and (θT,βT),respectively.

5.4.2. The DIFboost Algorithm

The objective of our approach is to detect DIF by boosting the logistic DIF model (5.3).Because selection refers to DIF-effects only, it is sensible to start the boosting selectionprocedure after the basic Rasch model has been fitted. The initial step is to fit the regularRasch model (5.5). The result from this step are parameter estimates for the person param-eters and the item parameters. The model fit from this first step is used as starting pointfor the further steps where boosting techniques are used to select potential DIF-effects. Asimilar approach was used by Boulesteix and Hothorn (2010) in a quite different context.In the following, our algorithm is described in detail.

The starting point for the algorithm is to fit a regular Rasch model to our data. Thisis done by embedding the Rasch model into the logistic regression model (5.5). It can beestimated by standard software as, for example, the function glm for the statistical softwareR (R Core Team, 2015). Then, one obtains estimates θT = (θ1, . . . , θP−1) for the personparameters and βT = (β1, . . . , βI) for the item difficulties. For a single observation, a linearpredictor ηpi = θp − βi can be calculated which can be used to predict the probability ofperson p to score on item i to be P (Ypi = 1) = exp(ηpi)

1+exp(ηpi) . The linear predictors from theRasch model for all person-item combinations are collected in ηRM = (η11, η12, . . . , ηIP) andare passed on to the further steps of the algorithm.

For the boosting steps, the Rasch model (5.2) is extended to the more general DIF model(5.3). The parameters of the DIF model determine the base learners that are used. Inour case, the model consists of three components, namely the person parameters, the itemparameters and the item-specific covariate parameters. Therefore, each of these componentsserves as a possible base learner:

η(xp, p, i) =

θp, p = 1, . . . , P − 1βi, i = 1, . . . , IxTp γi, i = 1, . . . , I


5.4 Boosting in Differential Item Functioning 55

It is noteworthy that all base learners are linear. Nevertheless, they refer to different typesof components that contain differing numbers of parameters (e.g. γi vs. βi). In cases likethis, it is essential to ensure that all base learners share the same complexity so that thechances to be chosen are balanced. The complexity of base learners is determined by theirdegrees of freedom, which can be adapted by using internal penalty terms. In the caseof linear base learners typically ridge penalties are used. Therefore, all the base learnerspresented above are restricted to have one degree of freedom by applying a ridge penaltywhen fitting the model. For more details on the complexity of base learners, see Hofneret al. (2011).

In every boosting step, only one of the base learner is updated, namely the one which yieldsthe strongest reduction of an adequate loss function. The loss function that is used,

L(Ypi, πpi) = −(Ypi log(πpi) + (1− Ypi) log(1− πpi)), (5.7)

is the negative log-likelihood of a logit model with binary response. For boosting step l,this can be denoted by

η∗(xp, p, i) = argminθp,βi,xTγi


L(Ypi, πpi)

where the fitted probability πpi is calculated by fitting the model

πpi = exp(η(l))exp(1 + exp(η(l))) with predictor η(l) = η(l−1) + η(xp, p, i),

separately for every base learner from (5.6).

The estimates for the single candidates of the base learner are obtained by fitting logitmodels where the linear predictor from the current model fit is used as known offset andthe respective base learner is the only predictor. Therefore, based on the current modelfit, in every step only the base learner with the highest gain of information is updated. Anadditional parameter ν, 0 < ν < 1, regulates the step size of the parameter updates. It ischosen sufficiently small (typically ν = 0.1) and only allows for small changes in every step.The parameter ν makes the base learners “weak” and is used to prevent quick overfitting.This procedure is repeated for a predefined number of steps lstop.

For the first boosting step, the offset is chosen to be the linear predictor ηRM from the Raschmodel, η(0) = ηRM. This provides two advantages: First, the person parameters θ and itemparameters β are, in contrast to the item-specific covariate parameters γi, essential for theinterpretability of model (5.3). Therefore, it is sensible to prevent those parameters frombeing excluded from the model. From this point of view, the offset provides starting valuesfor the person and item parameters. Second, the object of our approach is to detect theimprovement of the model fit by extending the Rasch model to the DIF model. Therefore,

56 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

we start from the model fit of the regular Rasch model. The boosting steps (possibly) addthe information from the covariates. At some point during the boosting procedure, it canbecome necessary to adapt the person or the item parameters. Consequently, they can alsobe chosen as base learners within the boosting algorithm.

Typically, the model fitted after lstop steps is overfitted and, therefore, not desirable. Twodifferent strategies exist to finally identify the optimal model. One possibility is earlystopping. Here, an optimal boosting step lopt has to be found, either by an informationcriterion or by cross-validation. By early stopping, the boosting algorithm has the desirableeffect of variable selection. The final model will only contain some of the possible parametersfrom model (5.3), namely the ones that have at least once been found to be the best baselearner before the optimal step lopt. The second option is stability selection, which willbe discussed in detail later. For our analysis, we tried both early stopping using the BICcriterion and stability selection with similar results. As stability selection provided slightlymore stable results, the option of early stopping is omitted for the rest of the chapter.

DIFboost algorithm

In the following, the outlined DIFboost algorithm is shortly sketched:


Step 1 (Initialization)

- Fit (5.5) for given scores Ypi and initialize the offset η(0) = ηRM .

- Initialize θp = 0, p = 1, . . . , P − 1, βi = 0 and γi = 0, i = 1, . . . , I

- Set l = 0

Step 2 (Iteration)

- l→ l + 1

- Fit a logit model for every possible base learner where η(l−1) is used as offset

- Select the best base learner η∗(xp, p, i)

- Update the linear predictor by

η(l) = η(l−1) + νη∗(xp, p, i)

Step 3 (Stop)

5.4 Boosting in Differential Item Functioning 57

Iterate Step 2 until l = lstop is reached.

5.4.3. Illustrating Example

For illustration, first a single simulated data set will be considered. The data set is randomlydrawn from Setting 2 (medium) of the simulation study in Section 5.5.2. We have P = 500persons, I = 20 items (4 items with DIF, 16 without DIF) and m = 5 covariates, lstop = 500boosting steps are performed.

Figure 5.1 shows the coefficient paths along the boosting steps from l = 0 to l = lstop =500.

0 100 200 300 400 500









lopt = 276

Figure 5.1.: Boosting paths of item-specific parameters γir for exemplary data set; solid pathsrepresent DIF items, dashed paths represent non-DIF items; dashed vertical line represents theo-retically optimal boosting step lopt

The solid black lines represent the paths of the four DIF items, the DIF-free items arerepresented by dashed gray lines. Every item is represented by five paths because m = 5covariates are used to find DIF. This makes the plot hard to digest as it is hard to distinguishbetween the different items. Figure 5.2 reduces the plot to one path per item. Here, a pathrepresents the Euclidean norm of the item-specific parameter vectors γi of the correspondingitem i. This plot is much clearer and easier to interpret than Figure 5.1 although someinformation is suppressed. The DIF items (black solid lines) can clearly be separated fromthe other items (dashed gray lines) because they are updated much earlier in the boostingalgorithm and, therefore, seem to be much more informative for the response. The dashed

58 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

0 100 200 300 400 500










lopt = 276

Figure 5.2.: Boosting paths of Euclidian norms of item-specific parameter vectors γi for exemplarydata set; solid paths represent DIF items, dashed paths represent non-DIF items; dashed verticalline represents theoretically optimal boosting step lopt

vertical line represents the theoretically optimal model where all DIF items are in the modeland all DIF-free items are excluded.

5.4.4. Stability Selection

Choosing the optimal number of boosting steps via the BIC (or any other informationcriterion) has some drawbacks and may, therefore, not always be the best choice. Onedrawback is that the variable selection implied by the BIC can be unstable. Variables (ormore precisely base learners) only have to be chosen in one single boosting step to be partof the final model. Therefore, it may happen that some items are diagnosed to have DIFalthough they have minimal coefficient estimates. This could lead to an increased falsepositive rate. Another drawback is that information criteria such as the BIC or the AICuse the degrees of freedom. Bühlmann and Hothorn (2007a) or Hofner et al. (2011). Forexample, the degrees of freedom can be determined using the hat matrix of the boostingalgorithm, as proposed by Bühlmann and Hothorn (2007a) and Hofner et al. (2011). Yet,this is very time-consuming and also led to controversial methodological discussions, seeHastie (2007) and Bühlmann and Hothorn (2007b).

These drawbacks can be avoided by the concept of stability selection which was developedby Meinshausen and Bühlmann (2010). It is a very general approach which can be appliedto a broad range of methods that include variable selection. It is based on the common

5.4 Boosting in Differential Item Functioning 59

idea of model/variable selection by subsampling. This can be computationally beneficialbecause it allows for parallelized computations. Furthermore, it addresses the problem ofunstable variable selection by pooling over many subsamples.

For the DIF model (5.3), stability selection can be obtained in the following way: For apredefined number of replications B,


⌋persons are drawn randomly from the original

data set. The data set for one replication consists only of the observations in this subsampleof persons. For each of the subsamples, the boosting algorithm is executed until lstop. Then,one counts how often a specific base learner was selected at each specific step l = 0, . . . , lstop.This gives the probabilities Πl

i (or rather the relative frequencies over the B replications)of the base learner i to be in the model at a specific boosting step l. The probabilities areillustrated by so-called stability paths along the boosting steps as displayed in Figure 5.3.Finally, all base learners are selected with stability paths beyond a certain threshold value.These base learners represent the most frequent elements within the selected active set and,therefore, have to be considered as influential. In our application, we want to know whichitems have DIF and, therefore, we are only interested in the stability paths for γi for allitems.

Stability selection is mainly determined by two parameters. The first parameter is q,which denotes how many distinct base learners are taken into the model when boosting thesubsamples. As soon as q base learners have been selected, the procedure is stopped for therespective subsample. If less than q base learners are selected at l = lstop, lstop has to beincreased. In the following, we choose 60% as a reasonable upper bound of the percentageof DIF-Items within a test and, therefore, q = 0.6 ·I. The second parameter is the thresholdvalue for the selection probabilities of the single base learners which is denoted by π0. It isused to finally determine the set Sstable of stable base learners. This set is defined by

Sstable ={i : max



)≥ π0


According to Meinshausen and Bühlmann (2010), the threshold value should be chosenwithin a range of π0 ∈ (0.6, 0.9), also depending on the choice of q and the desired sparsenessof the final model.

Although two parameters have to be determined in advance, stability selection proved tobe very stable. Especially the choice of q turned out not to be crucial as long as it ischosen in a reasonable range. The main tuning parameter of the procedure is the thresholdparameter π0. In our analysis, π0 = 0.9 turned out to be a good choice. The thresholdparameter π0 is comparable to the level of significance in test-based procedures. In thesimulation studies presented in the following section, π0 = 0.9 caused false positive ratesof about 5% if no DIF was present which is a popular choice for the level of significance intest-based procedures.

60 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

We use stability selection as a method of variable selection, but it does not provide param-eter estimates. Estimates for the identified DIF effects are obtained by fitting a final DIFmodel for the selected items by maximum likelihood estimation. For illustration, Figure5.3 shows the stability paths for the simulated data set from subsection 5.4.3 where fourout of 20 items have DIF. We used q = 0.6 · I = 12 and B = 500 subsamples. The stabilitypaths for the 4 DIF items are drawn with solid lines. They can clearly be separated fromthe stability paths of the DIF-free items which are drawn with dashed lines. The thresholdvalue π0 = 0.9 is depicted by a dashed horizontal line. With the given threshold value, allDIF items are identified, all DIF-free items are not selected.

0 100 200 300 400 500








Figure 5.3.: Stability paths for exemplary data set; solid paths represent DIF items, dashed pathsrepresent non-DIF items; dashed horizontal line represents threshold values π0 = 0.9

5.4.5. Identifiability

Without any further constraints, the DIF-Model (5.3) is not identifiable. If person p triesto solve item i, let the linear predictor be denoted by ηpi = θp − βi − xT

pγi. We set θP = 0,which is a common constraint to obtain identifiability in simple Rasch models. However,in the DIF model a fixed vector c allows to reparameterize the linear predictor to obtain

ηpi = θp − βi − xTpγi = θp − xT

pc︸ ︷︷ ︸θp

−βi − xTp (γi − c)︸ ︷︷ ︸



Thus, the parameter sets {θp, βi,γi} and {θp, βi, γi} describe the identical model. Thisidentification problem could be solved by restricting at least one item (the so-called reference

5.5 Simulation Study 61

item R) to have parameters γR = 0. But, by definition this item can not have DIF and,therefore, would have to be chosen carefully. In particular, the choice of the reference item(or the corresponding c) determines how many items show DIF (see also Chapter 4). Asensible strategy is to select the constraints in a way that only few items show DIF. In thisrespect the boosting approach offers a natural solution. The starting point of the algorithmis the Rasch model and, therefore, the best model fit if no DIF is permitted. Step by step,the DIF parameters are updated. During the boosting algorithm, every item which has notyet been chosen as a DIF item can be used as reference item. Therefore, the models areidentifiable as long as at least one item is left out. In practice, one of the left-out items ischosen to be the reference item R and for reasons of simplicity, we then use the additionalrestriction βR = 0 instead of θP = 0.

5.5. Simulation Study

A simulation study is performed to illustrate the performance of the method in terms ofidentification of DIF items. First, the method is compared to established methods of DIFdetection. This is done by simulation settings with only one binary or multi-categoricalcovariate which can also be handled by existing methods. The second part of the simulationwill deal with settings with several (both continuous an categorical) covariates. Thesesettings can not be compared directly to established methods and are compared to therecently published approach of DIFlasso from Chapter 4.

5.5.1. Comparison to Established Methods


Typically, in publications DIF is considered only for two groups, namely reference group andfocal group. The standard method for this purpose is the Mantel-Haenszel (MH) methodproposed by Holland and Thayer (1988). The methods consists in computing a χ2-test thatcompares the performances of the groups separately for all items, conditional on the totaltest score.

Alternative methods are, among others, Lord’s χ2-test (Lord, 1980) and the logistic re-gression method (Swaminathan and Rogers, 1990). In Lord’s χ2-test, for each group the

62 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

parameters are estimated separately. Afterwards, a χ2-test is used that tests the null hy-pothesis of equal item parameters for both groups. The logistic regression method for thedetection of uniform DIF uses the model

log(P (Ypi = 1)P (Ypi = 0)

)= β0 + β1sp + β2xp (5.8)

for every item i, where sp is the total test score of person p and xp encodes the groupmembership. A test on uniform DIF is performed by a likelihood ratio test (α = 0.05) onthe null hypothesis H0 : β2 = 0. Model (5.8) can be extended by including a parameterfor the interaction between the total test score and the group membership. This parametercould be used to test for non-uniform DIF. After all, as the focus of this chapter is onuniform DIF, this extension will not be considered here.

For the more general case of multi-group comparisons, the presented methods have beenextended by Somes (1986) and Penfield (2001) for MH, Kim et al. (1995) for Lord’s χ2 test,and Magis et al. (2011) for logistic regression.

All results from the present chapter, including this simulation study, have been conductedby the statistical software R (R Core Team, 2015). The three reference methods for thesimulation study are implemented in the add-on package difR, see Magis et al. (2010) andMagis et al. (2013). The level of significance was chosen to be α = 0.05 for all performedtests.


The simulation study encompasses five different settings. Each setting is performed fordifferent strengths of DIF, where the strength is measured by




√√√√ m∑j=1


,and IDIF encodes the number of DIF-items. The term


γ2ij represents the variance of the

item difficulties βi+xTpγi for standardized covariates, where m again encodes the number of

covariates. Therefore, the DIF strength in the simulations is measured as the mean of thevariance of the item difficulties while accounting for the number of covariates. For detailson measuring the DIF strength, see Chapter 4. The DIF strength in the simulation variesbetween 0.3 (very strong), 0.15 (strong), 0.1125 (medium) and 0.075 (weak).

For each setting, P = 500 persons and I = 20 items were generated, abilities θ anddifficulties β were drawn from standard normal distributions. The number of groups and

5.5 Simulation Study 63

the number of DIF items are varied. In the following, we present the five used settingsand the used parameters for ‘strong‘ DIF, for a different DIF strength the parameters aresimply multiplied by a suited factor.

Setting 1 IDIF = 4 DIF items, k = 2 groups, γ1 = 0.15, γ2 = −0.15, γ3 = 0.1, γ4 =−0.2, γ5, . . . , γ20 = 0

Setting 2 IDIF = 8 DIF items, k = 2 groups, γ1 = γ5 = 0.15, γ2 = γ6 = −0.15, γ3 = γ7 =0.1, γ4 = γ8 = −0.2, γ9, . . . , γ20 = 0

Setting 3 same as Setting 1, but the abilities are highly correlated with the groupmembership: θi|xi = 0 ∼ N(0, 1), θi|xi = 1 ∼ N(1, 1)

Setting 4 IDIF = 4 DIF items, k = 5 groups, γ1 = (0.4, 0, 0.3,−0.3), γ2 =(0.5, 0.4,−0.2, 0),γ3 = (0,−0.2, 0.4, 0.3), γ4 = (−0.2, 0.4, 0, 0.4), γ5 = . . . = γ20 = (0, 0, 0, 0)

Setting 5 IDIF = 8 DIF items, k = 5 groups, γ1 = γ5 = (0.4, 0, 0.3,−0.3), γ2 = γ6 =(0.5, 0.4,−0.2, 0), γ3 = γ7 = (0,−0.2, 0.4, 0.3), γ4 = γ8 = (−0.2, 0.4, 0, 0.4),γ9 = . . . = γ20 = (0, 0, 0, 0)

In addition, the general settings 1,3, and 4 were run under the assumption that no DIF ispresent (IDIF = 0). The only difference between the corresponding settings 1 and 3 is thatin setting 3 the abilities correlate with the group membership.


For every setting, 100 replications were performed. Table 5.1 shows the results for DIFboost(q = 12 and π0 = 0.9) and the three reference methods in terms of true positive rate (TPR)and false positive rate (FPR). The true positive rate is determined by the rate of correctlyidentified DIF items. Therefore, higher values represent better performance. The falsepositive rate represents the rate of DIF-free items which have been assigned to be DIFitems by mistake. Higher values represent worse performance.

For weak or medium DIF in settings 1-3, DIFboost outperforms MH and Lord in terms ofTPR with similar FPR. Logistic regression shows both higher TPR and FPR. For strongand very strong DIF, DIFboost shows lower FPR than the competitors. In the multi-groupsettings 4-5, DIFboost again shows very low FPR but also partly lower TPR. All in all, allmethods show rather similar results, DIFboost compares well to the competitors. This alsoholds for the settings where no DIF is present. Again, Lord shows the lowest FPR and byfar does not reach the intended α-level of 5%.

64 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

Setting DIFboost MH Lord Logistic

very strong TPR 0.725 0.765 0.733 0.810FPR 0.030 0.037 0.025 0.049

P = 500 strong TPR 0.305 0.292 0.260 0.343

1 I = 20 FPR 0.041 0.034 0.026 0.048IDIF = 4 medium TPR 0.190 0.168 0.147 0.203k = 2 FPR 0.041 0.034 0.026 0.046

weak TPR 0.117 0.087 0.085 0.140FPR 0.041 0.037 0.026 0.048

IDIF = 0 no DIF FPR 0.041 0.037 0.024 0.445

very strong TPR 0.705 0.782 0.757 0.823FPR 0.019 0.044 0.033 0.051

P = 500 strong TPR 0.281 0.300 0.258 0.347

2 I = 20 FPR 0.029 0.034 0.026 0.047IDIF = 8 medium TPR 0.198 0.179 0.161 0.217k = 2 FPR 0.036 0.035 0.027 0.045

weak TPR 0.114 0.095 0.080 0.133FPR 0.040 0.037 0.024 0.042

very strong TPR 0.677 0.685 0.692 0.735FPR 0.034 0.044 0.031 0.062

P = 500 strong TPR 0.212 0.195 0.185 0.258

3∗ I = 20 FPR 0.045 0.041 0.031 0.059IDIF = 4 medium TPR 0.150 0.128 0.120 0.170k = 2 FPR 0.048 0.040 0.031 0.059

weak TPR 0.075 0.082 0.065 0.100FPR 0.051 0.043 0.029 0.059

IDIF = 0 no DIF FPR 0.048 0.041 0.029 0.056

strong TPR 0.990 1.000 0.993 1.000P = 500 FPR 0.027 0.049 0.017 0.058

4 I = 20 medium TPR 0.875 0.910 0.845 0.927IDIF = 4 FPR 0.026 0.051 0.015 0.056k = 5 weak TPR 0.570 0.593 0.470 0.608

FPR 0.031 0.049 0.016 0.053IDIF = 0 no DIF FPR 0.047 0.052 0.017 0.51

strong TPR 0.976 0.999 0.995 1.000P = 500 FPR 0.008 0.072 0.027 0.077

5 I = 20 medium TPR 0.866 0.944 0.884 0.942IDIF = 8 FPR 0.008 0.062 0.020 0.063k = 5 weak TPR 0.552 0.624 0.471 0.645

FPR 0.012 0.052 0.017 0.055

Table 5.1.: True positive rates (TPR) and false positive rates (FPR) from five different simulationsettings comparing DIFboost to the reference methods MH, Lord and Logistic regression∗ the person abilities from Setting 3 are highly correlated with the group membership.

As an additional investigation, we compare the methods by the help of ROC-curves wherethe TPR is plotted against the FPR, see Magis et al. (2015) for a similar analysis. Forthat purpose, the settings presented above were used, but with varying parameters. Forthe reference methods, the level of significance was varied while for DIFboost we variedthe threshold parameter π0. The goal was to provide a comparison of the methods that

5.5 Simulation Study 65

is not confounded by the choice of these parameters. Exemplarily, Figure 5.4 shows the

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Setting 1







0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Setting 2






0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Setting 3







0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Setting 4









0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Setting 5










Figure 5.4.: ROC-curves for all weak settings in the simulation study comparing DIFboost to thereference methods MH, Lord and Logistic regression

ROC-curves for all weak settings, the ROC-curves for the other strengths shows similartendencies and are dropped for the sake of brevity. Again, it can be seen that in general

66 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

the performance of all methods is very similar. After all, two tendencies can be seenfrom the curves. First, DIFboost handles situations with many DIF items better than itscompetitors. Therefore, it outperforms its competitors in setting 2 and especially in setting5. Relative to its competitors, it improves from setting 1 to setting 2 and also from setting4 to setting 5 when 8 instead of 4 items have DIF. Second, DIFboost seems to performbetter in more complex situations with more than two groups. Relative to its competitors,it improves from setting 1 to setting 4 and from setting 2 to setting 5 (when k = 2 ischanged to k = 5). Finally, in setting 5 (with both k = 5 and IDIF = 8) DIFboost clearlyoutperforms its competitors.

5.5.2. Simulations with Many Covariates


As DIFboost can include many covariates at the same time and is able to handle continuouscovariates, the method can be used in much more general settings than explored in theprevious section. In the following, we present a simulation study for settings, where severalpossibly DIF-inducing covariates are available. The reference methods from the previoussection cannot be used in these situations. Consequently, we compare the methods to themethod of DIFlasso from Chapter 4.

The method of Rasch trees (Strobl et al., 2015) can also handle several (possibly continuous)variables simultaneously. After all, this method only provides groups within the respondentswith equal item parameters. It does not provide an actual identification of DIF items as,between different groups, all item parameters are different. Therefore, this method can notbe used for comparison when it comes to identification of DIF items and will not be usedin the simulation study.


Four different settings are considered, each with I = 20 items and m = 5 covariates (2binary, 3 continuous). Again, abilities θ and difficulties β are drawn from standard normaldistributions. The number of persons and the number of DIF items are varied. For eachsetting, ‘strong‘, ‘medium‘ and ‘weak‘ DIF is used with DIF strengths 0.3, 0.15 and 0.1125.In the following, we present the four used settings and the used parameters for ‘medium‘DIF, for a different DIF strength the parameters are simply multiplied by a suited factor.

Setting 1 P = 250 persons, IDIF = 4 DIF items, γ1 = (−0.5, 0.4, 0, 0, 0.5),γ2 = (0, 0.5,−0.4, 0, 0.3), γ3 = (0.4, 0, 0.5,−0.5, 0), γ4 = (0, 0, 0.5, 0.4,−0.2),γ5, . . . ,γ20 = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

5.5 Simulation Study 67

Setting 2 same as Setting 1, but with P = 500 persons

Setting 3 same as Setting 2, but with IDIF = 8 DIF items, items 5–8 same as items 1–4

Setting 4 same as Setting 2, but the abilities are highly correlated with the groupmembership: θi|xi = 0 ∼ N(0, 1), θi|xi = 1 ∼ N(1, 1)

Again, for settings 1,2 and 4 also no-DIF settings are simulated, where 2 differs from 4 asin the latter the abilities are correlated with the group membership.


Table 5.2 shows the results for 100 replications of the different simulation settings in termsof true positive rates (TPR) and false positive rates (FPR).

Setting DIFboost DIFlasso

strong TPR 1.000 1.000P = 250 FPR 0.024 0.024

1 I = 20 medium TPR 0.873 0.228IDIF = 4 FPR 0.028 0.000m = 5 weak TPR 0.642 0.030

FPR 0.029 0.000IDIF = 0 no DIF FPR 0.053 0.000

strong TPR 1.000 1.000P = 500 FPR 0.011 0.036

2 I = 20 medium TPR 1.000 0.983IDIF = 4 FPR 0.029 0.004m = 5 weak TPR 0.948 0.383

FPR 0.026 0.000IDIF = 0 no DIF FPR 0.051 0.000

strong TPR 1.000 1.000P = 500 FPR 0.002 0.118

3 I = 20 medium TPR 0.990 0.993IDIF = 8 FPR 0.007 0.021m = 5 weak TPR 0.900 0.294

FPR 0.008 0.001

strong TPR 1.000 1.000P = 500 FPR 0.016 0.028

4∗ I = 20 medium TPR 0.968 0.890IDIF = 4 FPR 0.031 0.006m = 5 weak TPR 0.873 0.228

FPR 0.033 0.000IDIF = 0 no DIF FPR 0.065 0.000

Table 5.2.: True positive rates (TPR) and false positive rates (FPR) for four different simulationsettings comparing DIFboost to DIFlasso∗ the person abilities from Setting 4 are highly correlated with one of the binary covariates.

68 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

For medium and especially for weak DIF, DIFboost clearly outperforms DIFlasso in termsof TPR. Also, DIFlasso shows increased FPR in some settings whereas DIFboost is verystable regarding FPR. Therefore, DIFboost proved to be a very interesting alternativeregarding the DIF detection for several covariates. For the settings with no DIF, it is nosurprise that DIFlasso has a lower FPR than DIFboost. Still, the chosen parameters forDIFboost provide FPRs around 5% and, therefore, if no DIF is present the procedure canbe compared to a test procedure with a level of significance α = 0.05.

5.6. DIF in the Intelligence-Structure-Test 2000 R

In the following, the method is applied to data from the Intelligence-Structure-Test 2000 R(I-S-T 2000 R; source of supply is Testzentrale Göttingen, Herbert-Quandt-Str. 4, 37081Göttingen, Tel. (0049-551) 999-50-999,, developed by Amthaueret al. (2001). The test is a fundamentally revised version of its predecessors I-S-T 70(Amthauer et al., 1973) and I-S-T 2000 (Amthauer et al., 1999). Generally, it aims atmeasuring the ability of deductive reasoning of the participants. It consists of three basicmodules on verbal intelligence, numerical intelligence and figural intelligence. Each of thesemodules is divided into three subtests where each subtest consists of 20 items. For example,the module for numerical intelligence consists of the subtests numerical calculations, numberseries and numerical signs. Further details on the I-S-T 2000 R and its predecessors can befound, for example, in Schmidt-Atzert et al. (1995), Brocke et al. (1998) and Schmidt-Atzert(2002).

The data origin from a test on 273 students from different faculties from the university ofMarburg, Germany, aged between 18 and 39 years. The data have already been analysed inBühner et al. (2006), where the data were used to test if the I-S-T 2000 R is Rasch-scalableusing mixed Rasch models (Rost, 1990).

We will analyse the items of the subtest sentence completion from the module verbal intel-ligence. Three covariates were used as possibly DIF inducing covariates, gender (0: male,1: female), age (in years) and the interaction between gender and age.

Figure 5.5 shows the stability paths for DIFboost, where, in accordance with the simulationstudy, the parameters q = 0.6 · I = 12 and π0 = 0.9 are chosen. It is seen, that four itemsare identified to have DIF, namely the Items 8, 9, 11 and 15.

