REGENTS BIOLOGY MIDTERM EXAM Photosynthesis through "What we want is to see the child in pursuit of...

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Transcript of REGENTS BIOLOGY MIDTERM EXAM Photosynthesis through "What we want is to see the child in pursuit of...


Photosynthesis through

"What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge and not knowledge in pursuit of the


George Bernard Shaw

"One must learn by doing the thing. For though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you try.“


"Would a child who spent every day doing basketball drills without ever having the joy of playing a game of basketball enjoy basketball

enough to become good at it?“

Lalia Kerr

Friday, January 26th, 2007

The Scientific Method

Name __________________________________________ Date __________________ Period _________

Directions: This test covers material from the very beginning of the year though photosynthesis. It is designed to let you, as well as your teacher, know how you are doing. Place the letter corresponding to the correct answer on the line to the right of all multiple-choice questions. For free-response questions, put your response in the space provided. In all cases, make sure that your answer is addressing what the question is asking. Leave no naked numbers or unanswered questions. Questions left blank will be marked off at twice the rate of a wrong answer. Think back to our examples in class, your notes, and the book. Relax, good luck, and have fun!

0. Why does the word “Pirate” have only one “ARRRR!” in it?

1. What is the main purpose of a carbohydrate?A. Quick Energy B. Insulation C. Weight D. Information _________

2. What is the process used to hook together monomers into a polymer?A. Exothermic reaction B. Condensation Synthesis C. Glycolysis D. Hemisolvent _________

3. If Sir Henry Florence-St. Claire’s microscope has an eyepiece with 10x magnification, and a high power objective of 43x, what is the total magnification of his ‘scope under high power? Show how you got your answer in the space below.

4. An ionic bond is the strongest chemical bond. What does it involve?A. Sharing electrons between three atoms to increase the strength.B. Swapping electrons with other atomsC. Completely transferring electrons from one atom to another.D. Moving protons to create a positive charge. _________

Questions 5-7 refer to Carbon, an element on the periodic table.

5. Carbon is element number six on the periodic table, so it’s atomic number is six. How many protons does carbon have?

6. How many electrons does carbon have in its first shell? How many does it have in its second?

7. How many more electrons does carbon need to have a full valence shell of electrons?

8. Which row contains a correct pairing of a macromolecule and its building blocks?

Row Building Blocks Macromolecule

A glucose molecules DNA B simple sugars lipid C amino acids protein D nucleotides starch _________

9. In the space below, draw an atom of Lithium. Lithium atomic number is 3. Include electrons, protons, and neutrons, as well as the appropriate electron shells.

10. The molecule below is most likelyA. A nucleic acid B. A lipid C. A protein D. A carbohydrate _________

11. In plants, monosaccharides are least likely to beA. linked together to form proteinsB. broken down into carbon dioxide and waterC. used as a source of energyD. stored in the form of starch molecules _________

12. What is the purpose of the mitochondrion?A. To create polypeptides.B. To make energy for the cell.C. To make proteins.D. To hook amino acids together. _________

13. Molecule X moves across a cell membrane by diffusion. Which row in the chart below best indicates the relationship between the relative concentrations of molecule X and the use of ATP for diffusion?






14. What is the relationship between the three items pictured below?A. DNA is made up of proteins that are synthesized in the cell.B. Protein is composed of DNA that is stored in the cell.C. DNA controls the production of protein in the cell.D. The cell is composed only of DNA and protein. _________

15. An enzyme known as RUBISCO enables plants to use large amounts of carbon dioxide. This enzyme is most likely active in theA. Nucleus B. Mitochondria C. Vacuoles D. Chloroplasts _________

16. Starch molecules present in a maple tree are made from materials that originally entered the tree from the external environment asA. Enzymes B. Simple sugars C. Amino acids D. Inorganic compounds _________

17. Which change in a sample of pond water could indicate that heterotrophic microbes were active?A. Increase in ozone levelB. Increase in glucose levelC. Decrease in oxygen levelD. Decrease in carbon dioxide level _________

18. Which condition is necessary for enzymes and hormones to function properly in the human body?A. These chemicals must have a specific shape.B. These chemicals must be able to replicate.C. Body temperature must be above 40°C.D. Body pH must be above 10. _________

19. Which order of metabolic processes converts nutrients consumed by an organism into cell parts?A. digestion → absorption → circulation → diffusion → synthesisB. absorption → circulation → digestion → diffusion → synthesisC. digestion → synthesis → diffusion → circulation → absorptionD. synthesis → absorption → digestion → diffusion → circulation _________

20. In the space below, state the purpose of the small intestine, and describe at least two processes or chemicals that it uses to do its job.

