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The Board of Sumter County Commissioners (Board) convened in regular session on this Tuesday, March 26, 2013, at The Villages, Florida, with the following members present to wit: Al Butler, Vice Chairman, District No. 1; Douglas Gilpin, Chairman, District No. 2; Donald Burgess, District No. 3; and Garry Breeden, District No. 4. Don Hahnfeldt, 2nd Vice Chairman, District No. 5, was absent. The following individuals were also present and acting in their respective official capacities: Bradley Arnold, County Administrator; Bill Kleinsorge, Finance Director; Connie Webb, Deputy Clerk; and George Angeliadis of The Hogan Law Firm, Attorneys for the Board. Commissioner Gilpin called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. with the invocation given by Commissioner Butler followed by the flag salute led by Commissioner Breeden. 1. TIMED ITEMS AND PUBLIC HEARINGS

a. 5:00 PM - Public Hearing - To consider Resolution and Honorary Roadway Designation application from the Retired Teachers Association in recognition of Ms. Ann R. Fields, Sumter County Health Nurse

Commissioner Gilpin called for a public hearing to consider a Resolution (2013-10) dedicating the segment of C476 between US301 and SR471 as the "Ann R. Fields Memorial Highway." Proof of Publication, as advertised, filed herewith.

Bradley Arnold, County Administrator, presented this request. Ann R. Fields was a pioneering Sumter County Health nurse who came to Sumter County in 1945 to spend the winter and never left. She led the fight against hookworm, typhoid fever, and infant mortality by providing hygiene education and training to the community, even improvising an incubator for premature babies from a box warmed by whiskey bottles filled with hot water. She was also involved in early immunizations and went from school to school in the County administering vaccines.

PUBLIC - There was no public input.

Commissioner Breeden commented on this request sharing that he knew Ms. Fields and what an inspiration she was to the County and its citizens, especially the children.

03-26-13-1-a.pdf Commissioner Butler moved, with a second by Commissioner Breeden, to approve a Resolution (2013-10) and Honorary Roadway Designation for the portion of C476 from US301 to SR471 in recognition of Ann R. Fields, Sumter County Health Nurse. The motion carried unanimously 4 – 0.

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b. 5:00 PM - Public Hearing - To receive public comment on Action to

Rescind Approval of S2012-0004 - Major Special Use Permit - Entertainment Park - Otsego Holdings LLC - C475/Wildwood

Commissioner Gilpin called for a public hearing to receive public comment to consider the rescission of Special Use Permit S2012-0004, Otsego Holdings, LLC. Proof of Publication, as advertised, filed herewith.

Karl Holley, Development Services Division Director, advised that on January 8, 2013 the Board approved Special Land Use Permit Application S2012-0004 for Otsego Holdings, LLC for a commercial outdoor recreational facility and concert venue. On March 15, 2013, the applicant filed a request for "Cancellation" of said Special Land Use Permit. Staff has determined that rescission of the Board approval is the correct action to vacate the approval and return the development entitlement status of the property to its condition prior to the approval of S2012-0004. The applicant has obtained no development permits for the site, nor has any modification of the site been undertaken subsequent to the January 8, 2013 approval. This is the first of two required public hearings. No action will be taken by the Board at this hearing, only public comments will be heard. The second and final hearing is scheduled for April 9, 2013, at 5:00 p.m., Sumter County Government Offices, 910 North Main Street, Room 142, Bushnell, FL.

PUBLIC - There was no public input.


c. 5:30 PM - Public Hearing - Zoning and Adjustment Board recommendations and/or Development Review Committee recommendations

Commissioner Gilpin called for a public hearing to consider the recommendations of the Zoning and Adjustment Board (ZAB) and/or Development Review Committee (DRC). Proof of Publication, as advertised, filed herewith. Commissioner Gilpin advised that "If you plan to speak during any of the public hearings on an item listed under number 1 of the agenda which is marked with an asterisk, indicating it is quasi judicial in nature, please rise and be sworn." Those responding were sworn in by Connie Webb, Deputy Clerk. Commissioner Gilpin reminded the audience that "only competent, substantial, fact based testimony or evidence will be considered by the Board in deciding the quasi judicial matters listed on today's agenda. Pure speculation or opinion, not based on competent facts, cannot be legally considered by the Board in weighing the appropriateness of the quasi judicial application. If you intend to speak on an item marked "quasi judicial," please keep this in mind. Finally, before addressing the Board, and in order to keep the public record accurate, state your name,

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address and whether or not you have been sworn when you approach the podium to speak on a quasi judicial matter."

