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April 7, 2011

5:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Certification of the Posting of the Notice of the Meeting

IV. Introductions, Special Guests, Recognitions

V. Workshop


VI. Closed Session

The Board of Trustees, in accordance with Sections 551.001, et seq. of the Texas

Government Code will move into Closed Session under one or more of the following

provision(s) of the ACT:

Section 551.071 – Consultation With Attorney

Section 551.072 - Deliberation Regarding Real Property

Section 551.073 - Deliberation Regarding Prospective Gift

Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters

Section 551.076 - Deliberation Regarding Security Devices

Section 551.087 - Economic Development Negotiations

VII. Reconvene Regular Meeting

VIII. Approval of the Minutes of the March 3, 2011 Workshop and Regular Meeting and the

March 4-5, 2011 Board Retreat

IX. Citizens Desiring to Address the Board

X. Special Reports and Announcements

1. Chancellor

2. College Presidents

3. Vice Chancellors

4. Faculty Senate Presidents

XI. Consideration of Consent Agenda

(The purpose of the consent agenda is to allow the Board to identify and approve action items

which require no additional information or discussion and for which there is unanimous

approval. Trustees receive agenda materials one week in advance of the meeting to prepare for

the business to be conducted.)

XII. Policy Considerations

1. Consideration of Approval of the Recommended Revisions to the Lone Star College

System Board Policy C.2.01: Investment Management (SECOND READING)


2. Consideration for the Recommended Lone Star College System Board Policy Section

I B.1 - Board Governance (FIRST READING)

3. Consideration of the Recommended New Policy Section of the Lone Star College

System Board Policy Section VIII. – Information Security (FIRST READING)

4. Consideration for the Recommended Lone Star College System Board Policy Section

I H.1.01 – The Board of Trustees, the Chancellor and Faculty Senate (FIRST


XIII. Financial Reports and Considerations

1. Monthly Financial Statements

2. Consideration of Approval to Utilize the City of Fort Worth Purchasing Cooperative

and Enter into Agreement with JP Morgan Chase through this Purchasing

Cooperative for Commercial Card Services (ACTION ITEM 2)

3. Consideration of Approval of Investment Broker Dealer List for 2011-2012


4. Consideration of Approval of Independent Training Sources (ACTION ITEM 4)

5. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and

Execute Contracts for the Utilization of Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Services

for the System (ACTION ITEM 5)

6. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and

Execute a Contract for Metered Mail Services for the System (ACTION ITEM 6)

7. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and

Execute a Contract for Printing Services for College System Course Catalogs


8. Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to Negotiate and

Execute a Contract for Architectural Services for LSC-University Park (ACTION


9. Consideration of Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Representatives to the System’s

Account with Encore Bank (ACTION ITEM 9)

XIV. Building and Grounds Report and Consideration

Construction Projects Update

XV. Personnel Reports and Considerations

1. Consideration of Ratification of Appointments (ACTION ITEM 10)

2. Consideration of the Reappointment of Full-time Faculty (ACTION ITEM 11)

XVI. Suggested Future Agenda Items

XVII. Adjournment

The Board of Trustees, may at any time prior to adjournment, in accordance with Sections

551.001, et seq. of the Texas Government Code, move into Closed Session under the following

provision(s) of the ACT:

Section 551.071 - Consultation With Attorney

Section 551.072 - Deliberation Regarding Real Property

Section 551.073 - Deliberation Regarding Prospective Gift

Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters

Section 551.076 - Deliberation Regarding Security Devices

Section 551.087 - Economic Development Negotiations

Certification of Posting of Notice to the April 7, 2011

Workshop and Regular Meeting of the

Lone Star College System’s

Board of Trustees

I, Richard Carpenter, Chancellor of the Lone Star College System, do hereby certify that

a notice of this meeting was posted on Monday the 4th day of April, 2011 in a place

convenient to the public in the Administration Office of the Central Services and

Training Center, on all college campuses and on the system website, as required by

Section 551.002 et seq., Texas Government Code. Special notice of the meeting was

provided to the news media as required by Section 551.001 et seq., Texas Government


Given under my hand this the 4th day of April, 2011.

Richard Carpenter









March 3, 2011

5:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Mr. Randy Bates, Chair

Dr. David Holsey, Vice Chair

Ms. Priscilla Kelly, Secretary

Mr. David Vogt, Assistant Secretary

Mr. Robert Adam

Mr. Tom Forestier

Ms. Linda Good

Mr. Robert Wolfe

ABSENT: Ms. Stephanie Marquard

I. CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Bates called the workshop and regular meeting of the Board of

Trustees to order at 5:05 p.m. after determining a quorum was present.

II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Ms. Good led the Board and guests in reciting the

Pledge of Allegiance.


Chancellor Carpenter confirmed that the Notice for the meeting had been properly

posted. No action was required. A copy is attached as Exhibit “A.”


Chancellor Carpenter welcomed Keeton Reagan of LSC-Montgomery newspaper and

Cindy Latrell, a doctoral student at Texas A&M Commerce, who is doing research on

community colleges and has chosen Lone Star College System to study.

Marian Burkhart, OTS executive director, System Office introduced the Chancellor’s

Faculty Technology Innovation Grant recipients: George Detiveaux, LSC-CyFair and

Bertha Parle, LSC-North Harris; Jason LaPres and Susan Allen, LSC-North Harris and

Sergio Sarmiento, Michael Konvicka and Buck Buchanan, LSC-CyFair.

Mr. Vogt arrived at 5:13 p.m.

V. WORKSHOP: Linda Luehrs Wolfe, associate vice chancellor of curriculum and

instruction, presented an overview of the sabbatical process and introduced the 2011-

2012 Sabbatical recipients: from LSC-CyFair, Macarena Aguilar and Christina Cordero;

from LSC-Kingwood, Robin Garrett and Maria Letargo; from LSC-Montgomery, Robert


Broadhurst, Deborah Ellington and Larry Loomis-Price; from LSC-North Harris, Tosha

Barclay and Jim Good and from LSC-Tomball, Carlos Aguilar.

Dr. Luehrs Wolfe introduced Dr. Rebecca Tate, professor at LSC-Tomball. Dr. Tate

presented an overview of her fall 2010 sabbatical leave. Dr. Tate focused on the religious

philosophies of certain of the ancient world cultures of the near, middle and far East. Dr.

Tate returned to the classroom with renewed enthusiasm and a passion to learn more

about world religions. Dr. Tate thanked the Board and Chancellor Carpenter for

recognizing the value of sabbaticals which give faculty the time to pursue serious

professional development.

VI. CLOSED SESSION: At 5:29 p.m. Mr. Bates convened the Board in closed session, in

accordance with Section 551.001 et. Seq. of the Texas Government Code under one or

more of the following provision(s) of the Act:

Section 551.071 – Consultation With Attorney

Section 551.072 – Deliberation Regarding Real Property

Section 551.073 – Deliberation Regarding Prospective Gift

Section 551.074 – Personnel Matters

Section 551.076 – Deliberation Regarding Security Devices

Section 551.087 – Economic Development Negotiations

VII. RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING: Mr. Bates reconvened the open meeting at

7:12 p.m.



MEETING: Mr. Bates noted that the minutes of the January 27, 2011 Special Meeting

should be amended to reflect that Mr. Daniel was not present at the January 27, 2011

Special Board Meeting. Upon a motion by Mr. Adam and a second to the motion by Ms.

Good, the Board approved the minutes of the January 27, 2011 Special Meeting. Mr.

Forestier abstained from the vote. Upon a motion by Ms. Good and a second to the

motion by Mr. Vogt, the Board approved the minutes of the February 3, 2011 Workshop

and Regular Meeting. Ms. Kelly abstained from the vote.


three finalists for Board of Trustee, Position 2, thanked the Board for considering him for

the position.


1. Chancellor: Chancellor Carpenter reported that Lone Star College System is hosting

one of only four all day White House Regional Education Summits at LSC-UP on

Wednesday, March 9. The other education summits will be in San Diego,

Philadelphia and Indianapolis. The theme for the LSCS summit will be student

success, particularly in regard to university transfers. Several members of President

Obama’s administration will be present for the summit as well as representatives from


ten states. Chancellor Carpenter acknowledged the great work Ray Laughter and

Jonathan Durfield have done in bringing this summit to LSCS.

Dr. Carpenter presented an update on the State budget. The Senate and House

versions of the budget for Higher Education have significant differences, neither

version is positive for higher education funding. Ray Laughter is tracking and

monitoring a growing list of bills affecting community colleges. The effective cuts

for LSCS over the biennium are $20M, plus no new growth dollars for 18,000 new

students, bringing the total cuts to approximately $53M over the biennium. Dr.

Carpenter stressed in his testimony before the Legislative Budget Committee the need

for the committee to recognize the administrative efficiencies that have been realized

at LSCS with reduction of the administrative budget from 17% to 11.6%, which is

among the lowest in the State. The Chancellor argued this behavior should be

incentivized. LSCS is the fastest growing community college in the State adding,

18,000 students, and Chancellor Carpenter asked the Legislature to recognize there

are differences and it is not fair to those community colleges that have already cut

administrative costs when everyone is given an even cut across the board. We expect

to take our fair share of the cuts, but be recognized for the things we are doing that

should be incentivized. Chancellor Carpenter shared with the committee the eight step

plan that has been implemented and the committee that has gone across the system

gathering suggestions on budget cuts and money saving ideas, some of which have

already implemented. Money in the State is very short and, as a System, we will have

to be creative as we build a budget for this next biennium.

2. College Presidents: Dr. Austin Lane, president of LSC-Montgomery, presented an

overview of LSCS Strategic Goal 4, to focus on outcomes-driven student success.

Dr. Lane presented measures of the objectives of Goal 4: strengthening all academic

support services by surveying entering students engagement and community college

survey of student engagement; mandatory orientation for first time in college (FTIC)

students, early intervention/alert programs; improving and promoting job placement

for students through job fairs, workshops, resume services, job placements-campus

interviewing; developing faculty-driven outcome assessment by faculty evaluating

student completion of all course outcomes and developing consistent outcome

assessment tools; developing a method to track student goal attainment by using a

software program to keep track of services received by students that allows the

colleges to link this information to academic success and retention; iStar can be

utilized for strategic enrollment management communication and tracking; providing

clear degree program course requirements with course, program, certificate maps for

students; faculty, advisors and counselors engage students early stressing the

importance of degree planning and utilizing iStar system to assist students with

course selection and degree planning.

3. Vice Chancellors: None

4. Faculty Senate President: Dr. Bill Simcik, faculty senate president of LSC-Tomball,

thanked the Board and encouraged the Board to continue the LSCS support of the

humanities, literature courses, theater arts, voice, instrumental music programs and

the creative arts magazines.


XI. CONSIDERATION OF CONSENT AGENDA: Mr. Bates proceeded with the Consent

Agenda. Action Items 2, 4 and 9 were recommended to be considered separately. Dr.

Holsey made a motion to approve Action Items 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10. Ms. Good

seconded the motion and the Board unanimously passed the Consent Agenda. A copy is

attached as Exhibit “B.”


1. Consideration of Approval for Board of Trustees Travel (ACTION ITEM 1): the

Board unanimously authorized Priscilla Kelly and Linda Good to attend the Board of

Trustee Achieving the Dream in Santa Fe, New Mexico from March 24 - 26, 2011.

This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “C.”

2. Consideration of Approval of the Recommended Revision of the Lone Star College

System Board Policy Sections I.B.2.03, III A.3.01 and III A.3.02 (ACTION ITEM

2) (SECOND READING): upon a motion by Dr. Holsey and a second to the motion

by Ms. Kelly the Board approved the recommended revisions of the Lone Star

College System Board Policy Sections I.B.2.03, III A.3.01 and III A.3.02. Ms. Good

and Mr. Vogt cast dissenting votes. A copy is attached as Exhibit “D.”

3. Consideration of the Recommended Revisions of the Lone Star College System

Board Policy C.2.01: Investment Management (FIRST READING): the Board

unanimously considered the recommended revisions of the Lone Star College System

Board Policy C.2.01: Investment Management. This constitutes a first consideration

with a request for approval during the April regular meeting of the Board of Trustees.

A copy is attached as Exhibit “E.”

4. Consideration of Approval of the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Academic Calendar

(ACTION ITEM 3): the Board unanimously approved the proposed calendars. This

item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “F.”


1. Monthly Financial Statements: Ms. Cindy Gilliam, vice chancellor for administration

and finance, presented the monthly financial statements for the month ended January

31, 2011. A copy is attached as Exhibit “G.” Ms. Gilliam presented an update on the

grant funding and hiring chill that is part of the eight step plan that was implemented

to address the budget challenges. There has been an increase in grant funding from

$9M to $13M for the 12 months ending February 28, 2011. Regarding the hiring

chill, there were 130 positions open last year at the end of January and this year there

are 199 open. The budget is built upon the assumption that 98% will be spent, but we

usually come in below to make sure we have a rainy day fund. This year, instead of

spending 98% of the budget, we will be spending closer to 96% or a little lower than

that, to help when tough decisions are made for next year’s budget.

Ms. Gilliam introduced Ms. Donna Hypolite, Director of Internal Audit.


2. Consideration of Approval to Purchase Additional Pest Control Services for the System ACTION ITEM 4: upon a motion by Ms. Good and a second to the motion by Mr.

Adam, the Board approved the additional purchase of pest control services for the

System from Cypress Creek Pest Control, P.O. Box 690548, Houston, TX, 77269, for an

additional amount of $60,000, bringing the total five year contract cost to $150,000. Mr.

Vogt abstained from the vote. A copy is attached as Exhibit “H.”

3. Consideration of Approval to Purchase Human Patient Simulators, and Other Medical

Equipment and Supplies for the Nursing and Medical Assistant Programs at the new

LSC-Health Professions Building at Peakwood Drive (ACTION ITEM 5): the

Board unanimously approved the purchase of Medical Equipment and Supplies for

the Nursing and Medical Assistant programs at LSC-Health Professions Building at

Peakwood Drive for a total amount of $465,000 from the following vendors: Laerdal

Medical Corporation in the amount of $320,000, Pocket Nurse in the amount of

$127,000 and Moore Medical in the amount of $18,000. This item was passed in the

Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “I.”

4. Consideration of Acceptance of Gifts (ACTION ITEM 6): the Board accepted and

acknowledged the gifts donated to the Lone Star College System in accordance with

the donor’s wishes. This item was passed in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached

as Exhibit “J.”


Construction Projects Update: the Board reviewed the report as presented. A copy is

attached as Exhibit “K.”


1. Consideration of Ratification of Appointments (ACTION ITEM 7): the Board

unanimously ratified the appointments as presented. This item was passed in the

Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “L.”

2. Consideration of Acceptance of Resignations (ACTION ITEM 8): the Board

unanimously accepted the resignations as presented. This item was passed in the

Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “M.”

3. Board of Trustees’ Annual Performance Review of Chancellor and any Proposed

Addenda to the Chancellor’s Contract (ACTION ITEM 9): upon a motion by Ms.

Kelly and a second to the motion by Ms. Good, the Board unanimously accepted the

Chancellor’s annual evaluation as being outstanding. A copy is attached as Exhibit


4. Consideration of Approval of Commissioning of Peace Officers ACTION ITEM

10): the Board unanimously approved the commissioning of the following peace

officer for the Lone Star College System: LSC-Kingwood, Romulo Chavez, Jr. and

Shepherd D. Smith; LSC-North Harris, Jeffery L. Marshall, Jr. This item was passed

in the Consent Agenda. A copy is attached as Exhibit “O.”


XVI. SUGGESTED FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Ms. Good suggested a presentation be

made to the Board on procedures of how we respond to medical emergencies on our

campuses and what options are available to us for improving response times when that

becomes necessary.

XVII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00



_________________________________ ______________________________

Board of Trustees, Secretary Board of Trustees, Assistant Secretary








March 4-5, 2011

3:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Mr. Randy Bates, Chair

Dr. David Holsey, Vice Chair

Ms. Priscilla Kelly, Secretary

Mr. David Vogt, Assistant Secretary

Mr. Robert Adam

Mr. Tom Forestier

Ms. Linda S. Good

Ms. Stephanie Marquard

Mr. Robert Wolfe

I. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Bates called the March 4, 2011 Board Retreat meeting

to order at 3:39 p.m. after determining a quorum was present. Mr. Vogt entered the

meeting at 3:42 p.m.


The Chancellor certified that the Notice for the meeting had been properly posted. No

action was required. A copy is attached as Exhibit “A.”


external affairs, presented an overview of national and Texas legislative issues of interest

to LSCS and community colleges in general. He also presented current projections about

the state budget and it impact on LSCS.

IV. STATE BUDGET/COST CUTTING: Cindy Gilliam, vice chancellor administration

and finance/CFO, presented an overview of projection of the impact of state budget costs

and strategies that LSCS is considering to meet the projected budget deficit.


technology services/CIO and interim CEO of LSC-University Park described the

reporting structure at LSC-University Park.

VI. RECESS: Mr. Bates recessed the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Mr. Wolfe arrived at 6:00 p.m.


VII. RECONVENE OPEN MEETING: Chairman Bates called the Retreat Meeting to order

at 7:05 p.m. after determining a quorum was present.

VIII. BOARD WORKSHOP: Michigan state representative and former chair of the board of

Washtenaw Community College Board of Trustees David Rutledge facilitated a

discussion of the board’s self-evaluation.

IX. RECESS: Mr. Bates recessed the meeting at 9:55 p.m.

X. RECONVENE OPEN MEETING: Chairman Bates called the Retreat Meeting to order

at 8:20 a.m. after determining a quorum was present. Ms. Good entered the meeting at

8:40 a.m.


Siobhan Fleming, associate vice chancellor research and institutional effectiveness,

presented an overview of the new budget allocation model and proposed differential

tuition increases by program.


Licia Clowtis, LSC-Montgomery professor associate degree nursing and Gordon Carruth,

LSC-Montgomery professor computer information technology presented ITOUCH

(Innovative use of Technology at the bedside to improve nursing OUtcomes through the

use of handheld technology in Clinical and Hospital settings). Kim Hubbard, LSC-

CyFair professor computer information technology presented on Thin Client

Virtualization of Desktops. Dr. Marguerite Tamasy, LSC-North Harris director nursing

program presented on High Fidelity Simulation: Pathway to Success, Access and

Effectiveness, using SIM BABY technology.

XIII. RECESS: Mr. Bates recessed the meeting at 10:30 a.m.

XIV. RECONVENE OPEN MEETING: Chairman Bates called the Retreat Meeting to order

at 11:20 a.m. after determining a quorum was present.

XV. OPEN DISCUSSION: The board discussed agenda items for future retreats, the policy

manual and board governance.

XVI. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Bates adjourned the meeting at 1:55 p.m.


____________________________ ______________________________

Board of Trustees, Secretary Board of Trustees, Assistant Secretary

Consideration of Consent Agenda Board Meeting 4-7-11



A roll call of individual action items will determine the consent agenda. If a trustee

has a question or plans to cast a negative vote regarding a specific recommendation,

then the trustee/trustees need to acknowledge their intention to the Chair by show of

hand during the roll call: this action item will be considered in the regular order of

business as an individual action item.