We illustrate the coefficients of the DIF-items by effect stars, see also Appendix A. Since thelogit link is used, the exponentials of the coefficients represent the effects of the covariates onthe odds P (Ypi=1)

P (Ypi=0) . The length of the rays corresponds to the exponentials of the respectivecoefficients. The circle around each star has a radius of exp(0) = 1 and, therefore, representsthe no-effect case. Both gender and age were standardized prior to the analysis so that the

5.6 DIF in the Intelligence-Structure-Test 2000 R 69

0 100 200 300 400 500 600















Figure 5.5.: Stability paths for DIFboost for the items of the subtest sentence completion; dashedline represents the threshold π0 = 0.9; items 8, 9, 11 and 15 are diagnosed as DIF items

size of the coefficient estimates is comparable. Figure 5.6 shows the effect stars for theestimated coefficients and the item descriptions of the DIF items.

Generally, a ray beyond the circle represents positive coefficients. With positive coefficients,the difficulty of the respective item is increased if the corresponding covariate is increasedwhile the probability to solve the item is decreased. Item 9, for example, has a negativecoefficient for gender. Therefore, this item is easier for female participants as female isencoded by 1. After all, since also the interaction between gender and age is considered,one has to look at all coefficients at a time. With growing age, the difficulty increases forfemale participants.

Figure 5.7 shows for each DIF-item the effects of both gender and age on the probabilityto score on the respective item. Separately for male (solid lines) and female (dashed lines)participants, the probability to score on the respective item is depicted along the covariateage. For simplicity, the plots refer to a person with a ’mean’ ability according to theestimates of the θ parameters. Figure 5.7 demonstrates the effect of the interaction term.As the probabilities to score on an item can intersect, the main effects of age or gender shouldnot be interpreted separately but always with respect to the interaction term. The abilityto include interaction terms in this manner can be seen as a big improvement compared toexisting methods of DIF detection allowing for new insights on the occurrence of DIF. Inextreme cases, both the main effects for gender and age could even be negligible but theinteractions term could still be influential.

70 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

Item 8







Item 9







Item 11







Item 15







Mercury is a/an ...?a) metal b) mineral c) solution d) mixture e) alloy

Fathers are ...? (more) experienced than their sons.a) always b) usually c) much d) less e) fundamentally

Every river has ...?a) fishes b) bridges c) ships d) gradients e) rapids

A watch always needs (a) ...?a) battery b) case c) numbers d) energy e) hands

Figure 5.6.: Effect stars and item descriptions for items with DIF in the subtest sentence comple-tion (IST 2000 R, Amthauer et al., 2001) detected by DIFboost

20 25 30 35







Item 8





20 25 30 35







Item 9





20 25 30 35







Item 11





20 25 30 35







Item 15





Figure 5.7.: Probabilities to score on items depending on gender and age for all DIF-items. Solidlines represent male, dashed lines represent female participants.

Therefore, item 9 can not generally be assumed to be easier for female participants. Thisholds only for participants younger than 30 years, but the order changes for older partic-ipants. Items 11 and 15 are, in general, easier for male participants, in particular if they

5.6 DIF in the Intelligence-Structure-Test 2000 R 71

are rather young. For growing age this difference slowly vanishes, in item 11 the effect iseven reversed for higher age.

For comparison, the data also were analyzed with the method of Rasch trees (Strobl et al.,2015), the corresponding Rasch tree is plotted in Figure 5.8.

genderp < 0.001


male female

Node 2 (n = 97)



1 5 10 15 20


2.94Node 3 (n = 176)




1 5 10 15 20



Figure 5.8.: Rasch tree for subtest sentence completion. Highlighted items represent items diag-nosed to be DIF items by other methods.

By recursive partitioning of the covariate space, one tries to find groups within the obser-vations which have the same item parameters. In our case, only one partition was foundin the data, namely male and female participants. For age, no significant difference wasfound. When using recursive partitioning, the item parameters are estimated separatelywithin the groups. The estimates are also shown in Figure 5.8. The estimates for the itemsdiagnosed as DIF items from the other methods are highlighted. But, by far the highestdifference between both groups seems to be for item 14 which is the hardest item for maleparticipants and the easiest item for female participants. However, all other methods didnot identify item 14 to be a DIF item. That means, Rasch trees may yield quite differ-ent results than other methods when trying to identify DIF items. To our knowledge, nosystematic investigation that compares Rasch trees and alternative methods is available.

72 5. Detection of DIF in Rasch Models by Boosting Techniques

5.7. Concluding Remarks

A new method called DIFboost is proposed to detect DIF that is induced by several co-variates simultaneously. In the case of DIF in subgroups, the method competes well withestablished methods for DIF detection. For the more general case of several, possibly con-tinuous covariates, it outperforms the competitive DIFlasso approach from Chapter 4.

In contrast to the established test procedures, DIFboost is able to identify DIF itemswithout the specification of anchor items. In most other methods, one assumes that theother items have no DIF and, therefore, all items besides the investigated item serve asanchor items. Besides this strategy, there exist other possibilities to find anchor items,see, e.g., Kopf et al. (2015) or Woods (2009). After all, the need for anchor items remainsproblematic, especially if many possible covariates have to be considered.

DIFboost is a model-based method. This provides two further advantages over test-basedmethods. First, the problem of multiple testing is avoided. Generally, DIF tests performone test per item and covariate. A test is designed to restrict the probability of a typeI error to a certain level. After all, if there are many covariates and many items, thereare many tests and the problem of multiple testing arises. To control for that, correctionstrategies as, for example, the Bonferroni adjustment become necessary.

Second, unlike tests, the DIFboost method provides parameter estimates which allow fora deeper look into the data structure and gives interpretable results. The linear effects ofthe covariates can be complemented by the incorporation of interaction effects or by usingsmooth functions for the covariates effects. Therefore, model-based methods do not onlytell us which items have DIF but also provide valuable information about the underlyingcovariate effects.

For simplicity, the presented approach is limited to the Rasch model. However, extensionsto other models are possible and should be investigated in future research. For example,the boosting algorithm seems well suited to an extension to the 2PL model. The parameterestimation in the 2PL model is rather complicated because of its multiplicative structure.By using boosting concepts, this problem can be tackled in a stepwise way. In particular,the discrimination parameters can be used as further base learners that are updated onlyfor those items that call for it.

6. The Bradley–Terry Model

In the previous chapters, concepts for the inclusion of covariates into item response mod-els, in particular into the Rasch model, were treated. The proposed methods allow for ageneralization of the Rasch model by including additional information of the subjects intothe model. In the following chapters, similar concepts for paired comparison models will beproposed. Therefore, in this chapter the Bradley-Terry model as the most popular modelfor paired comparison data will be introduced.

6.1. The Basic Bradley–Terry Model

The Bradley-Terry model is the indisputable standard model for the modeling of pairedcomparison data, see Agresti (2002) and Bradley (1984) for basic introductions. Originally,it was proposed by Bradley and Terry (1952). Sometimes, the Bradley-Terry model is alsoreferred to as the Bradley-Terry-Luce (BTL) model indicating the connection of the modelto Luce’s choice axiom formulated in Luce (1959). Luce‘s choice axiom states that thedecision between two objects is not influenced by other objects. This statement is alsoknown as the independence from irrelevant alternatives.

As indicated in Chapter 1, the Bradley-Terry model has a strong connection to the Raschmodel (see Chapter 2) and can be seen as its counterpart for homogeneous (instead ofheterogeneous) paired comparisons. Assuming a set of items {a1, . . . , am}, in its mostsimple form the Bradley-Terry model is denoted by

P (ar � as) = P (Y(r,s) = 1) = exp(γr − γs)1 + exp(γr − γs)


The response of the model represents the probability that a certain item ar is preferredover another item as, ar � as. This response can be formalized in the random variableY(r,s) which is defined to be Y(r,s) = 1 if ar is preferred over as and Y(r,s) = 0 otherwise.The parameters γr, r = 1, . . . ,m, represent the attractiveness or strength of the respectiveitems. For identifiability, a restriction on the parameters is needed, for example∑m

r=1 γr = 0or γm = 0.

74 6. The Bradley–Terry Model

The basic Bradley-Terry model can be embedded into the framework of generalized linearmodels (GLMs) and is simply estimated as a binary logit model. The linear predictor ηrscan simply be rewritten using dummy variables for the objects involved in the respectivepair (r, s) by

η(rs) = γr − γs = x(r,s)1 γ1 + · · ·+ x(r,s)

m γm = (x(r,s))Tγ.

Here, the components of the vector x(r,s) = (x(r,s)1 , . . . , x(r,s)

m ) are given by

x(r,s)j =

1 j = r

−1 j = s

0 otherwise..

Using these variables, an appropriate design matrix can be built and standard softwarefor generalized linear models, more precisely for binomial logit models, can be used forestimation.

6.2. Extensions of the Bradley–Terry Model

Tutz (1986) and Agresti (1992) extended the Bradley-Terry model to the case of orderedresponse, for example to allow for a 5-point scale (much better, slightly better, equal,slightly worse, much worse). In particular, a category for ties is often necessary for variousapplications, for example in sport competitions. For K different response categories, themodel considers the cumulative probabilities

P (Y(r,s) ≤ k) = exp(θk + γr − γs)1 + exp(θk + γr − γs)

with k = 1, . . . , K denoting the the possible response categories. The parameters θk repre-sent the so-called threshold parameters for the single response categories, they determinethe preference for specific categories. In particular, Y(r,s) = 1 represents the maximal pref-erence for item ar over as and Y(r,s) = K represents the maximal preference for item asover ar. In general, for ordinal paired comparisons it can be assumed that the responsecategories have a symmetric interpretation so that P (Y(r,s) = k) = P (Y(s,r) = K − k + 1)holds. Therefore, the threshold parameters should be restricted with θk = −θK−k and, ifK is even, θK/2 = 0 to guarantee for symmetric probabilities. The threshold for the lastcategory is fixed to θK = ∞ so that P (Y(r,s) ≤ K) = 1 will hold. The probability fora single response category can be derived from the difference between two adjacent cate-gories, P (Y(r,s) = k) = P (Y(r,s) ≤ k) − P (Y(r,s) ≤ k − 1). To guarantee for non-negativeprobabilities for the single response categories one restricts θ1 ≤ θ2 ≤ . . . ≤ θK . The ordinal

6.2 Extensions of the Bradley–Terry Model 75

Bradley-Terry model corresponds to a cumulative logit model and can be estimated usingmethods from this general framework.

In some specific paired comparisons it can be decisive in which order the competing itemsare presented. Typical examples are sports events. Here, the first-mentioned team typicallyis the team playing at its home ground where it might have a (home) advantage over itsopponent. Therefore, the assumption that the response categories are symmetric does nothold anymore and the model needs to be adapted accordingly. Extending the basic modelsby an additional parameter δ, the binary Bradley-Terry model is denoted by

P (Y(r,s) = 1) = exp(δ + γr − γs)1 + exp(δ + γr − γs)

and the ordinal model is denoted by

P (Y(r,s) ≤ k) = exp(δ + θk + γr − γs)1 + exp(δ + θk + γr − γs)


Here, δ denotes the order effect which is simply incorporated into the design matrix by anadditional intercept column. If δ > 0, it increases the probability of the first-named objectar to win the comparison or, in case of an ordinal response, to achieve a good result. Giventhe order effect, the symmetry assumption for the response categories still holds.

7. Modelling Heterogeneity in PairedComparison Data

7.1. Introduction

Paired comparisons are a well established method to measure the relative preference ordominance of objects or items. The aim is to find the underlying preference scale bypresenting the items in pairs. The method has been used in various areas, for example, inpsychology, to measure the intensity or attractiveness of stimuli, in marketing, to evaluatethe attractiveness of brands, in social sciences, to investigate the value orientation (e.g.Francis et al. (2002)). In all these applications the items or stimuli are presented in anexperiment. But paired comparison are also found in sports whenever two players or teamscompete in a tournament. Then, the non-observable scale to be found refers to the strengthsof the competitors. Paired comparisons can be obtained from ranked data (Francis et al.,2010) or from scale data (Dittrich et al., 2007). In this kind of data, respondents ranka predefined number of items or assign values from a Likert scale to the items, alwaysreferring to a certain attitude of the respondents towards the items. Building differencesbetween the ranks or scales yields (binary or ordered) paired comparison data. We consideran application that shows how to analyse scales for the preference of parties by pairedcomparisons. In a German pre-election study the respondents were asked to scale the mostrenowned German parties. The focus of the analysis is on the inclusion of subject-specificcovariates to account for the heterogeneity in the population and to investigate whichvariables determine the preference. More precisely, we investigate which clusters of partiesare distinguished by specific covariates allowing that some covariates have no effect on thepreference at all.

The most widely used model for paired comparison data is the Bradley-Terry-Luce model. Ithas been proposed by Bradley and Terry (1952) and is strongly linked to Luce’s choice axiom(Luce, 1959). The basic model has been extended in various ways allowing for dependenciesamong responses, time dependence or simultaneous ranking with respect to more than

This chapter is a modified version of the technical report 183 (Schauberger and Tutz, 2015c), previouswork on the issue can be found in the conference paper Schauberger and Tutz (2015a). See Chapter 1for more information on the personal contributions of all authors and textual matches.

78 7. Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data

one attribute. Overviews are found in the review of Bradley (1976), the monograph ofDavid (1988) and more recently in the review of Cattelan (2012). The method proposed inthis chapter can be applied both to binary and ordered response. Former approaches forordered responses in paired comparisons include Tutz (1986) and Agresti (1992). Dittrichet al. (2004) also combine ordered responses and the inclusion of covariates, yet in a quitedifferent modelling approach using log-linear models and without variable selection.

When persons choose between a pair of items most models assume that the strengths ofthe items are fixed and equal for all persons. Heterogeneity over persons has rarely beenmodeled explicitly. Exceptions are Turner and Firth (2012) or Francis et al. (2010), wherecategorical covariates are considered, but the application is very low dimensional with justtwo covariates, one with two and one with four categories. Also in Francis et al. (2002)covariates are included. Their model allows even for smooth effects of subject-specificcovariates, but the fitting procedure that is proposed is also restricted to few variables.More recently, Casalicchio et al. (2015) presented a boosting approach that is able to includeexplanatory variables. An alternative approach has been proposed by Strobl et al. (2011).It is based on recursive partitioning techniques (also known as trees) and automaticallyselects the relevant variables among a potentially large set of variables.

The method proposed here is an alternative to handle the inherently high dimensionalestimation problem that comes with the inclusion of explanatory variables. Maximumlikelihood estimation is replaced by penalized estimation methods. By using a specific L1-type penalty, the method is able to fit in high dimensional settings and to form clusters ofitems regarding the variables that generate heterogeneity.

In Section 7.2 the basic Bradley-Terry-Luce model for binary and ordered response is in-troduced. Then the model is extended to include subject-specific covariates. Section 7.3contains the integration of the proposed model into the framework of generalized linearmodels and the penalty term is introduced. Section 7.3 also describes the implementationof the algorithm, the search for the optimal tuning parameter and the calculation of boot-strap confidence intervals. In Section 7.4, the method is applied to data from the GermanLongitudinal Election Study (GLES).

7.2. Bradley-Terry Models with Covariates

7.2.1. The Basic Model

Let {a1, . . . , am} denote the set of objects or items to be compared in a paired compari-son experiment. The basic Bradley-Terry model (Bradley and Terry, 1952) specifies theprobability that item ar is preferred over as as

7.2 Bradley-Terry Models with Covariates 79

P (ar � as) = exp(γr − γs)1 + exp(γr − γs)


where, for reasons of identifiability, we use the restriction ∑mr=1 γr = 0. The parameters

γr, r = 1, . . . ,m, represent the attractiveness of the items {a1, . . . , am}. The interpretationas strength parameters is straightforward. For γr = γs, the probability that ar is preferredover as is 0.5, for growing distance γr − γs the probability increases.

With the random variable Y(r,s) = 1 if r � s and Y(r,s) = 0 otherwise one obtains the logitmodel

log(P (Y(r,s) = 1)P (Y(r,s) = 0)

)= γr − γs.

7.2.2. Bradley-Terry Models with Ordered Response

In some applications, paired comparison data can or should not be reduced to binarydecisions. For example in sport events like football matches where also draws are possible,simple binary paired comparisons are not appropriate. A model that allows for ordinalresponses is the cumulative Bradley-Terry-Luce model (Tutz, 1986) which has the form

P (Y(r,s) ≤ k) = exp(θk + γr − γs)1 + exp(θk + γr − γs)


with the same restriction ∑mr=1 γr = 0.

The parameters θ1, . . . , θK represent threshold parameters for the different levels of theresponse Y(r,s) ∈ {1, . . . , K}. The response Y(r,s) = 1 corresponds to a strong preferenceof ar over as and Y(r,s) = K corresponds to a strong preference of as over ar. The basicBradley-Terry model can be seen as a special case of model (7.1) for binary response withK = 2.

The strength parameters γ1, . . . , γm have the same interpretation as in the binary model.With increasing γr the probability for low response categories, and therefore the strongpreference of ar over as is increasing while the probability for large response categoriesdenoting dominance of as decreases. The threshold parameters determine the preferencefor specific categories. The threshold for the last category K is restricted to θK = ∞ sothat P (Y(r,s) ≤ K) = 1 holds. It is sensible to put further restrictions on the thresholdparameters to ensure equal probabilities for corresponding categories if the order of thepaired comparison is reversed. Therefore, we use the restrictions θk = −θK−k and, if Kis even, additionally θK/2 = 0. These restrictions ensure, for example, that Y(r,s) = 1(maximal preference of ar over as) has the same probability as Y(s,r) = K. Due to theserestrictions, bK−1

2 c (free) threshold parameters have to be estimated. In the special case

80 7. Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data

of binary response (K = 2) all threshold parameters are omitted and the model reduces tothe ordinary Bradley-Terry model. If an order effect is required, for example to model thehome advantage in sport competitions, an additional parameter can be included. For theapplication considered here no order effect is needed and therefore is omitted.

Formally, model (7.1) is a cumulative logit model, also called a proportional odds model.For a response variable consisting of K ordered categories, one models K − 1 cumulativeprobabilities P (Y(r,s) ≤ 1), . . . , P (Y(r,s) ≤ K − 1). The probability for a single responsecategory is represented by the difference P (Y(r,s) = k) = P (Y(r,s) ≤ k) − P (Y(r,s) ≤ k − 1).Therefore, P (Y(r,s) ≤ k) has to be greater or equal P (Y(r,s) ≤ k − 1) for k = 1, . . . , K tohave non-negative probabilities for all single categories. As the probabilities only differ withrespect to the threshold parameters, this is ensured if θ1 ≤ θ2 ≤ . . . ≤ θK .

7.2.3. Heterogeneity in the Bradley-Terry Model

The models considered so far assume that all persons have the same preference structure.Heterogeneity in the population is simply ignored. A more sensible assumption is thatpreferences depend on covariates that characterize the person that chooses.

Let Yi(r,s) denote the response of person i for given pair of items (r, s) and xTi = (xi1, . . . xip)

be a person-specific covariate vector. It is assumed that the strength of the preference ofitem ar for person i is determined by γir = βr0+xT

i βr. That means there is a global strengthparameter βr0 but the effective strength is modified by the covariates. The parameterβTr = (βr1, . . . , βrp) contains the effect of the covariates on item ar. The correspondingmodel has the form

P (Yi(r,s) ≤ k | xi) = exp(θk + γir − γis)1 + exp(θk + γir − γis)

= exp(θk + (βr0 + xTi βr)− (βs0 + xT

i βs))1 + exp(θk + (βr0 + xT

i βr)− (βs0 + xTi βs))

= exp(θk + βr0 − βs0 + xTi (βr − βs))

1 + exp(θk + βr0 − βs0 + xTi (βr − βs))


As in model (7.1), the sum-to-zero constraints ∑mr=1 βrj = 0 with j = 0, 1, . . . , p are used

for identifiability.

The model allows for different preference structures in sub populations. For illustration letus consider the simple case where the person-specific variable codes a subgroup like gender,

7.3 Penalized Estimation 81

which has two possible values. Let xi = 1 for males and xi = 0 for females. Then thestrengths parameters for item r are

βr0 + βr for males and βr0 for females.

The βr represents the difference in attractiveness of item ar between males and females.When items ar and as are compared the dominance in the male population is determined by(βr0−βs0) + (βr−βs), in the female population by (βr0−βs0). Thus the female populationis like a reference population with dominance determined by the difference in the basicparameters (βr0 − βs0). The preference in the male population is modified by the termβr− βs, and can be quite different. If one prefers a more symmetric representation one canchoose xi = 1 for males and xi = −1 for females obtaining for the strengths parameters foritem r

βr0 + βr for males and βr0 − βr for females.

Then βr represents the deviation of the attractiveness of item r from the baseline attrac-tiveness βr0. When items ar and as are compared the dominance in the male population isdetermined by (βr0 − βs0) + (βr − βs), in the female population by (βr0 − βs0)− (βr − βs).Thus the difference of the basic parameters βr0 − βs0 is augmented by βr − βs in the malepopulation and reduced by the same value in the female population.

The model accounts for the heterogeneity in the population by explicitly linking the attrac-tiveness of alternatives to explanatory variables. The weight parameters βr reflect how theattractiveness of a specific alternative depends on the covariates.

7.3. Penalized Estimation

The main problem with the general model (7.2) is the number of parameters that are in-volved. One has (with the given restrictions)



⌋threshold parameters and for each

item the (p+1)-dimensional parameter vector (βr0,βr). In general, not all covariates mighthave a (different) influence on all m items. Therefore, we propose to use a penalized like-lihood approach instead of ordinary maximum likelihood estimation to reduce the numberof involved parameters and to select the relevant variables. In a first step we embed theestimation into the framework of generalized linear models (GLMs) and then introducepenalty terms.

82 7. Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data

7.3.1. Embedding into Generalized Linear Models

First, the ordinal Bradley-Terry model is embedded into the framework of GeneralizedLinear Models (GLMs). In the ordinal Bradley-Terry model without covariates the linearpredictor η(r,s)k = θk + γr − γs can be given as

η(r,s)k = θk + x(r,s)1 γ1 + · · ·+ x(r,s)

m γm = θk + (x(r,s))Tγ,

where x(r,s)l = 1 if l = r, x(r,s)

l = −1 if l = s, and x(r,s)l = 0 otherwise, encodes the

considered pair. The whole vector x(r,s) has the simple form x(r,s) = 1r − 1s, where1r = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) has length m with 1 at position r. In this model the strengthof an item is the same for all persons, which is a strong assumption ignoring potentialheterogeneity.

In the general model with covariates, and therefore explicit modelling of heterogeneity, thelinear predictor has the form

ηi(r,s)k = θk + βr0 − βs0 + xTi (βr − βs)

= θk +p∑j=0

xij(βrj − βsj) = θk +p∑j=0


xijx(r,s)l βlj

where xi0 = 1 is a fixed intercept. Here, xTi = (xi1, . . . , xip) represents a covariate vector

associated to person i and, therefore, the linear predictors for the same pair are differentfor persons. For j > 0 the predictor is determined by interactions between xij and theitems, which reflects the underlying structure that the item strength is modified by thecovariates.

The link between the linear predictor and the probability P (Yi(r,s) ≤ k | xi) is deter-mined by the logistic distribution function. It should be noted that the ordered responseis transformed into a multivariate response yT

i(r,s) = (yi(r,s)1, . . . , yi(r,s)q) with q = K − 1binary variables where yi(r,s)k = 1 if Yi(r,s) ≤ k and yi(r,s),k = 0 if Yi(r,s) > k. Withπi(r,s)k = exp(ηi(r,s)k)/(1 + exp(ηi(r,s)k)), the covariance structure for such a multivariateresponse is given by

Cov(yi(r,s)) =

πi(r,s)1(1− πi(r,s)1) πi(r,s)1(1− πi(r,s)2) · · · πi(r,s)1(1− πi(r,s)q)

πi(r,s)1(1− πi(r,s)2) πi(r,s)2(1− πi(r,s)2)...

.... . .


πi(r,s)1(1− πi(r,s)q) · · · · · · πi(r,s)q(1− πi(r,s)q)

7.3 Penalized Estimation 83

Because of the restrictions θk = −θK−k and, if K is even, θK/2 = 0, the design matrixfor the threshold parameters has a special form. As stated above, for a response withK categories, bK−1

2 c different threshold parameters have to be estimated. Therefore, thepart of the design matrix corresponding to the paired comparison (r, s) of one person is a(K − 1)× bK−1

2 c matrix. This matrix is given by

1 0 · · · 0

0 1...

.... . . 0

0 · · · 0 10 · · · 0 −1... . .

. 0

0 −1...

−1 0 · · · 0


1 0 · · · 0

0 1...

.... . . 0

0 · · · 0 10 · · · · · · 00 · · · 0 −1... . .

. 0

0 −1...

−1 0 · · · 0

for K uneven or even, respectively. As stated above, for K = 2 the model reduces to aGLM with binomial distributed response and all threshold parameters are eliminated fromthe model.

7.3.2. Selection by Penalization

In regression models with β as the parameter vector penalization approaches maximize thepenalized likelihood

lp(β) = l(β)− λJ(β),

where l(β) is the usual log-likelihood and J(β) is a penalty term that penalizes specificstructures in the parameter vector. The parameter λ is a tuning parameter that specifieshow seriously the penalty term has to be taken. A simple penalty term that could beused is the squared length of the parameter vector J(β) = βTβ = ∑

β2i , known as ridge

penalty, see, for example Hoerl and Kennard (1970), Nyquist (1991), Segerstedt (1992),LeCessie (1992). Then, for λ = 0 maximization yields the ML estimate. If λ > 0 oneobtains parameters that are shrunk toward zero. For appropriately chosen λ the ridgeestimator stabilizes estimates. A disadvantage of the ridge estimator is that it does notselect variables. Thus no reduction of the model is obtained. An alternative penalty isthe L1-penalty, also known as lasso (Tibshirani, 1996), which is able to select variables.Instead of the squared parameters one penalizes the absolute values of the parameters withthe penalty term J(β) = ∑ |βi|. For penalized likelihood estimation, it is essential that

84 7. Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data

all covariates are on comparable scales. Therefore, in the following it is assumed that allcovariates are standardized.

However, the simple lasso cannot be used directly since penalty terms for paired comparisonmodels have to account for the specific structure of the model. In particular, in model(7.2) one has the parameters of the regular (ordinal) BTL model, namely the thresholdparameters and, for each item r, a parameter βr0 for its basic attractiveness. They form thebasic model and, therefore, will not be penalized. In the general model one has additionalparameters for the interaction between the items and the covariates. These parameters willbe penalized to obtain the interactions that are actually needed. The proposed penaltyterm has the form

J(α) =p∑j=1


wrsj|βrj − βsj|,

where r, s ∈ {1, . . . ,m}, wrsj is a weight parameter and the parameters are collected inαT = (θ1, . . . , θK−1, β10, . . . , βmp). The penalty has the effect that the parameters referringto the same covariate are shrunk towards each other. For large values of λ, the differencesare shrunk to exactly zero so that the effect of a covariate is the same for two (or moreitems). Therefore, the penalty yields clusters of items which share the same effect of acertain covariate. With growing tuning parameter, these clusters become bigger until allitems form one single cluster. In that case, due to the sum-to-zero constraints all parametersare zero and the covariate is irrelevant for the attractiveness of the items. The penalty isa L1-type fusion penalty rather than a simple lasso. Similar penalties have been used forthe modelling of factors in GLMs by Bondell and Reich (2009), Gertheiss and Tutz (2010)and Oelker et al. (2014). More recently, penalties of this form have also been used in themodelling of paired comparison models by Masarotto and Varin (2012) and will also be usedin Chapter 8. However, these applications do not use the penalty term for the modellingof heterogeneity by inclusion of covariates.

For illustration, Figure 7.1 shows the coefficient paths corresponding to a covariate j fora toy example with m = 5 items. The paths are drawn along the (normed) penalty term∑r<s|βrj − βsj| for covariate j. It can be seen that the penalty enforces a clustering of the

items when the penalty is increased. In the unpenalized model, all items form clusters oftheir own. With increasing penalty, items 1 and 4 form a cluster, later item 3 is integratedinto that cluster. Next, also items 2 and 5 form a cluster and finally all items form onesingle cluster. If all items share the same parameter (all parameters are zero) that meansthat the respective covariate is eliminated from the model. Therefore, the proposed penaltyterm enforces both clustering of items and variable selection at the same time.

Zou (2006) proposed the so-called adaptive lasso as an extension of the regular lasso. Incontrast to regular lasso, it provides consistency in terms of variable selection. In theadaptive lasso, the single penalty terms are weighted with the inverses of the unpenalized

7.3 Penalized Estimation 85

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


βrj − βsj max ∑r<s

βrj − βsj

Item 5

Item 2

Item 3

Item 4Item 1

Figure 7.1.: Exemplary coefficient paths for a covariate j in a setting with m = 5 different items

ML-estimates. In a similar way the weight parameters wrsj are defined by wrsj = |βMLrj −

βMLsj |−1. The effect is that small differences in the ML-estimates are penalized stronger than

bigger differences which has the effect that the clustering of the parameters is enforced.