1. *SS2013-0002 - Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment on 1.50

acres MOL to change the Future Land Use Map from Agriculture to Commercial - Sumter County - E C466/ The Villages

The Chairman polled the Board Members for ex parte communications, written or verbal, related to this case. Commissioner Burgess - none; Commissioner Breeden-none; Commissioner Butler - none; and Commissioner Gilpin-none.

Karl Holley, Development Services Division Director, presented the following for consideration. The applicants, Connie Dee and Boyd Sproles, are requesting a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment on 1.50 acres MOL to change the Future Land Use Map from Agriculture to Commercial. This is related to Case No. R2013-0003. The proposed amendment does not affect the text of the Comprehensive Plan or the Capital Improvement Program as outlined in the Sumter County Comprehensive Plan. Four notices were sent with one being returned in objection. The ZAB recommended approval by a vote of 5-0.

PUBLIC Robert Shoemaker, 12550 CR 227, Oxford, having been sworn appeared on behalf of the applicants in this matter. Mr. Shoemaker provided copies of an email from consultant David W. Hall along with his resume and an Environmental Assessment Study on the property all of which are attached to and made a part of the minutes. He discussed the concerns that have been expressed regarding the trees on the property.

Bruce Hasnas, 424 Jarquin Way, The Villages, having been sworn, expressed his concern with this application and mentioned a letter from Richard St. Andre which is part of the agenda packet. Mr. Hasnas requested that the Board deny this application.

Robert Shoemaker, 12550 CR 227, Oxford, having been sworn commented on the letter from Mr. St. Andre mentioned by Mr. Hasnas.

There was lengthy Board discussion regarding potential development possibilities.

03-26-13-1-c-1.pdf; 03-26-13-1-c-1-a.pdf; 03-26-13-1-c-1-b.pdf; 03-26-13-1-c-1-c.pdf

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Commissioner Burgess moved, with a second by Commissioner Gilpin, to approve *SS2013-0002 - Application of Connie Dee and Boyd Sproles for a Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment on 1.50 acres MOL to change the Future Land Use Map from Agriculture to Commercial and adoption of the related Ordinance (2013-03). The motion carried unanimously 4 – 0.

2. *R2013-0003 - Rezone 1.50 acres MOL from RR to CL - Connie Dee & Boyd Sproles - E C466/The Villages

The Chairman polled the Board Members for ex parte communications, written or verbal, related to this case. Commissioner Burgess - none; Commissioner Breeden-none; Commissioner Butler - none; and Commissioner Gilpin-none.

Karl Holley, Development Services Division Director, presented the following for consideration. This is related to the previous case, SS2013-002. The applicants, Connie Dee and Boyd Sproles, are requesting to rezone 1.50 acres MOL from RR to CL. There were four notices sent with one being returned in objection. The ZAB recommended approval by a vote of 5-0.

George Angeliadis, County Attorney, requested Mr. Holley go through the compatibility of the site and the zoning change that is being requested with the surrounding area. Mr. Holley responded that the C466 corridor is a mixed-use corridor, i.e., commercial and residential uses that are co-existing. There are numerous commercial uses adjacent to and nearby the subject property.

PUBLIC - Bruce Hasnas, 424 Jarquin Way, The Villages, having been sworn, expressed his concern with this application and requested that the Board deny this application.

03-26-13-1-c-2.pdf Commissioner Breeden moved, with a second by Commissioner Butler, to approve *R2013-0003 - Application of Connie Dee & Boyd Sproles to rezone 1.50 acres MOL from RR to CL and adopt the related resolution (2013-11). The motion carried unanimously 4 – 0.

