Registered Charity No. 1136512 - 4quarter_ 2014 - Oct … · 7 CONTENTS Issue 48 Oct-Nov-Dec 2014...

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Transcript of Registered Charity No. 1136512 - 4quarter_ 2014 - Oct … · 7 CONTENTS Issue 48 Oct-Nov-Dec 2014...



Observations of “The Spirit of Truth”:

“The time approaches when those things which have been announced for the transformation of humanity will be accomplished. All those who have worked in the field of the Lord with disinterestedness and no other motive than charity, will be blessed! Their working days will be paid a hundred times more than was expected.”

“Blessed are those who have said to their fellow men: ‘Let us work together and unite our efforts, so that when the Lord arrives He will find His work finished', seeing that, the Lord will say to them: ‘Come unto me, you who have been good servants, you who knew how to silence your rivalries and discords, so that no harm should come to the work! '”

“But, woe to those who as a result of their dissentions have held back the time of the harvest, because the tempest will come and they will be taken away in the turbulence!”

“At this very moment God is preparing a census of His faithful servants, and has already taken note of those whose devotion is only appearance so that they may not usurp the wages of the courageous servants, because those who do not draw back from the task are the ones to whom He entrusted the most difficult positions in the great work of regeneration by means of Spiritism.”

(Extracted from “The Gospel According to Spiritism” Ch. 20, Item 5 - The Workers of the Last Hour)

“Spiritists! Love one another, that is the first precept; educate yourselves is the second. Within Christianity you will find all the truths. The errors in which Man has become enrooted are all of human origin. Here from beyond the grave, where you thought there was nothing voices clamor: «Brothers and sisters! Nothing perishes! Jesus-Christ is the victor over evil, you can be the victors over impiety.»” (“The Gospel According to Spiritism” - Ch. 6 - Item 5) Editor: BUSS Team

Registered Charity No. 1136512

BUSS is affiliated to the International Spiritist Council

ISC Meeting Leiria-Portugal 2

CD Christian Agenda 3

OCC & Healing Seminar 4

Upcoming Events & Latest News 6

Divaldo Franco - Brazil 7


Issue 48 Oct-Nov-Dec 2014


It is a question of Balance Every undertaking that aims towards the moral transformation of the individual and the community has to face difficulties and struggles. In the middle of the battle remain confident of your effort and in the assistance that you will receive from the Divine, if you know how to trust. Your mission is to build a better and happier Earth, beginning the work within your own inner world and amplifying it beyond the frontiers of your own limits.


Following last year’s success, 2014 has also been an extraordinary year.

2014 was another successful year in which the charitable institution grew. Achieving our goals through Spiritist dissemination,showed the importance of working together and recognising the value of unification, with many volunteers contributing their vital work.

Offering spiritual energy to the public through Spiritual Healing, which takes place in all the groups on different days of

the week, is given free of charge. Most of the Healers have been trained at the NFSH - Healing Trust and have received their Full Membership Certificate, which allows them to work at Surgeries and in Hospitals.

BUSS motivates and guides people to live their lives in accordance with these moral principles, using the Spiritist Teachings to inspire people to lead a good and charitable life within their homes and communities, knowing that God is the Supreme Intelligence and First Cause of All Things. The BUSS website has had many visitors and is updated weekly.

On behalf of BUSS I would like to thank all our volunteers, members and Spiritual Benefactors, without whose help and hard work, dedication and willingness to give freely of their own time, we could not be so wisely and successfully run. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year .

Elsa Rossi - BUSS chairperson

Meeting in Leiria

International Spiritist Council.

The International Spiritist Council's 17th General Meeting was held in Leiria, Portugal in October 2014. This meeting was held between 3 and 5 October at the headquarters of the Spiritist Association of Leiria, Portugal.

Those present included delegates from Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Guatemala, Holland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and USA. The meeting was coordinated by Charles Kempf, General Secretary-ISC, and Maria Moraes (Holland) together with support from the President of the Portuguese Spiritist Federation - Vitor Mora

Feria. The newly formed Venezuelan Spiritist Federation and the Mexican Spiritist Council were formally approved as permanent members. Representatives were appraised of the activities of the various countries attending and from the Coordinating Departments supporting the Spiritist movement (Europe, North America, Central America, Caribbean and South America. Further information was given about the Spiritist movements in Africa. Details were given about the 8th World Spiritist Congress scheduled for Lisbon, Portugal in October 2016 with the theme "In Defence of Life".

At the end of the meeting tributes were paid to the former ISC General Secretary, the late Nestor Joao Masotti.