7.3.3. Implementation

L1 penalized cumulative logit models have, e.g., been used in Archer and Williams (2012)and are implemented for R (R Core Team, 2015) in Archer (2014a) and Archer (2014b).However, these implementations are limited to lasso type penalties for coefficients. Theycannot be used to penalize differences between parameters as required in the paired com-parison case. Moreover, in order to obtain consistent estimates we want to include theweights wrsj. For that purpose, a new fitting algorithm was implemented that is able tofulfill these requirements. It is based on the idea of approximating penalties proposed byOelker and Tutz (2015), which is implemented in the R-package (Oelker, 2015),yet not for cumulative logit models. For shorter computation time, the fitting algorithmitself is implemented in C++ and integrated into R using the packages Rcpp (Eddelbuettelet al., 2011; Eddelbuettel, 2013) and RcppArmadillo (Eddelbuettel and Sanderson, 2014).The code is available on CRAN in the R-package BTLLasso (Schauberger, 2015a).

86 7. Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data

7.3.4. Choice of Penalty Parameter

The performance of penalized estimation methods is essentially determined by the choiceof the tuning parameter λ. It determines which covariates modify the attractiveness andforms the clusters within the chosen covariates. Mostly, two different approaches are used todetermine tunings parameters, namely model selection criteria and cross-validation. Modelselection criteria like the AIC (Akaike, 1973) or the BIC (Schwarz, 1978) try to find acompromise between the complexity of the model and the model fit. The complexity ofa model is determined by its degrees of freedom. While for ML estimation, the degreesof freedom simply correspond to the number of parameters, the degrees of freedom forpenalized likelihood approaches, in particular with a penalty applied on differences, arenot straightforward. Therefore, we use cross-validation. In cross-validation, the data set isdivided into a predefined number of subsets. Each subset is once used as a test data setwhile the remaining subsets serve as training data. The model is fitted (for a predefinedgrid of values for the tuning parameter λ) on the training data while the test data areused for prediction. Then, the predictive performance in the test data can be measured,for example by using the deviance. Moreover, this procedure provides a measure of thepredictive performance of the model for every value from the predefined grid of tuningparameters. The tuning parameter with the best performance is chosen. We adapted thisgeneral principle to our specific case. The persons or subjects are treated as the observationunits so that all paired comparisons corresponding to one person are in the same subset.

7.3.5. Confidence Intervals

In contrast to maximum likelihood estimators, for estimators from penalized likelihood ap-proaches one cannot use the information matrix to obtain standard errors or confidence in-tervals. Therefore, alternative techniques have to be used. We propose to use the bootstrapmethod for that purpose. The main idea of bootstrap is to replace an unkown distributionby the respective empirical distribution function. Then, for a predefined number of boot-strap iterations B, a subsample from the empirical distribution function is drawn. In ourcase, for a single bootstrap iteration, n persons are drawn from the original sample withreplacement. The proposed procedure is applied to the sampled data set, including themodel selection using cross–validation. Therefore, the additional variance originating fromthe process of model selection is incorportated in the resulting confidence intervals. Finally,for every parameter bootstrap confidence intervals can be calculated using the empiricalα/2 and 1− α/2 quantiles from the B bootstrap estimates for the respective parameter.

7.4 Application to Pre-Election Data from Germany 87

7.4. Application to Pre-Election Data from Germany

The proposed method is applied to data from the German Longitudinal Election Study(GLES), see Rattinger et al. (2014). The GLES is a long-term study of the German electoralprocess. It collects pre- and post-election data for the several federal elections.

7.4.1. Data

The data we are using here originate from the pre-election survey for the German federalelection in 2013. In this specific part of the study, the participants (n = 1155 after elim-inating all incomplete cases) were asked to rank the most important parties (CDU/CSU,SPD, Greens, Left Party, FDP, we eliminated the smaller parties AfD and the Pirate Party)for the upcoming federal election on a scale from −5 to +5. Plass et al. (2015) used thedata in the context of modelling approaches for undecidedness. The ranks Zr reflect thegeneral opinions of the participants of party r where +5 represents a very positive and −5represents a very negative opinion. The main goal of this application is to analyse whichcharacteristics of the participants are connected to the opinions of the single parties. Forthat purpose, we generated paired comparisons out of the rankings. A similar approach forthe analysis of rank data using paired comparisons was proposed by Francis et al. (2010).They also discuss the advantages of a paired comparison approach to model this form ofdata. For each participant, the differences between the ranks of all parties were calculated,ending up with ordered paired comparisons with values between −10 and 10. The responsewas narrowed down to an ordered response with five categories. The data now representpaired comparisons between all parties measured on an ordered five-point scale:

Zr − Zs ∈ {6, 10} 7→ Y(r,s) = 1 : "I strongly prefer party r over party s"Zr − Zs ∈ {1, 5} 7→ Y(r,s) = 2 : "I slightly prefer party r over party s"

Zr − Zs = 0 7→ Y(r,s) = 3 : "I have equal opinions of parties r and s"Zr − Zs ∈ {−5,−1} 7→ Y(r,s) = 4 : "I slightly prefer party s over party r"Zr − Zs ∈ {−10,−6} 7→ Y(r,s) = 5 : "I strongly prefer party s over party r"

Within the GLES study, several characteristics of the participants are observed that possiblycould affect the preference for the single parties. For our application, the following covariatesare considered:

• Age: age of participant in years

• Gender: female (1); male (0)

88 7. Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data

• East Germany: East Germany/former GDR (1); West Germany/former FRG (0)

• Personal economic situation: good or very good (1); neither/nor, bad or very bad (0)

• School leaving certificate: Abitur/A levels (1); else (0)

• Unemployment: currently unemployed (1); else (0)

• Attendance in Church/Mosque/Synagogue/...: at least once a month (1); else (0)

• Have you been a German citizen since birth: yes (1); no (0)

7.4.2. Results

In the following, the results for the proposed method are presented for a model where allcovariates described above are considered as possibly influential variables. The optimalmodel is determined by 10-fold cross-validation. Figure 7.2 shows the deviances obtained

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0









βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj



Figure 7.2.: Deviance path for 10-fold cross-validation, dashed vertical line represents model withlowest deviance.

by cross-validation plotted against the (normed) size of the penalized differences. Strongpenalization corresponds to values close to 0, weak penalization to values close to 1. Thedashed vertical line represents the model with the lowest deviance. Figure 7.3 shows thecorresponding coefficient paths for the threshold parameters θ1 and θ2 and the party-specificintercepts β10, . . . , βm0. These parameters are not penalized. In principle, they might be

7.4 Application to Pre-Election Data from Germany 89

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0










βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj


Left PartyFDPθ2



Figure 7.3.: Coefficient paths for all unpenalized parameters (threshold parameters θ1 and θ2and party-specific intercepts). Dashed vertical line represents optimal model according to 10-foldcross-validation.

different for different tuning parameters λ. In the current application, it is seen that boththe threshold parameters and the intercepts hardly change along their paths.

Figure 7.4 shows the corresponding coefficient paths for the eight covariates. The coefficientpaths are drawn separately for each covariate. It is seen how the penalty term enforcesclustering of the different parties. The dashed vertical lines represent the optimal modelaccording to the 10-fold cross-validation.

The coefficient paths allow for interesting insights into how the preference of the voters forcertain parties depends on characteristics of the voters themselves. Let us first consider thecovariate unemployment. With respect to unemployment, the parties can be divided intotwo main clusters. The Left party and the Greens in one cluster, CDU, SPD and FDP inanother cluster. As a global tendency one sees that unemployed persons tend to prefer theyounger parties (Greens and Left Party) while the tendency to the more established parties(SPD, CDU, FDP) is reduced. In the optimal model, the second cluster of parties can befurther divided into a cluster of SPD and FDP and a cluster only consisting of CDU. Forgender, four different clusters are identified in the final model. The Greens are much moreattractive for female than for male voters and form a cluster of their own. The SPD andthe Left party seem almost equally attractive for males and females while the CDU andthe FDP are more attractive for males. For the variable school leaving certificate, a verysparse solution with only two clusters (Greens vs. all other parties) emerged confirmingthe reputation of the Greens to be a party for academics. The German citizenship was

90 7. Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj


Left Party








(in years)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj


Left Party







female (1); male (0)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

East Germany



βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj



Left Party






0.4East Germany (1); West Germany (0)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Pers. econ. situation



βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj

Left Party











(very) good (1); else (0)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

School certificate



βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj

Left PartyFDP







Abitur/A levels (1); else (0)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj




Left Party




currently unemployed (1); else (0)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Church attendance



βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj

Left PartyGreens









at least once a month (1); else (0)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

German citizen



βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj

Left PartyCDU










yes (1); no (0)

Figure 7.4.: Coefficient paths separately for all eight covariates. Dashed vertical lines representoptimal model according to 10-fold cross-validation.

completely eliminated from the model, naturalized citizens do not systematically prefer

7.4 Application to Pre-Election Data from Germany 91

other parties than citizens that were German citizens since birth. The variables age andchurch attendance have a specific impact on the preference of parties and every party formsa cluster of its own.

Similar to the results in chapters 4 and 5, again effect stars (see Appendix A for moredetails) can be used to visualize the results. As seen in Figure 7.4, the coefficients can begrouped by covariates. Therefore, per covariate one effect star can be plotted to visualize theeffect of the respective covariate for all parties. Figure 7.5 shows the respective effect stars




Left PartyGreens




Left Party






Left Party





Left Party


East Germany



Left PartyGreens




Left PartyGreens

Pers. econ. situation



Left Party





Left Party


School certificate




Left Party





Left Party






Left Party





Left Party


Church attendance



Left Party





Left Party


German citizen




Left Party





Left Party


Figure 7.5.: Effect stars for all eight covariates illustrating parameter estimates corresponding tocv-optimal model.

illustrating the estimates corresponding to the optimal model found by cross-validation. Asusual in effect stars, the lengths of the rays correspond to the exponentials of the respectiveestimates. The dashed circle has a radius equal to exp(0) = 1 and, therefore, representseffects equal to zero. In most cases, the estimates vary around the circle. Some effectsare outside the circle representing positive effects and some effects are within the circlerepresenting negative effects. The covariate German citizenship is eliminated from themodel and, therefore, all effects are located exactly on the no-effect circle. In contrast toFigure 7.4, effect stars only show the actual estimates instead of the complete paths. This

92 7. Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data

allows for a better comparability between the effects of different covariates. A disadvantageof effect stars is that the cluster effect of the penalty is not displayed anymore.

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0









βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj

German citizen

School certificateUnemploymentGender

Church attendanceEast GermanyAge

Pers. econ. situation

Figure 7.6.: Paths representing the sums of absolute differences for all eight covariates. Dashedvertical line represents optimal model according to 10-fold cross-validation.

Figure 7.6 shows the paths for whole covariates represented by the sum of absolute differ-ences between all parameters corresponding to one covariate. Every covariate is representedby a single path. With the used penalty term, the sum of the absolute differences betweenall parameters corresponding to one covariate can be seen as a measure of effect strength forthis covariate. Again, one has to keep in mind that all covariates have been standardized.It can be seen that, not very surprisingly, the personal economic situation of the voters isthe most important modifier of the preference of a party in the data set. Yet, the first co-variate that is included (for decreasing tuning parameter λ) is the covariate East Germany.Even 23 years after the German reunification, the differences between the former GDR andthe former FRG were still extremely relevant in 2013. Also the covariates age and churchattendance have very strong effects. Again, it can be seen that the variable German citizen-ship since birth is eliminated from the model. Figure 7.6 can provide valuable additionalinformation on the paths depicted in Figure 7.4 where the variable importance is harder torecognize due to the different scales in the single plots.

Finally, B = 500 bootstrap iterations were performed to receive confidence intervals. Fig-ure 7.7 depicts the estimates of all (penalized) parameters together with the corresponding

7.4 Application to Pre-Election Data from Germany 93

−0.3 −0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3





Left Party


(in years)

−0.15 −0.05 0.05 0.15





Left Party


female (1); male (0)

−0.2 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

East Germany




Left Party


East Germany (1); West Germany (0)

−0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4

Pers. econ. situation




Left Party


(very) good (1); else (0)

−0.15 −0.05 0.05 0.15

School certificate




Left Party


Abitur/A levels (1); else (0)

−0.15 −0.05 0.05 0.15





Left Party


currently unemployed (1); else (0)

−0.2 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3

Church attendance




Left Party


at least once a month (1); else (0)

−0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05

German citizen




Left Party


yes (1); no (0)

Figure 7.7.: Parameter estimates and 95% bootstrap confidence intervals separately for all eightcovariates.

95% bootstrap confidence intervalls. It can be seen if two clusters differ significantly fromeach other. For example, the parameters for the Left party and the Greens are not signifi-cantly different for church attendance although they are splitted into two different clusters.For the covariate unemployment, no parameter is significantly different from zero althoughthree different clusters were estimated. Except for the covariates unemployment and Ger-

94 7. Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data

man citizenship, for all other covariates at least one coefficient differs significantly fromzero.

7.4.3. Inclusion of Twofold Interactions

In a further step, a model with all covariates as main effects and all interactions betweentwo covariates is considered. In total, this results in a model with 8 main effects and28 twofold interactions as possible influence variables. Figure 7.8 shows the sums of

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0










βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj

East Germany : Pers. econ. situationGender : UnemploymentGender : Pers. econ. situationGender : East GermanyPers. econ. situation : Church attend.Unemployment : German citizenAge : Pers. econ. situationGender : School certif.German citizenSchool certif. : German citizenGender : German citizenEast Germany : School certif.School certif. : UnemploymentGenderSchool certificateChurch attend. : German citizenPers. econ. situation : German citizen

Age : East GermanyUnemployment

School certif. : Church attend.

Pers. econ. situation : Unemployment

East Germany : Church attend.

East GermanyAge

Church attendance

Pers. econ. situation

Figure 7.8.: Paths representing the sums of absolute differences for all eight covariates and alltwofold interactions. Dashed vertical line represents optimal model according to 10-fold cross-validation.

the absolute differences for all influence variables. Similar to the main effects model, thecovariates personal economic situation, church attendance, age and East Germany are themost important influence variables. Yet, there are also some important interactions, likefor example the interaction between East Germany and church attendance. In total, 13 outof all possible 28 influence variables are eliminated completely from the model. The labelsin Figure 7.8 only show the names of the influence variables which entered the model.

Again, 95% bootstrap confidence intervals (B = 500) were calculated for all parameters (notshown here). Figure 7.9 shows all twofold interactions where at least one parameter was

7.5 Concluding Remarks 95

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Age : East Germany



βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj




Left Party







0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Age : Pers. econ. situation



βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj




Left Party





0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

East Germany : Church attend.



βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj

Left Party











0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

School certif. : Church attend.



βrj − βsj max∑j


βrj − βsj


SPDGreensLeft Party







Figure 7.9.: Coefficient paths separately for all eight covariates and for all significant twofoldinteractions. Dashed vertical lines represent optimal model according to 10-fold cross-validation.

significantly different from zero. The paths of the main effects are very similar to Figure 7.4and are left out for the sake of brevity. Except for the covariates German citizenship andunemployment, all main effects were significant (i.e. at least one parameter was significantdifferent from zero). The interactions allow for additional insights into how covariates affectthe preferences for the single parties. Exemplarily, we examine the interaction between ageand the personal economic situation. Following the main effects, the preference for the Leftparty is decreased with growing age and if voters are in a good economic situation. Afterall, the interaction between both covariates has a negative effect. Therefore, for voters in agood economic situations the preference for the Left party increases with growing age.

7.5. Concluding Remarks

A model that explicitly accounts for heterogeneity in (possibly ordered) paired comparisonmodels is proposed. The heterogeneity is modeled by the incorporation of subject-specificcovariates. The model is estimated using a specific L1-type penalty. The penalty has two

96 7. Modelling Heterogeneity in Paired Comparison Data

main features: First, the penalty clusters items with regard to certain covariates. There-fore, one can identify clusters of items whose preferences are equally affected by a covariate.Second, the penalty can eliminate whole covariates from the model indicating that the re-spective covariates do not affect the preference for one or another item. Bootstrap intervalscan be calculated which can be used to check if certain parameters differ significantly.

In particular the ability to select and cluster distinguishes the method from the few methodsthat are able to include covariates in paired comparison models. Francis et al. (2010) andFrancis et al. (2002) include covariates but do not select the relevant ones, Casalicchioet al. (2015) presented a boosting approach that is able to select explanatory variables butis unable to detect clusters. Moreover, an advantage of penalty methods over boostingapproaches is that the structure of the regularization is more clearly defined. In contrast toStrobl et al. (2011), where the underlying structure is searched for by recursive partitioningtechniques, we consider a parametric model that allows for easy interpretation of parametersand clustering.

The proposed method could be extended in various ways. First, the restriction of thecovariate effects to linear terms could be weakened by allowing for smooth covariate effects.A big challenge with such an approach would be to find an appropriate penalty term tohave a similar cluster effect as for the linear terms. Second, the model could be extendedby item-specific covariates similar to Chapter 8. For the application to the data from theGLES in this chapter, this would correspond to the inclusion of party-specific covariates,for example the popularity of the respective leading candidates.

8. Extended Ordered Paired ComparisonModels with Application to FootballData

8.1. Introduction

Bayern München has been the dominating team in the season 2012/2013 of the Germanfootball league Deutsche Bundesliga. The dominance can be seen from the ranking accord-ing to the final points order. In the Bundesliga the winning team gains 3 points, the losingteam receives nothing, and both teams gain 1 point if the match is drawn. This scheme ofdistributing points according to the outcome of the match can be seen as an ad hoc measureof the strengths of teams. But it is not without problems. In particular, if a team wins it isirrelevant if the adversary was a weak or a strong team. In the same way, each team gainsone point in a draw, although, if the difference in strengths is large, the performance is weakfor the stronger team but strong for the weaker team. A more elaborate way to measurethe strength of teams is by considering the strength of a team as a latent trait and the per-formance, that is, the observable results, as determined by the latent traits of both teams.Models of this type have some tradition in statistics, in particular Bradley-Terry (BT-)models have been used to model competitions. Proposed by Bradley and Terry (1952),the model has been widely used to measure underlying strength in sport competitions.Dynamic models were considered, for example, by Fahrmeir and Tutz (1994), Knorr-Held(2000), Glickman and Stern (1998), and, more recently, by Cattelan et al. (2013).

In this chapter, we analyse the results of the German Bundesliga. We use a general latenttrait model that does not only account for draws but allows for ordinal response categoriesthat represent the competition results, thereby aiming at the efficient use of the informationin the data. The model also includes an effect that represents the advantage in playing athome, which can also vary over teams. Aspects of the model have been already proposedin the literature. Models that allow for a draw were proposed by Rao and Kupper (1967),

This chapter is a modified version of Tutz and Schauberger (2015a), previous work on the issue can befound in the technical report 151 (Tutz and Schauberger, 2014). See Chapter 1 for more information onthe personal contributions of all authors and textual matches.

98 8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data

Davidson (1970) and used to model sports tournaments by Cattelan et al. (2013). Modelsthat allow for any number of ordered response categories were proposed by Tutz (1986) andAgresti (1992). Heterogeneity of the home advantage has been considered by Kuk (1995),Knorr-Held (2000), and Glickman and Stern (1998), but only for models with a draw. Anapproach to find clusters of teams that can not be distinguished has been proposed byMasarotto and Varin (2012). Here, it is extended to work in the general model and also tofind clusters of teams with the same home advantage.

In a second step it is investigated how much of the variation in the strengths of the teams isexplained by team-specific covariates. It is especially interesting how much of the strengthof a team is explained by the budget. Is Bayern Munich the best team because it is therichest club in Germany? For the analysis the estimated strength parameters are used anda model that includes effects of covariates is proposed. Estimation is based on penalizationmethods that allow to group the abilities of teams. We analyse the German Bundesligadata and demonstrate that the model with explanatory variables yields useful estimates.

In Section 8.2 we briefly describe the data. In Section 8.3 we introduce the general ordinalmodel and give results for the Bundesliga. Section 8.5 is devoted to the inclusion of team-specific explanatory variables.

8.2. German Bundesliga

Before defining latent trait models, which will be quite general for the modelling of compe-tition results, we briefly describe the structure of the German Bundesliga competition. Thetournament comprises m = 18 teams, we analyse the matches played in the 50th seasonof the Bundesliga from August 24, 2012 to May 18, 2013 . The tournament structure isthat of a double round-robin, each team competes twice against all the other teams, onceon home ground and once away. On average, 42.5% of the matches were won by the hometeam, 25.5% of the matches ended with a draw and 32% of the matches were won by theaway team. Table 8.1 shows the results ranked according to the final points order.

Two aspects from the final ranking are unique occurences in the history of the Bundesliga.Bayern München was the dominating team for the season and set several new records. Forexample, Bayern München gained the highest number of points and victories for a teamin one season. For the Spielvereinigung Greuther Fürth, it was the first participation inthe German Bundesliga, they were the first team without a victory on home ground for awhole season.

8.3 Ordered Paired Comparison Model with Home Advantage 99

Points Home Away Ability QSE RankFC Bayern München 91 44 47 2.562 0.377 1Borussia Dortmund 66 33 33 1.361 0.314 2

Bayer 04 Leverkusen 65 39 26 0.983 0.306 3FC Schalke 04 55 33 22 0.460 0.300 4

Eintracht Frankfurt 51 31 20 0.350 0.300 6Sport-Club Freiburg 51 28 23 0.409 0.300 5

Hamburger SV 48 26 22 0.023 0.300 11Borussia Mönchengladbach 47 29 18 0.235 0.300 7

Hannover 96 45 32 13 0.074 0.300 91. FC Nürnberg 44 27 17 0.057 0.300 10VfB Stuttgart 43 19 24 -0.183 0.302 13VfL Wolfsburg 43 17 26 0.000 0.300 12

1. FSV Mainz 05 42 26 16 0.084 0.300 8SV Werder Bremen 34 20 14 -0.272 0.303 14

FC Augsburg 33 20 13 -0.562 0.307 161899 Hoffenheim 31 19 12 -0.616 0.308 17

Fortuna Düsseldorf 30 21 9 -0.287 0.303 15SpVgg Greuther Fürth 21 4 17 -0.956 0.315 18

Table 8.1.: Final ranking of the German Bundesliga 2012/2013 including points in home matchesand away matches; the last three columns show the estimated abilities, quasi standard errorsand the ranking corresponding to the estimated abilities for the ordered model including a homeadvantage parameter

8.3. Ordered Paired Comparison Model with HomeAdvantage

In the following, latent trait models are considered. The basic concept is that the probabilityof winning or losing is determined by the underlying strengths of teams. While the strengthsare fixed the result of a competition is a random variable. The models can be used in allcompetitions where two teams or players compete in a tournament like tennis, football, andchess. In some sports there is a clear winner, in others draws can occur. Another featurethat depends on the form of competition is that home effects can occur. In particular, infootball playing at the home ground seems to be advantageous. We will consider a generalmodel that can account for all these effects.

8.3.1. The Basic Binary Bradley-Terry Model

Let {a1, . . . , am} denote the set of teams or players that compete. In the simplest case whena team can only win or lose the relation between the underlying strengths of the teams andthe outcome can be modeled by the Bradley-Terry model (Bradley and Terry, 1952), whichspecifies for the probability that ar beats as

100 8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data

P (ar � as) = exp(γr − γs)1 + exp(γr − γs)


The parameters γr, r = 1, . . . ,m, can be interpreted as the strengths of the teams{a1, . . . , am}. For γr = γs the probability that ar wins against as is 0.5, for growingdistance γr − γs the probability increases accordingly.

With the random variable Y(rs) = 1 if r � s and Y(rs) = 0 otherwise one obtains the logitmodel

log(P (Y(rs) = 1)P (Y(rs) = 0)

)= γr − γs.

The model in this form is not identifiable because strengths parameters γr + c for fixedvalue c yield the same probabilities. Therefore, a constraint is needed. We choose to fixone parameter, that is, γm is set to zero defining object am to be the reference object. Inour case the reference team is Wolfsburg.

8.3.2. Ordinal Models Including the Advantage in Playing at Home

Let now the success of team ar in a match between team ar and as be measured on an ordinalscale represented by Y(rs) ∈ {1, . . . , K}, for odd K, where low numbers denote dominanceof team ar and high numbers dominance of team as. The scale is assumed to be symmetricregarding the two teams. That means the numbers 1 to K represent categories like "strongdominance of team ar", "weak dominance of team ar" "draw", "weak dominance of teamas", "strong dominance of team as". In the simplest case, where K = 3, the responses are"team ar wins", "draw", "team as wins". But to exploit the information contained in theresults of matches one might also consider the differences in scored goals as indicators ofdominance. In the application we use a difference of at least 2 goals as an indicator forstrong dominance and work with a 5-point scale. A model that allows for ordered responsesis the cumulative type model

P (Y(rs) ≤ k) = F (η(rs)k), η(rs)k = θk + γr − γs, (8.1)

where F (.) is a symmetric distribution function, which in Bradley-Terry type models is thelogistic distribution function. The linear predictor η(rs)k contains the difference in strengthsγr − γs and so-called threshold parameters that account for the frequency of the responsecategories. The symmetry of the response categories entails the restrictions θk = −θK−k,t = 1, . . . , [K/2]. That means, in particular, that for teams with identical strengths, γs = γr,one obtains P (Y(rs) = k) = P (Y(rs) = K + 1 − k). For the most important case K = 3one obtains P (Y(rs) = 1) = P (Y(rs) = 3), that means that the probability of winning is thesame for both teams. Similar restrictions are needed if the number of response categories

8.3 Ordered Paired Comparison Model with Home Advantage 101

K is even, which is relevant only in competitions that do not allow for a draw (see Tutz(1986)).

The cumulative model (8.1) is able to use the information contained in ordered responses;with more categories better estimates are to be expected. In the literature alternativemodels have been proposed. In particular, the adjacent category model, proposed by Agresti(1992) is an alternative that also uses the full information in ordinal data. It is an extensionof the three category model of Davidson (1970), which can also be estimated within alog linear model framework (Dittrich et al., 2004). Further applications of the adjacentcategories model are found in Dittrich et al. (2000), Böckenholt and Dillon (1997a) andBöckenholt and Dillon (1997b).

Home Effects

When modelling competitions one also has to account for the advantage deriving fromplaying at home. Let the first index of response Y(rs) represent the home team. To includethe advantage of the home team, the linear predictor is extended to

η(rs)k = δ + θk + γr − γs,

where δ represents the home effect. It is typically positive and, therefore, increases theprobability for low response categories that correspond to the dominance of team ar. It iseasily derived that for K = 3 and equal strength, γr = γs, δ reflects the proportion of oddsfor winning of team ar and winning of team as,

δ = 12 log

(P (Y(rs) = 1)/(1− P (Y(rs) = 1))P (Y(rs) = 3)/(1− P (Y(rs) = 3))


However, it is questionable that the home effect is the same for each team. Some teamsmay profit more from playing at home than others. A team-specific home effect is obtainedby using the predictor

η(rs)k = δr + θk + γr − γs.

In this general model the γ-parameters do not represent the strengths of teams per sebecause performance depends on whether playing at home or not. Again, for K = 3 andequal strength, γr = γs, the home effect when playing at the home ground of team ar isgiven by the proportion of odds for winning (of team ar) against losing

δr = 12 log

(P (Y(rs) = 1)/(1− P (Y(rs) = 1))P (Y(rs) = 3)/(1− P (Y(rs) = 3))


102 8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data

But in the general model, the proportion of odds for winning (of team ar) against losingwhen playing at the home ground of the second team as are not just the inverse of theproportion when playing at the home of team ar as in the model with constant homeeffect.

By defining γr = δr + γr, the predictor obtains the form η(rs)k = θk + γr − γs. As in thebasic model (8.1), the result of a match is determined by the difference of strength, butnow it is γr − γs. Therefore, γr represents the strength when playing at home and γr thestrength when not playing at home.

8.3.3. Fitting the Model

Estimation of the cumulative model can be embedded into the framework of generalized lin-ear models (GLMs), which were thoroughly investigated by McCullagh and Nelder (1989).For data Y(rs) ∈ {1, . . . , K}, r, s ∈ {1, . . . ,m} the linear predictor can be written as

η(rs)k = δr + θk + γr − γs = δr + θk + x(r,s)2 γ2 + · · ·+ x(r,s)

m γm = δr + θk + (x(r,s))Tγ,

where the components of the (m− 1)-vector x(r,s) are given by

x(r,s)j =

1 j = r

−1 j = s

0 otherwise.

Thus, it is a cumulative model with threshold θk, the additional parameter δr and "predictor"x(r,s). The predictor can also be given by x(r,s) = 1r − 1s, where 1r = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0)has lengthm−1 with 1 at position r. Cumulative models have been considered in particularby McCullagh (1980), estimation within the framework of multivariate GLMs was consid-ered by Fahrmeir and Tutz (2001) and by Tutz (2012). The embedding into this frameworkallows to use the familiar goodness-of-fit statistics as well as likelihood ratio statistics totest hypotheses if one assumes that the observations given the abilities are independent.