Those action items that the trustees plan to approve without further question or

discussion will be placed on the consent agenda during roll call of individual action

items. Upon the creation of the consent agenda, a motion, a second to the motion,

and unanimous approval of the Board of Trustees is needed to approve the action

items. Upon approval of the consent agenda, the Board of Trustees will proceed

with the remainder of the agenda.

Rationale: The consent agenda format is an organization process for meetings that allows the

governing board to focus their time and attention on action items that require more

elaboration, information, and/or discussion. The intent of the consent agenda is to

support efficiency and effectiveness of the meeting.

Tally of

Action Items: Chancellor Board

Consent Recommended Separate

Agenda Separate Action Action

# 1 – Approve Board Policy C.2.0l: Investment Management ______ ______ _____

# 2 – Approve Commercial Card Services ______ ______ ______

# 3 – Approve Investment Broker Dealer List 2011-2012 ______ ______ ______

# 4 – Approve Independent Training Sources ______ ______ ______

# 5 – Authorize Chan/Neg/Exec Contracts Brokerage Service ______ ______ ______

# 6 – Authorize Chan/Neg/Exec Contract Metered Mail Svcs ______ ______ ______

# 7 – Authorize Chan/Neg/Exec Contract Printing Services ______ ______ ______

# 8 – Authorize Chan/Neg/Exec Contract Architectural Svcs ______ ______ ______

# 9 – Adopt Resolution Authorizing Representative/Encore ______ ______ ______

#10 – Ratify Appointments ______ ______ ______

#11 – Reappoint Full-time Faculty ______ ______ ______

Policy Consideration No. 1 (ACTION ITEM 1) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration of Approval of the Recommended Revisions of the Lone

Star College System Board Policy C.2.01: Investment Management




That the Board of Trustees approve the recommended revisions of the

Lone Star College System Board Policy C.2.01: Investment Management.

Rationale: Annually, the board must adopt the Investment Policy and Strategy as

required by both Board Policy C.2.01 Investment Management and the

Government Code Section 2256.005(e) (Public Funds Investment Act).

In conference with the System’s investment advisors, Valley View

Consulting, LLP, the proposed Investment Policy would incorporate the

following changes:

Add: Defines “yield to maturity” as the measurement for

calculating the rate of return

Change: The stated maturity for any single General Fund

investment increases from two years to three years. The

maximum weighted average maturity of all General Fund

investments remains unchanged at not-to-exceed one year.

Change: The name “Bond Funds” changes to “Capital Projects


Change: The stated maturity for any single Debt Service Fund

investment increases from two years to three years. The

maximum weighted average maturity of all Debt Service Fund

investments remains unchanged at not-to-exceed one year.

Change: With approval by the Board of Trustees, Investment

Officer training may include providers other than the Texas

Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Change: The collateralization language on depository contracts is

strengthened for protection of System funds. Letters of Credit

issued by the US government are added as an acceptable form of


Change: The total portion of the portfolio consisting of US

Agencies increases from 80% to 90% and collateralized

Certificates of Deposit increases from 30% to 90%.

Change: Changes the external auditor compliance review to

every two years to agree with State Auditor’s Office requirements.

Fiscal Impact: An increased rate of return on the System’s investment portfolio is

expected, with no compromise to the safety of those investments.

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512


Investment Management

1 | P a g e

C.2.01 - Investment Management:

It is the policy of the System that after allowing for the anticipated cash flow requirements of the

System and giving due consideration to the safety and risk of investment, all available funds, as

reported in the System’s annual financial report, shall be invested in conformity with this

Investment Policy and governing statutes, seeking to safeguard assets, maintain liquidity and

optimize interest earnings.

Effective cash management is recognized as essential to good fiscal management and investment

interest serves as a source of revenue to the System. The System's investment portfolio shall be

designed and managed in a prudent manner to obtain reasonable revenue within the limitations of

the System's cash flow needs, to be responsive to public trust, and to be in compliance with legal

requirements and limitations.

Investments shall be made with the following objectives in priority order:

a. Safety and preservation of principal

b. Maintenance of sufficient liquidity to meet operating needs

c. Diversification

d. Public Trust, and

e. Optimization of earnings in the portfolio (Yield).

This Investment Policy extends to all financial assets under the direct control of the System.

C.2.02 - Purpose:

The purpose of this Investment Policy is to comply with the Public Funds Investment Act

Chapter 2256 of the Texas Government Code (the "Act"), which requires that the System

annually adopt a written investment policy regarding the investment of its funds and funds under

its control. This Investment Policy addresses the methods, procedures and practices that must be

exercised to ensure effective and judicious fiscal management of the System's funds.

C.2.03 - Strategy:

The overall objective of the Investment Policy is to ensure that System financial assets are

properly safeguarded, provide sufficient liquidity, diversification and produce a reasonable rate

of return while enabling the System to react to changes in economic and market conditions.

The longer the maturity of investments, the greater the price volatility. Therefore, the System

concentrates its investment portfolio in short and intermediate term investments to limit market

risk caused by changes in interest rates. The System attempts to match its investments with

anticipated cash flow requirements. Cash flow requirements generally divide the portfolio into

four major parts: liquidity needs, short-term needs, intermediate-term needs, and longer-term,

core investment. The System will not invest in investments maturing more than three (3) years

from the date of purchase.


Investment Management

2 | P a g e

The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of obtaining a rate of return

throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with the investment risk constraints

and the cash flow needs. “Weighted Average Yield to Maturity” shall be the standard for

calculating portfolio rate of return.

The System commingles its operating, reserve and trust and agency funds into one investment

portfolio for investment purposes of efficiency, accurate distribution of interest, and maximum

investment opportunity. Although commingled, the System recognizes the unique characteristics

and needs of the individual funds in its strategy statement and in the management of the funds.

The maximum dollar weighted average maturity (WAM) of the entire commingled portfolio

reflecting cash flow needs shall be no greater than one (1) year and the corresponding benchmark

for the commingled portfolio shall be the comparable one year US Treasury security.

Capital Projects are managed separately in accordance with their anticipated expenditure

schedules and bond document requirements.

C.2.04 - General Fund:

The General Fund includes all operating funds of the System including, but not limited to, the

general fund, payroll fund, technology fund, student activity fee fund, repair and replacement

fund, and the auxiliary fund. The primary investment strategy for this fund is to assure the

preservation and safety of principal; and, secondly, that anticipated cash flows are matched with

adequate investment liquidity. These objectives shall be accomplished by purchasing high credit

quality, short-to-intermediate term investments matching cash flow requirements. All

investments authorized by the Investment Policy are suitable. Funds not needed for short-term

cash flow requirements will be invested in diversified instruments with diversified maturities and

be readily marketable in the secondary market or, in the case of Certificates of Deposit,

redeemable with or without penalty. Yield will be enhanced by the use of maturity extensions

available within the confines of accurate cash flow projections and market cycle timing. Based

on ongoing cash flow needs, the maximum weighted average maturity shall be one year. The

maximum stated maturity will be three years.

2.05 - Restricted Fund:

The Restricted Fund includes local, state and federal grant funds as well as funds from other

sources that are restricted for instructional use. The primary objectives are safety and liquidity

sufficient to meet anticipated cash flow requirements as well as yield optimization. These

objectives shall be accomplished by purchasing high-credit quality, short-term investments,

diversified by instrument and maturity, and matching the maturity of the investments with

anticipated liabilities. Funds not needed for short-term cash flow requirements will be invested in

diversified instruments with diversified maturities and be readily marketable in the secondary

market or, in the case of Certificates of Deposit, redeemable with or without penalty. All

investments authorized by the Investment Policy are suitable. A ladder of short-term investments

with sufficient liquidity from cash-equivalent investments may be used to maintain a maximum

weighted average maturity of one year. The maximum stated maturity will be two years.


Investment Management

3 | P a g e

C.2.06 - Capital Projects:

The primary investment objective for the Capital Projects Fund is preservation and safety of

principal. In addition, the System will seek to match cash flows from maturities and earnings of

diversified investments to anticipated needs while obtaining a reasonable market yield.

Investments will be made in an attempt to attain a rate equal to or above the arbitrage yield in

order to avoid negative arbitrage. These objectives shall be accomplished by purchasing high-

credit quality, short and intermediate-term investments with maturities closely matching the

projected cash flow schedules. Funds not needed for short-term cash flow requirements will be

invested in diversified instruments with diversified maturities and be readily marketable in the

secondary market or, in the case of Certificates of Deposit, redeemable with or without penalty.

All investments authorized by the Investment Policy are suitable. The maximum maturity of an

individual security shall not exceed the expenditure plan of the funds.

C.2.07 - Debt Service:

The investment strategy for the Debt Service Fund has as its primary objective the preservation

and safety of capital while optimizing yield in order to fund debt service payments in accordance

with provisions in the bond documents. Funds not required for immediate liquidity shall be

invested in diversified instruments. All investments authorized by the Investment Policy are

suitable. Each successive debt service payment shall be fully funded before extensions are made.

The maximum maturity of an individual security shall not exceed three years and the maximum

weighted average maturity of one year.

C.2.08 - Trust and Agency Fund:

The Trust and Agency Fund is comprised of local scholarship funds, club funds, and other funds

for which the System acts as fiduciary and which have short average lives and high liquidity

needs. The primary objectives are safety, liquidity, diversification, and yield. These objectives

shall be accomplished by purchasing high credit quality, short-term investments and utilizing

cash-equivalent investments for liquidity. All investments authorized by the Investment Policy

are suitable. The maximum maturity shall be one year and the maximum weighted average

maturity six months.

C.2.09 - Prudent Person Rule:

Investments shall be made, considering prevailing internal and market circumstances, which

persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence would exercise in the management of their own

affairs not for speculation, but for investment, and considering the probable safety of capital as

well as probable income from an investment decision.

In determining whether an Investment Officer has exercised prudence with respect to an

investment decision, the determination shall take into account the investment of all funds rather

than a single investment, and, whether the investment decision was consistent with the System's

Investment Policy.


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C.2.10 - Downgrades:

The System is not required to liquidate investments that were authorized investments at the time

of purchase, if they subsequently become unauthorized. The Investment Officers will meet to

discuss any investment which has been downgraded or placed on credit-watch to evaluate and

take any necessary and prudent measures to assure the safety of System funds. It is the policy of

the System to liquidate as quickly as is prudently possible any investment that becomes

unauthorized or loses its required credit rating while held in the System's portfolio.

C.2.11 - Delegation of Responsibility:

Authority to manage the System's investment program is derived from and delegated pursuant to

provisions of the Act.

C.2.12 - Investment Officers:

The Board designates the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance/CFO and the

Treasurer as the System's Investment Officers. Management responsibility for the investment

program is hereby delegated to the Investment Officers. The Investment Officers shall exercise

judgment and care, under prevailing circumstances, which a prudent person would exercise in

the management of the person's own affairs, but the Board retains ultimate fiduciary


The Investment Officers shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall establish a

system of controls to regulate the activities of subordinates. The Investment Officers will report

quarterly to the Board on investment results and annually on counter-parties used in the process.

No person may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this

Policy and the procedures established by the Investment Officers. Investment Officers acting in

good faith and in accordance with these Policies and Procedures shall be relieved of personal


C.2.13 - Capability of Investment Officers:

The System shall provide access to periodic training in investments for Trustees and Investment

Officers and other investment personnel through courses and seminars offered by professional

organizations, associations, and other independent sources in compliance with the Act to insure

the quality and capability of investment management.

C.2.14 - Training:

Members of the Board of Trustees and Investment Officers shall acquire at least the minimum

hours of investment training required by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board within

6 months after taking office or assuming duties. Training must include education in investment

controls, security risks, strategy risks, market risks, diversification of investment portfolio, and

compliance with the Act.

Thereafter, Investment Officers shall additionally complete at least the minimum required hours

of training every two years. Training must be obtained from an independent source approved by

the Board.


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The Investment Officer shall prepare a report on the provisions of the Act and deliver it to the

Board no later than the 180th day after the 1st day of each regular session of the Legislature.

C.2.15 - Ethics and Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest:

Investment Officers and employees of the System involved in the investment process shall

refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the

investment program or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions.

All Investment Officers shall provide complete disclosure related to potential conflicts of interest

annually or as conditions change. Investment Officers must file a disclosure statement with the

Texas Ethics Commission and the Board if:

1. The Officer has a personal business relationship with a business organization offering to

engage in an investment transaction with the System.

2. The Officer is related within the second degree by affinity or consanguinity, as determined by

Chapter 573 of the Texas Government Code, to an individual seeking to transact investment

business with the System.

C.2.16 - Investment Providers:

The Investment Officers shall obtain and maintain information on all financial institutions and

brokers/dealers authorized to transact financial transactions with the System. The information

shall include the following, as applicable:

1. Audited annual financial statements.

2. Proof of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority membership and CRD number (as


3. Proof of registration with the Texas State Securities Board (as applicable)

4. Completed System questionnaire.

All investment providers (including but not limited to, financial institutions, broker/dealers,

investment pools, mutual funds, and investment advisors) shall provide a certification that the

authorized representative of the firm has received and thoroughly reviewed the System's current

Investment Policy will be maintained in the treasury department. This statement shall certify that

the firm has implemented reasonable procedures and controls in an effort to preclude

transactions conducted with the System not authorized by the Investment Policy except to the

extent that this authorization is dependent on the analysis of the makeup of the System's entire

portfolio or requires interpretation of subjective investment standards.

C.2.17 - Annual Review:

The Investment Officers shall annually submit a list of brokers/dealers for Board approval. These

institutions shall be selected for service, market involvement, and credit worthiness and be

authorized to provide brokerage services. These may include primary dealers and regional

dealers that qualify under the Securities and Exchange Commission uniform net capital rule

(Rule 15C3-1).


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The Investment Officers shall annually review and evaluate the firms authorized to enter into

investment transactions with the System. The following minimum criteria may be included in the

review and evaluation:

1. Number of transactions competitively won/tried/lost.

2. Prompt and accurate confirmation of transactions.

3. Efficiency of transaction settlement.

4. Accuracy of market information.

5. Account servicing.

Subsequent to the review and evaluation, the Investment Officers shall recommend to the Board

a list of firms to be authorized to enter into investment transactions with the System for the

following year.

C.2.18 - Authorized Investments:

The following are authorized investments:

1. Obligations of the United States of America or its agencies and instrumentalities, excluding

mortgage backed securities (MBS);

2. Certificates of Deposit, and other forms of deposit, issued by a depository institution that has

its main office or a branch office in Texas and that is guaranteed or insured by the Federal

Deposit Insurance Corporation or its successor or secured by obligations in a manner consistent

with State law and the Investment Policy.

3. Other obligations, the principal and interest of which are unconditionally guaranteed or

insured by, or backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government or its agencies

and instrumentalities, excluding mortgage backed securities;

4. Fully collateralized repurchase agreements with a defined termination date secured by

obligations of the United States government or its agencies and instrumentalities including

mortgage backed securities. Underlying securities shall be held in the System's name, deposited

at the time the investment is made with the System, and held by an independent custodian

approved by the System. Repurchase agreements must be purchased through a primary

government securities dealer, as defined by the Federal Reserve, or a financial institution doing

business in Texas. A mutually acceptable master repurchase agreement must be executed prior to

the transaction.

Underlying securities shall have a continuous market value greater than or equal to 102 percent.

The transaction shall have a maximum maturity of 120 days except flexible repurchase

agreements used for bond proceeds. The maximum maturity for a flexible repurchase agreement

shall be matched to project cash flow projections and the requirements of the governing bond


5. SEC registered Money Market Mutual Funds continuously rated AAAm, or an equivalent

rating, by at least one nationally recognized rating service and in compliance with the

requirements of the Act.

6. Constant dollar local government investment pools in Texas which, 1) meet the requirements

of the Act, 2) are rated no lower than AAAm, or an equivalent rating, by at least one nationally

recognized rating service, 3) seek to maintain a $1.00 net asset value and 4) are authorized by

resolution of the Board.7. Commercial paper with a maximum maturity of 180 days, rated

A1/P1, or an equivalent, by at least two nationally recognized credit rating agencies.


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8. Other types of investments which may be authorized by statute are not authorized for

investment by the System until the Investment Policy is amended and adopted by the Board.

The following are not authorized investments:

1. Obligations whose payment represents the coupon payments on the outstanding principal

balance of the underlying mortgage-backed security collateral and pay no interest;

2. Obligations whose payment represents the principal stream of cash flow from the underlying

mortgage-backed security collateral and bears no interest;

3. Collateralized mortgage obligations that have a stated final maturity of greater than 10 years:


4. Collateralized mortgage obligations the interest rate of which is determined by an index that

adjusts opposite to the changes in a market index.

C.2.19 - Collateralization:

Consistent with the requirements of the Public Funds Collateral Act (Texas Government Code

§2257), it is the policy of the System to require full collateralization of all uninsured System

financial institution deposits. In order to anticipate market changes and provide a level of

security for all funds, the collateralization level will be 102% (and 110% on mortgage backed

collateral) of market value of principal and accrued interest on the deposits less an amount

insured by the FDIC.

Securities pledged as collateral shall be held by an independent third party bank outside the

holding company of the pledging bank, approved by the System, and under a mutually agreeable

custodial agreement.

The Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance/CFO is authorized to execute depository

and/or custodial agreements. The agreements shall specify the acceptable securities for collateral,

including provisions relating to possession of the collateral, the substitution or release of

securities with prior System approval, documentation of the pledge of securities, and the monthly

reporting on the valuation of collateral. Original evidences of ownership (safekeeping receipt)

must be supplied to the System and retained. The financial institution shall be contractually

liable for monitoring and maintaining the required collateral and collateral margins at all times.

Additionally, depository agreement shall define the System’s rights to the collateral in case of

default, bankruptcy, or closing and shall establish a perfected security interest in compliance

with Federal and State regulations, specifically:

the agreement must be in writing;

the agreement has to be executed by the financial institution and the System

contemporaneously with the acquisition of the asset;

the agreement must be approved by the Board of Directors or designated committee of the

financial institution and a copy of the meeting minutes must be delivered to the System; and

the agreement must be part of the depository’s “official record” continuously since its



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C.2.20 - Authorized Collateral:

The System authorizes only the following types of collateral:

1. Obligations of the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities including mortgage

backed securities which pass the bank test;

2. Direct obligations of the State of Texas or its agencies and instrumentalities;

3. Obligations of states, agencies, counties, cities and other political subdivisions of any state

rated as to investment quality by a nationally recognized rating firm not less than A or its


4. Letters of Credit issued by the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities.

All collateral shall be subject to inspection and audit by the System's internal audit staff or by its

independent auditors on a reasonable basis.

C.2.21 - Independent Third Party:

All securities owned by the System and collateral pledged to the System shall be held by

independent third party custodians approved by the System and held in the System's name as

evidenced by original safekeeping receipts of the institution with which the securities are


C.2.22 - Delivery versus Payment:

All security transactions, including repurchase agreements, shall be executed on a delivery

versus payment basis.

C.2.23 - Competitive Environment:

A competitive environment shall be established for all investment activities, including but not

limited to, analysis of implemented strategies, review of investment alternatives, monitoring of

market conditions, solicitation from multiple investment providers, adherence to applicable

“bona fide solicitation” rules, and overall performance evaluation.