3. *R2013-0004 - Rezone 14.90 acres MOL from A5 to RR5 - Lou Sanchez - C469 /Center Hill

The Chairman polled the Board Members for ex parte communications, written or verbal, related to this case. Commissioner Burgess - none; Commissioner Breeden advised that he had spoken with Robert Sanchez who advised that they wanted to place a mobile home on it as a residence for ranch hands; Commissioner Butler - none; and Commissioner Gilpin-none.

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Karl Holley, Development Services Division Director, presented the following for consideration. The applicant, Lou Sanchez, is requesting to rezone 14.90 acres MOL from A5 to RR5 to allow a Class B mobile home. Nine notices were sent with one being returned in objection and one being returned in favor. The ZAB recommended approval by a vote of 5-0.

PUBLIC - There was no public input.

03-26-13-1-c-3.pdf Commissioner Breeden moved, with a second by Commissioner Burgess, to approve *R2013-0004 - Application of Lou Sanchez to rezone 14.90 acres MOL from A5 to RR5 and adopt the related resolution (2013-12). The motion carried unanimously 4 – 0.

4. *R2013-0005 - Rezone 2.5 acres MOL from RR1C to RR1 - Justin J. and Bambi L. Cutshall - South Main Street/Bushnell

The Chairman polled the Board Members for ex parte communications, written or verbal, related to this case. Commissioner Burgess - none; Commissioner Breeden-none; Commissioner Butler - none; and Commissioner Gilpin-none.

Karl Holley, Development Services Division Director, presented the following for consideration. The applicants, Justin J. and Bambi Cutshall, are requesting to rezone 2.5 acres MOL from RR1C to RR! to allow a Class B mobile home. There were nine notices sent with none being returned. The ZAB recommended approval by a vote of 4-0.

PUBLIC - There was no public input.

03-26-13-1-c-4.pdf Commissioner Burgess moved, with a second by Commissioner Breeden, to approve *R2013-0005 - Application of Justin J. and Bambi L. Cutshall to rezone 2.5 acres MOL from RR1C to RR1 and adopt the related resolution (2013-13). The motion carried unanimously 4 – 0.

*Quasi Judicial Hearing 2. REPORTS AND INPUT

a. Proclamation Designating April 2013 as Water Conservation Month

Commissioner Gilpin read the Proclamation into the record and presented it to Chris Zajac, Government Affairs Program Manager, Northern Planning Region, Southwest Florida Water Management District. Mr. Zajac thanked the Board for

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their support of the District's efforts regarding water conservation in the County. Mr. Gilpin noted that The Villages is a very large recycler of resources.


b. County Administrator

1. Significant Schedule of Items (For Information Only)


2. Road Project Summary (For Information Only)


3. Facilities Development Bi-Monthly Report March 26, 2013 (For Information Only)

Mr. Arnold advised that the new Citizen Drop Off Area and the new Animal Services Building and area are complete and operating.


4. Department surveys February 2013 (For Information Only)


5. Revised Notice of Grant Award for 2010 Section 5310 Grant (For Information Only)

This revises the Notice of Grant Award approved by FDOT on December 17, 2010 for the purchase of a "Low Floor" bus and Dispatch Software. The portion of the Grant Award intended for the purchase of a 23' "Low Floor" Cut-a-Way bus had to be modified due to design issues identified by FDOT. FDOT has suspended the manufacturing of all "Low Floor" Cut-a-Way vehicles. Due to the timeline for a resolution in the design flaws, a request was made to FDOT to modify the Notice of Grant Award and replace the "Low Floor" bus with a standard 23' Cut-a-Way bus reflecting a decrease in the grant award of $37,608.


6. Tri-County Villages of Sumter, Development of Regional Impact letter (DRI) for Buffalo Ridge Senior Living Campus (For Information Only)

This is the required 30-day notice of the conversion of 4,165 s.f. Commercial to 152 Assisted Living Facility d.u. (Assisted Living Facility and Memory Care

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Units). In addition, the Developer will amend the Tri-County Villages DRI Master Plan Map H the next time the Developer submits a Notice of Proposed Change to amend the Development Order pursuant to Section 380.07(A), F.S.


