REGIONAL PLANNING Lesson: Introduction 1a. DO NOW: VOCABULARY NOTES First: Take out a sheet of...

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Transcript of REGIONAL PLANNING Lesson: Introduction 1a. DO NOW: VOCABULARY NOTES First: Take out a sheet of...

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  • REGIONAL PLANNING Lesson: Introduction 1a
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  • DO NOW: VOCABULARY NOTES First: Take out a sheet of lined paper and copy down the following table. Second: Then complete the I say box TermThe Book Says:I Say: LocationPosition of a particular point on the surface of the earth. AccessibilityA measure of how easy it is to get somewhere GeographicHaving to do with places and the relationships between people and their environments Geographic Information System (GIS) Any system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on the Earths surface.
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  • UNIT ESSENTIAL QUESTION How can mapped data be used to identify and analyze geographic patterns?
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  • WHAT IS THE NATURE OF MAPPED DATA? Mapped Data = Data + geographic position on the earths surface
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  • WHAT IS AN EXAMPLE? Bad EgGood Eg Knowing that two-thirds of a population in an area has a high school diploma and one-third do not Why? Data Sets No Geographic data Knowing that two-thirds of a population in an area has a high school diploma and one-third do not AND knowing where each person with or without a high- school diploma is located Why? Data Sets Geographic data
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  • WHAT ARE SOME OTHER EXAMPLES OF MAPPED DATA? Data SetGeographic Position A list of restaurants that deliver food A list of doctors in Wilmington A list of high schools and middle schools in Christina School District The address of each restaurant _______________________
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  • EXAMINING A THEMATIC MAP Are there more black dots or more white dots? How many neighborhoods are there? What patterns do you see? List the neighborhoods that have more black dots. List the neighborhoods that have more white dots. Why do you think this is?
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  • HOW DOES THE COMPARISON OF THEMATIC MAPS RELATE TO GIS? Comparing analysis of Thematic Maps is the basis of GIS (Geographic information Systems) What might we learn from comparing our Thematic Map of Education to a Thematic Map of Income? What might we learn from comparing our Thematic Map of Education to a Thematic Map of Age? Prediction: What relationship do you expect to see between income and education?
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  • ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES SWBAT to organize data into categories and then use those data categories to produce a thematic map. SWBAT analyze a thematic map.
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  • DATA TO MAPS: WE NEED A DOCTOR! Lesson 1 Assignment
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  • DO NOW: TermThe Book Says:I Say: Thematic Map Population Map Map Layer Geographic Information System (GIS) Any system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on the Earths surface.
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  • JUNE BUGS Read article June Bugs Looking for Summer Fun and answer the following questions in your notes: 1. Who are the main characters? 2. Which characters get sick? 3. What is the problem that Alex and Chris must solve?
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  • CAN I GET A DOCTOR? Pretend you are Alex check the yellow pages for doctors and list 10 you feel will be most likely to help your friends and give a reason why you chose those doctors (create a list like the one below in your notes) Doc PickWhy Chosen 1. 2. . 10.
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  • CAN I GET A DOCTOR? Read June Bugs Looking for the Way Highlight the ones you had in common Which doctor is their best choice? Based on type of doctor, put them in priority order Plot the location on the map Create a new priority list and this time put the doctors in geographic order Take into consideration roads, congestion, transportation available, etc. Be sure to provide an EXPLANATION of why you put them in that order
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  • CAN I GET A DOCTOR? Look at your two lists of doctors Priority based on type of doctor Priority based on location/accessibility Create a final list of doctors Chris should contact in priority order, with reasons why
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  • MAPPING DATA Read the handout FYE Mapping Data List data that cannot be mapped List data that can be mapped Looking at your first list, what information would you need to make it mapable?
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  • COMPLEMENTARITY Complementarity the mutual exchange of people or goods among places usually occurs over the shortest possible distance