8.3.4. Football Data

We first consider the modelling of the football data under the assumption that the homeadvantage is global, that is, it does not depend on the team. Then, one has one strengthparameter for each team and does not have to distinguish between the strength when playingat home or away. In the following, we try to use the available information by using a 5-pointscale to evaluate the performance in a competition. The categories refer to "winning with

8.3 Ordered Paired Comparison Model with Home Advantage 103

a difference of at least two goals", "winning with a difference of less than two goals" and"draw" as the middle category.

Global Home Effect Model

The estimated home advantage is δ = 0.293; for the threshold parameters one obtainsθ1 = −θ4 = −1.66 and θ2 = −θ3 = −0.65. If one assumes that two teams have equalabilities, the threshold parameters correspond to probabilities of 0.41 for a victory of thehome team, 0.31 for a draw and 0.28 for a victory of the away team. Thus the homeadvantage can definitely not be ignored. The tendency is also seen from the averagesover all games, because 42.5% of the matches were won by the home team, 25.5% of thematches ended with a draw and 32% of the matches were won by the away team. But thesenumbers are averages over games played by teams with differing abilities. The strengthof the latent trait model is that the home advantage takes this variation of abilities intoaccount when estimating the home advantage. Table 8.1 shows the estimated abilitiestogether with the ranks according to the final points. It is seen that for the best teamsthe rank is in accordance with the estimated abilities but in the middle part of the tablethere are some permutations. However, quasi standard errors, computed following Firthand De Menezes (2004) suggest that the permutations are not to be taken too seriously.This will be investigated in more detail in Section 8.4.

Team-Specific Home Effects

The question if home effects are team-specific is investigated by computing the likelihoodratio test for the hypothesis that all effects are equal, yielding a value of 24.69 on 17 degreesof freedom, which corresponds to a p-value of 0.102. Therefore it is not significant whenusing significance level 0.05, but nevertheless it is small. If one uses a 3-point scale thatonly distinguishes between "winning", "draw" and "losing", the p-value is 0.022, which isdefinitely smaller. In Table 8.2 the estimates and the corresponding ranks are given whenone distinguishes between home and away strength. As always in the applications we usethe more informative 5-point scale. It is seen that for the best performers the order is verystable. It is the same when playing at home or away or when not distinguishing between thetwo. But one also finds large differences. For example, Hannover has rank 4 at home, butrank 17 when playing away with a difference of 1.167 in abilities. For Wolfsburg the ranksare just the opposite, it has rank 17 at home and rank 4 when playing away. Wolfsburg isalso one of the few teams that have larger ability when playing away with a negative valuefor the home effect.

104 8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data

Overall Home AwayAbility Rank Ability Rank Ability Rank

FC Bayern München 2.562 1 1.871 1 2.220 1Borussia Dortmund 1.361 2 0.901 2 0.729 2

Bayer 04 Leverkusen 0.983 3 0.851 3 0.013 3FC Schalke 04 0.460 4 0.191 6 -0.505 6

Eintracht Frankfurt 0.350 6 0.258 5 -0.782 11Sport-Club Freiburg 0.409 5 -0.068 8 -0.334 5

Hamburger SV 0.023 11 -0.490 11 -0.708 8Borussia Mönchengladbach 0.235 7 -0.020 7 -0.722 9

Hannover 96 0.074 9 0.338 4 -1.505 171. FC Nürnberg 0.057 10 -0.140 9 -0.999 14VfB Stuttgart -0.183 13 -1.024 16 -0.564 7VfL Wolfsburg 0.000 12 -1.262 17 0.000 4

1. FSV Mainz 05 0.084 8 -0.293 10 -0.782 10SV Werder Bremen -0.272 14 -1.014 15 -0.803 12

FC Augsburg -0.562 16 -0.881 13 -1.541 181899 Hoffenheim -0.616 17 -0.966 14 -1.486 16

Fortuna Düsseldorf -0.287 15 -0.695 12 -1.204 15SpVgg Greuther Fürth -0.956 18 -2.278 18 -0.906 13

Table 8.2.: Comparison of the estimated abilities from the model with a global home advantageto the estimated abilities from the model with team-specific home advantages

Ranks and Abilities

The traditional measure for the performance of teams is the number of gained points sum-marized over all games. It is interesting to investigate, how this measure that is definedby the association of the football league is related to the abilities found by the fitting ofa latent trait model. It turns out that the correlation is quite high. For the 50th seasonwe obtained a correlation of 0.982, which means that gained points and abilities measurealmost the same. One may wonder if this is an effect of the specific scheme, which giveswinning team 3 points, the losing team nothing, and both teams 1 point if the match isdrawn. Is this scheme appropriate under the assumption that the latent trait model isan adequate representation of the link between the observations and the latent abilities?Therefore, we shortly investigate how the scheme of distributing points influences the corre-lation between number of points and estimated abilities. In a general scheme, the winningteam gains w > 0 points, the losing team nothing and both teams d > 0 points if the matchis drawn. It is easily derived that for constant proportion w/d one obtains up to a scalingfactor the same number of points. Because a scaling factor is irrelevant when computingthe correlation, it suffices to vary only one of the two parameters w and d. Without lossof generality we set d = 1. Figure 8.1 shows the dependence of the correlation on thegained points for winning w (bold faced curve). It is seen that the maximum is obtainedfor w = 2.2, which is not far from the 3 points fixed in the regulations. The curve decreasesslowly beyond its maximum. That means, also much higher points could be given to the

8.4 Identification of Clusters 105

winning team and still the number of points would be in strong accordance with the abili-ties. The strong correlation found for the data could be related to the double round robinstructure of the tournament. In paired comparisons, where not all pairs are evaluated,we expect lower correlations. To investigate the effects we have drawn sub samples of thepaired comparisons containing 50% of the pairs. Two specific sub samples are the resultsof the first round and the second round. Figure 8.1 shows the corresponding correlations.It is seen that, depending on the sample, correlations can be much smaller. That means,in particular, for an ongoing season, when not all matches have been played, the rankingby points and abilities are less strongly connected.

1 2 3 4 5 6







Total seasonFirst roundSecond roundRandom subsample

Figure 8.1.: Correlations plotted against the points gained when winning for the whole season(bold faced curve), first round (dashed), second round (dashed dotted) and several sub samples.

8.4. Identification of Clusters

A disadvantage of simply measuring the performance of teams by points is that there is noinformation on the precision of this measurement tool. In contrast the latent trait modelallows to evaluate which teams are really to be distinguished. One way is to consider thestandard errors, which contain the information about the relevance of differences betweenthe estimated abilities. An alternative approach is to explicitly aim at finding clustersof teams which share the same ability by using regularization techniques. Clustering tech-niques proposed by Bondell and Reich (2009) and Gertheiss and Tutz (2010) have been used

106 8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data

by Masarotto and Varin (2012) to cluster abilities in a paired comparison model which al-lows for draws. In this section we will use these techniques in the general case of ordinalresponse data. In Section 8.4.2 the method is extended to find clusters of abilities as wellas clusters of home advantages.

8.4.1. Clustering of Teams

One way of obtaining regularized estimates is to use penalty terms that yield structuredestimates. Instead of maximizing the log-likelihood, one maximizes the penalized log-likelihood

lp(β) = l(β)− λJ(β),

where l(β) denotes the familiar un-penalized log-likelihood, λ is a tuning parameter, andJ(β) is a penalty term. A specific penalty term, which enforces the clustering of abilitiesand which will also be useful later, is given by

J(β) =∑r<s

wrs|γr − γs|, (8.2)

where wrs are specific weights. The penalty is a fusion type penalty, which enforces thefusion of abilities. By using the L1-norm it enforces, in particular, that for growing λ

abilities are set equal. The effect of the penalty is also seen by looking at extreme values ofthe tuning parameter λ. If λ→∞, all strength parameters γr are estimated as identical.

Cluster Ability1 FC Bayern München 2.262 Borussia Dortmund 1.063 Bayer 04 Leverkusen 0.734 FC Schalke 04; Sport-Club Freiburg; Eintracht Frankfurt 0.015 Borussia Mönchengladbach; 1. FSV Mainz; Hannover 96; 0.00

1. FC Nürnberg; Hamburger SV; VfL Wolfsburg6 VfB Stuttgart; SV Werder Bremen; Fortuna Düsseldorf -0.047 FC Augsburg; 1899 Hoffenheim -0.338 SpVgg Greuther Fürth -0.70

Table 8.3.: Clusters of teams with corresponding abilities.

In the case of a global home advantage the procedure typically yields distinct clusters.Figure 8.2 shows the coefficient paths with the weights given by wrs = |γ(ML)

r −γ(ML)s |−1, where

γ(ML)r denotes the maximum likelihood estimate of team ar. For details of this weighting

scheme, which yields more stable coefficient paths than un-weighted fusion penalties, seeGertheiss and Tutz (2010) and Masarotto and Varin (2012). The straight lines in Figure8.2 represent the BIC (Schwarz, 1978) and the AIC (Akaike, 1973) criterion. Based on theBIC criterion one finds that the 18 teams are divided into eight clusters with abilities being

8.4 Identification of Clusters 107

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0











γr − γs max (∑r<s

γr − γs)

SpVgg Greuther Fürth

1899 HoffenheimFC Augsburg

Fortuna DüsseldorfSV Werder BremenVfB Stuttgart

VfL WolfsburgHamburger SV1. FC NürnbergHannover 961. FSV Mainz 05

Borussia MönchengladbachEintracht FrankfurtSport−Club FreiburgFC Schalke 04

Bayer 04 Leverkusen

Borussia Dortmund

FC Bayern München


Figure 8.2.: Coefficient paths for ability parameters in the model with a global home advantageusing an adaptive L1-penalty.

identical within clusters. Table 8.3 shows the clusters and the corresponding estimatedabilities. It is seen that the three best teams and the worst team form clusters of theirown. The second worst cluster contains two teams. All other teams are collected in threebig clusters, which have rather similar abilities. In fact, if one measures abilities only upto one digit, they form just one big cluster.

8.4.2. Clustering of Teams and Home Effects

Clustering becomes much more difficult if one suspects team-specific home advantages be-cause then one has to distinguish the strength when playing at home and the strengthwhen playing away. A penalty term that clusters the home advantage, δr, the abilitieswhen playing at home, γr + δr, as well as the abilities when playing away, γr, is

J(β) =∑r<s

wrs|γr − γs|+∑r<s

urs|γr − γs + δr − δs|+∑r<s

vrs|δr − δs|.

108 8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data

with wrs = |γ(ML)r −γ(ML)

s |−1, urs = |γ(ML)r −γ(ML)

s + δ(ML)r − δ(ML)

s |−1, and vrs = |δ(ML)r − δ(ML)

s |−1.It enforces clustering of both abilities and the home advantage. For the selection of theoptimal tuning paramater λ, we again use the BIC criterion

BIC(λ) = −2 · l(β) + df(λ) · log(n),

where n is the number of observations. It depends on the degrees of freedom df(λ) ofthe respective model. For penalized models, the degrees of freedom do not equal thenumber of parameters in the model because of the effects of shrinkage and variable selection.Therefore, following Buja et al. (1989), the degrees of freedom are calculated by tr(2H −HTH). Here, H represents the hat matrix obtained in the last Fisher scoring step inthe penalized iteratively re-weighted least squares (PIRLS) algorithm that is used. Thealgorithm and the corresponding hat matrix are described in more detail by Oelker andTutz (2015).

Cluster (ability home) Ability1 FC Bayern München 1.842 Borussia Dortmund 0.613 Bayer 04 Leverkusen 0.444 Hannover 96; FC Schalke 04; Eintracht Frankfurt; -0.21

Sport-Club Freiburg5 Borussia Mönchengladbach; 1. FC Nürnberg; 1. FSV Mainz 05; Hamburger SV -0.226 Fortuna Düsseldorf -0.487 FC Augsburg; SV Werder Bremen; VfB Stuttgart; 1899 Hoffenheim -0.508 VfL Wolfsburg -0.559 SpVgg Greuther Fürth -1.56Cluster (ability away) Ability1 FC Bayern München 1.682 Borussia Dortmund 0.173 Bayer 04 Leverkusen; VfL Wolfsburg 0.004 Sport-Club Freiburg; FC Schalke 04 -0.655 Borussia Mönchengladbach; VfB Stuttgart; Hamburger SV; -0.66

Eintracht Frankfurt; 1. FSV Mainz 05; SV Werder Bremen;1. FC Nürnberg; SpVgg Greuther Fürth

6 Fortuna Düsseldorf -0.917 Hannover 96; 1899 Hoffenheim;FC Augsburg -0.94Cluster (home advantage) Ability1 Hannover 96 0.732 Eintracht Frankfurt; Bayer 04 Leverkusen; 1. FC Nürnberg; 0.44

Borussia Mönchengladbach; FC Schalke 04; FC Augsburg;1899 Hoffenheim; 1. FSV Mainz 05; Fortuna Düsseldorf

3 Sport-Club Freiburg; Hamburger SV; Borussia Dortmund 0.434 SV Werder Bremen; FC Bayern München; VfB Stuttgart 0.155 VfL Wolfsburg -0.556 SpVgg Greuther Fürth -0.90

Table 8.4.: Clusters of teams when distinguishing between abilities when playing at home andplaying not at home, and clusters of home advantages.

8.4 Identification of Clusters 109

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0





Ability home


γr − γs max (∑r<s

γr − γs)

SpVgg Greuther Fürth

VfL Wolfsburg

VfB StuttgartSV Werder Bremen1899 HoffenheimFC AugsburgFortuna Düsseldorf

Hamburger SV

1. FSV Mainz 051. FC NürnbergSport−Club FreiburgBorussia Mönchengladbach

FC Schalke 04Eintracht FrankfurtHannover 96

Bayer 04 LeverkusenBorussia Dortmund

FC Bayern München


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




Ability away


γr − γs max (∑r<s

γr − γs)

FC AugsburgHannover 961899 Hoffenheim

Fortuna Düsseldorf

1. FC NürnbergSpVgg Greuther FürthSV Werder BremenEintracht Frankfurt1. FSV Mainz 05Borussia MönchengladbachHamburger SVVfB StuttgartFC Schalke 04Sport−Club Freiburg

VfL WolfsburgBayer 04 Leverkusen

Borussia Dortmund

FC Bayern München


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0










Home advantage


γr − γs max (∑r<s

γr − γs)

SpVgg Greuther FürthVfL Wolfsburg

VfB StuttgartFC Bayern MünchenSV Werder Bremen

Borussia DortmundHamburger SVSport−Club Freiburg

1. FSV Mainz 05Fortuna Düsseldorf1899 HoffenheimFC AugsburgFC Schalke 04Borussia MönchengladbachBayer 04 Leverkusen1. FC Nürnberg

Eintracht Frankfurt

Hannover 96


Figure 8.3.: Coefficient paths for home abilities, away abilities and home advantages in the modelwith team specific home advantages using an adaptive L1-penalty

Figure 8.3 shows the coefficient build-ups and Table 8.4 the corresponding clusters. Forthe strong teams one obtains very similar classes, but in particular in the middle differentclusters are found when playing at home and away. Clustering of the home effect yields

110 8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data

essentially 5 classes; Hannover is a class of its own, the big clusters 2 and 3 are hardlydifferent and there are even two clusters with negative home advantage.

8.5. Accounting for Explanatory Variables

Scaling of teams by use of paired comparison models yields estimated abilities but does notexplain why some teams are better than others. If one wants to explain the variation inabilities, a natural way is to include covariates in the model. The most interesting variablesare variables that characterize the clubs and, therefore, the teams, in contrast to variablesthat are shared by both teams like day of the week or weather when playing. Explanatoryvariables of the latter type are more interesting when items are compared and preferenceis to be modeled as a function of characteristics of the person that chooses. Explanatoryvariables of this type have been considered in Chapter 7 and, for example, by Dittrich et al.(1998) when modeling the preference for European universities.

8.5.1. A Model with Team-Specific Explanatory Variables

Let the data be given by (Y(rs), r, s ∈ {1, . . . ,m},x1, . . . ,xm) where Y(rs) ∈ {1, . . . , K}denotes the ordinal response and xr is a vector of explanatory variables linked to team ar.Exemplarily, we will consider the budget of a club, which should be influential because thebudget determines if a club is able to get the best and most expensive players.

In a general model that accounts for team-specific variables, the strength of the teams, γr,is replaced by γr + xT

rα yielding the linear predictor

η(rs)k = δr + θk + γr − γs + (xr − xs)Tα.

In this model, parameters are not identifiable because the parameters γr can not be distin-guished from the parameters γr = γr + xT

rα. Therefore, additional constraints are neededto obtain unique estimates. A very restrictive model that is identifiable has been proposedby Springall (1973). He obtains identifiability by setting γr = 0, r = 1, . . . ,m. The corre-sponding model assumes that the explanatory variables totally determine the abilities. Itis hardly appropriate when a limited number of explanatory variables is available.

A much better and more flexible way to constrain estimates is to use a random effectsmodel. By assuming that the strengths are random effects, for example, by assumingγr ∼ N(0, σ2), parameters can be estimated within a random effects model, see Turner andFirth (2012) who used random effects models to account for correlations between responses.An alternative approach that is advocated here is to use penalized estimation procedures

8.5 Accounting for Explanatory Variables 111

within a fixed effects model framework. If one assumes that teams are clustered one canuse the penalty (8.2). It penalizes the abilities that are not explained by covariates, γr,r = 1, . . . ,m, but not the parameter α. If the tuning parameter gets large, λ → ∞,all strength parameters γr are estimated as identical and the total strength is determinedsolely by xT

rα as in the model proposed by Springall (1973). By using a regularizationterm with positive tuning parameter the parameters are defined and estimable, comparealso Friedman et al. (2010), where this procedure has been used in overparameterizedmultinomial regression models. The choice between fixed and random effects was discussedextensively in Townsend et al. (2013). One advantage of fixed effects models is that theydo not have to assume that random effects and covariates are uncorrelated although this isnot a problem in the present application. The bigger advantage is that fusion penalties areeasily incorporated into the estimation procedure.

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







γr − γs max (∑r<s

γr − γs)

VfL Wolfsburg

1899 Hoffenheim

SpVgg Greuther Fürth

VfB StuttgartSV Werder Bremen

FC Schalke 04FC Augsburg

Hamburger SV

Hannover 96Fortuna Düsseldorf

Borussia Mönchengladbach1. FC Nürnberg

1. FSV Mainz 05

Eintracht Frankfurt

FC Bayern München

Sport−Club FreiburgBayer 04 Leverkusen


Borussia Dortmund


Figure 8.4.: Coefficient paths for ability parameters in the model with a global home advantageand the budget (in 100 millions) using an adaptive L1-penalty

In Subsection 8.5.2, we will show that the fixed effects approach with penalties is ableto estimate parameters. But first we show how the performance of football teams in theGerman Bundesliga can be explained by the budget. We use budgets as published bythe German sports magazine Kicker (Kicker, August 20, 2012) given in millions. Figure

112 8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data

8.4 shows the coefficient paths for the coefficients plotted against varying strength of theconstraints. Here, we use budget in 100 millions for better visibility of the coefficient path.It is seen that the effect of budget is very stable across constraints. As expected, whenincluding the budget different clusters are found because now the γ-parameters representthe abilities that are not explained by the budget. For example, now Borussia Dortmundforms a cluster of its own, whereas Bayern München is in a cluster together with EintrachtFrankfurt and Mainz.

The estimated parameter α = 2.16, obtained for λ chosen by BIC, implies strong depen-dence on the budget. In order to get an impression on the reliability of the parameterestimate of the budget at the BIC-optimal λ, we conducted a parametric bootstrap analy-sis. The corresponding bootstrap confidence interval for α is [1.55; 2.77]; it supports thatbudget does have an influence on the team abilities that is not to be neglected.

20 40 60 80 100 120


















x xx

LM : R2adj = 0.49

AM : R2adj = 0.58

Figure 8.5.: Budgets (in millions) versus estimated abilities for all teams from the Bundesligaseason 2012/2013; lines represent linear and additive model fit

The effect of the budget can also be tackled in a different way. In Figure 8.5 the estimatedabilities are plotted against the budget. In addition, it shows the fit of a linear regressionmodel and a smoothed version. The smooth model was fitted by use of penalized B-splines(also called P-splines), see Eilers and Marx (1996), with the smoothing parameter chosenby the generalized cross-validation (GCV) criterion. Up to about 70, the linear model fitswell, beyond 70 the fit of the non-linear model is determined by just two observations,Wolfsburg and Bayern München. The adjusted R-squared of the linear model is 0.49, thatmeans almost 50% of the variation in abilities is explained by the budget. For the non-linear model the value increases to 0.58 but one can suspect over-fitting. When accepting

8.5 Accounting for Explanatory Variables 113

the linear model as a simple model that shows almost the same explanatory strength as thenon-linear model, one can infer that Wolfsburg (with a budget of 90) is an underachiever.Given the high budget, which is partly due to the fact that the city of Wolfsburg is thehome of Volkswagen, the ability is rather low. This holds even in the non-linear model.Bayern München, the club with the highest budget, still shows a positive deviation fromthe fitted expectation, which is strong for the linear and weak for the the non-linear model.A distinct overachiever is Dortmund (budget of 48.5), which shows one of the strongestdeviations from both models. Beyond the identification of over- and underachievers, it isseen that budget is a strong explanatory variable for the ability of a team.

8.5.2. Evaluation of Penalized Estimation

Since parameters are not identifiable maximum likelihood can not be used to estimate theparameters in the model with explanatory variables. We demonstrate in a small simulationstudy that penalized estimation procedures are able to solve the identifiability problem andcan be used to obtain sensible estimates. As true coefficients, we chose values derived fromthe coefficient estimates of the model fit for the real data from the Bundesliga. We usedthe thresholds θ1 = −1.66, θ2 = −0.65, δ = 0.29 and the budget parameter α = 2.13. Theteam abilities were divided into 5 groups with the coefficients γ1 = γ2 = γ3 = 2.07, γ4 =γ5 = γ6 = 1.73, γ7 = γ8 = γ9 = γ10 = 1.40, γ11 = γ12 = γ13 = γ14 = γ15 = γ16 = γ17 = 0.88,γ18 = 0.




θ1 θ2 δ α Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4








x xx



Figure 8.6.: Box plots of coefficient estimates for 100 simulation iterations; estimates for teamswith equal abilities are collected in one box; stars denote true values

Figure 8.6 shows the box plots for 100 simulations when using a small tuning parameterλ. Stars denote the true parameter values. In particular, the threshold parameters and the

114 8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data

home advantage parameter are estimated with high accuracy. As expected, the variationof estimates is stronger for the abilities. But, and most important, the parameter of theexplanatory variable is estimated rather well. It should be noted that for larger values ofthe tuning parameter, for example, when λ is chosen by an information criterion, due toshrinkage effects the team effects will be slightly biased.

8.6. Application to the Data from Bundesliga Season2013/2014

All previous sections in this chapter considered data from the Bundesliga season 2012/2013.In this section, we present all analyses from the previous sections applied to the respectivedata from the Bundesliga season 2013/2014 and compare the new results to the resultsfrom the season 2012/2013.

8.6.1. Ranks and Abilities

Points Home Away Ability QSE RankFC Bayern München 90 46 44 2.541 0.366 1Borussia Dortmund 71 35 36 1.360 0.311 2

FC Schalke 04 64 38 26 1.313 0.310 3SV Bayer 04 Leverkusen 61 33 28 1.104 0.305 4

VfL Wolfsburg 60 36 24 1.051 0.305 5Borussia Mönchengladbach 55 36 19 0.927 0.303 6

FSV Mainz 05 53 33 20 0.455 0.300 9FC Augsburg 1907 52 30 22 0.568 0.300 81899 Hoffenheim 44 27 17 0.613 0.300 7

Hannover 96 42 29 13 0.013 0.304 13Hertha BSC Berlin 41 21 20 0.232 0.301 10

Werder Bremen 39 24 15 0.000 0.304 15Eintracht Frankfurt 36 20 16 0.122 0.302 11Sport-Club Freiburg 36 22 14 0.012 0.304 14

VfB Stuttgart 32 19 13 0.092 0.303 12Hamburger SV 27 18 9 -0.472 0.313 161. FC Nürnberg 26 14 12 -0.498 0.314 17

Eintracht Braunschweig 25 18 7 -0.512 0.315 18

Table 8.5.: Final ranking of the German Bundesliga 2013/2014 including points in home matchesand away matches; the last three columns show the estimated abilities, quasi standard errorsand the ranking corresponding to the estimated abilities for the ordered model including a homeadvantage parameter

Table 8.5 shows the final ranking of the German Bundesliga in the season 2013/2014. As inthe previous season, Bayern München won the championship. The table shows the points

8.6 Application to the Data from Bundesliga Season 2013/2014 115

each team won in total and separated between points won at home and away. The abilitiesare estimated by an (unpenalized) model with a global home advantage. It can be seenthat the abilities would result in a slightly different ranking than the points. For example,according to the estimated abilities Stuttgart would perform much better than accordingto their points, for Werder Bremen we see the contrary effect.

8.6.2. Team-specific Home Effects

For the abilities in Table 8.6, a model with team-specific home advantages (or home effects,few teams actually have a home disadvantage) is fitted. For example, in away matchesHertha BSC Berlin has a considerably higher ability than in home matches. Nevertheless,even Hertha BSC Berlin won one point more in home matches than in away matches (seeTable 8.5).

Overall Home AwayAbility Rank Ability Rank Ability Rank

FC Bayern München 2.541 1 2.522 1 2.968 1Borussia Dortmund 1.360 2 1.248 7 1.871 2

FC Schalke 04 1.313 3 2.171 2 0.965 4SV Bayer 04 Leverkusen 1.104 4 1.439 5 1.179 3

VfL Wolfsburg 1.051 5 1.734 4 0.809 5Borussia Mönchengladbach 0.927 6 1.814 3 0.384 9

FSV Mainz 05 0.455 9 1.253 6 -0.112 14FC Augsburg 1907 0.568 8 0.836 9 0.556 71899 Hoffenheim 0.613 7 1.189 8 0.416 8

Hannover 96 0.013 13 0.815 10 -0.525 17Hertha BSC Berlin 0.232 10 0.140 16 0.637 6

Werder Bremen 0.000 15 0.260 14 0.000 13Eintracht Frankfurt 0.122 11 0.396 11 0.235 10Sport-Club Freiburg 0.012 14 0.292 13 0.088 12

VfB Stuttgart 0.092 12 0.393 12 0.172 11Hamburger SV -0.472 16 -0.332 17 -0.332 161. FC Nürnberg -0.498 17 -0.571 18 -0.198 15

Eintracht Braunschweig -0.512 18 0.174 15 -1.023 18

Table 8.6.: Comparison of the estimated abilities from the model with a global home advantageto the estimated abilities from the model with team-specific home advantages

Borussia Dortmund seems to show the most prominent difference between the abilities onhome ground and away. While Dortmund is the second best team away it is only the 7thbest team on home ground. This is even more noteworthy as the stadium of Dortmund isoften considered to be the best football stadium in the world with the highest capacity inthe Bundesliga. Therefore, the support of Dortmund in its own stadium is extraordinary,after all the performance of Dortmund is better in away matches than in home matches.

116 8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data

8.6.3. Identification of Clusters

Figure 8.7 shows the coefficient paths for the abilities of the single teams in the model witha global home advantage. The abilities (or rather the differences between the abilities) arepenalized with an L1-penalty and, therefore, shrunk toward zero. This enforces clusterswithin the teams where a cluster entails teams with similar abilities.

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0










γr − γs max (∑r<s

γr − γs)

Eintracht Braunschweig1. FC NuernbergHamburger SV

Werder BremenSport−Club FreiburgHannover 96VfB StuttgartEintracht Frankfurt

Hertha BSC Berlin

FSV Mainz 05

FC Augsburg 19071899 Hoffenheim

Borussia Moenchengladbach

VfL WolfsburgSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen

FC Schalke 04Borussia Dortmund

FC Bayern Muenchen


Figure 8.7.: Coefficient paths for ability parameters in the model with a global home advantageusing an adaptive L1-penalty.

Cluster Ability1 FC Bayern München 2.112 Borussia Dortmund; FC Schalke 04 0.843 Borussia Mönchengladbach; Bayer 04 Leverkusen; VfL Wolfsburg 0.704 1. FSV Mainz; FC Augsburg; 1899 Hoffenheim; 0.265 Sport-Club Freiburg; Eintracht Frankfurt; Hannover 96; Hertha BSC Berlin 0.00

VfB Stuttgart; SV Werder Bremen6 1. FC Nürnberg; Eintracht Braunschweig; Hamburger SV -0.38

Table 8.7.: Clusters of teams with corresponding abilities.

Table 8.7 shows the resulting clusters if the optimal path point in Figure 8.7 is chosen byBIC. In total we end up with 6 clusters while there were 8 clusters in table 8.3 for the season2012/2013. Like in the previous season, the first cluster is the champion Bayern München,seemingly playing in a league of its own. The last cluster entails the two relegated teams

8.6 Application to the Data from Bundesliga Season 2013/2014 117

Braunschweig and Nürnberg as well as the Hamburger SV, who had to play relegationmatches to stay up in the Bundesliga. In the previous season, the last three teams hadbeen split into two clusters.