7. City of Center Hill Request for Inclusion - Small Community Wastewater Facilities Grant (For Direction)

The City of Center Hill is requesting Sumter County's support to their request to the City's Clean Water State Revolving Fund "Request for Inclusion" being submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The funds will be used to prepare a Wastewater Facilities Plan which will identify the capacity, type and method of treatment effluent/reclaimed water disposal and utilization, sewer collection and transmission, and other attendant facilities to serve the wastewater needs of the City.

It was consensus to provide a letter of support to the City of Center Hill regarding this matter.


c. County Attorney - No report.

d. Clerk of Circuit Court - No report.

e. Board Members

1. Commissioner Burgess

Commissioner Burgess advised that he has recently had several calls requesting a hazardous waste collection in The Villages. Mr. Arnold advised that he would contact Janet Tutt of the VCDD to discuss what can be done to accommodate the request.

2. Commissioner Breeden

Commissioner Breeden referenced a meeting he recently attended and a discussion he had with Governor Scott. He advised he had discussed the Administrative Rule Process and Regional Planning Councils with the Governor and that Governor Scott had requested he provided him with further information on these items. Commissioner Breeden will be sending the Governor a letter regarding what could potentially be language which could be added to the Administrative Rule Process that would be beneficial, along with information on the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of Regional Planning Councils. There was consensus for Commissioner Breeden to prepare and send this letter.

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3. Commissioner Butler - No report.

4. Commissioner Gilpin

Commissioner Gilpin requested Mr. Arnold look into further privatization of the building department and the code enforcement area. There was no objection by other Board members and Mr. Arnold advised that he would look into this as part of the upcoming budget process.

Commissioner Gilpin also commented on the success of the Chamber of Commerce Cowboy Mud Crawl.

f. Public Forum

Louis Verrecchia, 1073 Oak Forest Drive, The Villages, addressed the Board regarding a traffic hazard at the Glenbrook Gate at Talley Ridge Drive and Buena Vista Boulevard in The Villages. Mr. Verrecchia read a statement into the record which is attached to and included as part of the permanent minutes. He also submitted a petition for a traffic light at this intersection which is also attached to and included as part of the permanent minutes.

03-26-13-2-f-Stmt.pdf; 03-26-13-2-f-Petitions.pdf; 03-26-13-2-f-email.pdf

CLERK'S NOTE: At 5:30 p.m. the Public Forum portion of the agenda was recessed to proceed with Public Hearings scheduled for that time. Public Forum will resume at the conclusion of the Public Hearings.

PUBLIC FORUM RESUMED. Louis Verrecchia, 1073 Oak Forest Drive, The Villages, responded to a question from Commissioner Burgess regarding the golf cart path at this location. Commissioner Breeden inquired if there has been a warrant study done at this location to which Mr. Arnold responded yes and that Scott Cottrell, Public Works Division Director, has it with him at the meeting this evening and that Mr. Verrecchia has acknowledged that he has reviewed the study. The following individuals addressed the Board regarding their concerns with the traffic light issue at the Glenbrook Gate along with the speeding and traffic issues on Oak Forest Drive which are related to the congestion at the Glenbrook Gate. Bob Hendricks, 882 Oak Forest Drive, The Villages; Bill Ray, 856 Walker Loop, The Villages; Bob Kylie, 1204 Addison Avenue, The Villages; Jerome Joyce, 874 Oak Forest Drive, The Villages;

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Joe Klemish, 3153 Maywood Court, The Villages; Cathy O'Leary, 1025 Oak Forest Drive, The Villages; Rose Marie Mortenson, 866 Oak Forest Drive, The Villages. Commissioner Gilpin commented on the effect of people's driving habits on these issues and suggested requesting the Sheriff step up law enforcement throughout The Villages. Commissioner Breeden suggested staff look into some of the issues raised this evening on this matter.

03-26-13-2-f-study.pdf 3. NEW BUSINESS - ACTION REQUIRED


1. Minutes of Regular Meeting held on March 12, 2013 (Staff recommends approval).

03-26-13-3-a-1.pdf Commissioner Breeden moved, with a second by Commissioner Butler, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 12, 2013. The motion carried unanimously 4 – 0.