Comparison and evaluation of comparables, but not formal bidding, may be used to invest in

financial institution deposits, money market mutual funds, or local government investment pools.

Bids/offers may be solicited orally, in writing, or electronically for securities and Certificates of

Deposit. Records shall be kept of the prices/levels (bid and/or offered and accepted).

C.2.24 - Diversification:

The System recognizes that investment risks can result from issuer defaults, market price

changes, or various complications leading to temporary illiquidity. Market risks are managed

through portfolio diversification that shall be achieved within the following general guidelines:

a. Limiting investments to avoid over concentration in investments from a specific issuer or

business sector, where appropriate.

b. Limiting investments with higher credit risk (such as commercial paper)

c. Investing in instruments with varying maturities and in accordance with the System's cash

flow projections, and

d. Continuously investing a portion of the portfolio in readily available funds such as local

government investment pools, financial institution deposits, money market funds, or overnight


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repurchase agreements to ensure that appropriate liquidity is maintained in order to meet ongoing


To assure diversification of the portfolio and reduce market risk, the following maximum limits,

by instrument, are established for the System's total portfolio:

US Treasury Obligations 90%

US Agencies and Instrumentalities 90%

Certificates of Deposit 90%

Repurchase Agreements (excluding bond proceeds) 50%

Flexible Repurchase Agreements 100% of bond proceeds

Investment Pools 100%

Municipal Securities 30%

Commercial Paper 25%

Commercial Paper by issuer 5%

C.2.25 Internal Controls:

The internal control structure shall be designed to provide reasonable assurance that System

funds are protected from loss, theft, or misuse. The concept of reasonable assurance recognizes

that (1) the cost of a control should not exceed the benefits likely to be derived; and (2) the

valuation of costs and benefits requires estimates and judgments by management.

The internal controls established for the cash management and investment process shall address

the following points at a minimum:

1. Complete documentation of all transactions

2. Control of collusion

3. Separation of accounting and record keeping

4. Custodial safekeeping

5. Clear delegation of authority to subordinate staff members

6. Written confirmation for all transactions

7. Timely reconciliation of transactions

8. Assurance of delivery versus payment and competitive bidding

C.2.26 – Compliance Audit:

In conjunction with the audit, the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance/CFO shall

establish a process for independent review at least once every two years by an external auditor to

assure compliance with policies and procedures.

C.2.27 - Monthly Reporting:

The Investment Officers shall prepare a monthly report on all investment positions as of the

close of business for the prior month. The report shall be provided to the Board as an integral

part of the monthly financial reports.

C.2.28 - Quarterly Reporting:

The Investment Officers shall prepare, sign and present an investment report to the Board on a

quarterly basis that summarizes investment strategies employed in the most recent quarter,


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details the portfolio in terms of investments and earnings, and summarizes the overall strategy

for the period.

The quarterly investment report shall include a summary statement of investment activity

prepared in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles and the Act. The reports

will be prepared in a manner that will allow the reader and the System to ascertain whether

investment activities during the reporting period have conformed to the Investment Policy. The

report will include the following at a minimum:

1. A detailed listing of individual investments and depository accounts by maturity date at the

end of the reporting period;

2. A summary of the portfolio by market sectors and maturities;

3. The beginning and ending book and market value of each security and position by the type of

asset and fund type invested;

4. Unrealized market gains or losses at the end of the period;

5. Additions and changes in market value from the beginning of the period;

6. The account or fund or pooled group fund for which each individual investment was acquired;

7. Average weighted yield to maturity of the portfolio as compared to its benchmark;

8. Interest earnings for the reporting period (accrued net of amortization);

9. Diversification by market sectors; and

10. Statement of compliance with the Act and the System's Investment Policy and strategy as

approved by the Board.

C.2.29 - Market Values:

Market values used in the monthly and quarterly reports will be obtained from reputable and

independent sources. Information sources may include: financial/investment publications and

electronic media, available software for tracking investments, depository banks, commercial or

investment banks, financial advisors, and representatives/advisors of investment pools or money

market funds.

C.2.30 - Annual Policy Review and Adoption:

The Board of Trustees shall, not less than annually, adopt by resolution the System's Investment

Policy and incorporated investment strategy. The adopting resolution shall state any changes

made to either the Investment Policy or strategies. Material changes to the Investment Policy will

require re-certification by financial firms.

Policy Consideration No. 2 (FIRST READING) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration for the Recommended Lone Star College System Board

Policy Section I B.1 - Board Governance (FIRST READING)



That the Board of Trustees consider the recommended Lone Star College

System Board Policy Section I B.1 – Board Governance. This constitutes

a first consideration with a request for approval during the May Board


Rationale: This new policy section is to ensure that Board Members are accountable

to the community for the performance and welfare of the Lone Star

College System through a cohesive and united Board of Trustees. This

policy will further ensure that the Board is annually self evaluating it's

performance, making certain it is governed in adhering to appropriate

ethical standards, representing the common good, creating a positive

climate, employing evaluating and supporting the Chancellor and in

understanding the duties and requirements of individual Board members

and Board officers.

Fiscal Impact:


Staff Resource: Richard Carpenter 832-813-6615

Brian Nelson 832-813-6655

New  Board  Policy  Section  I  B.1  –  Board  Governance  March  21,  2011  


Sec. I Governance and Board of Trustees


1. Board Governance

B.1.01- General

The Lone Star College Board of Trustees (referenced in this Section 1 as the “Board”) is responsible for ensuring that the Lone Star College System (referenced in this Section 1 as “System”) is an integral part of their communities and serve their ever-changing needs. Board members are accountable to the community for the performance and welfare of the Lone Star College System. To ensure effectiveness, the Board should function as a cohesive group to articulate and represent a balanced System and public interest, establish a climate for learning and monitor the effectiveness of the System. The Board does not do the work of the System; rather it establishes vision for the work through the policies it sets. This Policy Section I.B.1 on Board Governance shall be in addition to, but not in conflict with any other subsection within Section I entitled Board Policy Governance and Board of Trustees.

B.1.02 - Fulfill Responsibilities

The Board shall, to the best of its collective and individual ability, meet its responsibilities and duties set forth in Board Policy. (See Policy Section I - Governance and Board of Trustees B. 2.02 and B.2.03.)

B.1.03 - Adhere to Ethical Standards

1. Board members will maintain the highest ethical standards, abiding by Board policies with respect to ethics (Policy Section I - Governance and Board of Trustees B.3.01) and conflicts of interest (Policy Section I - Governance and Board of Trustees B.4.01 et. seq.). Board members serve in a fiduciary capacity and will conduct all matters with this standard in mind. A Board member's loyalty is to the entire System rather than to any part or constituency within it or in the community at large. No Board member shall make any request or demand for action that violates any law, the written policies, rules, or procedures of the Board or the System. As a fiduciary, and subject to the Texas law on the use or misuse of official System Information, Board members shall maintain strict confidentiality of information presented and discussed with the Board and within its committee meetings and of all information proprietary to and belonging to the System. A violation and misuse by any Board member will be (i) considered Official Misconduct and subject to removal in accordance with Policy Section I C.3.04, and/or (ii) an Abuse of Office and subject to prosecution under Chapter 39 of the Texas Penal Code.

2. Board members do not receive any remuneration or emolument of office, but are entitled to reimbursement for their actual expenses incurred in performing their duties, to the extent authorized and permitted by the Board. Any expenses incurred by a Board member in performing their duties shall be fiscally conservative and understood to be subject to the Texas Public Information Act.

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3. Board members should, when traveling via air, have the System pay the cost, of (or be reimbursed for the cost) such coach fare; when out-of-town on the System's business, the System should pay a Board member's reasonable expense for lodging, meals and transportation costs thereto. All reimbursable expenses to Board members shall be documented to the System in accordance with the System's requirements.

B.1.04 - Act as a Unit

The Board governs as a unit, with one voice. This principle means that individual Board members have authority only when they are acting as a Board. They have no power to act on their own or to direct System employees or operations. The power of governance is expressed through one voice. As individuals, Board members make no commitments on behalf of the Board to constituents, nor do they criticize or work against Board decisions.

B.1.05 - Represent the Common Good

The Board exists to represent a balance between the System and the general public. They are responsible for balancing and integrating the wide variety of interests and needs into policies that benefit the common good and the future of the System. Board members should learn as much as they can about the communities they serve. They gain this knowledge by studying demographic, economic and social trends, by being aware of issues facing the community. They use what they learn in acting as a unit, with one voice in making decisions that respond to System and community interests, needs and values.

B.1.06 - Set the Policy Direction

The Board establishes policies that provide direction and guidance to the Chancellor and other System officers. A major Board responsibility is to define and uphold a vision and mission that clearly reflects student and community expectations. The Board should think strategically, concentrate on priority items and focus on the future learning needs of their communities. Board members engage in exciting, creative, thoughtful discussions as they explore the future and envision what they want their communities to be. Policies should set standards for quality, ethics and prudence in System operations.

B.1.07 - Employ, Evaluate and Support the Chancellor

Successful governance depends on a good relationship between the Board and the Chancellor. The Chancellor is the single most influential person in establishing Lone Star College System as the premier College System in the Country. Therefore selecting, evaluating and supporting the Chancellor are among the Board's most important responsibilities. The Chancellor and Board function best as a partnership. The Chancellor implements Board policies, while the Board depends on the Chancellor for guidance and educational leadership. This relationship works best when there are clear, mutually agreed-on expectations and role descriptions. The partnership thrives on open communication, confidence, trust, and support.

B.1.08 - Create a Positive Climate

The Board sets the tone for the entire System. Through their behavior and policies, the Board establishes a climate in which learning is valued, professional growth is enhanced, and the most important goals are student

New  Board  Policy  Section  I  B.1  –  Board  Governance  March  21,  2011  


success and adding value to the community. The Board creates a positive climate when it looks to the future, acts with integrity, supports risk-taking, and challenges the Chancellor and System officers to strive for excellence.

B.1.09 - Monitor Performance

The Board is responsible for holding the Chancellor accountable for serving current and future community learning needs. The Board adopts the System's direction and broad goals as policy, and then monitors the progress made toward those goals through periodic reports or other methods. The Board also monitors adherence to policies for programs, personnel, and fiscal and asset management. They receive periodic reports from System officers and review reports by and for external agencies, such as accreditation, audit, and state and federal accountability reports. All monitoring processes culminate in the evaluation of the Chancellor as the System leader. The Board's ability to monitor is enhanced when it defines the criteria and standards to be used well in advance of when reports are required, so that the Chancellor and staff are clear about what is expected.

B.1.10 - Support and Be Advocates for the System

Board members are advocates and protectors of the System. They promote the System in the community, and seek support for the college from local, state, and national policymakers. They protect the System's ability to fulfill its mission and promise to their communities.

B.1.11 - Public Responsibility

The Board is vested with the general supervision of the System's funds, recognizes a vital and crucial institutional responsibility to those with whom it has financial transactions. To the end that the financial integrity of the System shall always remain inviolate, the Board pledges that it will maintain constant vigil over its funds through regular review and periodic reports, including but not limited to each Board member's efficient personal use of funds for business purposes and while attending Board functions and Board professional development opportunities. No intrusion upon this commitment will be tolerated.

B.1.12 - Duties and Requirements of Board Officers

In addition to any duties set forth in Board Policy (Policy Section I - Governance and Board of Trustees D.1) Officers of the Board shall act as follows:

B.1.12.1 - The Board Chair

Shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Board, sign all contracts duly authorized by Board policy, and appoint all committees not otherwise provided for, of which he and the Chancellor shall be ex-officio members. The Board Chair is the only person authorized to speak for the Board, except in instances where this authority is delegated by the Board Chair. The Chair shall have the right and power to vote on all issues brought before the Board. Additionally, the Chair shall have the authority to prepare or assist in the preparation of all agendas used for its meetings.

B.1.12.2 - The Board Vice-Chair

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Shall preside in the absence of the Board Chair and is vested with the same power and duties as the Board Chair in those instances.

B.1.12.3 - The Board Secretary

Shall keep the official seal; maintain records of all meetings and other official actions, and correspondence of the Board.

B.1.12.4 - The Assistant Secretary

Shall assume the duties of the secretary in the absence of the secretary.

B.1.13 - Self-Evaluation

At least annually, the Board shall perform a self-evaluation of its performance, in the following categories and consider the issues mentioned below.

B.1.13.1 - Board Organization

1. The Board operates as a unit. 2. Board members uphold the final majority decision of the Board. 3. The Board considers and respects minority opinions. 4. Board members understand that they have no legal authority outside Board meetings. 5. Board members represent Board policy in responding to public and employee questions. 6. Board members make decisions after thorough discussion and exploration of many

perspectives. 7. The Board's decisions are independent of all partisan bias. 8. Board meetings are conducted in an orderly, efficient manner that allows for

sufficient discussion. 9. The meeting agendas are relevant to the work of the Board.

10. The Board has adequate input into the planning of meeting agendas. 11. Meeting agenda items contain sufficient background information and

recommendations for the Board. 12. Closed sessions are held as required and/or permitted by Texas law. 13. Board officer responsibilities are clear. 14. Board officer responsibilities are appropriate for the work of the Board. 15. Board committees have clear and appropriate responsibilities. 16. Board committees effectively assist the Board to do its work. 17. The Board's recruitment and selection processes reflect well on the college. 18. The Board's recruitment and selection processes attract excellent candidates.

B.1.13.2 - Policy Role

1. The Board understands that the primary function of the Board is to establish the

New  Board  Policy  Section  I  B.1  –  Board  Governance  March  21,  2011  


policies by which the System is to be administered. 2. Board members understand and support the concept that Board policy is the primary

voice of the Board. 3. The Board periodically reviews and evaluates its policies. 4. The Board assures a systematic, comprehensive review of Board policies. 5. The Board focuses on policy in Board discussions, not administrative matters. 6. The Board has clarified the difference between its policy role and the roles of the

Chancellor and staff. 7. The Board policy manual is current, relevant, and useful. 8. Policy recommendations contain adequate information and are presented so that

sufficient time is allowed for study and discussion. 9. The policy-making process is clear, public (except as prohibited by law), and inclusive. 10. The Board, through the Chancellor, seeks advice and recommendations from faculty,

staff, and students in development educational policy. 11. The Board openly discusses issues and seeks the views of college constituents.

B.1.13.3 - Community Relations

1. The Board is committed to protecting the public interest. 2. The Board effectively represents the "voice" of the community.

3. The Board has determined what benefits the community should derive from the System. 4. Board members act on behalf of the entire community. 5. The Board is knowledgeable about community and regional needs and expectations. 6. The Board has strategies for involving the community in discussion of issues that impact the community.

7. Board members maintain good relationships with community leaders. 8. The Board has protocols for dealing with the citizens and the media. 9. Board members keep the Chancellor informed of community contacts. 10. The Board encourages active cooperation by citizens, organizations, and the media. 11. The Board provides assistance to the Chancellor in developing educational partnerships with community agencies, businesses and local government, where appropriate.

B.1.13.4 - Policy Direction

1. The Board is knowledgeable about the mission and purposes of the institution. 2. The Board is appropriately involved in defining the vision, mission and goals. 3. The vision and goals of the institution adequately address community needs. 4. The Board has ensured that the mission and goals are sufficiently responsive to

community current and future needs. 5. The Board bases its decisions in terms of what is best for students and the

community. 6. The Board spends sufficient time discussing the future direction of the System. 7. The Board regularly reviews the mission and purposes of the institution.

New  Board  Policy  Section  I  B.1  –  Board  Governance  March  21,  2011  


8. The Board is knowledgeable about the educational programs that implement the mission of the System.

9. The Board is involved in setting expectations for broad student learning outcomes. 10. The Board maintains a future-oriented, visionary focus in Board discussions. 11. The Board annually sets annual priorities in conjunction with the Chancellor. 12. The Board requires long-range strategic planning. 13. The Board is appropriately involved in the planning process. 14. The Board understands the educational and legal context in which planning occurs. 15. The Board is familiar with the general strategic and master plans of the institution. 16. The Board encourages partnerships and other cooperative agreements with business,

government, community agencies, and other educational institutions.

B.1.13.5 - Board-Chancellor Relations

1. The Board and Chancellor have a positive, cooperative relationship. 2. A climate of mutual trust and respect exists between the Board and Chancellor. 3. The Board sets clear expectations for the Chancellor. 4. The Chancellor's job description is current and accurate. 5. The Board provides a high level of support to the Chancellor. 6. The Board maintains open communication with the Chancellor. 7. Board members are available to the Chancellor for support and feedback. 8. The Board effectively evaluates the Chancellor. 9. The Board has clear protocols for communicating with staff that include the

Chancellor. 10. The Board clearly delegates the administration of the System to the Chancellor. 11. Board members keep the Chancellor informed about contacts with the community

and staff. 12. Board members respect the role of the Chancellor as the link between the Board and

staff. 13. The Board encourages the professional growth of the Chancellor. 14. The Board and Chancellor work cooperatively to maintain a broad perspective.

B.1.13.6 - Standards for Lone Star College System Operations

1. The Board is knowledgeable about the educational programs and services of the System.

2. The Board understands the fiscal condition of the organization. 3. The Board has established parameters for System budget planning. 4. The Board requires and is involved in long-range fiscal planning. 5. The Board understands the budget document. 6. The Board assures that the budget reflects System priorities in the mission and goals. 7. The Board has a long-range facilities plan. 8. Board policies adequately address parameters for facilities maintenance and

appearance. 9. Board policies adequately address parameters regarding safety and security.

New  Board  Policy  Section  I  B.1  –  Board  Governance  March  21,  2011  


10. Board policies adequately address parameters for investments and management of assets.

11. Board policies adequately address parameters for fiscal management that meet audit standards.

12. The Board has policies that require fair and equitable employment processes. 13. The Board is committed to equal opportunity.

14. The Board has policies that require fair employee due process and grievance procedures that are permissible under state and/or federal law.

15. The Board has policies that require adequate participation in decision-making within the institution.

B.1.13.8 - Board Leadership

1. The Board has a clear description of Board roles and responsibilities. 2. The Board understands its roles and responsibilities. 3. The Board adheres to its roles and responsibilities. 4. The Board understands and adheres to its legal responsibilities. 5. The Board adheres to a code of ethics or standards of practice. 6. Board members treat one another with respect. 7. Board members work together as a team to accomplish the work of the Board. 8. Board members are prepared for Board meetings. 9. The Board accommodates the differences of opinion that arise during debates of

issues. 10. The Board bases its decisions upon all available facts in each situation. 11. Board members avoid conflicts of interest and the perception of conflicts of interest. 12. Board members may contribute single interest or their own professional perspectives

to discussions, but always vote on behalf of the community as a whole. 13. Once a decision is made, Board members cease debate and uphold the decision of the

Board. 14. The Board maintains confidentiality of privileged information. 15. The Board works together in a spirit of harmony and cooperation. 16. Through its behavior, the Board has set a positive example for the Chancellor and

other employees. 17. The Board actively encourages creativity and innovation. 18. The Board is willing to take a stand for what it believes is right for students and the

community. 19. The Board understands the political implications of its actions. 20. The Board works to build positive relationships with all stakeholders. 21. The Board considers the political ramifications of its decisions.

B.1.13.9 - Advocating for the Lone Star College System 1. Board members are knowledgeable about the System's history, mission, and values.