8.6.4. Clustering of Teams and Home Effects

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0






Ability home


γr − γs max (∑r<s

γr − γs)

1. FC NuernbergHamburger SV

Hertha BSC BerlinEintracht BraunschweigWerder BremenSport−Club FreiburgVfB StuttgartEintracht Frankfurt

Hannover 96FC Augsburg 1907

1899 HoffenheimBorussia DortmundFSV Mainz 05SV Bayer 04 Leverkusen

VfL WolfsburgBorussia Moenchengladbach

FC Schalke 04

FC Bayern Muenchen


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




Ability away


γr − γs max (∑r<s

γr − γs)

Eintracht Braunschweig

Hannover 96Hamburger SV1. FC NuernbergFSV Mainz 05Werder BremenSport−Club FreiburgVfB StuttgartEintracht FrankfurtBorussia Moenchengladbach1899 HoffenheimFC Augsburg 1907Hertha BSC BerlinVfL WolfsburgFC Schalke 04SV Bayer 04 Leverkusen

Borussia Dortmund

FC Bayern Muenchen


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







Home advantage


γr − γs max (∑r<s

γr − γs)

Borussia DortmundHertha BSC BerlinFC Bayern Muenchen1. FC Nuernberg

Hamburger SVEintracht FrankfurtSport−Club FreiburgVfB StuttgartSV Bayer 04 LeverkusenWerder BremenFC Augsburg 1907

1899 HoffenheimVfL Wolfsburg

Eintracht BraunschweigFC Schalke 04Hannover 96FSV Mainz 05Borussia Moenchengladbach


Figure 8.8.: Coefficient paths for home abilities, away abilities and home advantages in the modelwith team specific home advantages using an adaptive L1-penalty

Figure 8.8 shows the paths for the model with team-specific home effects, compare Figure8.3 for season 2012/2013. Again, it can be seen that Borussia Dortmund has the mostnegative home effect (for the unpenalized case). While the abilities home and away show

118 8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data

more different clusters than in the season 2012/2013, the home advantage only has fourdifferent clusters if model selection is done by BIC.

8.6.5. Accounting for Explanatory Variables

In this subsection, the inclusion of the budget of the teams is considered. In Figure 8.9,


















20 40 60 80 100 120 140












LM : R2adj = 0.69

Figure 8.9.: Budgets (in millions) versus estimated abilities for all teams from the Bundesligaseason 2013/2014

the budget (in millions) of the teams is plotted against the respective estimated abilities.The solid line represents the LS estimator of the respective linear model (R2 = 0.69). Incontrast to the data from 2012/2013, the correlation is clearly linear, the fit of an additivemodel resulted in a linear model. The plot shows that the abilities of a team highly dependon the budget of the respective club.

Figure 8.10 shows the coefficient paths for the ability parameters if the budget is incorpo-rated in the model (and a global home effect). Again, this results in clusters of teams withsimilar abilities. In this case, the abilities are interpreted as the abilities if the budget is al-ready eliminated by the model. Again, if the optimal path point is chosen by BIC 6 clustersare found. Taking the budget into account, the Hamburger SV had the worst performance ofall teams. The best performance had the cluster of the teams Augsburg, Mönchengladbach,Leverkusen, Wolfsburg, Hoffenheim, Mainz and Dortmund. Bayern München, althoughhaving a season with total dominance of the league, only appear in the second cluster. Theeffect strength of the budget is very similar to the effect in the previous season.

8.7 Concluding Remarks 119

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0









γr − γs max (∑r<s

γr − γs)

Hamburger SV

1. FC Nuernberg

Eintracht Braunschweig

VfB StuttgartWerder BremenHannover 96

Eintracht Frankfurt

FC Bayern MuenchenFC Schalke 04Sport−Club FreiburgHertha BSC Berlin

FSV Mainz 05Borussia Dortmund1899 HoffenheimVfL Wolfsburg

SV Bayer 04 Leverkusen

Borussia MoenchengladbachFC Augsburg 1907



Figure 8.10.: Coefficient paths for ability parameters in the model with a global home advantageand the budget (in 100 millions) using an adaptive L1-penalty

8.7. Concluding Remarks

All calculations in this chapter have been conducted by using the statistical software R (RCore Team, 2015). Most of the available add-on packages for paired comparison models inR are restricted to the case of binary response and cannot deal with ordered response. Themost popular packages are prefmod (Hatzinger and Dittrich, 2012) and BradleyTerry2(Turner and Firth, 2012). The former uses the log linear representation of BT-models andcan handle draws in the response variable. The latter can also handle covariates by assumingrandom effects for the ability parameters but only in the case of binary responses.

Here we favor a direct approach to the fitting of ordinal paired comparison models (withoutregularization) that is based on the embedding into the framework of generalized linearmodels. By including the restrictions on the thresholds and the construction of specificdesign matrices that include the effect of home advantages BT models for ordered responsecan be fitted by using the add-on package VGAM (Yee, 2010). It also allows to use alternativelink functions. The procedure, but without team-specific covariates and regularization, hasbeen implemented in the package ordBTL (Casalicchio, 2013).

120 8. Extended Ordered Paired Comparison Models with Application to Football Data

In our extended framework we have to also include penalty terms. A very general approachthat allows to combine a variety of different penalties in univariate GLMs has been proposedby Oelker and Tutz (2015), and is available in the package (Oelker, 2015). Withthe help of Margret Oelker it has been adapted such that also cumulative logit models canbe fitted.

9. Prediction of Soccer TournamentsBased on Regularized PoissonRegression

9.1. Introduction

In the last few years various approaches to the statistical modeling of major internationalsoccer events have been proposed, among them the Union of European Football Associations(UEFA) Champions League (CL; Karlis and Ntzoufras, 2011, Eugster et al., 2011), theEuropean football championship (EURO; Leitner et al., 2010a, Zeileis et al., 2012, Grolland Abedieh, 2013) or the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) WorldCup (Leitner et al., 2010b; Stoy et al., 2010; Dyte and Clarke, 2000). In particular, thecurrent FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil is accompanied by various publications tryingto predict the tournament winner, see, e.g., Zeileis et al. (2014), Goldman-Sachs GlobalInvestment Research (2014), Silver (2014) and Lloyd’s (2014).

In general, statistical approaches to the modeling of soccer data can be divided into twomajor categories: the first ones are based on the easily available source of “prospective" in-formation contained in bookmakers’ odds, compare Leitner et al. (2010a) and their follow-uppapers. They already correctly predicted the finals of the EURO 2008 as well as Spain asthe 2010 FIFA World Champion and as the 2012 EURO Champion. The winning probabil-ities for each team were obtained simply by aggregating winning odds from several onlinebookmakers. Based on these winning probabilities, by inverse tournament simulation team-specific abilities can be computed by paired comparison models. Using this technique theeffects of the tournament draw are stripped. Next, pairwise probabilities for each possiblegame at the corresponding tournament can be predicted and, finally, the whole tournamentcan be simulated. Using this approach, Zeileis et al. (2014) predicted the host Brazil towin the FIFA World Cup 2014 with a probability of 22.5%, followed by Argentina (15.8%)and Germany (13.4%).

This chapter is a modified version of Groll et al. (2015), previous work on the issue can be found in thetechnical report 166 (Groll et al., 2014). See Chapter 1 for more information on the personal contributionsof all authors and textual matches.

122 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression

It should be noted that this method will always predict the team that has the lowest(average) bookmaker odds as the tournament winner and, hence, is implicitly assuming thatall available information is covered by the bookmakers expertise. This is not unrealistic, asone can indeed expect bookmakers to use sophisticated models when setting up their odds,as they have strong economic incentives to rate the team strengths of soccer teams correctly.Although the bookmakers‘ models certainly contain covariate information of the competingteams, at least indirectly, an alternative approach is to explicitly model the influence ofcovariates on the success of soccer teams.

This task leads to the second category of approaches that are based on regression models.A simple standard linear regression approach was used by Stoy et al. (2010) to analyze thesuccess of national teams at FIFA World Cups. The success of a team at a World Cup ismeasured by a defined point scale that is supposed to be normally distributed. Beside somesport-specific covariates also political-economic, socio-geographic as well as some religiousand psychological influence variables are considered. Based on this model, a prediction forthe FIFA World Cup 2010 was obtained.

In contrast to Stoy et al. (2010), most of the regression approaches directly model thenumber of goals scored in single soccer matches, assuming that the number of goals scoredby each team follows a Poisson distribution model, see, e.g., Maher (1982), Lee (1997),Dixon and Coles (1997), Dyte and Clarke (2000), Rue and Salvesen (2000) and Karlis andNtzoufras (2003). For example, Dyte and Clarke (2000) predict the distribution of scores ininternational soccer matches, treating each team’s goals scored as conditionally independentPoisson variables depending on two influence variables, the FIFA world ranking of each teamand the match venue. Poisson regression is used to estimate parameters for the model andbased on these parameters the matches played during the 1998 FIFA World Cup can besimulated.

Similarly, Goldman-Sachs Global Investment Research (2014) set up a regression modelbased on the entire history of mandatory international football matches—i.e., no friendlies—since 1960, ending up with about 14,000 observations. The dependent variable is the numberof goals scored by each side in each match, assuming that the number of goals scored by aparticular side in a particular match follows a Poisson distribution. They incorporate six ex-planatory covariates: the difference in the Elo rankings1 between the two teams, the averagenumber of goals scored/received by the competing teams over the last ten/five mandatoryinternational games, a dummy variable indicating whether the regarding match was a WorldCup match, a dummy variable indicating whether the considered team played in its homecountry, a team-specific dummy variable indicating whether the considered team played onits home continent. Finally, based on the estimated regression parameters, a probability

1 The Elo ranking is a composite measure of national football teams’ success, which is based on the entirehistorical track record and which, in contrast to the FIFA ranking, is available for the entire history ofinternational football matches (see Elo, 2008).

9.1 Introduction 123

distribution for the outcome of each game is obtained and a Monte Carlo simulation with100,000 draws is used to generate the probabilities of teams reaching particular stages ofthe tournament, up to winning the championship. The forecast tournament winner at theFIFA World Cup 2014 is Brazil with a rather high winning probability of 48.5%, followedby Argentina (14.1%) and Germany (11.4%).

At this point, we also want to mention other prediction approaches, which cannot be clas-sified into one of the two aforementioned major categories of statistical approaches formodeling soccer data. For example, Dobson and Goddard (2011) or Forrest and Simmons(2000) use discrete choice models for the modeling of match outcomes. Concerning theprediction of the FIFA World Cup 2014, an approach proposed by Silver (2014) is based onthe so-called Soccer Power Index (SPI). The SPI is a rating system, which uses historicaldata on both the international and club level to predict the outcome of a match. The algo-rithm uses several years of data, taking into account goals scored and allowed, quality of thelineup fielded, and the location of the match. In addition, the index weights recent matchesmore heavily, and also takes into account the importance of the match – e.g., World Cupmatches count much more than friendly matches. Based on the SPI, Silver (2014) forecastsagain Brazil as the tournament winner at the FIFA World Cup 2014, also with a ratherlarge winning probability of 45.2%, followed by Argentina (12.8%) and Germany (11.9%).

The other alternative approach is from a more economical perspective: the London insur-ance market Lloyd’s (2014) uses players wages and endorsement incomes together with acollection of additional indicators to construct an economic model, which estimates playersincomes until retirement. These projections form the basis for assessing insurable values byplayers age, playing position and nationality. As Germany and Spain are associated withthe largest estimated insured values, according to this approach they turn out to be thetop favorites for winning the current World Cup.

In the approach that we propose here we focus on international soccer tournaments, hereapplied to FIFA World Cups, and use a Poisson model for the number of goals scored bycompeting teams in the single matches of the tournaments. Several potential influencevariables are considered and, additionally, team-specific effects are included in the form offixed effects, resulting in a flexible generalized linear model (GLM). Incorporating a methodfor the selection of relevant predictors, we obtain a regularized solution for our model. Thevariable selection is based on suitable L1-penalization techniques and is performed withthe grplasso function from the corresponding R-package (see Meier et al., 2008). As anapplication, the approach is used to fit data from previous FIFA World Cups and finally,based on the obtained estimates, the FIFA World Cup 2014 is predicted.

It should be noted that in contrast to other team sports, such as basketball, ice-hockey orhandball, in soccer pure chance plays an important role. A major reason for this is that,compared to other sports, in soccer fewer points (goals) are scored and thus singular game

124 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression

situations can have a tremendous effect on the outcome of the match. One consequence isthat every now and then alleged (and unpredictable) underdogs win tournaments. Thereare countless examples in history for such events, throughout all competitions. We wantto mention only some of the most famous ones: Germany’s first World Cup success inSwitzerland 1954, known as the “miracle from Bern”; Greece’s victory at the EURO 2004;FC Porto’s triumph in the UEFA CL season 2003/2004. Nevertheless, it can be interestingto investigate the relationship and dependency structure between different potentially in-fluential covariates and the success of soccer teams (in our case in terms of the number ofgoals they score).

The rest of the chapter is structured as follows. In Section 9.2, we introduce the team-specific Poisson model for the number of goals. Section 9.3 entails a description of the datafor the application to the FIFA World Cup, including a list of possible influence variables.Furthermore, the model is fitted to the data and used to predict the FIFA World Cup 2014.Note that all computations have been performed by use of the statistical software R (RCore Team, 2015).

9.2. Model and Estimation

Our proposed model concentrates on the number of goals a team scores against a specificopponent. For every team, specific attack and defense parameters are considered. Further-more, the covariates of both teams, which might have an influence on the number of scoredgoals, are considered in the form of differences.

Let for n teams yijk, i, j ∈ {1, . . . , n}, i 6= j, denote the number of goals scored by team i

when playing team j at tournament k. The considered model has the form:

yijk|xxxik,xxxjk ∼ Pois(λijk)

log(λijk) = β0 + (xxxik − xxxjk)Tβββ + atti − defj. (9.1)

It is assumed that the number of goals that team i scores follows a Poisson distributionwith given team-specific parameters and covariates of both teams. In addition, the two ob-servations of one match are assumed to be independent, given the team-specific parametersand covariates.

The linear predictor consists of the attacking parameter atti of the team i and the defendingparameter defj of its opponent j. The covariates of team i at tournament k are collected ina vector xxxik = (xik1, . . . , xikp)T of length p. In the following, we assume that the covariatesof each team can vary over different tournaments (but not within a tournament). Each

9.2 Model and Estimation 125

covariate is incorporated as the difference between the respective covariates of both teams.The covariate effects are collected in the vector βββ = (β1, . . . , βp)T and β0 represents theintercept.

If the linear predictor of the model is re-formulated, it can be denoted by

ηijk = β0 + (xxxik − xxxjk)Tβββ + atti − defj= β0 + xxxT

ikβββ + atti − xxxTjkβββ + defj

= β0 + γi − δj.

Here, γi = xxxTikβββ + atti and δj = xxxT

jkβββ + defj represent the total attack ability of team i anddefense ability of team j, respectively. Hence, atti and defi act as additional parameterscovering ability differences that are not covered by the covariate effects yet. This denotationemphasizes that the model can be seen as a paired comparison model as the linear predictoris mainly composed of the difference of the abilities of two opponents.

Generally, the estimation of the covariate effects will be obtained by regularized estimationapproaches. The idea is to first set up a model with a rather large number of possiblyinfluential variables and then to regularize the effect of the single covariates. This regular-ization aims at diminishing the variance of the parameter estimates and, hence, to providelower prediction error than the unregularized maximum likelihood estimator. The basicconcept of regularization is to maximize a penalized version of the log-likelihood l(ααα) whereααα = (α1, . . . , αp)T represents a general parameter vector. More precisely, one maximizesthe penalized log-likelihood

lp(α) = l(α)− λJ(α) , (9.2)

where λ represents a tuning parameter, which is used to control the strength of the pe-nalization. In practice, this tuning parameter has to be chosen either by suitable criteriafor model selection or by cross-validation. Model selection criteria are usually based ona compromise between the model fit (e.g. in terms of the likelihood) and the complexityof the model, like AIC (Akaike, 1973) or BIC (Schwarz, 1978). The penalty term J(α)can have many different shapes. Hoerl and Kennard (1970) suggested the so-called ridgepenalty

J(α) =p∑i=1

α2i ,

where the sum over the squares of all parameters in the model is penalized. The ridgepenalty has the feature to shrink the respective parameter estimates towards zero. After all,

126 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression

ridge cannot set estimates to zero exactly and, therefore, can not perform variable selection.In our analysis, we will use a penalty based on the absolute values of the parameters insteadof the squared values resulting in a so-called least absolute shrinkage and selection operator(LASSO) penalty. The LASSO estimator was originally proposed by Tibshirani (1996) anduses the penalty

J(α) =p∑i=1|αi|. (9.3)

In contrast to the ridge penalty, LASSO can provide parameter estimates, which are exactlyzero and, therefore, enforces variable selection.

The team-specific ability parameters atti and defj are considered as fixed effects and arecoded by dummy variables within the design matrix. From this perspective, the attack(and, analogously, the defense) variables are seen as categorical covariates with as manycategories as there are teams2. One assigns 1 to the dummy variables associated with atti, ifthe goals of team i are considered, and 0 otherwise. Similarly, one assigns -1 to the dummyvariables associated with defj, if team j is the opponent, and 0 otherwise. An extract ofthe corresponding design matrix is given in Table 9.2.

In the following, both team-specific effects corresponding to one team are treated as agroup. Hence, the original LASSO penalty from equation (9.3) has to be modified ap-propriately according to the so-called Group LASSO penalty proposed by Yuan and Lin(2006). The Group LASSO penalizes the L2-norm of the respective parameter vectors(att1, def1)T, . . . , (attn, defn)T. Hence, the parameters of attack and defense abilities of sin-gle teams are simultaneously shrunk towards zero and, if shrunk exactly to zero, excludedfrom the model. Besides, the covariate effects β are penalized using the ordinary LASSOpenalty from equation (9.3). Altogether, the penalty term for model (9.1) is given by

J(α) =p∑i=1|βi|+



√att2i + def 2

i .

The prefactor√

2 controls for the group sizes of the groups of team-specific parameters,compare Yuan and Lin (2006) or Meier et al. (2008). Another advantage of penalizationis the way correlated predictors are treated. If two predictors are highly correlated, theparameter estimates are stabilized by the penalization. The chosen LASSO penalty tendsto include only one of the predictors and only includes the second predictor if it entailsadditional information for the response variable. Therefore, if several variables possiblycontain information on the strength of teams they can be used simultaneously. The most

2 Usually, for reasons of identifiability, categorical predictors with k factor levels are coded by k−1 dummies.However, the regularization approach introduced in the following (with λ > 0) provides unique estimatesdespite the issues of identifiability.

9.3 Application 127

informative variable is chosen automatically by the penalty term. The model can easily befitted by use of the grplasso function from the corresponding R-package (see Meier et al.,2008).

Note that, alternatively, similar to the model used in Groll and Abedieh (2013) the team-specific effects could be estimated as random effects. Then, the attack and the defenseparameter of team i are assumed to be multivariate normally distributed. In this case,the ability parameters are automatically regularized by the assumption of a distributionand only the covariate effects β are explicitly penalized by using LASSO. The algorithmglmmLasso proposed in Groll and Tutz (2014) can be used to fit this model. However, thisresults in a model more focused on team-specific effects than covariate effects due to thedifferent, namely lower, penalization of the random team-specific effects. Therefore, thismodeling approach is not pursued in the following.

9.3. Application

In the following, the proposed model is applied to data from previous FIFA World Cupsand is then used to predict the FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil.

9.3.1. Data

In this section, we give a brief description of the used covariates. For each participatingteam, the covariates are observed either for the year of the respective World Cup (e.g. GDPper capita) or shortly before the start of the World Cup (e.g. FIFA ranking). Therefore,the covariates of a team vary from one World Cup to another and, hence, the model allowsfor a prediction of a new World Cup based on the current covariate realizations.

Economic factors

GDP per capita. The gross domestic product (GDP) per capita represents the economicstrength of a country. To account for the general increase of the GDP, a ratio of the GDPper capita of the respective country and the worldwide average GDP per capita is used.The GDP data were collected from is the website of the United Nations Statistics Division(

Population. The population size of a country may have an influence on the success of anational team as small countries will have a smaller amount of players to choose from.The population size is used as a ratio with the respective global population to account for

128 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression

the general growth of the world population. The data source is the website of the worldbank (

Sportive factors

ODDSET odds. Bookmakers’ odds on the probability to win a World Cup already entaila great amount of covariates and information about the respective team and, therefore,can be assumed to be a good predictor for the success of a national team? The oddswere provided by the German state betting agency ODDSET. The bookmakers’ oddsare converted into winning probabilities by taking the inverse of the odds followed byelimination of the bookmakers’ margin. Hence, the variable reflects the probabilities ofODDSET for each team to win the respective World Cup3.

FIFA ranking. The FIFA ranking provides a ranking system for all national teams mea-suring the performance of the team over the last four years. The exact formula for thecalculation of the FIFA points and all rankings since implementation of the FIFA rankingsystem can be found at the official FIFA website ( Since the calculation formula of the FIFA points changed after the WorldCup 2006, the rankings according to FIFA points are used instead of the points4.

Home advantage

Host. The host of the World Cup could have an advantage over its opponents because ofthe stronger support of the crowd in the stadium. Therefore, a dummy variable for therespective host of the World Cup is included.

Continent. Before the World Cup 2014, many discussions revolved around the climaticconditions in Brazil and who would deal best with these conditions. One could assumethat teams from the same continent as the host of the World Cup (including the hostitself) may have advantages over teams from other continents, as they might better getalong with the climatic and cultural circumstances. A dummy variable for the continentof the World Cup host is included.

3 The possibility of betting on the overall cup winner before the start of the tournament is quite novel.For example, the German state betting agency ODDSET offered the bet for the first time at the FIFAWorld Cup 2002.

4 The FIFA ranking was introduced in August 1993.

9.3 Application 129

Factors describing the team’s structure

The following variables are thought to describe the structure of the teams. Each variablewas observed with the final squad of 23 players nominated for the respective World Cup.

(Second) maximum number of teammates. If many players from one club play together ina national team, this could lead to an improved performance of the team as the teammatesknow each other better. Therefore, both the maximum and the second maximum numberof teammates from the same club are counted and included as covariates.

Average age. The average age of all 23 players is observed to include possible differencesbetween rather old and rather young teams.

Number of Champions League (Europa League) players. The European club leagues arevaluated to be the best leagues in the world. Therefore, the competitions from teamsbetween the best European teams, namely the UEFA Champions League and the UEFAEuropa League (previously UEFA Cup) can be seen as the most prestigious and valuablecompetitions on club level. As a measurement of the success of the players on club level,the number of players in the semi finals (taking place only weeks before the respectiveWorld Cup) of these competitions are counted.

Number of players abroad. Finally, the national teams strongly differ in the numbers ofplayers playing in a league of the respective country and players from leagues of othercountries. For each team, the number of players playing in clubs abroad (in the seasonprevious to the respective World Cup) are counted.

Factors describing the team’s coach

Also covariates of the coach of the national team may have an influence on the performanceof the team. Therefore, the age of the coach and the duration of the tenure of the coach areobserved. Furthermore, a dummy variable is included, if the coach has the same nationalityas his team or not.

Unfortunately, the covariate ODDSET odds is not available before the FIFA World Cup2002. But as this covariate can be assumed to contain already a lot of expertise andinformation about an upcoming World Cup, we decided to perform a separate analysis forthe FIFA World Cup data from 2002-2010 (from now on denoted by WC2002), includingthe odds. But as this results in a quite small data basis, another analysis will be performedon a data set including the World Cups from 1994-2010, excluding the covariate ODDSETodds (from now on denoted by WC1994).

130 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression

Note that the differences of the three binary variables host, continent and nationality, whichoriginally have been encoded with {0, 1}, lead to new categorical variables with the threefactor levels -1, 0 and +1. For each of these new categorical covariates we use dummyencoding with -1 as the reference category and, hence, obtain two columns per covariatein the design matrix, e.g. host0 and host1, corresponding to the factor levels 0 and 1,respectively. The dummy variables corresponding to one categorical covariate are treatedas groups and, hence, are also penalized by a Group LASSO penalty, similar to the attackand defense ability parameters.

It should be noted that at the FIFA World Cup 2014 the national team of Bosnia andHerzegovina participated for the very first time. Therefore, for this team no estimates of itsteam-specific effects are available. Analogously, the national team of Colombia participatingalso at the FIFA World Cup 2014 did not participate in any of the FIFA World Cups from2002-2010. In order to obtain nonetheless reasonable estimates for the team-specific effectsof such teams, which can then be used for the prediction of the FIFA World Cup 2014, wecollect all teams that have only participated once in the tournaments from the respectivedata basis in a group called newcomers. Therefore, these teams share the same team-specific ability parameters. Exemplarily, for the WC2002 data this concerns the following12 teams: Angola, China, Czech Republic, Ireland, New Zealand, North Korea, Senegal,Slovakia, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine.

As already mentioned, in the model specification of model (9.1) from Section 9.2 all covari-ates are considered in the form of differences. For example, in the first match of the FIFAWorld Cup 2002 in Japan and South Korea, where France played against Senegal (which isamong the group of newcomers in our sample), the French team had an average age of 28.30years, was on first place in the current FIFA ranking and had a winning probability given bythe ODDSET odds of 15%, while Senegal’s team had an average age of 24.30 years, was on42th place in the current FIFA ranking and had a winning probability of 1%. Hence, whenthe goals of France are considered, this results in the following differences for the metriccovariates: age = 28.30 − 24.30 = 4.00, rank = 1 − 42 = −41, odds = 0.15 − 0.01 = 0.14.For the categorical variable host ∈ {−1, 0, 1} we get host = 0− 0 = 0, which results in theentries host0 = 1 and host1 = 0 in the two columns of the design matrix correspondingto the dummy encoding, as the factor level −1 was chosen as the reference category. Anextract of the design matrix part, which corresponds to the covariates is presented in Ta-ble 9.1. The matrix resulting from the encoding of the team-specific effects is illustrated inTable 9.2.

9.3 Application 131

Goals Team Opponent Age Rank Odds Host0 Host1 ...0 France Newcomer 4.00 -41 0.14 1 0 ...1 Newcomer France -4.00 41 -0.14 1 0 ...1 Uruguay Denmark -2.10 4 -0.00 1 0 ...2 Denmark Uruguay 2.10 -4 0.00 1 0 ...1 Denmark Newcomer 3.10 -22 0.01 1 0 ...1 Newcomer Denmark -3.10 22 -0.01 1 0 ...0 France Uruguay 3.00 -23 0.14 1 0 ...0 Uruguay France -3.00 23 -0.14 1 0 .........




. . .

Table 9.1.: Extract of the design matrix part which corresponds to the covariates.

FRA.att FRA.def NEW.att NEW.def URU.att URU.def DEN.att DEN.def1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 00 -1 1 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 0 0 -10 0 0 0 0 -1 1 00 0 0 -1 0 0 1 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 -11 0 0 0 0 -1 0 00 -1 0 0 1 0 0 0...




. . .

Table 9.2.: Encoding of the team specific-effects

9.3.2. Estimation Results

In this section, we present the fit of model (9.1) from Section 9.2 on the basis of bothdata sets, i.e. the FIFA World Cups 1994-2010 and 2002-2010, which is then used for theprediction of the FIFA World Cup 2014.

As pointed out in Section 9.2 we use LASSO-type penalization approaches to fit themodel (9.1). The crucial step is now to determine the optimal value of the tuning parameterλ from equation (9.2). Note that different levels of sparseness are obtained depending onthe selection of the optimal tuning parameter λ. In general, information criteria such asAkaike’s information criterion (AIC, see Akaike, 1973) or the Bayesian information criterion(BIC, see Schwarz, 1978), also known as Schwarz’s information criterion, could be used,but as our main focus is on achieving good prediction results in order to be able to providea realistic forecast of the FIFA World Cup 2014, we decided to use 10-fold cross validation(CV) based on the conventional Poisson deviance score 5. The corresponding 10-fold CVresults are illustrated in Figure 9.1, exemplarily for the WC1994 data.

5 As two observations corresponding to the goals of the same match belong together, we do not excludesingle observations from the training data, but single matches.

132 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression

0 50 100 150 200









Figure 9.1.: Deviance for 10-fold CV for Model (9.1), exemplarily for the FIFA World Cup data1994-2010; the optimal value of the penalty parameter λ is shown by the vertical line.

0 50 100 150 200







β i


CL players

UEFA players

Figure 9.2.: Coefficient paths of the covariate effects vs. the penalty parameter λ, exemplarily forthe FIFA World Cup data 1994-2010; the optimal value of the penalty parameter λ is shown bythe vertical line.