1. Set Public Hearing to consider Ordinance to amend Chapter 12, Article III, Section 12-44, Section 12-46 and Section 12-48 of the Sumter County Code relating to the Affordable Housing Assistance Program on April 9, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. at the Sumter County Government Offices, 910 North Main Street, Room 142, Bushnell, Florida 33513 (Staff recommends approval).

03-26-13-3-b-1.pdf Commissioner Butler moved, with a second by Commissioner Breeden, to approve setting a Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance to amend Chapter 12, Article III, Section 12-44, Section 12-46 and Section 12-48 of the Sumter County Code relating to the Affordable Housing Assistance Program on April 9, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. at the Sumter County Government Offices, 910 North Main Street, Room 142, Bushnell, Florida 33513. The motion carried unanimously 4 – 0.

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1. Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Advisory Board vacancy

(Board's Option).

03-26-13-3-c-1.pdf Commissioner Breeden moved, with a second by Commissioner Burgess, to approve the appointment of Robert Lynch to the Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Advisory Board. The motion carried unanimously 4 – 0.

2. Affordable Housing Advisory Committee vacancy (Board's Option).

No action taken.


3. Construction Industry Licensing Board vacancy (Board's Option).

No action taken.


4. Enterprise Zone Development Agency Committee vacancies (Board's Option).

No action taken.


5. Industrial Development Authority vacancy (Board's Option).

No action taken.


6. Lake Sumter Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) and Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) vacancies (Board's Option).

No action taken.


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7. Sumter County Tourist Development Council vacancy (Board's Option).

03-26-13-3-c-7.pdf Commissioner Gilpin moved, with a second by Commissioner Breeden, to approve the appointment of Ronald McMahon of The Villages to replace Dan McCormic on the Sumter County Tourist Development Council. The motion carried unanimously 4 – 0.

8. Zoning and Adjustment Board vacancy (Board's Option).

No action taken.



1. Purchase Order Approval (Staff recommends approval).

The following open purchase requisitions are being considered for approval: #002016 (Waste Management, Inc. - $58,175.82); #002012 (Rainey Construction Company - $2,213,227.44); #001991 (Asphalt Paving Company - $572,385.90); #002192 (M & J Construction Co of Pinellas - $233-998.00); #002176 (The Villages Tech Solutions - $32,705.12); #002182 (Creative Bus Sales, Inc. - $70,351.00); #002153 (Andata - $35,000.00).


2. Transfer Parcel G05=036 to the City of Wildwood, authorize County Attorney to prepare a transfer deed and submit to the City of Wildwood, and allow the County Administrator (at a later date) to execute all necessary documents (Staff recommends approval).

Staff has identified that Parcel G05=036 is located within the municipal boundaries of the City of Wildwood and is recommending it be transferred to the City of Wildwood.


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3. Transfer Parcel F36=049 to the Florida Department of Transportation,

authorize County Attorney to prepare transfer deed and submit to Florida Department of Transportation, and allow County Administrator (at a later date) to execute all necessary documents to complete the transfer (Staff recommends approval).

Staff has identified that Parcel F36=049 is located at 2131 N US 301 and is recommending it be transferred to the Florida Department of Transportation.


4. Transfer Parcel Q21A029 to the City of Center Hill, authorize County Attorney to prepare transfer deed and submit to the City of Wildwood, and allow County Administrator (at a later date) to execute all necessary documents to complete the transfer (Staff recommends approval). CLERK'S NOTE: Mr. Arnold noted that the reference to Wildwood should be changed to Center Hill.

Staff has identified that Parcel Q21A029 is located within the municipal boundaries of the City of Center Hill and is recommending it be transferred to the City of Center Hill.


5. Transfer Parcel Q21A055 to the City of Center Hill, authorize County Attorney to prepare a transfer deed and submit to the City of Center Hill, and allow the County Administrator (at a later date) to execute all necessary documents (Staff recommends approval).

Staff has identified that Parcel Q21A055 is located within the municipal boundaries of the City of Center Hill and is recommending it be transferred to the City of Center Hill.


6. Transfer Parcel Q22A257 to the City of Center Hill, authorize County Attorney to prepare a transfer deed and submit to the City of Center Hill, and allow the County Administrator (at a later date) to execute all necessary documents (Staff recommends approval).