New  Board  Policy  Section  I  B.1  –  Board  Governance  March  21,  2011  


2. The Board recognizes positive accomplishments of the System. Board members actively support the mission and values of the System.

3. Board members speak positively about the institution in the community. 4. Board members support the Systems by attending various events. 5. The Board plays a leadership role in the local community. 6. Board members participate in community activities as representatives of the System. 7. The Board helps educate the local community about community college needs and

issues. 8. Board members are knowledgeable about state laws and regulations. 9. Board members are knowledgeable about state and national educational policy issues. 10. The Board advocates System interests to state and national agencies and legislators. 11. The Board actively seeks political and civic support for the System. 12. The Board works to secure adequate public funding. 13. The Board actively supports the Systems' foundation and fundraising efforts. 14. The Board understands and protects the academic freedom of the faculty and

administrators. 15. The Board supports the state and national community college trustee associations.

B.1.13.10 - Board Education

1. Candidates for the Board are educated about Board responsibilities and the college. 2. New members receive an orientation to the Board and the institution. 3. The Board strives to become increasingly more effective. 4. Board members are engaged in a continuous process of training and development. 5. The Board has an ongoing program of Board development. 6. Board members are knowledgeable about the roles and responsibilities of trusteeship.

7. The Board is knowledgeable about state and national laws and issues related to community colleges.

8. The Board is knowledgeable about major social and economic trends and issues that affect the institution.

9. The Board adequately studies issues prior to Board action. 10. The information provided to the Board is appropriate and relevant. 11. The information requested by and provided to Board members does not put an undue

burden on staff. 12. Sufficient resources are allocated for Board members to attend conferences. 13. Board members are up-to-date on community colleges' issues through reading and

attendance at conferences. 14. Board members devote time, thought, and study to the duties and responsibilities of

a community college Board member. 15. The Board periodically evaluates itself. 16. The Board self-evaluation process provides useful information on Board performance.

New  Board  Policy  Section  I  B.1  –  Board  Governance  March  21,  2011  


B.1.13.11 - Board Goals

One of the outcomes of a self-evaluation is the establishment of Board goals for the following year. The self-evaluation process may include a request that the Board assess how well the goals set in the prior evaluation were achieved.

Policy Consideration No. 3 (FIRST READING) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration for the Recommended Lone Star College System Board

Policy Section VIII - Information Security (FIRST READING)



That the Board of Trustees consider the recommended Lone Star College

System Board Policy Section VIII - Information Security. This

constitutes a first consideration with a request for approval during the

May Board meeting.

Rationale: This new policy section is to preserve the security, confidentiality,

integrity and availability of all forms of information used and maintained

on behalf of faculty, staff, students, volunteers, contractors, university and

K-12 partners, and any other groups, entities or individuals consistent

with Lone Star College System's mission. This policy will protect

confidential and proprietary information, respect copyright and fair use

rights, avoid the use of LSCS logos unless permissions are granted; and

provide clear policy guidelines in the use of social media platforms that

identify LSCS personnel and students for LSCS educational and business


Fiscal Impact:


Staff Resource: Brian Nelson 832-813-6655

Shah Ardalan 832-813-6842

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Insert Date]




Fourth Edition

Section VIII – Information Security

Table of Contents 1. Information Security Policy

1.1 Policy Objective 1.2 Policy Statement 1.3 Scope of Policy 1.4 Policy Applicability 1.5 Definitions

2. Use of Computer Systems

2.1 Policy Statement 2.2 System Property 2.3 Email Privileges 2.4 Confidentiality 2.5 Accountability 2.6 Records 2.7 Prohibited Use 2.8 Social Media 2.9 Overloading of Computer Resources

3. Requirements to Safeguard Information

3.1 Policy Statement 3.2 Security Responsibilities 3.3 Attempts to Circumvent Security 3.4 Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery 3.5 Incident Response 3.6 Third Party Access 3.7 Security Audits 3.8 Information Security Training and Awareness

3.8.1 Information Security Awareness 3.8.2 Information Security Training

4. Protection of Confidential Information 4.1 Policy 5. Roles and Responsibilities 5.1 Board of Trustees 5.2 Security Management

5.3 Security Policy and Compliance Governance 5.4 Security Operations 5.5 Information Owners 5.6 Technology System Owners 5.7 Users

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Insert Date]


6. Compliance 7. Enforcement

8. Policy Variance/Exception

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Insert Date]


1. Information Security Policy

The Lone Star College System is committed to preserving the security, confidentiality, integrity and availability of all forms of information used and maintained on behalf of faculty, staff, students, volunteers, contractors, university and K-12 partners, and any other groups, entities or individuals consistent with Lone Star College System’s mission. Improper disclosure, modification, or destruction of information may result in harm to the operation of LSCS in support of its mission. As a result, specific procedures will be developed to help administer and manage the storage, processing and use of computer-based information. This Board Policy Section Vlll is in addition to all other provisions within the Board Policy Manual relating to Information Security and the storage, processing and use of computer based information; and this Section VIII shall take precedent in the event of any conflict or omission. Information security is in part a risk management discipline addressing the preservation of information confidentiality, integrity and availability. All information is identified, valued, assessed for risk and protected as appropriate to the needs of LSCS. The information security effort is established via a hierarchical set of industry best practices and frameworks (e.g. ISO 27002) that help users and administrators to define and mitigate risks, maintaining a trade-off between information value and the cost of risk mitigation.

1.1 Policy Objective This policy presents the philosophy for information security within the Lone Star College System (LSCS, referred to as “the System”). It defines the fundamental requirement for the acceptable use and security in the transmission of all LSCS information. 1.2 Policy Statement LSCS values the ability to openly communicate and share information. LSCS information (whether belonging directly to LSCS or held in trust on behalf of its students or employees) must be safeguarded. Any person or organization that provides or uses LSCS information, or Information Technology (IT) assets within LSCS, has the individual and continual responsibility to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of this information. As such, all LSCS information users are required to abide by policy and subsequent procedures and standards, as a condition for being granted access. Violation of this policy may result in immediate and unconditional termination of any or all access without prior notice and the user may be subject to disciplinary actions under Board Policy Sections IV and VI and prosecution under applicable statutes. (See Policy Sections IV and VI). 1.3 Scope of Policy The Policy covers all information and electronic methods in the transmission of information that are owned or leased by LSCS. The methods of transmission may include but are not limited to:

Electronic Media;

Social Media;

Desktop and Laptop Computers;


Network Infrastructure;


Fax Machines;

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Insert Date]


Printers; and

Mobile Computing Devices.

1.4 Policy Applicability

This policy applies to all individuals and processes that access, view, use, or control LSCS information. Those individuals covered include, but are not limited to faculty, staff, students, volunteers, contractors, university and K-12 partners, and any other groups, entities or individuals consistent with Lone Star College System’s mission.

1.5 Definitions

Information - a definable piece of information, stored in any manner which is recognized as 'valuable' to the organization.

Information Owner - the person or group generating information and responsible for establishing the rules for appropriate use and protection of information.

Technology System Owner – the person or group responsible for establishing the rules for appropriate use and protection of the methods of Information transmission.

User - the person accessing information for the purposes of generating, sending, receiving, storing, viewing, controlling, managing, or otherwise processing the content of the information.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) - federal act sets standards for protecting the privacy of patients' health information.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) - federal law that protects the privacy of student education records.

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) - federal law that imposes restrictions on the disclosure of consumers' personal financial information.

Social media - online services that enable individuals to share information through social interaction and networking.

2. Use of Computer Systems

The LSCS Board of Trustees reconfirms its commitment to the free and unfettered exchange of ideas that is the hallmark of an institution of higher education and the rights of employees and students to access, debate, disagree and discuss all educational materials without respect to the popularity or controversial nature of the ideas conveyed.

2.1 Policy Statement

Using LSCS’s electronic assets for abusive, unethical, or inappropriate purposes will not be tolerated and may be considered grounds for disciplinary action, including but not limited to termination of any and all access without prior notice.

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Insert Date]


2.2 System Property

LSCS provides Information Technology resources for the use of students, employees and others affiliated with the System for educational or System-related activities and to facilitate the efficient exchange of useful information. LSCS affiliates include, but are not limited to, all university, K-12 dual credit or other students and employees associated with or enrolled in programs delivered by these entities. As set forth within this Section VIII Information Security Policy, students, employees and LSCS affiliates may use the IT resources provided by LSCS including, but not limited to, computers, hardware devices, software packages, electronic mail (e-mail), and the LSCS network and software. All users are expected to conduct themselves in compliance with all policies of LSCS and relevant laws of the United States and Texas, and to observe the same high ethical and professional standards when communicating through computing resources as are required in face-to-face or other written communications. 2.3 Email Privileges

Access to LSCS Information Technology (i.e. networks, computer labs, internet and electronic mail) is a privilege that is extended to current employees, students and former LSCS retired employees that are in good standing. Email services may be revoked with the termination of employment or may end with the failure to re-enroll in an LSCS educational program. LSCS email accounts will be issued only to those identified within this Section 2.3. LSCS reserves the right to access the E-mail system to engage in routine computer maintenance and housekeeping, to carry out internal investigations, to prepare responses to requests for public information or to disclose messages, data or files to law enforcement authorities, or for any other legitimate purposes of the System. 2.4 Confidentiality

LSCS cannot guarantee the privacy or confidentiality of electronic documents, and any messages or information. A person that requires the assurance that such information is not disclosed to unauthorized entities or process, or by law, should not communicate over unsecured shared networks and/or by the E-mail system.

2.5 Accountability

All access to networked systems must be logged. When determined to be critical to LSCS, the logging of transactions must be included regardless of the operating platform. Log data must be classified as sensitive. These logs must be retrievable through clearly defined procedures and must be maintained for time periods prescribed for audit, legal, and recovery purposes. As new applications, platforms, mediums, or other technical changes to system operations are made - and if practical and/or technically affordable - consideration of logging requirements and availability must be made. Requirements for logging data must be clearly established as system, architectural, technical, or network designs. 2.6 Records Messages sent as electronic mail should meet the same standards for distribution, display, and retention as if they were tangible documents or instruments. As with all records

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Insert Date]


maintained by LSCS, and to the extent required by law, files saved as LSCS information, including e-mail, may be subject to public disclosure in response to a public information request. 2.7 Prohibited Use

The following conduct by users of LSCS information technology resources will be treated as a violation of this policy and may subject the user to discipline, including loss of computing privileges, up to and including termination for an LSCS employee and dismissal for a student: a. Anonymous or forged e-mail messages; b. Unauthorized attempts to access another person's e-mail or similar electronic communications or to use another's name, or e-mail address, or to send unauthorized e-mail or similar electronic communications; c. Use of System e-mail or any other method for information transmission owned by LSCS commercial purposes or for personal financial gain; d. Attempted or actual access to a restricted computing resource without authorization; e. The transmission of copyrighted materials without the written permission of the author or creator through System e-mail or any other method for information transmission in violation of U.S. copyright law (See Board Policy Manual, Section IV); f. Use of System email or any other method for information transmission in a manner that disrupts the work or educational mission such as improper access and use of System global email address lists and other messaging;

g. Use of LSCS computing resources to store, download, upload, display, print or e-mail computer images that constitute "obscene materials" as defined by Texas Penal Code §43.21 et.seq., as amended, regardless of whether such information is related to or required for a specific educational course or research directly related to an educational program; h. The display or transmission of messages, images, cartoons or other messages or images that are sexually explicit or that demean a person on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, national origin, disability, religion or sexual orientation may constitute prohibited harassment (See Board Policy Manual, Section IV F.4); i. The uploading or downloading of unauthorized materials to or from any System server; j. The sharing of an account, password or other means of authentication that was provided to permit access to restricted computing resources; and k. Attempted or real access to compromise any computer resource via unauthorized access and/or in an unauthorized manner. 2.8 Social Media This section 2.8 provides faculty, staff, and students with social networking guidelines to facilitate informal (social) communication while fully complying with System policies and

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Insert Date]


institutional goals. “Social media” refers to various online technology tools that enable individuals to share user generated information and resources through social interaction and is created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Examples include but are not limited to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, LinkedIn, and weblogs. Employees and students who violate this Section 2.8 do so at the risk of disciplinary action, termination or expulsion in accordance with Board Policy Sections IV and VI. When utilizing social media employees and students shall: 1) Not use the LSCS name to promote a product, cause, or political party or candidate unless

such product or cause is specifically approved by LSCS as part of LSCS business or promotional activities (See Board Policy Manual, Section II);

2) Use System resources appropriately: 1. System computers and work time are to be used only for LSCS-related business; 2. Employees may only use social media sites at work if this use is authorized and

directly related to accomplishing work activities; 3) Must identify all personal opinions and commentary on personal social media sites as NOT

representing LSCS policies or practices, and must clearly state that they are not expressing the official views and opinions of LSCS;

4) Individuals may be held liable for any content they post on social media sites and shall not post threatening, harassing, illegal, obscene, defamatory, slanderous, or hostile material regarding LSCS or any employee or student;

5) Not use LSCS email addresses and do not discuss LSCS business on personal social media sites;

6) Understand that LSCS reserves the right to manage posted content or commentary in which social media accounts are owned by LSCS for its official business and at any time, may block, remove, or erase posts;

7) Comply with the following when using social media sites for LSCS business: 1. Obtain approval from the Local Executive Officer before requesting or setting up any

form of account on any social networking site for any LSCS department or organization. Social Media sites that store or display LSCS content or information are continually subject to review and any such information may be amended or removed at the sole discretion of LSCS;

2. An individual, department or organization shall not use a social media site as representing LSCS policies, an alternative for established and formal LSCS business practices and shall not contractually commit LSCS without express and written delegation of authority to do so.

2.9 Overloading of Computer Resources

Nothing in this policy shall prohibit LSCS or college system operators from intercepting and stopping e-mail messages, other computer programs, or websites, which have the capacity to overload any computer resource. Overloading of computer resources is defined as the intentional use of computational resources, such as bandwidth, disk space, or CPU time that may adversely impact LSCS information assets. Violation of this policy may result in immediate and unconditional termination of any or all access without prior notice and the user may be subject to disciplinary actions under Board Policy Sections IV and VI and prosecution under applicable statutes. (See Policy Sections IV and VI).

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Insert Date]


3. Requirements to Safeguard Information

3.1 Policy Statement

It is the responsibility of all employees and students to take reasonable steps to implement information security via appropriate procedures, and controls. 3.2 Security Responsibilities

3.2.1 Legal, regulatory and contractual requirements are followed by LSCS.

3.2.2 Users are responsible for upholding the confidentiality and integrity of all information when in their control. Users are prohibited from accessing, copying, altering, or destroying anyone else’s information without proper authorization.

3.2.3 OTS is responsible for the creation of security controls, and procedures that appropriately and reasonably prevent, detect, contain, and identify risks to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.

3.2.4 Users are individually responsible and accountable for any use of their account and password. Uniquely identifiable information (i.e. passwords) should not be shared under any circumstances.

3.2.5 Users may not run or otherwise configure software or hardware to intentionally allow access to any LSCS information resources by unauthorized users.

3.2.6 Users may have access to privileged information that must be protected. In receiving access to this information, users accept responsibility to protect the information access used on all information systems.

3.3 Attempts to Circumvent Security

Users are prohibited from attempting to circumvent or subvert LSCS information system’s security measures. This does not preclude the use of security tools by appropriately authorized personnel. While the following list provides examples of disallowed practices, it is not a comprehensive list and is intended to only provide examples:

a. Password decrypting or cracking tools; b. Denial of Service (DoS) or distributed denial of service (DDoS); c. Harmful activities (e.g. IP spoofing, port scanning, disrupting services, damaging files,

or intentional destruction of or damage to equipment, software, or data); d. Unauthorized access (e.g. using another users account, using a special purpose

account, escalating their own privileges); e. Unauthorized monitoring (e.g. keyboard logging, network packet capturing).

3.4 Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery (DR) is comprised of plans and activities designed to recover technical infrastructure and restore critical business applications to an acceptable condition. DR is a component of Business Continuity Planning (BCP), which is the process of ensuring that essential business functions continue to operate during and after a disaster. LSCS OTS shall be responsible for the System Disaster Recovery.

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Insert Date]


Business Continuity Plans must be developed with requirements based on the specific risks associated with the process or system. All staff must be made aware of the Business Continuity Plan and their own respective roles. Each Lone Star College and each Lone Star College System administrative unit shall be responsible for their respective Business Continuity Plans. A formal process for developing disaster recovery plans must be established and aligned with the Business Continuity Planning requirements. 3.5 Incident Response

Incident Response is a predefined process to establish information security requirements for response to unplanned computer system events, including network intrusions, denial of service, computer virus outbreaks, and other outages that negatively impact the availability of LSCS systems, applications, and/or information assets. Information security incident response procedures must include, but are not limited to, the following:

Specific roles and responsibilities;

Key contact information; and

High-level guidelines for investigating, documenting and reporting security incidents.

3.6 Third Party Access

Access to LSCS information systems by third party vendors (i.e. contractors, partners, vendors, lessees) requires appropriate controls to protect LSCS information assets. All third parties that have access to LSCS information assets must comply with LSCS information security policies and may be required to show proof of such compliance at any time.

3.7 Security Audits

Periodic reviews and revisions of security controls, policies, and procedures will be conducted by authorized LSCS officers, auditors or by contracted independent third party. Additionally, periodic risk assessments of information technology systems and processes will be conducted to ensure that evolving risks are being appropriately addressed.

3.8 Information Security Training and Awareness

3.8.1 Information Security Awareness

Ongoing security awareness for faculty, staff, students, volunteers, contractors, university and K-12 partners, and any other groups, entities or individuals consistent with Lone Star College System’s mission on established security policies and procedures will be conducted. Security awareness refers to communicating security concepts in a variety of ways in order to make the above referenced individuals, groups and entities as a whole more security-aware. 3.8.2 Information Security Training

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Insert Date]


With assistance of LSCS OTS, Human Resources will ensure that all employees receive information security training. Human Resources will require that all employees certify security training they received and shall maintain records to indicate the status of employee security training. Security training refers to specific training activities and accompanying materials to in protecting LSCS information resources and in teaching to employees about security as it applies to their job.

4. Protection of Confidential Information It is the policy of the Lone Star College System to ensure that there are guidelines, safeguards, and controls in place to effectively manage and protect confidential information in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and best practices. Such confidential information includes, but is not limited to, social security numbers, educational records as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act ("FERPA"), health care information as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPAA"), and customer information as defined by the Gramm Leach-Bliley Act ("GLB Act").

4.1 Policy

4.1.1. The General Counsel will serve as the Privacy Officer for the System. 4.1.2. The Privacy Officer's duties include the issuing of guidelines with regard to the use of social security numbers, educational records, health care information, customer information, and other confidential information. 4.1.3. The guidelines will be issued by the Privacy Officer to help ensure that:

a. The release, use, display, transmission, and retention of social security numbers are only allowed if permitted by law; b. Information that is considered an educational record (as defined by FERPA) will only be disclosed to someone other than an "eligible student" or an "eligible parent" with the consent of the student or as otherwise authorized by law; c. The use, receipt, or transmission of an individual's health care information (as defined by HIPAA) is allowed only as permitted by law; d. Customer information (as defined by the GLB Act), including financial information, which is collected or maintained, will be safeguarded as required by law; and e. The use and/or release of any other information determined by the Privacy Officer to be confidential is allowed only as required by and consistent with applicable law.