Questions 21 - 23 are based on the diagram below. Each letter represents a different species on an evolutionary tree.

21. Which two organisms are most closely related?

A. F and I B. A and G C. F and H D. G and J _________

22. The most recent ancestor of organisms D and F is

A. A B. B C. C D. I _________

23. Which organisms are extant (the opposite of extinct)?

A. I and H B. A, E and G C. C and D D. H and D _________

24. A scientist wants to determine the best conditions for hatching brine shrimp eggs. In a laboratory, brine shrimp hatch at room temperature in glass containers of salt water. The concentration of salt in the water is known to affect how many brine shrimp eggs will hatch.

Design an experiment to determine which of three saltwater concentrations (2%, 4%, or 6%) is best for hatching brine shrimp eggs. In your experimental design, be sure to:

• state how many containers to use in the experiment, and describe what would be added to each container in addition to the eggs

• state two factors that must be kept constant in all the containers

• state what data must be collected during this experiment

• state one way to organize the data so that they will be easy to analyze

• describe a result that would indicate the best salt solution for hatching brine shrimp eggs

You man continue on the next page

25. Describe how two of the cell structures listed below interact to help maintain a balanced internal environment in a cell.

Mitochondrion Ribosome cell membrane nucleus vacuole

In your answer be sure to:

• select two of these structures, write their names, and state one function of each

• describe how each structure you selected contributes to the functioning of the other

26. An artificial cell is created by placing a plastic bag in a beaker of water (figure1). The key below shows what chemicals are in the bag and in the beaker. Predict what would happen over time by showing the location of molecules I, G, and S in diagram B of figure 2.

27. State what is observed when there is a positive test for starch using the starch indicator Iodine.

28. Which statement concerning proteins is not correct?A. Proteins are long, usually folded, chains.B. The shape of a protein molecule determines its function.C. Proteins can be broken down and used for energy.D. Proteins are bonded together, resulting in simple sugars. _________

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

29. The diagram below represents a cell organelle involved in the transfer of energy from organic compounds.

The arrows in the diagram could represent the release ofA. ATP from a chloroplast carrying out photosynthesisB. Oxygen from a mitochondrion carrying out photosynthesisC. Glucose from a chloroplast carrying out respirationD. Carbon dioxide from a mitochondrion carrying out respiration _________

30. Which set of terms best identifies the letters in the diagram below?


31. A science researcher is reviewing another scientist’s experiment and conclusion. The reviewer would most likely consider the experiment invalid ifA. The sample size produced a great deal of dataB. Other individuals are able to duplicate the resultsC. It contains conclusions not explained by the evidence givenD. The hypothesis was not supported by the data obtained _________

32. The dichotomous key shown below can be used to identify birds W, X, Y, and Z.

Bird X is most likelyA. CerthideaB. GeospizaC. CamarhynchusD. Platyspiza _________


Which conclusion can be drawn from information in the graph?A. Oxygen concentration affects population sizes of different species in the same manner.B. Species A requires a high oxygen concentration for maximum population growth.C. Species B requires a high oxygen concentration to stimulate population growth.D. Low oxygen concentration does not limit the population size of either species observed. _________

The chart below relates several different compounds, represented by boxes, and several different processes, represented by arrows. Use the chart to answer questions 35 – 37.

35. Explain why process 2 is essential in humans.

36. Identify Process 3.

37. Identify what compound X represents.

33. Identify one problem with the dichotomous key used in question 32.

34. The graph below represents data collected from an experiment in which two species were grown in varying environments.

38. What is the overall purpose of photosynthesis?

39. When light hits chlorophyll, chlorophyll looses an electron. If it did not receive any more electrons, the molecule would eventually run out of electrons, and fall apart. Where does chlorophyll get more electrons?

40. Cellular respiration occursA. In special, energy-producing cellsB. Only in cells that can make their own foodC. In all cellsD. Only in lung cells _________

41. Give an example of a hetrotroph and of an autotroph.

42. What process does the formula below represent?

C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP

A. Cellular respirationB. PhotosynthesisC. Triptonyquinol biomorphismD. Reduction _________

43. Photosynthesis has two main processes which are listed below. Under each name, describe the purpose of each process.


44. What does the ribosome do in a cell?

45. The cell membrane has many functions. Name one of them below.