Staff has identified that Parcel Q22A257 is located within the municipal boundaries of the City of Center Hill and is recommending it be transferred to the City of Center Hill.


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7. Budget Amendment A-38 (FY 12/13) Sumter County Road Construction

District Impact Fund (Staff recommends approval).

The purpose of this Budget Amendment is to transfer funds from Reserve for Road Projects to C468 @ SR44 Intersection Improvements to cover FY 2013 design cost associated with intersection C468 improvements at SR44. This improvement represents an additional phase in the C468 improvement projects which encompass widening to four lanes from SR44 to the Florida Turnpike, Florida Turnpike interchange improvements, and adding an additional two lane bridge and widening from the Florida Turnpike to CR515 with intersection improvement at C468 and CR501. Specifically, the intersection project at SR44 @ C468 will include the connection from Morse Boulevard from the north, turn lanes on SR44, a signalized intersection with mast arms at SR44 at CR468, and striping and signage on all legs.


8. Budget Amendment A-39 (FY 12/13) Sumter County Road Construction District Impact Fund (Staff recommends approval).

The purpose of this Budget Amendment is to reallocate funds for the installation of traffic signalization on C466A at Pinellas Place with an anticipated completion date of September 30, 2013.


9. Budget Amendment A-40 (FY 12/13) Bond Sinking Fund (Staff recommends approval).

The purpose of this Budget Amendment is to adjust the 2003 Series Bond debt service and to establish a budget for the Hancock Bank debt service payments due in FY 2012-13 resulting from the Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2003 refunding submitted on this agenda for Board approval.


10. Budget Amendment A-41 (FY 12/13) General Fund (Staff recommends approval).

The State of Florida provides funding opportunities through the State Aid to Libraries Grant Program each year. The purpose of this Budget Amendment is to fund the acquisition of additional print and electronic materials, such as eBooks for circulation to the public, new databases to enhance public knowledge and the ability to find information, and new equipment to enhance the capabilities of library staff. This request will budget remaining funds from FY 09/10.

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(CLERK'S NOTE: Mr. Arnold responded to a question by Commissioner Breeden regarding this amendment.)


11. Budget Amendment A-42 (FY 12/13) General Fund (Staff recommends approval).

The State of Florida provides funding opportunities through the State Aid to Libraries Grant Program each year. The purpose of this Budget Amendment is to fund the acquisition of additional print and materials for circulation to the public to enhance the capabilities of library staff. This request will budget remaining funds from the FY 10/11 grant. (CLERK'S NOTE: Mr. Arnold responded to a question by Commissioner Breeden regarding this amendment.)


12. Budget Amendment A-43 (FY 12/13) General Fund (Staff recommends approval).

The State of Florida provides funding opportunities through the State Aid to Libraries Grant Program each year. The purpose of this Budget Amendment is to fund the acquisition of additional print and electronic materials, such as eBooks for circulation to the public, new databases to enhance public knowledge and the ability to find information, and new equipment to enhance the capabilities of library staff. This request will budget grant funds from FY 11/12. (CLERK'S NOTE: Mr. Arnold responded to a question by Commissioner Breeden regarding this amendment.)


13. Budget Amendment A-44 (FY 12/13) General Fund (Staff recommends approval).

The State of Florida provides funding opportunities through the State Aid to Libraries Grant Program each year. The purpose of this Budget Amendment is to fund the acquisition of additional print and electronic materials, such as eBooks for circulation to the public, new databases to enhance public knowledge and the ability to find information, and new equipment to enhance the capabilities of library staff. This request will budget the grant funds from FY 12/13.

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(CLERK'S NOTE: Included as attachments to this Budget Amendment are the Notification of Grant Award ($502,739) and the "Remittance Advice" notifying the first payment in the amount of $377,054.25 was transmitted electronically on 03/05/13.) (CLERK'S NOTE: Mr. Arnold responded to a question by Commissioner Breeden regarding this amendment.)


14. Budget Amendment A-45 (FY 12/13) Capital Outlay Reserve Fund (Staff recommends approval).

The purpose of this Budget Amendment is to cover charges associated with the appraisals on the specific parcels of land Sumter County plans to acquire for the future Croom/Tri County Fire Station and the Royal/Oxford Fire Station. Each appraisal is estimated to cost $2,500.