4.1.4. No person having access to confidential information shall disclose confidential information in any manner except as established in the guidelines issued by the Privacy Officer. 4.1.5. It is the responsibility of each Lone Star College and each Lone Star College System administrative unit to adhere to the guidelines that are issued by the Privacy Officer.

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Insert Date]


4.1.6. The Privacy Officer will revise its guidelines whenever necessary to conform to changes in applicable law or regulations. 4.1.7. Violation of this policy may result in immediate and unconditional termination of any or all access without prior notice and the user may be subject to disciplinary actions under Board Policy Sections IV and VI and prosecution under applicable statutes. (See Policy Sections IV and VI).

5. Roles and Responsibilities

5.1 Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is accountable for information systems security and must ensure governance/compliance with security policies, standards, and procedures are established throughout LSCS. 5.2 Security Management

The Chancellor, or designee, will serve as the Information Security Officer (ISO). The ISO is responsible for assisting in governance, policy creation, identifying roles and responsibilities, risk assessment, awareness, and communication of the information security program. The ISO is responsible for establishing the strategies for implementing and enforcing security policies and for advising on security-related issues.

5.3 Security Policy and Compliance Governance

Security Policy and Compliance Governance is provided by a multi-disciplinary group that reviews and endorses information security policy objectives and strategies. They agree to the roles and responsibilities for information security across the System as defined in specific procedures. They promote and provide support for information security initiatives throughout the System. The governance is led by executive management and includes representatives from:

Office of Technology Services;

Office of General Counsel;

Policy Review Committee;


Internal Audit; and

Human Resources.

5.4 Security Operations

Security Operations translates security policies into technical requirements, standards, and solutions. They are responsible for tactical and security administration of the infrastructure and defining processes for implementing new policies. This may include the implementation and maintenance of technical controls such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, anti-virus solutions, and network/host-based monitoring solutions. The OTS staff is responsible for the day-to-day implementation and maintenance of security controls. OTS will take reasonable steps to establish security controls while still meeting the mission of LSCS. 5.5 Information Owners

LSCS Policy Manual Section adopted by the Board of Trustees on [Insert Date]


Information owners are the persons or group generating information and responsible for establishing the rules for appropriate protection of information. They must align the information value with prudent control cost. They will partner with General Counsel in performing a risk assessment and information classification. Information owners are responsible for information security, for the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information for which they are entrusted. 5.6 Technology System Owners

Technology System Owners have responsibility for establishing the rules for appropriate use and protection of the methods of Information transmission. Technology System Owners collaborate with the Information Owners to meet the needs and requirements of the information classification and protection.

5.7 Users

All users are responsible for ensuring that LSCS information assets are used only in proper pursuit of System business. Information will not be improperly disclosed, modified, or endangered; and access to LSCS information resources will not be made available to any unauthorized person. Users should be aware of and follow approved security controls. Users should comply with appropriate information security policies, procedures, and standards.

6. Compliance Compliance with this Policy is continual and unconditional. Any person within the scope of this policy that believes that a violation of information system policy is occurring is required to immediately notify their immediate manager or OTS of the policy violation.

7. Enforcement Violation of this policy may result in immediate and unconditional termination of any or all access without prior notice and the user may be subject to disciplinary actions under Board Policy Sections IV and VI and prosecution under applicable statutes. (See Policy Sections IV and VI).

8. Policy Variance/Exception Subject to all other Board Policy requirements and laws of the State of Texas, non-compliance with the policy statements described therein must be reviewed and approved in accordance with the Policy Variance/Exception Process defined by Lone Star’s Office of Technology Services.

Policy Consideration No. 4 (FIRST READING ) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration for the Recommended Lone Star College System Board

Policy Section I H.1.01 – The Board of Trustees, the Chancellor and

Faculty Senate (FIRST READING)



That the Board of Trustees consider the recommended Lone Star College

System Board Policy I H.1.01 – The Board of Trustees, the Chancellor

and Faculty Senate. This constitutes a first consideration with a request

for approval during the May Board meeting.

Rationale: This new policy section is to set forth the relationship between the Board

of Trustees, the Chancellor and the Faculty Senate, and to recognize the

important role of each college faculty senate, their attending regular Board

meetings and in making reports and announcements before the Board.

Fiscal Impact:


Staff Resource:

Richard Carpenter 832-813-6514

Brian Nelson 832-813-6655

New Secton I H.1.01 3/31/2011

Sec. I Governance and Board of Trustees


H. Faculty Senate

H.1.01 – The Board of Trustees, the Chancellor and Faculty Senate

The Board of Trustees and the Chancellor recognize that the development and operation of

highest quality educational programs, for benefit of students and the community, is a common

responsibility, and that relationships must be established and maintained that are based upon this

common aim.

As one means of establishing such relationships, the Board and the Chancellor recognize the

importance of the role of the colleges’ faculty senates, both to their home college and the System

as a whole. Faculty senate presidents attend all regular meetings of the Board and have a

standing place on the agenda to make reports and announcements. The faculty senate presidents

will designate one faculty senate president spokesperson on a rotating basis to make reports and


The faculty senate presidents will also meet regularly with the Chancellor to discuss issues of

importance to faculty.

Financial Report and Consideration No. 1 Board Meeting 4-7-11 Report: Monthly Financial Statements

The financial statements for the month ended February 28, 2011 are presented for

Board review.






State Appropriations $ 58,530,000 $ 25,042,436 42.79% $ 26,293,812 45.49%Tuition and Fees 68,376,500 55,279,008 80.85% 50,244,546 83.01%Taxes 97,600,000 91,618,197 93.87% 84,705,960 93.97%Investments 500,000 169,193 33.84% 129,311 41.28%Other 4,483,500 2,101,954 46.88% 853,661 27.93%Growth Contingency 4,470,000 2,494,016 55.79% -

Total Revenues 233,960,000 176,704,804 75.53% 162,227,290 76.58%


Instruction-Academic 62,176,734 31,807,221 51.16% 29,917,259 54.70%Instruction-Workforce 25,879,844 13,252,608 51.21% 12,944,884 48.96%Public Service 1,104,450 409,178 37.05% 458,747 39.57%Academic Support 43,910,806 17,583,095 40.04% 17,304,866 44.18%Student Services 28,396,493 10,983,419 38.68% 10,606,757 43.11%Institutional Support 25,905,289 11,185,480 43.18% 9,366,273 43.50%Plant Operation and Maintenance 29,717,774 12,869,155 43.30% 11,923,803 45.85%Staff Benefits 13,877,959 7,487,539 53.95% 8,782,885 67.66%Growth Contingency 550,651 -

Total Educational and General Expenditures 231,520,000 105,577,695 45.60% 101,305,474 49.04%

Repair, Replacement and Other Internally Designated 3,310,000 435,906 13.17% 417,522 15.77%

Capitalized Assets (356,709)

Depreciation Expense 4,955,673

Total Expenditures 234,830,000 110,612,565 47.10% 101,722,996 48.62%

Other Changes - Debt Service & Fund Transfers 6,060,000 3,557,079 2,602,777 57.29%

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCES $ (6,930,000) $ 62,535,160 $ 57,901,517

as a decrease to the expense account and an increase to the asset.

Due to enhanced reporting capabilities in our new iStar accounting system we are now able to report capital asset activity on a monthly basis.Also note, the capital assets number is showing as a negative number because it is net of all additions and disposals. Additions are reflected

Due to enhanced reporting capabilities in our new iStar accounting system we are now able to report capital asset activity on a monthly basis.






Technology fee $ 8,210,000 $ 6,781,319 82.60% $ 6,387,147 82.99%Investments - - 3,852 54.04%Miscellaneous 50,000 - 0.00% 8,540 100.00%Growth Contingency 530,000 292,530 55.19% -

Total revenues & additions 8,790,000 7,073,849 80.48% 6,399,539 82.99%


ERP ServicesServices 2,288,917 1,234,963 53.95% 701,392 52.49%Travel and Professional Development 79,300 442 0.56% 4,948 82.65%Supplies 66,000 14,620 22.15% 6,677 6.83%Communications - - 0.00% 35,949 40.20%Equipment 259,126 - 0.00% 48,089 10.83%Reserve 100,000 - 0.00% -

Total ERP Services 2,793,343 1,250,025 44.75% 797,055 40.39%

E-Mail Services & TelecommunicationsServices 72,700 32,743 45.04% 261,160 119.66%Supplies - - 0.00% 409 4.36%Communications 343,233 84,179 24.53% 137,988 49.30%Reserve 13,533 -

Total E-Mail Services & Telecommunications 429,466 116,922 27.22% 399,557 78.73%

Campus SupportServices 796,136 366,128 45.99% 579,160 87.29%Supplies 1,573,055 1,409,486 89.60% 666,849 70.13%Communications 24,000 12,000 50.00% 6,000 25.00%Equipment 2,634,000 348,451 13.23% 332,251 13.77%Reserve - 0.00% -

Total Campus Support 5,027,191 2,136,065 42.49% 1,584,260 38.93%

Depreciation Expense 202,435

CIO Contingency 310,000 -

Growth Contingency 150,000 -

Total expenditures 8,710,000 3,705,447 42.54% 2,780,872 42.46%

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE $ 80,000 $ 3,368,402 $ 3,618,667




Operating Funds Debt Service MemorandumLoan I&S Agency Totals

ASSETS Auxiliary Restricted Funds CIP Bonds Payable Funds Current Year

Cash $ (90,730,400) $ 11,743,726 $ 105,997,535 $ 486,160 $ (19,229,232) $ 547 $ (1,254,371) $ 7,013,965Accounts receivable (net of allowance for doubtful accounts) 15,752,747 48,926 562 - 342,002 16,144,237 Taxes receivable (net of allowance for - doubtful accounts) 9,495,372 - - - 3,400,720 - 12,896,092 Due from grantor agency - - 13,817,145 - - - - 13,817,145 Due from other funds - 181,916,146 - 6,332,186 188,248,332 Investments-Book Value 101,917,490 - - - 159,572,988 20,127,704 - 281,618,182 Investments-Fair Value Adjustment 37,427 11,750 49,177 Accrued interest receivable - - - - - - - Prepaid and deferred expenses 2,817,182 - - - - - 2,817,182 Deposits - - - - - - - Inventories, at cost - 52,050 - - - - 52,050 Land 62,468,953 - - 3,397,680 - - 65,866,633 Infrastructure Improvements 13,979,266 40,913 14,020,179 Buildings 340,716,405 - - 8,926,990 - - 349,643,395 Leasehold Improvements 5,589,001 - - - - - 5,589,001 Library books 13,243,244 - - - - - 13,243,244 Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment 16,783,333 94,370 - 5,238,802 - - 22,116,505 Capitalized Interest Costs - - - 4,893,532 - - 4,893,532 Construction In Progress 167,469,688 3,972,252 171,441,940 Accumulated Depreciation (97,444,853) (32,363) - (3,008,185) - - (100,485,401)

TOTAL ASSETS $ 562,094,855 $ 11,947,622 $ 119,814,680 $ 486,722 $ 345,692,723 $ 23,528,971 $ 5,419,817 $ 1,068,985,390


LIABILITIES:Accounts payable $ 25,684,519 $ 386,929 $ 1,641,040 $ $ 2,535,976 $ - $ 453,934 $ 30,702,398Accrued salaries 2,568,808 - - - - - - 2,568,808 Due to other funds 55,709,370 6,623,584 115,964,906 1,091 9,949,381 - 188,248,332 Deferred revenues 4,894,372 2,206 2,776,253 - 1,907,927 - 9,580,758 Accrued compensable absences payable 5,829,691 34,554 157,016 - 144,598 - 46,236 6,212,095 Accrued Interest Payable - - - - 1,657,676 - 1,657,676 Bonds payable - - - - 604,464,398 - 604,464,398 Assets held in custody for others (14,217) (440) (724,535) - (1,250) - 4,919,647 4,179,205

TOTAL LIABILITIES 94,672,543 7,046,833 119,814,680 1,091 2,679,324 617,979,382 5,419,817 847,613,670

FUND BALANCES:Unrestricted 467,422,312 - - - - - - 467,422,312 Auxiliary - 4,900,789 - - - - - 4,900,789 Restricted - - - - - - - Loans - - - 485,631 - - - 485,631 Restricted for construction - - - - 343,013,399 - - 343,013,399 Investment in fixed assets - - - - - - - - Debt service - - - - - (594,450,411) - (594,450,411) To be provided for debt service - - - - - - - - TOTAL FUND BALANCES 467,422,312 4,900,789 - 485,631 343,013,399 (594,450,411) 221,371,720

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES $ 562,094,855 $ 11,947,622 $ 119,814,680 $ 486,722 $ 345,692,723 $ 23,528,971 $ 5,419,817 $ 1,068,985,390


Plant Funds


Debt Service MemorandumLoan I&S Totals

Unrestricted Auxiliary Restricted Total Funds CIP Bonds Payable Current Year

FUND BALANCE, SEPTEMBER 1, 2010 $ 401,518,750 $ 4,195,113 $ - $ 405,713,863 $ 485,631 $ 437,065,239 $ (619,578,173) $ 223,686,560

REVENUES AND OTHER ADDITIONS:Current Funds revenue 91,991,263 3,072,824 - 95,064,087 - - - 95,064,087 Taxes 91,618,197 - - 91,618,197 - - 36,532,510 128,150,707 Federal grants and contracts - 64,938,853 64,938,853 - - - 64,938,853 State grants and contracts - 1,303,680 1,303,680 - - - 1,303,680 Local gifts, grants and contracts - 1,331,590 1,331,590 - - - 1,331,590 Interest income 169,193 - - 169,193 - 293,837 15,001 478,031 Revenue Bond debt service transfer from Operating - - - - - - - Proceeds from Sale of Assets 2,510 - 2,510 - 792,632 - 795,142 Bond proceeds - - - - - - Bonds issued - - - - - - - - Total revenues and other additions 183,778,653 3,075,334 67,574,122 254,428,109 - 1,086,469 36,547,511 292,062,089

EXPENDITURES AND OTHER DEDUCTIONS: Current Funds expenditures 113,888,101 2,328,745 67,574,122 183,790,968 - - 7,685 183,798,653 Expended for plant facilities - - - - - 95,138,309 - 95,138,309 Disposal of plant assets - - - - - - - - Administrative and collection costs - - - - - - 251,510 251,510 Revenue Bond debt service transfer to Interest & Sinking - - - - - - - Bond Issuance cost - - - - - - - - Bond principal payments/amortization - - - - - - - Cost of Assets Sold 429,911 40,913 - 470,824 - - - 470,824 Bond interest expense - - - - - 14,714,888 14,714,888 Bond agency fees - - - - - - 2,745 2,745 Total expenditures and other deductions 114,318,012 2,369,658 67,574,122 184,261,792 - 95,138,309 14,976,828 294,376,929

NON-MANDATORY TRANSFERS 3,557,079 - - 3,557,079 - - 3,557,079 7,114,158

CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 65,903,562 705,676 66,609,238 - (94,051,840) 25,127,762 (2,314,840)

FUND BALANCE, FEBRUARY 28, 2011 $ 467,422,312 $ 4,900,789 $ $ 472,323,101 $ 485,631 $ 343,013,399 $ (594,450,411) $ 221,371,720

Plant FundsOperating Funds

Weighted Weighted Book Market Avg. Days Avg. Purchase

Value Value To Maturity Yield

OPERATING UNRESTRICTED (Includes Renewal and Replacement Funds)

U. S. Government Agencies 16,000,000$ 15,982,990$ 1.02%Commercial Paper 14,968,333 14,962,450 0.51%Logic 14,311,659 14,311,659 0.21%Lone Star 55,871,758 55,871,758 0.24%TexPool 284,054 284,054 0.19%Overnight Sweep 481,686 481,686 0.00%TOTAL 101,917,490 101,894,597 100 0.40%


Logic 76,504,851 76,504,851 0.21%Lone Star 37,879,867 37,879,867 0.23%TexPool 45,188,270 45,188,270 0.19%TOTAL 159,572,988 159,572,988 1 0.21%


Certificate of Deposits 5,000,000 5,000,000 0.75%Logic 16,910 16,910 0.21%Lone Star 14,902,363 14,902,363 0.24%TexPool 208,431 208,431 0.19%TOTAL 20,127,704 20,127,704 1 0.37%

TOTAL INVESTMENTS 281,618,182$ 281,595,289$ 37 0.29%

Benchmark: 90 day U.S. Treasury Bill 0.15%3 Month Libor Rate 0.31%





Avg Avg Avg AvgOperating Buy Construction Buy Interest & Buy Buy

Unrestricted* Yield In Progress Yield Sinking Yield Total Yield

BEGINNING BOOK VALUE 101,758,585$ 0.32% 167,048,440$ 0.22% 36,374,032$ 0.24% 305,181,057$ 0.26%


Certificate of Deposits 5,000,000 0.75% 5,000,000 0.75%U.S. Government Agencies 5,000,000 1.02% 5,000,000 1.02%Commercial Paper 12,000,000 0.51% 12,000,000 0.51%Logic 2,289 0.21% 11,623 0.21% 3 0.21% 13,915 0.21%Lone Star 6,604 0.23% 6,604 0.23%TexPool 6,568 0.19% 23 0.19% 6,591 0.19%Overnight Sweep 12,604,760 0.00% 12,604,760 0.00%TOTAL PURCHASES 29,607,049 0.38% 24,795 0.21% 5,000,026 0.75% 34,631,870 0.43%


Commercial Paper 5,000,000 0.51% 5,000,000 0.51%Logic 2,502,428 0.21% 2,502,428 0.21%Lone Star 3,783,928 0.23% 21,246,354 0.23% 25,030,282 0.23%Texpool 13,018,691 0.19% 13,018,691 0.19%Overnight Sweep 12,614,965 0.00% 12,614,965 0.00%TOTAL MATURITIES 29,417,584 0.11% 7,502,428 0.41% 21,246,354 0.23% 58,166,366 0.19%

Premium / ( Discount ) (31,667) (31,667) Unrealized Gains ( Losses) 1,107 2,181 3,288

ENDING BOOK VALUE 101,917,490 0.40% 159,572,988 0.21% 20,127,704 0.37% 281,618,182 0.29%

Beg. Unrealized Gains (Losses) (1,393) (1,031) (2,424)

Unrealized Gains ( Losses) Chg. (21,500) 1,031 (20,469)

ENDING MARKET VALUE 101,894,597$ 159,572,988$ 20,127,704$ 281,595,289$

*Includes Renewal & Replacement Fund

Financial Report and Consideration No. 2 (ACTION ITEM 2) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration of Approval to Utilize The City of Fort Worth Purchasing

Cooperative and Enter into Agreement with JP Morgan Chase through

this Purchasing Cooperative for Commercial Card Services



That the Board of Trustees approve utilizing the City of Fort Worth

purchasing cooperative, 1000 Thockmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas

76102, and enter into an agreement with JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.,

300 South Riverside Plaza suite IL-1-0199, Chicago, Illinois 60670-0199,

through this purchasing cooperative for commercial card services for the

System’s procurement and travel and expense card programs.