A meeting of the ISC Executive Committee began a study of the revision of the statutes of the ISC to better suit its purposes. Committee members present included Charles Kempf - General Secretary, Antonio Cesar Perri de Carvalho - 1st Secretary, Elsa Rossi - 2nd Secretary and Roberto Fuina Versiani -1st Treasurer

The Spiritist Association of Leiria offered meals and snacks during the events and at the same location on the evening of 3rd October (Kardec's Day) speeches were made by the President of FEB, Antonio Cesar

Issue 48 Oct-Nov-Dec 2014


Issue 48 Oct-Nov-Dec 2014

"BUSS is launching a CD audio book of Christian Agenda, dictated by the Spirit Andre Luiz through the well-known Brazilian medium, Chico Xavier. Design and photography by Irene Malvezi and Chris Sims. For this recording Christopher Kinghorn provided the voiceover and Mark Zhero produced, edited and wrote the music. The aim is to help those who are having moments of doubt and difficulty and also those seeking moral support and encouragement. Whether you are driving, travelling by public transport, walking or at home, these short messages will give you comfort and help as you come to understand that we only receive what we are prepared to give to others. This recording in CD costs £5 and is available from BUSS Bookshop. Orders can be made: BUSS launched FREE Brochures and CD’s for

the Gospel at Home for our UK Spiritist Centres.



The 2014 “Children's Spiritist Education” programme ended on Sunday 7th December whith a beautiful presentation of the children's work with a choir and music which all the parents and attendees were greatly moved by.

Perri de Carvalho and the Director of FEB, Roberto Fuina Versiani who later went on to give talks in the Algarve.

There was also a visit to the Portuguese Spiritist Federation in Amadora, Lisbon.

2016, Lisbon, Portugal 8th World Spiritist Congress


BUSS held a Seminar on Spiritual Healing for Beginners & other events

BUSS held a seminar on Spiritual Healing for Beginners on Saturday 8th November in London. It lasted 5 hours and was in English. All 37 participants received a specially prepared Spiritist Healing folder. For the first time more than a third of those attending were non-Portuguese speakers. Subsequent feedback showed that they were looking forward to future BUSS events especially as they could participate without the need for interpretation into English. This was seen as a most positive sign.

Message from Antonio Leal. Dear Friends and Fellow Spiritists

We have done it! 1023 shoeboxes for the Samaritans O.C.C. campaign! Pure joy and overwhelming results. The Solidarity Spiritist Society is the new hub of this campaign. We are very grateful for their continued support and commitment all these years. Special thanks to the Quakers in Wandsworth, who enthusiastically support the project.

Two months of dedication; involving workshops, fundraising, shopping, sourcing shoeboxes, packing shoeboxes and so much more. This has brought together again well over a hundred Spiritists and friends in the U.K. Individuals from 8 Spiritist Groups, also kindly gave their time and support for this project. 230 boxes were prepare in the BUSS office alone.

It feels as though the O.C.C. is one big family that knows what love is and understands the importance of creating a happy moment in the life of so many disadvantaged children.

We cannot thank you enough for so much hard work and commitment put into this project. We have never mentioned names at the end of a campaign, but I must say that some of you have showed a lot of character, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and love to the children of the O.C.C. A big thank you to the more direct collaborators who made all this possible.

God bless you and a Merry Christmas. Antonio Leal

O.C.C. Project coordinator for B.U.S.S.

(Registered Charity No. 1136512)

Issue 48 Oct-Nov-Dec 2014



ALLAN KARDEC STUDY GROUP-UK - Walthamstow Meetings held in English on Mondays 7.30pm. Contact: 020 8923 5073 E-mail: /

FRATERNITY SPIRITIST SOCIETY- Earls Court Meetings held in Portuguese/English on Sundays 5:30pm. Contact: 07590463 500 E-mail: /

SIR WILLIAM CROOKES SPIRITIST SOCIETY Meetings held in English on Wednesdays 7.30pm - Caledonian Rd Meedings in Portuguese on Sundays 2.30pm - West Hampstead Contact: 07878 760 609 - E-mail: /

SOLIDARITY SPIRITIST GROUP- Wandsworth Meetings held in Portuguese/English on Thursdays 7pm. E-mail: /

SPIRITIST SOCIETY OF LONDON- Bethnal Green Meetings held in English on Thursdays 7pm / 8.45pm. E-mail: /

SPIRITIST SOCIETY FOR PEACE- Bethnal Green Meetings held in English on Wednesday 10.30am. Contact: 0208 923 5073 E-mail: /

THE CHICO XAVIER SPIRITIST SOCIETY –UK - Hammersmith Meetings held in English on Mondays 7pm. E-mail:

SPIRITIST FRIENDS OF EDINBURGH Contact: 0131 346 4719 E-mail: /

SHEFFIELD SPIRITIST GROUP - Sheffield Meetings held in English on Thursdays. Contact: 07981885964 E-mail: /

SPIRITIST GROUP OF BRIGHTON Meetings held in English. Contact: 07960773911 E-mail: /



FEBRUARY 20-22/02 - Juselma Coelho

MARCH 06-07/03 - Lucia Moyses

21/03 - Meeting BUSS & Groups directors

APRIL 18/04 - Mediumship Seminar

24/04 - Emma Bragdon

MAY 16-17/05 - Oceano Veira - talk about

Spiritist Revelations.