15. Change Order Request to Purchase Order No. 9100605 (Staff recommends approval).

This Change Order is a request to increase Purchase Order No. 9100605 (Mark Weber) by $43,486. In FY 11/12, $61,486 was estimated for plumbing repairs based on trend analysis from the prior two fiscal years and the cost per square foot of the buildings maintained by the Board. Now that FY 12/13 is almost at mid point, staff is requesting the remaining amount that was originally budgeted and approved to be added to this Purchase Order. Three thousand dollars was allotted for 001-100-519-4630 (Repair & Maintenance Judicial). This accounts for the full $61,486.


16. Change Order Request to Purchase Order No. 9101025 (Staff recommends approval).

This Change Order is a request to increase Purchase Order No. 9101025 (Brian's Electric) by $147,795.00. In FY 11/12 $170,795 was estimated for electrical repairs based on trend analysis from the prior two fiscal years and the cost per square foot of the buildings maintained by the Board. Now that FY 12/13 is almost at mid point, staff is requesting the remaining amount that was originally budgeted and approved to be added to this Purchase Order.


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Commissioner Breeden moved, with a second by Commissioner Butler, to approve Agenda Items 1 through 16 under Financial. The motion carried unanimously 4 – 0.


1. Hancock Bank loan documents for Refunding of Capital Improvements Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2003 (Staff recommends approval).

CLERK'S NOTE: Mr. Arnold clarified that there are two resolutions associated with this item. (1) A Resolution (2013-14) authorizing the loan with Hancock Bank; and (2) A Resolution (2013-15) Adopting the policies and procedures to monitor requirements, etc. and should be included in any motion regarding this item.

On March 12, 2013 the Board approved the loan proposal from Hancock Bank and directed staff to proceed with the Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2003 refunding. The Hancock Bank loan is for $7,340,000 at a fixed annual interest rate of 1.94% with 11-year, level term monthly payments and no pre-payment penalty. The refunding results in an interest savings of $1,386,507 over the term of the loan. County Attorney George Angeliadis of The Hogan Law Firm has reviewed all documents which included two resolutions (Res. No. 2013-14 and Res. No. 2013-15). If approved the loan will close on April 12, 2013.

03-26-13-3-e-1.pdf; 03-26-13-3-e-1-Res2013-14.pdf; 03-26-13-3-e-1-Res2013-15.pdf

2. Change Order No 1 to Contract with Royal Concrete Concepts, LLC for

RFP #003-0-2013/AT for the Lake Panasoffkee Library Renovations and Expansion, Fire Station Renovations and Expansion, Park Amenities, ADA Upgrades, and Parking Lot (Staff recommends approval).

The purpose of this Change Order No. 1 is to change the date of substantial completion to September 30, 2013, and final completion to October 31. 2013.


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3. Change Order No 1 to Contract with Royal Concrete Concepts, LLC for

RFP #004-0-2013/AT for the E.C. Rowell (Webster) Public Library and Webster Fire Station #12 (Staff recommends approval).

The purpose of this Change Order No. 1 is to change the date of substantial completion to September 30, 2013, and final completion to October 31. 2013.


4. ATM Lease Agreement with Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union (Staff recommends approval).

On May 27, 1997, the County entered into an open ended Lease Agreement with Suncoast Schools Federal Credit Union to allow their ATM to be installed and operated in the parking lot of the County Courthouse on Parcel N16=020. This revised Lease Agreement replaces the open ended contract with an expiration time frame of twenty-four (24) months from the date of this contract, unless sooner terminated by either party upon 30 days notice. This Agreement may be extended for a period of twenty-four (24) months if agreed upon by both parties sixty (60) days prior to termination.