Rationale: LSCS is currently receiving commercial card services from JP Morgan

Chase through the Texas Building and Procurement Commission (TBPC)

purchasing cooperative. TBPC recently re-bid this contract and selected

Citibank as the new provider. Due to the time and effort involved for

agencies to implement a new provider, TBPC extended the contract with

JP Morgan Chase through August 31, 2011 to allow for an adequate

transition period.

The System has been recently notified that if we continue receiving these

services from JP Morgan Chase under the transition agreement with

TBPC, it is possible LSCS will stop receiving rebates from JP Morgan

Chase. Rebates are based on both the total volume of card transactions

running through TBPC and LSCS’s volume. While LSCS’s volume is

high, many agencies are moving or have moved to other programs, so the

TBPC total volume has decreased considerably.

The City of Fort Worth purchasing cooperative is authorized in providing

local government (as defined by Texas Local Government Code

§271.101) access to purchasing contracts to increase the purchasing power

of government entities and to simplify the purchasing process. LSCS, as a

local government under §271.101 and §271.102, will have access to a

variety a contracts ranging from supplies, services, disposal and recycling

through this purchasing cooperative. No membership fee is required.

As a member of the City of Fort Worth purchasing cooperative, LSCS

will be able to continue to receive commercial card services for our

purchasing and travel and expense card programs from JP Morgan Chase

Bank until August 31, 2012. This will ensure no interruption in service

while other options for commercial card services beyond August, 2012,

are evaluated.

The JP Morgan Chase agreement through the City of Fort Worth

purchasing cooperative will be effective from April 30, 2011 through

August 31, 2012. The agreement may be terminated by the college

system at any time with thirty days written notice.

Board Policy requires board approval of interlocal agreements between

governing boards.

Fiscal Impact: Receiving card services from JP Morgan Chase under the City of Fort

Worth purchasing cooperative will increase the rebates LSCS receives

under the program. The rebate rates under this agreement are higher by

35 basis points; however, we will receive the rebates annually, versus

semi-annually as provided in the TBPC contract. Funds for the payment

of the credit card transactions are included in the approved FY 2010-11

operating budgets. Subsequent year payments for credit card transactions

will be included in future proposed budgets.

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512

Financial Report and Consideration No. 3 (ACTION ITEM 3) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration of Approval of Investment Broker Dealer List for 2011-




That the Board of Trustees approve the Investment Broker Dealer List

for 2011-2012.

Rationale: The Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA) requires that the Board approve

those firms authorized to transact investment business with the System.

The attached list includes four firms from the previous year: Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown

UBS Financial Services/Paine Webber

Duncan Williams, Inc.

Wells Fargo Brokerage Services, LLC

In addition, the following firms are recommended to be added:

Rice Financial Products Co.

RBC Capital Markets (with limitations-see attached)

Morgan Keegan & Co., Inc.

Coastal Securities

The System has completed the certification process for each of the broker

dealers, which is a required step prior to a recommendation for approval.

In compliance with System policy and the PFIA, each has been provided a

copy of the System’s Investment Policy and has completed the required

broker/dealer certification documenting understanding of the Public Funds

Investment Act and the suitability of investments according to the

System’s Investment Policy.

Fiscal Impact: None

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512

Lone Star College System

April 2011

Investment Broker/Dealer List

Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown

Mr. Larry Burns

700 Louisiana, Suite 1500

Houston, TX 77002


832.239.3333 Fax

RBC Capital Markets ***

Mr. Phillip Smith

2711 N. Haskell Avenue, Suite 2500

Dallas, TX 75204


214.989.1650 Fax

UBS Financial Services/Paine Webber

Mr. Richard Ebert

10001 Woodloch Forest Drive, Suite 100

The Woodlands, TX 77382


281.362.6340 Fax

Wells Fargo Brokerage Services, LLC

Mr. William Greer

Institutional Brokerage & Sales

1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 650

Houston, TX 77002



713.739.1037 Fax

Coastal Securities

Tony Sekaly

555 San Felipe St., Ste 2200

Houston, TX 77056-2725


***RBC will be excluded from investment

activity of bond proceeds, due to the financial

advisory role the firm has with the System.

Duncan Williams, Inc.

Stephen Capoferi

11458 W. Travelers Way Circle

Houston, TX 77065-4982


Rice Financial Products Co.

Carol Mackoff

208 S. LaSalle St., Ste. 1338

Chicago, IL 60604-1319


Morgan Keegan & Co., Inc.

Polly Moore

2801 Via Fortuna, Ste. 650

Austin, TX 78746-7907


Depository Services

Wells Fargo N.A.

Ms. Sibit Stewart

707 Wilshire Blvd.

13th Floor

Los Angeles, CA



Custodial Services

Frost National Bank Capital Markets

Dr. Jeff Beckel

100 West Houston Street

P.O. Box 1600

San Antonio, TX 78296

800.438.4891 ext. 56147

800.220.4111 Fax

Financial Report and Consideration No. 4 (ACTION ITEM 4) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration of Approval of Independent Training Sources



That the Board of Trustees approve independent training sources for


Rationale: The Public Funds Investment Act, (PFIA), allows the Board to approve

additional sources to provide investment training for the System’s

designated investment officers (the vice chancellor for administration &

finance/CFO, and the Treasurer). Without additional sources available,

all training would be required to be taken through the University of

North Texas. Using additional training sources will allow the System’s

investment officers to diversify training opportunities.

Fiscal Impact: None

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512

Lone Star College System

Recommended Independent Training Sources April 2011

Any accredited institution of higher education

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

Texas Association of Community College Business Officers

Texas Association of Community Colleges

Government Finance Officers’ Association

Government Finance Officers’ Association of Texas

Government Treasurers’ Organization of Texas

Texas Municipal League

Council of Governments

University of North Texas Center for Public Management

Texas Association of School Business Officials

Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants

National Association of College and University Business Officers

Community College Business Officers International Association

Providers who are listed as approved providers for the Texas State

Board of Public Accountancy or the International Association of

Certified Public Accountants

Financial Report and Consideration No. 5 (ACTION ITEM 5) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to

Negotiate and Execute Contracts for the Utilization of Commercial Real

Estate Brokerage Services for the System



That the Board of Trustees authorize the Chancellor or designee to

negotiate and execute contracts for the utilization of commercial real

estate brokerage services from the following pre-qualified vendors over

a period of three years as needed:

Cushman and Wakefield 1330 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 2700,

Houston, TX 77056

Jones Lang LaSalle 1401 McKinney, Suite 1050, Houston,

TX 77010

CB Richard Ellis 2800 Post Oak, Suite 2300, Houston,

TX 77056

Pollan & Hausman 602 Sawyer St., Suite 100, Houston,

TX 77007

Finial Group 1990 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 1370,

Houston, TX 77056

Caldwell Companies 7904 North Sam Houston, Houston,

TX 77064

Colliers International 1300 Post Oak Blvd, Suite 200,

Houston, TX 77056

Transwestern 1900 West Loop South, Suite 1300,

Houston, TX 77027

Palermo REI 10200 Grogan’s Mill Road, Suite 550,

The Woodlands, TX 77380

Betz 10940 W. Sam Houston Pkwy N., Suite

300, Houston, TX 77064

Rationale: In order to acquire, dispose, or obtain opinions of value on real estate,

LSCS will require the services of a real estate broker licensed to do

business in the state of Texas. In order to act on opportunities in a

timely fashion, approval of the recommended vendors is requested.

The College System will not incur any expenses for the acquisition of

real estate. Compensation for these services will be borne by the seller

and will be negotiated based on current market parameters.

Appropriate discounts will be negotiated for other transactions including

sales of LSCS property, appraisals, etc.; although none are anticipated at

this time.

Requests for information were requested from thirty commercial real

estate agencies and ten responses were received. Each proposal was

evaluated based upon company profile/history, experience, HUB plan,

references, work plan, documentation and overall choice. All of the

respondents are qualified to provide these products and services;

therefore, it is requested to approve all vendors. Staff will ensure that

work is distributed fairly among the qualified vendors.

Fiscal Impact: There is no fiscal impact anticipated at this time; however, funds for

transactions that result in a fee to LSCS will be included in future

proposed budgets or paid with bond proceeds, as appropriate.

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512

Financial Report and Consideration No. 6 (ACTION ITEM 6) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to

Negotiate and Execute a Contract to Purchase Metered Mail Services



That the Board of Trustees authorize the Chancellor or designee to

negotiate and execute a contract to purchase metered mail services from

Houston Independent School District (HISD), 4400 W 18th

Street 1NE03,

Houston, Texas 77092, in the estimated annual amount of $153,000. This

approval will include the option to renew for four additional one year

terms at the System’s discretion.

Rationale: The System has a need to obtain metered mail services for outgoing US

Mail. In the past, each campus individually leased a meter machine with

different rates depending on need and capacity. In an effort to reduce

cost, a decision was made to outsource these services which will save the

college the machine lease cost and reduce the per piece mail rate by $0.01

per item.

Under separate agreement, HISD currently provides a courier driver to the

System as approved by the Board on June 3, 2010. Accordingly, the

services for delivering the college campus’ US mail to HISD’s mail center

will be at minimal additional cost to the System.

This agreement will be for one year with the option to extend for four

additional one year terms at the System’s discretion. This agreement may

be terminated with or without cause upon 30 days written notice.

RFP No. 10-010 was issued in June 2009 for the purchase of facility

printing and metered mail services and seven responses were received.

Both of these services were awarded to HISD as they provided the best

value. The purchase of metered mail services was delayed in order to

allow the System’s postage machine leases to expire.

Fiscal Impact: Funds for this purchase are included in the approved FY 2010-11

operating budgets. Funds for subsequent fiscal years will be included in

future proposed budgets. Approximately $187K is spent annual for

postage and metering; partnering with HISD should reduce that cost by an

estimated 23% ($43K).

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512

Financial Report and Consideration No. 7 (ACTION ITEM 7) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to

Negotiate and Execute a Contract for Printing Services for College

System Course Catalogs



That the Board of Trustees approve the purchase of printing services for

the college system course catalogs from the low bidder, TriStar Web

Graphics, 4010 Airline Drive, Houston, TX 77022, in the estimated

amount of $72,412 for the first year and $73,860 for the second year for a

total estimated amount of $146,272 over two years. This approval will

include the option to renew for a third year at the System’s discretion.

Rationale: The college system prints and distributes the course catalogs annually to

promote the colleges and its programs. Although the estimated pricing is

based on a maximum of 50,000 copies, the System will only purchase

printing services for a maximum of 40,000 copies of the FY 2011-12

course catalog which includes 424 pages and a four color cover. The

catalogs will be delivered to the six campus locations, four college centers

and System Office for distribution.

In alignment with current budget containment efforts, the System will

diligently work with the colleges to reduce printing costs in year two and

three based on the number of catalogs actually needed. Annual printing

costs are based upon the art work requirements, number of catalog pages

and the total quantity ordered. The current recommendation to print

40,000 catalogs at a cost of $60,000 represents a cost savings of more

than $110,000 (65%) from 2010-11 and reduces the print quantity by

68%. We will continue to monitor campus needs and further reduce the

printing quantities as much as possible during the term of the vendor


In compliance with Texas Education Code §44.031, a Request for

Proposal was sent to thirty-five printing (35) companies, seven (7)

responses were received and seven (7) companies declined to bid. After

evaluation of all bids, the top four vendors were asked to submit a second

round of tiered pricing ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 units. The vendor

with the lowest bid for all unit volume tiers was selected. See Bid

Tabulation attached.

The award for the purchase of these services will be for a period of two

years beginning April 2011 through March 2013 with an option to renew

for one additional year, with a reasonable price increase, at the discretion

of LSCS and with mutual consent. The college system reserves the right

to cancel with thirty days written notice.

Fiscal Impact: Funds for this purchase are included in the approved FY 2010-11

operating budgets. Funds for subsequent fiscal years will be included in

future proposed budgets.

Staff Resource: Ray Laughter 832-813-6621

System Course Catalog Printing Services


Vendor Total Year One


Tri Star Web Graphics, Inc $72,412

American Solutions for Business, Inc $76,128

Trend Offset Printing Services, Inc $100,832

Liberty Press LLC $100,799

Financial Report and Consideration No. 8 (ACTION ITEM 8) Board Meeting 4-7-11


Consideration of Approval to Authorize the Chancellor or Designee to

Negotiate and Execute a Contract for the Purchase of Architectural

Services for LSC-University Park



That the Board of Trustees authorize the Chancellor or Designee to

negotiate and execute a contract for the purchase of architectural services

for LSC-University Park from Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum (HOK),

2800 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 3700, Houston, Texas 77056, in an

estimated amount of $250,000 for a one year period.

Rationale: The May 10, 2008 bond election resulted in approval for LSCS to issue up

to $420M in general obligation bonds for the purchase, new construction,

repair and replacement, or renovation of land and facilities. Furthermore,

a registered architect must prepare plans and specifications for any

alteration or addition to an existing building owned by LSCS when the

construction cost will exceed $50,000 and the alteration or addition

requires removal, relocation, or addition of any walls or exits.

Architectural services contemplated by this agreement will include, but

not be limited to, architectural, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical,

plumbing, and landscaping services.

The anticipated occupancy date for prospective tenants in buildings 9 and

10 is early October 2011. HOK previously provided architectural services

at this campus to the previous owner, and has the knowledge of the

buildings and campus required to achieve the October completion date.

Recent qualifications of the firm were already on file as a result of

proposals submitted on other bond projects. This approval will enable

LSCS to commence work immediately on the preparation of code

analysis, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing feasibility assessments,

master planning for site improvements (streets, parking, and detention),

and programming and design for levels 1 and 2 of buildings 9 and 10.

Texas Government Code §2254.003 prohibits competitive bids for the

procurement of professional services. Contracts for professional services

shall be made on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications

to perform the services required for a fair and reasonable price. The fees

for these services are within the fee ranges developed in 2007 for the

Bond Program. HOK is nationally recognized as a qualified provider of

architectural services.

Fiscal Impact:

Funds for this purchase are available from the 2008 general obligation


Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam


Financial Report and Consideration No. 9 (ACTION ITEM 9) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration of Adoption of Resolution Authorizing Representatives to

the System’s Account with Encore Bank



That the Board of Trustees adopt the resolution authorizing

representatives to the System’s account with Encore Bank.

Rationale: With the advice of our investment advisor, Valley View Consulting, the

System solicited bids from local and national banks for collateralized

Certificates of Deposits (CD’s) for the System’s investment portfolio.

Encore Bank provided the best yield and requires a resolution authorizing

System personnel to transact business. The System’s Investment Officers

are named as authorized representatives.

Fiscal Impact: Increase in investment yields without an increased risk.

Staff Resource: Cindy Gilliam 832-813-6512

Building and Grounds Report Board Meeting 4-7-11

Report: Construction Projects Update

The District’s plant operations and facilities department has provided a summary

report of the District’s construction projects. See attached report.

Monthly Facilities Planning and Construction Report April 7, 2011

General Obligation Bond Project Summaries – 2008 Election:

LSC-North Harris

The Student Services building is substantially complete. Furniture and equipment

installations have begun.

The construction of interior partitions for the Fine Arts addition has been completed

and interior painting and flooring work have begun. The laying of exterior face brick,

pouring of concrete sidewalks, and landscaping work have commenced.

At the Applied Technology addition, the laying of exterior face brick continues.

Mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and data rough-in continues.

The furniture and equipment installations continue for the Health Professions


LSC-Victory Center

Mechanical, electrical and plumbing rough-in work continues.

Installation of the modified bitumen roofing system is in progress.

Damp proofing of exterior walls has been completed.

The laying of exterior face brick is underway.

The framing of light gauge metal stud interior partitions continues.


Installation of window systems for the Student and Conference Center and the Arts &

Instructional buildings continues as does the laying of exterior face brick.

The framing of interior light gauge metal stud partitions, the application of gypsum

wallboard, and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing rough-in continues.

LSC-Atascocita Center

Parking lot and site lighting have been installed. The CenterPoint Energy transformer

has been set and primary power energized.

Interior painting is complete.

The installation of racks, equipment, and primary network cabling for the IDF and

MDF rooms is complete.

Concrete sidewalks have been poured to connect to the community sidewalks.

Furniture and equipment have been ordered for delivery and installation during May

and June.

The project is on schedule for substantial completion on May 6.


Completing installation of the Performing Fine Arts Center metal roof.

Framing of the light gauge metal stud stage proscenium partitions is in progress.

Scaffolding has been erected to install mechanical ductwork and gypsum board

ceilings in the theatre.

The laying of exterior face brick is in progress for the Veterinary Technology and

Performing Fine Arts Center buildings.

The installation of window glazing is underway.

CenterPoint has set the primary power transformer at the Performing Fine Arts


The hanging of gypsum board is underway for the Veterinary Technology building

interior partitions.

LSC-Tomball Health Science

Installation of the modified bitumen roofing system is in progress.

The hanging of gypsum board for interior partitions is in progress.

CenterPoint has set the primary power transformer.

Masonry work continues.

The remaining sections of the concrete parking lot have been poured.

Installation of the elevator has commenced.


Punch list work and project closeout are in progress.

Design of the remaining campus renovation projects has been completed and

advertised for bid. A summer construction schedule is anticipated.

LSC-Conroe Center

Construction of the HVAC laboratory improvements is underway.

The installation of exterior signage, including monument signs at vehicular entries,

will be completed in April.


Installation of the exterior masonry, windows, and curtain wall of the bridge

connection to the Health and Science Center is complete.

Interior finishes, excluding laboratory classrooms, are complete within the Science


Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing trim-out is complete.

The laying of exterior face brick, installation of glazing for windows, and

construction of the curtain wall continues for the Student Services and Academic

Studies building.

Furniture and equipment have been selected and ordered for delivery and installation

during June.

A comprehensive traffic impact analysis of the CyFair campus has been completed.

Improvements on West Road and Barker Cypress Road will be a partnering effort

with Harris County, CFISD, and LSC-CyFair.

Both buildings are scheduled for substantial completion during May. Faculty and staff

moves will commence the week of July 4.

LSC-Cypress Center

Harris County has finalized the review of the traffic impact analysis of the Cypress

Center site and is requiring in excess of $1,000,000 in unbudgeted Clay Road

improvements before a building permit will be issued. Alternative solutions continue

to be evaluated.

LSC-University Park

An RFQ has been released for Construction Manager at Risk services for the next

phase of construction projects.

A recommendation of an architect for additional design services will be considered by

the Board of Trustees at its regular April meeting.

Revenue Bond Project Summaries - 2007:


Punch list work on the exterior columns is in progress.


A review is underway to substitute a lighting control project for the cooling tower

maintenance platform which cannot be constructed within budget. The campus has

purchased a lift to fulfill the cooling tower maintenance requirements.

Energy Performance Project:

LSC-North Harris

Retrofit of the campus building automation system and HVAC equipment has

resumed. Work will continue through the Spring.

Water conservation improvements in the Library have been completed.

LSC-Peakwood/Red Oak

The building automation system upgrades have been completed.


Installation of the building automation system has been completed.

Re-commissioning of the Central Plant is ongoing.


Re-commissioning of the Central Plant has been completed.

Installation of occupancy sensors and carbon dioxide monitor interfaces for the

HVAC system is underway.