JUNE Divaldo Franco (Date TBC)

27/06 - Education & Family Workshop organised by SWCSS and C.E.Europe.

BUSS is organising visits to Groups in the UK in 2015. Please contact BUSS at Or 020 3487 0508

More future events in the BUSS website

2015 dedicated by the International Spiritist Council to be the Year of the Family, Children and Young People.

2015 - Celebration of 150 years since Allan Kardec's Heaven and Hell was published.

Issue 48 Oct-Nov-Dec 2014


Issue 48 Oct-Nov-Dec 2014

At this time of family gatherings, Christian celebration and goodwill to all men,

our hearts should consider for more than a moment or two those less fortunate, hungry, threatened by war, disease and family dislocation whatever

their religious background, colour, race or creed. We fortunate people here in the security and stability of the United Kingdom should remember the words:'there but for the grace of God go I'.

The excited eyes of deprived children around the world opening their decorated shoe boxes

in some of the most destitute countries shows that we care.

Whether the homeless are enjoying a shower, clean clothes and a Christmas meal we as human beings with a conscience should not be just doing this at Christmas but helping

these less fortunate souls throughout the year.

Problems of the family, arguments in the past and the misunderstandings should be cast aside during the festive period as we celebrate Christ's birth over two thousand years in a manger in the Holy land.

Compassion and forgiveness should be the arbiters of conciliation and concession to bring people together, not just at Christmas but during the whole year. Man's gregarious nature and wish to live in peace and harmony should be foremost in our minds.

'Peace and goodwill to all men' is so important to bring diverse groups and different

religions together. After the Good Samaritan offered the hand of help to the desperate man, we should all make such a gesture to our fellow human beings.

God be with you now and for evermore.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Christopher Kinghorn — BUSS Secretary


Divaldo Franco in the Chamber of Deputies in Brasilia-Brazil

On 06/11/2014 at 9:30am a special ceremony, to honour the medium and Spiritist speaker Divaldo Franco, was held in the Chamber of Deputies in Brasilia. The ceremony began in the lobby of the parliament house, where the exhibition "150 Years of Spiritist Presence in the Brazilian Parliament - 1864-2014" was opened. Afterwards, the participants were invited to go to the Ulysses Guimarães Plenary building for a

subsequent activity. The special session, chaired by Congressman Maurice Trinity, began with the presentation of a video on the socio-educational work of the "Mansion of the Way", Salvador/BA, which was idealised and created by Divaldo Franco. Each day 3,200 children and their families from one of the poorest neighbourhoods of that city receive attention. The chairman explained the reasons for paying homage to him, and talked briefly about the life and work of Divaldo Franco, highlighting his profound humanitarian character.

Then the Federal parliamentary Mr Martins Colbert, author of the tribute project for the Bahian Spiritist medium was asked to speak; followed by Congressman Dr. Ubiali. Others who also spoke on this occasion were Mr. Adalberto Boufleur Clovis - Institutional Relations Manager of the Children’s Pastoral; representing "in memoriam" the President of the Pastoral was Dr. Zilda Arns; Mr. Euripides Hyginus, son of the Spiritist medium Francisco Cândido Xavier and lastly Mr. César Antonio Perri de Carvalho - President of the Brazilian Spiritist Federation. Continuing the programme, Divaldo Franco was then invited to mount the podium to say a few words.

He started his thanks with a gesture of legitimate humility, by claiming it to be an undeserved tribute to his life and figure. He declared himself to be of no significance, merely a simple person of no great achievement and therefore asked permission to transfer all the honours to the Codifier of Spiritism - Allan Kardec and the actual Spiritist Teachings, to whom he owed his equilibrium and the joy in life that he had found from the many pages of enlightenment.

After a brilliant and moving talk about the deeper meaning of life, being able to love, serve others and to find inner peace, Divaldo then told how he had come to create the Peace and You Movement. His speech ended with an emotional recitation of the "Poem of Gratitude," by the Spirit Amália Rodríguez. The "You and Peace Movement" award trophies were given to Clovis Adalberto Boufleur, representing Dr. Zilda Arns ("in memoriam") for the Children’s Pastoral; to Euripides Hyginus, representing Francisco Cândido Xavier ("in memoriam"); and to César Antonio Perri de Carvalho, representing the Brazilian Spiritist Federation. To finally end the formal session, everyone on the crowded floor of the hall held hands and sang the song "Peace for Peace", by the composer Nando Cordel.

Text written by Julius Zacarchenco. Translated by Janet Duncan. Photo by Jorge Moehlecke.

Issue 48 Oct-Nov-Dec 2014