5. Lake-Sumter State College - Sumter Library System Joint Use Cooperative Agreement (Staff recommends approval).

The purpose of this Agreement is to provide information resources and services in support of educational programs of Lake-Sumter Community College and to the patrons of the Sumter County Library System. Lake-Sumter Community College is now called the Lake-Sumter State College (LSSC), and changes have been made indicating this. Other significant changes include: the restructure of the Sumter Campus Library Operations Committee; the commitment for the College to provide a full-time Library employee; and the commitment for the County to provide a staffing reimbursement of up to $30,000 in State Aid to Libraries Grant Funds. Expenditures have been budgeted and assigned to State Aid to Libraries funds.


6. Florida Municipal Insurance Trust Application (Staff recommends approval).


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7. Revisions to the Sumter County Health Department Contract Funding

(Staff recommends approval).

The FY 2012/2013 contract between the Board and the Sumter County Health Department allows for updating of funding adjustments. These changes do not affect the amount of funding that the County provides to the Health Department. The changes reflect additional revenue to be received from the State.


8. Adopt-A-Highway Litter Removal Agreement with Golden Triangle Sam's Chapter #50 (Staff recommends approval).

This Agreement will expire on March 26, 2015 and is for the following roadway: beginning at the intersection of C466A/C462E north to intersection of C462E/CR121 - 1.1 miles; and beginning at intersection of C462E/CR121 south to intersection of C466A/C462E - 1.1 miles; for a total of 2.2 miles.


9. Assignment of Contract with Consent for the Sumter County Solid Waste Disposal Agreement to Waste Management Inc. of Florida from Sumter Sanitation LLC (Staff recommends approval).

By signing this Assignment the Board consents to the assignment of the County Contract to Waste Management Inc. of Florida.


10. Contract Extension with Wildwood Auto for Sumter County Oil Change and Light Maintenance on Fire Service Vehicles; Sumter County Towing on Fire Service Vehicles (Staff recommends approval).

This will extend the current contract with Wildwood Auto Repair & Wrecker Service, Inc. until April 10, 2014 for oil change and light maintenance and until April 24, 2014 for towing.


11. Facility Lease Extension Agreement with LifeStream Behavioral Center, Inc. (Staff recommends approval).

The agreement will terminate on September 30, 2013 unless sooner terminated by either party upon 30 days notice. The agreement may be extended on an annual basis if agreed upon in writing by both parties sixty (60) days prior to

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termination. The Board reserves the right to terminate this agreement at any time if it makes the determination that the Center is not complying to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


12. First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement with the Village Center Community Development District regarding Water and Wastewater Services (CLERK'S NOTE: This item was added at the request of Mr. Arnold).

This is an amendment to the agreement dated August 27, 2008 and recorded in Official Record Book 1988, Page 373, Public Records of Sumter County and will add additional property to the existing service area.

03-26-13-3-e-12.pdf Commissioner Burgess moved, with a second by Commissioner Butler, to approve Agenda Items 1 through 12 under Contracts and Agreements which includes the two resolutions (1) 2013-14 authorizing the loan with Hancock Bank and 2013-15 adopting the policies and procedures to monitor requirements, etc. under Agenda Item 1 as noted by Mr. Arnold earlier in the meeting. Agenda Item 12 is being included as requested by Mr. Arnold. The motion carried unanimously 4 – 0.


1. Authorize surplus of Parcel No. F30B080 and release to Smith and Smith Realty (On-Call Broker) for property listing (Staff recommends approval).

This property is related to Code Case No. CC2003-369.


2. Approval of Release of Lien for Bethel M. Bosley and Wanda Holmes (Staff recommends approval).

This is related to Parcel No. N17G093.


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3. Approval of Release of Lien for Joseph and Michelle Cimino (Staff

recommends approval).

This is related to Parcel No. R14X011.


4. Approval of Release of Lien for Paul R and Constance E York (Staff recommends approval).

This is related to Parcel No. R11B016.


5. Approval of Release of Lien for Colleen Bussey (Staff recommends approval).

This is related to Parcel No. L25B020.


6. Satisfaction of Civil Restitution Lien for David Chauncey Lapp (Staff recommends approval).

This is related to Case No. 2012CT708.

03-26-13-3-f-6.pdf Commissioner Breeden moved, with a second by Commissioner Butler, to approve Agenda Items 1 through 6 under General Items for Consideration. The motion carried unanimously 4 – 0. 4. ADJOURN

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.



By____________________________ By________________________________