Building automation system upgrades are complete.

Miscellaneous HVAC equipment upgrades are complete.

LSC-The University Center

Connection of the chilled water system to the new LSC-Montgomery Central Plant is

in progress.

Replacement of the roof top boilers and the hot water connection to the new Central

Plant is in progress.


Building automation system upgrades are complete.

Mechanical upgrades, including the conversion from constant air volume to variable

air volume units in the Arts Building, the College Center, Learning Commons, and

Technology Center, are complete.

LSC-Fairbanks Center

Building automation system upgrades continue.

LSC-Greenspoint Center

Building automation system upgrades are complete, including replacement of the

defective control valves and variable frequency drives.

LSC-University Park

Building automation system and HVAC equipment upgrades are complete. LSCS

network connections are available to allow remote management of the building

systems in buildings 9 and 10.

LSC-System Office

The building automation system upgrade is complete.

Repair and Replacement Projects:

LSC-North Harris

Renovate Chemistry Laboratories – Project awarded. Work to begin in late May.

Winship Roof Replacement – Bids received. Board approval will be requested in

May based on pricing and prioritizing of other Repair & Replacement projects.

Parking Lot Lighting – Design to be completed and bid in April.

Pathway Lighting – Project complete.

Painting Winship Classrooms – Project complete.


Mechanical Equipment Replacements and Ductwork Modifications for the Library –

Design in progress. Board approval will be requested in June.


Replace Two Motor Control Centers – Work complete.

Replace Flooring at Seven Entrances (due to hazardous conditions), a Corridor and

Four Classrooms – Carpet on order.

Replace Expansion Joints – Design in progress.

HVAC Modifications – Project complete.


Renovate Restrooms – Project complete.

Building Sealant Project – Reviewing procurement alternatives.

LSC-University Park

Fire Sprinkler Upgrades – Project awarded. Work scheduled to commence in April.

American Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Projects – Researching door hardware


Re-Insulation of Outside Air Handler Units – Work complete.

LSC- System Office

Roof Repairs – Pricing received. Evaluating procurement alternatives.

Lead & Paver Repair – Work complete.

LSC-Cy Fair

Painting – Preparing bid documents.

Carpet for Fairbanks Center – Selections made. Preparing RFP documentation.

Delivery Staging Area at Fairbanks Center – Reviewing space options within the


Fine Arts Building Interior Roof Gutter Repair – Work complete.

Personnel Report and Consideration No. 1 (ACTION ITEM 10) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration of Ratification of Appointments



That the contractual appointments listed on the following pages be

ratified for the positions indicated.


These contractual appointments include ratification of Administrators

and Faculty from the System Office.

Fiscal Impact:

Positions and salaries have been budgeted for 2010-2011.

Staff Resource: Rand Key 832-813-6522

a. LSC-CyFair

Matthew Olmstead, Director, Business Operation and Auxiliary Services

Effective: Twelve-month contracted employee at an annual salary of $64,000

beginning March 21, 2011.

Education: M.A., Dallas Baptist University, Major: Organizational Management;

B.A., Sam Houston State University, Major: Speech Communication.

Experience: Division Operations Manager, Lone Star College-Montgomery;

Administrative Assistant/Dean’s Office, and Secretary II, Sam Houston State University;

Student Director, Cook Springs Baptist Church; Reporter, The Monitor/Leader


b. LSC-Kingwood

Jose Cortes, Instructor, Biology

Effective: 4.5-month contracted employee at a semester pro-rated (70%) salary of

$16,244 beginning February 21, 2011.

Education: M.A. & M.S., Louisiana State University, Major: Latin American Studies

& Preventive Medicine.

Experience: Part-Time Tutor, Adjunct Faculty, CE Instructor, and Temporary Full-

Time Instructor, Lone Star College-Kingwood; Business Development Manager, Cipocar

Company; Assistant Coordinator- Brucellosis Program, Department of Veterinary

Medicine-Louisiana State University; Assistant Coordinator-Pan-American Agricultural

Teachers Training Program; Graduate Research Assistant, School of Veterinary Medicine

–Louisiana State University; Research Scientist, International Center of Tropical

Agriculture (CIAT).

c. LSC-North Harris

Marie Morrison, Instructor, Government

Effective: 4.5-month contracted employee at a semester pro-rated (70%) salary of

$14,354 beginning February 21, 2011.

Education: M.A. & B.A., Rutgers University, Major: Political Science.

Experience: Adjunct Faculty, Lone Star College-Montgomery, and North Harris

College; Senior Contract Compliance Officer, and Management Analyst, City of

Houston; Flight Attendant, Continental Airlines; Substitute Teacher-Grades K-12, Orange

Board of Education.

Arnoldo Rodriguez, Executive Director, Continuing Education

Effective: 4.5-month contracted employee at a semester pro-rated (70%) salary of

$14,727 beginning January 3, 2011.

Education: B.S., Texas A&M University, Major: Civil Engineering.

Experience: Adjunct Faculty, Lone Star College System; Self Employed, Remodeling

Contractor; 3rd

Party Inspector, Jacobs Engineering; Contracting Engineer, Chicago

Bridge & Iron Company.

d. LSC-Tomball

Samreen Siddiqui, Director, Financial Aid

Effective: Twelve-month contracted employee at an annual salary of $60,331

beginning March 28, 2011.

Education: B.B.A., University of Houston-Downtown, Major: Management; A.A.,

Houston Community College, Major: General.

Experience: Financial Aid Associate, Houston Community College; Customer Service

Representative, Wieners’’.

e. LSC-System Office

Susan Meslang, Executive Director, Resource Development

Effective: Twelve-month contracted employee at an annual salary of $105,000

beginning March 7, 2011.

Education: M.S. & B.S., Old Dominion University, Major: Special Education &

Mental Retardation.

Experience: Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs, Tidewater Community

College; Autism and Assistive Technology Specialist, Virginia Department of Education;

Director of Chance Program, Director of Grants, Old Dominion University.

Jerome Powell, Deputy Chief

Effective: Twelve-month contracted employee at an annual salary of $75,021

beginning February 21, 2011.

Education: B.S., Alabama State University, Major: Police Administration.

Experience: Police Officer, Lone Star College System; Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant,

Trooper II, and Trooper I, Texas Department of Public Safety.

f. LSC-University Park

Robin Garrett, Executive Director, Continuing Education

Effective: Twelve-month contracted employee at an annual salary of $87,578

beginning March 1, 2011.

Education: Ed.S, & M.S., Nova Southeastern University, Major: Computing

Technology in Education; B.S., Bellevue University, Major: Business Technology; A.A.,

San Jacinto College, Major: Data Processing.

Experience: Director, Senior Program Manager, Program Manager, and CE Instructor,

Lone Star College-Kingwood; Computer Program Coordinator/Faculty, and Computer

Information System Faculty & Continuing Ed Coordinator/Instructor, San Jacinto College

North; Consultant, and Computer Support Manager, Global Services; Computer

Operator, J.M. Huber.

Personnel Report and Consideration No .2 (ACTION ITEM 11) Board Meeting 4-7-11

Request: Consideration of the Reappointment of Full-Time Faculty



That the full-time faculty reappointment listed on the following pages be

ratified for the time periods and positions indicated.


The reappointments include all full-time faculty returning for the 2011-

12 academic year..

Fiscal Impact:

Positions and salaries have been budgeted for 2010-2011.

Staff Resource: Rand Key 832-813-6522


Carmencita Abood Faculty, Nursing - RN

Terry Albores Faculty, Counseling

Carolyn Ambrose Faculty, Counseling

Angela Anderson Faculty, Nursing - RN

Matthew Backer Faculty, Art

Warner Bair Faculty, Biology

Joanne Ballato Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Patrick Barton Faculty, Speech

Seth Batiste Faculty, Developmental English

Christine Bradford Faculty, Geology

Jennifer Briggs Faculty, Emergency Medical Services

Andrea Brooks Faculty, Nursing - RN

Diana Broome Faculty, Pharmacy Technology

Linda Carlson Faculty, Physical Therapy

Caroline Chamness Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Kris Chapman Faculty, Music

Stephen Coryell Faculty, Mathematics

Susan Cotton Faculty, English

Thomas Cunningham Faculty, Sonography

Scott Daugherty Faculty, Mathematics

Glenn Dennis Faculty, Nursing - RN

Kate Dinwiddie Faculty, Developmental Math

Dominick DiOrio Faculty, Music

Cheryl Edwards Faculty, Cosmetology

Maria Fisher Faculty, Mathematics

Scott Gilbert Faculty, University Center

Vanessa Gilbert-Cronen Faculty, Sociology

Sara Goff Faculty, Speech

Jennifer Goldsmith Faculty, Mathematics

Suzette Goss Faculty, Mathematics

Frank Granack Faculty, Political Science

Michael Griffith Faculty, Management/Marketing

Bert Guynes Faculty, CE, ConstructionTrades

Lisa Hall Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Robert Hall Faculty, Welding Technology

Latoya Hardman Faculty, Developmental English

Brandy Harvey Faculty, English

Charles Hathaway Faculty, Fire Science

Hubert Hillman Faculty, CC, Machining

Charmin Horton Faculty, Nursing - RN

Natasha Hunt Faculty, English

Doris Jackson Faculty, Nursing - RN

Jacquelyn Jebens Faculty, Sociology

Britney Jeffrey Faculty, English

Carrie Johnson Faculty, Automotive Technology

Renee Key Faculty, Nursing - RN

James Kieke Faculty, Emergency Medical Services

James Knox Faculty, Automotive Technology

Kathleen Lacoste Faculty, Nursing - RN

Devika Lalsinghani Faculty, Developmental Math

Hilton Lasalle Faculty, Enrollment Services

James Lee Faculty, Humanities

Sara Lewandowski Faculty, Nursing - RN

Michelle Lewis Faculty, Nursing - RN

Gail Lorber Faculty, Business

Angela Martin Faculty, Counseling

Sosina Martirosyan Peterson Faculty, Mathematics

David Maslane Faculty, Developmental English

Berthine Mason Faculty, Nursing - RN

Evan McClimans Faculty, Welding

Amber Mestayer Faculty, Developmental Math

Erin Miller Faculty, ESL

Hilary Miller Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Frank Mitchell Faculty, CE, Law Enforcement

Victor Moussoki Faculty, Economics

Amy Murphy Faculty, Dental Hygieneiene

Lana Myers Faculty, English

John Nevins Faculty, Library Services

Scott Nugent Faculty, CC, AVC Workforce Development

Stacy Oberle Faculty, English

Catherine O'Brien Faculty, Education

Maria Del Carme Ocana Faculty, English

Cynthia Oller Faculty, Nursing - RN

Andrea Patella Faculty, Mathematics

Christopher Paulk Faculty, Electronics Tech

Rachel Phelps Faculty, Counseling

Rick Pretzsch Faculty, Economics

David Puller Faculty, Library Services

Robert Radakovich Faculty, CC, Machining

Rhonda Ragsdale Faculty, History

Cynthia Reese Faculty, Nursing - LVN

John Reutter Faculty, Mathematics

Simone Rieck Faculty, English

Quinten Robertson Faculty, Nursing - RN

Carolina Ruiz Faculty, English

Sylvia San Pedro Faculty, Developmental Math

Chandra Schorg Faculty, Accounting

Joni Screen Faculty, Nursing - RN

Sharon Stefan Faculty, Mathematics

Lawrence Stewart Faculty, CE, Law Enforcement

Todd Thomas Faculty, Mathematics

Mark Thorsby Faculty, Philosophy

Steven Todd Faculty, Philosophy

Joseph Trackey Faculty, Biology

Eme Ukot Faculty, Nursing - RN

John Vancamp Faculty, Nursing - LVN

Melissa Vander Stucken Faculty, Nursing - RN

David Vappie Faculty, HVAC & Refrigeration Technology

Alfredo Velez Faculty, Music

Ava Veselis Faculty, English

Kristoffer Villarreal Faculty, Welding Technology

Gemini Wahhaj Faculty, English

Stephen Washington Faculty, Developmental Math

Suzanne Weatherly Faculty, Developmental English

Toby Welch Faculty, Sign Language

Cheryl Wells Faculty, Library Services

Dora Whiteside Faculty, Counseling

Eric Wildman Faculty, Mathematics

Francis Willingham Faculty, Biology

Daria Willis Faculty, History

Jon Wilson Faculty, History

Tom Woodard Faculty, Manufacturing Technology

Ramir Yulatic Faculty, Sonography


Margaret Aalund Faculty, Nursing - RN

Gholam Abbasi Faculty, Mathematics

Amy Acord Faculty, Political Science

Shae Adkins Faculty, Speech

Carlos Aguilar Faculty, Graphic Arts/Video

Macarena Aguilar Faculty, ESL

Julie Alber Faculty, Speech

James Alleman Faculty, Mathematics

Mary Allen Faculty, Biology

Richard Almstedt Faculty, Kinesiology

Anne Amis Faculty, ESL

Steve Anaya Faculty, Biology

Jessica Armenta Faculty, Biology

William Arnold Faculty, Drafting

Andrea Bacorn Faculty, Foreign Language

Cynthia Baker Faculty, English

Iris Ball Faculty, Mathematics

Maria Barcenas Faculty, Foreign Language

Tosha Barclay Faculty, Chemistry

Patricia Barker Faculty, English

John Barr Faculty, History

Joel Barr Faculty, Photography

Bryan Barrows Faculty, Speech

David Bary Faculty, Geology

Cheryl Bates Faculty, Music

David Beaulieu Faculty, Psychology

Melinda Becker Faculty, Management/Marketing

Richard Becker Faculty, Criminal Justice

Hope Beggan Faculty, Library Services

Annie Benifield Faculty, Political Science

David Benzel Faculty, Mathematics

Chinyoung Bergbauer Faculty, Mathematics

Denise Berkey Faculty, Nursing - RN

Nathan Bezayiff Faculty, Physics

Noel Bezette Faculty, Psychology

Charlene Bigham Faculty, Drama

David Birch Faculty, Political Science

Mary Bjorklund Faculty, Nursing - RN

Paul Blakelock Faculty, Political Science

Tamika Blanks Faculty, Counseling

Joyce Boatright Faculty, Developmental English

Laura Boercker Faculty, English

Antonius Bom Faculty, Electronics Technology

Dominic Bongiorni Faculty, Speech

Rose Botkin Faculty, Library Services

Douglas Boyd Faculty, English

Rebecca Bradley Faculty, Library Services

Sue Braley Faculty, Developmental English

Nathalie Brandes Faculty, Geology

Karin Branham Faculty, Sociology

Julie Brasher Faculty, Graph Arts/Video

Lisa Brashier Faculty, Kinesiology

Patsy Brautigam Faculty, Library Services

Larry Brillhart Faculty, Drafting

Robert Broadhurst Faculty, Biology

Joyce Brod Faculty, Veterinary Technology

Madeline Brogan Faculty, Accounting

Michelle Brown Faculty, English

James Brown Faculty, Political Science

Gary Brown Faculty, Political Science

Viseeta Brown Faculty, Health Information Technology

Lisa Bryant Faculty, Speech

Terrance Bryant Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Buck Buchanan Faculty, Geography

Karen Buckman Faculty, Psychology

John Burghduff Faculty, Mathematics

John Burns Faculty, Management/Marketing

E Buzbee Faculty, Respiratory Care

Rayburn Byrum Faculty, Mathematics

Miguel Caceres Faculty, Mathematics

Joseph Cahill Faculty, Economics

Patrick Caldwell Faculty, Mathematics

Michael Callahan Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Yolanda Camarata Faculty, Kinesiology

Dean Campa Faculty, Emergency Medical Services

Fiona Campbell Faculty, Respiratory Care

Rhonda Cannon Faculty, Counseling

Heather Cannon Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Michael Capistran Faculty, Philosophy

Jeannette Carlisle Faculty, Accounting

John Carpenter Faculty, Drama

Bruce Carroll Faculty, Biology

James Carroll Faculty, Counseling

Gordon Carruth Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Alison Carter Faculty, Mathematics

Kimberly Carter Faculty, English

Katharine Caruso Faculty, English

Marinela Castano Faculty, Nursing - RN

Elena Cataldo Faculty, Foreign Language

Jason Cates Faculty, Mathematics

Ivanola Ceasar Faculty, Nursing - RN

Otis Chapman Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Mohan Chari Faculty, Chemistry

Gwendolyn Charvis Faculty, ESL

Gary Church Faculty, Library Services

Rita Cinquemani Faculty, Nursing - RN

William Clark Faculty, Biology

Brandi Cline Faculty, Developmental Math

Frank Codispoti Faculty, Political Science

Daniel Coleman Faculty, Philosophy

Melinda Coleman Faculty, Mathematics

Bob Collings Faculty, Mathematics

Kristen Conn Faculty, Library Services

Gary Conners Faculty, Art

Diana Cooley Faculty, Speech

Buford Cooper Faculty, HVAC & Refrigeration Technology

Jared Cootz Faculty, Sociology

M Cordero Faculty, Foreign Language

Romana Cortese Faculty, English

Timothy Cowan Faculty, Philosophy

Deborah Cox Faculty, Library Services

Robert Coyle Faculty, History

Ryan Craig Faculty, Developmental Math

Brian Crawford Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Patricia Crotwell Faculty, Nursing - RN

Linda Crow Faculty, Biology

Carol Crowder Faculty, Biology

Lourella Cruz Faculty, Chemistry

Cory Cryer Faculty, Art

Michael Csiszarik Faculty, Physics

Terri Currie Faculty, Nursing - LVN

Amy Curry Faculty, History

David Dahnke Faculty, ESL

Rui Dai Faculty, Mathematics

Michael Darlan Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Sarah David Faculty, Counseling

Paige Davis Faculty, Speech

Carolyn Davis Faculty, Political Science

Claudia Davis Faculty, Mathematics

David Davis Faculty, History

Linda Davis Faculty, Nursing - RN

Stephen Davis Faculty, History

Lisa Davis Faculty, Counseling

Jacqueline Davis-Gilmore Faculty, Speech

Vida Davoudi Faculty, Political Science

Joseph Dawson Faculty, Accounting

Melissa Dearing Faculty, Repiratory Care

William Deese Faculty, ESL

Denise DeGennaro Faculty, Radiologic Technology

Marcy Delesandri Faculty, Legal Assistant

Jamshid Derakhshandeh Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Smruti Desai Faculty, Biology

Roland Desoignie Faculty, Biology

John Dethloff Faculty, English

Michael Devoley Faculty, Psychology

Honora Diaz Faculty, Economics

Jack Dixon Faculty, English

Lynda Dodgen Faculty, Sociology

Martha Donnelly Faculty, Developmental Math

Marsha Dougherty Faculty, Radiologic Technology

Stephanie Doyen Faculty, Mathematics

George Doyle Faculty, Kinesiology

William Drees Faculty, Emergency Medical Services

Norma Drepaul Faculty, Library Services

Will-Matthis Dunn Faculty, Mathematics

Mary Durant Faculty, Biology

David Durdin Faculty, Mathematics

Denise Durham Faculty, Biology

Jonathan Durm Faculty, Psychology

Barbara Eckenfels Faculty, Counseling

Darryl Egley Faculty, Mathematics

Deborah Ellington Faculty, Art

Ibrahim Elsamahy Faculty, Drafting

Franklin Emeka Faculty, Sociology

Shirley Ennis Faculty, Kinesiology

Carol Erb Faculty, Nursing - LVN

Robert Eubank Faculty, Political Science

John Faber Faculty, Choir

Patricia Falbo Faculty, Mathematics

Habibollah Far Faculty, Mathematics

Karl Fernandes Faculty, Psychology

Teresa Fernandez Faculty, Computer Information Technology

William Ferris Faculty, Automotive Technology

Michael Fey Faculty, English

Janie Filoteo Faculty, Sociology

Jimmi Ann Fischer Rushing Faculty, Library Services

Laura Fisher Faculty, Art

Mark Fisher Faculty, ESL

Maria Florez Faculty, Biology

Anthony Foster Faculty, Sociology

Clifton Fox Faculty, History

Kiwana Francis Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Megan Franks Faculty, Kinesiology