Additionally, in Figure 9.2 the coefficient paths for the (scaled) covariates are shown alongthe penalty parameter λ. Note that in order to correctly apply the LASSO algorithms,all covariates (both binary and continuous) were scaled to have mean 0 and variance 1.Besides, Figure 9.3 illustrates the coefficient paths of the team-specific attack and defenseparameters. In Table 9.3, the fixed effects estimates for the (scaled) covariates are shownfor both data sets. The optimal tuning parameter λ, which minimizes the deviance shownin Figure 9.1, leads to a model with 10 (out of possibly 17) regression coefficients differentfrom zero for the WC1994 data set. The paths illustrated in Figure 9.2 show that thefirst covariate to be selected is the FIFA rank, followed by the number of CL players andnumber of UEFA players (when the penalty parameter λ decreases). Together with thefact that the estimated effects of these three covariates also exhibit the highest absolute

9.3 Application 133

0 20 40 60 80







att i

(a) Team-specific attack parameters

0 20 40 60 80







def i

(b) Team-specific defense parameters

Figure 9.3.: Coefficient paths of the team-specific attack (a) and defense effects (b) vs. the penaltyparameter λ, exemplarily for the FIFAWorld Cup data 1994-2010; the optimal value of the penaltyparameter λ is shown by the vertical lines.

values, this indicates that the three covariates offer the highest explanatory power amongall regarded covariates. The estimated coefficients show the intuitively expected effects:better, i.e. lower, FIFA ranks and more players that have been successful with their clubsin the UEFA Champions or Europa League have positive effects on the number of goalsscored. It is also worth mentioning that at the optimal tuning parameter, for several teamsthe ability estimates are still zero, compare Figure 9.3.

In general, similar graphs are obtained for the smaller WC2002 data, which includes theODDSET odds as a covariate. The major difference is that the ODDSET odds are thefirst variable to enter the model, followed by the FIFA rank. This confirms the supposition

134 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression

WC 1994-2010 WC 2002-2010CL players 0.149 0.075

UEFA players 0.066 0Age Coach 0 -0.017

Tenure Coach 0 -0.071Legionaires 0 0

Max. # teammates 0 0Sec. max # teammates -0.053 0

Age 0 0Rank -0.153 -0.167GDP 0.024 0.042Odds - 0.113

Population -0.031 -0.060Continent0 0.001 0.010Continent1 0.000 -0.003

Nation Coach0 0 0Nation Coach1 0 0

Host0 0.019 0Host1 0.028 0

Table 9.3.: Estimates of the covariate effects for the FIFA World Cups 1994-2010 and 2002-2010.

that the bookmakers’ odds cover already a lot of information and, hence, provide strongexplanatory power in the context of the success of soccer teams. Again, also the number ofCL players, the third covariate that enters the model, seems to play an important role.

The model including the odds is sparser with only 9 out of 18 regression coefficients differentfrom zero. A possible explanation is that the ODDSET odds already include a lot ofinformation from other covariates, as for example the host effect, which has been found inthe WC1994 data.

9.3.3. Goodness-of-fit

It is well-known that the scores of both competing teams in a soccer match are correlated.Several approaches to handle the correlation have been proposed in the literature. Forexample, in an unregularized setting McHale and Scarf (2006, 2011) model the dependenceby using bivariate discrete distributions and by specifying a suitable family of dependencecopulas. One of the first works investigating the topic of dependency between scores ofcompeting soccer team is the fundamental article of Dixon and Coles (1997). They haveshown that the joint distribution of the scores of both teams can not be well represented bythe product of two independent marginal Poisson distributions of the home and away teams.They suggest to use an additional term to adjust for certain under- and overrepresented

9.3 Application 135

match results. After all, these findings are based on the marginal distributions and onlyhold for models where the predictors of both scores are uncorrelated. However, the modelproposed by Dixon and Coles (1997) includes team-specific attack and defense ability pa-rameters and then uses independent poisson distributions for the numbers of goals scored.Therefore, the linear predictor for the number of goals of a specific team depends both onparameters of the team itself and its competitor. When fitting such a model to our WorldCup data it turned out that the estimates of the attack and defense abilities of the teamsare positively correlated. Therefore, although independent Poisson distributions are usedfor the scores in one match, the linear predictors and, accordingly, the predicted outcomesare (negatively) correlated. This holds both for the model of Dixon and Coles (1997) and,even more, for our proposed model where the linear predictors additionally entail covariatesof both teams. To check if this phenomenon represents the actual correlations between thescores in one match in an appropriate manner, we compared the correlations between thereal outcomes and the predictions from our model, exemplarily for the WC1994 data. Wemeasured the correlation between 10,000 predictions for every match from the data set andcompared it to the actual correlation between the scores in these matches. While we founda rank correlation (Spearman) of ρdata = −0.0882 for the real outcomes, the predictionsfrom our model have a rank correlation of ρmodel = −0.0908. The correlations according toBravais-Pearson show similar results, rdata = −0.1387 and rmodel = −0.0968. Alternatively,one can also investigate the residuals of the fitted model. If the model is representing thecorrelation structure in the data appropriately, the residuals belonging to the same matchshould be uncorrelated. For the WC1994 data we found correlations (accompanied by 95%bootstrap confidence intervals) according to Bravais-Pearson of 0.0198 (CI: [-0.0867;0.1283])for the deviance residuals and of 0.0062 (CI: [-0.0977;0.1141]) for the Pearson residuals, re-spectively. In general, the point estimates show that the actual residuals of our model areuncorrelated. Still, due to the rather low number of observations, we obtain rather wideconfidence intervals. Altogether, the correlations within the linear predictors for both teamscompeting in a match seem to fully account for the correlation between the scores of thoseteams and there is no need for further adjustment.

In a second step, we examined the actual distributions of the numbers of goals and comparedthem to the following (conditional) probabilities predicted by our model: separately foreach plausible score from 0 to 5 goals we compared the observed proportion of the scorein the data set with the probabilities for this score predicted by the model on only thoseobservations showing this score. Figure 9.4 shows the corresponding boxplots, both usingthe WC1994 data (upper plot) and the WC2002 data including the odds (lower plot).The boxplots represent the probabilities of the respective scores predicted by our model,conditioned on those observations, whose actual number of goals equate to those scores. Thered lines represent the relative frequencies of the respective scores in the data set. Note thatif no statistical model is available the relative frequencies would serve as a natural, simple

136 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression



0 1 2 3 4 5





Number of goals



nal p




_ __

_ _ _

n=191 n=214 n=131 n=55 n=17 n=3

(a) FIFA World Cup data 1994-2010




0 1 2 3 4 5






Number of goals



nal p




_ __

_ _ _

n=131 n=132 n=74 n=33 n=10 n=1

(b) FIFA World Cup data 2002-2010

Figure 9.4.: Conditional probabilities of the numbers of goals predicted by the model for theFIFA World Cup data 1994-2010 (a) and by the model for the 2002-2010 data set (b). Red linesrepresent the relative frequencies of the respective scores in the data set and the correspondingabsolute frequencies are displayed on top of every boxplot.

basis for the sampling of scores. So every statistical model should be able to competewith these relative frequencies in the sense that it should produce conditional predictedprobabilities for each score exceeding these frequencies as far as possible. It can be seenthat the model shows a good prediction performance regarding the number of goals. Forexample, for those 191 observations with an actual number of goals of zero, we observed amedian of the conditional predicted probabilities of 36,1%, while the proportion in the dataset for scores of zero was only 31,0%. In general, for all scores, the predicted conditionalprobabilities exceed the relative frequencies in the majority of cases. With respect to thiscriterion, the model for the data set including the odds (World Cups 2002-2010) performsslightly better than the model on the WC1994 data.

9.3 Application 137

Another important aspect when modeling soccer matches based on (Poisson distributed)scores is a possible underestimation of draws, see e.g. Dixon and Coles (1997) and Karlisand Ntzoufras (2003). For the actual match outcome (i.e. win of team A, draw or win ofteam B) we performed an analysis similar to the different number of goals shown above.Separately for all three possible match outcomes we compared the relative frequencies of theoutcome to the predicted probabilities of the respective true match outcome, conditioned ononly those matches showing this outcome, see Figure 9.5. Interestingly, the first-mentioned










nal p




__ _

Team A Draw Team B

n=134 n=84 n=90

(a) FIFA World Cup data 1994-2010










nal p




__ _

Team A Draw Team B

n=80 n=54 n=58

(b) FIFA World Cup data 2002-2010

Figure 9.5.: Conditional probabilities of the actual match outcome (i.e. win team A, draw or winof team B) predicted by the model for the WC1994 data (a) and by the model for the WC2002data (b). Red lines represent the relative frequencies of the respective outcomes in the data setand the corresponding absolute frequencies are displayed on top of every boxplot.

teams win more often than the second-mentioned teams. This is probably a consequenceof the FIFA arrangement of the matches in the group stage and the round of sixteen.Hence, it seems reasonable to distinguish between wins of the “home” and “away” teams.

138 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression

Although draws are generally predicted less well than wins of one of the teams, we foundno systematic underestimation of draws. Again, the performance on the WC2002 data isslightly better.

9.3.4. Prediction Power

In the following, we try to asses the performance with respect to prediction of our model.At “three-way”odds6 for all 64 matches of the FIFA World Cup 2014, averaged over 16 well-known book-makers, are provided. By taking the three quantities pr = 1/oddsr, r ∈ {1, 2, 3} and bynormalizing with c := ∑3

r=1 pr in order to adjust for the bookmakers’ margins, the oddscan be directly transformed into probabilities using pr = pr/c

7. On the other hand, letGij denote the random variables representing the number of goals scored by team i in acertain match against team j and Gji the goals of its opponent, respectively. Then, we cancompute the same probabilities by approximating p1 = P (Gij > Gji), p2 = P (Gij = Gji)and p3 = P (Gij < Gji) for each of the 64 matches of the FIFA World Cup 2014 usingthe corresponding Poisson distributions Gij ∼ Poisson(λij), Gji ∼ Poisson(λji), wherethe estimates λij and λji are obtained by our regression models. Based on these predictedprobabilities, the average probability of a correct prediction of a FIFA World Cup 2014match can be obtained. For the true match outcomes ωm ∈ {1, 2, 3},m = 1, . . . , 64, it isgiven by pthree-way := 1

64∑64m=1 p

δ1ωm1m p

δ2ωm2m p

δ3ωm3m , with δrm denoting Kronecker’s delta. The

quantity pthree-way serves as a useful performance measure for a comparison of the predictivepower of the model and the bookmakers’ odds and is shown for both data sets in Table 9.4.It is striking that the predictive power of our model compares well with the bookmakers’odds for both data sets, especially if one has in mind that the bookmakers odds are usuallyreleased just some days before the corresponding match takes place and, hence, are ableto include the latest performance trends of both competing teams. In general, the out-of-sample prediction seems very satisfying to us, with slightly better results for the WC2002data.

If one puts one’s trust into the model and its predicted probabilities, it could serve as thebasis of the following betting strategy: for every match one would bet on the three-waymatch outcome with the highest expected return, which can be calculated as the productof the model’s predicted probability and the corresponding three-way odd offered by thebookmakers. We applied this strategy to the model results of both data sets, yielding a

6 Three-way odds consider only the tendency of a match with the possible results victory of team 1, drawor defeat of team 1 and are usually fixed some days before the corresponding match takes place.

7 The transformed probabilities only serve as an approximation, based on the assumption that the book-makers’ margins follow a discrete uniform distribution on the three possible match tendencies.

9.3 Application 139

return of 33.52% for WC2002 and 19.28% for WC1994, when for all 64 matches equal-sizedbets are placed. Again, this is a very satisfying result with an advantage for WC2002.

WC1994 WC2002 bookmakers’ odds40.15% 40.33% 41.45%

Table 9.4.: Average probability pthree-way of a correct prediction of a FIFA World Cup 2014 matchfor our model on both data sets and the bookmakers’ odds.

In Table 9.5, the corresponding estimates of the (unscaled) fixed team-specific attackingand defending effects are summarized, exemplarily for the WC2002 data. In contrast tothe covariate effects from Table 9.3, we present the unscaled effects here, as this allows adirect comparison of both the attack and defense parameters of different teams. As alreadypointed out in Section 9.2, the full attack or defense abilities of team i are represented bythe terms xxxT

ikβββ + atti and xxxTikβββ + defi, respectively, and not only by the parameters atti

and defi. Therefore, atti = defi = 0 simply indicates that for such teams no additionalattack or defense effects are needed. In general, larger team-specific attack or defenseparameters, respectively, increase the team’s performance. It is striking that comparedto all other teams Germany and Brazil both have rather high attacking and defendingabilities: Germany’s attack is on 1st place, its defense is on 3rd place; Brazil’s attack is on2nd place, its defense on 5th place. In this context, also the parameters of Switzerland areinteresting. Switzerland has a rather bad attack, but the best defense parameter amongall the teams. This can be easily explained, as Switzerland has received only a single goalin its seven games at the World Cups 2006 and 2010, but on the other hand only scoredfive goals in these seven matches. Table 9.5 also provides the exponentials of the abilityparameters. Due to the used (log-)link, they represent the multiplicative (or divisive) effectsof the respective parameters on the response scale. In the current example, this means thatthe number of goals Switzerland concedes are divided by 1.8 compared to the case whereSwitzerland would not have an additional defense parameter.

9.3.5. Probabilities for FIFA World Cup 2014 Winner

We used both estimates from the two models fitted on the WC1994 and the WC2002 datato simulate the tournament progress of the FIFA World Cup 100,000 times. As we haveseen above that the model on the WC2002 data performs slightly better than the WC1994model with respect to all regarded goodness-of-fit and prediction criteria, we present in thissection only the prediction results of the model based on the WC2002 data. The resultscorresponding to the WC1994 data can be found in Appendix C.

140 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression

estimated attack parameters estimated defense parameters1. GER 0.237 1.267 1. SUI 0.599 1.8212. BRA 0.114 1.121 2. ALG 0.205 1.2273. URU 0.101 1.106 3. GER 0.181 1.1994. CRC 0.099 1.104 4. HON 0.065 1.0675. RSA 0.060 1.062 5. BRA 0.057 1.0596. BEL 0.042 1.043 6. FRA 0.046 1.0477. POR 0.019 1.019 7. POR 0.030 1.0318. ARG 0.000 1.000 8. PAR 0.021 1.0219. AUS 0.000 1.000 9. ARG 0.000 1.00010. CHI 0.000 1.000 10. AUS 0.000 1.00011. CRO 0.000 1.000 11. CHI 0.000 1.00012. DEN 0.000 1.000 12. CRO 0.000 1.00013. ECU 0.000 1.000 13. DEN 0.000 1.00014. ENG 0.000 1.000 14. ECU 0.000 1.00015. GHA 0.000 1.000 15. ENG 0.000 1.00016. GRE 0.000 1.000 16. GHA 0.000 1.00017. ITA 0.000 1.000 17. GRE 0.000 1.00018. CIV 0.000 1.000 18. ITA 0.000 1.00019. JPN 0.000 1.000 19. CIV 0.000 1.00020. MEX 0.000 1.000 20. JPN 0.000 1.00021. NED 0.000 1.000 21. MEX 0.000 1.00022. NEW 0.000 1.000 22. NED 0.000 1.00023. NGA 0.000 1.000 23. NEW 0.000 1.00024. RUS 0.000 1.000 24. NGA 0.000 1.00025. KOR 0.000 1.000 25. RUS 0.000 1.00026. ESP 0.000 1.000 26. KOR 0.000 1.00027. SWE 0.000 1.000 27. ESP 0.000 1.00028. USA 0.000 1.000 28. SWE 0.000 1.00029. SVN -0.002 0.998 29. USA 0.000 1.00030. PAR -0.003 0.997 30. SVN -0.009 0.99131. POL -0.005 0.995 31. POL -0.012 0.98832. IRN -0.040 0.960 32. URU -0.019 0.98133. SRB -0.047 0.954 33. RSA -0.022 0.97834. HON -0.083 0.921 34. BEL -0.085 0.91835. FRA -0.198 0.821 35. CMR -0.090 0.91436. SUI -0.202 0.817 36. IRN -0.097 0.90737. CMR -0.204 0.815 37. SRB -0.153 0.85838. TUN -0.234 0.791 38. TUN -0.297 0.74339. ALG -0.340 0.712 39. CRC -0.526 0.59140. KSA -0.495 0.610 40. KSA -0.788 0.455

Table 9.5.: (Unscaled) estimates of the team-specific attacking effects atti and their exponentialsexp(atti) (left) and defending effects defi and their exponentials exp(defi) (right) for the WC2002data.

9.3 Application 141

Note here that one advantage in comparison to several other prediction approaches isthat we are able to draw exact match outcomes for each match by drawing the goalsof both competing teams from the predicted Poisson distributions, i.e. Gij ∼ Poisson(λij),Gji ∼ Poisson(λji), with estimates λij and λji from the WC2002 model. This allows usto precisely follow the official FIFA rules when determining the final group standings8. Ifa match in the knockout stage ended in a draw, we simulated another 30 minutes of extratime using scoring rates equal to 1/3 of the 90 minutes rates. If the match then still endedin a draw, the winner was calculated simply by coin flip, reflecting a penalty shoot out.

Based on these simulations, for each of the 32 participating teams probabilities to reachthe next stage and, finally, to win the tournament are obtained. These are summarizedin Table 9.6 together with the winning probabilities based on the ODDSET odds for com-parison. In contrast to most other prediction approaches for the FIFA World Cup 2014clearly favoring Brazil, we get a neck-and-neck race between Germany and Brazil, finallywith better chances for Germany. The major reason for this is that with a high probabilityin the simulations both Germany and Brazil finish their groups on the first place and thenface each other in the semi final. In a direct duel, the model concedes Germany a thinadvantage with a winning probability of 51,7% against 48,3%. The favorites Germany andBrazil are followed by the teams of Switzerland, Spain, Argentina and Portugal. Similarly,for the WC1994 data Germany has the highest probability to win the trophy, followed bySpain and Brazil, see Table C.1 in Appendix C.

In a second step, we investigate how the model (and the respective winning probabilities)change when the data set is successively extended by the completed matches of the currentWorld Cup in each stage. For example, after the group stage the model is refitted includingall 48 matches from the group stage. Then, for the round of 16 the qualified teams fromthe group stage are known and used for the prediction of the round of 16. For example,according to the initial model Costa Rica appeared to be a clear underdog and only hadlow chances to reach the round of 16 (7.7%). Based on the initial model, in the upcomingknockout match against Greece, Costa Rica’s probability to qualify for the quarter finalswas estimated to be 27.8%, whereas the adapted model yields an increased probability of42.8%. Therefore, the model accounted for the good performance of Costa Rica in the groupstage and, indeed, Costa Rica actually defeated Greece in a penalty shootout. A similareffect comes up for the following quarter final between Costa Rica and the Netherlandswhere the chances of Costa Rica are increased from 19.3% to 32.9%. Again, the real matchwas actually quite close with Netherlands winning in another penalty shootout. Table 9.7summarises the adapted probabilities for all stages, again based on 100,000 simulation runs.

8 The final group standings are determined by (1) the number of points, (2) the goal difference and (3) thenumber of scored goals. If several teams coincide with respect to all of these three criteria, a separatechart is calculated based on the matches between the coinciding teams only. Here, again the final standingof the teams is determined following criteria (1)-(3). If still no distinct decision can be taken, the decisionis taken by lot.

142 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression

Round Quarter Semi Final World Oddsetof 16 finals finals Champion

1. GER 91.4 77.9 57.0 39.2 27.6 14.22. BRA 91.8 67.9 54.4 30.9 20.0 20.33. SUI 84.2 62.0 35.0 21.6 12.5 0.74. ESP 84.2 52.0 37.8 21.6 12.1 10.95. ARG 90.6 53.2 26.7 15.5 7.3 14.26. POR 60.2 38.6 20.2 10.4 3.6 2.47. BEL 82.5 36.3 19.8 9.3 3.4 5.98. ENG 70.4 41.2 14.7 5.5 1.8 3.59. CRO 58.1 26.1 15.5 5.1 1.6 0.710. FRA 51.2 26.5 9.8 4.6 1.1 3.511. ITA 56.8 31.8 10.8 4.4 1.3 3.512. NED 55.7 21.3 11.8 4.1 1.2 3.513. URU 65.1 37.3 11.6 4.1 1.2 2.814. COL 60.6 31.5 10.7 4.0 1.2 3.915. CIV 58.3 26.3 9.2 2.9 0.6 0.716. CHI 42.9 13.5 7.3 2.5 1.0 2.017. GRE 53.2 22.5 7.3 2.1 0.4 0.718. USA 27.2 13.0 5.4 2.0 0.4 0.719. MEX 42.0 14.7 5.8 1.9 0.3 0.720. GHA 21.2 8.7 4.0 1.8 0.5 0.721. RUS 51.3 11.5 4.3 1.4 0.3 1.222. HON 28.3 10.5 3.6 1.2 0.3 0.123. KOR 41.4 9.7 3.4 1.0 0.0 0.224. BIH 48.2 17.1 3.8 0.8 0.1 0.525. ECU 36.3 14.8 3.4 0.8 0.1 0.726. JPN 27.9 7.7 1.7 0.4 0.0 0.527. ALG 24.8 4.3 1.1 0.4 0.1 0.128. NGA 39.4 12.5 2.1 0.2 0.0 0.429. IRN 21.8 3.4 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.130. AUS 17.2 2.8 0.8 0.1 0.0 0.231. CMR 8.1 1.7 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.232. CRC 7.7 1.7 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1

Table 9.6.: Estimated probabilities (in %) for reaching the different stages in the FIFA World Cup2014 for all 32 teams based on 100,000 simulation runs of the FIFA World Cup 2014 and basedon the estimates of the WC2002 data together with winning probabilities based on the ODDSETodds.

9.3 Application 143

Round Quarter Semi Final Worldof 16 finals finals Champion

1. GER 91.4 78.5 71.2 48.7 72.52. ARG 90.6 58.9 49.9 57.6 27.53. BRA 91.8 76.7 54.2 51.3 0.04. NED 55.7 59.2 67.1 42.4 0.05. BEL 82.5 65.6 50.1 0.0 0.06. COL 60.6 81.1 45.8 0.0 0.07. CRC 7.7 42.8 32.9 0.0 0.08. FRA 51.2 71.8 28.8 0.0 0.09. GRE 53.2 57.2 0.0 0.0 0.010. SUI 84.2 41.1 0.0 0.0 0.011. MEX 42.0 40.8 0.0 0.0 0.012. USA 27.2 34.4 0.0 0.0 0.013. NGA 39.4 28.2 0.0 0.0 0.014. CHI 42.9 23.3 0.0 0.0 0.015. ALG 24.8 21.5 0.0 0.0 0.016. URU 65.1 18.9 0.0 0.0 0.017. ESP 84.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.018. ENG 70.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.019. POR 60.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.020. CIV 58.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.021. CRO 58.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.022. ITA 56.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.023. RUS 51.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.024. BIH 48.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.025. KOR 41.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.026. ECU 36.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.027. HON 28.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.028. JPN 27.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.029. IRN 21.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.030. GHA 21.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.031. AUS 17.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.032. CMR 8.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Table 9.7.: Estimated (adapted) probabilities (in %) for reaching the next stages in the FIFAWorld Cup 2014 for all 32 teams based on 100,000 simulation runs of the FIFA World Cup 2014.After each round, the data set (WC2002) is extended with by the matches already played and themodel is refitted. Only actual matches from the World Cup are simulated.

144 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression

In Appendix C, Table C.2 shows the respective (adapted) probabilities for the WC1994data.

9.3.6. Most Probable Tournament Outcome

Finally, based on the 100,000 simulations, we also provide the most probable tournamentoutcome, exemplarily for the WC2002 data. Here, for each of the eight groups we selectedthe most probable final group standing, also regarding the order of the first two places, butwithout regarding the irrelevant order of the teams on place three and four. The resultstogether with the corresponding probabilities are presented in Table 9.8.

Group A Group B Group C Group D39% 26% 15% 19%

1. BRA 1. ESP 1. COL 1. ENG

2. CRO 2. NED 2. GRE 2. ITA



Group E Group F Group G Group H19% 29% 38% 23%

1. SUI 1. ARG 1. GER 1. BEL

2. FRA 2. BIH 2. POR 2. RUS



Table 9.8.: Most probable final group standings together with the corresponding probabilities forthe FIFA World Cup 2014 based on 100,000 simulation runs and on the estimates of the WC2002data.

It is obvious that there are large differences with respect to the groups’ balances. While inGroup A and Group G the model forecasts Brazil followed by Croatia as well as Germanyfollowed by Portugal with rather high probabilities of 39% and 38%, respectively, othergroups such as Group C, Group D and Group E seem to be quite close.

9.3 Application 145

Based on the most probable group standings, we also provide the most probable course of theknockout stage, compare Figure 9.6. Finally, according to the most probable tournamentcourse the German team will take home the World Cup trophy. Although according to themodel this reflects the most probable tournament outcome, it only has a very low overallprobability of 1.49 · 10−6 % (given as the product of all single probabilities of Table 9.8and Figure 9.6). Hence, deviations of the true tournament outcome from the model’s mostprobable one are not only possible, but very likely.




BRA - NED 76%

COL - ITA 51%79%


SUI - BIH 69%

GER - RUS 86%

67% 52%



ESP - CRO 68%

ENG - GRE 60%65%


ARG - FRA 62%

BEL - POR 56%




Figure 9.6.: Most probable course of the knockout stage together with corresponding probabilitiesfor the FIFA World Cup 2014 based on 100,000 simulation runs and on the estimates of theWC2002 data.

In fact, if we compare the most probable tournament outcome of the FIFA World Cup 2014from Table 9.8 and Figure 9.6 with the true one, several differences become obvious. Ingeneral, several underdogs, such as e.g. Algeria, Costa Rica, USA or Chile have reachedthe round of sixteen, while several favorites, such as e.g. Spain, Italy, England or Portugal,dropped out already in the group stage. This could not be adequately represented by themodel. Nevertheless, beyond the round of sixteen, the model’s predicted tournament coursegets closer and closer to the true one, with three out of four semi-finalists predicted correctlyand finally, with Germany correctly predicted as the World Champion.

146 9. Prediction of Soccer Tournaments Based on Regularized Poisson Regression

9.4. Concluding Remarks

A team-specific generalized linear Poisson model for the number of goals scored by soccerteams facing each other in international tournament matches is set up. As an application,the FIFA World Cups 1994-2010 and 2002-2010, respectively, serve as the data basis for ananalysis of the influence of several covariates on the success of national teams in terms of thenumber of goals they score in single matches. Procedures for variable selection based on anL1-penalty, implemented in the R-package grplasso, are used. A detailed goodness-of-fitanalysis is presented and suitable “out-of-sample” performance measures for prediction areconsidered, which are based on the three-way tendencies of the considered matches.

The fitted models were used for simulation of the FIFA World Cup 2014. According tothese simulations, Germany and Brazil turned out to be the top favorites for winning thetitle, with an advantage for Germany. Besides, the most probable tournament outcome isprovided.

A major part of the statistical novelty of the presented work lies in the use of penalty termsfor covariate effects in combination with team-specific abilities. It allows to include manycovariates simultaneously and performs automatic variable selection. In the case of highcorrelation between certain covariates, the estimation procedure is stabilized by the penal-ization. If several high correlated variables possibly contain information on the response, theLASSO tends to include the predictor with the highest explanatory power. Furthermore,as the basic model used throughout this chapter is in general not identified, the penal-ized likelihood approach nevertheless allows for unique estimates. Theoretically, this wouldalso allow for the estimation of effects of covariates not varying over different tournaments,which are un-separable from team-specific effects in an unpenalized estimation.

Another important aspect is that the team-specific ability parameters need not necessarilybe constant, but instead could evolve over time since composition and performance of theteams might change over time. In this context we want to mention a very recent publicationof Koopman and Lit (2015). They assume a bivariate Poisson distribution for the goalsin English Premier League matches, with intensity coefficients that change stochasticallyover time by modeling the teams’ ability parameters as first order auto-regressive processes.However, due to certain general differences in the structure of national league and FIFAWorld Cup data it is not straightforward, how this approach can be adopted to the presentdata situation. Nevertheless, the idea of time-varying ability parameters in modeling in-ternational soccer data sounds promising to us and could be the starting point for futureresearch.

10. Conclusion and Outlook

The focus of this thesis is on the extension of models for heterogeneous (i.e. item responsedata) and homogeneous paired comparisons, mainly by the inclusion of different kinds ofcovariates. In particular, the Rasch model and the Bradley-Terry model are used as basisand extended in various ways.