Steffani Frideres Faculty, Art

Clark Friesen Faculty, Speech

Karyn Friesen Faculty, Speech

Anthony Fuller Faculty, Speech

Linda Gallander Faculty, Occupational Therapy

Heather Gamber Faculty, Mathematics

Angela Gant Faculty, English

Joe Garza Faculty, Radiologic Technology

Sallie Gilbertson Faculty, Nursing - RN

Carol Girocco Faculty, Nursing - RN

Ricky Gist Faculty, Chemistry

Jeffrey Gleason Faculty, Band

Paullett Golden Faculty, English

Paula Gonzales Faculty, Library Services

James Good Faculty, History

Linda Gooding Faculty, Counseling

Marion Goodman Faculty, Nursing - LVN

Sandra Grebe Faculty, Biology

Heidi Green Faculty, Political Science

Michael Green Faculty, Psychology

Susan Green Faculty, Library Services

Stacy Gresell Faculty, Speech

Lashun Griffin Faculty, English

Jeffrey Groah Faculty, Mathematics

Kathryn Gronlund Faculty, Biology

Leslie Grunden Faculty, Nursing - RN

Claire Gunnels Faculty, Library Services

Juan Gutierrez Faculty, Biology

Huong Haddad Faculty, Cosmetology

Kara Hagenbuch Faculty, Biology

Melanie Hail Faculty, Radiologic Technology

Abraham Haje Faculty, Mathematics

John Hall Faculty, English

Marisol Hall Faculty, Biology

Mark Hammerbacher Faculty, Mathematics

Roy Hanscom Faculty, Art

Julie Harless Faculty, Biology

Michael Harman Faculty, Biology

Debra Harper Faculty, Speech

Cecil Harper Faculty, History

Brenda Harrell Faculty, Cosmetology

Janet Harris Faculty, Nursing - LVN

Michael Harshfield Faculty, Repiratory Care

Janice Hartgrove-Freile Faculty, Psychology

Sandra Harvey Faculty, History

Rhonda Harwell Faculty, Nursing - RN

Natasha Haydel Faculty, Developmental Math

Virginia Haysley Faculty, Political Science

Barbara Hayward Faculty, History

William Hayward Faculty, Kinesiology

Ronald Heckelman Faculty, English

Janice Hemphill Faculty, Nursing - RN

Nancy Henderson Faculty, Professional Office Technology

Raquel Henry Faculty, Psychology

Idolina Hernandez Faculty, Sociology

Norseman Hernandez Faculty, Foreign Language

Billy Hescht Faculty, Speech

Michael Hickey Faculty, Political Science

Melanie Hilburn Faculty, Management/Marketing

Julie Hinojosa Faculty, Center Student Services

Chiung-Yao Ho Faculty, ESL

Thomas Hobbs Faculty, Geology

Alexander Hogan Faculty, Political Science

Linda Holcomb Faculty, Management/Marketing

Dorma Holt Faculty, Music

Mary Hood Faculty, Biology

Peter Horton Faculty, Mathematics

Stacia Hoskin Faculty, Nursing - RN

Ruben Howard Faculty, Logistics

Susie Hsieh Faculty, Biology

Kimberly Hubbard Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Clifford Hudder Faculty, English

Leyel Hudson Faculty, Sign Language

Troy Huechtker Faculty, Art

Andrew Hufford Faculty, Biology

Kathy Hughes Faculty, Biology

Lori Hughes Faculty, English

Leonard Hullar Faculty, History

Richard Hunting Faculty, Accounting

Mary Hurter Faculty, ESL

Anitha Iyer Faculty, Biology

Mary Ann Jackson Faculty, Education

Roger Jay Faculty, Mathematics

Margaret Jelinek Lewis Faculty, Psychology

Lee Jerls Faculty, Nursing - RN

Mary Johnson Faculty, Education

Keturah Johnson Faculty, Mathematics

Margaretha Johnson Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Roscoe Johnson Faculty, English

Fonda Johnson Faculty, Counseling

Stephanie Johnston Faculty, Occupational Therapy

Katrieva Jones Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Ronald Jones Faculty, Drama

Vivian Jones Faculty, English

Mary Jones Faculty, Nursing - LVN

Jean Joublanc Faculty, Nursing - RN

Sandra Kacir Faculty, Nursing - RN

Daniel Kainer Faculty, Biology

Milton Kandeh Faculty, Biology

Marybeth Kardatzke Faculty, Management/Marketing

Susan Kautz Faculty, Developmental Math

Amelia Keel Faculty, English

Katherine Keilty Faculty, Physics

Thomas Kelly Faculty, History

Joanne Kendall Faculty, Developmental Math

Julie Kendall Faculty, Nursing - RN

Sharon Kenemore Faculty, Counseling

Charles Kennedy Faculty, Political Science

Linda Kenney Faculty, Nursing - RN

Ellen Ketchum Faculty, Drama

Dalia Khalaf Faculty, Developmental English

Paula Khalaf Faculty, Developmental English

Glen Killian Faculty, Human Services

Elizabeth King Faculty, Nursing - RN

Judith King Faculty, Nursing - RN

Stephen King Faculty, Developmental English

Linda King Faculty, Nursing - LVN

John Kleist Faculty, Geology

Michael Konvicka Faculty, Geographic Information Systems

Nancy Kral Faculty, Political Science

Robert Kreps Faculty, Radio & Television

Elisabeth Krupa Faculty, Chemistry

Martina Kusi-Mensah Faculty, English

Renee La Rue Faculty, ESL

Margaret Lambert Faculty, History

Carlos Landa Faculty, Art

Kimberly Lane Faculty, Developmental Math

Diane Langton Faculty, Nursing - RN

Michael Lappe Faculty, Management/Marketing

Leslie LaPres Faculty, Developmental English

Jason LaPres Faculty, Biology

Kendall Lawrence Faculty, Graph Arts/Video

William Leach Faculty, Physics

Juan Lebron Faculty, Counseling

Fay Lee Faculty, English

Philip Lee Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Maria Letargo Faculty, Geology

Steve Lewis Faculty, Human Services

Wei Li Faculty, Developmental English

Lee Ann Liebst Faculty, Student Disabilities

Nancy Lim Faculty, Pharmacy Technology

Craig Livingston Faculty, History

Robert Locander Faculty, Political Science

Nickie Loftin Faculty, Nursing - RN

Maureen Loiacano Faculty, Mathematics

Lawrence Loomis-Price Faculty, Biology

Denise Lorenz Faculty, Art

Rachael Lowe Faculty, Counseling

Marvin Lowery Faculty, Biology

Barbara Lujan Faculty, Counseling

Patricia Lyon Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Bruce Machart Faculty, English

Marilyn Magnant Faculty, Interior Design

John Magner Faculty, Chemistry

Linda Maitland Faculty, Developmental English

Caleb Makukutu Faculty, Biology

Rajiv Malkan Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Cheryl Mansfield-Egans Faculty, Library Services

Linda Mark Faculty, Counseling

Christopher Martin Faculty, Mathematics

Jeremi Martin Faculty, Sonography

Gail Marxhausen Faculty, English

Nishi Mathew Faculty, Biology

David Maurer Faculty, Developmental Math

Brack May Faculty, Band

William May Faculty, Electronics Technology

Bliss Mayberry Faculty, Cosmetology

Kenny McCowen Faculty, Repiratory Care

Philip McCue Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Heidi McDonald Faculty, Education

Ruth McDonald Faculty, Library Services

Michael McFarland Faculty, English

Theresa McGinley Faculty, History

Kevin McKinney Faculty, Kinesiology

Connie McMahan Faculty, Counseling

Anthony McMillan Faculty, Library Services

Joe McMillian Faculty, Mathematics

David McNally Faculty, Automotive Technology

Melanie Metzger Faculty, Library Services

Nanette Meyer Faculty, Physical Therapy

Shawn Miller Faculty, Accounting

Kimberly Miller Faculty, Emergency Medical Services

Jon Miller Faculty, Developmental Math

Sharon Miller Faculty, Developmental English

Robert Miller Faculty, English

Todd Miller Faculty, Music

Joseph Minton Faculty, English

Brad Mitchell Faculty, Kinesiology

Heather Mitchell Faculty, English

Kathleen Monahan Faculty, Psychology

Diane Montagna Faculty, Surgical Technology

April Moore Faculty, Physics

Dana Morales Faculty, Political Science

Elizabeth Morgan Faculty, Biology

David Mott Faculty, Drafting

Jason Moulenbelt Faculty, Philosophy

Tina Mrouri Faculty, Political Science

Diane Murray Faculty, Mathematics

Janet Muzal Faculty, ESL

Mary Myers Faculty, Nursing - RN

Michael Naglieri Faculty, Fire Science

Karla Nast Faculty, Developmental English

Ronald Nespeca Faculty, Kinesiology

Sang Ngo Faculty, Drafting

Kiet Nguyen Faculty, Business

Irina Nizova Faculty, ESL

Jeffrey Norem Faculty, English

Monica Norem Faculty, Library Services

Lawrence Norris Faculty, Radiologic Technology

Gregory Oaks Faculty, English

Robert O'Brien Faculty, History

Carol O'Connor Faculty, Emergency Medical Services

Cynthia Oliver Faculty, Radiologic Technology

Catherine Olson Faculty, English

Danel Olson Faculty, English

Jamili Omar Faculty, English

Mari Omori Faculty, Art

Erik Oslund Faculty, Mathematics

Susan Ouren Faculty, Interior Design

Richard Owen Faculty, Chemistry

Suzy Page Faculty, English

Katherine Pallavicini Faculty, Multimedia

Olia Palmer Faculty, Library Services

Debra Parish Faculty, Psychology

Karen Parker Faculty, Library Services

Bertha Parle Faculty, Foreign Language

Wendy Parslow-Helton Faculty, Psychology

John Partida Faculty, Developmental English

Vaheribhai Patel Faculty, Mathematics

Larisa Patrascu Faculty, Mathematics

Irina Patten Faculty, ESL

Collier Patton Faculty, Speech

Mari Peddycoart Faculty, Mathematics

James Pelezo Faculty, Chemistry

Shelley Penrod Faculty, Biology

Cynthia Peterson Faculty, Nursing - RN

Dian Petty Faculty, Biology

Gail Phillips Faculty, Mathematics

Van Piercy Faculty, English

Carolyn Poe Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Erich Polack Faculty, Foreign Language

Vincent Polito Faculty, Mathematics

Alice Pollock Faculty, Mathematics

David Potts Faculty, Radio & Television

Betsy Powers Faculty, History

Steven Prewitt Faculty, History

Karan Prince Faculty, Developmental English

Sunnye Pruden Faculty, Speech

Renee Pruitt Faculty, Physical Therapy

James Puetz Faculty, Political Science

David Putz Faculty, Political Science

Huzhuang Qian Faculty, Music

Jeanne Qualey Faculty, Health Information Technology

David Quarles Faculty, Mathematics

David Ragsdale Faculty, English

Basnagoda Rahula Faculty, English

Katherine Ralph Faculty, Nursing - RN

Adrian Rapp Faculty, Sociology

Daniel Rathe Faculty, Emergency Medical Services

Rebecca Ray Faculty, Counseling

Dorothy Reade Faculty, Developmental English

Pamelyn Reed Faculty, Developmental Math

Brian Reeves Faculty, Developmental English

Kelley Revuelto Faculty, Art

Raul Reyes Faculty, History

Katherine Reynolds Faculty, English

Allen Rice Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Lori Lynn Richter Faculty, Psychology

Virginia Rigby Faculty, Library Services

Brenda Rivera Faculty, Developmental English

Amy Roberson Faculty, Counseling

Esther Robinson Faculty, History

Jose Rodriguez Faculty, Sonography

Anita Rogers Faculty, Art

Thomas Rogers Faculty, History

Jessicia Roscher Faculty, Developmental Math

Kathleen Rosen Faculty, Nursing - RN

Rebecca Royer Faculty, ESL

Kimberly Rumsey Faculty, Nursing - RN

Alterra-Zoe Ruppert Faculty, Occupational Therapy

Karen Russom Faculty, Accounting

Matthew Samford Faculty, Counseling

Kristina Sampson Faculty, Mathematics

Tracy Samuel Faculty, Mathematics

Joan Samuelson Faculty, English

Maria Sanders Faculty, Philosophy

E Steve Sansom Faculty, English

Alpana Sarangapani Faculty, Library Services

Sergio Sarmiento Faculty, Geology

Yegan Satik Faculty, Mathematics

Victoria Saunders Faculty, Counseling

Alice Savage Faculty, ESL

Christoph Schiessl Faculty, History

Kelly Schimmel Faculty, History

Anna Schmidt Faculty, Developmental English

Lorraine Schoenbeck Faculty, Professional Medical Office

Lisa Schulze Faculty, English

Gina Scott Faculty, Medical Office Technology

William Scott Faculty, Repiratory Care

Dorothea Scott Faculty, Library Services

Tim Sebesta Faculty, Kinesiology

Patricia Sendelbach Faculty, Accounting

James Seymour Faculty, History

Shahram Shafiee Faculty, Economics

Masoud Shafiei-Sararodi Faculty, ESL

Harish Shah Faculty, HVAC & Refrigeration Technology

Mayada Shahrokhi Faculty, Mathematics

Mary Sharon Faculty, Biology

J Sharp Faculty, Kinesiology

Elise Sheppard Faculty, Library Services

Suzanne Shield-Polk Faculty, Art

Brian Shmaefsky Faculty, Biology

Felicity Short Faculty, Speech

Caren Shoup Faculty, ESL

William Simcik Faculty, Biology

Jane Simons Faculty, Professional Office Technology

Ulanda Simpson Faculty, Nursing - RN

Eric Sims Faculty, Art

Reyna Sirias Faculty, Foreign Language

James Skelton Faculty, Developmental English

Eric Skiles Faculty, Drama

Richard Smalley Faculty, Mathematics

Alex Smith Faculty, History

Velma Smith Faculty, English

Ursula Sohns Faculty, Developmental English

Diane Springman Faculty, Nursing - RN

Gina Sprowl Faculty, Accounting

Sethurama Srinivasan Faculty, History

Earl Staley Faculty, Art

Yvonne Stallings Faculty, Mathematics

Donald Stanley Faculty, Psychology

Rebecca Stasney Faculty, Developmental English

Mark Stelter Faculty, Criminal Justice

Kris Stengel Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Daniel Stevens Faculty, Library Services

Jacqueline Stirling Faculty, ESL

Maribeth Stitt Faculty, Dental Hygiene

Jean Stow Faculty, Nursing - RN

Melissa Studdard Faculty, English

Kevin Sumrall Faculty, Psychology

Michael Sundermann Faculty, Chemistry

Angelica Sutton Faculty, Counseling

Elizabeth Sze Faculty, History

Staci Tabor Faculty, Management/Marketing

Laura Taggett Faculty, English

Rebecca Tate Faculty, English

Matthew Taylor Faculty, Speech

Judy Taylor Faculty, Developmental Math

John Theis Faculty, Political Science

Sheryl Thomas Faculty, Nursing - RN

Samuel Thomas Faculty, Speech

Denise Thompson Faculty, English

Kisha Thompson Faculty, Graph Arts/Video

Jennifer Thompson Faculty, Political Science

Susan Thornton Faculty, Business

Christine Timmerman Faculty, Outreach & Rentention

Judy Tollenaere Faculty, Nursing - RN

Lee Topham Faculty, Mathematics

Gholam-Hossein Toutounchi Faculty, Physics

Jennifer Travis Faculty, Mathematics

Scott Travis Faculty, Mathematics

Mary Trenkle Faculty, Foreign Language

Charles Trevino Faculty, Sign Language

Gerry Tsoi Faculty, Computer Information Technology

Lynda Turnell Faculty, Mathematics

Beverley Turner Faculty, English

Matthew Turner Faculty, English

Alanna Tynes Faculty, Biology

Marie Underdown Faculty, Chemistry

Amy Uribe Faculty, Foreign Language

Rebekah Valdez Faculty, Nursing - RN

Ann Van Heerden Faculty, Chemistry

Victoria Van Wie Faculty, Psychology

Padmaja Vedartham Faculty, Biology

Alice Venier Faculty, Pharmacy Technology

Shu-An Vezey Faculty, Multimedia

Gladys Villanasco Faculty, English

Rosemarie Visconti Faculty, Library Services

Linda Vogel Faculty, Nursing - LVN

Allen Vogt Faculty, History

Melanie Wachsmann Faculty, Library Services

Houston Waites Faculty, Drama

Stacy Walker Faculty, Psychology

Erma Walker Faculty, Counseling

Colin Ward Faculty, ESL

Judith Watson Faculty, Counseling

Rachel Weaver Faculty, Nursing - RN

Jessica Weisel Faculty, Speech

Kelly Weller Faculty, Emergency Medical Services

Jennifer Welsh Faculty, Philosophy

Jay Whatley Faculty, Music

Jean Whileyman Faculty, Chemistry

Clay White Faculty, Biology

Sherri White Faculty, Drama

Martha Whitley Faculty, Extended Learning Center

Rachel Whitten Faculty, Mathematics

Mark Whitten Faculty, Philosophy

David Wickham Faculty, English

Julie Wilbur Faculty, Developmental English

Cora Ann Williams Faculty, Speech

Glenda Williams Faculty, Psychology

Marvin Williams Faculty, English

Tracy Williams Faculty, Library Services

Amber Williams-Lara Faculty, Foreign Language

Donna Willingham Faculty, Developmental English

Ethelene Wilmore Faculty, Nursing - RN

Diane Wilson Faculty, Dental Hygiene

Julie Wilson Faculty, Counseling

Patricia Winters Faculty, ESL

John Wolfskill Faculty, Music

Pamela Womack Faculty, Developmental English

Tracie Wood Faculty, Nursing - RN

Charles Wood Faculty, Art

Linda Woodward Faculty, Art

David Wooten Faculty, Mathematics

Alan Wright Faculty, Kinesiology

Venancio Ybarra Faculty, Electronics Technology

Sheryl Young Faculty, Prof Office Technology

Landra Young Faculty, Developmental Math

Thomas Young Faculty, Accounting

Melanie Younger Faculty, Veterinary Technology

George Younger Faculty, Veterinary Technology

Patty Zachary Faculty, Mathematics

Bruce Zarosky Faculty, Kinesiology

David Zimmermann Faculty, English

James Zipperer Faculty, Business

Loris Zucca Faculty, Mathematics