Extensions of IRT Models

In the first part of this concluding chapter, the basic Rasch model and the proposed ex-tension of the Rasch model are recapitulated. Furthermore, possible further extensions ofdifferent IRT models are considered. Following the notation from Chapter 2, the Raschmodel is denoted by

P (Ypi = 1) = exp(θp − βi)1 + exp(θp − βi)

when person p and item i is considered. In Chapters 4 and 5, the Rasch model is extendedby a term considering (subject-specific) covariates xp. The resulting model, referred to asthe DIF model, is denoted by

P (Ypi = 1|xp) =exp(θp − (βi + xT

pγi))1 + exp(θp − (βi + xT

pγi)). (10.1)

The model is called DIF model as it can be used to detect items with differential itemfunctioning. For that purpose, two different estimation strategies were proposed. Bothstrategies are based on regularization techniques, namely penalization and boosting. Theregularization techniques allow for feature selection and, therefore, are able to select theDIF items.

Within the item response theory, the Rasch model is a very popular yet quite restrictivemodel. It can be seen as special case of the general Birnbaum model or 3PL model whichis denoted by

P (Ypi = 1) = ci + (1− ci)exp (ai(θp − βi))

1 + exp (ai(θp − βi)).

148 10. Conclusion and Outlook

Instead of only one parameter characterizing an item, the 3PL model has 3 item parameters.Beside the item difficulty βi, it contains the discrimination parameter ai and the guessingparameter ci. In the Rasch model (or 1PL model), the restrictions ai = 1 and ci = 0 areapplied. In the so-called 2PL model, the discrimination parameters ai can vary and onlyci = 0 is applied. An obvious extension of the model proposed in Chapters 4 and 5 wouldbe to use the 2PL or even the 3PL and to extend it by covariate effects.

In particular, extending the 2PL model could be an interesting tool for DIF analysis. Inthe proposed DIF model, the item difficulty βi is replaced by the term βi +xT

pγi to identifyuniform DIF. If (in the 2PL model) the discrimination parameter ai would be replaced bythe term ai+xT

pδi, such a model could be used to identify non-uniform DIF. Non-uniform ischaracterized by item characteristic curves with different slopes, for example between twosubgroups of the population like males and females. Therefore, if xp would simply refer togender, any estimate δi 6= 0 would indicate that item i has non-uniform DIF with respectto the subgroups males and females. Consequently, similar to the concept proposed inChapters 4 and 5 this idea could be extended to a whole vector of person-specific covariatesxp possibly containing both categorical and continuous covariates. Clearly, such a modelwould be a challenge in terms of estimation. Because of its multiplicative form, the 2PLmodel can not be embedded into the framework of generalized linear models. Typically,a marginal likelihood approach is chosen, see also Section 2.2. This estimation conceptcould be combined with a penalty approach similar to Chapter 4 for an automatic selectionof items with non-uniform DIF. Furthermore, also boosting concepts similar to Chapter5 could be applied possibly circumventing the problem of the multiplicative nature of thelinear predictor.

Another possible extension of the proposed DIF model (10.1) could be to include item-specific covariates. Let us consider the knowledge data from Subsection 4.5.2. For theDIFlasso method, person-specific covariates were used to find DIF items with respect tothese covariates. The items were supposed to measure the latent trait general knowledge.The items can be divided into five topics, namely politics, history, economy, culture, andnatural sciences. Therefore, the items themselves have special characteristics that couldinfluence the probability that a person solves a specific item. A possible extension of model(10.1) by item-specific covariates could be denoted by

P (Ypi = 1|xp, zi) =exp(θp − (βi + xT

pγi + zTi δ))

1 + exp(θp − (βi + xTpγi + zT

i δ)) .

If zi contains the information on the topic of item i (in dummy coding), δ would containparameters characterizing a general level of difficulty of the single topics. The model isnot identifiable as in principle the terms βi and zT

i δ are not separable. Therefore, forsuch a model additional restrictions or an additional penalty term have to be applied.


Theoretically, the global effects δ could be replaced by person-specific effects resulting inthe model

P (Ypi = 1|xp, zi) =exp(θp − (βi + xT

pγi + zTi δp))

1 + exp(θp − (βi + xTpγi + zT

i δp)).

Applied to the topics of the items, in this model every person would have its own difficultyparameter for every topic. Therefore, one could for example see if a specific person performsbetter on items in history or natural science. However, this would involve a tremendousincrease of the number of parameters, namely one parameter per person and item-specificcovariate. Therefore, even if appropriate penalty terms were applied such a model wouldprobably lead to problems concerning computation time and especially interpretability.

Extensions of Paired Comparison Models

In the second part of this chapter, the proposed extensions of paired comparison modelsand possible future extensions are discussed. In the following, the case of ordered pairedcomparisons is skipped for the sake of simplicity. The respective extensions are straight-forward. According to the notation from Chapter 6, the basic Bradley-Terry model can bedenoted by

P (Y(r,s) = 1) = exp(γr − γs)1 + exp(γr − γs)

considering a comparison between objects ar and as.

Inclusion of Subject-specific Covariates

In this thesis, the Bradley-Terry model is extended in two different ways. First, in Chapter7 the Bradley-Terry model is extended by the inclusion of subject-specific covariates. Therespective application considered data on party preference from Germany. As the dataoriginate from the party preference of different persons, obviously subject-specific covariatesare attributes of the interviewed persons like age, gender or educational level. Therefore,the extended model can be denoted by

P (Yi(r,s) = 1 | xi) = exp(γir − γis)1 + exp(γir − γis)


with γir = βr0 + xTi βr

where xi contains characteristics of subject i. In this model, the subject-specific covariatesare connected to object-specific parameters βr = (βr1, . . . , βrp). To control for the increas-ing complexity of the model, penalty terms are used for the estimation. The object-specific

150 10. Conclusion and Outlook

parameters are penalized using the penalty term J(α) = ∑j

∑r<swrsj|βrj − βsj|. The re-

spective parameters are shrunk toward each other and can be merged or even be eliminatedfrom the model.

Inclusion of Object-specific Covariates

Second, in Chapter 8 the Bradley-Terry model is extended by the inclusion of object-specificcovariates. The respective model can be denoted by

P (Y(r,s) = 1 | zr, zs) = exp(γr − γs)1 + exp(γr − γs)


with γr = βr0 + zTrα

where zr contains characteristics of object ar. Exemplarily, this extension is done for amodel for the German Bundesliga. The competing objects in this model are the respectivefootball clubs. The object-specific covariate we consider is the budget of the clubs. The maindifference between the inclusion of subject-specific and object-specific covariates is that theeffects of object-specific covariates are not separable from the regular strength/attractivityparameters βr0 of the objects. Therefore, such a model is not identifiable. The modelin Chapter 8 is made estimable by the penalty term J(β) = ∑

r<swrs|βr0 − βs0|. Besideproviding a unique solution of the estimation problem, the penalty term shrinks the strengthparameters of the teams toward each other and can find clusters of teams with the samestrength parameters.

Combining Subject-specific and Object-specific Covariates

An obvious extension of the proposed models would be to include subject-specific andobject-specific covariates into a model simultaneously. Clearly, for such a model the esti-mation techniques, or rather the penalty terms, will depend on the respective application.Exemplarily, these differences shall be discussed in the following with respect to the appli-cations from Chapters 7 and 8.

Combining models (10.3) and (10.4), a general model including both subject-specific andobject-specific covariates could be denoted by

P (Yi(r,s) = 1 | xi, zr, zs) = exp(γir − γis)1 + exp(γir − γis)


= exp(βr0 − βs0 + xTi (βr − βs) + (zr − zs)Tα)

1 + exp(βr0 − βs0 + xTi (βr − βs) + (zr − zs)Tα)

with γir = βr0 + xTi βr + zT



Beside the fact that in Chapter 7 subject-specific covariates are used while in Chapter8 object-specific covariates are used, another fundamental difference exists, namely thenumber of objects. While in the party preference data only five different objects appear,for the German Bundesliga 18 objects have to be distinguished. Therefore, for the partypreference data it is neither necessary nor desirable to reduce the complexity of the maineffects βr0 in model (10.5) by finding clusters within the objects. In contrast, this is asensible strategy for the application on the Bundesliga data.

Both for the party preference data and for the Bundesliga data a combination of subject-specific and objects-specific covariates is conceivable. For the party preference data, object-specific covariates would have to be covariates characterizing the respective parties. Forexample, one could include the number of party members, a variable indicating if the partycurrently is a governing party or a oppositon party or a variable indicating if the leadingcandidate of the party is male or female. As long as the number of object-specific covariatesis rather small, the respective parameters probably would not need to be penalized.

In the case of the Bundesliga data, subject-specific covariates would be covariates character-izing the respective match or match-day. Exemplarily, the weather conditions, the weekdayor the number of spectators could be considered. Every considered covariate would have aseparate parameter per team. Therefore, a penalty term equal to the penalty proposed forthe subject-specific covariates in the party preference data seems mandatory.

Inclusion of Subject-object-specific Covariates

In the case of the party preference data, beside subject-specific and object-specific covari-ates even a third kind of covariates is conceivable, possibly called subject-object-specificcovariates. Subject-object-specific covariates differ both between subjects and between ob-jects. In the original pre-election data set GLES (Rattinger et al., 2014) used in Chapter7 such variables appear. For example, the participants are asked about certain politicaltopics like the topic of climate change. The respondents are supposed to report both theirself-perception and their perception of the single parties toward this topic on a Likert scalewith 11 ordered levels, corresponding to the following statements:

Level 1: Fight against climate change should take precedence, even if it impairs economicgrowth.

Level 11: Economic growth should take precedence, even if it impairs the fight againstclimate change.

The absolute difference between these perceptions can be seen as the (self-perceived) ab-solute distance between the person (subject) and the parties (objects) with respect to a

152 10. Conclusion and Outlook

political topic. A model combining the subject-specific covariates from Chapter 7 withsuch subject-object-specific covariates can be denoted by

P (Yi(r,s) = 1 | xi, zir, zis) = exp(γir − γis)1 + exp(γir − γis)


= exp(βr0 − βs0 + xTi (βr − βs) + (zir − zis)Tα)

1 + exp(βr0 − βs0 + xTi (βr − βs) + (zir − zis)Tα)

with γir = βr0 + xTi βr + zT


Similar to object-specific covariates, only one parameter per covariate is necessary. There-fore, for a rather small number of covariates the inclusion of a further penalty term ispossible but not mandatory. For the exemplary covariate climate change, the respectiveparameter could be interpreted as relevance of the topic climate change. The term zir− ziscontains the difference between the absolute distances of the parties ar and as and thesubject i toward climate change. If this difference is positive, party ar has a higher distanceto person i than party as. Therefore, the respective effect α will probably be negative in-dicating that a person will rather prefer a party with a position close to the self-perceptionof the person, and vice versa. Parameters close to zero indicate that the topic is not veryrelevant for the decision between parties while extremely negative parameters indicate ahigh relevance of the topic.

Instead of including one global parameter for all parties, such an effect could also be party-specific. Then, party-specific effects are estimated representing the effect of the distancebetween a person and a party. Now, the effect of the position toward climate change is notequal but may vary between parties possibly showing that the topic climate change has adifferent relevance for different parties. Such a model can be seen as a further extension ofmodel (10.5) which can be denoted by

P (Yi(r,s) = 1 | xi, zir, zis) = exp(γir − γis)1 + exp(γir − γis)


= exp(βr0 − βs0 + xTi (βr − βs) + zT

irαr − zTisαs)

1 + exp(βr0 − βs0 + xTi (βr − βs) + zT

irαr − zTisαs)

with γir = βr0 + xTi βr + zT


Here, subject-object-specific covariates are considered together with object-specific param-eters. Implicitly, subject-object-specific covariates have already been considered in thisthesis, both with global and object-specific parameters. In Chapter 8, different order ef-fects were incorporated, in case of the Bundesliga application also referred to as homeadvantages. In particular, a global home advantage and team-specific home advantageswere considered. A home advantage can be encoded by the subject-object-specific covari-ate zir = 1 for the home team ar in match i and zis = 0 for the away team (and all


other teams). Therefore, considering zir together with a global effect as in model (10.5)or with a team-specific effect as in model (10.6) corresponds to either considering a globalor team-specific home advantages. Object-specific parameters instead of global parametersstrongly increase the complexity of the model. Therefore, in contrast to the case of globaleffects as in model (10.5) regularization seems necessary, as done for the team-specific homeadvantages in Chapter 8.

Paired Comparisons Outside the Bradley-Terry Framework

In Chapter 9, a paired comparison model outside the Bradley-Terry framework is consid-ered. For data from several FIFA World cups in football, a Poisson model for the number ofgoals scored by a team against a specific opponent is fitted. Therefore, for every paired com-parison (for every match) two outcomes are considered, namely the scores of both teams.The model can be considered to be a paired comparison model as the linear predictor con-tains the difference between traits of both competing teams. More precisely, the differencebetween the attack ability of one team and the defense ability of the other team is consid-ered. Compared to the Bradley-Terry model this model has two main advantages for themodelling of football tournaments: As the purpose of the application lies in the predictionof the FIFA world cup, it is necessary to predict exact match outcomes (i.e. the scores ofboth teams) instead of only distinguishing between wins, draws or losses. Otherwise, anappropriate prediction of the group stage is not possible. Second, it is easier to distinguishbetween the two important abilities in football, namely attack and defense. The applicationin Chapter 9 showed that also with this model the inclusion of covariates is reasonable.


In conclusion, this thesis proposes a variety of extensions to existing models for item re-sponse and paired comparison models. It is demonstrated that the proposed extensionscan be very useful for the statistical analysis of item response and paired comparison data.Furthermore it is demonstrated that regularization techniques provide valuable tools forestimation and a better interpretability of the proposed models. Nevertheless, there aremany aspects left that require further attention and should be the target of future research.I hope, this thesis can provide a contribution to some unanswered questions within thetopic of modelling item response and paired comparison data.

In the firm believe that Banksy’s theory also holds for dissertations:

I have a theory that you can make anysentence seem profound by writing the nameof a dead philosopher at the end of it.



A. Visualization of CategoricalResponse Models

A.1. Introduction

In Chapters 4, 5 and 7, so-called effect stars were used to visualize the parameter estimatesof the proposed methods. Originally, effects stars were proposed to visualize parameterestimates in multinomial or ordered logit models. After all, they are more generally appli-cable for all kinds of models with a certain group structure within the parameter estimates.In the context of DIF detection with the DIF model (4.2) as proposed in Chapters 4 and5, all parameters corresponding to one item form a group of parameters. Therefore, allparameters corresponding to one item can be visualized in one effect star. In chapter 7,the parameters can be grouped by covariates and one star represents all parameters corre-sponding to one covariate. For a better understanding of the basics and the interpretationof effect stars, in the following the principle concept of effect stars in categorical responsemodels is outlined in detail.

Multinomial response models are a common tool in categorical data analysis with well-established theory. But in applications, in particular in the case of many response categories,it is often tedious to keep track and interpret all of the parameters. Therefore tools forvisualization of the effects of explanatory variables will be helpful for practioners.

In multivariate data analysis visualization techniques have a long tradition. Skillfully de-vised graphical methods allow one to look into data and uncover features of the underlyingdata generating process. They are used to explore data and also to present results. Vari-ous books and articles are devoted to graphical representations of data, see, in particular,Cleveland (1985), Kastellec and Leoni (2007), and the Handbook of Data Visualization(Chen et al., 2008).

This chapter is a modified version of Tutz and Schauberger (2013), previous work on the issue can befound in the technical report 117 (Tutz and Schauberger, 2012b) and the conference paper Schaubergerand Tutz (2012). See Chapter 1 for more information on the personal contributions of all authors andtextual matches.

158 A. Visualization of Categorical Response Models

In the following the focus is not on visualization of data but on the visualization of fittedmodels to help in the interpretation of parameters. The aim of closer linkage of statis-tical modelling with graphics is investigated in the case of categorical response models.Categorical response models like the multinomial logit models represent a challenge if thenumber of response categories and/or the number of explanatory variables is large. Evenfor moderate numbers of explanatory variables one obtains a large number of parametersand the impact of the predictors on the response variable is hard to investigate because ofthe transformation to logits. While the increase or decrease of the mean response is easilyseen in linear models, the effect on logits is much harder to explain to practioners.

There has been some work in the visualization of categorical data. In particular graph-ical methods for the analysis of multiway contingency tables in the form of mosaic plots(Friendly, 1994; Theus and Lauer, 1999; Meyer et al., 2008) are widely used. But categoricalresponse models that also contain continuous predictors cannot be reduced to contingencytables without loss of information. Therefore, for the general case of categorical responsesmosaic plots are not very helpful. More recently, in Fox and Andersen (2006) and Foxand Hong (2009) the work on effect displays for generalized linear models (Fox, 2003) wasextended to multinomial and proportional-odds logit models, available in the effects pack-age (Fox, 2003; Fox and Hong, 2009). The proposed effect displays depict fitted categoryprobabilities including pointwise confidence envelopes and are typically used for visualiza-tion of high-order terms. The package provides several kinds of displays for polytomouslogit models.

The objective of this appendix is to develop alternative graphical methods for the generalcase of categorical response models with all types of regressors. In Section A.2 we brieflysketch the multinomial logit model and the interpretation of parameters. In Section A.3more traditional tools for the graphical representation of the effect of explanatory variablesin the form of probability plots are considered. The main tool, graphical tools for thevisualization of parameters, is given in Section A.4. We conclude with an extension toordinal response models.

A.2. The Multinomial Logit Model

In the following we shortly summarize the essential properties of the multinomial logitmodel, which is the most frequently used model in regression analysis for un-ordered cat-egorical responses and is extensively treated, for example, in Agresti (2002). For responseY ∈ {1, . . . , k} and the vector of explanatory variables x it has the form

P (Y = r|x) = exp(βr0 + xTβr)Σks=1 exp(βs0 + xTβs)

, (A.1)

A.2 The Multinomial Logit Model 159

where βTr = (βr1, . . . , βrp). Since parameters β10, . . . , βk0, βT

1 , . . . ,βββTk are not identifiable

additional constraints are needed. One option is to chose one of the response categories asreference category. For example, by setting βk0 = 0, βk = 0, category k is chosen as thereference category and interpretation of all parameters refers to this category. Alternativelyone can use the symmetric side constraints ∑k

s=1 βs0 = 0, ∑ks=1 β

Ts = (0, . . . , 0). In both

cases one has k−1 intercepts and p(k−1) effects of predictors, where p denotes the length ofx. Even for moderate number of predictors, say 10, and 5 response categories, one obtains40 parameters that represent effects of predictors. The result is a lengthy list of parameterestimates that contains the relevant information but it takes some skill and time to evaluatethe effects.

The large number of parameters is due to the multi-dimensionality of the model. Theresponse variable Y ∈ {1, . . . , k} hides the fact that the response is actually multivari-ate. This becomes obvious by considering the distribution of the response. By definingdummy variables y1, . . . , yk−1 with Y = r ⇔ yr = 1 the possible outcome vectors oflength k − 1 are given by (1, 0, . . . ), (0, 1, 0, . . . ) . . . (0, 0, . . . , 0). With probabilities givenby πr(x) = P (Y = r|x) = P (yr = 1|x) the vector yT = (y1, . . . , yk−1) follows a multi-nomial distribution y ∼ M(1,π(x)), where πT(x) = (π1(x), . . . , πk−1(x)) represents thevector of response probabilities. A closed representation of the (k − 1)-dimensional modelas a multivariate generalized linear model (GLM) uses the form g(π(x)) = Xβ with(k − 1)-dimensional link function g, design matrix X and all the parameters collected inβT = (β10, . . . , βk−1,0,β

T1 , . . . ,β

Tk−1). Maximum likelihood estimation and parameter tests

can be derived within the framework of multivariate GLMs (see, for example, Tutz, 2012).

For the interpretation of the parameters it is essential to specify the identifiability constraintthat is used. If k is chosen as the reference category one obtains

log(P (Y = r|x)P (Y = k|x)

)= βr0 + xTβr, r = 1, . . . , k − 1, (A.2)

where the log-odds compare P (Y = r|x) to the probability P (Y = k|x). Then the param-eters reflect the effect of predictors on the relation between category r and the referencecategory k. Symmetric side constraints are less often used although there is a nice inter-pretation of parameters. For symmetric side constraints the interpretation refers to the"mean" response defined by the geometric mean

GM(x) = k

√√√√ k∏s=1

P (Y = s|x) =(


P (Y = s|x))1/k


160 A. Visualization of Categorical Response Models

It is easily derived that

log(P (Y = r|x)GM(x)

)= βr0 + xTβr, r = 1, . . . , k,

holds. Therefore, βr reflects the effects of x on the logits when P (Y = r|x) is compared tothe geometric mean response GM(x).

When visualizing effects we will focus on symmetric side constraints because effects do notrefer to the assigned reference category but to all of the categories. Also the results oftesting hypotheses and corresponding p-values are easier to interpret. If H0 : βrj = 0 isrejected for the model with reference category k the jth variable distinguishes significantlybetween response Y = r and Y = k. IfH0 : βrj = 0 is rejected for the model with symmetricside constraint the jth variable distinguishes between response Y = r and Y 6= r.

A.3. Traditional Methods of Visualization: ProbabilityPlots

When visualizing the effects of predictors the main problem with the multinomial logitmodel is that the link function is not linear. Although odds are an intuitive concept, thelog-odds in equation (A.2) are not appropriate to obtain some feeling for the impact ofpredictors. Therefore, a traditional way to visualize the effect of explanatory variablesis the plotting of response probabilities against the values of specific covariates, see, forexample, Agresti (2002).

For illustration we will consider the modelling of party choice with data from the GermanLongitudinal Election Study. The response categories refer to the dominant parties inGermany, in particular, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU: 1), the Social DemocraticParty (SPD: 2), the Liberal Party (FDP: 3), the Green Party (4) and the Left Party (DieLinke: 5). With the five response categories nine predictors were collected, age in years,political interest (1: less interested, 0: very interested), religion (1: evangelical, 2: catholic,3: otherwise), regional provenance (west; 1: former West Germany, 0: otherwise), gender(1: male, 0: female), union (1: member of a union, 0: otherwise), satisfaction with thefunctioning of democracy (democracy; 1: not satisfied, 0: satisfied), unemployment (1:currently unemployed, 0: otherwise), and high school degree (1: yes, 0: no).

Table A.1 shows the estimated parameters together with standard errors. It is seen thateven in this simple example with moderate number of predictors and response categoriesmany parameters have to be investigated. A simple way to illustrate the effect of a metric

A.3 Traditional Methods of Visualization: Probability Plots 161

Table A.1.: Estimates of multinomial logit model for party preference data, symmetric side con-straints.

Intercept Age Religion (2) Religion (3) Democracy Pol.InterestCDU 1.397 0.308 0.404 -0.358 -0.766 0.202SPD 0.469 0.148 -0.196 -0.428 -0.360 0.337FDP -0.345 -0.111 0.090 0.326 0.002 -0.264Greens -1.096 -0.398 -0.127 0.286 0.008 0.214Left Party -0.425 0.053 -0.171 0.174 1.116 -0.488

Unemployment Highschool Union West GenderCDU -0.514 0.156 -0.408 -0.330 -0.262SPD 0.127 -0.221 0.400 0.389 -0.191FDP -0.560 0.051 -0.509 0.025 0.254Greens -0.071 0.563 -0.391 0.639 -0.019Left Party 1.018 -0.549 0.907 -0.723 0.218

Standard ErrorsIntercept Age Religion (2) Religion (3) Democracy Pol.Interest

CDU 0.224 0.069 0.163 0.168 0.139 0.147SPD 0.245 0.072 0.166 0.172 0.148 0.160FDP 0.312 0.094 0.239 0.218 0.194 0.191Greens 0.327 0.097 0.234 0.213 0.193 0.203Left Party 0.313 0.094 0.233 0.205 0.229 0.185

Unemployment Highschool Union West GenderCDU 0.366 0.169 0.212 0.156 0.135SPD 0.314 0.189 0.184 0.172 0.142FDP 0.498 0.218 0.289 0.207 0.187Greens 0.421 0.208 0.273 0.222 0.184Left Party 0.301 0.243 0.216 0.194 0.181

covariate like age is to plot the response probabilities against age. But, of course, in a non-linear model as the logit model, the form of the function strongly depends on the values ofthe other parameters. In Figure A.1 the probabilities are given for two sets of values, onewhere all other predictors have value 0, one where all other predictors have value 1. It isseen that not only the level but also the slope of the curves can vary with the chosen valuefor the other variables. For example, the curve for the Social Democratic Party (SPD)is rather flat in the upper panel, but increasing in the lower panel. When explanatoryvariables are categorical, bar plots with the probabilities corresponding to the height of thebars can be used. Figure A.2 shows the effect of unemployment on the choice probabilities.It shows, for example, that unemployed persons have a stronger preference for the left party,preference for CDU decreases. The tendency is the same if different values are chosen forthe other variables (Figure A.3), but effect strength is quite different. If the other variables

162 A. Visualization of Categorical Response Models

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90












GreensFDPLeft Party



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90














Left PartySPD

Figure A.1.: Estimated probabilities for party preference against age, all other variables fixed atvalue 0 (upper panel), all other variables fixed at value 1 (lower panel).

have value 1, the probability for CDU is among the lowest if voters are unemployed. Thusthe values of the unplotted variables can and do make a difference in the response profilesfor the predictor variable which is plotted.

A.4 Glyphs for the Visualization of Parameters 163












not unemployedP



























Figure A.2.: Bar plot of estimated probabilities for party preference for unemployment=0 (left)and unemployment=1 (right), all other categorical variables fixed at value 0, age at 50.












not unemployed



























Figure A.3.: Bar plot of estimated probabilities for party preference for unemployment=0 (left)and unemployment=1 (right), all other categorical variables fixed at value 1, age at 50.

A.4. Glyphs for the Visualization of Parameters

The disadvantage of bar plots as well as curves is that they show effects under the constraintthat the other predictors have fixed chosen values. The plots vary with the chosen values.An alternative approach that is propagated here is to visualize the effect strength that iscontained in the parameters rather than the probabilities.

We will use glyphs that have traditionally been used to visualize data. Various glyphs havebeen proposed in the literature, among them profile glyphs (Du Toit et al., 1986), Chernofffaces (Chernoff, 1973) and stars (Anderson, 1957, Siegel et al., 1972, Gnanadesikan, 1977).

164 A. Visualization of Categorical Response Models

We will focus on star plots, but instead of using them to visualize data, they are used tovisualize parameters. The parameters of the logit model themselves are less appropriatesince they contain the effect on logits, which do not carry much intuition. A much betterway is to focus on the odds that stand behind the log-odds (or logits).

A.4.1. Star Plots for Parameters

The main tool is the representation of the odds of a model with symmetric side constraintsas

P (Y = r|x)GM(x) = exp(βr0 + xTβr) = eβr0ex1βr1 . . . expβrp = eβr0(eβr1)x1 . . . (eβrp)xp .

FromP (Y = r|x1, . . . , xj + 1, . . . xp)/GM(x1, . . . , xj + 1, . . . xp)

P (Y = r|x1, . . . , xj, . . . xp)/GM(x1, . . . , xj, . . . xp)= eβrj

it is seen that eβrj represents the multiplicative effect of variable j on the oddsP (Y = r|x)/GM(x) if xj increases by one unit.

In "effect stars", which are proposed here, the lengths of the rays emanating from thecenter of the plot represent the exponentials of the parameters. Thus one obtains a starplot for each variable that shows how strong the impact of the predictor on the responseis and what form it takes. In addition, we include a (shaded) unit circle around thecenter that corresponds to the no-effects case, where β1j = · · · = βkj = 0 or, equivalently,eβ1j = · · · = eβkj = 1 holds. Therefore, the deviation from the circle shows the strength ofthe preference for one category as the deviation from the circle. If the ray is outside thecircle the increase in the predictor increases the probability of the corresponding category, ifit is inside the circle the increase in the predictor decreases the response probability. Starsare standardized such that the maximal length of a ray has the same value. This value alsoscales the radius of the unit circle.

Figure A.4 shows the effect stars for the main effect model fitted to the party choice data,where the quantitative variable age has been standardized. Let us consider the effect of age.It is immediately seen that with increasing age the Christian-democratic party (CDU) ismore strongly favored while, in particular, the response probability for the Greens decreases.An additional feature that is included is the significance of the deviation. The value inbrackets given at each ray is the p-value of the hypothesis H0 : βrj = 0 for the model withsymmetric side constraint. The effects of age on responses CDU, SPD and Greens turnedout to be significant at the level 0.05, the former two with positive (outside the circle),the latter with negative effect (within the circle). In addition, the overall p-value for thehypothesis that one variable can be neglected, that is, H0 : β1j = · · · = βkj = 0, is given

A.4 Glyphs for the Visualization of Parameters 165




Greens(0.001)Left Party






Left Party(0.577)





Left Party(0.466)





Left Party(0.394)





Left Party(0.000)





Left Party(0.008)





Left Party(0.001)





Left Party(0.023)





Left Party(0.000)





Left Party(0.000)





Left Party(0.225)

Intercept Age(0.000)

Religion(2: catholic, 0.080)

Religion(3: other religion, 0.017)

Democracy(1: not satisfied, 0.000)

Pol.Interest(1: less interested, 0.013)

Unemployment(1: unemployed, 0.013)

Highschool(1: highschool, 0.019)

Union(1: member, 0.000)

West(1: west, 0.000)

Gender(1: male, 0.151)

Figure A.4.: Effect stars showing the exponentials of parameters, p-values at the rays refer tohypothesis H0 : βrj = 0, p-values given with the variable description refer to hypothesis H0 :β1j = · · · = βkj = 0.

with the description of the variable. For example, age turned out to be highly significant(0.000), whereas the effect of gender was weak (p-value of 0.151).

166 A. Visualization of Categorical Response Models

The advantage of the effect star plots is that all the effects of the variables are shown simul-taneously. Discrete as well as continuous variables are given in the same representation. Inaddition to the direction of the effect seen from the shape of the star, information on thesignificance of specific effects is included, as well as information about the whole variable.

Relevant features are easily seen from the shape of the stars. For example, very strongdeviations from the circle are found for the variables democracy, unemployment and union.All these variables have a strong effect in favor of the left party. Deviations from the starin favour of the Greens are seen for the variables high school and west. Supporters of theGreens are found among more educated persons from the former west.

A.4.2. Extensions and Alternatives

The presentation can be extended to include standard errors. Let serj denote the standarderror for estimation of βrj. Then, an approximative confidence interval for the exponentialis given by [exp(βrj − 1.96serj), exp(βrj + 1.96serj)]. By plotting the lower and the upperlimit one obtains an inner and an outer star.





Left Party(0.577)





Left Party(0.000)


West(1: west, 0.000)

Figure A.5.: Effect stars with reliability intervals for two variables (party preference data)

Figure A.5 shows the plots of two predictors for the party preference data. If p-values arelarge, for example, for FDP and the left party for variable age, and FDP for variable west,the circle is covered by the corresponding intervals whereas for highly significant predictors,for example, CDU for variable age, the corresponding intervals are outside or within thecircle. Inclusion of standard errors is certainly helpful but with many stars informationcontent can be high. One strategy is to look first at all the stars without reliability intervalsand then pick out the interesting ones and look at them more closely.

A.4 Glyphs for the Visualization of Parameters 167

It should be noted that star plots for the exponentials of the parameters have the sameform if a reference category is chosen. But then a more appropriate circle is the circle withradius defined by the reference category. The radius is fixed by the length of the ray forthe reference category. Figure A.6 shows effects of two variables with reference categoryCDU. Now rays inside the circle show that the predictor decreases the preference for thecorresponding category when compared to the reference category. Rays outside the circlerepresent the opposite effect. But in both cases interpretation is in relation to the specifiedreference category (CDU). Consequently the p-values given now refer to the null hypothesisH0 : βrj = 0 for parameters constrained by fixing the reference category.





Left Party(0.049)





Left Party(0.149)


West(1: west, 0.000)

Figure A.6.: Effect stars with reference category (party preference data)

In Figure A.4 the main effect model was represented by star plots. Also interaction termscan be represented as stars but the representation is less useful than for main effect models.The reason is that the effects of variables that are included in an interaction effect aremore difficult to interpret. For simplicity we consider one interaction term that turned outto be significant, namely the interaction between age and the binary variable democracy(1: not satisfied, 0: satisfied). Figure A.7 shows the stars for the marginal terms and theinteraction. The stars for the other variables hardly change when the interaction is includedand therefore are not shown. Compared to Figure A.4 one sees that the main effect ofdemocracy hardly changes while the main effect of age is quite different. Nevertheless,interpretation differs from that of the main effect models. The effect of age now representsthe age slope among those who are satisfied and the effect of democracy represents thedifference between not satisfied and satisfied at mean age because age was standardized.The interaction effect contains the modification of the effect of one variable by the other. Itrepresents the difference in age slope between not satisfied and satisfied. It is seen that thepreference for the big parties, SPD and CDU, increases stronger with age in the not satisfiedgroup than in the satisfied group whereas for the green and the left party the dependenceon age is weakened if voters are not satisfied with democracy. Since interpretation is much

168 A. Visualization of Categorical Response Models

harder when interaction effects are included alternative visualization tools as given in thenext section are to be recommended.





Left Party(0.113)





Left Party(0.000)





Left Party(0.157)


Democracy(1: not satisfied, 0.000)


Figure A.7.: Marginal and interaction term stars for standardized age and democracy (1: notsatisfied, 0: satisfied) for party preference data.

A.4.3. Alternative Displays

Star plots visualize parameters of fitted models. The plots are especially simple for maineffect models when predictors are binary or are measured on a metric scale level. Thenone star collects all the parameters connected to one explanatory variable. For categoricalpredictors with more than two categories several stars are linked to one predictor. Thesame holds when interactions are included. Then one has at least three stars that arelinked to two variables. Although the interaction star as a visualization of the underlyingeffects is interpretable, the effect of a variable is not easily seen since it has to be seen incombination with the variable with which it interacts. The effect displays proposed by Foxand Andersen (2006) are able to visualize the effects of interaction terms quite nicely byallowing other predictors marginal to a given term to be set at average or other values.

A.4 Glyphs for the Visualization of Parameters 169

Age*Democracy effect plot









−2 −1 0 1 2

: Democracy satisfied : Partychoice CDU

: Democracy not satisfied : Partychoice CDU

: Democracy satisfied : Partychoice SPD

: Democracy not satisfied : Partychoice SPD

: Democracy satisfied : Partychoice FDP

: Democracy not satisfied : Partychoice FDP

: Democracy satisfied : Partychoice Greens

: Democracy not satisfied : Partychoice Greens

: Democracy satisfied : Partychoice Left Party

−2 −1 0 1 2

: Democracy not satisfied : Partychoice Left Party

Figure A.8.: Effect plot for the interaction of age and democracy

For illustration we consider the interaction effect between the variables age and democracy,for which stars are given in Figures A.8 and A.9. Figure A.8 shows the typical effect plots ascurves and Figure A.9 shows the "stacked area" displays also offered by the effects package(Fox, 2003; Fox and Hong, 2009). They visualize what the interaction star in Figure A.7shows only qualitatively, that the preference for the big parties, SPD and CDU, increasesstronger with age if voters are not satisfied, for the green and the left party the effect slopedecreases if voters are not satisfied. In particular the stacked area display visualizes nicelythe effect of age and democracy on the response. Nevertheless, it should be noted that theeffects on the probabilities are shown for fixed values of the other variables, in our case theyhave been chosen by mean values. If other values are chosen the effects on probabilitiesmight change.

One can also plot the linear predictor itself, which means the effect on the logits. Thisplots would essentially show the same form of effects (but shifted) for other values ofthe rest of the variables, but it has the disadvantage that it is much harder to think inlogits than in probabilities. For binary responses the effects package offers the option tolabel the response axis nonlinearly on the probability scale. Then one can see the effecton probabilities from the scaling. For multinomial the scaling is not so straightforwardbecause it depends on the logits that were chosen, that is, the reference category thathas been fixed. In their application Fox and Hong (2009) also rely on probability plots

170 A. Visualization of Categorical Response Models

Age*Democracy effect plot













−2 −1 0 1 2

: Democracy not satisfied

−2 −1 0 1 2

: Democracy satisfied

Left PartyGreensFDPSPDCDU

Figure A.9.: Stacked area display for the interaction of age and democracy.

to visualize the effects in multinomial models. Star plots avoid the dependence on thereference category by using symmetric side constraints. By using odds rather than logitsthe effect strength is somewhat more intuitive.

The essential difference between stars and effect displays provided by the effects pack-age is that stars visualize parameters with effect strength referring to specific odds andeffect displays visualize the effects on probabilities or logits as curves. Effects displays arestrong tools especially for interaction effects because they include the marginal effects. Af-ter screening the effects by star plots it is certainly a good idea to look at the plots providedthe effects package, which, in particular for metric predictors, show the continuous de-pendence on the predictor. One other advantage of the effects package is that smootheffects of continuous predictors can be included. Although one might construct stars thatvisualize smooth effects it would destroy the simplicity of the visualization by stars (seeconcluding remarks).

A.4.4. Further Examples

For further illustration we consider brand choice data. The data refer to differentbrands of coffee. The purchases of coffees of 2111 households were collected by the

A.4 Glyphs for the Visualization of Parameters 171









































































Intercept Amount(1: >= 2, 0.000)

Age(1: >= 50, 0.317)

SocialLevel(1: low, 0.033)

Income(1: >= 2500, 0.752)


PriceSensitivity(1: sensitive, 0.017)

Education(1: Highschool, 0.000)

Figure A.10.: Graphs for brand choice data with seven predictors and fixed radius. It is seen thatstars for the significant predictors, mount, social level, price sensitivity and education, deviatestrongly from the circle.

Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (Society for Consumer Research) and are available at or in theR-package EffectStars (Schauberger, 2014b). The brands were named after the shops,which offer a regular brand and a special brand, Aldi, AldiSpecial, Jacobs, JacobsSpecial,Eduscho, EduschoSpecial, Tchibo, TchiboSpecial. The binary covariates were the number ofpackages bought (amount; 1: ≥ 2), age (1: ≥ 50), social level (1: low), monthly income (1:≥ 2500), persons in household, price sensitivity (1: sensitive), education (1: high school).Figure A.10 shows the corresponding glyphs. Three of the predictors are not significant,

172 A. Visualization of Categorical Response Models

namely age, income, and persons in household. It is seen that the corresponding stars arevery close to the circle. For the significant predictors the stars deviate strongly from theno-effects circle. Naturally, the interpretation of the single effects refers to the brands con-sidered. One sees, for example, that the brands, offered by the cheap discounter Aldi, arepreferred if the social level is low. The stars are scaled in a different way, namely by fixingthe radius of the unit circle. What works well in this example can be less advantageous forother data (see next example).

An often used example with a categorical predictor is the alligator food choice consideredin Agresti (2002). In the study by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Commission theresponse is the primary food type in categories fish, invertebrate, reptile, bird, and other.The explanatory variables are size, dichotomized into ≤ 2.3, > 2.3, gender (1: male, 0:female), and the lake where the reptiles lived (four categories, 1: George, 2: Hancock, 3:Oklawaha, 4: Trafford), see Agresti (2002). A problem with categorical variables like thelake is that a reference category has to be chosen. This can be avoided by using effectcoding for the predictor by using a symmetric side constraint. Let the categorical variableA have values 1, . . . ,m, and βr,A(j) denote the parameter for category j of the predictorand response category r. Then the symmetric side constraint is given by ∑m

j=1 βr,A(j) = 0.Interpretation of parameters with the symmetric side constraint does not refer to an increaseby one unit but always refers to a mean over categories. Let GM(A = j,xR) denote thegeometric mean defined in Section 2 with the predictor A being in category j and the restof the variables represented by xR. With this notation one derives for the multinomialmodel

eβr,A(j) = P (Y = r|A = j,xR)/GM(A = j,xR)∏ms=1 P (Y = r|A = s,xR)/GM(A = s,xR) ,

which compares the odds for predictor value A = j, P (Y = r|A = j,xR)/GM(A = j,xR),to the geometric mean response probability over all categories of variable A for fixed xR.

For effect coded predictors one gets as many stars as categories whereas one has one less ifa reference category is chosen (see religion in the party preference example). Figure A.11shows the resulting glyphs with effect coding for the lakes. It is seen that size of the alligatorchanges the food preference; larger alligators have a stronger preference of bird and reptiles.Also the lake makes a difference showing that different food is preferred or available in thelakes. Here the advantage of the symmetric side constraint is that preference has not tobe interpreted with respect to an arbitrarily chosen reference lake. For illustration in thisexample we hold the radius constant instead of the maximal length of rays. The option tofix the radius is included in the EffectStars package.

A.5 Ordinal Response Models 173









other(0.358) rep






















Size(1: >2.3, 0.001)

Gender(1: male, 0.696)

Lake(1: George, 0.053)

Lake(2: Hancock, 0.000)

Lake(3: Oklawaha, 0.003)

Lake(4: Trafford, 0.002)

Figure A.11.: Food choice for alligator data depending on size gender and lake with fixed radius.

A.5. Ordinal Response Models

The graphical tool of parameter glyphs can also be used to uncover structures in ordinalresponse models as the cumulative type models or the sequential type models (for example,Agresti, 2009). For simplicity, we restrict consideration to logit models. Let the response Ytake values from ordered categories {1, . . . , k}. The cumulative logit model has the generalform

log(P (Y ≤ r|x)P (Y > r|x)

)= γ0r + xTγr, r = 1, . . . , k − 1,

orP (Y ≤ r|x) = exp(γr0 + xTγr)

1 + exp(γ0r + xTγr), r = 1, . . . , k − 1,

The sequential logit model (also called continuation ratio model) has the form

log(P (Y = r|x)P (Y > r|x)

)= γ0r + xTγr, r = 1, . . . , k − 1,

orP (Y = r|Y ≥ r,x) = exp(γr0 + xTγr)

1 + exp(γ0r + xTγr), r = 1, . . . , k − 1.

174 A. Visualization of Categorical Response Models

The model is strongly related to discrete hazard models if the response refers to categoricalsurvival. Then the probability P (Y = r|Y ≥ r,x) represents the probability of failure in(time) category r given category r is reached, which is a discrete hazard. For details see,for example, Tutz (2012).

In both models the predictor has the form ηr = γ0r + xTγr. By allowing for category-specific effects γT

r = (γr1, . . . , γrp) the model has as many parameters as the multinomiallogit model. In its simpler version, where γr = · · · = γk−1 = γ holds, the cumulativetype model is also called the proportional odds model. Only in this form does it fullyuse the ordering of the response categories. An intermediate case, where only some of theparameters are category-specific is the partial proportional odds model (for example, Cox,1995, Brant, 1990, Peterson and Harrell, 1990). With many predictors it is a demandingproblem to find out which parameters can be specified as global, that is, not varying overcategories, and which ones as category-specific. In the exploration of the general modelstar plots can be helpful.

For the representation of effects it is useful to represent the models in a slightly differentform. The cumulative logit model can be written as

P (Y ≤ r|x)P (Y > r|x) = eγr0ex1γr1 . . . expγrp = eγr0(eγr1)x1 . . . (eγrp)xp .

Therefore, the exponential eγrj represents the multiplicative effect of variable j on thecumulative odds P (Y ≤ r|x)/P (Y > r|x) if xj increases by one unit. It is the effect on thedichotomization into response categories {1, . . . , r} and {r + 1, . . . , k}. For the sequentiallogit model one obtains

P (Y = r|x)P (Y > r|x) = eγr0ex1γr1 . . . expγrp = eγr0(eγr1)x1 . . . (eγrp)xp .

Therefore, the exponential eγrj represents the multiplicative effect of variable j on thecontinuation ratio odds P (Y = r|x)/P (Y > r|x) if xj increases by one unit.

In a star plot for the effects of variable xj the length of the rays is given by eγ1j , . . . , eγk−1,j .As in the multinomial logit model the (dashed) unit circle refers to the case where the jthvariable can be neglected, that is, γ1j = · · · = γk−1,j = 0. The p-value of the likelihood ratiotest for the corresponding hypothesis H0 : γ1j = · · · = γk−1,j = 0 is denoted by p-rel sincethe relevance of the jth predictor is tested. When compared to the circle the stars showif the effects are larger than 1 (outside the circle) or smaller than 1 (inside the circle). Inthe sequential model that means that a variable that has values within the circle decreasesthe odds P (Y = r|x)/P (Y > r|x), rays outside the circle represent variables that increasethe odds. The interpretation of stars is the same as for the multinomial model, that is,closeness to the unit circle means that the variable is not influential.

A.5 Ordinal Response Models 175

For illustration we consider the data from the German Munich founder study. Data werecollected on business founders who registered their new companies at the local chambers ofcommerce in Munich and surrounding administrative districts. The focus was on survivalof firms measured in 7 categories, the first six represent failure in intervals of six months,the last category represents survival beyond 36 months. Various covariates are available,economic sector (1: industry, manufacturing companies and building sector, 2: commerce,3: service industry), legal form (1: small trade without entry in the register of companies,2: one man business merchant, 3: GmbH, GmbH & CoKG, 4: GbR, KG, OHG), location(0: residential area, 1: business area, industrial area or mixed), new (0: new foundation,1: partial take-over, take-over, miscellaneous), pecuniary reward (0: main occupation, 1:additional occupation), seed capital (1: > 25000, 0: ≤ 25000), equity capital (1: yes, 0:no), debt capital (1: yes, 0: no), market (0: local market, 1: national market), clientele (0:wide spread, 1: small amount of important customers), education of founder (1: A-levels, 0:minor), gender of founder (1: male, 0: female), experience (1: > 10 years, 0: ≤ 10), numberof employees (1: > 2 , 0: ≤ 2), age of founder. The data of the Munich founder studyhave also been used by Brüderl et al. (1992) and Kauermann et al. (2005) and are availablefrom the Central Archive for Empirical Social Research, University of Cologne, Germany( We restrict our analysis to those firms thatwere founded completely new, which leaves us with 1224 cases. We fitted the full sequentiallogit model with all 18 predictors but show only four of the stars that resulted. FigureA.12 shows the stars for sector3, legal3, location, and new foundation. It is seen that thefirst two variables are highly significant. The variable sector3 has all values outside thecircle, meaning that the odds increase if the firm is in the service industry as compared toreference category 1 (industry). For variable legal3 the star is distinctly inside the circlemeaning that legal form 3 decreases the odds when compared to reference categry 1 (smalltrade). For the other variables, location and new foundation, the stars are very close to thecircle. Consequently both predictors are not significant (see value in brackets).

In ordinal models a second effect is interesting, namely if the effects are category-specific orglobal, that is, do the effects of variables vary across response categories or not. Therefore,a second (dotted) circle refers to the model with global effects only, that is, γ1j = · · · =γk−1,j = γj. We fit the model that contains all predictors with category-specific effectswith the exception of predictor j, which has global effect and include the circle with radiusexp(γj). The interpretation of stars with respect to the dotted circle is different. Closenessto this circle means that the variable is global, strong deviation signals that it is category-specific. The hypothesis H0 : γ1j = · · · = γk−1,j = γj investigates if the proportional oddsassumption holds for the jth predictor. The corresponding p-value of the test is denotedby p-global since the test investigates if the predictor has global effect. Figure A.13 againshows the stars for only some predictors although the full model has been fitted. All ofthe predictors that are shown have significant effects (p-rel< 0.05). For predictors sector3,

176 A. Visualization of Categorical Response Models





5 6
















Sector 3 (3: service industry, p−rel=0.023)

Legal 3 (3: GmBH, p−rel=0.000)

Location(1: business area, p−rel=0.511)

New_Foundation(1: take−over, p−rel=0.872)

Figure A.12.: Stars for four predictors of the founder study with circles referring to the no-effectscase. For the significant variables, sector3 and legal3 the stars are far away from the no-effectscircle, for the significant variables, location and new foundation, they are quite close.

legal3 and clientele the hypothesis that effects are global is not rejected (p-global> 0.05).The corresponding stars are close to the dotted circle, although not close to the dashedcircle, which represents relevance. For variables legal2 and debt capital the stars are faraway from the dotted circle and the hypothesis that the effects are global is rejected. Forthe latter variable the dashed and the dotted circle are very close, which means that theestimated global effects are very small. However, the variable is influential, but influencebecomes relevant only if one allows for category-specific variables. This is one of the caseswhere variables are excluded if one assumes a model that is too simple but is seen to berelevant if one uses a model that is sufficiently flexible.

In the illustrations we used the sequential model. There are two reasons. First, the category-specific effects for the sequential model have a simple interpretation. Second, the cumulativemodel often raises problems when a model with category-specific effects is fitted. Maximumlikelihood (ML) estimates may not exist because the parameter space is restricted in a

A.6 Concluding Remarks 177





5 6
















Sector 3 (3: service industry, p−rel=0.023, p−global=0.572)

Legal 2 (2: one man business, p−rel=0.003, p−global=0.012)

Legal 3 (3: GmBH, p−rel=0.000, p−global=0.190)

Clientele(1: small, p−rel=0.026, p−global=0.253)

Figure A.13.: Stars for five predictors of the founder study. Deviation from the dashed circle impliesrelevance of the predictor, deviation from the dotted circle implies that predictor is category-specific.

complicated way, one has to postulate that γ10 +xTγ1 ≤ · · · ≤ γk−1,0 +xTγk−1 holds for allpossible predictor values. If the maximum likelihood estimate does not exist an alternativeis to use in the star plot for variable xj values from the fitting of the global model, whichgives the circle, and values from the fitting of the model

log(P (Y ≤ r|x)P (Y > r|x)

)= γr0 + x1γ1 + · · ·+ xjγrj + · · ·+ xpγp,

where only variable xj has category-specific effects. But even then ML estimates oftendeteriorate.

A.6. Concluding Remarks

We proposed a method to visualize the fitted effects of a categorical response model. Themethod allows to identify the direction as well as the strength of the effects. For ordinalmodels it is distinguished between the relevance of a predictor and how strongly the effectsvary across the categories. Both aspects can be seen from the corresponding stars. The fullstrength of the visualization method is seen if one looks at the stars for all the covariates. In

178 A. Visualization of Categorical Response Models

particular in the ordinal response case we showed only selected stars although much morepredictors were used.

Star plots visualize parametric effects and therefore are useful for parametric models. Theyshould not be used if a metric variable is included in polynomial form and therefore repre-sented by a group of parameters. Also if multi-category predictors or interaction effects areincluded one predictor is represented by more than one parameter for each response cate-gory and therefore several stars are linked to one predictor. In the case of a multi-categorypredictor in the typically used parametrization the parameters refer to a chosen referencecategory and so do the stars. If the predictor has m categories one obtains m−1 stars thathave to interpreted as contrasts to the reference category. If one wants to avoid a referencecategory one can use a symmetric side constraint and obtains m stars, one for each cate-gory of the predictor. For illustration the symmetric side constraint has been used to codethe predictor lake in the alligator food example. When interaction effects are included atleast two stars are linked to one predictor and some care is needed when interpreting starsbecause interpretation of parameters is much harder.

From one perspective star plots can be seen as profile plots rendered in polar coordinates.Therefore, profile plots are an alternative, in particular for multinomial models. But wethink that stars plots are more pleasing to the eye and the inclusion of the results ofsignificance tests, in particular for ordinal models is easier in star plots.

All the computations were done by use of the free software R (R Core Team, 2015). The Rpackage EffectStars (Schauberger, 2014b) that generates and plots effect stars is availableat CRAN. It contains many options to modify the resulting stars.

B. Identifiability of the DIF Model


Let for the parameters of the general DIF model (4.2) with predictor ηpi = θp−βi−xTp γi beconstrained by βI = 0, γTI = (0, . . . , 0) and let the matrix X with rows (1,xT1 ), . . . , (1,xTP )have full rank. Then parameters are identifiable.


Let two sets of parameters be given that fulfill the constraints such that

ηpi = θp − βi − xTpγi = θp − βi − xT

p γi

for all persons and items. From considering item I and person p one obtains by usingβI = βI = 0 and γT

I = γTI = (0, . . . , 0) that θp = θp holds. Therefore, one has βi + xT

pγi =βi + xT

p γi for all p, i, which for item i can be written in matrix form as

X(βi,γi)T = X(βi, γi)T.

One can multiply on both sides of the equation with XT, and, since X has full rank, withthe inverse (XTX)−1, obtaining (βi,γi)T = (βi, γi)T. Alternatively one can use the singlevalue decomposition of X.

C. Additional Results for the WC1994Data in Chapter 9

182 C. Additional Results for the WC1994 Data in Chapter 9

Round Quarter Semi Final World Oddsetof 16 finals finals Champion

1. GER 86.1 68.1 52.3 32.8 20.5 14.22. ESP 91.3 64.1 47.5 31.7 19.5 10.93. BRA 93.0 64.9 48.2 30.8 19.1 20.34. POR 73.3 51.1 35.1 18.7 9.3 2.45. URU 71.3 50.7 22.5 11.5 5.1 2.86. BEL 82.8 36.9 22.4 10.2 4.3 5.97. ITA 67.2 46.3 19.5 9.4 4.0 3.58. SUI 72.3 45.6 19.7 8.5 3.5 0.79. ARG 77.6 44.5 18.9 7.8 3.1 14.210. CRO 64.9 26.2 13.8 6.0 2.1 0.711. FRA 62.2 35.4 13.7 5.3 1.9 3.512. COL 76.3 33.4 10.9 4.1 1.3 3.913. ENG 47.3 28.1 9.5 3.7 1.3 3.514. CHI 50.1 18.0 8.6 3.3 1.0 2.015. NED 44.9 15.1 6.9 2.5 0.7 3.516. BIH 56.6 25.2 7.9 2.4 0.7 0.517. ALG 49.3 13.2 5.6 1.6 0.4 0.118. CIV 61.3 21.4 5.5 1.7 0.4 0.719. USA 23.2 10.7 4.8 1.5 0.4 0.720. ECU 38.8 17.3 4.8 1.3 0.3 0.721. NGA 39.3 14.2 3.4 0.8 0.2 0.422. RUS 42.7 9.0 3.5 0.8 0.2 1.223. GHA 17.4 7.2 2.9 0.7 0.2 0.724. MEX 28.0 6.9 2.4 0.7 0.2 0.725. JPN 43.0 11.5 2.2 0.5 0.1 0.526. HON 26.6 9.8 2.2 0.5 0.1 0.127. IRN 26.4 7.9 1.6 0.3 0.1 0.128. KOR 25.2 3.8 1.1 0.2 0.0 0.229. CRC 14.2 5.6 1.0 0.2 0.0 0.130. CMR 14.0 2.3 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.231. AUS 13.7 2.4 0.6 0.1 0.0 0.232. GRE 19.4 3.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.7

Table C.1.: Estimated probabilities (in %) for reaching the different stages in the FIFA World Cup2014 for all 32 teams based on 100,000 simulation runs of the FIFA World Cup 2014 and basedon the estimates of the WC1994 data together with winning probabilities based on the ODDSETodds.


Round Quarter Semi Final Worldof 16 finals finals Champion

1. GER 86.1 81.4 68.4 53.2 73.92. ARG 77.6 48.4 47.5 54.8 26.13. BRA 93.0 76.6 73.3 46.8 0.04. NED 44.9 66.0 67.0 45.2 0.05. BEL 82.8 65.7 52.5 0.0 0.06. CRC 14.2 68.0 33.0 0.0 0.07. FRA 62.2 68.8 31.6 0.0 0.08. COL 76.3 41.6 26.7 0.0 0.09. URU 71.3 58.4 0.0 0.0 0.010. SUI 72.3 51.6 0.0 0.0 0.011. USA 23.2 34.3 0.0 0.0 0.012. MEX 28.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 0.013. GRE 19.4 32.0 0.0 0.0 0.014. NGA 39.3 31.2 0.0 0.0 0.015. CHI 50.1 23.4 0.0 0.0 0.016. ALG 49.3 18.6 0.0 0.0 0.017. ESP 91.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.018. POR 73.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.019. ITA 67.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.020. CRO 64.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.021. CIV 61.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.022. BIH 56.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.023. ENG 47.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.024. JPN 43.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.025. RUS 42.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.026. ECU 38.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.027. HON 26.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.028. IRN 26.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.029. KOR 25.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.030. GHA 17.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.031. CMR 14.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.032. AUS 13.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Table C.2.: Estimated (adapted) probabilities (in %) for reaching the next stages in the FIFAWorld Cup 2014 for all 32 teams based on 100,000 simulation runs of the FIFA World Cup 2014.After each round, the data set (WC1994) is extended with by the matches already played and themodel is refitted. Only actual matches from the World Cup are simulated.

184 C. Additional Results for the WC1994 Data in Chapter 9

Group A Group B Group C Group D43% 33% 24% 22%

1. BRA 1. ESP 1. COL 1. URU

2. CRO 2. CHI 2. CIV 2. ITA



Group E Group F Group G Group H22% 24% 36% 24%

1. SUI 1. ARG 1. GER 1. BEL

2. FRA 2. BIH 2. POR 2. ALG



Table C.3.: Most probable final group standings together with the corresponding probabilities forthe FIFA World Cup 2014 based on 100,000 simulation runs and on the estimates of the WC1994data.





BRA - CHI 77%

COL - ITA 60%68%


SUI - BIH 64%

GER - ALG 82%

70% 51%



ESP - CRO 73%

URU - CIV 71%66%


ARG - FRA 54%

BEL - POR 58%




Figure C.1.: Most probable course of the knockout stage together with corresponding probabilitiesfor the FIFA World Cup 2014 based on 100,000 simulation runs and on the estimates of theWC1994 data.


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Eidesstattliche Versicherung(Siehe Promotionsordnung vom 12. Juli 2011, § 8 Abs. 2 Pkt. 5)

Hiermit erkläre ich an Eidesstatt, dass die Dissertation von mir selbstständig,ohne unerlaubte Beihilfe angefertigt ist.

München, den Gunther Schauberger